Monday, 17 October 2022 11:36

Creative Arts, Social Studies and Religious Education Questions and Answers - CBC Grade 6 KPSEA End Term 3 Exam 2022 Set 1

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Art & Craft.

  1. Which one of the following is the medium that can be used for paper craft?
    1. Glass.
    2.  Wood.
    3. Cards.
    4. Clay.
  2. Maua wanted to make a paper flower. She could use all the following techniques except The method used above is called 
    1. cutting technique.
    2. pleating technique.
    3. twisting technique.
    4. slabbing technique.
  3. The following are steps followed when designing a stencil printing motif but not in their correct order:
    1. Displaying your motif. 
    2. Choose a subject matter.
    3. Transfer your design on a hard stencil paper.
    4. Keep the motif for the next lesson. 
    5. Draw the design that you want
    6. Place the stencil paper on a firm surface  then cut out the design\
      Which of the following shows the correct order of the steps from the first to the last?
      1. ii, v, iii, vi, i, iv 
      2. ii, v, vi, üi, i, iv 
      3. ii, vi, iii, v, i, iv 
      4. ii, iii, vi, v, i, iv
  4. Mwamburi made a sculpture like the one shown below,
    Which of the following methods did he use?
    1. Welding. 
    2. Carving.
    3. Folding.
    4. Twisting.
  5. Slab technique is commonly applied in 
    1. pottery.
    2. drawing.
    3. printing.
    4. pasting.
  6. One of the following items can be made using coil and stitch method. Which one?
  7. Maina collected picture cut outs from different sources and stuck them together to make one composition as shown below.
    The method used above is called
    1. montage. 
    2. tic and dye.
    3. collage. .
    4. assemblage.
  8. In which of the following forms has cross hatching technique been used?
  9. Tie and dye is a technique that can be used
    1. wood materials.
    2. finished clay products.
    3. fabric. 
    4. paper work.
  10. Select a list consisting of secondary colours only.
    1. Yellow, blue, red.
    2. Blue, green, yellow. 
    3. Orange, violet, green
    4. Red, orange, blue.


  1. As Ezekiel was passing near a local church, he heard the congregation singing a song in praise of God. The type of song Ezekiel heard is a
    1. topical song.
    2. sacred song.
    3. patriotic song.
    4. lullaby.
  2. When two people perform a two part song at  different voice parts, we say they are singing
    1. solo.
    2. choral.
    3. trio.
    4. duet.
  3. Which one of the following is not a socio- economic importance of songs? 
    1. Shaping the morals of community members. 
    2. Entertainment.
    3. Used in rallies to praise political leaders.
    4. Helping in promoting peace.
  4. Which of the following musical notes is correctly matched with its rest?
  5. Which of the following statements is true?
    1. dotted minim has two crotchets.
    2. minim has the French rhythm name Taa- aa
    3. dot after the minim is equal to a semibreve.
    4. quaver has a French rhythm name Taa.
  6. Which one of the following is not an economic importance of folk dances?
    1. Make the country carn foreign exchange.
    2. Source of employment to the dancers.
    3. Source of income to the individuals.
    4. Help people to learn their cultures.
  7. Which of the following pairs shows ways of playing string instruments?
    1. Blowing and plucking.
    2. Plucking and bowing.
    3. Bowing and pressing
    4. Hitting and bowing.
  8. When playing note C on the descant recorder, the
    1. 7 hole is left open.
    2. 6 hóle is left open.
    3. back hole is covered using the left thumb. 
    4. back hole is covered using the right index  finger.
  9. The musical instrument below is called adeudeu.
    Which of the following communities plays the instrument above?
    1. Abakuria.
    2. Mbeere,
    3. Kipsigis.
    4. Iteso.
  10. Which of the following parts of a fiddle is correctly matched with its function?
    1. String - used to make the sound louder.
    2. Neck- covers the resonator.
    3. Bridge - for loosening or tightening the string. 
    4. Bow - for playing the fiddle.

