Movement Schemes - Grade 3 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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Sub strand

Specific learning outcome

Key inquiry question

Learning experiences

Learning resources





Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub strand, the learners should be able to: name the parts of the body that are in use when skipping for body awareness

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

Learners to answer questions on the parts of the body in use when skipping

field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and Practicals.




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: perform skipping in different ways for strength, coordination, balance and for space awareness

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

Learners in groups to watch a video clip of people skipping

field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and Practicals.




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: practice skipping in different ways for strength, coordination, balance and for excellence

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

Learners to practice Skipping in different ways by: § skip in different directions forward, backward

field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and practical.




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: practice skipping in different ways for strength, coordination, balance and for excellence

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

Learners to practice Skipping in different ways by: § skip in different directions , to the right - to the left circular - straight curved zigzag

field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and practical.




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: establish relationships through skipping creativity and imagination

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

skip in different levels




field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and practical.




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: establish relationships through skipping creativity and imagination

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

learners to skip in varying tempo such as slowly, moderate and fast and make shapes (square , circle, rectangle etc.

field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and practical.




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: appreciate skipping for strength, coordination and balance

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

establish relationships such as mirroring, over, under, though, on beside, along and between

learners in groups to walk and make letters of the alphabet such as such as A, C, D, I, L,

field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and practical.




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: play games that involve skipping for enjoyment

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

learners in groups to walk and make numbers such as 6,7,8

learners to make a combination of levels, pathways, tempo and skip

field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and practical.




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Skipping

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: obey rules when skipping for own and others safety

Name physical activities that can be performed using a rope

Learners to play games that involve skipping

Learners to obey rules as they skip and play games

field markers, field, bean bags, ropes, § digital devices smart phones § video clips of people skipping

Signed questions and practical





Locomotor skill: Galloping

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

name the parts of the body that are in use when galloping for body awareness

Name the animals that gallop.

How can you use the skill gallop in your daily life?

Learners to answer questions on the animals that gallop Learners watch a video of the animals that gallop

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as mobile smart phones Video clips of people galloping





Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Galloping

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: perform gallop in different ways for strength, coordination, balance, and for space awareness

Name the animals that gallop.

How can you use the skill gallop in your daily life?

Learners to practice galloping in different ways by: § gallop in different directions



to the right

to the left

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as mobile smart phones Video clips of people galloping

questions and practical





Locomotor skill: Galloping

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

perform gallop in different ways for strength, coordination, balance, and for space awareness

Name the animals that gallop.

How can you use the skill gallop in your daily life

Learners to practice galloping in different ways by: § gallop in different directions



to the right

to the left

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as mobile smart phones

Video clips of people galloping





Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Galloping

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: perform gallop in different ways for strength, coordination, balance, and for space awareness

Name the animals that gallop.

How can you use the skill gallop in you daily life

gallop in different pathways





Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as mobile smart phones Video clips of people galloping






Locomotor skill: Galloping

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: practice galloping for strength, coordination and balance for excellence

Name the animals that gallop.

How can you use the skill gallop in your daily life?

gallop in different pathways





Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as mobile smart phones Video clips of people galloping





Motor Skills

Locomotor skill: Galloping

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: establish relationships through galloping for creativity and self-esteem;

Name the animals that gallop.

How can you use the skill gallop in your daily life?

Learners establish relationships such as under mirroring etc.

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as mobile smart phones Video clips of people galloping

Signed questions and practical





Locomotor skill: Galloping

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: appreciate galloping for strength, coordination and balance play games that involve galloping for enjoyment

Name the animals that gallop.

How can you use the skill gallop in your daily life?

Learners in groups to gallop and make letters of the alphabet such as such as C, I, L, O, learners in groups to gallop and make numbers such as 7, 6, 3

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as mobile smart phones Video clips of people galloping

Signed questions and practical





Locomotor skill: Galloping

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

obey rules when galloping for own and others safety

Name the animals that gallop.

How can you use the skill gallop in your daily life?

combination of levels, pathways, tempo and gallop Learners to play games that involve galloping Learners to obey rules as they gallop and play games

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as mobile smart phones Video clips of people galloping

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skills: Dodging

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

name the parts of the body that are in use when dogging for body awareness;

Mention games that you can play using dodging

Learners to answer questions on the games where the dodging skill is used

Learners to watch video clips of learners dodging in a game of netball

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes,

Digital devices such as computer and smart mobile phones

Video clips of learners playing a game where dodging is used

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skills:

Dodging Locomotor skills: Dodging

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: doge in different ways for strength, coordination, health and balance

Mention games that you can play using dodging

Learners to answer questions on the games where the dodging skill is used

Learners to watch video clips of learners dodging in a game of netball

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes,

Digital devices such as computer and smart mobile phones

Video clips of learners playing a game where dodging is used

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skills: Dodging

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: practice dogging in different ways for strength, coordination, health, balance, and for excellence

What do you do to avoid being hit by a kicked ball

Learners to practice dodging in different ways by: § dodging in different directions

− forward,

− backward,

− to the right

− to the left

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes,

Digital devices such as computer and smart mobile phones

Video clips of learners playing a game where dodging is used





Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skills: Dodging

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: establish relationships through dodging for creativity and imagination

What do you do to avoid being hit by a kicked ball

dodging in different

pathways − circular

− straight

− curved

− zigzag § dodging in different levels, slowly moderate and fast

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes,

Digital devices such as computer and smart mobile phones

Video clips of learners playing a game where dodging is used

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skills: Dodging

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to:

appreciate dodging for strength, coordination and balance

Mention games that you can play using dodging. What do you do to avoid being hit by a kicked ball?

dodging in different

pathways − circular

− straight

− curved

− zigzag § dodging in different levels, slowly moderate and fast

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes,

Digital devices such as computer and smart mobile phones

Video clips of learners playing a game where dodging is used

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skills: Dodging

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to:

play games that involve dodging for enjoyment

Mention games that you can play using dodging. What do you do to avoid being hit by a kicked ball?

