Friday, 11 November 2022 09:05

Performing Songs - Music CBC Grade 6 Notes


  • A phrase is a musical sentence or idea.
  • Phrases in music indicate where to take a short breath when singing.
  • Do not breathe in the middle of a musical sentence because it will interrupt the flow.
  • In order to sing whole phrase, you need to have enough breath.
  • Take short breath only at the end of a musical phrase.
  • Example of a song
    Ee Mungu nguvu yetu
    Ilete baraka kwetu
    Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi
    Na tukae na udugu
    Amani na uhuru
    Raha tupate na ustawi. 

Voice Blending

  • Voice blending is singing with unified sound.
  • When performing in a group, it is advisable to balance your voices
  • To sing with a good voice blend, ensure that you:
    • Sing confidently
    • Start and stop at the same time when singing in a group
    • Sound the vowels and consonants appropriately.
    • Sing at the same volume with others.
    • Sing at the same speed as others singers.
    • Sing the same pitch with others.
    • Example of a song
      See Saw Margery Daw,
      Jacky shall have a new master;
      Jacky shall earn but a penny a day,
      Because he can't work any faster. 

Performance Cues

  • Performance cues are directions given to the performer to guide their performance.
  • Performance cues include soft, loud, fast, slow crescendo and diminuendo.
  • Crescendo means gradually getting louder or gradually increasing the volume.
  • Diminuendo means getting softer or gradually decreasing the volume.
  • When performance cues are gradually followed the music becomes interesting.
  • Performance cues also bring out the mood of a song and improves the voice.
  • Example song

    Rain, rain, go away Come again another day

    We want to go outside and play Come again another
    Rain, rain, go away Come again another day

    We want to go outside and play Come again another
    Rain, rain, go away Come again another day

    We want to go outside and play Come again another

Singing In A Duet

  • A two part song is a song sang in two different voice part.
  • A duet is a two-part song performed by 2 people each singing a different voice part.
  • The voices that sing in a duet may include:
    • Soprano/alto
    • Tenor/bass
    • Soprano/bass
    • Soprano/tenor
    • Alto/bass
    • Alto/tenor
  • When performing in duet remember to express the mood of the song always appropriately.
  • Always keep to your voice as you sing a duet.
  • When 2 performers sing in 2 different voice parts together they create harmony.
  • Example of a song
     Goosey goosey gander,
    Whither shall I wander?
    Upstairs and downstairs
    And in my lady’s chamber.
    There I met an old man
    Who wouldn’t say his prayers,
    So I took him by his left leg
    And threw him down the stair

Singing In A Trio

  • A three-part song is a song in three different voice parts.
  • A trio is a three-part song by three people each singing a different voice part.
  • The voice parts in a trio may include:
    • Saprano1, soprano 2 alto
    • Tenor 1 tenor 2 and bass
    • Soprano, alto and bass
    • Soprano alto and tenor
  • When performing in trio remember to express the mood of the song always appropriately.
  • Always keep to your voice as you sing a trio
  • When 3 performers sing in 3 different voice parts together they create harmony
  • When performing in trio you should ensure that
    • You observe the correct pitch
    • You follow the rhythm correctly
    • You maintain the correct tempo of the song
    • You follow the performance dynamics
  • Example of a song

    A pocket full of posies
    A tissue, a tissue
    We all fall down

    The king has sent his daughter
    To fetch a pail of water
    A tissue, a tissue
    We all fall down

    The robin on the steeple
    Is singing to the people
    A tissue, a tissue
    We all fall down
    The wedding bells are ringing 

Messages And Values In Song

  • Different songs have different messages and values.
  • Always listen to and sing songs with values and educative messages.
  • Values in songs include responsibility, respect love unity patriotism, social justice and integrity.
  • Educative messages include those that promote peace, encourage helping the needy and encourage hard work.

Social Economic Importance Of Songs

  • Songs are very important to the society and to an individual
  • The social importance of songs include:
    • Promoting peace and unity among people
    • Teaching about morals and valuesin society and discouraging vices in the society
    • Entertainment
    • Passing a certain message to people in the community
    • Warning people against bad behaviour
    • Prasing people for good deeds such as environment conservation
  • Economic importance include
    • Musician get paid when they perform in events or concert
    • Musicians record music and sell it to get money
    • Musicians earn money when songs are downloaded from various digital sources
    • Music earn the country revenue
Read 1753 times Last modified on Friday, 11 November 2022 09:49