Displaying items by tag: grade 5


  1. The following are items made using basketry technique except
    1. household goods like baskets
    2. items for decorative purpose
    3. containers for storing grains and food
    4. cooking items like sufuria
  2. The technique of joining two or more pieces of leather like the one below is called
    1. thonging
    2. basketry
    3. weaving
    4. tunning
  3. Pinch pots can be modelled in the following shapes and sizes depending on the purpose apart from
    1. small
    2. big
    3. minute
    4. wide  
  4. Which of the following is not an element of Art?
    1. Line
    2. Display
    3. Value
    4. Texture
  5. In the process of making a wax crayon, the following are important when melting the wax in a double container except
    1. the wax is expensive
    2. to prevent inhaling dangerous fumes from the wax
    3. for uniform heating of wax
    4. it keeps the wax melted for a long period of time
  6. Which one of the following is not a secondary colour?
    1. Green
    2. Orange
    3. Yellow
    4. Violet
  7. The following are features within the environment considered when creating a colage landscape composition except
    1. vegetations
    2. hills
    3. sounds
    4. animals
  8. The following are traditional items that can be made from hide and skins apart from
    1. shields
    2. musical instruments
    3. clay pot
    4. jewellery
  9. Three of the following are protective clothes worn when carving sculpture except
    1. open shoes
    2. gloves
    3. dusk mask
    4. overalls
  10.  G5CASET3S12023Q10
    1. intermediate colours
    2. tertiary colours
    3. quaternary colours
    4. junior colours-


  1. Three of the following are examples of non-melodic percussion instruments except
    1. drum
    2. jingles
    3. shakers
    4. Marimba
  2. When should a descant recorder be cleaned?
    1. Before and after playing
    2. While in the process of playing
    3. When selling it to a customer
    4. When disposing it
  3. Three of the following should be observed to avoid injuries while performing a dance except
    1. never dance on a wet floor
    2. dance in tight clothes or costumes
    3. warm-up before dancing
    4. crowd at place when dancing
  4. Which community in Kenya normally play the below instruments while performing a fork dance?
    1. Gusii
    2. Luhya
    3. Agikuyu
    4. Mijikenda  
  5. The following are parts of a wind instruments apart from
    1. hollow tube
    2. pitch holes or finger holes
    3. earphones
    4. mouth hole
  6. Which of the following is not a role played by a soloist during a dance?
    1. Lead the singing in the dance
    2. Award the winners during competition
    3. Coordinates the singing and dancing
    4. Indicates the end of the dance   
  7. In which language is the East African  Community Anthem sang?
    1. Kiswahili
    2. French
    3. English
    4. Arabic
  8. The song "We are the world" by USA for Africa is an example of
    1. patriotic song
    2. sacred song 
    3. popular song
    4. action song
  9. The following are occasions when choral songs are sung except
    1. birthday celebration
    2. in places of worship
    3. parents' days
    4. in the office
  10. What element of a song brings out certain feelings and emotions to the singer or listener?
    1. Mood
    2. Gestures
    3. Diction
    4. Tone


  1. Which element of art is used to estimate distance  or area of a place?
    1. Title
    2. Compass
    3. Scale
    4. Boundary
  2. Most rivers in Kenya originate from
    1. plains 
    2. highlands
    3. plateaus
    4. lake basin
  3. Which element of weather is measured using a windvane?
    1. Strength of the wind
    2. Humidity in the atmosphere
    3. Amount of rainfall
    4. Direction of the wind
  4. One of the following features is not an example of natural features
    1. Bridge
    2. Valley
    3. Mountain
    4. Swamp
  5. Social behaviour of a particular society is called
    1. religion
    2. culture
    3. traditions
    4. customs
  6. Who among the following is not a member of the school community?
    1. Student
    2. Teacher
    3. Chief
    4. Parent
  7. Which language community in Kenya has the highest population?
    1. Cushites 
    2. Semites
    3. Bantu
    4. Nilotes
  8. The population of a place can decrease because
    1. high death rate
    2. high birth rate 
    3. high food production
    4. better health care

Study the following map of Kenya and answer questions 29-33


  1. The line of the Equator 0° passes through the following places except
    1. Maseno
    2. Timboroa
    3. Nanyuki
    4. Lamu
  2. The drainage feature marked R is
    1. Lake Baringo
    2. Lake Nakuru
    3. Lake Turkana
    4. Lake Magadi
  3. The third largest city marked S is
    1. Eldoret
    2. Mombasa
    3. Nakuru
    4. Kisumu
  4. What is the name of the country marked Q?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. South Sudan
    3. Uganda
    4. Somalia
  5. Which economic activity is carried out at the place marked T?
    1. Mining
    2. Tourism
    3. Fishing
    4. Farming
  6. The Ameru community in Kenya was ruled by
    1. kings
    2. council of elders
    3. chiefs
    4. warriors
  7. Which one of the following is not needed to qualify as a Member of the County Assembly in Kenya?
    1. Must be a registered voter
    2. Must be a Kenyan citizen
    3. Must be a political party leader
    4. Must be of sound mind

PART 11:


  1. Who was talented in playing a musical instrument?
    1. Jacob
    2. Solomon
    3. Samuel
    4. David
  2. On which day did God create the sky?
    1. Second day
    2. Fourth day
    3. sixth day
    4. Fifth day
  3. Which God's creation made Adam happy?
    1. Fruit trees
    2. Woman
    3. Light and darkness
    4. Sun, moon and stars
  4. Who was driven by anger and jealousy to kill his brother?
    1. David
    2. Noah
    3. Amnon
    4. Cain
  5. The worship of Baal was challenged by
    1. Moses
    2. Daniel
    3. Elijah
    4. Abraham
  6. How did God provide food during the time of Exodus?
    1. He separated the water of the Red Sea
    2. He provided Manna
    3. He killed the Egyptians
    4. He gave them unleavened bread
  7. John the Baptist did all the following except
    1. baptising Jesus
    2. condemned hyprocrites
    3. fed the five thousand people
    4. prepared the way for the Messiah
  8. Jesus began His miracles by
    1. turning water into wine
    2. calling the first disciples
    3. healing the paralytic man
    4. healing the ten lepers
  9. Which disciple of Jesus did not believe in his resurrection?
    1. Judas Iscariot
    2. Thomas
    3. Simon Peter
    4. Andrew
  10. To spread the gospel, Jesus used
    1. psalms
    2. proverbs
    3. songs
    4. parables
  11. During the baptism of Jesus,
    1. the Holy Spirit appeared
    2. disciples spoke in tongues
    3. Moses and Elijah appeared
    4. Zacchaeus climbed a tree
  12. To overcome any form of sexual sin, Christian should practise
    1. peace
    2. kindness
    3. self-control
    4. joy
  13. Drug abuse can lead to the following except 
    1. diseases
    2. school drop-out
    3. violence
    4. good health
  14. Unity in the church can be made weak by
    1. honesty
    2. cooperation
    3. tribalism.
    4. faithfulness
  15. One of the thieves crucified with Jesus said that Jesus was
    1. the king of Jews
    2. innocent
    3. the son of David
    4. going to paradise

PART 11:


  1. Allah as the enternal the absolute is in surah
    1. Maaun
    2. Takathur
    3. Ikhlaas
    4. Quraish
  2. "Watawaa swaubil Haq Watawaa Swaubil Swabr" this aya encourange muslims to live in ________________________.
    1. Truth and Patience
    2. Punctuality and honesty
    3. Peace and love
    4. Kindness and patience
  3. What is the main theme in surah A nasr
    1. Oneness of Allah
    2. Kindness of Allah
    3. greatness of Allah
    4. power of Allah
  4. Abdallah has a habit of being harsh to the orphans. Which Surah can you use to correct his habits?
    1. Al quraish
    2. Al takathur
    3. An nasr
    4. An maaun
  5. The longest surah among the following is surah
    1. An naas
    2. Al ikhlaas
    3. Al kauther
    4. Al quraish
  6. The prophet promised to be together in Jannah with the person who _______________________.
    1. Takes care of the orphans
    2. Takes care of the parents
    3. Takes care of Islam
    4. Takes care of environment 
  7. Which of the following pupil has signs of a munafiq _______________________
    1. Juma stealing and lying
    2. Omar - does not fulfil promises and fights
    3. Halima -back bites and slander
    4. Jabir- brakes promises and is untrustworthy.
  8. The sayings of Allah s.w are known as __________________ while Prophet's actions are known as __________________
    1. Sunnah/Hadith
    2. Hadith/ Swalah
    3. Hadith/Sunnah
    4. Sunnah/Actions
  9. The Arabic meaning of peace is __________________
    1. Imaan
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Islam
    4. Taqwa
  10. Which Attribute of Allah s.w manifest His Power?
    1. As Salaam
    2. Al Aziz
    3. Ar Razaq
    4. Al Muumin
  11. "Fear Allah in respect to these dump...." This Hadith encourage us to be kind to ____________________________
    1. Neighbours
    2. Parents
    3. Creatures
    4. Children
  12. Faisal had sh 2,000 in his account for one year, how much will be his nisaab?
    1. 200%
    2. 2.5%
    3. 25%
    4. 20%
  13. The Sunnah prayer that is performed after sun rise and before noon is known as _________________
    1. Baadiyah
    2. Qabliyah
    3. Witr
    4. Dhuha
  14. The two fardh swalah which do NOT have baadiyah are?
    1. Fajr/ Asr
    2. Dhuhr/Maghrib
    3. Fajr / Isha
    4. Maghrib/ Fajr
  15. Baadiya, Qabliya and Dhuha are examples of ________________________ Swalah.
    1. Fardh
    2. Sunnah
    3. Fardh Kifaya
    4. Makruh



