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Study the map of POTE AREA and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the general flow of River Pote in Pote area?
    1. South East to North West
    2. North West to South
    3. North East to South West
    4. South East to West
  2. What is the length of the railway in the map in kilometres?
    1. 5km
    2. 5.8km
    3. 6.2km
    4. 4.7km
  3. The population distribution in Pote area is mainly influenced by;
    1. transport system
    2. drainage system
    3. economic system
    4. security.
  4. The feature formed at the mouth of R. Pote is known as;
    1. confluence
    2. delta
    3. estuary
    4. tributary
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Pote area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Mining
    3. Crop farming
    4. Lumbering.
  6. The type of soil found at the mouth of R. Pote is likely to be;
    1. black valcanic
    2. alluvial soil
    3. sandy soil 
    4. volcanic soil
  7. Pote town has grown to its present size mainly because of;
    1. government policy
    2. mining activities
    3. presence of a road junction
    4. security
  8. The following are Nilotes found in Eastern Africa. Which one did not disperse from Pubungu Pakwach?
    1. Lugbara, Acholi
    2. Luo, Acholi "
    3. Lango, Labwor
    4. Dinka, Shilluk
  9. Which one of the following was not a function of the clan elders in traditional African Societies?
    1. It protected the community
    2. It solved disputes
    3. It gave members a sense of belonging
    4. It assisted one another during difficulties
  10. Below are descriptions of a certain hominid.
    1. Made tools from stones.
    2. Ate cooked food.
    3. Communicated through speech.
      The hominid described is likely to be;
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo Habilis
      3. Australopithicus
      4. Zijanthropus Boisei.
  11. The taking up of responsibilities and position of a person who has passed on is terms as;
    1. inheritance
    2. law of succession
    3. letter of administration
    4. succession.
  12. Which one of the following types of marriages allows polygamy and a marriage certificate to be issued?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Islamic marriage.
    3. Christian marriage.
    4. Customary marriage.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 13 and 14.


  1. The part marked Q is called;
    1. dyke
    2. lava
    3. vent
    4. conelet
  2. All the following are examples of the lakes formed at part R except;
    1. L. Paradise
    2. L. Shala
    3. L. Chala
    4. L Teleki.
  3. Which one of the following countries was used to resettle the freed slaves?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Sierra Leone
    3. Nigeria
    4. Liberia.
  4. Why do police officers attend political rallies?
    1. To protect politicians.
    2. To control rioters.
    3. To ensure that those in attendance are secure.
    4. Because it is a requirement of the law.
  5. The main reason why Kenyans waged armed struggle against the colonialists was to;
    1. gain political independence
    2. get back their land
    3. get Western education
    4. protect their culture.
  6. It is the responsibility of the parents in a family to;
    1. buy anything their children ask for
    2. provide basic needs to their children
    3. beat their children
    4. respect and obey their children.
  7. Which one of the following statements is true about the weather instrument below?
    1. The tail points where the wind is blowing
    2. It is used to measure the strength of wind
    3. It is used to show the speed of wind
    4. The arrow points where the wind is blowing from.
  8. Which one of the following is the main factor that influences the population distribution in Africa?
    1. Economic factors
    2. Government policy
    3. Physical factors
    4. Social factors.
  9. The following are statements about a leader in Africa.
    1. He was champion of Pan Africanism 
    2. He led his country to independence
    3. He was a founder member of OAU
    4. He retired voluntarily from active politics.
      The leader described above is likely to be;
      1. Leopold Sedar Senghor
      2. Nelson Mandela
      3. Jomo Kenyatta
      4. Haile Selassie.
  10. Which one of the following is the main reason that led to the fall of Buganda Kingdom?
    1. Collapse of the long distance trade.
    2. The coming of the British colonizers. 
    3. Succession disputes.
    4. Attacks by the almoravids.
  11. The government of Kenya spends its revenue in all the following ways except
    1. paying its workers
    2. building roads
    3. supporting emergency services 
    4. paying fines for the law breakers.
  12. In the past, the Maasai and the Agikuyu mainly interacted through;
    1. wars
    2. ceremonies
    3. trade
    4. games and sports

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 25 to 29.


  1. The capital city of the country marked Q is;
    1. Moron
    2. Bamako
    3. Naukchott
    4. Antananarivo.
  2. Name the prevailing winds marked S;
    1. Harmattan winds
    2. Westerly winds
    3. North East trade winds
    4. South East monsoon
  3. The best explanation as to why the region marked XXX is sparsely populated is;
    1. it is covered with thick forest
    2. It is hot and dry
    3. It is mountainous
    4. It experiences floods.
  4. The country marked R is a former colony of the; 
    1. British
    2. Spain 
    3. Portuguese
    4. Germans.
  5. The mountain marked T was formed as a result of; 
    1. volcanicity
    2. faulting and uplifting
    3. folding
    4. erosion.
  6. The main difference between the Fulani of Nigeria and the Maasai of Kenya is that;
    1. the Maasai keep cattle, sheep and goats while the Fulani keep pigs and camels only
    2. the Fulani use horse back to scout for pastures while the Maasai do not 
    3. the Maasai live in temporary structures while the Fulani live in permanent structure
    4. the Fulani depend on meat and milk while the Maasai grow crops to supplement their diet.
  7. Which one of the following pre-historic sites is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Olduvai Gorge - Uganda 
    2. River Omo Basin - Tanzania
    3. Orlogesaillie - Kenya
    4. Ishango - Ethiopia.
  8. Which one of the following is negative effect of physical features?
    1. Provide water for irrigation
    2. Help in the formation of rainfall
    3. They are sources of minerals
    4. They hamper construction of roads
  9. Which one of the following reasons has contributed to the high life expectancy in Germany?
    1. High standards of living.
    2. Small families.
    3. High population density.
    4. More old people.
  10. The following are political organisations formed in Kenya before 1939. Which one was the earliest?
    1. Young Kikuyu Association
    2. Kikuyu Association
    3. Young Kavirondo Association
    4. East African Association.
  11. The Harambee spirit is one of the national philosophies. It united Kenyans in eradicating all the following except;
    1. colonialism
    2. poverty
    3. diseases
    4. illiteracy
  12. In a school, conflicts can be resolved using the following methods except;
    1. mediation
    2. arbitration
    3. litigation
    4. negolfation.
  13. Which one of the following is not a use of cloves?
    1. Making body oils and lotion
    2. Making perfumes
    3. Food preservation
    4. Spicing food.
  14. Which one of the following is not a similarity in tourist attractions in kenya and Switzerland?
    1. Cultural attractions
    2. Snow-capped mountains
    3. Beautiful scenery
    4. Warm climate throughout the year.
  15. The following are problems facing settlement schemes in Kenya except:
    1. ethnic hatred and conflict
    2. improved standards of living 
    3. poor state of roads
    4. inability to repay loans.
  16. Three of the following factors lead to slow population growth. which one does not?
    1. Favourable climate
    2. High standards of living
    3. Higher education
    4. Late marriages.
  17. Which one of the following is not a role of the school management committee? 
    1. Deciding on new development.
    2. Hiring and dismissing school workers. 
    3. Representing government in the school. 
    4. Ensuring that the school standards are maintained.
  18. The following are traditional methods of observing weather. Which one indicated the coming of a dry season?
    1. A sudden rise in temperature
    2. The smell of moist soil
    3. Shedding of leaves by some trees
    4. Presence of dew in the morning.
  19. Three of the following are negative factors that influence climate change except;
    1. afforestation
    2. industrialisation
    3. global warming
    4. use of petrol as a source of energy.
  20. Which one of the following is not an importance of marriage institution in a community?
    1. Enhance unity and co-operation.
    2. Provide companionship.
    3. Promotes HIV/AIDS transmission.
    4. Develops responsibilities.
  21. The diagram below shows a road sign. It is an example of;
    1. warning sign 
    2. regulatory sign
    3. informative sign
    4. no entry.
  22. Which one of the following UN agencies deals with the plight of refugees?
    1. UNESCO
    2. UNICEF
    3. UNHCR
    4. UNEP
  23. Three of the following are effects of the revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. Causes different in seasons
    2. Causes difference in length of day and night
    3. Causes difference in time along different longitude
    4. Influences the position of the midday sun.
  24. L. Tana and L. Kivu were formed through a process called;
    1. downwarping 
    2. volcanicity
    3. erosion
    4. human activities.
  25. Kamenju wants to start a bakery business. Which one of the following factors should he consider most?
    1. Availability of a market.
    2. Government policy.
    3. Security,
    4. Availability of raw materials.
  26. The Berlin conference marked the beginning of;
    1. abolition of slave trade
    2. partition of Africa
    3. establishment of traditional government 
    4. construction of the railway line.
  27. The following are true statements about the Khoisan! Which one is not?
    1. They had a yellowish-brown complexion. 
    2. Their language has a click sound. 
    3. They were the earliest inhabitants of South Africa.
    4. They both had a centralized form of government.
  28. The method of irrigation used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is;
    1. Basin irrigation 
    2. Furrow irrigation
    3. Overhead irrigation
    4. Sprinkle irrigation.
  29. The method of fishing shown in the diagram below is likely to be used in;
    1. fish ponds
    2. deep seas 
    3. lakes
    4. big rivers,
  30. The third chapter of the Kenya constitution deals with;
    1. the republic
    2. land and environment
    3. citizenship
    4. bill of rights.
  31. Which one of the following is the cheapest method of fish preservation?
    1. Sun drying
    2. Smoking
    3. Salting
    4. Canning:
  32. Which one of the following is a cause of conflict in the society?
    1. Corruption
    2. Democracy
    3. Fair distribution of resources
    4. patriotism.
  33. Cases concerning children are heard by the;
    1. Court of appeal
    2. The Supreme court
    3. Juvenile court
    4. Court martial.
  34. The best place to cross a busy road is;
    1. zebra crossing
    2. flyover
    3. round about
    4. foot bridge.
  35. Which one of the following was not a requirement for assimilation in West Africa?
    1. Readiness to practise French culture
    2. Ability to read and write in French
    3. Converting to Islamic
    4. One had to have only one wife.
  36. The following are countries of Africa. which one is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Angola - Port Novo
    2. Ivory Coast - Abidjan
    3. Egypt - Praia
    4. South Africa - Pretoria



  1. The main reason why God sent man out of the garden of Eden was;
    1. the man had known good and evil
    2. the woman convinced man that the fruit was good
    3. man disobeyed God
    4. The serpent was cunning.
  2. After the floods, the first thing that Noah did was;
    1. counting the number of animals in the ark
    2. singing praises to God
    3. making an altar to the Lord
    4. opening the floodgates of heaven.
  3. Abraham is considered to be righteous because;
    1. he did not have children
    2. Sarah was old
    3. he gave birth to Isaac in old age
    4. he had faith in God.
  4. Joseph refused to have sex with Potiphars wife. Which commandment did he obey?
    1. Seventh
    2. Sixth
    3. Tenth
    4. Eighth
  5. These activities occurred during the passover. Which one is not correctly matched with its meaning?
    1. Blood on doorposts - protection
    2. Bitter herbs - slavery
    3. Eat while standing - hurry
    4. Unleavened bread - protection
  6. When Moses ran away from Egypt, he fled to;
    1. the land of Moab
    2. the land of Midian
    3. Jerusalem city
    4. Canaan.
  7. Which one of the following commandments did Ahab break? 
    1. Do not covet.
    2. Do not commit adultery.
    3. Observe the Sabbath day and keep it Holy
    4. Honour your father and mother.
  8. Which one of the following miracles was performed by both Elisha and Elijah? A
    1. Healed people from leprosy.
    2. Multiplying oil.
    3. Raising the widow's son.
    4. Prophetical coming of the drought.
  9. Who among the only judges is Israel defeated his enemies with only 300 soldiers?
    1. Deborah
    2. Gideon
    3. Samson
    4. Samuel
  10. Who among the following prophets of the Old Testament prophesied about the coming of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Joel
    2. Isaiah
    3. Micah
    4. Jeremiah.
  11. Why did King Herod tell the wisemen to pass through his place and tell him about baby Jesus?
    1. He wanted to worship the baby.
    2. He wanted to be famous.
    3. He wanted to see his parents
    4. He wanted to kill the baby.
  12. When emperor Augustus ordered a census to be taken, Joseph went to the town of Bethlehem because;
    1. it was a religious center
    2. it was nearer Nazareth
    3. it was his ancestor's birth place
    4. he was commanded by an angel.
  13. When was Zachariah the father of John the Baptist doing, when an angel appeared to him? He was,
    1. preaching in the temple
    2. asleep
    3. offering a sacrifice
    4. burning incense.
  14. "This is my own dear son with whom I am well pleased." These words were spoken during;
    1. the birth of Jesus
    2. the baptism of Jesus
    3. transfiguration of Jesus
    4. ascension of Jesus.
  15. Which one of the following was not a teaching of Jesus about our enemies? We should;
    1. Be careful when eating with them
    2. love them.
    3. pray for them
    4. forgive them.
  16. The following accusations were made against Jesus when he was living with the Jews. which one was not? He was accused of;
    1. blasphemy
    2. claiming to be king
    3. working on the sabbath
    4. fighting against corruption.
  17. When Jesus was celebrating passover with his disciples during the last supper, he;
    1. named the greatest among the twelve disciples
    2. became transfigured
    3. fed 5000 people
    4. washed his disciple.
  18. Who offered his tomb for the burial of Jesus?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Simon Peter
    3. Joseph of Arimathea 
    4. Andrew.
  19. Which one of the following happened on the day of Pentesoct?
    1. 3000 people were converted.
    2. Holy Spirit came down inform of a dove.
    3. Jesus ascended to heaven.
    4. There was darkness for three hours.
  20. Which one of the following statements found in the Apostle's creed shows that God is the Supreme being?
    1. Born of the virgin.
    2. Suffered under Pontius Pilate.
    3. Descended to the earth.
    4. Creator of Heaven and earth.
  21. The following are fruits of the Holy Spirit except
    1. healing
    2. peace
    3. joy
    4. goodness.
  22. Which one of the following beliefs is found both in traditional African Societies and Christian?
    1. Jesus is the center of worship
    2. They believe in reading the scripture
    3. They believe in life after death.
    4. They believe in God created everything.
  23. Sacrifices in Traditional African Communities were offered to;
    1. appreciate God's gift of life
    2. break the relationship between the living and the ancestors
    3. be in good relation with God 
    4. enable procreation,
  24. A baby was welcomed in the clan in Traditional African communities by; 
    1. ululations done by the women
    2. offering sacrifices and giving offerings
    3. bringing presents to the baby 
    4. poring libations severally.
  25. What was the significance of shedding of bllod during circumcission in traditional African societies?
    1. To unite them with the ancestors
    2. To make them special members 
    3. To make them strong and healthy
    4. To prevent them from feeling pain.
  26. The following are benefits of sharing work except;
    1. harmony
    2. better relationship
    3. discomfort
    4. happiness.
  27. The best way for a christian to spend his leisure time is by;
    1. playing football
    2. watching movies 
    3. visiting the sick
    4. visiting friends.
  28. Different learners celebrated the birth of Jesus in different ways. Who did not celebrate correctly?
    1. Anitah - Giving offering in church
    2. Janet - Sharing food in a beer party.
    3. Mariannah - Join her friends in a beer party.
    4. Paulette - Attends a worship service.
  29. Which one of the following statements best shows how christians are helping to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS?
    1. Counselling those who are sick
    2. Providing drugs to the sick
    3. Keeping away from sinners
    4. Teaching others on behaviour change and morality.
  30. Who translated the New Testament Bible to Kiswahili?
    1. Jacob Ehdarat
    2. Johanne Rebman 
    3. Ludwig Krapf
    4. Dr. David Livingstone



