Monday, 06 March 2023 09:46

School Based Assessment 2023 Grade 6 Creative Arts and Social Studies - Grade 6 Opener Exams Term 1 2023 Set 3


  1. Mama Joyce makes pots for sale. Which one of the following materials she does not use?
    1. water
    2. clay soil
    3. sharp objects
    4. metal strips
  2. Primary colours when mixed with secondary colours in equal amounts will produce ___________________________ colours.
    1. Black
    2. Rainbow
    3. Tertiary
    4. Secondary
  3. Which shading technique is used in the cup below?
    1. coiling
    2. stripling
    3. cross hatching
    4. Tonal variation
  4. The following are conventional mounting materials except:-
    1. Banana fibres
    2. Manilla paper
    3. Mounting board
    4. Catridge paper
  5. Which one is NOT a 3-D artwork?
    1. sculpture
    2. pottery
    3. drawing
    4. marionette
  6. The following are techniques used to decorate a modelled clay pot. Which one is NOT?
    1. Incising
    2. Embedding
    3. Tie and dye
    4. Stamping
  7. Which one is NOT a primary colour?
    1. Green
    2. Blue
    3. Yellow
    4. Red
  8. Grade six learners were told by their Art and Craft teacher to make a collage. Which of the materials is NOT needed?
    1. water
    2. sand
    3. glue
    4. picture from a newspaper
  9. Which one is NOT used in making a wax crayon?
    1. paint
    2. Bel wax
    3. paraffin wax
    4. colour pigment
  10. Which factor is NOT considered when drawing two overlapping cylindrical forms?
    1. Proportion of forms
    2. Balance of forms
    3. Variation of lines
    4. Inadequate space


  1. Songs sung to soothe babies is classified as:-
    1. Sacred songs
    2. Lullaby songs
    3. Folk songs
    4. Action songs
  2. What is the name given to the part marked Q in the musical instrument below?
    1. Membrane
    2. Sound box
    3. Sling
    4. Resonator
  3. Which one of the following countries does NOT sing the East African Anthem?
    1. Uganda
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Rwanda
    4. Democratic Republic of Congo
  4. A flute is played by:-
    1. bowing
    2. shaking
    3. blowing
    4. hitting
  5. Which one is NOT a part of a quaver
    1. head
    2. tail
    3. stem
    4. abdomen
  6. Which one of the following is a way appreciating rhythms? By
    1. Crying
    2. Wailing
    3. Walking
    4. Clapping
  7. Which Musical instrument is drawn below?
    1.  Nzumari
    2. Bung'o
    3. Chivoti
    4. Biringi
  8. Which sound is represented by the hand sign below?
    1. d
    2. m
    3. f
    4. r
  9. The arrangement of notes of different pitches and directions sung is called:-
    1. Rhythm
    2. Tempo
    3. Melody
    4. mood
  10. Dancers decorate their bodies using paints to make patterns. This is called:-
    1. Body ornaments
    2. Body costumes 
    3. Body colouring 
    4. Body adornment



  1. What is the direction of the sand pit from Tiga Ranch?
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. South East
    4. North West
  2. Most people in Koga area are mainly:-
    1. Traditionalists
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Christians
  3. Which economic activity is NOT likely to be carried out in Koga Area?
    1. Mining
    2. Lumbering
    3. Cattle keeping
    4. Fishing
  4. Which feature is NOT found along River Keke?
    1. Estuary
    2. Delta
    3. Confluence
    4. Tributaries
  5. What is the climate of South East part of Kega Area?
    1. Hot and dry
    2. Hot and Wet
    3. Cool and Wet
    4. Cool and warm
  6. Which one was the title of the Maasai leader?
    1. Nabongo
    2. Kivoi
    3. Oloibon
    4. Moran
  7. Three of the following communities belong to the Western Bantus except:-
    1. Abaluyia
    2. Abakuria
    3. Abagusii
    4. Abasuba
  8. The mangrove vegetation in Kenya is found:-
    1. in the highlands
    2. along the coastal regions
    3. in swampy areas
    4. along the rivers
  9. What does the road sign below mean?
    1. Stop for police check
    2. Pedestrian crossing
    3. Bumps ahead
    4. Road closed
  10. Which country borders Kenya to the North West?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Uganda
    3. South Sudan
    4. Tanzania
  11. Which one of the following is NOT an element of weather?
    1. Temperature
    2. Wind
    3. Raingauge
    4. Sunshine
  12. The following are characteristics of a certain climatic region in Kenya. 
    1. Has low temperatures
    2. It is cool and wet
    3. It receives rainfall of between 1200mm-2000mm anually.
    4. It covers parts of Rift valley.
      The above climate is likely to be:-
      1. Desert climate
      2. Equitorial climate
      3. Tropical climate
      4. Mountain climate.
  13. Which one is NOT a historic built environment in Kenya?
    1. Museums
    2. Cultural centres
    3. Tall buildings
    4. Monuments
  14. The largest Lake in Kenya is:-
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Lake Victoria
    3. Lake Elementaita
    4. Lake Naivasha
  15. A family is a group of people related by the following except:-
    1. Fore father
    2. Blood
    3. Adoption
    4. Marriage