Social Studies

  1. Which element of a map shows the relationship between the dista, man and the one on the real ground?
    1. Scale.
    2. Title.
    3. Key.
    4. Frame
  2. . All the following are contributions of large scale farming to the economy of Eastern Africa. Which one is not?
    1. It has led to the improvement of infrastructure.
    2. Large scale farming creates job opportunities.
    3. Community members are able to learn different cultures.
    4. Products from large scale farming are used as raw materials.
  3. One of the challenges facing beef farming in Eastern Africa is lack of water due to prolonged drought. Which of the following is the solution to this challenge? 
    1. Providing veterinary services,
    2. Improving the quality of livestock through cross breeding.
    3. Drilling boreholes and digging wells.
    4. Reducing the number of stock.
  4. Use the diagram below to answer the  following question,
    The fishing method shown above is called
    1. net drifting.
    2. purse seining.
    3. trawling. 
    4. long lining.
  5. Which one of the following is true about Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government?
    1. Buganda was ruled by hereditary kings while Nyamwezi was ruled by hereditary chiefs.
    2. Leadership was hereditary in the Buganda kingdom only.
    3. Nyamwezi was a kingdom while  Buganda was a chiefdom.
    4. The Buganda kingdom was ruled by chiefs called Ntemi.
  6. Which one of the following is not an objective of the East African Community?
    1. Forming a common currency for member states.
    2. Establishing a common market.
    3. Removing trade barriers like tariffs.
    4. Promoting peace among member states.
  7. Which one of the following is a social right? Right to
    1. trade.
    2. vote.
    3. work. 
    4. food.
  8. The illustration below shows the formation of a certain physical feature.
    The physical feature shown above is an example of
    1. corrie lakes.
    2. lava-dammed lakes.
    3. crater lakes.
    4. depression lakes.
  9. Which of the following lists consists of bantus found in Kenya only?
    1. Basoga, Wapare, Aembu.
    2. Taita, Mijikenda, Pokomo. 
    3. Banyankole, Bagisu, Batoro
    4. Zaramo, Sukuma, Hehe.
  10. Below are facts about a vegetation zone:
    1. Cacti plants are common.
    2. Scattered tufts of grass.
    3. Short scrubs 
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. papyrus swamp vegetation
      2. mangrove forest.
      3. Savannah grassland vegetation
      4. Semi-desert vegetation.
  11. Which of the following road signs is likely to be found where more than two roads meet?
    Use the map of Eastern Africa below 10 answer questions 32 and 35.
  12. The lake marked V is called lake
    1. Turkana
    2. Kyoga.
    3. Kanyaboli.
    4. Albert.
  13. The National park marked S is called
    1. Sibiloi
    2. Serengeti
    3. Maasai Mara
    4. Tsavo.
  14. The community that used the route marked Z during the migration period was the
    1. Nyamwezi 
    2. Taita
    3. Maasai
    4. Ngoni
  15. The country marked B is likely to be
    1. Ethiopia. 
    2. Eritrea
    3. Somali.
    4. South Sudan