  1. A lesson that Muslims learn from Surah At-Takathur is that they should
    1. take care of orphans
    2. worship only one God
    3. keep away from worldly things
    4. observe punctuality in salah
  2. Which one of the following is a teaching from Surah Nasr?
    1. Allah is the Creator of the universe
    2. Victory comes from Allah
    3. Man was created in the best from 
    4. Muslims should help the poor
  3. Which one of the following verses from the Quran is found in Surah Al-Kauthar?
    1. "Verily, you shall see the blazing fire"
    2. "Woe to every slanderer and backbiter"
    3. "And the mountains will be like carded wool"
    4. "Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone"
  4. The Night of Qadr occurs in the month of
    1. Dhul Hijjah
    2. Dhul Qaadah
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Muharram
  5. The main message of Surah Al Ikhlas is
    1. Seerah
    2. Tawheed
    3. Muamalat
    4. fiqh
  6. The Surah that asks Muslims to seek refuge from the mischief of created beings is
    1. Al Fatihah
    2. Al Lahab
    3. Al Kafirun
    4. Al Falaq
  7. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, "He is not among us who eats and fills up his stomach while his neighbor is hungry." The main teaching of this Hadith is: Muslims must;
    1. Not eat before their neighbours have eaten
    2. Treat their neighbours like brothers and sisters
    3. Not discriminate against their neighbours
    4. Share their food with their needy neighbours
  8. Which one of the following is an Islamic rule on eating?
    1. Eat the food when it is hot
    2. Start by reciting Bismillah
    3. Recite Alhamdulillah while eating
    4. Food should be eaten in a standing position
  9. Which one of the following Hadith condemns corruption in society?
    1. "The curse of Allah befalls on both the giver and the recipient of a bribe"
    2. "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not annoy his neighbor"
    3. "Tell the truth even though it is bitter"
    4. "Whoever is not thankful to people is not thankful to Allah"
  10. A sunnah act which is performed in preparation for Friday prayer is
    1. facing Qibla
    2. covering Aurah
    3. performing Wudhu
    4. performing Ghusl
  11. Which one of the following acts nullifies Saum?
    1. taking injection
    2. cooking food
    3. drinking water
    4. crying loudly
  12. Tayammum is an alternative to wudhu. Which parts of the body are common to both?
    1. forehead and ears 
    2. legs and mouth
    3. face and legs
    4. arms and face
  13. The duty of Angel Israfil is
    1. blowing the trumpet
    2. removing the souls
    3. recording deeds
    4. bringing rain
  14. Who among the following Prophets of Allah showed the highest level of patience?
    1. Yusuf (AS) when thrown into the well 
    2. Issa (AS) when he was rejected by his community
    3. Ibrahim (AS) on the fate of his sacrifice
    4. Muhammad (SAW) on the instruction to leave Makkah
  15. The main reason why Muslims offer greetings before other utterances is because;
    1. It is a way of making friends
    2. It is a way of showing concern
    3. It is a dua
    4. It is a way of drawing attention
  16. Which one of the following acts is most likely to lead to corruption?
    1. begging
    2. gambling
    3. taking part in sports.
    4. Borrowing money.
  17. When is the dua Alhamdulillah recited?
    1. Before entering the toilet
    2. Before meals
    3. When slaughtering an animal
    4. After completing a task
  18. During Lailatul Isra Wal Miraj the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was commanded to
    1. fast during kamadhan
    2. give Zakat
    3. offer five daily prayers 
    4. perform Hajj
  19. Which one of the following is the best way of celebrating Idd-ul-Fitr?
    1. Giving zakatul fitr and going for prayers
    2. Wearing new clothes and holding a feast
    3. Going for a family outing
    4. Visiting friends and relatives
  20. Which one of the following events took place in the month of Muharram?
    1. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was born
    2. The Muslims conquered Makka
    3. Prophet Musa (AS) freed the Banu Israi from Firaun
    4. Muslims defeated the Quraish in the battle of Badr
  21. Ali who owns a shop gives the following business practices as his secrets of success. Which one of them is allowed in Islam?
    1. Hiding goods and selling them at a higher price later
    2. Allowing people to take goods and pay later
    3. Selling goods after their expiry date
    4. Lending money and charging interest on it
  22. Which one of the following business practices is forbidden in Islam?
    1. making profit
    2. charging interest
    3. selling goods on credit 
    4. giving loans
  23. Three of the following are reasons why begging is discouraged in Islam. Which one is not?
    1. It leads to a waste of time 
    2. It encourages laziness 
    3. It leads to loss of self-respect
    4. It is a means of getting rich
  24. The first Muslim visitors to the Coast of Kenya came as
    1. traders
    2. preachers
    3. farmers
    4. doctors
  25. Which one of the following events took place during Laila-tul-Qadr?
    1. The Prophet gave his Last Sermon 
    2. The Prophet was born
    3. The Prophet hid in the Cave of Thaur 
    4. The first revelation of the Quran
  26. Who advised the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) to dig a trench round Madina during the battle of Khandaq?
    1. Abu Bakr
    2. Umar Ibn Khattab
    3. Salman Alfarsi
    4. Abu Talib
  27. The first child to embrace Islam was 
    1. Ali
    2. Zaid
    3. Omar
    4. Uthman
  28. Majority of the Coastal tribes of Kenya embraced Islam mainly because they;
    1. Were forced by the Arab traders
    2. Admired the religious aspect of the Islam
    3. Were attracted to the open Islamic preaching
    4. Participated in debate with the Arabs
  29. Who among the following attended the prayer led by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) at Baitul-Muqqadas during Miiraj?
    1. Prophets
    2. Swahaba
    3. Angels
    4. Family members
  30. Which one of the following is the place of worship for the Hindus?
    1. Synagogue
    2. Temple
    3. Church
    4. Mosque



  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. D
  16. C
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  31. C
  32. D
  33. A
  34. B
  35. A
  36. C
  37. C
  38. D
  39. B
  40. B
  41. C
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. B
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. B
  51. D
  52. A
  53. B
  54. C
  55. A
  56. A
  57. C
  58. D
  59. C
  60. D


  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. B
  21. B
  22. B
  23. D
  24. D
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. A
  30. A
  1. Which one of the following effects of drugs is correctly matched with its causes?
     Effect    Cause  
     A. Drowsiness-
     B. Cirrhosis -
     C. Addiction - 
     D. Lung cancer- 
      Injection of cocaine
      Smoking of cigarettes
      Chewing of miraa
      Inhaling of cobblers
  2. The main functions of white blood cells is to;
    1. fight disease-causing germs
    2. help in transportation of digested food
    3. carry oxygen from the lungs to the body
    4. help in clotting of blood
  3. The diagram below represents a set-up used by pupils to investigate a certain property of soil.
    The property of soil investigated is;
    1. drainage
    2. fertility
    3. capillarity
    4. téxture
  4. The best soil for modelling has;
    1. high water retention
    2. low capillarity
    3. coarse particles
    4. high drainage
  5. Which one of the following is a compound fertilizer?
    1. Calcilum Ammonium Nitrate
    2. Suphate of Ammonia
    3. Muriate of potash
    4. Diammonium phosphate
  6. Which one of the following is not a way of conserving water?
    1. Mulching
    2. using laundry water to clean a house 
    3. Washing vehicles in a water body
    4. Recycling
  7. Which one of the following statements is not true about environment?
    1. It consists of the living things only
    2. Plants and animals produce carbondioxide.
    3. Water, air and soil make the non-living component.
    4. It refers to all things surrounding a living thing.
  8. Which one of the following is the best way of managing domestic waste in urban centres?
    1. Reducing its generation.
    2. Making compost manure.
    3. Onsite treatment.
    4. Using local authority services.
  9. Plants Q, R, S and T had the following characteristics:
    Q-Needle-like leaves, thick cuticles
    R-Flexible stem, floating leaves
    T-Many stomata, waxy leaves.
    Which pair of plants are adapted to the same habitat?
    1. Q and R
    2. Q and S
    3. O and T
    4. S and R
  10. The force that opposes motion can be increased in the following ways except;
    1. making treads on wheels 
    2. streamlining bodies
    3. Spreading coarse materials on road 
    4. Making the surface rough.
  11. Which one of the following uses of heat is not correctly matched with its use?
     Source of heat   Use 
     A. Gas
     B. Sun
     C. Fire
     D. Electricity
  12. The following materials were collected by pupils during a Science practical lesson.
    1. Water in a basin.
    2. A clean mirror.
    3. A white board.
      Which aspect of light were they investigating?
      1. Dispersion of light
      2. Refraction of light
      3. Reflection of light 
      4. How light travels
  13. Which one of the following best explains why people should not board matatus that play loud music?
    1. Makes communication difficult
    2. Loud sound may damage eardrums 
    3. Loud sound may cause headache 
    4. Loud sound may cause hallucinations
  14. The diagram below shows two pupils playing on a see-saw.
    In order to balance;
    1. Mark should move closer to F
    2. John should move closer to
    3. both should sit at equal distance from F
    4. Mark should move further away from F.
  15. Which one of the following groups of materials consists only of good conductors of heat?
    1. Plastic, glass, copper
    2. Iron, silver, plastic:
    3. Glass, copper, gold
    4. Iron, gold, silver
  16. Which method of controlling weeds would a farmer apply in a nursery bed?
    1. Uprooting
    2. Applying herbicides
    3. Digging out
    4. Slashing
  17. Which one of the following groups consists only of useful small animals?
    1. Termites, butterfly, locust
    2. Bees, earthworms, locust
    3. Termites, bees, earthworms
    4. Bees, butterflies, earthworms
  18. The following are characteristics of a certain vertebrates: 
    1. Presence of teeth.
    2. Presence of gills.
    3. Presence of tails.
    4. Presence of fins
    5. Presence of scales.
      Which of the characteristics belong to fish only?
      1. (i) and (ii)
      2. (ii) and (iv)
      3. (iii) and (iv)
      4. (iii) and (v)
  19. The following are rotational methods of grazing except;
    1. tethering
    2. zero grazing
    3. paddocking
    4. strip grazing
  20. Domestic animals are sprayed to control the following except;
    1. fleas
    2. tapeworm
    3. ticks
    4. lice
  21. A pupil intended to cut a piece of timber to repair a desk. The most appropriate tool for the work would be:
    1. hammer
    2. panga 
    3. knife
    4. saw.
  22. A pupil had the following signs and symptoms.
    1. Skin rash.
    2. Blood in urine.
    3. Slight diarrhoea.
      The pupil was most likely to be suffering from;
      1. bilharzia
      2. cholera
      3. typhoid
      4. malaria.
  23. The teeth of carnivores are well spaced to;
    1. enable them to penetrate into flesh
    2. enable them to slice and crack bones easily
    3. prevent flesh from getting stuck between them
    4. enable them to catch and hold prey.
  24. A small stone sinks in water while a big log of wood floats. This is because of the difference in;
    1. shape
    2. weight
    3. material
    4. size.
  25. Weight is measured in;
    1. newtons
    2. kilograms
    3. volume
    4. kelvin
  26. Which one of the following methods of food preservation removes water from the food?
    1. Use of honey
    2. Salting
    3. Freezing
    4. Use of low temperature.
  27. Which one of the following can be transmitted from an infected animal to a healthy person?
    1. Malaria
    2. Anaemia
    3. Tuberculosis 
    4. Flea.
  28. Which one of the following should be avoided when it is raining?
    1. Touching switches with wet hands.
    2. Overloading sockets.
    3. Leaning against walls.
    4. Putting on shoes with thick rubber soles.
  29. The following are products obtained from goats except;
    1. milk
    2. mutton
    3. wool
    4. mohair.
  30. To stop a moving object, the force applied should be;
    1. equal and in the opposite direction
    2. more and in the same direction
    3. less and in the opposite direction
    4. more and in the opposite direction.
  31. In the human digestive system, absorption takes place in all the following parts except one. Which one?
    1. Stomach
    2. Mouth
    3. Ileum
    4. Colon.
  32. Three of the following are reasons for H.I.V testing. Which one is not?
    1. To overcome fear
    2. To campaign for the spread of H.I.V
    3. To change behaviour
    4. To plan for the future one's dependants.
  33. Pupils of Milimani primary school made a weather instrument using the following materials.
    1. Thin walled glass bottle
    2. Biro pen tube.
    3. Manila paper.
    4. Coloured water in a basin.
    5. Stand.
    6. Rubber band.
      Which principle does the instrument they made work?
      1. Air in motion
      2. Liquid occupy space
      3. Liquid rise in straw
      4. Matter expands on heating.
  34. The diagram below shows a certain part of a flower.
    Germination of pollen grains takes place in the part labelled;
    1. X
    2. Z
    3. Y
    4. W
  35. Which one of the following pairs of processes both leads to the loss of heat to the surrounding?
    1. Melting and freezing.
    2. Melting and evaporation. 
    3. Condensation and melting.
    4. Freezing and condensation.
  36. The diagram below shows the beak of a certain bird.
    The bird is not likely to be a;
    1. vulture
    2. hawk
    3. secretary bird
    4. swan.
  37. Which one shows all materials that cannot allow magnetism to pass through them?
    1. Iron, steel, nickel.
    2. Iron, copper, steel.
    3. Copper, steel, nickel.
    4. Alluminium, copper, silver.
  38. The following are all sources of current electricity except one. Which one?
    1. Car battery
    2. Geothermal turbines
    3. Dynamo
    4. Solar heater.
  39. Which one of the following is the functions of dietary fibre found in fruits and vegetables?
    1. Provides vitamins to the body.
    2. Helps in the movement of food in the alimentary canal.
    3. Provides energy to the body.
    4. Helps in the absorption.
  40. Infants needs to be breastfed for at least six months mainly because breast milk;
    1. makes them naturally more resistant to infections
    2. boosts their energy
    3. is readily available
    4. strengthens their bond with the mother.
  41. The following are causes of water pollution. Which one is not?
    1. Soil particles.
    2. Controlled use of fertilizers.
    3. Untreated sewage.
    4. Human wastes.
  42. The main reason why some plants that grow in dry areas have thorns is to;
    1. reduce water loss
    2. protect them from brousers
    3. store extra water
    4. to make food.
  43. The following are all pastures except;
    1. nappier grass
    2. desmodium
    3. kikuyu grass
    4. rhodes grass
  44. The toothless gap found on the front upper jaw is used for;
    1. turning of food for proper chewing
    2. crushing and grinding food 
    3. rolling food in the mouth
    4. pressing and cutting grass while feeding.
  45. The diagram below shows a type of interdependence.
    The type of interdependence shown is; 
    1. shelter
    2. food
    3. support
    4. habitat 
  46. Which one of the following is not a function of the part labelled T on the diagram below?
    1. Entry of air
    2. Emergence of plumule
    3. Emergence of radicle
    4. Entry of water.
  47. The percentage of air that excludes oxygen during welding of metals occupy; 
    1. 0.03%
    2. 0.97%
    3. 21%
    4. 78%
  48. The best method of controlling human. intestinal worms is;
    1. deworming
    2. wearing protective gear
    3. proper cooking of food
    4. proper sanitation.
  49. The diagram below shows a certain instrument.
    Which is the function of the part labelled X?
    1. Allows contraction and expansion
    2. Prevents bursting of the glass.
    3. Expanding the mercury.
    4. Allows the doctor to read th temperature.
  50. All thermometers have a scale on them called the;
    1. degree scale
    2. celsius scale
    3. thermometer scale
    4. temperature scale.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. C
  29. C
  30. A
  31. B
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. D
  36. D
  37. A
  38. D
  39. B
  40. A
  41. B
  42. A
  43. A
  44. D
  45. D
  46. B
  47. B
  48. D
  49. D
  50. D


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 hadi 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua lifaalo zaidi.

Mawasiliano ni sekta mojawapo __1__hatua sana __2__ kuvumbuliwa kwa teknolojia mpya. Siku hizi hata __3__ wanaohifadhi faili na kupokea simu ofisini wamepunguzwa. Ulimwengu umekuwa duara __4__ tu __5__ habari huweza kuenea __6__ katika muda mfupi sana. __7__, hakuna kizuri kisicho na dosari. Watu wenye __8__ mbaya wanatumia fursa hiyo kusambaza uvumi. Wengine husambaza picha zisizofaa __9__. Tusipochukua tahadhari tutaishia kujiuma kidole kwani

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   zilizopiga   yaliyopiga   tulizopiga   iliyopiga 
 2.  hadi  tangu   kuliko   kama
 3.  matarishi  masogora   wahazili  mabawabu 
 4.  ndogo  dogo0     kidogo   mdogo
 5.  ingawa  mathalani   lau   madhali 
 6.  zote  kote   yote  lote 
 7.  Labda  Vilevile   Hata hivyo   Isitoshe 
 8.  nia  lengo  madhumuni   kusudi
 9.  redioni  magazetini   dunaini  mitandaoni
 10.   baada ya dhiki ni faraja    majuto ni mjukuu   mstahimilivu hula mbivu    dalili ya mvua ni mawingu 

Tangu siku zake za ujanani, Kiburi hakujua maana ya jirani __11__ siku moja __12__ na ya kumfika. Alikuwa __13__ watu ambao waliamini kuwa wakipatwa na __14__ ndugu atawasaidia. Alisahau kuwa __15__.

   A   B   C   D 
 11.   mpaka   baada ya   kisha   hadi 
 12.  alipofikia   alipofikwa   alifikiwa   alifikwa 
 13.  miongoni ya   katikati ya   kati ya   baina ya  
 14.  siha  adhabu   maarubu   adha 
 15.    fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka   mtegemea cha nduguye hufa maskini   heri nusu shari kuliko shari kamili   akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki


Kutoka swali la 16 hadi 30 jibu kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Neno mwanahewa lina silabi ngapi?
    1. Tisa
    2. Tano
    3. Nne
    4. Nane
  2. Genge ni kundi la watu linalofanya kazi pamoja ilhali kenge ni;
    1. ndege mwenye sura kama ya paka
    2. mnyama wa porini afananaye na mbuzi
    3. samaki afananaye na nyoka
    4. mnyama kama mamba mdogo
  3. Ikiwa jana ilikuwa Alhamisi, mtondo ilikuwa;
    1. Jumatatu
    2. Jumapili
    3. Jumatano
    4. Jumanne
  4. Andika sentensi ifuatayo katika usemi wa taarifa.
    Mama: Mwanangu, utanyolewa kesho jioni.
    1. Mama alimwambia mwanangu angenyolewa kesho jioni
    2. Mama akamwambia mwanawe atanyolewa siku iliyofuata jioni.
    3. Mama alimwambia mwanawe kuwa angenyolewa siku iliyofuata jioni.
    4. Mama alimwuliza mwanawe kama atanyolewa kesho.
  5. Joka la indimu ni kwa inda ilhali mkono wazi ni kwa;
    1. ukarimu
    2. uchoyo
    3. ujanja
    4. uvivu
  6. Ni maelezo yapi sahihi?
    1. Tathlitha ni shairi lenye mishororo minne kila ubeti.
    2. Ngonjera ni shairi la historia.
    3. Malenga hutunga mashairi na nyimbo.
    4. Tarbia ni shairi lenye mishororo miwili kila ubeti.
  7. Ki imetumiwaje katika sentensi? Mwalimu alipoingia tulikuwa kukiimba.
    1. Kuonyesha udogo.
    2. Kuonyesha kuendelea kwa kitendo. 
    3. Kuonyesha masharti.
    4. Kuonyesha namna.
  8. Miongoni mwa sehemu hizi za mwili, ni ipi iliyo tofauti na nyingine?
    1. Pafu
    2. Paja
    3. Kiganja
    4. Goti.
  9. Ni methali ipi yenye maana sawa na 'usiache mbachao kwa msala upitao'?
    1. Usione kwenda mbele kurudi nyuma kazi.
    2. Usipoziba ufa utajenga ukuta.
    3. Ganda la muwa la jana chungu kaona kivuno.
    4. Bura yangu sibadili na rehani.
  10. Tambua maneno yaliyopigwa kistari. Mwalimu mgeni atajiunga nasi mwakani.
    1. Kielezi, kihusishi
    2. Kivumishi, kiunganishi
    3. Kivumishi, kielezi
    4. Kiwakilishi, kivumishi.
  11. Ni jina lipi la makundi lisilofaa?
    1. Bunda la nyuki.
    2. Shehena ya mzigo.
    3. Chane ya ndizi.
    4. Kilinge cha wachawi.
  12. Chagua wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Karani na wifi walifika jana.
    1. Makarani na wifi walifika jana.
    2. Karani na mawifi walifika jana. 
    3. Makarani na mawifi walifika jana. 
    4. Akina Karani na wifi walifika jana.
  13. Ni sentensi gani iliyotumia kwa kuonyesha sababu?
    1. Amekula wali kwa mchuzi.
    2. Alifurahi kwa kufikia utu uzima.
    3. Tatu kwa tano ya wanafunzi ni wavulana.
    4. Maria ataenda kwa shangazi yake kesho.
  14. Ni nomino zipi zilizo katika ngeli ya I-I?
    1. Maji, marashi
    2. Meza, dawati
    3. Mkate, maembe
    4. Mvua, chumvi
  15. Ni nahau ipi yenye maana ya kupata taabu au shida?
    1. Kula mwata
    2. Kata kamba
    3. Piga mbiu
    4. Laza damu.

