Thursday, 28 October 2021 08:46

The Bible - CBC Grade 5 CRE Revision Notes


  • The holy bible is the word of God.
  • It should be handled with care and respect.
  • It is used by Christians as a guide on their day to day activities.

Different uses of the holy bible as a guide.

  • (Read Joshua 1:8, 2 Timothy 3:16 and Deuteronomy 6:4-8).
    1. It is used during the swearing in of the president.
    2. It guides learners to tell the truth.
    3. It guides learners to obey its teaching.
    4. It guides us to love God and other people.
    5. Joshua 1:8 teaches us to read the holy bible everyday and obey what the bible teaches us.
    6. 2 Timothy 3:16 teaches us that all scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching us the truth and giving us instruction about right living.
    7. Deuteronomy 1:8 teaches us to love the Lord our God.

Benefits of using the holy Bible as a daily guide.

  • It guides us to live peacefully with God.
  • It guides us to live peacefully with one another.
  • It helps us to make right decisions.
  • The holy bible helps us to obey our parents.
  • It helps us to be faithful.
  • The holy Bible is the light in our lives as it allows us understand the secrets of salvation.

Values acquired from using the holy Bible as a guide.

  • Respect – a feeling of admiration for someone because of his or her good qualities.
  • Patience – the ability to stay calm and accept a delay without complaining.
  • Peace – a period of time when there is no war.
  • Humility – the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people.
  • Honesty – the quality of being truthful.
  • Care – provision of what is necessary for the protection of someone.
  • Kindness – the quality of being friendly and considerate.
  • Bravery – not afraid.
  • Generosity – willing to give someone something freely.
  • Other values we acquire when we use the holy Bible as a guide are: thankfulness, justice, endurance, love, integrity, love, patriotism and unity.

Bible Stories.

  • Christians turn to the stories in the holy Bible for guidance when they are faced with challenges in life.


  • Standing firm in spiritual matters enables us to be role models, please God and receive the Holy Spirit who enables us to defend what is right.

The story of Peter and John at the temple.

  • Read Acts 4:1-5, 7-13.
  • Peter and John were arrested because they were teaching the people that Jesus Christ had risen from death.
  • When they were asked questions by the Jewish leaders, the elders and teachers of the law, the spoke boldly about using the name of Jesus Christ to heal.
  • They also reminded them that Jesus Christ is the one whom the scripture refers to as the stone that was rejected by the builders.
  • The Jewish leaders had rejected Jesus Christ.
  • Christians are urged to have courage so as to defend their faith and show trust in God.

Reasons why Christians should stand firm in their faith.

  • When you stand firm in faith, you can solve problems through prayers.
  • One can overcome all challenges when he or she stands firm in faith.
  • Trusting in God and standing firm in faith helps us to defeat our enemies.
  • It enables our prayers to be answered.
  • It allows Christians to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Good qualities learnt from the story of Peter and John.

  • We should always stand firm in faith.
  • We should have courage in defending our faith.
  • We should trust in God.
  • We should be patient.
  • We should practice endurance.


  • It is the quality of having knowledge and good judgment. Being wise is having wisdom. It is a gift from God, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

The story of King Solomon using wisdom.

  • Read 1 Kings 3:16-28.
  • Two women came before King Solomon with a child. Both claimed the child was theirs.
  • King Solomon through wisdom was able to make the right judgment.
  • He was able to identify the real mother to the child and handed the child to her.
  • The people of Israel respected king Solomon because they knew that his wisdom had been given by God.
  • Values learnt from the story of King Solomon.
  • They include:
    • Settling disputes.
    • Listening.
    • Wisdom.
    • Decision making.
    • Social justice.
    • Responsibility.
    • Reverence.

Respect for the elderly.

  • We should relate well with the elderly by showing them love and kindness.

The story of Noah and his sons.

  • Read Genesis 9:18-23.
  • Noah had three sons namely Shem, Japheth and Ham. Noah was drunk and remained naked in his tent.
  • When Ham saw his father without clothes, he ran and told his brothers. Japheth and Shem took a robe and held it behind them on their shoulders. They walked backwards into the tent and covered their father.
  • Shem and Japheth kept their faces away so as not to see their father’s nakedness.

Ways of showing respect to the Elderly.

  • Sharing a meal with them.
  • Telling them you love and respect them.
  • Visiting them.
  • Offer your seat if there are none.