Use the map of Kenya to answer questions 36-39.


  1. Which mineral is mined at H?
    1. Soda ash
    2. Salt
    3. Diatomite
    4. Flourspar
  2. The National Park marked G is likely to be:-
    1. Malka Marri
    2. Tsavo East
    3. Sibiloi
    4. Amboseli
  3. What is the source of River marked K?
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Ngong Hills
    3. Mt. Kenya
    4. Lorrian swamp
  4. The town marked N is known as:-
    1. Wajir
    2. Moyale
    3. Garissa
    4. Mandera
  5. Which means of transport is suitable for transporting horticultural crops to European market?
    1. Pipeline
    2. Water
    3. Road
    4. Air


  1. Human beings are different from the rest of God's creation because they:-
    1. Walk like God 
    2. Pray to God
    3. Talk like God
    4. Were created in God's image.
  2. The book of Exodus was written by:-
    1. David
    2. Moses
    3. Paul
    4. Solomon
  3. Who among the following visited Jesus at night?
    1. Lazarus
    2. Thomas
    3. Justus
    4. Nicodemus
  4. Which one is NOT a fruit of the Holy spirit?
    1. Kindness
    2. Self control
    3. Faith
    4. Gentleness
  5. John the Baptist's preaching was about:-
    1. The day of passover
    2. Repentance and forgiveness
    3. Revenge bad for worse
    4. Going to the wilderness
  6. Which book of the Bible tells christians that God has good plans for their future?
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Genesis
    3. Luke
    4. Mathew
  7. King Solomon used ____________________________  to solve difficult cases.
    1. talents
    2. abilities
    3. knowledge
    4. wisdom
  8. Why is it important to show respect to the elderly?
    1. grow in adulthood
    2. get money
    3. be cursed
    4. be rewarded by God.
  9. All our prayers are answered by __________________________________
    1. Our teachers
    2. Our parents
    3. Our elders
    4. God
  10. How did Adam and Eve disobey God? By:-
    1. Selling the fruit of knowledge.
    2. Cultivating the land.
    3. Eating the fruit in the middle tree,
    4. Running away form the garden of Eden.


  1. The following are Surahs in the Holy Quran. Which one is NOT?
    1. Inshirrah
    2. Dhuha
    3. Qadar
    4. Malik
  2. Al-Malik is an attribute of Allah (SU) which means
    1. King of kings
    2. The forgiver
    3. The protector
    4. All powerful
  3. During the madrassa session, Abdi was asked by the teacher to identify the mother of all chapters in the Holy Quran. What was his correct answer?
    1. Fiyl
    2. Maun
    3. Firaun
    4. Fatiha
  4. Which one of the following is the last step in swalah?
    1. Maintaining a bowing posture.
    2. Turning the head to the left. 
    3. Standing straight upright.
    4. Turning the head to the right.
  5. When you recite the dua for leaving and entering the house
    1. Your faith in religion becomes stronger.
    2. You become lucky.
    3. Angels sorround you.
    4. Allah protects you.
  6. Physical fitness cannot help us to
    1. avoid some diseases 
    2. be together
    3. respect each other
    4. pass school test
  7. All the following are examples of akhlaq except:-
    1. feeding the fish
    2. protecting the plants
    3. grazing animals
    4. spending our money
  8. Which one of the following is an example of Najasemi Mughaladha?
    1. Blood 
    2. Urine
    3. Vomit 
    4. Pig
  9. Which Swalah falls between Fajr and Asr? 
    1. Dhuhr
    2. Isha
    3. Magharib
    4. Taraweh
  10. Which of the following is a negative use of media?
    1. Listening to Qasida from a mobile phone.
    2. Creating dawah groups on whatsapp.
    3. Sending abusive messages to those who wrong us.
    4. Printing our homework on our computers.



  1. D
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. D


  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C


  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
Read 1887 times Last modified on Monday, 13 March 2023 09:42