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  1. Which one of the following is not an example of fungi plants?
    1. Mucor
    2. Yeast
    3. Mushroom
    4. Moss
  2. The waterborne disease which can be prevented by wearing protective clothe is known as
    1. cholera
    2. typhoid
    3. bilharzia
    4. malaria

Below is a diagram showing the human breathing system. Use it to answer questions 3 - 4


  1. The part marked T is known as
    1. air sac
    2. bronchi
    3. diaphragm
    4. trachea
  2. The part that cleans air is marked by letter
    1. R
    2. S
    3. T
    4. U
  3. Which one of the following is not an example of internal parasite?
    1. Hookworm
    2. Jiggers
    3. Pinworm
    4. Lungworm
  4. Grade 5 learners were demonstrating an aspect of light using the apparatus drawn below
    Which aspect of light were they investigating?
    1. Light travels in a straight line
    2. Light travels in all directions
    3. Light forms a shadow on an opaque object
    4. Light is not seen
  5. Grade 5 learners with their teacher were discussing about the sense organs. They discussed about ways of taking care for the ears as one of the sensory organs. Among the following, which one is not correct?
    1. Visit a doctor incase of infection
    2. Using a match stick in removing dirt andvexcess wax
    3. Avoid using loud music
    4. Using ear muffs in a noisy environment
  6. The following are signs and symptoms of a cold as one of the respiratorý diseases. Which one is not?
    1. Sore throat
    2. Chest pain
    3. Fever
    4. Cough
  7. The following are examples of plants found in our community. Which one does not use flowers as a means of productions?
    1. Grass
    2. Beans
    3. Pine
    4. Mango
  8. In computer which among the following features shows the shortcuts to some programmes in the desktop computer?
    1. Short button
    2. Title bar
    3. Space bar
    4. Desktop icons
  9. When typing, a leaner wanted to move a certain information from page one to page two. What best advice can you give him to make his work more easier?
    1. To duplicate the information
    2. To avoid transferring
    3. To cut and paste the information he want
    4. Delete and type afresh
  10. The type of tooth that helps in griping and tearing are also
    1. flat and sharp
    2. flat with one root
    3. sharp and pointed 
    4. sharp with two roots
  11. Digestion of food starts in the ____________________ and ends in the _______________________.
    1. mouth, stomach
    2. stomach, small intestine
    3. mouth, large intestine
    4. mouth, small intestine
  12. Which one of the following is the odd one out? 
    1. Spider
    2. Mite
    3. Scorpion
    4. Cockroach
  13. All the following are floaters except
    1. feather
    2. matchstick
    3. staple pin
    4. wool
  14. The following is a description of a certain type of cloud:
    1. Scattered in the sky
    2. White in colour
    3. Feathery like
    4. Found high in the sky
    5. Indicate a fine weather
      The cloud is most likely to be
      1. cumulus
      2. stratus
      3. nimbus
      4. cirrus
  15. Which one of the following does not affect sinking and floating? 
    1. Size
    2. Weight
    3. Type of material
    4. Shape
  16. The process that takes place when a liquid changes to become a gas is known as
    1. freezing
    2. evaporation
    3. melting
    4. condensation
  17. Which one of the following is not a way of conserving water?
    1. Storing it for future use
    2. Reusing it
    3. Recycling it
    4. Taking a bath in the river
  18. The main source of light is
    1. moon
    2. stars
    3. sun
    4. skylight


  1. The following are tools that are used by farmers in farming activities. Which of the following tools can a farmer use to dig in hard grounds?
    1. Jembe
    2. Panga
    3. Fork Jembe
    4. Rake
  2. The following are gardening practises in a potato nursery bed. Which one help in conserving water?
    1. Watering
    2. Gapping
    3. Thinning
    4. Mulching
  3. The farmer wanted to prepare an organic pit in his farm. Which material was he likely not to use?
    1. Food remains
    2. Animal wastes
    3. Plastic bottles
    4. Maize stalks
  4. The diagram below shows a type of irrigation
    The above method is preferred over the use of sprinkler irrigation because
    1. it saves time
    2. it is modern
    3. it conserves water as it drips water only where the plant is
    4. it is cheaper to instal than sprinkler
  5. Which one of the following is not an indigenous type of root crops?
    1. Yams
    2. Sweet potatoes
    3. Sorghum
    4. Cassava
  6. Domestic animals have different uses in our community. Learners listed them as follows. Which one is true about a donkey?
    1. Provide security
    2. Used in transportation.
    3. Provide food
    4. Provide company
  7. Which one of the following is not an example of climbing fruits?
    1. Passion
    2. Berries
    3. Watermelon
    4.  Avocado
  8. The soil with small particles and fine texture has all the following except
    1. best drainage
    2. poor drainage
    3. best for modelling
    4. best water retention
  9. Which one is a cereal crop?
    1. Cowpeas
    2. Sorghum
    3. Coconut
    4. Beans
  10. Which one of the following is an example of a wild animal?
    1. Rabbit
    2. Turkey 
    3. Monkey
    4. Duck


  1. The following are signs and symptoms of cold except
    1. cough
    2. sore throat
    3. body aches
    4. high blood pressure
  2. What is the name of the below item that is used during advertisement?
    1. Mobile phone
    2. Television
    3. Computer
    4. Laptop
  3. What is the best way of preventing measles on children?
    1. Taking capsules
    2. Immunisation
    3. Quarantine
    4. Application of creams
  4. Which of the following factors considered when choosing clothes and shoes is correctly matched with its explanation?
    1. Comfort - Be within your budget
    2. Colour - Match your outfit
    3. Weather - Be right for the weather
    4. Price - Be age appropriate
  5. Which one of the following materials is needed to improve the below item?
    1. Clean empty plastic bottle with a cap
    2. Feathers
    3. A smooth wooden stick
    4. Thread
  6. The following physical changes take place in pre-adolescent girls apart from
    1. breast development
    2. waist and hips broaden
    3. growth of hair under arms
    4. experience wet dreams
  7. Which material is used to make the below clothe? 
    1. Cotton
    2. Nylon
    3. Plastic
    4. Leather
  8. Three of the following are immunisable disease except
    1. measles
    2. chicken pox
    3. ricket
    4. tetanus
  9. Which one of the following safety precautions is not observed when buying items?
    1. Use of a shopping list
    2. Observe expiry date
    3. Avoid impulse buying
    4. The method of consumption
  10. Which of the following is not a nutritional deficiencies and disorders?
    1. Marasmus
    2. Anaemia
    3. Covid-19
    4. Night blindness 


  1. In long jump, what is the name given to the point  where you jump from?
    1. Runaway
    2. Landing pit
    3. Take off board
    4. Jumping spot
  2. The below track is used for which race below?
    1. 1500m race
    2. 100m race
    3. 200m race
    4. 42km race
  3. Three of the following are practises for four action sequence except
    1. T-balance
    2. knee stand
    3. handstand
    4. jogging
  4. The following are the benefits of warming up apart from
    1. increases movement of blood throughout thenbody
    2. leads to heart failure
    3. increases delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles
    4. prepares the heart for an increase in activity
  5. In the game of softball, the defending team is called
    1. fielding team
    2. battling team
    3. defending team
    4. attacking team
  6. Which of the following is not a way of taking care of the community recreation facilities?
    1. Not littering the areas
    2. Planting trees around the area
    3. Teaching people on how to take care of the facilities
    4. Throwing dangerous items around the facility
  7. The following equipments are used during a soccer game by players. Which one is not?
    1. Ball
    2. Whistle
    3. Mitts
    4. Sport shoes
  8. When an athlete is injured during a race, what should be done to him or her?
    1. First aid
    2. Taken to the hospital.
    3. Given water to drink
    4. Given a lot of food
  9. The technique that involves jumping sideways during a rope skipping is known as
    1. heel traps
    2. straddle
    3. skier
    4. straddle cross
  10. The field below is used to play which game?
    1. softball
    2. football
    3. rounders
    4. netball



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  10. A

Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 1-5

Mwanafunzi:   Shikamoo mwalimu?
Mwalimu:        Marahaba Juma. Karibu ukae kitini
Mwanafunzi:   Asante mwalimu
Mwalimu:        Nikusaidiaje Juma?
Mwanafunzi:   Nimekuja kulalamikia uchafuzi wa mazingira shuleni. Wanafunzi wengi wamekataa kufuata maagizo ya kutupa taka kwenye                                 majalala na kumwaga maji chooni baada ya haja zao humo.
Mwalimu:        Asante Juma kwa kuwa mwanafunzi mtiifu na anayewajali wengine.
Mwanafunzi:   Nimehongera mwalimu. Wamesahau jinsi ulivyotufunza kuwa mazingira machafu yanaweza kusababisha magonjwa mengi Mwalimu:         Unakumbuka baadhi ya magonjwa hayo?
Mwanafunzi:    Naam mwalimu! Kuna ugonjwa wa kipindupindu, kuna kichocho na hata kuumwa na tumbo na maleria.
Mwalimu:         Vizuri sana. Haya twende darasani pako niwazungumzie tena wanafunzi hao kuhusu umuhimu wa kuyatunza mazingira yao
Mwanafunzi:   Asante mwalimu

