Monday, 27 March 2023 12:29

Creative Arts & Social Studies Questions and Answers - Grade 5 Mid Term 1 Exams 2023 Set 1


  1. Which of the following is not useful when using smudge technique
    1. crayons
    2. charcoal
    3. dye
    4. paint
  2. Stitching beads or pieces of clothes decorating an item is known as
    1. applique
    2. tie and dye 
    3. montage 
    4. embending
  3. Which of the following drawing used cross hatching technique? 
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            A                    B                       C                  D
  4. Which of the following is not required when making wax crayons
    1. Candle
    2. Metal container
    3. Rolled up paper
    4. Dry cells
  5. A hook jacket gives the following information. EXCEPT
    1. Title
    2. The author
    3. Cover
    4. Ilustrations
  6. Which of the following is not a primary colour?
    1. Green
    2. Red
    3. Yellow
    4. Blue
  7. What should you NOT consider when arranging your items to create a still-in composition?
    1. Proportion
    2. Balance
    3. Rhythm and movement
    4. Value
  8. ____________________________is the art of passing threads over and under other threads on a loom.
    1. Pottery
    2. Weaving
    3. Leathering
    4. Basketry
  9. The hides and skins goes through a process known as tanning. Which one is not a reason?
    1. Remove bad smell
    2. Prevent rotting
    3. Prevent decomposing
    4. Make a design
  10. Which of the following is a rod puppet? 
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  1. Tunajivunia Kenya Nchi Yetu is a _____________________ song
    1. traditional
    2. sacred
    3. patriotic
    4. action
  2. The first voice of male voices is called _______________________
    1. tenor
    2. bass
    3. altor
    4. suprano
  3. The part labelled A below is called 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.40.52
    1. sling
    2. membrane
    3. sound box
    4. turning laces
  4. Name the note symbol given 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.41.01
    1. crotchet
    2. minim
    3. quaver
    4. semibreeve
  5. Abu is a musical instruments played by
    1. blowing
    2. plucking
    3. beating
    4. hitting
  6. The person who leads the rest of the participants in singing is called ____________
    1. melodist
    2. Dancer
    3. soloist
    4. response group
  7. The participants in a song decorate their bodies using paints. This is called ______________
    1. painting
    2. constumes
    3. body adornment
    4. ornaments
  8. The diagram below is played by _______________________
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.52.44
    1. blowing
    2. plucking
    3. hitting
    4. beating
  9. Songs are sung when people are happy while others are sung when people are sad. Sadness or happiness in a song is the ______________________
    1. tone
    2. mood
    3. value
    4. tempo
  10. When two voices are in agreement while singing together they are said to be in
    1. speed
    2. harmony
    3. rhythm 
    4. hook


  1. Which one of the following is not an element of a map?
    1. Key
    2. Scale
    3. Colour
    4. Compass
  2. Which country borders Kenya to the East
    1. East
    2. South Sudan
    3. Uganda
    4. Somalia
  3. The biggest town in Kenya is
    1. Mombasa
    2. Nairobi
    3. Nakuru
    4. Thika
  4. Three of the following are ways in which the county government gets money. Which one is not 
    1. from National Police service
    2. land rates
    3. business permits 
    4. cess 
  5. Three of the followings are aspects of traditional culture in the country. Which is not 
    1. food
    2. dressing
    3. vehicles
    4. housing
  6. A short statement about the aims and beliefs of a school is
    1. core values
    2. timetable
    3. the school routine
    4. school motto
  7. The things found in nature that we use to create wealth in order to meet our needs and improve our lives are called
    1. economic activities
    2. products
    3. resources
    4. riddles
  8. The exchange of goods for goods is called
    1. currency trade
    2. Barter trade 
    3. Taxes
    4. Cowrie shells
  9. Three of the following are the qualities of a good citizen. Which one is not?
    1. Hardworking
    2. Greed
    3. Tolerant
    4. Generosity
  10. Which one of the following is not an importance of democracy in school?
    1. People expresses their ideas without fear
    2. Leaners are able to choose the readers 
    3. The learners are involved in decision making
    4. Pupils are allowed to search for anything in the internet
  11. Which one of the following language groups migrated from South Western Sudan
    1. The Nilotes
    2. The Cushites 
    3. The Bantus
    4. The Semites
  12. Three of the following are methods of instruction used in African traditional education which one was not?
    1. Writing
    2. Songs
    3. Observation
    4. Story telling
  13. Which one of the following climatic regions is experienced around Lake Victoria and the coastal region of Kenya?
    1. Tropical climate
    2. Mountain climate
    3. Modified tropical climate
    4. Desert climate 

Use the map of Kenya to answer questions 34 and 35 

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  1. The physical feature marked W is
    1. Mau Escarpment
    2. Aberdares
    3. Mt. Longonot 
    4. Mt. Elgon
  2. The area marked T has high population because the area has
    1. high rainfall
    2. minerals
    3. large towns 
    4. good roads 