Soma kifungui kifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 31 hadi 40.

Subira alikuwa barobaro ambaye hakujimudu kimasomo. Alikuwa kisubutu masomoni. Hata hivyo, alijaliwa kipawa katika riadha. Alionekana kila asubuhi akifanya mazoezi ya kukimbia. Wapo waliomhurumia kuwa huenda hakuwa na akili razini. Weng walisikika wakisema alikuwa akiadhibiwa na Mungu. Akiwa mkembe walidai kuwa alitumwa na nyanya yake gulioni lakini akakataa.

Watu wengi walijisaili mbona akaanza kukimbia miaka mitano baada ya nyanya yake kutembelewa na Izraili wa kaputi. Baada ya kufanya mazoezi kwa muda mrefu, Subira alianza kushiriki katika mashindano mbalimbali. Aliposhiriki mara ya kwanza, alishika nanga licha ya mazoezi ya bidii nyingi.

Aliendelea kufanya mazoezi pasi na kwenda nguu. Alivyozidi kujitahidi katika mazoezi ndivyo wengi walivyoendelea kumbeza. Hakubwaga silaha kamwe. Aliamini lisani ya wahenga isemayo kuwa atafutaye hachoki na akichoka keshapata. Mwaka uliofuata akiwa na umri wa miaka kumi na sita alishiriki tena katika mbio za masafa marefu. Alipata mwamko mpya alipofahamu kuwa ingawa hakushinda hali yake ilizidi kuimarika.

Alizidi kujiongeza maarifa. Akawa na matumaini kama tai kuwa siku moja angeibuka kifua mbele. Nusu mwaka baadaye, Subira alichaguliwa kuwa miongoni mwa wawakilishi wa nchi yao katika mbio za masafa marefu duniani. Huo ukawa ndio mwanzo mkoko unaalika maua. Nyota yake ikaanza kung'aa na mambo yakaanza kumwendea mserego. Aliamini lisani ya wahenga isemayo kuwa papo kwa papo kamba hukata jiwe.

Ulimwengu mzima ulishuhudia Subira akinyakua nishani ya dhahabu katika michezo hiyo duniani. Subira aliyekuwa akidhalilishwa na kupakwa tope akawa anasifika kote. Jina lake likawa kibwagizo midomono mwa wengi. Miaka michache baadaye akawa tajiri wa kutajika. Waliomcheka wakakosa pa kuziweka nyuso zao. Walipata funzo kuwa dhamira ni dira na nia zikiwa pamoja, kilicho mbali huja karibu.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza, ni kweli kusema kuwa;
    1. Subira alikuwa wembe shuleni
    2. Subira alifanya mazoezi ya kukimbia machweo
    3. Subira alihurumiwa na wanakijiji wote
    4. Subira hakujiweza sana masomoni
  2. Baadhi ya wakazi walisema kuwa Subira alikuwa akiadhibiwa kwa sababu;
    1. hakuwa na akili timamu
    2. akiwa mdogo alitumwa na bibi yake lakini akakataa
    3. hakuwa mcha Mungu
    4. mienendo yake haikuvutia
  3. Neno gulioni lina maana gani kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Sokoni
    2. Dukani
    3. Mtoni
    4. Shambani
  4. Ni methali ipi mwafaka kuelezea tabia za Subira baada ya kushindwa katika jaribio la kwanza?
    1. Mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni
    2. Asiyekujua hakuthamini.
    3. Kuvunjika kwa mwiko si mwisho wa upishi.
    4. Mtegemea nundu haachi kunona.
  5. Ni nini maana ya alishika nanga kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Alipoteza matumaini
    2. Alikuwa wa mwisho.
    3. Alibadili nia.
    4. Alikuwa wa kwanza.
  6. Kushinda kwa Subira hatimaye kulitokana na;
    1. ujuzi, bidii na tamaa
    2. umri, ujana na utepetevu
    3. laana, maarifa na bidii
    4. bidii, ulegevu na ujuzi.
  7. "Akawa na matumaini kama tai." Hii ni mfano wa fani ipi ya lugha?
    1. Kinaya
    2. Chuku
    3. Istiara
    4. Tashbihi.
  8. Subira alikuwa akishiriki michezo katika dunia nzima. Hii inamaanisha alikuwa;
    1. hadhi yake ya kimichezo ilipanda 
    2. mtalii wa kutembelea mataifa
    3. mweledi wa kusafiri miji mikubwa
    4. mpenda anasa za dunia.
  9. Ni nini maana ya kupakwa tope kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Kutegemewa
    2. Kuharibiwa jina
    3. kuaibishwa
    4. kuchukizwa.
  10. Kichwa kinachofaa kifungu hiki ni kipi?
    1. Juhudi si pato.
    2. Tusiwe wa kutegemea wengine.
    3. Uvumilivu hutamausha maishani.
    4. Tusikate tamaa.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50.

Kila mwanadamu ameumbwa akiwa na uwezo wake maalum. Mungu alifanya hivyo makusudi kabisa. Hebu fikira ulimwengu wenye watu ambao kila mmoja anajitosheleza. Yaani kila mtu anaweza kujifanyia kila kitu apendavyo. Ulimwengu usingehitaji watu wanaosomea kazi mbalimbali wala watu wasingetegemeana. Upendo na huruma vingekuwa havipo dunaini.

Mungu aliwaumba watu na vipawa vyao mbalimbali. Hata wanaofikiriwa kuwa hawana vipawa, ukiwachunguza vizuri utaona kuwa wana upekee fulani katika jambo wanalolimudu vizuri. Wakati mwingine, sio lazima jambo hilo liwe kubwa sana kiasi cha watu kulizungumzia. Kuna watu wasiokuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kiuchumi lakini waliobarikiwa kwa uwezo wa kuzungumza vizuri au uwezo wa kuwashauri wengine wenye mahitaji mbalimbali. Hili linatukumbusha kuwa hata vipawa tunavyofikiri kuwa si vikubwa vina thamani kubwa ajabu.

Ingawa kila mtu ana kipawa chake, kuna watu wengi wasioweza kutambua vipawa vyao. Sababu moja inayowafanya washindwe kutambua vipawa hivyo ni kule kutokuwa na mtu wa kuwaongoza na kuwahimiza kuandama safari ya vipawa vyao. Sababu nyingine ni kwamba watu wengine hawaviamini wala kuvithamini vipawa vyao. Kwa mfano mtu anaweza kuwa na kipawa cha kucheza kandanda lakini akawa anataka kuwa daktari hata kama huo udaktari haumo katika damu yake. Mtu anapopuuza kipawa chake na kukifuata kingine tofauti huwa hana hamy na raha ya kufanya kazi ambayo hatimaye atakuwa amechagua kuifanya.

Wakati mwingine watu hupotishwa kuviacha vipawa vyao. Jamaa na marafiki huweza kumshawishi mtu kukiacha kipawa chake na badala yake kukifuata kile cha wale wanaomshauri. Mara nyingi wanaomshawishi mtu kuacha kipawa chake huwa hata hawajauelewa uwezo wa wanayemshauri. Japo watu wengine hufanikiwa kwa kuelezwa kufuata njia ambayo haikuwahusu, wengine hushindwa kufanikiwa, huwa kuna asilimia kubwa inayojilazimisha kuifanya kazi amambo haihusiani na talanta yao moja kwa moja.

Ni vizuri kutambua kwamba kuwa na kipawa tu hakutoshi. Kipawa cha mtoto ni mche unaohitaji maji, mwanga na mazingira mazuri yasiyo na magugu ili uweze kuimarika na kustawi, la sivyo utanyauka na kukauka. Mwenye kipawa anafaa kukilea kwa kukifanyia mazoezi ili kukiboresha. Anafaa kuwa na nidhamu ya kukiendeleza hadi kitakapokomaa. Anahitaji kufuata ushauri na mwongozo wa watu wengine ambao wamekitumia vizuri kipawa sawa na chake.

Tunafaa kutambua kuwa vipawa ni vingi jinsi walivyo watu. Vilevile hata watu wenye kipawa kile kimoja wana uwezo tofauti. Kama wasemavyo wahenga akili ni nywele kila mtu ana zake. Tukumbuke kuwa hata vidole havilingani

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza ni kweli kuwa;
    1. bila kuwa na elimu wanadamu hawawezi kusaidiana
    2. kila binadamu ana mambo maalum anayopenda
    3. watu wanaojifanyia kila kitu huwashangaza wanajamii 
    4. hali ya kutegemeana husaidia kujenga maadili.
  2. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya pili;
    1. watu wengi hudhani kuwa wengine hawana vipawa
    2. kuna vipawa vya thamani kuliko vingine
    3. wakati mwingine watu wenye vipawa hawagunduliwi
    4. wasiokuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kiuchumi wamebarikiwa.
  3. Kifungu kinaonyesha kuwa watu wengi hawawezi kutambua vipawa vyao kwa sababu;
    1. hukosa mwongozo unaofaa wa kukuza vipawa vyao
    2. huwa hawafurahishwi na vipawa vyao kama wenzao
    3. huwaza kuwa kutambua vipawa kunachukua muda mrefu
    4. hufikiri kuwa kipawa cha udaktari ndicho bora maishani.
  4. Ni kauli ipi sahihi kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Wasiojua umuhimu wa kazi huwazuia wengine kushughulikia kazi zao
    2. jamaa na marafiki huweza kumnyima mtu fursa ya kukuza kipawa chake
    3. wanaotoa ushauri kuhusu vipawa huwa wanawajua wenye vipawa hivyo
    4. kubadilisha kazi huifanya isiwe ya kuvutia kwa wale wanaifanya
  5. Kifungu kimebainisha kuwa;
    1. watu hufanya vizuri kuwashauri wengine kuacha vipawa vyao
    2. ushawishi wa marafiki huwa mkubwa zaidi kuliko wa wenye kipawa
    3. baadhi ya wanaoshauriwa kufuata vipawa tofauti na vyao hufaulu maishani
    4. ukujazi wa vipawa hutofautiana kulingana na imani ya mtu kwa Mungu
  6. Ni maelezo yapi si sahihi kulingana na mwenye kipawa?
    1. Anahitaji kukifanyia mazoezi ili kukiboresha
    2. Anahitaji kuhakikisha amekiimarisha hadi kitakapokomaa.
    3. Anafaa kufuata mfano wa wengine wenye vipawa sawa na chake.
    4. Anafaa kuwategemea wengine kukijenga kipawa chake
  7. Ni neno lipi ni kisawe cha kipawa?
    1. Nishani
    2. Ilhamu
    3. Kipaji
    4. Dhima
  8. Maneno... kipawa cha mtoto ni mche unaohitaji maji." yametumia fani ipi ya lugha?
    1. Istiara
    2. Tashbihi
    3. Kinaya
    4. Majazi
  9. Katika kifungu maana ya methali "Akili ni nywele kila mtu ana zake' ni;
    1. watu wenye hamu ya kushirikiana hutofautiana
    2. viwango vya uwezo wa watu vinatofautiana
    3. mitazamo ya watu kuhusu vipawa ni tofauti
    4. watu wanaothamini vipawa hutofautiana.
  10. Ni nini maana ya wanalolimudu kama ilivyotumiwa katika kifungu?
    1. Wanaloweza kulifanya
    2. Wanalolipenda
    3. Wanaloliamini
    4. Wanalofurahia kulipenda.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika Insha yako.

Malizia insha yako kwa maneno haya.

................................................................................................................Hakika tukio la siku hiyo haliwezi kusahaulika maishani.


  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. C
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
  31. D
  32. B
  33. A
  34. C
  35. B
  36. A
  37. D
  38. A
  39. C
  40. D
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. B
  50. A

Read the letter below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space choose the best alternative from the choices given.

Dear Editor,

My name is Abigael Mwikali. I __1__ something that I would like to share with my fellow youth and Kenyans in __2__.__3__
is the use of sheng. Experts say that sheng is a mixture and corruption of Kiswahili, English and a sprinkling __4__
local languages.

Let me be very candid. Sheng should be __5__ because it dilutes, pollutes and erodes the standards of English, Kiswahili __6__ local languages. It __7__ people to switch from one language to another and mix them at will. It does not __8__ to any rules and standards. This affects the mastery of any one language. The widespread of sheng is to blame for the __9__ performance in English and Kiswahili in the K.C.P.E examination.

__10__ people and professionals do not use sheng. In deed no self-respecting individual would be held using the weird language, if it qualifies to be called a language. It is the __11__ of conmen who rely on it to __12__ disrespectful and inane messages. It is __13__ the language of result for deviant and rebellious teenagers in school and at home. In __14__ it, they show disrespect to authority and order. Policy makers should outlaw sheng __15__ they are serious about developing foreign, national and local languages.

Yours truly,
Abigael Mwikali.
Standard 8 pupil.

          A             B           C         D 
 1.   posses   had   have   has 
 2.  particular   fact   general   dead 
 3.  Its  This   These   Here 
 4.  in  on  for  of
 5.  destroyed   dismissed   banned   unused 
 6.  then  and   before   together 
 7.  allows  let's   shows   stops
 8.  confirm  follow  confine  conform
 9.  poor  good  excellent   slow
 10.   Youthful  Respectively   Respectable   All
 11.  properly  preserve  thing  idea
 12.  pass  tell  use  say
 13.  also  however  so  now
 14.  having  using  talking  showing
 15.  if  since  because  un/ess


For question 16 to 18, choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

  1. They __________________ on the beach, enjoying a cool breeze.
    1. laid
    2. lain
    3. lay
    4. lied
  2. We watched the soldiers _______________________ majestically into the stadium.
    1. much
    2. match
    3. munch
    4. march
  3. If you are not careful, you will ______________________ all your friends.
    1. lose
    2. loss
    3. loose
    4. lost

For questions 19 and 20, choose the word that means the anatomy of the underlined word.

  1. The whole town celebrated the freedom of the hostages.
    1. humility
    2. captivity
    3. ability
    4. festivity
  2. We felt inferior when the other pupils started laughing at us.
    1. exterior
    2. junior
    3. interior
    4. superior

For questions 21 and 22, choose the correct meaning of the given idiom. 

  1. To be at logger heads.
    1. To have a headache
    2. To be quarreling
    3. To be confused
    4. To get along well.
  2. To give someone a cold shoulder.
    1. To treat someone harshly
    2. To be unfair to someone
    3. To make someone feel unwelcome
    4. To be hostile to someone.

For questions 23 and 24, choose the correct order of adjectives to fill in the blank spaces.

  1. Diana bought a ___________________ dress.
    1. long, costly, beautiful
    2. beautiful, long, costly
    3. costly, beautiful, long
    4. beautiful, costly, long
  2. Aunt Rose married a ________________ man.
    1. tall, dark, handsome
    2. handsome, dark, tall 
    3. handsome, tall, dark
    4. dark, handsome, tall

For questions 25, choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence.

  1. Marube finally __________________________ his alcohol addiction.
    1. got down
    2. got off
    3. got out
    4. got over

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

It was on Thursday morning during the school holidays when Otieno was alone at home. His younger brother, Sam and three sisters had gone to play with the children of the neighbours. To while the day away, he had been sitting down under a tree reading an interesting storybook. His mind had been fully absorbed in the story that he was reading. Suddenly he remembered that he has Science homework to do. An experiment of all things! But the temptation to read the storybook was irresistible. Could the homework wait until later? Nevertheless Otieno reluctantly put down the book and decide to carry out the experiment.

As he was rushing to the kitchen, he slipped in a puddle of water which he had forgotten to wipe and found himself skidding on the floor. He was left unscathed as he hurt his ankle.

On most occasion, Otieno liked using his home-made burner to carry out Science experiments in his bedroom. He impatiently tried to look for his burner but he could not find it. After failing to trace the burner, he got hold of his salt solution and switched on the cooker. He became impatient as the cooker seemed to heat rather slowly, as if on purpose just to annoy him. But as he put the container on the cooker what he did not realise was that he had switched it on fully. Then Otieno went back to his book and left the solution boiling, hoping to be back in a few minutes. The part he was reading become so exciting that he soon forgot about the experiment. tied up with ropes and The story was about a detective who had got himself locked up in a room, a time bomb in a corner ready to blow up any minute! He was counting the minutes and.....

Suddenly, Otieno heard a loud bang go off somewhere in the kitchen within a fraction of a second. He thought that the bomb had actually exploded, killing the poor detective. Then he remembered his experiment!

Otieno immediately threw his book aside and run to the kitchen where he found smoke billowing from the cooker. he was shaken and frightened even as he tried to turn off the cooker and inspect th damage. Fortunately there was nothing amiss with the cooker.

He hurriedly removed all traces of the burnt solution and cleaned up the messed up place before his parents arrived home from work.

From that day he resolved to always do one thing at a time and at least read storybooks after finishing all other household chores.

