Wednesday, 14 June 2023 08:05

Creative ARTS & Social Studies/RE Questions and Answers - Grade 4 Mid Term 2 Exam 2023 Set 1

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  1. Cutting and pasting are common techniques in
    1. modelling.
    2. woodwork.
    3. motif.
    4. montage.
  2. Which of the following choices shows overlapping of forms
    2 ssfsfs
  3. Which one of the following items may not be necessary for montage?
    1. Glue
    2. Thorns
    3. Scissors
    4. Manila paper
  4. Which of the following forms is cylindrical?
    4 ssffsfs
  5. Light and dark effects on a form can be shown using a
    1. source of light. 
    2. tonal variation strip. 
    3. cylindrical form. 
    4. ruler.
  6. Which of the following items can be used to apply paint on a surface?
    6 sfsfsf
  7. Which of the following choices contains materials needed for crayon etching? 
    1. Paraffin, needle, thread.
    2. Toothpick, cotton wool, beeswax. 
    3. Wax, thorn, black ink.
    4. Plasticine, wax, pin.
  8. Which one of the following forms executes smudge technique?
    8 sfsfsf
  9. Which one of the following techniques can be used to decorate a fabric?
    1. Applique'
    2. Incising
    3. Knotting
    4. Embedding
  10. Which of the following shows a still life drawing?
    10 sfsfs


  1. Kambua together with her classmates sang before a crowd of parents and teachers. This type of performance is called
    1. multitude performance.
    2. solo performance.
    3. choral performance.
    4. group performance.
  2. Traditional songs sung by different communities are called
    1. lullabies.
    2. topical songs.
    3. religious songs. 
    4. folk songs.
  3. What is the role of lullabies as a type of songs?
    1. Honouring God.
    2. Soothing babies.
    3. Showing honour to the country.
    4. Enlightening the community.
  4. Which of the following lines is found in the third verse of the National Anthem?
    1. Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu.
    2. Kila siku tuwe na shukrani.
    3. Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi. 
    4. Tuwe tayari kuilinda.
  5. Which of the following statements is true when performing a folk song?
    1. Performers must either be boys or girls. 
    2. Folk songs must be performed by one person at a time.
    3. There should be space between performers for safety.
    4. Folk songs should not be performed by less than five performers.
  6. The following chart shows the classification of percussion instruments:
    16 sdsfsf
    Which of the following can best fit at X?
    1. Non melodic
    2. Rhythmic
    3. Non-rhythmic 
    4. Dynamic
  7. Below is a percussion instrument.
    17 adad
    Which of the following choices correctly shows the names of the labelled parts
                    W                   X                  Y
    1. Membarne        resonator         lace.
    2. Lace                  resonator        membrane.
    3. Membrane         lace                resonator.
    4. Resonator         membrane       lace.
  8. Which of the following musical instruments produces sound when blown?
    18 sfsfsf
  9. A drum cannot be tuned by
    1. adjusting the laces.
    2. hitting.
    3. exposing it to the sun
    4. heating.
  10. Percussion instruments can be played by
    1. pressing.
    2. bowing.
    3. blowing.
    4. shaking.


  1. Which of the following population patterns shows linear population?
    21 vsfsfsf
  2. The diagram below represents a certain season
    22 ssfsfs
    Which of the following activities can best be carried out during the season represented above?
    1. Winnowing.
    2. Planting.
    3. Harvesting.
    4. Weeding.
  3. Which of the following shows how a child can depend on her guardian?
    1. Completion of school assignments.
    2. Sitting examinations.
    3. Provision of basic needs.
    4. Punishment.
  4. Which of the following lists consists of built environments only?
    1. Rivers, valleys, seas.
    2. Bridges, museums, monuments.
    3. Plateaus, forts, valleys.
    4. Hills, conference centres, hills.
  5. Who among the following people depend on each other in trade?
    1. Teachers and pupils.
    2. Parents and children.
    3. Health workers and patients.
    4. Buyers and sellers.
  6. The following activities were seen taking place in Majimoto county:
    1. Farmers were weeding their crops. 
    2. Animal were grazing on plenty of pasture.
    3. Rivers had a lot of water.
      In which season were the activities above likely to have been seen?
      1. Windy season
      2. Rainy season
      3. Famine season
      4. Dry season
  7. The following are physical features in our county. Which among them can be a home of wild animals?
    27 adadad
  8. The diagram below shows compass directions.
    28 sfsfs
    South west direction is labelled
    1. Q
    2. O
    3. P
    4. R
  9. Which of the following messages can be used to protect plants?
    29 fsfs
  10. Which of the following places is unsafe in the community? 
    1. Police station
    2. School
    3. Bushy areas
    4. Home
  11. Which of the following is a harmful cultural practice?
    1. Male circumcision.
    2. Eating traditional foods.
    3. Learning through story telling.
    4. Female genital mutilation.
  12. A market place can be kept clean by
    1. sweeping.
    2. selling.
    3. buying.
    4. mopping.
  13. Which of the following can start fire easily at home?
    1. Water
    2. Soap
    3. Paraffin
    4. Detergents
  14. Muthoni wants to boil some yams. She has a jiko. Which of the following fuels can she use?
    1. Diesel
    2. Gas
    3. Kerosene
    4. Charcoal
  15. Which of the following road signs shows the presence of a round about?
    35 sfsfsf