  1. Jibu la shikamoo ni
    1. shikamooo
    2. marahaba
    3. sabalkheri
    4. asante
  2. Juma alienda kufanya nini ofisini?
    1. Kumsalimia mwalimu
    2. Kumshukuru mwalimu
    3. Kumkaribisha mwalimu
    4. Kulalamikia uchafuzi wa mazingira
  3. Tatataka zinafaa kutupwa wapi?
    1. Chooni
    2. Majalalani
    3. Darasani
    4. Uwanjani
  4. Mazingira machafu husababisha nini?
    1. Magonjwa
    2. Kiangazi
    3. Homa
    4. Nidhamu
  5. Ni ugonjwa gani ambao hausababishwi na mazingira machafu?
    1. Maleria
    2. Kichocho
    3. Kifua kikuu
    4. Kipindupindu

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali 6-10

Kila muhula tunapokaribia kufunga shule kwa likizo, walimu wa shule yetu huandaa siku spesheli ya michezo. Shule yetu ya Malezi Bora huwa na wanafunzi mia nane. Siku ya michezo, wanafunzi wote pamoja na walimu hukusanyika uwanjani.

Wiki iliyopita ndiyo wiki tuliyoandaliwa michezo. Mchezo uliochezwa kwanza ulikuwa ni mbio fupi za mita mia moja. Moha, Talia, Amen and Mercy ndio waliochaguliwa kuanza. Wote walipanga mstari. "Ni nani atashinda leo?" Sara, mwanafunzi wa darasa la nane alishangaaa. Aliwaangalia marafiki zake. Prrr.... Firimbi ikalia. Moha na Amen wana mbio sana. Amen akawa anaongoza mbio hizo. Sara na wanafunzi wengine walishangiliwa kwa vifijo. Moha alitoka nyuma mbio sana akampita Amen kwenye mstari wa kumalizia na akawa wa kwanza. Talia naye alimaliza wa tatu huku Mercy akiridhika na nafasi ya nne. Yalikuwa mashindano na kufana sana.

  1. Kila mwisho wa muhula, walimu wa shule huandaa nini?
    1. Siku ya michezo
    2. Siku ya kufunga shule
    3. Wakati wa mtihani 
    4. Siku ya kuenda sokoni  
  2. Wanafunzi wa shule hii ni wangapi?
    1. 1000
    2. 80
    3. 800
    4. 500
  3. Ni mchezo gani ulioandaliwa siku hiyo?
    1. Mpira
    2. Mbio fupi
    3. Ndondi
    4. Mpira wa vikapu
  4. Ni wanafunzi gani walio na mbio sana? 
    1. Talia na Moha
    2. Moha na Amen
    3. Mercy na Talia
    4. Amen na Mercy 
  5. Ni mwanafunzi gani aliyeibuka mshindi?
    1. Talia
    2. Mercy
    3. Amen
    4. Moha

Soma ufahamu ufuatao kisha ujibu maswali 11-15

Zipo nyakati nyingine ambapo tunapatwa na matatizo ya kiafya yanayohitaji huduma za dharura. Matatizo haya hutokea mahali popote kama vile shuleni, njiani ama nyumbani. Haya yanapotokea huduma ya kwanza huhitajika ili kupunguza au kuzuia hali kuwa mbaya zaidi. Ni vizuri kujua kuwa tatizo dogo kama vile kusakamwa na chakula kooni linaweza kuwa na athari kubwa endapo halitashughulikiwa kwa haraka. Pia, jereha lisiposhughulikiwa upesi na kwa njia ifaayo, linaweza kuingiwa na wadudu na kufanya hali ya mwathiriwa kuwa mbaya zaidi.

Katika jamii, ni vyema kuwa na watu waliohitimu kutoa huduma ya kwanza. Watu hao wanapaswa kuwa na ujuzi wa kukabiliana na hali mbalimbali ambazo zinahitaji maarifa ya hali ya juu. Aidha, ni jambo zuri kuwa na chama cha huduma ya kwanza shuleni. Wanafunzi katika chama hiki hupewa mafunzo ya kukabiliana na ajali ndogondongo na matatizo ya kiafya.

  1. Matatizo ya kiafya huhitaji nini?
    1. huduma za dharura
    2. kutibiwa haraka
    3. kupuuzwa vizuri
    4. kuwatibu wagonjwa
  2. Tatizo la kiafya laweza kutokea wapi?
    1. Shuleni na nyumbani
    2. Tumboni na chumbani
    3. Kichwani na kinywani
    4.  Masomoni na pembeni
  3. Ni tatizo gani linaweza kuwa baya zaidi kulingana na ufahamu?
    1. Kunywa maji
    2. Kuoga bafuni
    3. Kusakamwa na chakula
    4. Kuenda haja
  4. Watu wanaostahili kufanya huduma ya kwanza lazima wawe na nini?
    1. Pesa
    2. Magari
    3. Dawa
    4. Ujuzi
  5. Ni jambo gani zuri linalostahili kuwa shuleni?
    1. Kuwa na hospitali shuleni
    2. Kuwa na chama cha huduma ya kwanza 
    3. Kuanzisha chama cha kuwafunza wanafunzi 
    4. Kuendeleza matibabu ya majeruhi

Some mtungo ufuatao kisha ujaze nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwa jibu sahihi.

Zuri alikuwa mchoraji mahiri. Alipenda kuchora majora ___16___ leso yaliyopendeza sana. Watengenezaji leso walipenda ___17___ hiyo. Waliichukua na kuonyeshana kwenye majukuwaa ya biashara, Michoro hiyo ya Zuri ilipata umaarufu ___18___. Zuri alikuwa akipata cheki za pesa ___19___  sana kutokana na michoro ___20___.

   A  B  C  D
 16.  za  ya   la   wa 
 17.  michongo  mapambo   picha   michoro 
 18.  mkubwa  kidogo  kubwa  kikubwa
 19.  mingi  wengi  nyingi  mengi
 20.  yake  zao  yangu  zertu 

Kutoka swali la 21 hadi 30 jibu kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Chagua nomino katika sentensi hizi
    Darasa hili ni kubwa sana
    1. hili
    2. kubwa
    3. darasa
    4. sana
  2. Tulipikiwa chakula kizuri tukala
    1. Tulipikiwa
    2. Chakula
    3. Kizuri
    4. Tukala
  3. Mtoto wa kuku anaitwaje?
    1. Kinda
    2. Ndege
    3. Mwana
    4. Kifaranga
  4. Chagua sentensi yenye kiwakilishi cha nafsi ya kwanza
    1. Wewe ni mtoto mzuri
    2. Wao ni walimu wetu
    3. Sisi tutakutembelea kesho
    4. Nyinyi hamjui kupika chai
  5. Chagua kielezi cha namna katika sentensi hii Wanariadha waliokimbia vizuri walituzwa jana
    1. Jana
    2. Walituzwa
    3. Vizuri
    4. Waliokimbia
  6. Tegua kitendawili hiki. Ninatembea na paa mgongoni
    1. Kobe
    2. Nyumba
    3. Upepo
    4. Jua
  7. Chagua jibu ambalo si kiunganishi
    1. Lakini
    2. Nyeupe
    3. Pia
    4. Kwa hivyo
  8. Kamilisha sentensi hii kwa njia sahihi.
    Panya ameingia _____________________ shimo.
    1. ndani ya
    2. juu ya
    3. chini ya
    4. karibu na
  9. Jaza pengo kwa neno ambalo ni kinyume cha lililopigiwa mstari
    Nyanya ni mgonjwa lakini ______________ ni mzima
    1. mjomba
    2. baba
    3. kaka
    4. babu
  10. Kamilisha tashbihi ifuatayo.
    Karani ni mrefu kama
    1. barabara
    2. nyundo
    3. twiga
    4. ndovu


Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu mada ifuatayo:-



  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. C
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. A
  29. D
  30. C


Read the dialogue below and then answer questions 1 to 5

Odanga: Hello Katana, today we learnt how to bake
Katana:   Wow! That's great. Why dont we try baking a cake today?
Odanga: That is a good idea. We only need a few ingredients. Most of them are already in our house
Katana:   Okey, what do we need?
Odanga: We require flour, sugar and butter. Oh, I forgot eggs and Vanilla flavour
Katana:   Let's change and meet in the kitchen
Odanga: Alright

  1. What do you think was the topic learnt that day?
    1. Cookery
    2. Cutlery
    3. Utensils
    4. Crockery
  2. What is true according to the dialogue?
    1. Katana knew how to bake a cake
    2. Odanga did not know the ingredients needed
    3. Odanga knew how to bake a cake
    4. Katana knew the ingredients needed
  3. Where were most of the ingredients needed to bake a cake?
    1. At O'danga's house
    2. At Katana's house
    3. At the supermarket
    4. At the school kitchen
  4. Which ingredient would give the cake a sweet smell?
    1. Sugar
    2. Eggs
    3. Butter
    4. Vanilla
  5. From the dialogue, we know all the following except
    1. what to bake
    2. what to bake with
    3. how long the baking will take
    4. where to bake from

Read the passage below and then answer questions 6 to 10.

