Friday, 28 October 2022 12:05

Integrated Science Questions and Answers - Grade 5 End of Term 3 November 2022 Exams Set 1



  1. When creating a document in Word, the save as option 
    1. helps you to edit the document. 
    2. asks you where to save the document. 
    3. helps you to change the font type. 
    4. saves the document created.
  2. A group of Grade 4 learners sat in a circle. They then put a radio at the centre of the circle. All of them would to hear the sound from the radio because 
    1. sound travels in a straight line. 
    2. sound travels faster than light.
    3. sound travels in all directions. 
    4. they were all near the radio.
  3. In which of the following computing devices do we find the start button?
  4. Mati set up an experiment like the one below to investigate a certain property of light.
    Mati could not reach a conclusion because
    1. his eye was too close to the cards. 
    2. the burning candle was not very bright. 
    3. he did not make holes on the cards.
    4. he used very few cards.
  5. Which of the following action opens an icon on the computer screen? 
    1. Double clicking 
    2. Selecting and highlighting. 
    3. Left clicking. 
    4. Right clicking.
  6. Which of the following lists contains wastes that decomposes easily only? 
    1. Polythene, leaves, nails. 
    2. Metals, wood, seeds. 
    3. Plastic, metals, staples. 
    4. Leaves, wood, seeds.
  7. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.
    The part called sternum is labelled
    1. W
    2. X
    3. Y
    4. Z
  8. Which of the following is the function of part Y?
    1. Protection.
    2. Strengthening the femur.
    3. Support.
    4. Connecting the limbs.
  9. The chart below shows a part of classification of animals.
    Which of the following animals would correctly fit at R and S respectively?
    1. Flea and man.
    2. Rat and locust.
    3. Centipede and millipede. 
    4. Fish and hen.
  10. Which of the following statements is not true about force? Force can
    1. change the direction of a moving object. 
    2. be created.
    3. start a motion.
    4. stop a moving object.
  11. Some Grade 4 learners were asked to give examples of good conductors of heat. Their views were as follows:
    Karisa: Plastic rod. 
    Chebet:Wooden ruler.
    Kioko:Metallic fork.
    Adhiambo:Clay pot.
    Who among the  learners was correct?
    1. Karisa
    2. Adhiambo
    3. Chebet
    4. Kioko
  12. Which one of the following lists consists of objects that can sink only?
    1. Coin, key.
    2. Leaf, stone.
    3. Marble, cork.
    4. Chalk, wood.
  13. The diagram below shows an example of levers.
    The part called fulcrum is labelled
    1. P
    2. O
    3. Q
    4. R
  14. The type of teeth which is chisel shaped
    1. has one root.
    2. is used for grinding.
    3. has cusps and ridges.
    4. is never shed.
  15. During breathing, the exchange of gases takes place in the
    1. nose
    2. chest cavity.
    3. diaphragm.
    4. lungs.


  1. All the following animals give us milk.
    Which one does not?
    1. Camel
    2. Cow 
    3. Goat
    4. Pig
  2. Below is a domestic animals reared in Kenya.
    The animal drawn above is a
    1. horse.
    2. camel.
    3. donkey.
    4. cow.
  3. A Grade 5 learner saw a young plant like the one below.
    What was the importance of erecting sticks around the young plant as shown?
    1. So that it grows faster.
    2. To protect it from excessive sun heat,
    3. To protect it from physical damage. 
    4. To make it use little water and avoid wastage.
  4. A climbing fruit vine can be supported using
    1. threads.
    2. water.
    3. ropes.
    4. sticks.
  5. All the following are ways of caring for young climbing fruit plants except 
    1. protecting them from any light from the sun.
    2. applying manure and fertilizer at their bases.
    3. Watering them for a good growth.
    4. Weeding them.
  6. Which of the following lists consists of cereals only?
    1. Carrots, rice, millet.
    2. Greengrams, maize, sorghum.
    3. Millet, rice, maize.
    4. Spinach, wheat, oats.
  7. The diagram below shows a method of conserving water in gardening practices.
    The conservation method shown above is called
    1. mulching.
    2. covercropping
    3. irrigation.
    4. shading.
  8. Below is a gardening tool.
    The tool drawn above can be used for 
    1. watering seedlings.
    2. carrying manure.
    3. transplanting seedlings.
    4. carrying young animals.
  9. A ripe guava looks
    1. sugary.
    2. green.
    3. yellow.
    4. red.
  10. A group of Agriculture learners set up an experiment like the one below to investigate some properties of soil.
    Which of the following statements is not true about the experiment?
    1. Both soil X and Y are not good for farming.
    2. Soil X has the largest particles.
    3. Soil W cannot be used for construction.
    4. Soil Y is sandy soil.