  1. What time is referred to in the first sentence?
    1. Before midday
    2. After sunset
    3. Between midnight and midday
    4. Between midday and sunset
  2. To while the day away' mean to;
    1. waste the day
    2. spend the day pleasantly 
    3. do something naughty
    4. get involved in negative activities
  3. When Otieno thought of the Science experiment, he;
    1. stopped reading at once
    2. began to while the day away
    3. was briefly undecided
    4. continued reading briefly
  4. Why did Otieno decide to read a storybook?
    1. The book belonged to him
    2. He was sitting under a tree 
    3. There was nothing else to do 
    4. He was at home
  5. "An experiment of all things! This expression suggested that Otieno;
    1. detested Science experiments 
    2. had many things on his mind
    3. liked doing experiments, especially Science one
    4. was a very busy boy
  6. The word 'reluctantly' as used in the passage, its opposite is;
    1. hurriedly
    2. carefully
    3. slowly
    4. eagerly
  7. What made Otieno hurt his ankle?
    1. It is normal for boys to hurt themselves
    2. He was naturally a very careless boy 
    3. In his hurry, he skipped on the floor
    4. He could tread himself easily
  8. The word 'unscathed' can be replaced with;
    1. unhappy
    2. uninjured
    3. badly injured
    4. slightly injured
  9. Which of the following is not true about the home-made burner?
    1. Otieno often used it in his bedroom
    2. It was used by Otieno for Science experiment
    3. Otieno used it mainly for Science experiment
    4. Otieno could not trace it when he needed it
  10. It is true to say that Otieno used the cooker because;
    1. he wanted quick results
    2. it was better than his burner
    3. his burner was unavailable
    4. cooker are safer to use than burners
  11. Why did Otieno soon forget about his experiment?
    1. His mind was on the loud bang in the kitchen
    2. All his attention was on the story 
    3. The death of the poor detective saddened him
    4. The cooker was heating slowly to annoy him
  12. How did Otieno escape possible punishment?
    1. By switching off the cooker 
    2. By finishing his experiment on time 
    3. By lying to his parents about the cooke
    4. By cleaning up the mess before his parents arrived home
  13. Which of these proverbs correctly summarises the story?
    1. Patience pays
    2. Better late than never
    3. Every cloud has a silver lining
    4. Never judge a book by its cover.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

We cannot deny the fact that corruption has taken root in our society. It is an evil we must do everything possible to fight. Corruption manifested itself in different ways and may mean different things to different people.

Giving or receiving bribes and land grabbing are acts of corruption. So is the misuse of power by people to gain advantage for themselves or for their relatives and friends.

Embezzlement, or stealing money belonging to your employer, or money you have been given responsibility to be in charge of, is an example of misuse of power and authority. People who practice tribalism, nepotism or favouritism when recruiting 'others to jobs or during selection for admission to institutions of learning are engaging in corruption. There are also those who forge certificates or other people's signatures for selfish gains. Others put public property to private use or receive payment for goods that are partially supplied or not supplied at all.

Corruption goes beyond offices, businesses and other formal organizations. Ordinally people engage in corruption too. When small scale farmers add water to their milk or traders stuff the bottom of their containers of potatoes or charcoal before selling their goods to unsuspecting customers, aren't they involved in acts of corruption?

Pupils have not been spared this evil either. Some often jump queues, give or receive small bribes, cheat in the examinations and steal or use school property irresponsibility.

Finally corruption can be done using lawful punishment, for example, taking to court those who engage in any form of abuse of office. Preventive measures can also help the fight against corruption. There include improving the way organisations work, reviewing workers' salaries and educating the youth on morals such as integrity and honesty. All of us - the government, organisations including schools and individuals of all age and social status - should make it our responsibility to fight corruption. We should report cases of corruption to relevant authorities and encourage others to shun the vic

  1. What is meant by 'corruption has taken root?'
    1. Corruption is widely practised
    2. We cannot do much about corruption
    3. Corruption is not properly fought
    4. Many people know about corruption
  2. Why is corruption described as evil?
    1. It is feared by many
    2. It is done secretly
    3. It is harmful and immoral
    4. Its effects are feared by many.
  3. Which of the following is an act of corruption?
    1. Helping our friends and relatives
    2. Rejecting bribes offered to us.
    3. Using of power provided by government
    4. Accepting bribes to help people.
  4. Embezzlement is;
    1. being in charge of money
    2. taking money from your bank account
    3. stealing money from friends 
    4. stealing money from your work place.
  5. Which of the following is not a negative deed?
    1. Nepotism
    2. Recruitment
    3. Forgery
    4. Favouritism
  6. The example of charcoal, milk and potatoes is meant to show that;
    1. farmers and traders cannot be trusted
    2. most farmers and traders are corrupt
    3. office workers are not as corrupt as ordinally people
    4. corruption is found in all level of society
  7. Which of these statements is true about pupils?
    1. They are more corrupt than other people
    2. They are also not free of corruption 
    3. They are corrupt only when they are in school
    4. Their corruption is not as serious as that of adults
  8. Pupils have not been spared this evil. which evil is this?
    1. Corruption
    2. Irresponsibility
    3. Forgery
    4. Tribalism
  9. Which of the following is not a proper way of fighting corruption?
    1. Improving salaries of corrupt people
    2. Taking corrupt people to court
    3. Teaching the young to be honest 
    4. Making salaries of employees better
  10. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    1. Corruption promotes development 
    2. To gain advantage over others is corruption
    3. We should sometimes report corruption cases
    4. Everybody should join the anti- corruption crusade
  11. The word shun can be replaced with; 
    1. report
    2. avoid
    3. destroy
    4. practice
  12. Which of the following would be a suitable title for this passage?
    1. Why people engage in corruption
    2. Why pupils are corrupt
    3. Corruption in the society
    4. How corruption affects the poor


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a composition. With your own words finish it making it as interesting as possible.

The day dawned like any other and we had high hopes. Little .............................................................................................


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
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  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
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  15. A
  16. C
  17. D
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
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  24. C
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  30. A
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  38. A
  39. A
  40. C
  41. D
  42. D
  43. B
  44. D
  45. B
  46. A
  47. A
  48. D
  49. B
  50. C
  1. Write six million six hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and nine and nine hundredths in numerals?
    1. 6609609.09
    2. 6609909.09
    3. 6660999.9
    4. 6609909.009
  2. What is the place value of digit 2 in the product of the value of digit 4 multiplied by the total value of digit 3 in the number 57438?
    1. Ones
    2. Thousands
    3. Tens
    4. Hundreds
  3. What is the next number in the sequence below?
    113, 94, 77, 64, 53, _______________?
    1. 46
    2. 62
    3. 44
    4. 40
  4. What is the value of:
    24 ÷ 3 + 4 x 5 − 8 ÷ 4 x 10 + 1?
    1. 7
    2. 9
    3. 41
    4. 131
  5. In a shop 90kg of sugar were repacked into 200g packets and 500g packets. If there were 250 packets of 200g each, how many packets were there altogether?
    1. 80 packets
    2. 230 packets
    3. 330 packets
    4. 100 packets
  6. Which of the following measurements can be used to draw a right angle triangle?
    1. 5cm, 12 cm, 15cm
    2. 3cm. 6 cm, 7cm
    3. 9cm, 16cm, 25 cm
    4. 7cm, 24cm, 25cm
  7. The base of a rectangular water tank measures 2.2m by 1.5m. Its height is 3m. How much water can it hold when half full?
    1. 9900 L
    2. 4500 L
    3. 9000 L
    4. 4950 L
  8. Find the area of the figure below.
    1. 490m2
    2. 336m2
    3. 154m2
    4. 254m2
  9. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 69. Which is the largest number?
    1. 20
    2. 22
    3. 21
    4. 19
  10. Calculate the volume of an open tin whose diameter is 1.4m and its height is 2m.
    1. 30800
    2. 308
    3. 3080000
    4. 308000
  11. The area of a protractor is 308cm2. What is the perimeter of the protractor? (π =n 22/7)
    1. 44
    2. 28
    3. 72
    4. 88
  12. A meeting was attended by 3670 people. The number of men was twice that of children and 30 less than that of women. How many women attended the meeting?
    1. 1245
    2. 2586
    3. 3149
    4. 1486
  13. The area of a square carpet is 4m2. Four such carpets completely covers a square room. Calculate the perimeter of the room.
    1. 8m
    2. 12m
    3. 16m
    4. 24m
  14. The area of the figure below is 104 cm2.
    What is the length of line AB?
    1. 20cm
    2. 204cm
    3. 10cm
    4. 12cm
  15. What is the value of:
    2 − 1¼ of 71/5 ÷ 45?
    1. 3
    2. 11/5 
    3. 14/5 
    4. 34/5 
  16. The marked price of a shirt is sh. 500. Wanyama was given a 15% discount when he bought it. He then sold it making a profit of 10% profit. For how much did he sell the shirt?
    1. Sh. 475
    2. Sh. 425
    3. Sh. 625
    4. Sh. 467.50
  17. A society had 3.6 ha of land. 0.6 ha of the land was set for construction of roads. The rest was subdivided into equal plots each measuring 60m by 50m. How many plots were obtained?
    1. 50
    2. 12
    3. 10
    4. 5
  18. A man shared his pieces of land between his two sons such that the elder son got 3/5 of the land. What is the ratio of the land belonging to the younger son to that of the older son?
    1. 3:5
    2. 2:3
    3. 3:8
    4. 5:3
  19. The hire purchase of a T.V set is 40% more than the cash price. The cash price is sh. 20000. Joy paid sh. 2100 as a monthly installment for 10 months. How much was the deposit paid?
    1. Sh. 8000
    2. Sh. 13000
    3. Sh. 7000
    4. Sh. 100020.
  20. What is the value of: 1.5 + 0.9 of 2.5 − 1.42 ?
    1. 5.824
    2. 5.85
    3. 5.88
    4. 10. 85
  21. What is the size of the reflex angle XYZ?
    1. 318°
    2. 218°
    3. 42°
    4. 324°
  22. The temperature of frozen ice was −45°c. It was heated until the temperature rose by 68°c. What was the final temperature of water?
    1. 53°c
    2. 23°c
    3. 113°c
    4. −53°c
  23. Nyoro left his home for Nyeri at 0815 hrs. He arrived at Nyeri at 1045hrs. If the distance between his home and Nyeri was 120km. Calculate the average speed.
    1. 30km/h
    2. 48km/h
    3. 60km/h
    4. 300km/h
  24. The floor of a room measuring 6m by 4.5m by 3m high is completely covered by square tiles each of side 30cm. How many tiles are there?
    1. 300
    2. 30
    3. 640
    4. 280
  25. Marion had sh. 40000. She deposited the whole amount in a financial institution that pays simple interest at the rate of 4% p. a. She withdrew all her interest after 28 months. How much money did she withdraw?
    1. Sh. 42400
    2. Sh. 2400
    3. Sh. 36400
    4. Sh. 4200
  26. Round off 799.9875 to the nearest tenths. 
    1. 800
    2. 799.9
    3. 800.0
    4. 790.9
  27. A train took 20 sec to pass through a tunnel. If the length of the tunnel was 0.6km. What was its speed in meters per second?
    1. 15m/s
    2. 30 m/s
    3. 25 m/s
    4. 45 m/s
  28. In Sunrise Academy, pupils were asked to choose their favorite food among mukimo, githeri and chips. The information was represented in a pie chart as show below.
    If 280 pupils like chips, how many more pupils like mukimo than githeri?
    1. 120
    2. 40
    3. 200
    4. 80
  29. 12 men can do a piece of work in 20 days. After working for 4 days, 4 more men were employed. How many less days will the work take?
    1. 12
    2. 8
    3. 16
    4. 4
  30. Constant a triangle WXY with XY = 7cm,WY = 8cm and WX = 6cm. Draw the angle bisectors of angle YWX and angle WXY to meet at P. Construct a circle touching the edges of the triangle. Measure its radius.
    1. 4cm
    2. 6.4cm
    3. 2cm
    4. 3.2cm
  31. 3.2 cm on a map represents an actual length of 9.6km on the actual ground. What is the scale used?
    1. 1:3000000
    2. 1:3000
    3. 1:300000
    4. 1:30000000
  32. In the triangle ABC below, BD = BC. Angle ABC = 50° and angle DCA = 25°. Line BDA is a straight line. Find the size of angle CAB.
    1. 30°
    2. 65°
    3. 50°
    4. 40°
  33. A rectangular field has an area of 0.6 ha. If the length measures 120m, how long is its diagonals?
    1. 130m
    2. 13m
    3. 50m
    4. 24m
  34. Solve the value of p
    1⁄2 (12p − 6) − 2p + 12 = 30
    1. 20
    2. 10
    3. 16
    4. 8
  35. Oliech bought the following items from a wholesale shop.
    2kg of rice @sh 120
    2-2 kg packets of wheat flour @sh 140
    1 kg of sugar @sh 124
    2 packets of leaves for sh. 120.
    Oliech paid using two notes of sh 500. How much balance did he receive?
    1. Sh 824
    2. Sh 124
    3. Sh 114
    4. Sh 176
  36. Tap A takes 6 minutes to fill a tank while tap B takes 8 min to empty the same tank. If both taps are opened at the same time, how long will they take for the tank to be full?
    1. 12min
    2. 1 min
    3. 14min
    4. 24 min
  37. Three pupils gave out some money to buy a textbook. Mary gave sh 20 more than Atieno white Peter gave twice as much as Atieno. If Mary gave sh m, which of the following expressions represents the total amount given by the three pupils?
    1. 4m +60
    2. 4m.+ 20
    3. 4m − 60
    4. 4m − 40
  38. The mass of 8 pupils were recorded as
    35kg, 32kg, 28kg, 25kg, 38kg, 23kg, 40kg and 37kg.
    What was the median mass?
    1. 30
    2. 331/2 
    3. 331/4 
    4. 321/5 
  39. What is the value of:
    0.51 × 3.25
    1. 0.975
    2. 975
    3. 97.5
    4. 9.75
  40. Jelimo sold an item for sh. 144 making a loss of 10% .At what price must he sell it to make a profit of 20% ?
    1. Sh 160
    2. Sh192
    3. Sh 172.80
    4. Sh 158.4041.
  41. Work out:
    C8mathET2S22023Q41 ÷ 1/3 
    1. 1/6 
    2. 7
    3. 1/9 
    4. 21/3 
  42. The price of a coat was reduced by 800 shillings. If this represents 20% of the marked price, what was the marked price of the coat?
    1. Sh. 80
    2. Sh. 1600
    3. Sh. 4000
    4. Sh. 1200
  43. A rectangular container measures 80cm by 4/5 m by 0.5m. Calculate it's capacity when half full.
    1. 160 L
    2. 320 L
    3. 200L
    4. 400 L
  44. Kimani slept fir 9hr 45 min. He woke up at 0500 hrs: What had he slept?
    1. 2.45 pm 
    2. 7.15 pm
    3. 7.55 pm
    4. 7.15 am
  45. Below are properties of a quadrilateral. 
    1. Interior angles add up to 360°
    2. Has two pairs of parallel lines.
    3. Diagonals are equal and meet at a right angle.
      What figure is described above.
      1. Rhombus
      2. Square
      3. Trapezium
      4. Rectangle
  46. The perimeter of the isosceles triangle UVW shown below is 50cm. Find its area.
    1. 60cm2
    2. 120cm2
    3. 96cm2
    4. 136cm2
  47. A semi-circular plot of land of diameter 36m was fenced round. Poles were erected all round at interval of 4m. How
    many poles were used?
    1. 37
    2. 35
    3. 38
    4. 36
  48. What is the value of 0.294 correct to 2 decimal places
    1. 0.73
    2. 0.72
    3. 7.25
    4. 0.07
  49. Given that Ty = 16.5 × 0.2
    and Y = 8.25, what is T?
    1. 0.1
    2. 0.01
    3. 1
    4. 10
  50. The graph below shows the journey followed by a cyclist travelling from town A to B.
    Calculate his average speed for the whole journey.
    1. 64 km/h
    2. 8km/h
    3. 16km/h
    4. 12km/h


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. C
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. B
  23. B
  24. A
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C
  31. C
  32. D
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. D
  37. C
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. B
  42. C
  43. A
  44. B
  45. B
  46. B
  47. D
  48. D
  49. A
  50. C
  1. Which one of the following takes place during breathing in?
    1. Lungs contract
    2. Diaphragm flattens
    3. Ribs move downwards
    4. Diaphragm become dome-shaped
  2. Below is a cross-section of a certain excretory organ.
    The correct names for the parts marked E, F, G and H respectively are
    1. kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra
    2. kidney, urethra, bladder, ureter
    3. bladder, ureter, kidney, urethra
    4. bladder, urethra, kidney, ureter
  3. Which pair of diseases below can be prevented by administering DPT?
    1. Cholera and diphtheria
    2. Tuberculosis and diphtheria
    3. Whooping cough and tetanus
    4. Polio and yellow fever
  4. Which one of the following is a social effect of drug abuse?
    1. Rape
    2. Withdrawal
    3. Hallucination
    4. Fits
  5. The following materials can be used to construct a certain weather instrument:
    1. Stiff polythene
    2. A wooden pole
    3. String
    4. Glue
      The weather instrument likley to be constructed is
      1. air thermometer
      2. windvane
      3. windsock
      4. raingauge
  6. Three of the following are ways of reducing the force that opposes motion. Which one is not?
    1. Lubrication
    2. Streamlining bodies
    3. Plaining surfaces
    4. Applying treads
  7. The first and second planets respectively from the earth are
    1. Mars and Jupiter
    2. Mercury and Venus
    3. Mercury and Earth
    4. Mars and Saturn
  8. In the food chain below which animal can best fit at the place marked Z?
    Grass → Antelope → Z→ Bacteria
    1. Leopard
    2. Hippopotamus
    3. Elephant
    4. Chimpanzee
  9. The most appropriate way of managing plastic and glass materials is by
    1. re-using
    2. recycling
    3. burning them
    4. burying them
  10. Brian a Science teacher, set-up the experiment represented below.
    Which component of soil was the teacher investigating?
    1. Water
    2. Living organism
    3. Humus
    4. Air
  11. During a thunderstorm, pupils from Neema Academy were observed:
    1. Playing on the footbal pitch
    2. Lying on the floor in the classroom
    3. Wearing red sweaters in a classroom
    4. Sheltering under the verandah
      In which pair of observations are the pupils most likely to be struck by lightning?
      1. i and iv
      2.  ii and iv
      3. i and iii
      4. ii and iii
  12. Which one of the following shows a pair of sources of electricity?
    1. Bicycle dynamo and car battery
    2. Water turbines and the sun
    3. Dry cells and wind turbines
    4. Torch cells and car battery
  13. The following are methods of controlling livestock parasites. Which one controls both internal and external parasites?
    1. Rotational grazing
    2. Spraying
    3. Deworming
    4. Drenching
  14. All the following are methods of grazing. Which one is not?
    1. Strip grazing
    2. Rotational grazing
    3. Herding
    4. Stall feeding
  15. Mikah a standard seven pupil from Viscot Primary School mixed some pieces of chromium, salt and sand. Which one of the following processes of separation did he apply first?
    1. Filtration
    2. Use of magnet
    3. Hand picking
    4. Evaporation to dryness
  16. The following are adaptation of plants growing in the dry areas. Which one is not?
    1. Succulent stem
    2. Deep roots
    3. Few stomata
    4. Flexible stems
  17. The following are characteristics of a certain animal:
    1. It breathes through the lungs
    2. Its body temperature varies
    3. It has a moistened body
    4. It has external fertilisation
      The animal described above is most likely to be
      1. gecko
      2. turtle
      3. newt
      4. trout
  18. The following activities will pollute water except
    1. oil spillage on water
    2.  Excess usage of fertilizers on land
    3. Fumes from the factory chimney
    4. Untreated sewages towards rivers
  19. Which one of the following materials will not form a shadow when light is shown on it?
    1. White paper
    2. Mirror
    3. Glass of lamp
    4. A piece of wood

The diagram below represents a female reproductive system.