Ngunyi came home with a new ball one day. His mother got concerned because she had not bought one for a long time. She asked Ngunyi who replied that it was a gift from his best friend. His mother did not bother him any further.

It happened that no week passed without Ngunyi coming come with a strange item. He always gave the same explanation. One evening, Ngunyi's mother heard shout of thief! thief! coming from the neighbourhood. She went out to find out what was wrong. She was shocked to see Ngunyi tied on a tree with ropes. Beside him, was a new, blue moutain bike. He was the thief! His mother pleaded with the mob but she was not heard.

Ngunyi was saved by the police and taken to custody. There, he was awaiting to be taken to court for stealing.

  1. It was a lie for Ngunyi
    1. to attend school every day
    2. to come home with a new ball
    3. to claim that he had been gifted a ball
    4. to reply to his mother
  2. Why did Ngunyi's mother not bother any more?
    1. She believed what Ngunyi said
    2. She ignored what Ngunyi said
    3. She doubted what Ngunyi said.
    4. She forgot what Ngunyi said
  3. All the strange items Ngunyi brought home were
    1. new
    2. stolen
    3. unique
    4. genuine
  4. What was wrong in the neighbourhood?
    1. Ngunyi was dead
    2. Ngunyi was cycling
    3. Ngunyi was fighting
    4. Ngunyi was caught stealing
  5. If Ngunyi was found guilty in the court, he would be
    1. hanged
    2. arrested
    3. imprisoned
    4. released

Read the passage below and then answer questions 11 to 15.

Taking care of our teeth is very important. We all know how it feels when you have a great smile and a fresh breath. Having poor oral hygiene can lead to many problems. They include gum disease, cavities and tooth decays.

To get a good dental hygiene, a good toothbrush is necessary. It should have soft bristles so as not to injure the gum. One toothbrush should not be used for more than three months. Secondly, a tooth paste containing flouride is needed to protect your teeth from bacteria that cause decay. Brushing should be done twice per day. Make sure you clean well between your teeth to remove plaque.

  1. Someone who practises good oral hygiene
    1. has a great mouth and fresh air
    2. is a very important person
    3. smiles great and has a fresh breath
    4. has many dental problems
  2. Which one of the following do you think is the worst case of teeth problem?
    1. Bad breath
    2. Tooth cavity
    3. Gum disease
    4. Tooth decay
  3. A toothbrush according to the passage
    1. should be used at least for two months
    2. should be used without toothpaste
    3. should have hard bristles
    4. should be new every day
  4. What prevents our teeth from bacteria?
    1. Toothbrush
    2. Toothpase
    3. Fluride
    4. Soft bristles
  5. Give a suitable summary for the passage you have read
    1. Tooth cavity
    2. Oral hygiene
    3. A good toothbrush
    4. Flouride toothpaste

Read the passage below and then answer questions 16-20

Once upon a time, a cruel king never used to laugh. He neither allowed anyone else in the palace to laugh leave alone smiling.

One day, a small girl could hardly control her laughter. However, she was arrested and was waiting for the punishment which was death. She quickly thought of a plan and wrote a very funny story.

On the day of his fate, she requested the king to present something. The king let her do it. The girl started telling the story. The king remained gloomy until she came to the funniest part. The king finally laughed. All people who were present in the court were amazed. The king thereafter allowed everybody to laugh.

  1. In the palace it was not a crime to
    1. express happiness
    2. smile
    3. laugh
    4. talk
  2. Why was the girl arrested?
    1. She broke a rule of the palace
    2. She had abused the king 
    3. The king wanted her killed
    4. She had a very funny story
  3. Complete the following English proverb Laughter......
    1. lose all
    2. is the best medicine
    3. is better than none
    4. makes jack a dull boy
  4. Why did the king laugh?
    1. The story was indeed funny
    2. Everyone else laughed
    3. The girl was looking funny
    4. He was not willling to kill the girl
  5. When the girl thought of her death
    1. she called upon her relatives
    2. she made a request to meet the king
    3. she repeated a funny story
    4. she bought a present for the king

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 21 to 25. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

___21___ eagle knows when a storm is ___22___ before it breaks. The eagle will fly to some ___23___ spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm strikes, it spreads its wings ___24___ that the wind will pick it ___25___ and lift it above the storm.

   A  B  C  D
 21.  An  The  A  Some
 22.  came  comes  coming  come
 23.  high  highly  higher  highest
 24.  as  too  very  so
 25.  down  out  up  off

For questions 26 to 30, fill in the blank spaces with the correct alternative from the choices given.

  1. That shop sells a lot of _____________________ shoes.
    1. mens'
    2. mens
    3. men
    4. men's
  2. If the farmers __________________________ early, they will harvest enough maize.
    1. plants
    2. planted
    3. plant
    4. planting
  3. I dont know  ________________________ house collapsed yesterday
    1. whose
    2. whom
    3. what
    4. that
  4. You can take either an orange _______________________ an apple.
    1. and
    2. or
    3. with
    4. for
  5. I have known Mr. Mwadime _________________________ I was a little girl
    1. because
    2. while
    3. for
    4. since


Write an interesting composition about



  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. A
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
  1. A petrol station received 456800 litres of fuel. What is the place value of digit 6 in the number?
    1. 600
    2. Hundreds
    3. 60
    4. Thousands 
  2. Work out:-
    924 625 + 12406
    1. 1048685
    2. 936031
    3. 937031
    4. 912219
  3. Simplify the fractions written below
    1. 6/8 
    2. 3/4 
    3. 24/32
    4. 12/16 
  4. Work out: 
    4 − 0.673
    1. 3.237
    2. 4.673
    3. 3.337
    4. 4.327
  5. Work out:
    54 x 12 ÷ 4+8
    1. 54
    2. 162
    3. 594
    4. 170
  6. Peter walked a distance of 5km 700m while Karaka walked 9km 950m. Find the difference in the distance they walked.
    1. 15km 650m
    2. 14km 650m
    3. 4km 250
    4. 3km 250m
  7. Find the area of the square plot drawn below
    1. 30m2
    2. 225m2
    3. 60m2
    4. 120m2
  8. Convert 7 minutes 45seconds into seconds only 
    1. 745 seconds
    2. 545 seconds
    3. 465 seconds
    4. 665 seconds
  9. Which one of the shapes drawn below is a triangular based pyramid?
  10. Solve the value of unknown in the equation
    8w − 6 = 26
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 10/27 
  11. Work out:
    3/9 + 7/18 
    1. 13/18 
    2. 1/
    3. 10/18 
    4. 10/27 
  12. In a book shelf, there are 36 exercise books. The number of squared exercise books is three times the number of ruled exercise books. If the ruled exercise book is represented by y, form an equation to represent this information.
    1. 2y + y = 36
    2.  y + 1/3y = 36
    3. 3y + y = 36
    4. 3y − y = 36
  13. Manuguti had two Sh. 500 notes. He changedthe money to four Sh.100, ten Sh.40 coins and the rest were in Sh.20 coins. How many Sh.20 coins did he get?
    1. 30
    2. 25
    3. 15
    4. 10
  14. What is the perimeter of the figure drawn below?
    1. 23m
    2. 20m
    3. 46m
    4. 40m
  15. Work out:
    36kg 470g ÷ 7
    1. 5kg 21g
    2. 5kg 210g
    3. 5kg 60g
    4. 5kg 67g
  16. Ophir sold 253 exercise books. She sold each book for Sh.95. Estimate the a. unt of money she got by rounding off the amount to the
    nearest ten.
    1. Sh. 25000
    2. Sh. 24035
    3. Sh. 24000
    4. Sh. 24040
  17. Calculate the volume of the figure drawn below
    1. 31cm3
    2. 1056m3
    3. 220m3
    4. 632m3 
  18. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 2, 5 and 10?
    1. 310
    2. 84
    3. 203
    4. 425 
  19. After identifying the shaded part in the figures drawn below, arrange these fractions from the smallest to the largest.
    1. 5/84/83/82/8, 1/8 
    2. 5/81/82/83/84/8 
    3. 1/85/82/84/83/8 
    4. 1/82/83/84/85/8 
  20. There were three hundred and ninety thre thousand animals in Nicole farm. If eighty on thousand animals died due to disease outbreak how many animals remained?
    1. 310 000
    2. 312200
    3. 312000
    4. 309000
  21. A meeting was attended by ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety one people. How many people attended the meeting in symbols?
    1. 9991
    2. 99991
    3. 909991
    4. 999901
  22. What is the total value of digit 4 in the sum of 12356 and 72623?
    1. 4000
    2. Thousands
    3. 40000
    4. 400
  23. How many layers can be counted from stack made out of the cubes?
    1. 48
    2. 36
    3. 12
    4.  4
  24. Which digit is in the thousandths place value in the figure 4372.596?
    1. 4
    2. 2
    3. 6
    4. 9
  25. Alice had 25kg 500g of animals feeds. She used 7kg 800g to feed her cows during the week. Work out the mass of animal feeds that remained.
    1. 22kg 300g
    2. 17kg 700g
    3. 33kg 300g
    4. 18kg 700g
  26. Work out:
    Minutes          Seconds
       39                    46
    − 20                    28            
    1. 59 min     74 sec
    2. 19 min     22sec
    3. 18min      18sec
    4. 19min      18sec
  27. Paul visited an ATM. He needed to get some money to use. Which of the following is he likely to do at the ATM?
    1. Withdrawing money
    2. Depositing money
    3. Saving money
    4. Keeping taxes
  28. Which type of angle is marked by letter Q?
    1. A right angle
    2. An obtuse angle
    3. A reflex angle
    4. An acute angle
  29. Fill in the missing numbers in the letters marked by x and y respectively.
    1. 3, 9
    2. 9, 3
    3. 3, 3
    4. 3, 4
  30. Cecilia had Sh.25789 in her bank account. How much money to the nearest hundreds did Cecilia have in her account?
    1. Sh. 25790
    2. Sh. 25800
    3. Sh. 25700
    4. Sh. 26000