  1. Which one of the following is an example of nutrients?
    1. Carbohydrates.
    2. Water.
    3. Ripe banana.
    4. Spinach. 
  2. Instilling product awareness cannot be done using
    1. radios.
    2. televisions.
    3. report books.
    4. banners.
  3. Tuberculosis is a common communicable disease that can be caused by
    1. drinking unboiled milk.
    2. living in well ventilated houses. 
    3. working in marshy areas. 
    4. immunisation in early stages of life.
  4. Which one of the following is the best method of preventing the spread of malaria?
    1. Clearing grass and bushes around our homes.
    2. Sleeping under treated mosquito nets.
    3. Closing doors and windows in the evening.
    4. Cooking food properly.
  5. Some learners were asked to name some foods that can be dry fat fried:
    Who among the learners was correct? 
    1. Pam
    2. Ken
    3. Sam
    4. Tim
  6. The diagram below shows a kitchen equipment.
    The equipment drawn above can be cleaned using
    1. charcoal powder.
    2. steel wool.
    3. wood ash.
    4. crushed egg shells
  7. Select a pair of foodstuffs that provides the same nutrients.
    1. Beans and maize.
    2. Wheat and rice.
    3. Greengrams and millet.
    4. Sorghum and groundnuts.
  8. Dry maize can be preserved in 
    1. refrigerators.
    2. polythene bags
    3. gourds.
    4. sacks.
  9. All the following are examples of legumes.
    Which one is not?
    1. Soya beans.
    2. Carrots.
    3. Groundnuts.
    4. Greengrams.
  10. Which one of the following is not a launder's item?


  1. Single human crutch method can be used to
    1. rescue a drowning swimmer. 
    2. transport an injured person. 
    3. turn an injured person.
    4. help a player gain more energy.
  2. A teacher was seen applying cold press on a pupil. The pupil was likely to have suffered
    1. burn.
    2. scald.
    3. shock.
    4. bruise.
  3. Blowing the nose too hard is likely to lead to
    1. fainting.
    2. sneezing
    3. nose bleeding.
    4. death.
  4. Which of the following items is not found in the first aid box?
    1. Staples.
    2. Bandage.
    3. Scissors. 
    4. Pain killers.
  5. Fore hand and back hand throws are both applicable in 
    1. athletics. 
    2. batting. 
    3. softball. 
    4. frisbee.
  6. Study the diagram below.
    The type of throw demonstrated above is called 
    1. overhead throw. 
    2. kneeling throw. 
    3. kneeling overhead throw.
    4. overhead kneeling throw.
  7. Single bounce and double bounce techniques are both applied in
    1. rope work.
    2. frisbee. 
    3. athletics.
    4. soccer.
  8. Which of the following are both water games?
    1. Cutting and backstroke. 
    2. Side stroke and breast stroke. 
    3. Marking and pivoting. 
    4. Cutting and sidestroke.
  9. Study the move shown below. The gymnastics move shown above is called 
    1. cartwheel. 
    2. head stand. 
    3. shoulder roll. 
    4. hand walk.
  10. Which of the following shows the correct order of phases in hurdles? 
    1. Clearance, flight, take off, approach. 
    2. Approach, take off, flight, clearance. 
    3. Approach, flight, take off, clearance.
    4. Clearance, take off, flight, approach.
  11. Which of the following materials can be used to fill a long jump pit? 
    1. Murram. 
    2. Cement. 
    3. Stones.
    4. Sand.
  12. In softball, catcher's smitts are used to protect the 
    1. hands.
    2. head.
    3. knees.
    4. shoulders.
  13. The diagram below shows a sports equipment.
    The equipment drawn above is used when playing 
    1. kabaddi. 
    2. football. 
    3. volleyball. 
    4. rounders
  14. Some players were seen practising pivoting in their community field. Which game were they preparing for? 
    1. Frisbee. 
    2. Standing discus.
    3. Long jump.
    4. Rope work.
  15. Which of the following techniques is the odd one out? 
    1. Skier. 
    2. Legal touches.
    3. Heeltaps. 
    4. Straddle cross.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
Read 1549 times Last modified on Monday, 31 October 2022 12:51