  1. Which one of the parts labelled A, B, C and D is not correctly matched to its function?
     Part              Function 
     A  Facilitates fertilization
     B  Nourishment of the baby
     C  Allows sperm deposits
     D  Ovulation
  2. The third stage of HIV infection is known as
    1. incubation
    2. symptomatic
    3. asymptomatic
    4. window
  3. Which one of the following diseases can be prevented by draining stagnant water around homestead?
    1. Malaria
    2. Cholera
    3. Typhoid
    4. Tuberculosis
  4. Which one of the following groups consists only of foods that will help prevent kwashiorkor?
    1. Bread, cowpeas, green grams
    2. Cabbage, eggs, rice
    3. Fish, eggs, beans
    4. Maize, beans, spinach
  5. A certain lever when in use can work with load, efort and fulcrum at different positions. The lever is likely to be
    1. crowbar
    2. claw hammer
    3. wheelbarrow
    4. spade
  6. Which one of the following is true about whale? It has
    1. scales
    2. gills
    3. varying body temperature
    4. constant body temperature
  7. Some pupils mixed liquids E, F and G. Liquid E mixed with liquid F. Liquid G did not with liquid E and F. Which one of the following correctly represents liquids E, F and G respectively
      E F G
    Water Cooking fat  Fat 
    Cooking oil Water  Milk 
    C Water Milk  Cooking oil 
    D Milk Cooking oil  Water 
  1. The following are effects of HIV and AIDS:
    1. Low esteem
    2. Loss of earning
    3. Poor health services
    4. School drop outs
    5. Sickness
      Which pair of the above effects affects the nation?
      1. v, ii
      2. i, iii
      3. iii, iv
      4. ii, iii
  2. Which one of the following media is the most effective method of educating the masses about HIV and AIDS?
    A. Newspaper
    B. Television.
    C. Radio
    D. Video
  3. The pie chart below shows properties of gases G, H, J and K that represent the components of air.
    Which of the following are uses of gases G and J respectively?
    1. Breathing and making electric tubes
    2. Germination and making plant food
    3. Putting out fire and making plant protein
    4. Preserving soft drinks and burning
  4. Which of the following components of the environment comprise of the major ones only?
    1. Soil, plants, buildings
    2. Animals, water, air
    3. Rocks, animals, soil
    4. Water, air, heat
  5. The soil that makes the longest ribbon
    1. has fine texture
    2. has large air spaces
    3. dries fastest
    4. has the best drainage system
  6. Which crop below is correctly classified in the chart?
    1. Rice
    2. Cocoa
    3. Barley
    4. Wheat
  7. Below are uses of water in the farm. Which one is not?
    1. Irrigation
    2. Mixing chemicals
    3. Fountain
    4. Watering animals
  8. The following are activities carried out when compairing drainage in different soils:
    1. Put equal amounts of the three types of soil in funnels
    2. Pour equal amounts of water into the soils at the same time
    3. Place the funnels in the mouths of the three bottles
    4. Cut off the upper parts of the three bottles to make funnels
    5. Put equal amount of cotton wool in each funnel
      Which one of the following is the correct order?
      1. iv, i, v, iii, ii
      2. iii, i, iv, i, v
      3. i, iv, iii, v, ii
      4. iv, iii, v, i, ii
  9. Which one of the following consists of a balanced diet for farm animals?
    1. Fish meal, cotton seeds, sunflower seeds, legumes
    2. Banana stem, green fodder, fruits,succulents
    3. Fish meal, mollasses, cotton seed,fruits
    4. Honey, mollasses, maize germ, rice husks
  10. Standard six pupils made the set-up below.
    Which one of the following germination conditions were they investigating?
    1. Water
    2. Air 
    3. Warmth
    4. Temperature 
  11. Which one of the following is a useful way of using moving air?
    1. Wind milling
    2. Blowing soil away
    3. Tree falling
    4. Blowing roof tops away
  12. Which one of the following is mainly a measure when using simple tools?
    1. Cleaning after use
    2. Sharpening cutting tools
    3. Repairing tools
    4. Proper storage
  13. The following are sources of heat except
    1. sun
    2. translucent roofs
    3. electricity
    4. gas
  14. Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched?
       Wild Useful   Harmful
     Ostrich  Dog  Tick
    B  Hare  Cattle  Tick
    C  Dog  Hare  Flea
    D  Fish  Goat  Termite
  15. The diagram below represents a marble placed on a board. When pulled suddenly, the marble will fall at

    1. Q
    2. O
    3. R
    4. P
  16. Which one of the following statements is correct about nimbus clouds?
    1. White in colour
    2. Bundles of cotton like appearance
    3. Occur low in the sky
    4. Have a flat base
  17. Birds which feed on grains have
    1. strong, short and straight beaks
    2. strong, short and curved beaks
    3. strong, short and broad baks
    4. long, sharp and pointed beaks
  18. A card with the wood TEACHER written on it was placed in front of a mirror. Which one of the following correctly represents how the word appeared on the mirror?
    1. ЯЯНОАНІ
    2. TEACHER
    3. ТЯАЗНАЯ
    4. ЯННОАЯТ
  19. Which one of the following physical signs of adolescence are correctly matched?
      Boys  Girls 
     Pimples appearance  Hair growth under armpits
    B  Mensturation flow  Beards grow
    C  Weight increase  Wet dreams
    D  Deep voice  Broading of shoulders
  20. Which pair of materials below are magnetic?
    1. Steel and alnico
    2. Silver and iron
    3. Cobalt and zinc
    4. Chronium and aluminium

  21. Which one of the following materials works in the same way as frosted glass?
    1. Air
    2. Mirror
    3. Clear water
    4. Oiled paper
  22. Which one of the following statements is correct about the blood component shown below?
    1. It helps in blood clotting
    2. It fights disease causing germs in the body
    3. It carries haemoglobin
    4.  It transports heat all over the body
  23. Which one of the following is not an effect of force?
    1. Moving objects
    2. Stopping objects
    3. Changing the states of matter
    4. Destroying objects
  24. Which one of the following is not a change of state?
    1. Freezing of water to ice
    2. Melting of ice to water
    3. Boiling water to steam
    4. Crushing of a stone to form powder


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. A
  14. A
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. C
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. C
  27. C
  28. C
  29. B
  30. B
  31. A
  32. A
  33. C
  34. D
  35. C
  36. B
  37. A
  38. A
  39. B
  40. B
  41. B
  42. C
  43. A
  44. D
  45. A
  46. A
  47. D
  48. C
  49. C
  50. D

Use the map of Beya area to answer questions 1-7.

  1. The climate experienced around lake Wayo is
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and wet 
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  2. The approximate area of the beef ranch in square kilometres is
    1. 6.5km2
    2. 15.0km2 
    3. 11.0km2
    4. 20.0km2
  3. The location of the fish factory was mainly influenced by
    1. availability of market for fish
    2. nearness to source of fish
    3. availability of means of transport
    4. nearness to source of land.
  4. Land in Beya area generally rises from
    1. North
    2. North East
    3. North West
    4. South.
  5. The most senior administrator in Beya area is
    1. Assistant County Commissioner
    2. Chief
    3. Deputy County Commissioner
    4. Governor.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Beya area?
    1. Fishing.
    2. Lumbering.
    3. Livestock keeping.
    4. Tourism.
  7. Population distribution in Beya area is mainly influenced by
    1. fishing
    2. rainfall
    3. employment
    4. transport
  8. Before the coming of Europeans, skills in iron working were taught to learners through
    1. observation
    2. proverbs
    3. songs
    4. riddles.
  9. Which one of the following groups of communities is made up of Bantu speakers of Central Africa?
  10. Three of the following traditional weather observation methods indicate a wet season. Which one does not?
    1. Croaking of frogs.
    2. Excitement of cattle.
    3. Shedding of leaves.
    4. Dew on the grass.
  11. Which one of the following groups of items consist of cultural artefacts preserved in museums?
    1. Bows, arrows, spears.
    2. Gourds, calabashes, pots.
    3. Shields, swords, knives.
    4. Beads, bangles, earrings.
  12. Ox-bow lakes are formed through
    1. erosion
    2. deposition
    3. downwarping
    4. lava damming.
  13. Which one of the following statements is true about the Khoikhoi and the San people in the pre-colonial period?
    1. They lived in stone houses.
    2. They had hereditary chiefs.
    3. They lived a nomadic life.
    4. They were long distance traders.
  14. Which one of the following seaports is correctly matched with the country it is found?
    1. Durban   -  South Africa
    2. Lobito  -  Mozambique
    3. Beira  -  Namibia
    4. Walvis Bay -   Angola
  15. Three of the following marriage systems in Kenya allow polygamy. Which one does not?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Customary marriage.
    3. Islamic marriage.
    4. Christian marriage.
  16. Below are statements about an ocean current;
    1. It flows from cold areas
    2. It causes fog and mist
    3. It affects climate of South West Coast of Africa
      The Ocean current described above is
      1. Canary current
      2. Agulhas current
      3. Benguela current
      4. Guinea current.
  17. Most Kenyans between 18 years and 35 years move to live in towns mainly to
    1. live with their relative
    2. look for employment
    3. escape idleness in rural areas 
    4. join institutions of learning.
  18. The best method of transporting of medicine from India to Kenya is
    1. water
    2. railway
    3. air
    4. road.
  19. The main problem facing Perkerra Irrigation Scheme is
    1. inadequate water in the dry season
    2. decrease in farming land
    3. siltation of water canals
    4. pests that destroy crops.
  20. Which one of the following combinations consists of traditional African leaders who resisted European colonial rule?
    1. Lewanika and Mumia.
    2. Lenana and Waiyaki.
    3. Samouri and Lewanika.
    4. Mekatilili and Mkwawa.
  21. The purpose of a school motto is to
    1. show the direction to a school
    2. outline the aims of a school
    3. outline daily activities in a school
    4. show the number of pupils in a school.
  22. Three of the following are benefits of poultry farming. Which one is not?
    1. It is a source of income.
    2. It provides people with food.
    3. It attracts tourists.
    4. It is a source of farm manure.
  23. Below are characteristics of a relief region in Kenya;
    1. It lies between 1000 metres and 2000 metres
    2. It has few hills
    3. Some areas experience floods
      The relief region described above is
      1. Lake Victoria basin
      2. Rift Valley region
      3. Coastal lowlands
      4. Plateau region.
  24. Judy crosses a busy road when going to school. The safest way to cross the road is
    1. look right, look left, look right and cross the road
    2. tell the motorists to stop
    3. run across the road
    4. cross the road when it is clear.
  25. Pollution in major towns in Kenya can best be reduced through
    1. relocating industries to rural areas
    2. putting dustbins in industrial areas
    3. collecting garbage regularly
    4. arresting people who dump waste.
  26. The diagram below represents a fishing method
    The best place for catching fish using the above method is
    1. in swamps
    2. in the deep sea
    3. in fast flowing rivers
    4. near the seashore.
  27. Which one of the following groups is made up of communities who migrated to Kenya insearch of pasture?
    1. Luo, Taita, Pokomo.
    2. Ameru, Tugen, Abakuria.
    3. Maasai, Somali, Turkana.
    4. Abagusii, Mijikenda, Akamba.
  28. The main effect of deforestation is that leads to
    1. spread of deserts
    2. exploitation of minerals
    3. increase in agroforestry
    4. preservation of sources of rivers.
  29. Tourists who visit mount Kenya are mainly attracted by
    1. scenery
    2. pre-historic sites
    3. sports
    4. wildlife.
  30. The policy of assimilation used by the French to administer colonies failed because
    1. Africans resisted colonial rule
    2. France had few colonial administrators 
    3. it was hard for Africans to adopt foreign culture
    4. the French did not want Africans to get assimilated.
  31. Three of the following statements about volcanic mountains in Eastern Africa are true. Which one is not?
    1. They are the highest.
    2. All of them have craters.
    3. Some of them have snow.
    4. Some lie on the floor of the Rift Valley.
  32. The main cause of conflict in pastoral farming areas in Kenya is
    1. religious differences
    2. inadequate security facilities
    3. high level of illiteracy
    4. competition for pasture.
  33. It is the responsibility of children in a family to
    1. take care of family property
    2. provide basic needs
    3. establish business opportunities
    4. pay school fees.
  34. Standard eight pupils visited a place where quarrying was taking place. The effect of mining they observed was
    1. smoke
    2. chemicals.
    3. mineral deposits
    4. open pits.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 35 to 38


  1. Which one of the following language groups used the route marked Z during the migration period?
    1. Bantus.
    2. Semites.
    3. Cushites.
    4. Nilotes.
  2. The game park marked T is
    1. Maasai Mara
    2. Amboseli
    3. Tsavo
    4. Ruma
  3. The mountain marked S was formed through
    1. volcanicity
    2. folding
    3. faulting
    4. erosion.
  4. Natural vegetation in the area marked VV consists of
    1. evergreen forests
    2. short shrubs
    3. tall grass
    4. mangrove trees.
  5. An economic activity carried out in semi-desert areas is
    1. dairy farming
    2. fishing
    3. mining
    4. flower farming.
  6. The following are descriptions of an early visitor to Eastern Africa;
    1. He came to control the Coastal trade
    2. He made Zanzibar his capital
    3. He died in 1854
      The person described above is
      1. Carl Peters
      2. William Mackinon.
      3. David Livingstone.
      4. Seyyid Said.
  7. The bill of rights is found in which chapter of the constitution.
    1. Four.
    2. Six.
    3. Two.
    4. Five.
  8. Which one of the following factors leads to slow population growth?
    1. Improved healthcare.
    2. Increased food production.
    3. High mortality rate.
    4. Early marriages.
  9. Below are statements about a type of livestock farming;
    1. People migrate with their animals
    2. Large herds of livestock are kept
    3. Cattle, sheep and goats are kept
      The type of livestock farming described above is
      1. ranching
      2. poultry farming
      3. dairy farming
      4. pastoral farming
  10. The weather instrument shown below is used to measure
    1. strength of wind
    2. direction of wind
    3. speed of wind
    4. intensity of wind.
  11. Three of the following were positive effects of white settler farming. Which one is not? 
    1. Introduction of new crops.
    2. Establishment of industries. 
    3. Creation of native reserves.
    4. Growth of towns.
  12. Democracy can be practised in a school through the following ways except 
    1. allowing pupils to make class rules 
    2. encouraging pupils to take part in games 
    3. allowing pupils to choose clubs
    4. allowing pupils to elect their leaders.
  13. The main export crop of Ethiopia is
    1. sugarcane
    2. sisal
    3. cotton
    4. coffee.
  14. Which one of the following early political associations was formed by Harry Thuku?
    1. Young Kikuyu Association.
    2. Kikuyu Central Association.
    3. Kenya African National Union.
    4. East African Association.
  15. Which one of the following factors undermines peace in the society?
    1. Dialogue.
    2. Transparency.
    3. Favouritism.
    4. Patriotism.
  16. The most effective way of controlling gulley erosion is
    1. constructing terraces 
    2. building check dams
    3. planting grass
    4. planting cover crops.
  17. A similarity of the governments of Kenya and Swaziland is that
    1. there is a Prime Minister
    2. there are two houses of parliament
    3. there is an elected President 
    4. there is multi-party democracy.
  18. A four year old boy whose nationality and parents are not known is found in Kenya. He becomes a Kenyan citizen by
    1. adoption
    2. naturalization 
    3. registration
    4. birth.
  19. Which one of the following groups is made up of manufacturing industries?
    1. Banking, catering, vehicles.
    2. Flour, tourism, hotel.
    3. Steel, shoes, plastic.
    4. Printing, hairdressing, shoe shining.
  20. Net drifting is a method of fishing used to catch fish
    1. in the deep sea
    2. near the seashore
    3. in a swamp
    4. in fast flowing rivers.
  21. Which one of the following is a symbol of national unity?
    1. Constitution.
    2. Coat of arms.
    3. President.
    4. Parliament.
  22. Which one of the following combinations is made up of salty water lakes?
    1. Kyoga and Albert.
    2. Victoria and Rukwa.
    3. Tanganyika and Malawi.
    4. Bogoria and Elementaita.
  23. Who among the following is a member of the cabinet?
    1. Speaker.
    2. Governor.
    3. Senator.
    4. Deputy President.
  24. The main reason for the construction of the River Tana projects was to
    1. control flooding
    2. create a fishing ground
    3. generate electricity
    4. create an inland water way.
  25. In a school duties are assigned to teachers by
    1. head teacher
    2. deputy head teacher
    3. school chairperson
    4. head of department.
  26. The head of the judicial system in Kenya is
    1. Magistrate
    2. Chief Justice
    3. Attorney General 
    4. Speaker.