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. C
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. B
  29. A
  30. B


  1. The following materials are used in drawing except ?
    1. Pencil
    2. Drawing book
    3. Eraser
    4. A pair of scissors
  2. Which one of the following is NOT a primary colour?
    1. Yellow
    2. Green
    3. Blue
    4. Red
  3. Which technique is used to create value in the drawing below?
    1. Collage
    2. Cross hatching
    3. Montage
    4. Crayon etching
  4. The following are elements of Art except?
    1. Texture
    2. Value
    3. Shape
    4. Shade
  5. Grade five learners collected some materials and stuck them on a surface to create a new picture. The technique is known as __________________
    1. Sticking
    2. Collage
    3. Creation
    4. Montage
  6. A baby cot is made using the technique called
    1. Modelling
    2. Carving
    3. Kneading
    4. Weaving
  7. We use _____________________to make crayons.
    1. Paraffin wax
    2. Warm water
    3. Sand
    4. Glue
  8. Tom wants to divide a drawing into two equal parts to create balance. Which line will he use?
    1. zig zag line
    2. Curved line
    3. Axis line
    4. Straight line
  9. Grade five Art and Craft teacher asked his learners to make an illustration that show colours relate to each other. This technique is called ________________________
    1. Mosaic
    2. Photocopy
    3. Colouration
    4. Colour wheel
  10. A book jacket is removable cover made of paper. Which information is NOT found in a book jacket?
    1. The author of the book
    2. The illustrations or pictures
    3. The title of the book
    4. The price of the book


  1. The songs sung by people of a certain community about the people ways of life is called?
    1. Folk songs
    2. Sacred songs
    3. Patriotic songs
    4. Topical songs
  2. Identify the traditional musical instrument below. 
    1. Nzumari
    2. Bung'o
    3. Chivoti
    4. Mulele
  3. Which one of the following is NOT part of a descant recorder?
    1. Head joint
    2. Foot joint
    3. Middle joint
    4. Top joint
  4. The East Africa National Anthem is NOT sung in ____________________________________
    1. South Sudan
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Uganda
    4. Tanzania
  5. What is the French rhythm for the note below?
    1. Taa
    2. Taa - aa
    3. aa aa aa aa
  6. A two girls performance can be described as
    1. Solo
    2. Trio
    3. Choral
    4. Duet 
  7. What is tempo as used in Music?
    1. highness or lowness of sound
    2. speed of sound
    3. shape of sound
    4. rhythm of sound
  8. Grade five learners were told by the Music teacher to organise for a dance. Which one don't they need?
    1. Ornaments
    2. Adornments
    3. Costumes
    4. Camera
  9. A drum as a musical instrument is made from
    1. Leather and Metal
    2. Leather and Canvas
    3. Leather and wood
    4. Wood and polythene
  10. The quality of voice is known as ________________________________________
    1. Tone
    2. Charcoal
    3. Diction
    4. Gesture



  1. What is the direction of Dimo swamp from the saw mill?
    1. South West
    2. South East
    3. North West
    4. North East
  2. The following are sections of River Dolo. Which one is NOT?
    1. Delta
    2. Confluence 
    3. Estuary
    4. Tributaries
  3. People of Ndere Area are mainly ____________________________
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Traditionalists
  4. Which economic activity is NOT carried out in Ndere Area?
    1. Tourism
    2. Trading
    3. Lumbering
    4. Fishing
  5. Ndere Area is likely to be a ___________________________
    1. Ward
    2. Location
    3. Constituency
    4. County
  6. Which of the following is NOT a Nilote?
    1. Rendile
    2. Turkana
    3. Luo
    4. Kipsigis
  7. Diatomite as a mineral mined in Kenya is mine at ____________________________
    1. Kimwarer
    2. Kariandusi
    3. Lake Magadi
    4. Bamburi 
  8. Growing of crops and rearing of livestock is called __________________________________
    1. Arable farming
    2. Livestock farming
    3. Subsistence farming
    4. Mixed farming
  9. Which crop is NOT a horticultural crop?
    1. Cotton
    2. Carnations
    3. Grapes
    4. French beans
  10. Which country borders Kenya to the South West?
    1. South Sudan
    2. Somalia
    3. Tanzania
    4. Eritrea
  11. Below are characteristics of a certaini climate region
    1. Has one rain season
    2. High temperatures
    3. Rainfall is about 1000mm per year
      The above climate region is_________________
      1. Semi desert
      2. Tropical
      3. Modified tropical
      4. Equatorial
  12. The original homeland of the Cushites is;-
    1. Horn of Africa
    2. Congo forest
    3. South Sudan
    4. South Africa
  13. The interdepence of language groups in Kenya has the follwing benefits. Which one is false?
    1. Promotes peace
    2. Helps fight triabalism
    3. Encourages corruption
    4. Promotes unity
  14. The hotness or coldness of a place is called? 
    1. Thermometer
    2. Air pressure
    3. Wind
    4. Temperature

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 35-38


  1. What is the capital city of the country marked H?
    1. Mogadishu
    2. Khartoum
    3. Juba
    4. Dodoma
  2. Which hills are represented by Z:-
    1. Loita Hills
    2. Chulu Hills
    3. Taita Hills
    4. Shimba Hills
  3.  The Historic built environment marked X is likely to be _________________________________
    1. Fort Jesus
    2. Gedi Ruins
    3. Olorgesaille
    4. Koobi Fora
  4. What is the height of Mountain marked N?
    1. 5099m
    2. 4890m
    3. 4321m
    4. 5895m
  5. Which one of the following members is a Secretary during the school board management meetings in a school? 
    1. The School Chairman
    2. The Head teacher
    3. The Deputy Headteacher
    4. The County Governor
  6. Which of the following skills was NOT taught through apprenticeship?
    1. Iron work
    2. Medicine
    3. Harvesting Honey
    4. Cooking food


  1. Which book of the Bible tells us that God has good plans for our future?
    1. Genesis 2:5
    2. Jeremiah 29: 11
    3. John 3:16
    4. Mathew 25: 14
  2. King Solomon was able to solve problems involving his people because of his ___________________________
    1. power
    2. strength
    3. courage
    4. wisdom
  3. Which one of the following is NOT a value taught by the John the Baptist? 
    1. Caring
    2. Injustice
    3. Integrity
    4. Kindness
  4. ___________________________ raped Tamar in King David's house.
    1. Amnon
    2. Jonathan
    3. Hosea
    4. Bezalel
  5. Which one is the only Commandment with a promise?
    1. Do not kill
    2. Observe Sabath
    3. Worship only one God
    4. Honour your father and mother
  6. Which one is NOT a cause of alcohol and substance abuse?
    1. Hardwork
    2. Idleness
    3. Poverty
    4. Peer pressure
  7. Which of the following events tock piace during the bapstism of Jesus Christ?
    1. Jesus cried Eloi Eloi
    2. Jesus sweat blood
    3. Heaven eas opened
    4. There was an earth quake
  8. Hannah and Elkana were parents of ______________________
    1. Eli
    2. Samson
    3. Samuel
    4. Moses 
  9. Who was sent by God to rescue the Israelites from Egypt?
    1. Jesus
    2. Aaron
    3. Caleb
    4. Moses
  10. From the story of Ham the son of Noah, we learn that :-
    1. We should have faith in God
    2. We should love the elderly
    3. We should respect the elderly 
    4. We should care for the elderly


  1. The following are chapters that are found in the Holy Quran except?
    1. Zilzallah
    2. Uhud
    3. Fatiha
    4. Aadizyat
  2. Which Surah in the Holy Quran states about the day of judgement?
    1. Zilzallah
    2. Maun
    3. Firaun
    4. Swamad
  3. Which one of the following completes the hadith.... The Paradise lies under the feet of
    1. Mothers
    2. Fathers
    3. Allah
    4. Prophets
  4. A good Muslim leader should be :-
    1. Corrupt
    2. tough
    3. honest
    4. strong
  5. Muslims generally face the _______________________while praying.
    1. the sun
    2. moon
    3. Qiblah
    4. mecca
  6. Who among the following was a farmer in the Quran?
    1. Adam (AS)
    2. Nuhr (AS)
    3. Issa (AS)
    4. Suleiman (AS)
  7. Which one of the following pillars of Iman is the first? Belief in:-
    1. holy books
    2. Allah
    3. Prophets
    4. Angels
  8. Zilzallah means ________________________________
    1.  repentance
    2. Judgement
    3. Qiyamah
    4. Word of Allah
  9. None to be worshiped but Allah Muhammad is His _________________________
    1. follower
    2. messenger
    3. prophet
    4. son
  10. Which one of the following is not hallal in the Islamic Shariah?
    1. during business with non Muslims
    2. during business for interest
    3. during business outside the country 
    4. practising hearding



