Wednesday, 05 July 2023 08:03

Creative Arts & Social Studies Questions and Answers - Grade 6 Opener Exams Term 2 2023 Set 3

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  1. The technique of shading where dots are used to show value on drawn forms by arranging them close together to show darker and lighter parts is known as
    1. smudging
    2. tonal value
    3. stippling
    4. painting
  2. What is the result of mixing the following colours
    Primary Colour + Secondary colour:
    1. secondary colour
    2. tertiary colour
    3. primary colour
    4. orange
  3. The drawing involves forms that one has not seen or interacted with before is known as
    1. drawing from observation.
    2. imaginative composition
    3. still life drawing
    4. cross hatching
  4. An imaginary line that divides a drawing into two halves is called
    1. axis
    2. depth
    3. equator
    4. balance
  5. The technique that involves applying of paint on a pictorial composition is known as
    1. crayon etching
    2. painting
    3. smudging
    4. shading
  6. Which one of the following is not a principle of art?
    1. Shapes
    2. Balance
    3. Proportion
    4. Rhythm and movement
  7. Which one of the following materials cannot be used to create montage in pictorial composition?
    1. Brushes
    2. Manilla paper
    3. Glue
    4. Wet soil
  8. What does overlapping of cut-out images in montage create?
    1. Balance
    2. Manilla paper
    3. Glue
    4. Wet
  9. A basketry technique that involves coiling planted or rolled coils into a spiral and stitching them at each row to hold and secure in place is referred to as
    1. coiling
    2. stictching
    3. coil and stitch
    4. basketry
  10. When decorating a wristband, which one of them following materials cannot be used?
    1. Beads
    2. Strings
    3. Scissors
    4. Axe


  1. A performance where three people sing a 3-part song is called
    1. duet
    2. trio
    3. solo
    4. choral
  2. Songs performed by people from the same community are called
    1. sacred songs
    2. patriotic songs
    3. topical songs
    4. folk songs
  3. Which one of the following is not a feature ofa folk song?
    1. Mood
    2. Structure
    3. Climax
    4. Choral
  4. The gradual increase in volume when singing using a musical instrument is
    1. trio
    2. duet
    3. crescendo
    4. diminuendo

Use the musical instrument below to answer question 15 and 16.

  1. The musical instrument below is called?
    1. Adeudau
    2. Wandindi
    3. Abu
    4. Drum
  2. The musical instrument can be played by
    1. blowing
    2. plucking
    3. beating
    4. hitting
  3. The songs that are sung to show things that affect the community are called
    1. topical songs
    2. patriotic songs
    3. popular songs
    4. sacred songs
  4. Which one of the following voice parts can be sung by girls only?
    1. Soprano
    2. Bass
    3. Tenor
    4. Solo
  5. The musical note drawn below is called
    1. crotchet
    2. semibreve
    3. minim
    4. quaver
  6. The clothes worn by dancers during performance of songs are called
    1. uniforms
    2. props
    3. ornaments
    4. costumes


  1. Below are characteristics of a vegetation Zones in Eastern Africa
    1. Trees are tall
    2. Trees grow close together
    3. Trees are evergreen
    4. Trees have broad leaves
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. rainforest vegetation
      2. mangrove vegetation
      3. swamp vegetation
      4. savannah vegetation
  2. Arabs came to settle in Eastern Africa MAINLY insearch of
    1. goods for trade
    2. fertile soils
    3. pasture and water
    4. iron for tool making
  3. Below are examples of physical features. Choose the one that is a drainage feature.
    1. Escarpment
    2. Valley
    3. River
    4. Hill
  4. The MAIN factor influencing population distribution in Eastern Africa is
    1. distribution of towns
    2. amount of rainfall
    3. availability of jobs
    4. availability of minerals 
  5. Grade 6 learners can take part in community.development by
    1. making school rules
    2. building roads
    3. opening up business
    4. cleaning the local market
  6. The following are relief features in Eastern Africa. Which relief feature discourage human settlement?
    1. Plains
    2. Steep slopes
    3. Plateaus
    4. River valleys
  7. Grade 6 learners went on a field trip. They passed through a town where they saw many poorly built houses close together. The problem LIKELY to be found in such places is
    1. road accidents
    2. diseases
    3. low rainfall
    4. overcrowding
  8. The diagram below represents the formation of relief rainfall
    The area marked X receives less rainfall because
    1. it lies at a low altitude
    2. it has little vegetation cover
    3. it is sheltered from warm moist winds
    4. it is far from large water bodies
  9. Mekatilili wa Menza led the Agiriama people in fighting the British because
    1. the British stopped them from trading
    2. the British interfered with the independence
    3. the British were building a railway line
    4. the British sold them into slavery 
  10. In Kenya diatomite is mined at
    1. Kimwarer in Kerio valley
    2. Bamburi in Mombasa
    3. Athi River in Machakos
    4. Kariadusi near Gilgil
  11. Kivoi wa Mwendwa was a great trader of the
    1. Akamba people 
    2. Agikuyu people
    3. Agiriama people
    4. Ameru people
  12. A county government in Kenya is headed by
    1. a county commissioner
    2. a county representative
    3. a governor
    4. a senator

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 33 to 35.