  1. When Adam and Eve realised that they had sinned in the garden of Eden they
    1. went out of the garden
    2. repented their sins
    3. cultivated the garden
    4. made clothes from leaves.
  2. A promise that God made to Abraham was that God would
    1. give him many descendants
    2. give him an everlasting kingdom
    3. give him a long life
    4. make him a priest.
  3. Jacob worked for a long time for Laban. The Christian virtue he demonstrated was
    1. patience
    2. honesty
    3. loyalty
    4. obedience.
  4. The main reason why Moses removed his shoes when God called him was that
    1. he wanted to show he was close to God 
    2. he wanted to avoid God's punishment
    3. he wanted to obey God
    4. he was afraid of God.
  5. Which one of the following commandments teaches Christians to be faithful in marriage?
    1. 'Do not steal'
    2. 'Do not accuse anyone falsely'
    3. 'Do not commit adultery'
    4. 'Respect your father and mother'
  6. The relationship of Ruth and her mother-in- law Naomi teaches Christians the virtue of
    1. loyalty
    2. obedience
    3. patience
    4. honesty.
  7. The incident in which David killed Goliath teaches Christians to be
    1. loyal
    2. patient
    3. obedient
    4. courageous
  8. The wicked wife of King Ahab who planned the murder of Naboth was called
    1. Abigail
    2. Jezebel
    3. Merab
    4. Ruth.
  9. Prophet Daniel was thrown into a den of lions because
    1. the king hated him
    2. he was a slave
    3. he disobeyed the king's order
    4. he failed to interpret the king's dreams.
  10. When Angel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus, Mary was living in
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Jericho
    3. Bethsaida
    4. Nazareth.
  11. Jesus was left in the temple when He was twelve years old because He wanted to
    1. obey his parents
    2. preach to the Jews
    3. be in His father's house
    4. perform miracles.
  12. When the devil took Jesus to the temple during His temptation, the devil told Jesus to 
    1. jump down from the top of the temple
    2. change water into wine
    3. bow down and worship him
    4. change wine into water.
  13. The teaching of Jesus about our enemies was that we should
    1. not mix with them
    2. love them and treat them well
    3. seek revenge
    4. report them to the authorities.
  14. The parable of Jesus that teaches Christians to be humble in prayer is
    1. mustard seed
    2. unmerciful servant
    3. widow and the judge
    4. pharisee and tax collector.
  15. When Jesus changed water into wine, He had gone to Cana to
    1. attend the passover feast
    2. preach at the Synagogue
    3. attend a wedding
    4. visit his relatives.
  16. Jesus pointed out his betrayer when He was
    1. eating the last supper
    2. praying at the Garden of Gethsemane 
    3. being led to the place of crucifixion
    4. being tried before the council.
  17. Jesus forgave the thief crucified with Him because
    1. He knew the thief
    2. the thief was innocent
    3. the thief came from Galilee
    4. the thief was repentant.
  18. On the day of pentecost the disciples of Jesus were able to
    1. heal many people
    2. speak in tongues
    3. catch many fish
    4. choose the deacons.
  19. A Christian virtue learnt from the story of Ananias and Sapphira is that they should be
    1. humble
    2. obedient
    3. honest
    4. repentant.
  20. Which one of the following groups is made up of books of History?
    1. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus.
    2. Psalms, Proverbs, Job. 
    3. Matthew, Mark, Luke.
    4. Esther, Joshua, Ruth.
  21. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Joy.
    2. Patience.
    3. Peace.
    4. Faith.
  22. A common way of worship in both Christianity and traditional African communities is
    1. beating drums
    2. reading scriptures
    3. pouring libations
    4. offering animal sacrifices.
  23. In traditional African communities shrines are places where
    1. ancestors are buried
    2. sacrifices are offered
    3. initiation ceremonies are held
    4. trade is conducted.
  24. Dowry is paid in traditional African communities in order to
    1. seal a marriage
    2. please parents
    3. show the bride is good
    4. help the needy.
  25. The main duty of priests in traditional African communities is to
    1. treat diseases
    2. allocate land to people
    3. lead people in worship
    4. settle disputes.
  26. The best way for Christians to promote development in the country is by
    1. preaching the gospel
    2. visiting the sick
    3. establishing hospitals
    4. attending church services.
  27. Your deskmate does not want to share his textbook with you. The best action for you to take is to
    1. tell your parents to buy for you a book 
    2. report to the class teacher
    3. move to another desk
    4. advise him on the value of sharing.
  28. Which one of the following statements describes intercession as an element of prayer?
    1. Praying for oneself.
    2. Praying for other people.
    3. Being humble in prayer.
    4. Seeking for forgiveness.
  29. A leisure activity practised in both Christianity and traditional African communities is
    1. reading scriptures
    2. singing in church
    3. visiting the needy
    4. watching Christian programmes.
  30. Pre-marital sex in Christianity is discouraged because
    1. it is misuse of sex
    2. it leads to teenage pregnancies 
    3. it leads to break up of families 
    4. it is a waste of resources.



  1. Which one of the following surahs emphasizes the kindness to orphans? 
    1. Asr.
    2. Maun.
    3. Kauthar.
    4. Fiil.
  2. Which one of the following surahs narrates the favours of Allah to prophet Muhammad?
    1. Tiin.
    2. Qadr.
    3. Dhuha.
    4. Inshirah.
  3. Surah Al-Ikhalas emphasizes on
    1. knowledge
    2. Taqwa
    3. Ihsan
    4. Tawheed.
  4. Those people who neglect swalah are warned by surah
    1. Maun
    2. Talaq
    3. Naas
    4. Alaq.
  5. Surah Al-Humaza discourages muslims from
    1. piling of wealth
    2. mistreating orphans
    3. multipractise in business
    4. backbiting and slander.
  6. Which of the following angels brought wahy to prophet Mohammad?
    1. Jibril.
    2. Malik.
    3. Izrail.
    4. Ridhwan.
  7. Who among the following accompained prophet Mohammed (SAW) during migration to Medina?
    1. Uthman.
    2. Abubakar.
    3. Hamza.
    4. Ali.
  8. Patients and time are two themes mentioned in surah
    1. Bayyinah.
    2. Kauthar.
    3. Asr.
    4. Falaq.
  9. What should a muslim say when he sees something good?
    1. Alhamdullilah.
    2. Bismillah.
    3. Mashallah.
    4. Astaghfirullah.
  10. Which one of the following is not a virtue of fasting?
    1. Self discipline.
    2. Symphathy.
    3. Sacrifice.
    4. Lack of appetite.
  11. Which one of the following is not an attribute of Allah?
    1. Ar-Rahama.
    2. Al-Qudus.
    3. Al-Wadud.
    4. Al-Mustafa.
  12. Which of the following pillars of Islam was commanded during the month of Rajab?
    1. Saleh.
    2. Hajj.
    3. Shahada.
    4. Fasting.
  13. Who among the following was the youngest person to become a muslim?
    1. Hamza.
    2. Ali.
    3. Abubakar.
    4. Khadija.
  14. Which one of the following is not Ash-hurum?
    1. Muharam.
    2. Shaban.
    3. Rajab.
    4. Dhul Qaada.
  15. Which one of the following parts of udhu is washed first?
    1. Feet.
    2. Hair.
    3. Arms.
    4. Face.
  16. Which of the following prophets of Allah was commanded to slaughter his son? 
    1. Ibrahim.
    2. Musa.
    3. Daud.
    4. Issa.
  17. Which one of the following is not a sunnah prayer?
    1. Dhuha.
    2. Fajr.
    3. Taraweh.
    4. Istisqai.
  18. Which one of the following marks the conclusion of swalah?
    1. Adhan.
    2. Jasla.
    3. Ruku.
    4. Salam.
  19. Which angel is responsible for blowing the trumpet?
    1. Jibril.
    2. Israfil.
    3. Izrail.
    4. Munkar. 
  20. Qabila killed his brother mainly because of 
    1. indiscipline
    2. jealousy
    3. kindness
    4. selfishness.
  21. Who among the following was the first wife of the prophet?
    1. Aisha
    2. Hafa.
    3. Maymuna.
    4. Khadija.
  22. The prophet's mosque was built in
    1. Madina
    2. Makkah
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Taif.
  23. Which of the following is the main reason why Allah created man and Jinn?
    1. To give birth.
    2. To take care of earth.
    3. To worship Him.
    4. To take care of each other.
  24. The following are pillars of Wudhu except
    1. uttering Bismillah
    2. observing the order
    3. washing the forehead
    4. washing the feet.
  25. A good muslim leader should have all these qualities except
    1. humility
    2. compassion
    3. treachery
    4. impartiality.
  26. The last rite done to a dead muslim is
    1. Dafan
    2. Janaza
    3. kafan
    4. ghusul.
  27. The following are pillars of Hajj except
    1. Ihram
    2. Tawaf
    3. Arafat.
    4. Miqat.
  28. According to the hadith of the prophet paradise lies under the feet of
    1. uncles
    2. mothers
    3. imams
    4. fathers.
  29. Which day of the week was the prophet born?
    1. Tuesday.
    2. Friday.
    3. Monday.
    4. Sunday.
  30. Who was the king of Yemen who wanted to destroy the holy Ka'abah?
    1. Abrah.
    2. Qarum.
    3. Negus.
    4. Jalut.



  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. D
  35. B
  36. A
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. D
  41. A
  42. C
  43. D
  44. B
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. A
  49. C
  50. B
  51. B
  52. D
  53. C
  54. B
  55. B
  56. D
  57. D
  58. C
  59. A
  60. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. D
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A
  1. Which of the following statement is true about molar tooth? They
    1. are sharp and pointed.
    2. are 12 in adult. 
    3. have two roots.
    4. are 8 in adult. 
  2. Which of the following process lead to the formation of zygote?
    1. Implantation.
    2. Fusion of sex cells.
    3. Release of ovum.
    4. Bursting of amniotic fluid.
  3. The function of the trachea in the human breathing system is to
    1. absorb the air.
    2. warming and moistening air. 
    3. allow exchange of gases.
    4. clean the air.
  4. Which one of the following chamber pumps blood to the lungs?
    1. Left ventricle.
    2. Right auricle.
    3. Left auricle.
    4. Right ventricle.
  5. Which of the following stages of HIV/AIDS is the virus first detected in a patient?
    1. Window stage. 
    2. Symptomatic stage.
    3. Incubation period.
    4. Full blown AIDS.
  6. The diagram below represents a section of the human digestive system.
    Which one of the following represent where absorption of food takes place?
    1. Part V
    2. Part X
    3. Part Y
    4. Part Z
  7. Which one of the following activities is energy used sparingly? Using
    1. wind to produce electricity.
    2. vehicles which consumes less fucl.
    3. vaccum flask to keep liquids hot.
    4. improved jiko to cook food.
  8. The following diseases are immunized at the age of 10 weeks except
    1.  tuberculosis.
    2. poliomyelitis.
    3. Diptheria.
    4. Pertusis
  9. The following are signs and symptom of a certain disease.
    1. Severe abdominal pains,
    2. Violent diarrhoea
    3. Dehydration.
    4. Vomiting.
      The disease is likely to be
      1. bilharzia
      2. typhoid
      3. cholera
      4. malaria
  10. Which of the following is not advisable practice while handling chemical?
    1. Wearing protective gears.
    2. Spraying in the direction of the wind.
    3. Washing hands after using chemical.
    4. Spraying against the direction of the wind.
  11. Which of the following drugs is harmful but allowed in Kenya?
    1. Bhang
    2. Alcohol
    3. Mandrax
    4. Cocaine
  12. During the process of investigating the conditions necessary for seed. germination, the reason for boiling water is to
    1. add warmth. 
    2. remove moisture.
    3. remove air.
    4. kill germs.
  13. Which of the following crops is correctly grouped?
       Fibre crop    Oil crop 
     A.   Palm tree Coconut 
     B.  Coffee  Simsim
     C.   Sunflower  Sisal
     D.  Cotton   Peas 
  14. Which one of the following weed is useful to the farmer?
    1. Oxalis
    2. Sodom apple
    3. Mexican marigold.
    4. Thorn apples
  15. The table below shows characteristics of some invertebrates.
     Name   Number of body parts   Number of legs 
     Weevils                   3            Y
        X                  2            8
     Mosquito                   Z            6
    What represent X, Y and Z respectively?
       X    Y   Z 
     A.   Spider   2  6
     B.  Moth  6  3
     C.  Scorpion   8  2
     D.  Mite  6  2
  16. Which one of the following plants. is non-green?
    1. Pine
    2. Liverworts
    3. Algae
    4. Moulds
  17. Which of the following crop pest is correctly matched with the part it attack?
       Pest   Part attacked 
     A.   Aphids   Flowers 
     B.  Cutworms   Grains
     C.  Weevils  Leaves
     D.  Stalkborer  Stems
  18. Which of the following method of grazing is beneficial to the farmer in controlling parasites?
    1. Stall feeding.
    2. Paddocking.
    3. Zero grazing.
    4. Herding.
  19. The chart below shows simple classification of animals.
    Which of the animals are wrongly classified?
    1. Salamander and whale.
    2. Crocodile and ostrich.
    3. Salamander and ostrich.
    4. Crocodile and whale.
  20. Which of the following animals has hollow bones and streamlined body?
    1. Dove
    2. Tilapia
    3. Shark
    4. Frog
  21. When using a windvane and the tail is pointing to the East, the wind is blowing to
    1. East
    2. North
    3. South
    4. West
  22. The set-up below was used by class 5 pupils to investigate how heat travels in matter.
    For the set-up to work effectively the candle was to be placed at.
    1. Point R.
    2. Point T.
    3. Point Q.
    4. Point S.
  23. Which of the following activities is best done during wet season?
    1. Harvesting
    2. Spraying
    3. Pruning
    4. Weeding
  24. Which one of the following uses of water is not practised in the farm?
    1. Washing farm implements. 
    2. Making fountain.
    3. Watering animals.
    4. Mixing chemicals.
  25. Which one of the following does not pollute water?
    1. Excessive use of herbicides.
    2. Watering animals in the rivers.
    3. Gases from vehicle exhausts..
    4. Heavy floods.
  26. The following are uses of components of air. 
    1. Supporting burning.
    2. Manufacturing of soft drinks.
    3. Putting out fires.
    4. Manufacture of electric bulbs.
    5. Germination of seeds.
      Which one of the uses are for gases that occupy 0.03% and 21% respectively?
      1. (iv) and (v)
      2. (ii) and (v)
      3. (i) and (iv)
      4. (ii) and (iii)
  27. Which two form of energy does not require medium for transmission?
    1. Light and heat.
    2. Electricity and sound.
    3. Heat and electricity.
    4. Sound and light.
  28. Which one of the following adaptive feature help plants that grow in wet areas to withstand water current?
    1. Floating flowers.
    2. Thin cuticles.
    3. Flexible stem.
    4. Shallow roots.
  29. The following are ways through which small animals protect themselves against danger except by
    1. flying away
    2. leaping.
    3. stinging
    4. coiling
  30. Shadows are formed due to the fact that light.
    1. is bent from one medium to another.
    2. is bounced.
    3. travels in a straight line.
    4. travel in all directions.
  31. Which group below consists of energy-giving foods?
    1. Honey and sugarcane.
    2. Termites and potatoes.
    3. Rice and green grams.
    4. Pork and eggs.
  32. The diagram below shows parts of a flower
    Which part is correctly matched with its function?
       Parts   Function 
     A.   K  Attract insect. 
     B.  M  Receive pollen grains 
     C.  R  Develop into fruit.
     D.  N  Produces pollen grains
  33. Which of the following is a characteristic of nimbus clouds?
    1. white in colour and flat based.
    2. irregular shaped and bundle of cotton.
    3. high in the sky and s mountaineous.
    4. Dark grey in colour and cover the whole sky.
  34. The soil that has low water retention capacity also 
    1. has best capillarity.
    2. contain a lot of humus.
    3. has fine texture.
    4. has large particles.
  35. Which one of the following is not a function of amniotic fluid?
    1. Facilitate exchange of mineral to the foetus
    2. Protect the embryo from shock.
    3. Protect the embryo from physical damage.
    4. Keep the embryo moist.
  36. Which of the following materials are correctly matched?
       Magnet   Non magnetic 
     A.   Aluminium   Steel wool
     B.  Glass rod  Nickel 
     C.  Office pins  Copper coin
     D.  Steel  Razor blade
  37.  A breast feeding mother is always advised to eat food rich in minerals mainly because they
    1. help in immunity development. 
    2. help the baby to have strong bone and tecth.
    3. protect the mother from infections.
    4. improve milk production.
  38. Which one of the following is a characteristic of all reptiles? 
    1. Breath through gills.
    2. Have dry scales.
    3. Lay unfertilized eggs.
    4. Live partly in water.
  39. The HIV is transmitted from an infected person to healthy person mainly through
    1. body fluids 
    2. deep kissing
    3. blood transfusion
    4. sexual intercourse.
  40. Which one of the following soil conservation methods is best applicable in a flat bare land?
    1. Building gabions.
    2. Contour ploughing.
    3. Planting cover crop. 
    4. Making terraces.
  41. The set-up below show a simple electric circuit.
    Which of the following describe energy transformation when the circuit is completed?
    1. Chemical → electrical → light → heat.
    2. Electrical → chemical → heat → light.
    3. Heat → chemical → light → electrical
    4. Chemical → electrical → heat → light.
  42. Which of the following method of food preservation work the same way as honey?
    1. Drying
    2. Smoking
    3. Salting
    4. Canning
  43. Which one of the following statements is true about solids and gases? They have
    1. indifinite volume.
    2. definite mass and shape.
    3. definite mass.
    4. indifinite shape and volumc.
  44. Two pupils were balancing on a see-saw as shown in the diagram below.
    In oder to balance on the see-saw
    1. move the pivot towards pupil S.
    2. pupil T should move close to the pivot.
    3. move the pivot toward pupil  T
    4. pupil S should move away from the pivot.
  45. The best procedure of separating a mixture of maize flour and salt is
    1. dissolving, decanting, filtering.
    2. dissolving, filtering, evaporation.
    3. winnowing, filtering, evaporation.
    4. filtering, dissolving; evaporation.
  46. Which one of the following leyers is correctly matched with the position of the effort, fulcrum and load when in use?
    1. Spade - fulcrum, effort,load.
    2. Wheelbarrow- load, fulcrum, effort.
    3. Claw hammer- fulcrum, effort, load.
    4. Crow bar - effort, load, fulcrum.
  47. The tendency of a body to resist change of state of whether at rest or in motion is known as
    1. gravity
    2. weight
    3. friction
    4. inertia.
  48. Which one of the following materials can be used as insulators for electricity? 
    1. Copper wire
    2. Aluminium foil
    3. Rubber band
    4. Steel wool
  49. The following are characteristic of a certain flower:
    1. Large in size.
    2. Produce few pollen grains.
    3. Firmly attached anthers.
      The flower is also likely to have;
      1. dull petals.
      2. featherly stigma.
      3. no scent.
      4. flat and sticky stigma.
  50. Which one of the following is an advantage of hard water?
    1. Suitable for drinking. 
    2. Lathers easily with soap.
    3. Saves soap during washing.
    4. Forms scum with soap.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. B
  19. A
  20. C
  21. A
  22. C
  23. C
  24. B
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. A
  32. C
  33. D
  34. D
  35. A
  36. C
  37. D
  38. B
  39. A
  40. C
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. A
  45. B
  46. A
  47. D
  48. C
  49. D
  50. A

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Hali ngumu ya maisha ___1___ waja wengi humu nchini ___2___; yaani kupoteza matumaini. ___3___ ya waja hawa ___4___ hata kukimu mahitaji yao ya kimsingi; ___5___. Mambo ___6___ zaidi na uhaba wa nafasi za ajira___7___ idadi kubwa ya vijana___8___. Ipo haja ya ___9___ vijana wakumbatie kazi za ufundi na zaraa ili mambo yao yasizidi ___10___.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   yamewanya   imewafanya   zimewafanya   limewafanya 
 2.  kuenda nguu   kula mumbi   kula mwande  kuenda mserego 
 3.  Kati ya  Fauka ya   Miongoni   Baadhi 
 4.  mmeshindwa  tumeshindwa   wameshindwa   wameshindikana 
 5.  kujimudu  kujiweza   kujiendeleza   kujitosheleza 
 6.  imezoroteka  yamezoroteshwa   yamezorota  zimeharibiwa 
 7.  ambao  ambavyo   ambapo   ambako 
 8.   haina kazi wala bazi    hawana mbele wala nyuma   hawana kazi wala bazi   haijijui haijitambui 
 9.  kuwatia shime  kuwatia hima  kuwatilia mrija  kuwatia kapuni
 10.   kughafilika  kutambulika  kuajabia  kudidimia


___11___, wavyele wa Mwasi wakamwambia huku ___12___ na machozi ya majonzi  usione umepata kazi ukafikiri kuwa hutahitaji tena msaada wetu. Mwasi alikuwa ___13___. ____14___ alipopata kazi yake yenye mshahara mnono, katika idara moja serikalini, alijiona kafika kwelikweli. Wazazi waliamua lao liwe jicho tu hadi siku___15___ afikiwe na fimbo ya ulimwengu.