  1. God created us in His own
    1. perspective.
    2. thoughts.
    3. mind.
    4. image.
  2. When your friend accidentally spills ink on your exercise book, you are likely to feel
    1. good.
    2. offended.
    3. jealous.
    4. amused.
  3. It is break time. Your classmates are playing in the field. The teacher asks you to arrange the books on his table. What is the best choice to make?
    1. Go and play then arrange the books later.
    2. Tell him to choose another pupil. 
    3. Arrange the books then go and play.
    4. Arrange the books then stay in class.
  4. Which of the following choices contains members of a nuclear family?
    1. Omondi, his uncle, his mother. 
    2. Omondi, his father, his cousin.
    3. Omondi, his father, his aunt.
    4. Omondi, his mother, his father.
  5. Which one of the following is not an attribute of God?
    1. Judging
    2. Loving
    3. Forgiving
    4. Caring
  6. How many books does the Bible contain?
    1. 27
    2. 39
    3. 66
    4. 45
  7. The three Hebrew men were rescued from fire because of their ........................... in God.
    1. faith
    2. trust
    3. work
    4. hope
  8. When Jesus walked on water, His disciples thought that He was
    1. an angel
    2. a demon
    3. a ghost
    4. a spirit
  9. Whose daughter did Jesus raise from the dead?
    1. Lazarus'
    2. Roman officer's
    3. The widow's
    4. Jairus'
  10. After the miracle of five loaves and two fish, how many baskets remained?
    1. 12
    2. 7
    3. 10
    4. 5
  11. The home town of Jesus Christ was called
    1. Bethlehem.
    2. Nazareth.
    3. Capernaum.
    4. Antioch.
  12. Who among the following people in the Bible was called a dreamer?
    1. Samuel
    2. Paul
    3. Joseph 
    4. John
  13. Samson killed a lion using
    1. a sling.
    2. his bare hands.
    3. a sword.
    4. a spear.
  14. The angel Balaam's donkey saw was carrying a
    1. shield. 
    2. Bible. 
    3. stone. 
    4. sword.
  15. Who among the following was converted from a tax collector to a follower of Jesus Christ?
    1. Bartimaeus
    2. Zacchaeus
    3. Simon Peter
    4. Judas Iscariot


  1. Surah Al-Falaq means
    1. men.
    2. dawn. 
    3. help. 
    4. unity.
  2. Surah Al-Lahab can also be called
    1. Al-Walid
    2. Al-Kariim
    3. Al-Masad
    4. Al-Nasr
  3. How many ayats are there in surah Al-Nasr?
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 4.
    4. 6
  4. We don't worship other gods. This lesson is found in surah 
    1. Al-Nasr 
    2. Al-Masad
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4. Al-Kafirun
  5. The word twahara means
    1. oneness.
    2. purity.
    3. handwork.
    4. faith.
  6. How many pillars of Iman are there in Islam?
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 3
    4. 6
  7. An Islamic lady's dress should not be
    1. long.
    2. loose.
    3. transparent.
    4. black.
  8. Which one of the following is a good deed?
    1. Rudeness
    2. Kindness
    3. Selfishness
    4. Pride
  9. According to the teachings of Islam, begging is
    1. encouraged.
    2. allowed.
    3. necessary.
    4. not allowed.
  10. Taking wudhu means
    1. deliberately avoiding meals. 
    2. cleaning oneself before swalah.
    3. avoiding sinful acts.
    4. sharing what one has.
  11. A baby's urine is a..............najasaat.
    1. light
    2. medium
    3. thick
    4. smelly
  12. Which of the following is not a etiquette on eating as taught by prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
    1. Use the right hand for eating.
    2. Wash hands before, during and after eating.
    3. Eat what is in front of you.
    4. Do not drop the food.
  13. Which of the following attributes of Allah means The All Seeing?
    1. Al-Malik
    2. Al Salaam
    3. Al-Samiu
    4. Al-Basir
  14. Who among the following angels is responsible for record keeping?
    1. Israfil
    2. Mikail
    3. Atid
    4. Jibril
  15. How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an?
    1. 12
    2. 7
    3. 25 
    4. 100


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