  1. The community that used the route marked T during the migration period is
    1. Chagga
    2. Ngoni
    3. nyamwezi
    4. Hehe
  2. The administrative capital city of the country marked P is
    1. Mitsiwa
    2. Djibouti
    3. Asmara
    4. Addis Ababa
  3. The shaded area marked M is densely populated due to
    1. presence of large towns
    2. mining activities
    3. availability of jobs
    4. availability of high rainfall



  1. The commandment that teaches Christian to respect the property of other people is
    1. "Do not accuse anyone falsely"
    2. "Do not commit murder"
    3. "Worship no other god but me"
    4. "Do not steal"
  2. God rested on the seventh day during the creation period because
    1. he was tired
    2. he had completed creation
    3. it was a day of rest
    4. he wanted to create human beings
  3. When Jesus called Peter and Andrew they were
    1. fishing
    2. collecting taxes
    3. looking after sheep
    4. offering a sacrifice
  4. Which one of the following was a tempetation of Jesus. The devil told him to
    1. change water into wine
    2. walk on water
    3. change a stone into bread
    4. raise a dead person
  5. The story of Jacob Wresting with an angel of God at Peniel teaches Christians to be
    1. brave
    2. determined
    3. courageous
    4. humble
  6. Jesus healed the Roman officer's servant inthe town of
    1. Capernaum
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Bethany
    4. Nain
  7. Which one of the following values is the MOST important in a Christian marriage?
    1. Wealth
    2. Education
    3. Faithfulness
    4. Smartness
  8. A Christian value learnt from the story of prophet Elisha raising an axe-head is
    1. courage
    2. humility
    3. patience
    4. faith
  9. God sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because
    1. they disobeyed his commands
    2. they spoke to the snake
    3. they made clothes from leaves
    4. they hid in the garden
  10. The MAIN teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mountain is
    1. helping people in need
    2. repenting sins
    3. living lives that please God
    4. accepting others
  11. At the time of the birth of Jesus his parents had gone to Bethlehem to
    1. Visit their relatives
    2. register there
    3. attend the passover feast
    4. escape from Herod
  12. The MAIN message of John the Baptist when he preached was
    1. tolerance
    2. patience
    3. repentance
    4. honesty
  13. Jesus compared the growth of the kingdom of God to
    1. a mustard seed
    2. a lost coin
    3. a fig tree
    4. a narrow door
  14. God called Moses in Midian to go to Egypt to
    1. perform miracles in Egypt
    2. lead the Israelities out of Egypt
    3. offer sacrifices in Egypt
    4. receive the ten commandments
  15. The donkey of Balaam spoke because
    1. an angel was blocking the way
    2. Balaam beat it
    3. God made it to speak
    4. it was tired of carrying Balaam



  1. The story of Elephant is taught in which Surah?
    1. Kauthar
    2. Humazah
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kaafirun
  2. The Surah which tells us about the events of the last day is?
    1. Qariah
    2. Humazah
    3. Takathur
    4. Maun
  3. The Surah that emphasises on the important 
    1. Maun
    2. Nas
    3. Fatiha
    4. Asr
  4. According to the hadith of purity of actions Allah does not check at our?
    1. Hearts
    2. Appearance
    3. Actions
    4. Life
  5. Which one of the following is a male dress code?
    1. It should cover the whole body except the palms and face
    2. It should be made from Gold
    3. It should cover between the navel and the knees
    4. It should not be made of women
  6. Which is the fourth article of faith in Islam?
    1. Belief in Allah
    2. Belief in Books
    3. Belief in Qadar
    4. Belief in prophets
  7. The name of Allah (SWT) Al-Malik means?
    1. The master
    2. The all knowing
    3. The forgivers
    4. The creator
  8. Who took care of prophet Muhamamd after he preached wasthe death of his mother?
    1. Abu Talib
    2. Abdul Mutwalib
    3. Abu Jahal
    4. Abu Dharri
  9. the last Sunnah prayer performed at night is
    1. Witr
    2. Taraweh
    3. Qabliyah
    4. Baadiyah
  10. Complete the following hadith of the prophet (P.b.u.h): "I have been sent for the purpose of prefecting"?
    1. good morals
    2. human beings
    3. life
    4. faith
  11. When Said goes to school in the morning and meets her classmates, the first thing for her to do according to of prophet (S.A.W) is to?
    1. Wait for them to greet her
    2. Keep quiet
    3. Greet her
    4. Smile at her
  12. Muhammad was found making noise in class, the teacher asked to name his friends who were also making noise and he named all of them. Which quality of the prophet did he display
    1. patience
    2. kindness
    3. honesty
    4. generosity
  13.  Which one of the following is an obligation of patience is of parents to their children
    1. Buying them gifts
    2. Paying school fees for them
    3. Buying them a mobile phone
    4. Buying them toys
  14. Which prophet was thrown in the fire by his people?
    1. Harun
    2. Muhammad
    3. Nuh
    4. Ibrahim
  15. Iddul Fitr is celebrated on?
    1. First Ramadhan
    2. First Shawwal
    3. Thirtieth Ramadhan
    4. Second Shawwal



  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D


  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
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