  1. The main function of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden was to
    1. cultivate and guard it
    2. dominate all animals
    3. cut down all trees 
    4. eat all fruits in it
  2. God created human beings from _________________________
    1. plastercine
    2. water
    3. oxygen
    4. soil
  3. For how long had Lazarus been dead?
    1. Six months
    2. Three days 
    3. Four days
    4. Four months 
  4. The following are bad emotions except
    1. rudeness
    2. anger
    3. anxiety 
    4. patience
  5. God appeared to me in a burning bush as I was attending to my father-in-law flock. Who am I?
    1. Lot
    2. Abraham
    3. Moses
    4. Elijah
  6. Which one of the following activities leads to spread of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS?
    1. Hugging
    2. Sharing books
    3. Donating food items
    4. Sexual intercourse
  7. Jesus was born in __________________
    1. Jericho 
    2. Nazareth
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Bethany
  8. Angel ________________announced the birth of Jesus Christ to Mary.
    1. Gabriel
    2. Raphael
    3. Michael
    4. James
  9. The mother of John the Baptist was called
    1. Hannah
    2. Elizabeth
    3. Mary
    4. Naomi
  10. The following are causes of child labour.  Which one is not?
    1. Poverty
    2. Need for cheap labour
    3. Death of parents
    4. Sufficient supply of basic needs
  11. Three of the following are values acquired from using the holy Bible. Which one is not
    1. respect
    2. kindness
    3. honesty
    4. envy
  12. Finding the solution between two disagreeing groups or people is called
    1. social justice
    2. critical thinking
    3. conflict resolution
    4. decision making
  13. King solomon settled a disagreement between two women who were fighting over a baby. He did this through God given ________________________
    1. pride 
    2. humility
    3. wisdom
    4. miracle
  14. Which one of the following is a good use of social media?
    1. Recording and uploading memory verse
    2. Cyber-bullying follow peers
    3. Googling pornographic content
    4. Inciting others using unknown names
  15. The following are fruits of the Holy Spirit. Which one is not
    1. Wisdom
    2. Joy
    3. Peace 
    4. Patience


  1. Which Surah describe the events of the year of the elephant?
    1. Maun
    2. Alaq
    3. Humaza
    4. Fiyl 
  2. "Verily he who hates you O Muhammad will be cut off from all that is good" Which of the Ayat below matches this question?
    1. 'Faswal-lilirab-rabbika wanhar'
    2. In-naaa aatwaynaakal kauthar'
    3. Fal-yaabuduu rab-ba haadhal-bayt'
    4. Inana Shaani-aka-huwal- abtar'
  3. Complete the verse from Surah Takathur below.
    Hat-taa-Zurtumul _________________________
    1. Ta-alamu
    2. Ilmal Yaqiin
    3. Magaabir
    4. Takathur
  4. Worshiping Allah (SWT) as if you seen Him for if you do not see him he sees you. This is a pillar of?
    1. Iman
    2. Islam
    3. Ihsan
    4. Taqwa
  5. Who was the mother of Nabii Issah?
    1. Halima
    2. Sarah
    3. Miriam
    4. Amina
  6. Which angel of Allah will blow the trumpet in the day of account?
    1. Israfil
    2. Izrail
    3. Ridhwan
    4. Munkar 
  7. Blood is an example of __________________ najis
    1. Mutawassita
    2. Mughalladha
    3. Mukhaffafah
    4. Light Najis
  8. Which was the real name of the uncle of Prophet Muhammad who was cursed in Surah Masad?
    1. Abu Jahal
    2. Abu Lahab
    3. Abdul Uzza
    4. Abbas
  9. The following are the importance of the hadith on greetings except 
    1. Love
    2. Peace
    3. Hatred
    4. Friendship
  10. The angel of Allah who is incharge of the gate of Jannah is?
    1. Atid
    2. Malik
    3. Ridhwan
    4. Razib
  11. According to the story of Abraha Ashram, what was the name of the biggest elephant used to destroy Al-kaabah?
    1. Mahmond
    2. Buraq
    3. Himaarun
    4. Asadun
  12. The word Taqwa according to Islam it means?
    1. Rely on Allah
    2. Feeding Allah
    3. Worshiping Allah
    4. Believing in Allah
  13. On which month did prophet Muhammad went for Isra-wal-Miraj?
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Dhul-Qaadah
    4. Rabiul Awwal
  14. Which of the following is not the Islamic etiquette of eating?
    1. Saying Bismillah
    2. Washing hands
    3. Talking while eating
    4. Using the right hand
  15. A Muslim child can show all the following to his parent except 
    1. Kindness
    2. respect
    3. disrespect
    4. obedience 



  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A


  1. D
  2. D
  3. C
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
Read 825 times Last modified on Wednesday, 29 March 2023 06:12