Christian Religious Education

  1. When Jesus called His first disciples, they  were
    1. looking after a flock. 
    2. fishing in a river.
    3. burning incense in church
    4. worshipping in church.
  2. The devil tempted Jesus Christ as He was
    1. being baptized in river Jordan 
    2. being hidden from Herod.
    3. driving away demons.
    4. fasting in the wilderness.
  3. The Roman officer's servant was healed because of great.
    1. faith.
    2. obedience.
    3. patience. 
    4. strength.
  4. What do Christians learn from Jesus' miracle  of healing the bleeding woman?
    1. Tolerance.
    2. Faith.
    3. Courage.
    4. Patience.
  5. Jesus' power over death was revealed when Не.
    1. calmed the storm.
    2. chased traders from the temple.
    3. raised Lazarus from death
    4. changed water into wine.
  6. How best can the church take good care of the sick in the society?
    1. Inviting them for church prayers.
    2. Offering free baptismal services.
    3. Sending the clergy to lay hands on them.
    4. Building accessible health facilities.
  7. The parable of the hidden treasure teaches Christians about
    1. the kingdom of God.
    2. wise use of wealth.
    3. persistence in prayer.
    4. belief in God."
  8. Who among the following Bible personalities wrestled with God? 
    1. James.
    2. Jacob.
    3. Devil.
    4. Samson.
  9. Which of the following miracles was performed by Elisha?
    1. Healing Simon Peter's mother-in-law.
    2. Changing a stick to a snake.
    3. Floating an axe head.
    4. Raising the rich woman's son.
  10. Which of the following pairs of books was written By Paul?
    1. Isaiah and kings.
    2. Deuteronomy and Chronicles.
    3. Ecclesiastes and Psalm.
    4. Thessalonians and Psalm.
  11. James and John were sons of
    1. Zachacus.
    2. Alphaeus.
    3. Zebedee
    4. Elikanah.
  12. This is my dear son with whom I am  pleased (Matthew 17.5). These words were  said when Jesus was being
    1. baptized.
    2. transfigured. 
    3. rejected.
    4. crucified.
  13. Prophet Elijah had a contest with false prophets of Baal on mount
    1. Olive.
    2. Carmel
    3. Ararat.
    4. Pisgah
  14. When Jesus was arrested, He was first taken . to 
    1. Pontius Pilate.
    2. King Herod. 
    3. the king of Jews. 
    4. His parents.
  15. Who agreed to bury the body of Jesus  Christ? 
    1. Simon of Cyrene.
    2. Peter
    3. John
    4. Joseph of Arimathea

Islamic Religious Education.

  1. Which one of the following does not refer  to Allah's Mercy?
    1. Ghafur
    2. Rahim
    3. Aliim
    4. Rahman
  2. A Muslim who practises tawakkul is a 
    1. tawakkil. 
    2. mutawakkil.
    3. tawakkal. 
    4. mutawakkad.
  3. Which one of the following is the third  pillar of Islam? 
    1. Shahada.
    2. Swalah
    3. Zakat
    4. Inshirah
  4. During Isra Wal Miraj, prophet Muhammad (SAW) came across many
    1. prophets.
    2. swahabas.
    3. angels.
    4. kings.
  5. Allah's angels were made from
    1. air. 
    2. clay. 
    3. fire.
    4. nuur.
  6. The first surah of the Qur'an revealed to  prophet Muhammad (p.b.uh) tells Muslims  that man was created from
    1. clay.
    2. water.
    3. a rib.
    4. blood.
  7. Which one of the following is not a thick najis?
    1. Urine.
    2. Sweat.
    3. Vomit.
    4. Pus. 
  8. The angels who question the dead in their graves are
    1. Munkar and Nakir.
    2. Raqib and Atid.
    3. Ridhwan and Malik.
    4. Jibril and Mikail.
  9. In most cases, tawbah directed to Allah leads
    1. faith.
    2. bitterness.
    3. anger.
    4. forgiveness.
  10. Which one of the following is not a quality of a mutaqeen?
    1. Truthful and honest.
    2. Proud and forgiving.
    3. Kind and generous. 
    4. Just and forgiving.
  11. Surah Al-Ikhlas was revealed in  
    1. Yathrib.
    2. Saudia.
    3. Madinna.
    4. Makka
  12. In the hadith on responsibility, we are told take advantage of
    1. old age before youthful age.
    2. wealth before poverty.
    3. busy time before free time.
    4. sickness before health.
  13. Due to his obedience and faithfulness to Allah, nabii Ibrahim was given all the following titles except?
    1. Laaziz
    2. Hanif 
    3. Nabia
    4. Siddiq
  14. One of prophet Muhammad's uncles is cursed in surah.
    1. Fatiha
    2. Kawthar
    3. Maun
    4. Masad 
  15. Planting of trees is a way of
    1. swalahi
    2. swadaqah.
    3. communicating with Allah.
    4. showing off. 

Marking Scheme

 Art & Craft  Music Social Studies    CRE IRE 

  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. D
  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
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