  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. D


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. C
  9. D
  10. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D


  1. Which one of the following is NOT way of managing solid wastes?
    1. Reducing
    2. Re-using
    3. Rebooting
    4. Re-cycling
  2. The following are internal parasites except
    1. Hookworm
    2. Tapeworm
    3. Ringworm
    4. Piriworm
  3. Which one of the following is a water-borne disease?
    1. Typhoid
    2. Corona - Virus disease
    3. Pneumonia
    4. Tuberculosis
  4. The diagram below shows a human bone.
    It is likely to be a ________________________________
    1. skull
    2. ribcage
    3. limb bone
    4. skeleton 
  5. The C-shaped rings found in windpipe are called ____________________
    1. Cartilages
    2. Trachea
    3. Villi
    4. Alveoli
  6. Which one is an organ for tasting
    1. Eye
    2. Skin
    3. Ear
    4. Tongue
  7. Grade five learners saw an animal with the following characteristics.
    1. Has varying body temperature.
    2. Has backbone
    3. Lays fertilised eggs
      The above animal is likely to be a :-
      1. Mammal
      2. Fish
      3. Amphibian
      4. Reptile
  8. Which one of the following digital devices would not be used in taking photographs in the field?
    1. Mobile phone
    2. Tablets
    3. Stop watch
    4. Camera
  9. Which is NOT a state of matter?
    1. Gases
    2. Liquids
    3. Clouds
    4. Solids
  10. Grade five learners set the experiment as shown below.
    What were the learners investigating?
    1. Radiation
    2. Conduction
    3. Convection
    4. Conducive
  11. ________________________ makes work easier.
    1. Lever
    2. Machine
    3. Light
    4. Candle
  12. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of all plants?
    1. They grow
    2. They feed
    3. They reproduce
    4. They move from one point to another 
  13. The clouds which have regular shapes also:-
    1. covers the whole sky
    2. brings heavy rainfall
    3. indicates fine weather
    4. dark grey in colour
  14. A computer software used to compose format, edit and print documents is known as
    1. Spread sheet
    2. Micro-soft access
    3. Adobe publisher
    4. Word processor
  15. The type of tooth shown below is used for?
    1. grinding
    2. tearing
    3. gripping
    4. cutting
  16. The following non-green plants is used in bakery industry. Which one is it?
    1. Yeast
    2. Mushroom
    3. Mould
    4. Athlete food
  17. Which one is an odd one out?
    1. Spider
    2. Earthworm
    3. Moth
    4. Chameleon

Use the diagram below to answer questions 18 to 19


  1. Which one does not take place at the part marked Q during breathing?
    1. Air is absorbed
    2. Air is cleane
    3. Air is moistened
    4. Air is warned
  2. Which part represents the bronchioles?
    1. S
    2. P
    3. R
    4. Q
  3. The digestive juice produced in the liver is known as :-
    1. Gastric juice
    2. Intestinal juice
    3. Bile juice
    4. Saliva juice


  1. A farmer used his wheelbarrow to transport the eroded soil back to his farm. This practice is called __________________
    1. Soil recovery
    2. Soil profile
    3. Soil erosion
    4. Soil conservation
  2. Which soil conservation is shown below?
    1. Mulching
    2. Shading
    3. Drip irrigation
    4. Weeding
  3. Identify the farm tool below.
    1. Spade
    2. Shovel
    3. Trowel
    4. Mattock
  4. Which farm animal is kept for the production of milk, mohair and mutton?
    1. Goats 
    2. Cattle
    3. Sheep
    4. Pigs
  5. A ________________________ shelters rabbits.
    1. Sly
    2. Stable
    3. Hutch
    4. Kennel
  6. Thefollowing are uses of water in the fafrm except?
    1. Irrigating crops
    2. Mixing chemicals
    3. Washing farm tools
    4. Cleaning farm toilets
  7. Which one is NOT a climbing crop?
    1. Passion fruits
    2. Pumpkins
    3. Strawberries
    4. Sugarcane
  8. A mongoose kills and eats ____________________________________
    1. chicken
    2. vegetables
    3. grains
    4. crop roots 
  9. Which soil holds more water for a long time?
    1. clay soil
    2. loam soil
    3. sand soil
    4. fertile soil
  10. The practice of removing the excess seedlings from a nursery bed is known as :-
    1. Gapping
    2. Weeding
    3. Pruning
    4. Thinning


  1. Pre-adolescent occurs between
    1. 7-11 years old
    2. 6-10 years old
    3. 4 - 8 years old
    4. 9-12 years old
  2. The cleaning item below is mainly used to clean _____________________________________ surface.
    1. earthen
    2. wooden
    3. cemented
    4. glass
  3. A balanced diet contains ___________________________________
    1. Vitamins only
    2. Proteins only
    3. Carbohydrates only
    4. Proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates
  4. Which knitting or sewing item is shown below?
    1. Needle cussion
    2. Thimble
    3. Yarn
    4. Sewing machine
  5. Which fuel is commonly used in a jiko?
    1. Gas
    2. Kerosene
    3. Charcoal
    4. Firewood
  6. The following shoes are worn by grade five learners. Who did not wear a type of shoe?
    1. Susan - Canvas
    2. Lucie - Polythene
    3. Rodgers - Leather
    4. Lenox - plastic
  7. George wants to buy a dress for her pre-teen daughter. Which factor will he not consider?
    1. Size of the shop
    2. Age of the daughter
    3. The occasion
    4. Price of the dress
  8. Which one is a fragile kitchen equipment?
    1. Sufuria
    2. Rolling pin
    3. Metal cup
    4. Earthen pot
  9. Storing brushes and brooms by hanging does not prevent damages to_________________________ 
    1. handles
    2. wires
    3. bristles
    4. floor
  10. The items below are used to clean our ears.
    It is called ________________________ 
    1. ear pad
    2. ear bud
    3. ear muff
    4. ear pick .


  1. The equipment below are used in a race known as _______________________________________
    1. Hundles
    2. Relays
    3. Marathon
    4. Sprints
  2. __________________________ is one of the materials used in landing pit in long jump.
    1. Dry wood
    2. Iron sheets
    3. Pebbles
    4. Saw dust
  3. Which one of the following is NOT a stage in hurdling?
    1. On your mark
    2. Take off
    3. Approach
    4. Flight
  4. The diagram below shows a softball item.
    Part P of the ball is known as
    1. Seam
    2. Knob
    3. Base
    4. Barrel
  5. _________________________ is the technique of working together to achieve a common goal
    1. Success
    2. Team work
    3. Fitness
    4. Warm-up activities
  6. The diagram below shows a long jump facility.
    The part marked B is the
    1. Flight board
    2. Approach board
    3. Take off board
    4. Runway board
  7. Who among the following uses a whistle during a football match?
    1. Referee
    2. Team manager
    3. Goal keeper
    4. Coach
  8. Which technique is shown in finishing the race below?
    1. Drop finish
    2. Bullet finish
    3. Run through finish
    4. Shoulder shrung finish
  9. Another name for forehead throw in Frisbee game is called ________________________________
    1. Frick
    2. Click
    3. Flick
    4. Blink
  10. The following are rope skipping techniques except?
    1. Straddle
    2. Standing
    3. Skier
    4. Heal taps



  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. B
  20. C


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. D


  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B

Soma mazungumzo haya kisha ujibu maswali 1 hadi 5: 


Mwalimu Mkuu: Vicky! Vicky! Uko na shida gani?
Vicky:                  Asante ana Madam Lydia. Naomba niongee na wewe kidogo kama mamangu. Mimi nateseka sana ninapoishi.                              Nimepewa majukumu mengi sana nyumbani.
Mwalimu Mkuu: Pole sana. Wacha kulia ndio uniambie ukweli.
Vicky:                  Kazi nyingi ya jikoni, kufua na kupika. Kama jana nililala saa tano na nusu na sina hata saa ya kufanya kazi ya                              ziada. Kichapo na matusi nimezoea siku hizi. Shida kubwa tena, walimu pia kila asubuhi wanangoja kazi zao                                za ziada na sijafanya. Nakuomba unisaidie mwalimu. Nimeshindwa. Sijui kwa nini wazazi wangu waliniacha!                                  Kifo haina huruma!
Mwalimu Mkuu: Hayo yote ni ya Mungu. Nitakusaidia Vicky. Usiwe na wasiwasi. Nitamwita mlezi wako tukae chini tukomeshe                                ili jambo. Haifai kukufanyia mambo haya mabaya.
Vicky:                  Asante sana mwalimu. Ninamatumaini kama ya tai kuwa kila kitu kitakuwa vizuri. “Mola" akubariki sana.
Mwalimu Mkuu: Kuja hapa kwa ofisi uchukue barua umpeleke mlezi wako ukifika wakati wa kurudi nyumbani.