   A   B   C   D 
 11.   hasidi aangukapo mnyanyue   kutangulia si kufika   usitukane wakunga na uzazi ungalipo   usiache mbachao kwa msala upita
 12.  wamedondokwa  wakidondokwa   walidondokwa  wakadondokwa
 13.   haliki hatafuniki  hamjui aingiaye wala atokayo    hazidishi hapunguzi  haoni hasikii
 14.  Mpaka  Hadi   Lau   Tangu 
 15.  itakaofika  itakakofika   itakapofika  ifikayo


Kuanzia nambari 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi.

  1. Tambulisha sentensi inayoonyesha hali ya masharti.
    1. Mwadime alijikwaa akaumiza dole lakc.
    2. Lau ungefika mapema ungemkuta mjomba kwake.
    3. Mtoto alikuwa akilia kwa sababu ya njaa.
    4. Msichezee karibu na barabara yenye magari.
  2. Chagua maelezo sahihi kati ya haya.
    1. Manju ni mcheza ngoma stadi. 
    2. Mghani hutunga na kuimba mashairi.
    3. Mshenga ni mtu ambaye hupeleka habari za posa.
    4. Mjumu ni fundi wa kutia nakshi katika vyombo vya madini.
  3. Tumia viambishi mwafaka. 
    Shoka ______________________ lilomkata ndi ________________________ hili.
    1. li, lo
    2. i, yo
    3. u, o
    4. ki vyo
  4. Andika umoja wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mbao zilizoletwa zitatumiwa kujengea mabanda.
    1. Mbao iliyoletwa itatumiwa kujengea banda.
    2. Ubao ulioletwa utatumiwa kujengea banda.
    3. Mbao iliyoletwa itatumiwa kujengea kibanda.
    4. Ubao ulioletwa utatumiwa kujengea kibanda.
  5. Nomino ipi ya makundi imekamilishwa ipasavyo.
    1. Mkuo wa sabuni.
    2. Wingu la moto.
    3. Halmashauri ya wanafunzi.
    4. Kaumu ya ng'ombc.
  6. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia kiambishi ku kama kiwakilishi cha nafasi.
    1. Ulipofika hukujua tulikuwa chumbani.
    2. Kuliko na gharika kunahitaji msaad
    3. Kulipopambazuka nyinyi mlianza shughuli papo hapo.
    4. Alipokuona alikukimbilia kwa furaha tele.
  7. Gao ni ukubwa wa ngao. Aidha gao ni
    1. Mahali palipohamwa na hapana watu waishio hapo.
    2. Samaki mwenye rangi nyeupe tumboni na ya kijivu mgongoni.
    3. Kiganja cha mkono kilichokunjwa kwa ajili ya kutia kitu.
    4. Chombo cha seremala cha kushikia mbao.
  8. Andika usemi wa taarifa wa sentensi;
    Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi, "Liwekeni darasa lenu safi kila siku."
    1. Mwalimu aliwaagiza wanafunzi wawe wakiliweka darasa lao safi kila siku.
    2. Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi kuwa yeye hutaka darasa liwe safi kila siku.
    3. Mwalimu aliwaomba wanafunzi wawe wakilisafisha darasa lao kila siku.
    4. Mwalimu alisema kuwa angetaka wanafunzi wawe wakiliweka darasa lao safi siku hizo
  9. Kidani ni kwa shingo kama ilivyo ______________________ kidevuni.
    1. furungu
    2. kikuba
    3. utondoti
  10. Nomino zipi hupatikana katika ngeli wa YA-YA pekee?
    1. Manukato, mazingira
    2. Magari, maegesho
    3. Mate, mapato
    4. Mashaka, maembe
  11. Upi ni muungano sahihi wa sentensi ifuatayo?
    Mvua ilinyesha vizuri. Mavuno hayakuwa mengi.
    1. Mvua ilinyesha vizuri aghalabu mavuno hayakuwa mengi.
    2. Lau mvua ilinyesha vizuri mazao hayakuwa mengi.
    3. Mazao hayakuwa mengi almradi mvua ilinyesha vizuri.
    4. Mazao hayakuwa mengi licha ya mvua kunyesha vizuri.
  12. Ipi ni sifa iliyoundwa kutokana na nomino.
    1. dhoofu- dhaifu
    2. wema - jema
    3. refusha - urefu
    4. kimbia - kimbilio
  13. Ni sentensi ipi iliyo na kivumishi cha idadi.
    1. Wanafunzi wote watapewa vipakatalishi mwakani.
    2. Maswali mengine hayakuweza kujibika.
    3. Watalii huja hapa mara kwanmara.
    4. Tulipanda miti kadhaa msimu.
  14. Tunasema mrefu kama mlingoti na pia mwaminifu mithili ya
    1. jua
    2. malaika
    3. mchana
    4. kondoo
  15. Chagua jozi ya methali zenye maana sawa.
    1. Kuishi kwingi ni kuona mengi. 
    2. Moto wa kumvi hudumu.
    3. Ngoma ya wana haikeshi.
    4. Jungu kuu halikosi ukoko.
    5. Mwana wa kuku hafunzwi kuchakura.
      1. (ii), (iv)
      2. (i), (iii)
      3. (ii), (v)
      4. (i), (v)

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 31 mpaka 40

Mwendo wa saa mbili na ushei, lange la tarabe lilifunguliwa taratibu. Ni mara chache sana ambapo Mwapuza aliweza kuiona sehemu ya nje ya lango hilo. Awali, aliliona pale tu yeye na wafungwa wenzake walipopelekwa chini ya ulinzi mkali ama kunadhifisha sehemu za umma mjini au kushiriki shughuli nyinginezo kama walivyohitajika. Lango hili lilikuwa limemdhibiti kwa nusu mwongo sasa, japo kwa Mwapuza hii ni miongo mitano! Lakini leo, imesibu kuwa hauchi hauchi unakucha. Wake umekucha che! Na kumwangazia waa! Kwa nuru ya uhuru.

Kumbukumbu za Mwapuza zilimregesha katika siku zake za kisogoni, akakumbuka akiwa danga la mwana katika shule ya msingi ya Hekima. Wavyele wake walalahai walijikaza masombo mwana wao akapata hiki na kile, almradi aweze kujitegemea na kuwa taa ya jamaa na jamii iwapo yatakuwa majaliwa. Siku zote Mwapuza akawa akiahidi kuinamia cha mvunguni na kuibuka na mzo wa maarifa.

Mnamo mwaka wake wa saba katika shule ya msingi, Mwapuza alipatana na wasena watundu akanolewa akapata. Kufumba na kufumbua akajipata ameabiri dau la mihadarati. Kila uchao, wavyele wake walisikika wakilaani kuwa fulusi zao zilitoweka kimiujiza. Ambalo hawakujua ni kuwa njenje zao zilitumika kugharimia starche za mwana wao. Baadhi ya vitu vya thamani chengoni aidha vilianza kuota mbawa ́ kiajabuajabu.`

Baada ya kushauriana, wavycle walikata shauri la kutohifadhi ghawazi nyumbani. Waliafikiana kwa kauli moja kuwa benkini ndiko mikono mirefu isikofika kwa urahisi. Mwapuza alipohojiwa alikula mori na kuanza kuwafokea wazee wake. "Hivi mmenikosea thamani kiasi cha kuanza kuniita pwagu?" Akauliza kwa ukali. Hapo alilia hadi kifua chake kikalowa na kabisa kwa machozi. "Tazameni mlivyonitelekeza," akaendelea. "Hata masrufu hamnipi tena. Mbona mlinizaa kuja kunitesa," alisaili kwa uchungu.

Mama mtu alipojaribu kumtuliza mwanawe, alifunguliwa mfereji wa matusi akapigwa na mughma. Hakuamini masikio yake. "Huyu ni yule mwanangu niliyemzaa, nikamwamisha na kumchuchia alipolia hadi akatulia? Leo hii anathubutu kunivunjia heshima kiasi hiki? Ama kweli, ivushayo ni mbovu." Machozi yalimdondoka njia mbilimbili; machozi ya uchungu wa mwana ambao aujuaye ni mzazi.

Jioni iyo hiyo, Mwapuza aliwasimulia wasena wake masaibu yote yaliyomsibu. Wakamsikitikia sana. Papo hapo, walikula nyama ya kuguria mjini. Walipowasili huko, walitumia fulusi kichele walizokuwa nazo kununulia mihadarati na kushiriki anasa. * Walilosahau ni kuwa chovyachovya humaliza buyu la asali.

Pesa zilipotindika, waliamua kuingilia uhalifu ili kukidhi mahitaji yao. Awali, walivamia gereji moja na kuiba vipuri vya magari. Baadaye waliviuza kwa bei ya kutupa na kuendesha maisha yao. Ujanja wao uliishia jangwani usiku mmoja waliponaswa na polisi walioshika doria. Hawakuweza kueleza vizuri walikotoka usiku huo wala walikopata vipuri vya magari. Basi walinda usalama wakajijazia. Visa vya wizi wa vipuri vilikuwa vimeshamiri mjini humo.

Hatimaye Mwapuza na wenzake walifunguliwa mashtaka na kuhukumiwa. Mwapuza mwenyewe hakuona haja ya kukata rufaa. Ushahidi dhidi yake haukuwa na ati-ati. Wenzake walishindwa kuvumilia mateso gerezani wakasalimu amri. Mmoja wao aliugua na kutangulia mbele ya haki. Mwenzake naye alishiriki mapigano akaangamizwa na mfungwa mwenzake. Kwa Mwapuza, ilikuwa heri nusu ya shari kuliko shari kamili.

Wakati huu, Mwapuza aliona jambo moja tu. Alitaka kuwaona wavyele wake awaangukic miguuni na kulia kama mtoto mdogo. Alitamani afike kama yule mwana mpotevu na kuomba radhi kwao. Tayari machozi ya majonzi yalikuwa yakimdondoka ndo ndo ndo!

  1. Chagua jibu sahihi kwa mujibu wa aya ya kwanza.
    1. Aghalabu lango lilifunguliwa baada ya saa mbili.
    2. Haikuwa kawaida kwa Mwapuza kuwa huru nje ya lango. 
    3. Mwapuza alizoca kuenda kudumisha usafi mjini.
    4. Tofauti na awali, Mwapuza alijifungulia lango mwenyewe.
  2. Kulingana na makala, ni kweli kusema kuwa wazazi wa Mwapuza
    1. walichelea mwana kulia wakalia wao.
    2. walikuwa na uhitaji mkubwa wa kifedha.
    3. walikuwa watu wenye nafasi na hali katika jamii.
    4. walikuwa watu wa kima cha kati.
  3. Jambo linalodhihirisha kuwa wavyele wa Mwapuza ni wenye busara ni kwamba:
    1. wameamua kumwekea mwana wao msingi ufaao.
    2. walijinyima kila kitu wakampa mwanao mahitaji yote.
    3. hawataki kugombana na mwanao licha ya kupotoka.
    4. wanatarajia mwana wao awafae atakapohitimu masomo.
  4. Msemo, 'akanolewa akapata' kama ulivyotumika una maana ya
    1. akashauriwa na kukaidi. 
    2. akacrevushwa na kuerevuka.
    3. akarubuniwa na kupotoka.
    4. akahimizwa na kuzingatia.
  5. Chagua madhara ya mihadarati yaliyojitokeza katika kisa hiki.
    1. Madhara ya kiafya na kuingilia uhalifu.
    2. Kuwa mwizi na kutiwa nguvuni.
    3. Kupotosha maadili na kuingilia uhalifu.
    4. Kujiunga na marafiki na kuwaibia wazazi.
  6. Mwapuza alishiriki haya yote ila
    1. kujibizana na mamaye.
    2. kuyaasi masomo yake.
    3. kutoroka nyumbani.
    4. kumpiga mamaye.
  7. Kilichochangia kutiwa mbaroni kwa Mwapuza na wenzake hasa ni kuwa
    1. wizi wa vipuri ulikuwa umekithiri mjini.
    2. walipatikana na bidhaa zilizokuwa zikitafutwa.
    3. ilikuwa haramu kutembea na vipuri usiku.
    4. walionyesha mienendo ya kutiliwa shaka.
  8. Kwa nini Mwapuza hakukata rufaa?
    1. Hakuona uwezekano wa kushinda kesi.
    2. Alikuwa amekata tamaa kabisa maishani.
    3. Hakuwa na pesa za kuwasilisha rufaa.
    4. Hakuwa na maarifa kuhusu kesi yake.
  9. Kichwa kifaacho zaidi kwa makala haya ni
    1. Mui huwa mwema
    2. Majuto ni mjukuu.
    3. Siku za mwizi ni arubaini.
    4. Ivushayo ni mbovu.
  10. Masrufu kulingana na muktadha ni;
    1. pesa za kufidia masomo shuleni.
    2. fedha za matumizi ya kila siku.
    3. malipo ya kununulia vitu vya masomo.
    4. pesa za kununulia mihadarati.

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia nambari 41 mpaka 50

Ugatuzi ni mfumo wa kiutawala ambapo baadhi ya mamlaka huhawilishwa kutoka kwa serikali kuu hadi kwenye maeneo mengine kama magatuzi au majimbo. Nchini. Kenya, mfumo huu ulianza kutekelezwa wakati katiba ya mwaka wa elfu mbili na kumi ilipoanza kutekelezwa. Tangu kuanzishwa kwake, mfumo huu umekuwa na manufaa tele. Hata hivyo, kuna changamoto ambazo zimeukumba. La kutia moyo ni kuwa manufaa yake yamezipiku.

Kwanza, ugatuzi umchakikisha kuwa kuna ugavi sawa wa rasilimali za umma. Ilali. hii imetokana na ukweli kuwa kila jimbo hutengewa kiasi fulani cha fulusi za maendeleo. Hii ni kinyume na ilivyokuwa hapo awali, ambapo baadhi ya maeneo yaliendelea kunawiri kimaendeleo huku wengine yakidorora. Tumeshuhudia miradi ya miundombinu ikiendelezwa katika sehemu mbalimbali za magatuzi zilizokuwa zimetengwa kimaendeleo.

Pia, ugatuzi umeleta ushindani chanya baina ya majimbo; hivyo kuharakisha maendeleo. Jambo hili limetokana na hofu ya baadhi ya magavana kushindwa kimaendeleo. na wenzao. Wengi wao humotishika kutekeleza miradi mbalimbali ili kutimiza ahadi kwa raia waliowachagua ili waweze kuchaguliwa tena. Viwanda mbalimbali kama vile vya maziwa, vya majani chai na hata vya maembe vimeanzishwa katika baadhi ya kaunti. Hii imeimarisha uchumi wa majimbo haya.

Isitoshe, nafasi za kazi zimeweza kubuniwa kutokana na mfumo wa ugatuzi. Si jambo la mjadala kusema kuwa kuna watu wengi walioajiriwa kufanya kazi katika afisi mbalimbali za kaunti na hata viwandani. Wengi wameweza kuyakidhi mahitaji ya kila siku huku maisha yao yakiboreka. Kutokana na hali hii, kiwango cha uhalifu kimepungua Baadhi ya vijana waliokuwa wametamauka hapo awali wamepata matumaini maishani baada ya kupata kazi katika serikali hizi.

Vilevile, huduma za serikali kwa wananchi zimeletwa karibu nao. Ukweli ni kuwa hapo awali, baadhi ya wananchi walihitajika kusafiri mbali kama vile hadi Nairobi kw lengo la kuhudumiwa. Wengi walikuwa wakichelewa, hivyo kuyafanya mambo yao kuenda mvange baada ya kukosa huduma walizohitaji. Hivi leo mambo ni tofauti madhali huduma nyingi wanazohitaji zinapatikana majimboni. Hili linasababisha uokoaji wa muda ambapo huweza kutumia muda wao kutekeleza kazi za kimaendeleo.