  • Humility is a feeling that one is not better or more important than others. Humility helps us to show respect to God and others.

The story of a hand written on the wall

  • Read Daniel 5: 1-13, 25-28.
  • King Belshazzar used the Holy vessels from the temple to drink wine and praise other gods.
  • These holy vessels included cups and bowls.
  • A hand wrote a message on the wall as king Belshazzar and his noblemen were partying.
  • Daniel read and interpreted the writings on the wall;
  • Number means God has numbered the days of king Belshazzar’s kingdom and brought it to an end.
  • Weight means God had weighed king Belshazzar on the scales and found him to be too light.
  • Divisions means his kingdom is divided up and given to the Medes and Persians.
  • The king was punished because he showed his pride to God by disrespecting the holy vessels.

Skills and Values demonstrated by Daniel.

  • These values included
  • Respect Truthfulness Humility Peace Courage Knowledge Boldness

Benefits of Humility to Christians.

  • One is able to practice obedience.
  • It enables us to be truthful.
  • We preach peace through humility.
  • Knowledge and wisdom can be achieved and demonstrated through humility.
  • Our faith in God is strengthened if we humble ourselves before God.

Worship of true God.

  • There is only one true God.
  • As Christians, we are supposed to worship Him alone and trust in Him.

The Contest at Mount Carmel.

  • Read 1 Kings 18:26-39.
  • A contest is an event where people compete to get the best in a sport or other activities.
  • The contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal depicts the one true God who answers prayers of those who worship Him.
  • Prophet Elijah worshipped the Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The other false prophets worshipped Baal.
  • God answered Elijah’s prayer by sending down fire that consumed the sacrifice, the wood and the stones.
  • The fire also burnt the earth and dried up the water in the trench.
  • The prophets of Baal prayed in many ways but their god did not answer their prayers.

Difference between true God and false gods.

  • True God does not disappoint us, false gods are full of disappointments.
  • True God provides for our needs while false gods do not.
  • True God answers prayers of His own people while false gods do not.
  • True God does not require people to harm their bodies while praying like the false gods of Baal.
  • He is all-powerful unlike the false gods.
  • There is only one True God while there are many false gods.

God’s protection.

  • God is powerful and He protects us from danger.

How God used pharaoh’s daughter to rescue and protect Moses.

  • Read Exodus 2:1-10
  • Moses was born when Pharaoh was the king of Egypt. Pharaoh ordered that all Hebrew boys be killed.
  • Moses’ mother put him in a basket and hid him at the edge of river Nile.
  • When Pharaoh’s daughter went to the river for a bath, she heard Moses crying. Out of compassion, she decided to keep the baby.
  • God protected Moses through Pharaoh’s daughter.

Values learnt from Pharaoh’s daughter.

  • She demonstrated mercy when she heard Moses and felt mercy for him.
  • She showed love when she adopted him as her own.
  • She demonstrated responsibility when she noticed a basket in the tall grass and ordered her servant to get it for her.
  • She showed empathy when she told a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby for her.
  • Other values learnt include the following:
    • Kindness
    • Care
    • Compassion
    • Humility

Service To God.

  • We serve God by living according to His word.
  • His word are the teachings we get in the Holy Bible.

The Call of Moses.

  • Read Exodus 3:1-10.
  • Moses was taking care of his father-in-law’s (Jethro) sheep and goats when God called him.
  • One day, Moses saw a bush which was on fire but was not burning up.
  • He went closer to the bush upon which God called out his name.
  • He was told by God to remove his sandals for he was standing on holy ground.
  • Moses obeyed God’s command and removed his sandals.
  • God told Moses to go to Egypt and save the people of Israel from their suffering.

Lessons learnt about God from the call of Moses.

  • God loves His people
  • God hears the prayers of His people. We should obey God.
  • God is Holy. God is powerful.
  • How leaders should obey God’s instructions in the society.
  • A Leader can be anybody from mother, father, older siblings, school heads, prefects, church elders, priests, chiefs and village elders.
  • Leaders obey God’s instruction by doing what is right before God.
  • They obey God’s instructions by doing what He requires them to do.
  • Leaders obey His instructions by taking part in church activities.
  • Living a holy life free from bad behavior such as using abusive language or fighting is obeying God’s instructions.
Read 3195 times Last modified on Thursday, 28 October 2021 09:09