  1. Ni kwa nini Vicky alimtembelea Mwalimu Mkuu?
    1. Alikuwa mgonjwa
    2. Hakujua la kufanya
    3. Alitaka kumsalimia
    4. Alitaka kuripoti jambo fulani
  2. Neno "Mola" inamaana gani?
    1. Yatima
    2. Kazi ngumu
    3. Mateso
    4. Mungu
  3. Wazazi wa Vicky walikuwa wapi?
    1. Walikuwa nyumbani
    2. Walienda ng'ambo
    3. Hatujaambiwa
    4. Walifariki
  4. Vicky alikutana na Mwalimu Mkuu wapi?
    1. Darasani
    2. Njiani
    3. Ofisini
    4. Nyumbani
  5. Vicky angesaidiwa vipi na Mwalimu Mkuu?
    1. Kumwonya wazazi wake
    2. Kumwita mwalimu wake wa kanisa
    3. Kumwongelesha mlezi wake
    4. Kumripoti mlezi wake kwa polisi

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali la 6 hadi 9.


Tura ni mkulima. Yeye ni mkulima shupavu sana. Ana shamba kubwa sana karibu na mto. Amepanda mimea na matunda ya aina tofautitofauti. Katika shamba lake, amepanda matunda kama vile mnazi, mbuni, mzabibu, mlimau, mparachichi na hata mpapai.

Bwana Tura pia hupanda mimea kama vile mhindi, mharagwe, mtama na hata mboga mbali mbali. Yeye hutumia maji kutoka mtoni kunyunyizia mimea na matunda. Ana mashini ya kunyunyizia maji. Yeye huuza mazao kutoka shamba lake na kupata fedha ya kuikimu familia yake.

  1. Kazi nyingi ya Tura inapatikana wapi? 
    1. sokoni
    2. shambani
    3. nyumbani
    4. mtoni
  2. Neno "fedha" iko na maana gani?
    1. pesa
    2. mazao
    3. hodari
    4. mvua
  3. Ni mimea gani haipatikani kwenye shamba la Tura?
    1. Mharagwe
    2. Mparachichi
    3. Mtama
    4. Pilipili hoho
  4. Mzabibu inatumika kutengeneza nini?
    1. chai tamu
    2. pombe
    3. mkate
    4. keki

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali 10 hadi 13

Saumu alikuwa msichana mrembo na mwerevu shuleni. Ndoto yake ilikuwa ni kusafiri nchi za ulaya. Siku moja wakati wa likizo, alikutana na kijana mmoja mwekezaji aliyekuwa tajiri. Alivutiwa sana na habari kuwa kijana huyo alipenda kusafiri nchi za ng'ambo katika biashara zake. Saumu alishawishika kuingia katika ndoa ya mapema ili kutimiza ndoto zake.

Jambo ambalo hakujua ni kuwa yote yang'aayo si dhahabu. "Msichana mwerevu kama wewe unatakiwa kuishi maisha ya starehe." Mapunda alimshawishi Saumu. "Unaweza kutengeneza pesa nyingi kwa muda mfupi."

Jumatatu moja wakati wa alasiri, Mapunda alifika kwa akina Saumu akiwa na tikiti ya kusafiri pamoja na pasipoti. Saumu alifurahi sana. Mapunda alijieleza kwa ufasaha kiasi cha mtu yeyote kushuku njama yake. Wazazi walilazimisha Saumu kufunga ndoa.

Saumu alivalia nguo kitalii. Rinda maridadi na kofia kubwa kichwani pake. Mrembo wa mtu alishuka ndege katika uwanja wa Uingereza. Upepo ulipeperusha rinda lake maridadi. Ilibidi watu washike marinda yao kujiepusha aibu. Hilo halikumgusa Saumu. Alishikilia kofia yake na kuacha upepo kupeperusha rinda lake kiasi cha kuonyesha uchini wake. Askari katika uwanja huo wa ndege walishangazwa na kitendo cha Saumu kushikilia kofia yake. Baada ya ukaguzi kwenye kofia yake ya thamani ya juu, mihadarati aina ya heroini ya thamani ya shilingi milioni tatu ilipatikana. Baada ya mabishano mafupi, Saumu alitiwa mbaroni na baadaye akapokezwa kufungo cha miaka kumi na miwili kwa ulanguzi wa dawa za kulevya.

Ndoa yake ya mapema haikumfaa kwa lolote wala chochote.

  1. Saumu alikuwa na ndoto gani?
    1. kupanda ndege
    2. Kuvaa kofia
    3. Kusafiri nchi za ng'ambo
    4. Kuuza dawa za kulevya
  2. Rinda huvaliwa na ________________________________
    1. Mwanaume
    2. Askari wa ndege
    3. Msichana
    4. Kasisi
  3. Kwa nini watu walishikilia marinda yao katika uwanja wa ndege?
    1. Ilikuwa baridi sana
    2. Askari alikuwa karibu
    3. Kulikuwa na upepo kali
    4. Walivaa nguo safi
  4. Dawa gani ilipatikana kwenye kofia ya Saumu?
    1. Heroini
    2. Bhangi
    3. Pombe
    4. Mandasi

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 14 had 18. Umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Siku moja, sungura na fisi ___14___ kuhudhuria harusi ya mwana wa simba. Marafiki ___15___ wawili walijipamba kwa ajili ya starehe.

Walijirashia __16___ na manukato ya kupendeza. Walionekana warembo sana. Mkononi sungura alibeba ___17___ uliokuwa na ___18___ kama vile mafuta ya kupakia, sukari na maziwa ya kupikia chai.

   A  B   C   D 
 14.  yalikuwa  mlikuwa   walikuwa  tulikuwa
 15.  hao  wao  huo  lao
 16.  marasi  marashi  malashi  marazi
 17.  mkopa  mukoba  mikopa  mkoba
 18.  zawadi  malipo  sawadi  mazuri


Kutoka swali 19 hadi 30, chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa

  1. Tegua kitendawili hiki: Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo
    1. akuavyo
    2. mpende
    3. njema
    4. ni mkorofi
  2. Umbo hili huitwa ______________________________
    Oval 2
    1. Duara
    2. Mraba
    3. Yai
    4. Duara dufu
  3. Tambua neno lililopigiwa mstari:
    Viti vizuri vimetengenezwa.
    1. Kielezi
    2. Kitenzi
    3. Kivumishi
    4. Kiwakilishi
  4. Je, neno "mwavuli" iko katika ngeli gani?
    1. U-YA
    2. LI-YA
    3. A - WA
    4. U - I
  5. Ni ndege yupi asiyekuwa wa porini?
    1. Mwewe
    2. Chiriku
    3. Bata
    4. Kanga
  6. Andika kwa wingi:
    Kitabu changu kimeraruka.
    1. Vitabu vyangu vimeraruka. 
    2. Vitabu vyetu vimeraruka.
    3. Vitabu vyao vimeraruka.
    4. Vitabu vyenu vimeraruka.
  7. Ni msamiati upi unapatikana hospitalini?
    1. Maabara, makaa
    2. Seredani, bendeji
    3. Machela, bendeji
    4. Meko, godoro
  8. Sabalkheri ni salamu za wakati gani?
    1. Asubuhi
    2. Jioni
    3. Usiku
    4. Mchana
  9. Kikombe kiko ____________________________________ya meza.
    1. juu
    2. kando
    3. chini
    4. ndani
  10. Mtoto wa kuku huitwa? _________________________________
    1. kifaranga
    2. ndama
    3. mayai
    4. kiluilui
  11. Jaza pengo kwa neno mwafaka:
    Chakula ______________________________ hupendwa na watoto wadogo.
    1. tamu
    2. kitamu
    3. nzuri
    4. mtamu
  12. Kanusha sentensi hii: Nitatumia tarakilishi yangu.
    1. Sitatumia tarakilishi yangu.
    2. Sikukutumia tarakilishi yangu
    3. Situmii tarakilishi yangu.
    4. Nitatumia tarakilishi yangu.


Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu;



  1. D
  2. D
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. A
  19. A
  20. D
  21. C
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. C
  26. A
  27. A
  28. B
  29. A

Read the conversation below then answer questions 1 - 5.


Angie:   Good afternoon doctor?
Doctor:  Good afternoon to you, young girl! Please have a seat.
Angie:   Thank you very much doctor!
Doctor:  Welcome! How can I help you?
Angie:    Eh............. first and foremost, my name is Angie Naliaka. I am an orphan. My parents died three years ago of                               HIV/AIDS. I am HIV/AIDS positive and this has given me sleepless nights.
Doctor:  What? Having HIV/AIDS? Are you sure? Have you been tested?
Angie:   No! No doctor. But am sure of it. I have AIDS.
Doctor: How would you be so sure and yet you have had no blood test?
Angie:   In recent days I have been having persistent diarrhoea, rashes all over my body and blood stained cough. I don't get                    sleep. Doctor I also sweat a lot at night.
Doctor:  Young girl you must be having tuberculosis. But before we conclude, come in for a test.