Zaidi ya hayo, climu imeboreshwa pale ambapo baadhi ya ujenzi wa shule umefadhiliwa na serikali za kaunti. Watoto wengi wameweza kujiunga na shule na kupat elimu. Nafasi za ajira kwa walimu wanaopata kazi katika shule mpya zinazoanzishwit wamenufaika pakubwa. Hapo awali, watoto katika maeneo yaliyokosa shule waliscleic kwenye mwina wa urumo bila matumaini ya nyota yao kung'aa maishani.

Kwa kuwa hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu, serikali za kaunti zimekumbwa n changamoto mbalimbali. Ukabila ni tatizo mojawapo ambalo limezivamia serikali hizi.. Baadhi ya magavana wamekuwa wakiwaajiri watu kutoka kaunti zao pekee. Wengine wamekuwa wakipendekeza asilimia kubwa ya nafasi za kazi zipewe watu kutoka majimbo yao. Hali hii inahatarisha utangamano nchini. Kutokana na serikali za magatuzi, ufisadi umeshamiri. Pamekuwa na visa vingi vinavyoripotiwa ambapo baadhi ya watumishi wa kaunti wamekuwa wakibadhiri mali ya umma, Hali hii imedumaza maendeleo katika majimbo kama haya.

Licha ya serikali za ugatuzi kukumbwa na changamoto, ni ukweli kuwa zina manufaa tele. Kwa kuwa umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu, viongozi wa majimbo pamoja na wananchi wanafaa kushirikiana kupambana na changamoto hizi. Hili likitekelezwa, serikali hizi zitaendelea kuwafaa wananchi. Majimbo husika yatapiga hatua kubwa za kimaendeleo na kuboresha maisha ya wananchi.

  1. Ni nini maana ya ugatuzi kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Kuhawilisha mamlaka kutoka scrikali moja hadi nyingine.
    2. Kuhamisha baadhi ya mamlaka kutoka serikali kuu hadi serikali za majimbo.
    3. Kuhawilisha majukumu ya serikali za ugatuzi hadi kwenye serikali kuu. 
    4. Kuhamisha baadhi ya majukumu ya serikali za magatuzi au majimbo. 
  2. Kenya ilianza kutekeleza mfumo wa ugatuzi lini?
    1. Mwaka wa elfu mbili na mbili.
    2. Kabla ya mwaka wa elfu mbili na mbili.
    3. Wakati katiba mpya ya Kenya ilipokuwa ikipitishwa.
    4. Katika mwaka wa elfu mbili na mbili ilipoanza kutekelezwa.
  3. Si kweli kusema kuwa, mfumo wa ugatuzi una
    1. manufaa pekee.
    2. faida na madhara.
    3. manufaa tele.
    4. changamoto zake.
  4. Kulingana na aya ya pili,
    1. mfumo wa ugatuzi umeimarisha usawa wa kimaeneo.
    2. ugatuzi umesaidia baadhi ya maeneo kuendelea kuliko mengine.
    3. awali, miundombinu ilikuwa imepuuzwa na serikali.
    4. hakuna eneo lililoendelea kuliko jingine chini ya mfumo wa ugatuzi.
  5. Maoni ya mwandishi ni kuwa;
    1. ushindani ni adui wa maendeleo.
    2. bila ushindani maeneo hayawezi kujiendeleza
    3. ushindani ukitumiwa vizuri unaweza kuharakisha ustawi.
    4. ushindani nzuri unaweza kuathiri maendeleo kwa njia hasi.
  6. Uchumi wa majimbo utaimarishwa zaidi na;
    1. kuzinduliwa njia mpya za uzalishaji.
    2. migao inayotolewa mara kwa mara.
    3. mikopo kutoka mataifa ya kigeni. 
    4. juhudi za viongozi za kutaka wachaguliwe tena.
  7. Kifungu kimedokeza kuwa uhalifu huchangiwa na;
    1. kupuuzwa kwa maeneo mengi na serikali.
    2. kukosa namna ya kujikimu kimaisha.
    3. ukosefu wa utawala madhubuti katika taifa.
    4. kutokuwepo kwa viwanda katika . maeneo.
  8. Huduma zikiletwa karibu na wananchi,
    1. watakuwa na muda wa kupumzika kwani hawaendi popote.
    2. watahudumiwa kwa wingi na wahudumu wachache.
    3. watapata huduma zenyewe bila gharama yoyote.
    4. watapata muda zaidi wa kufanya shughuli za ujenzi wa taifa.
  9. Ni kweli kuwa hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu maadamu ugatuzi,
    1. umeimarisha miundomsingi shuleni, umeongeza maendeleo mashinani.
    2. umeleta tatizo la ukabila, umesababisha ubadhirifu wa mali ya umma.
    3. umerahisisha utoaji huduma, unavuruga umoja wa kitaifa. 
    4. umeongeza nafasi za kazi, umesababisha kubaguliwa kwa wenyeji wa magatuzi.
  10. Kulingana na aya ya mwisho;
    1. changamoto za ugatuzi ni manufaa kwa wananchi.
    2. kufanikiwa kwa ugatuzi .kunategemea ushirikiano wa watawala na watawaliwa.
    3. ufisadi umedumaza maendeleo katika baadhi ya maeneo.
    4. si vizuri kutoa nafasi za kazi kwa watu wa maeneo mengine.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. Endeleza insha ifuatayo kwa * maneno yako mwenyewe huku ukiifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi.

Tulikuwa tumeisubiri ziara hiyo kwa hamu na ghamu. Asubuhi ilipofika.....................


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  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B

Read the following passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 - 15. For each blank space, choose the best answer from the choices given.

There are many kinds of snakes __1__ this planet. However, not all of them are poisonous. The most common snakes __2__ sometimes be found in our gardens. __3__ harmless grass snakes vary in length from one foot to three feet. They rarely bite people and are ___4__, shy creatures. Grass snakes eat insects and small animals like frogs and chicks. They are good, __5__ the garden as they keep away pests like rats. The most poisonous __6__ of snakes are the python and viper. __7__ these snakes are seldom found in gardens. Instead, they __8__ in forests or in dense vegetation such as swampy area. They do not actively __9__ out victims, but will defend themselves __10__ potential enemies and intruders. __11__ the snake senses someone coming, it would rather glide noiselessly away __12__ confront the person. Contrary to popular belief, snakes do not __13__ with their tongue. They bite with two fangs which point backwards. The snake's tongue, which __14__
flicks in and out, is actually its 'fingers'. Its tongue __15__ nerve endings helps the snake feel the food before eating it.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   in  under   on   at 
 2.  shall   would   should   can 
 3.  Some   These   Those   This 
 4.  in fact  now   perhaps   surely 
 5.  at  in   for   on 
 6.  kind  variety   types   category 
 7.  Fortunately   Moreover   But   Indeed 
 8.  exist  reside  dwell  live
 9.  pursue  reach  seek  look
 10.   with  around  against  upon
 11.  If  While  Whether   Since
 12.  or  than  instead  to
 13.  scare  kill  hunt  sting
 14.  continnously   continuosly   continuously   continously 
 15.  comprises of   consists of  consists  comprise


For questions 16 to 18, complete the sentence with best alternative from the choices given. 

  1. Dorothy is the most _________________________ girl in her class.
    1. diligent
    2. clever
    3. fastest
    4. keen
  2. It was not until the match began _____________________________  we realised the opponents had an extra player.
    1. when
    2. than
    3. that
    4. then
  3. Neither of the children _____________________________ been allowed to sit at that desk.
    1. was
    2. has
    3. have
    4. were

For questions 19 and 20, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined words. 

  1. I hope to call on my deskmate this weekend.
    1. check
    2. view
    3. see
    4. visit
  2. It is hard to explain why they turned down the offer.
    1. refused
    2. denied
    3. rejected
    4. returned

In questions 21 to 23, choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

  1. The tycoon has _____________________________ the foundation of a new mansion.
    1. lied
    2. lay
    3. lain
    4. laid
  2. Molly appeared familiar ____________________________ the places we visited.
    1. for
    2.  with
    3. to
    4. on
  3. The pirates failed terribly when they tried to attack a _________________________________ of sailors.
    1. crew
    2. troupe
    3. troop
    4. pannel

For questions 24 and 25, choose the word that least fits in the group.

    1. diligent
    2. hardworking
    3. industrious
    4. cautious
    1. insolent
    2. rude
    3. impolite
    4. courteous

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38.

Hen made a discovery that broke her heart. She wondered who was behind the malice. One of her eggs was missing. She made up her mind to inform Rooster who was hunting for food elsewhere. Hen fled her nest to find Rooster not knowing that she was about to lose more eggs. Just out of view of the nest, the thief patiently waited for Hen to leave her eggs again. Black Snake crept slowly and quietly up to the nest. He eyed the eggs and quickly swallowed one. Black Snake smiled to himself. His plan had been so simple and had worked so well. He swallowed another egg. It slid far down his long throat before his muscles crushed the fragile shell. "I'll be back later for another delicious egg, Hen," hissed Black Snake as he slithered away. "Thank you for another fine meal.”

Meanwhile, the frantic Hen led Rooster back to her nest. "Why would someone take one of my eggs?" she clucked. Rooster was equally at sixes and sevens at what had happened. He asked whether Hen had counted the eggs well. From the expression on Hen's face, Rooster knew he shouldn't have asked that question. She glared at him and said, "You know I can count. See for yourself. How many eggs are in my nest?"

"One, two, three," Hen began counting as Rooster watched curiously. She frowned and stopped counting out aloud. She was red with fury. Just the few minutes she had been away, another egg had been stolen. Rooster was equally infuriated. He was convinced there was a thief in their neighbourhood. Sadly, he had no idea how to discover who it was.

The next few days were just terrible for Hen. She worried constantly about her remaining eggs. She tried to stay with her eggs at all times but it was not possible to always be with them. Sometimes she had to leave to get food or take care of her other chicks. No matter why and when she left, the same thing always happened. One or two eggs disappeared each time. "Someone is watching me very closely," cried the Hen. "He knows exactly where I am at each moment of the day. I am only left with three eggs."

"Although I cannot prove anything," comforted Rooster, "I think it must be Black Snake who is stealing your eggs. He's patient enough to watch you a long time, and we all know how he loves to eat eggs." Just the thought of Black Snake eating her eggs made Hen shudder. She had heard stories of how he swallowed eggs and then crushed them further down his long slender neck. She knew Rooster was probably correct.

"I must hurry back to my nest," declared Hen, realising how long she had talked to Rooster. She rushed to her eggs, but it was too late. Two more eggs had vanished. "Rooster!" she cried. "Come help me. I only have one egg left." Rooster and Hen were fed up with the Black Snake's mischief. They decided to teach him a lesson he would never live to remember. They came up with a plan that they thought would serve the purpose. The next morning, Hen continued guarding her last egg as if everything were normal. From a distance, Black Snake watched patiently not knowing that all would go haywire for him in a short while. In line with the plan, Hen left her nest as she always did. Just then, Black Snake slithered out of hiding. In no time at all, he swallowed what he believed was final egg. It slid down his throat easily. But, when his muscles squeezed the egg, it did not break. It only became firmly lodged in his throat, cutting off his air supply. Black Snake twisted and turned trying to crush the ‘egg' or loosen it so he could breathe. It was at that point that he realised that he had been tricked into swallowing a stone. By the time Hen returned with Rooster, the struggle was over. Black Snake would steal no more eggs. He was dead.

  1. The first time Hen discovered that her egg was missing, she
    1. did not take it seriously.
    2. despaired.
    3. was greatly saddened.
    4. wished to lay a trap.
  2. Why did Hen decide to look for Rooster?
    1. To find out where he was.
    2. She knew Rooster had an idea who the thief was.
    3. She had nothing else.
    4. To break the news to him.
  3. As the Black Snake said 'Thank you for another fine meal',
    1. was genuinely grateful.
    2. was mocking Hen.
    3. was certain to remain undiscovered.
    4. knew how worried Hen was.
  4. How did Rooster react when Hen mentioned the lost egg to him? He
    1. dismissed her.
    2. became furious.
    3. got suspicious.
    4. was confused.
  5. Why was Hen enraged according to the passage?
    1. She had lost another egg.
    2.  She did know the thief.
    3. She realised that the thief was in her neighbourhood.
    4. She did not know what to do.
  6. It was not possible for Hen to keep her eggs secure mainly because
    1. she had no idea who the thief was.
    2. there were enemies in her neighbourhood.
    3. she had to leave her nest from time to time.
    4. the thief was very dangerous.
  7. Black Snake found it easy to steal Hen's eggs because
    1. no one knew he was a thief.
    2. he watched Hen's movements closely.
    3. he found the eggs delicious.
    4. Hen was hardly ever in her nest.
  8. According to the information in the passage, it is true to say that Hen
    1. knew nothing about Black Snake.
    2. doubted that Black Snake was the thief.
    3.  felt secure in her nest.
    4. knew that Black Snake liked eggs.
  9. The word vanished as used in the passage means the same as
    1. disappeared
    2. lessened
    3. materialised
    4. diminished
  10. The trick that Rooster came up with
    1. was meant to teach the Black Snake a lesson.
    2. left Black Snake in a lot of pain.
    3. was fatal to Black Snake.
    4. had been suggested by Hen.
  11. Why did Hen leave her nest according to the last paragraph?
    1. To get food.
    2. To check on her chicks.
    3. To find Rooster.
    4. To lure Black Snake into her nest.
  12. Why did Black Snake die?
    1. He had been tricked.
    2. He suffocated.
    3. He had swallowed a hard object.
    4. He was greedy.
  13. What is the best title for the above passage?
    1. The frustrated Hen.
    2. Black Snake learns a lesson.
    3. Hen and her eggs.
    4. The Cruel Black Snake.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

Manduli was in his mid twenties. Out of sheer adventure, he found himself smoking. In those days, starting to smoke was considered a fashionable thing to do by adults. Consequently, many a young person got attracted to it. Smoking was like a rite of passage, when one moved on from being a boy to being a man, an adult. Friendship in those days insisted on being able to do similar things together. So, if one had the bad luck of being among smokers, picking up the habit was the most natural thing to do. During those days, tobacco companies were deliberately quiet on the details of the hazards that came with smoking.

However, something unusual happened that caused serious concerns among smokers and the non-smokers alike. The 'star' of a cigarette advertisement, one that had a lovely slogan about smoking being a truly glamorous and manly thing to do, died of lung cancer. This sent shivers among a significant section of the smokers. Of course the deceased was a model smoker. The courage with which he would take puffs in the advertisement proved his passion for the habit. To rub salt in the wound, stories of other people who died of respiratory ailments after years of smoking became common news. Even non-smoking tobacco company employees developed lung cancer and other complications. Scientists were prompted to carry out research and the revelations were shocking. Tobacco companies had genetically modified tobacco plants to create faster addiction to nicotine among new smokers.

By the time this came into the public domain, Manduli had been smoking for more than ten years. The addiction was so entrenched that he never mentally accepted that he even had it.

However, he began to get seriously worried when his best friend's wife died of lung cancer despite never having smoked a cigarette all her life. It was later discovered that the fatal disease had resulted from the effects of secondary smoking. Her husband was a chain smoker. He smoked everywhere in the house. He had no idea that he was not only damaging his life but he was also killing his wife gradually. In addition, another friend of Manduli's who was a heavy smoker succumbed to cancer. The same year, another friend of his, who was a regular smoker had a heart attack. Since the man did not have close relatives in the same town, Manduli became his constant companion. He drove him to hospital regularly though the patient did not survive. His demise marked the turning point in Manduli's life. He decided to totally remove cigarettes from life. He got rid of all the ash-trays in his house and the office.

The first week was terrible for Manduli, His moods fluctuated from one extreme to the other. That not withstanding, he still remained focused on his goal. Every time that he very badly needed a cigarette, he would hold a cigarette in his hand and stare at in closely. He would build up the hatred that he had for it, for having taken over his life so viciously. He would then crush it in between his fingers, grind in up in his palm and throw it into the rubbish bin. In the long run, Manduli overcame this addictive vice.

  1. Why did Manduli start smoking?
    1. He was influenced by his peers.
    2. He probably found it exciting.
    3. He needed something to keep him busy.
    4. He had always wanted to do it.
  2. Which statement is true according to the first paragraph?
    1. Tobacco companies do not release useful information to the public.
    2.  Friendship used to be founded on smoking.
    3. Perhaps many people did not know the problems associated with smoking.
    4. Many people still consider smoking a rite of passage.
  3. It is true to say that the 'star' of a cigarette advertisement
    1. became ill for several years.
    2. was a non-smoker
    3. knew the dangers of smoking.
    4. demonstrated to viewers how to smoke.
  4. When the 'star' of a cigarette advertisement died,
    1. the number of smokers declined by half.
    2. people realised smoking was harmful.
    3. not many people associated his death with smoking.
    4. some smokers stopped the habit instantly.
  5. What is the meaning of the phrase "To rub salt in the wound"? To
    1. worsen a situation.
    2. cause a lot of deaths.
    3. cause worry among people.
    4. make things appear strange.
  6. Why did tobacco companies modify tobacco plants? To
    1. make cigarettes more attractive.
    2. make cigarettes less dangerous.
    3. beat their competitors in the market.
    4. enrich themselves.
  7. The word fatal as used in the passage can best be replaced by
    1. dangerous
    2. deadly
    3. disastrous
    4. serious
  8. Manduli's friend's wife died because
    1. she was a smoker.
    2. her husband was down with cancer.
    3. she had inhaled cigarette smoke for long.
    4. her husband had neglected her.
  9. It is untrue to say that Manduli's friend who had a heart attack
    1. passed on eventually.
    2. had no relatives.
    3. needed regular medication.
    4. was a smoker.
  10.  The fact that Manduli removed ash trays from his house and office shows that he
    1. sympathised with his friends.
    2. had never liked smoking.
    3. wanted to become a better person.
    4. was keen on giving up smoking.
  11. When Manduli first stopped smoking, he
    1.  lived comfortably.
    2. experienced some challenges.
    3. got professional help.
    4. failed terribly.
  12. The word vice as used in the passage can be classified as
    1. a noun
    2. an adjective
    3. a conjunction
    4.  a verb


You have 40 minutes to write your composition

Below is a beginning of a story, complete it making it as interesting as possible.

I could not sleep that night. I kept thinking about the event I would attend the following day.........................................


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C
  36. D
  37. B
  38. D
  39. B
  40. C
  41. D
  42. B
  43. A
  44. D
  45. B
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A
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