  1. At what time did Angie visit the hospital?
    1. In the morning
    2. At night
    3. In the afternoon
    4. In the evening
  2. Which sign was not experienced by Becky?
    1. Body rashes
    2. Night sweating
    3. Blood stained urine
    4. Dry cough
  3. Becky believed that she was suffering from ____________________
    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. Pneumonia
    3. Tuberculosis
    4. Diarrhoea
  4. When can one be sure of having HIV/AIDS?
    1. When he or she is thin
    2. When he or she has excessive sweating
    3. After undergoing a blood test
    4. After persistent diarrhoea
  5. What does letter I in HIV stands for?
    1. Immunity
    2. Immune
    3. Immunisation
    4. Immuno deficiency

Read the passage below and then answer questions 6-9

Once upon a time there lived an old man called Odindi Oyoo and his wife Nyakan in a small village of Lwala. The old man was very greedy and kept on telling his wife that she never gave him enough food.

The time came for her to give birth to a baby boy. They named him Nyamulo. He was a lovely boy, strong and healthy. He grew up to fear nothing. Nyakan worked hard in order to grow as much food as she could. She thought the biggest pot in the market she bought would be good for her husband's food.

She tried to cultivate more land to grow more food crops, but the lazy husband would not help her with the weeding or even harvesting. After three years, Nyakan and her son grew thinner and thinner due to overworking themselves.

  1. Odindi Oyoo and his wife lived in _________________________________
    1. the farm
    2. the village
    3. the town
    4. the forest
  2. After how many months did the woman and his son grew thinner and thinner?
    1. three months
    2. twenty four months
    3. thirty six months
    4. forty eight months
  3. Nyakan can be described as ____________________________________
    1. hardworking
    2. lazy
    3. greedy
    4. selfish
  4. Why did Nyakan buy a larger pot?
    1. To store all the food crops she harvested.
    2. To cook food enough for her visitors.
    3. To make her husband happy.
    4. To cook sufficient food for her lazy husband.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 10 - 13


One evening the lion was on his way from the market. As he approached his home, he felt so frightened and sensed that there was danger ahead. Just when he was about to climb his tree, which was at the edge of a river, he heard a scary voice. On turning around, the lion saw a dark, scary eyes of the crocodile. He almost ran away but it was too late.

  1. Where was the lion going to that evening?
    1. To the market
    2. To the river
    3. To his home
    4. To visit crocodile
  2. The term "he almost run away but it was too late" means
    1. It was already night
    2. the crocodile was killed by the lion
    3. the lion was caught and killed by the crocodile
    4. the tree fell down on the river
  3. What feeling did the lion have as he approached his home?
    1. he was sad
    2. he was crying
    3. he was terrified
    4. he was excited
  4. Which statement is true about the story above?
    1. The lion lives in the river
    2. The crocodile gives birth to live young ones
    3. The crocodile eats other animals
    4. The lion killed and ate the crocodile.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 14 - 18. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given:

As Reuben always said, the ___14___  bird catches the worm, he got up early in the morning to get ready ___15___work. It was the ___16___ season. The ___17___ forecast was that the long rains ___18___ start any time.

Soon after breakfast, he went to the garage to take his tractor. He was going to his tea farm to spray the crops.

   A  B  C  D
 14.  earlier  earliest   early   latest 
 15.  for  with  by  on
 16.  wading  weeding  weading  weed
 17.  whether  wheather  wether  weather
 18.  would  shall  can  will

For questions 19 - 30, answer all the questions according to instructions given.

  1. Jane's mother died ____________________________ Corona virus disease,
    1. for
    2. by
    3. of
    4. from
  2. Caren is the  ____________________________ girl of the two.
    1. shorter
    2. shortest
    3. short
    4. most short
  3. A dog is to puppy as a goat is to  ____________________________.
    1. Kid
    2. Kitten
    3. Lamb
    4. Foal
  4. What is the plural form of the sentence below?
    The thief stole a loaf of bread from the shelf.
    1. The thiefs stole loafs of bread from the shelves.
    2. The thieves stole loaves of bread from the shelves.
    3. The thieves stole loaf of bread from the shelves.
    4. The thieves stole loaves of breads from the shelves.
  5. A cat is resting  ____________________________ the chairs.
    1. between
    2. under
    3. besides
    4. through
  6. Naliaka and Peter shared the gifts  ____________________________ themselves.
    1. among
    2. for
    3. with
    4. between
  7. What is the opposite of the underlined word in the sentence below?
    Paul's shirt was wet that is why he did not go to school.
    1. dry
    2. warm
    3. cold
    4. hot
  8. As playful as a ____________________________ 
    1. peacock
    2. kitten
    3. puppy
    4. rat
  9. Choose the correct question tag
    The old woman can not walk alone, ____________________________ ?
    1. does she
    2. can't she
    3. doesn't she
    4. can she
  10. Fatuma bought a very beautiful necklace. It is ____________________________ 
    1. hers
    2. she's 
    3. his
    4. her
  11. He acted very ____________________________ to the teachers.
    1. rudeness 
    2. rudly
    3. rudely
    4. rudelly
  12. All the grade five learners came to school ____________________________  food after their vainbroke down.
    1. with
    2. by
    3. for
    4. on


Write an interesting story about your journey to the:-



  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. C
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  1. The number of registered voters in a certain constituency is nine hundred and nine thousand, nine hundred and nine. What is this in symbols?
    1. 9009909
    2. 909909
    3. 9990909
    4. 99909
  2. Round off 28298 to the nearest hundreds.
    1. 28300
    2. 28200
    3. 28000
    4. 282100
  3. What is the place value of digit 2 in the number 256834 ?
    1. Hundred thousands
    2. Two hundred thousands
    3. Thousands
    4. Millions
  4. Add:
    + 438228  
    1. 788397
    2. 878378
    3. 878377
    4. 978378
  5. What is the L.C.M of 12, 15 and 18 ?
    1. 60
    2. 90
    3. 45
    4. 180
  6. What is the total value of digit 8 in the number 786524 ?
    1. 80000
    2. 8000
    3. 86000
    4. 87000
  7. What is the area of the rectangle below?
    1. 92cm2
    2. 448cm2
    3. 348cm2
    4. 438cm2
  8. Add:
    Km                m
    27                272
    ×                      6  
    1. 162km 1632m
    2. 164km 632m
    3. 163km 632m
    4. 165km 632m
  9. Jemimah worked out the sum below.
    122 + 378 − 150. What was the correct answer?
    1. 200
    2. 350
    3. 228
    4. 450
  10. What is the place value of digit 4 in the number 25.843 ?
    1. Tenths
    2. Hundredths
    3. Thousands
    4. Thousandths
  11. Multiply:
    x 26  
    1. 9724
    2. 8724
    3. 9714
    4. 8734
  12. What fraction is unshaded?
    1. 1/3 
    2. 3/8
    3. 5/8
    4. 2/3
  13. A journey by bus took 365 minutes. How long was it in hours and minutes?
    1. 36 hours 5 minutes
    2. 3 hours 65 minutes
    3. 6 hours 5 minutes
    4. 5 hours 35 minutes
  14. Which pair shows multiples of 6 before 36 ?
    1. 12 and 18
    2. 30 and 36
    3. 24 and 30
    4. 42 and 48
  15. What is the volume of the cuboid below?.
    1. 252cm3
    2. 152cm3
    3. 63cm3
    4. 242cm3
  16. Subtract 215850 from 872171.
    1. 656321
    2. 656421
    3. 655321
    4. 666321
  17. Work out:
    72 ÷ 24 x 4 + 3 − 10
    1. 15
    2. 12
    3. 5
    4. 3
  18. An athlete covered 12000m. What distance did he cover in Km ?
    1. 1.2km
    2. 12km
    3. 120km
    4. 1200km
  19. Work out: 9/10 − 3/5 
    1. 3/10
    2. 1/5
    3. 7/10
    4. 3/5
  20. Which angle represents a reflex angle?
  21. Lawi earns Sh. 8700 per week. If he received sh. 7450 after the tax. How much was the tax?
    1. Sh. 1150
    2. Sh. 1250
    3. Sh. 1350
    4. Sh. 1050
  22. Thomas has x goats. He gave each of his sons y goats. How many goats did each son get?
    1. (x + y)
    2. (x − y)
    3. x/y
    4. y/x
  23. What is the G.C.D of 8, 12 and 16?
    1. 4
    2. 30
    3. 36
    4. 48
  24. Which number is divisible by 2, 5 and 10 ?
    1. 4055
    2. 5201
    3. 2500
    4. 4022
  25. Achupa has 49 pigs in her farm. What is the number in Roman numbers?
    1. VIX
    2. XXXXIX
    3. LIX
    4. XLIX
  26. Which lines are parallel?
  27. What is the time in the clock face below?
    1. Twelve o'clock
    2. Half past six
    3. Half past twelve
    4. Thirty minutes
  28. Divide: 84014 ÷ 7 =
    1. 12002
    2. 1202
    3. 1212
    4. 12022
  29. Convert 3/4 into a decimal.
    1. 3.4
    2. 7.5
    3. 0.75
    4. 1.25
  30. Arrange the following fractions below in ascending order.
    1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5,
    1. 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5
    2. 4/5, 3/4,  2/3, 1/2
    3.  2/3, 1/2, 3/4, 4/5
    4.  3/4, 2/3, 4/5, 1/2


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. A
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