Knee boxing: In twos partners try to touch knees; each partner must dodge to avoid being touched.

Picking the medal: You have won a gold medal in a race, as you walk to the car somebody tries to take it. You hide it behind the back, as your partner tries to take it you keep dodging to make sure it is not taken. (The activity to be done in twos or threes. hands should be used to maintain the medal at the back not for defense (hands and arms only for taking).

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as computer and smart mobile phones

Video clips of learners playing a game where dodging is used

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skills: Dodging

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: obey rules when dodging for own and others safety.

Mention games that you can play using dodging. What do you do to avoid being hit by a kicked ball?

Learners to play games while using the skill dodging

Learners to obey rules as they dodge and play games

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as computer and smart mobile phones

Video clips of learners playing a game where dodging is used

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill Sliding

By the end of the sub- strand, the learners should be able to: name the parts of the body that are in use when sliding for body awareness

How can you use the skill sliding (side gallop) in your daily routine?

Learners to answer questions on the parts of the body that are in use when sliding

Learners watch a video clip of the animals that slide

Field makers, pebbles ropes, Digital devices such as smart phones

Video clips of animals that slide such as the seal

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill Sliding

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to perform sliding in different ways for strength, coordination, health, balance, and excellence

How can you use the skill sliding (side gallop) in your daily routine?

Learners watch a video clip of the animals that slide

Learners to practice sliding in different ways by: o gallop in different directions forward, - backward, to the right to the left

Field makers, pebbles ropes, Digital devices such as smart phones

Video clips of animals that slide such as the seal

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill Sliding

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to practice sliding in different ways for strength, coordination, health, balance, and excellence

Name animals that slid for movement

slide in different pathways





Field makers, pebbles ropes, Digital devices such as smart phones

Video clips of animals that slide such as the seal

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill Sliding

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to establish relationships through sliding for creativity and imagination

Name animals that slid for movement

learners to slide in varying tempo and make shapes:

learners to establish relationships such as under, on, through, round, between, sideways etc.

Field makers, pebbles ropes, Digital devices such as smart phones

Video clips of animals that slide such as the seal

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill Sliding

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to appreciate sliding for strength, coordination, health, balance, and self-esteem

Name animals that slid for movement

Learners in groups to slide and make letters of the alphabet such as such as O, N, T, W, Y,

learners in groups to slide and make numbers ,5, 6, 7, 8

Field makers, pebbles ropes, Digital devices such as smart phones

Video clips of animals that slide such as the seal

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Locomotor skill Sliding

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to play games that involve sliding for enjoyment

obey rules when sliding for own and others safety

Name animals that slid for movement

learners to make a combination of levels, pathways, tempo and slide

Learners to play games that involve sliding

Learners to obey rules as they slide and play games

Field makers, pebbles ropes, Digital devices such as smart phones

Video clips of animals that slide such as the seal

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Non-locomotor: Twisting

By the end of the sub- strand the learner should be able to:

name the parts of the body that can twist

Which parts of the body can twist? Name an activity that involves twisting

Learners name the parts of the body that can twist such as neck, arm trunk and legs

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as smart mobile phones

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Non-locomotor: Twisting

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to perform twisting in different directions for agility and flexibility

Which parts of the body can twist? Name an activity that involves twisting

Learners to watch video clips of ballet dancers

learners to practice twisting individually and in groups

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as smart mobile phones

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Non-locomotor: Twisting

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to practice twisting in different directions for agility, flexibility and excellence

Which parts of the body can twist? Name an activity that involves twisting

Learners participate in twisting activities

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes, Digital devices such as smart mobile phones

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Non-locomotor: Twisting

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to establish relationships for creativity and imagination

Which parts of the body can twist?  Name an activity that involves twisting

Learners participate in twisting activities

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes,

Digital devices such as smart mobile phones

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Non-locomotor: Twisting

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to appreciate twisting for self-esteem

Which parts of the body can twist? Name an activity that involves twisting

Learners participate in twisting activities

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes,

Digital devices such as smart mobile phones

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Non-locomotor: Twisting

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to obey rules while twisting for own and others safety

Which parts of the body can twist? Name an activity that involves twisting

Observe rules while twisting for own and others safety

Field makers, field, bean bags, ropes,

Digital devices such as smart mobile phones

questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Manipulative skills: Striking

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: name the parts of the body that are involved in striking for body awareness

Which parts of the body is used for striking?

Learners answer questions on the parts of the body that are used for striking

Learners to watch a video clip of game where the striking skill is performed such as rounder and cricket

Field makers, pebbles, ropes, Digital devices such as computers and smart mobile phones

Video clip of games where the striking skill is used such as rounder and cricket

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Manipulative skills: Striking

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: perform striking in different ways for Strength, coordination and balance

Which parts of the body is used for striking?

Learners to watch a video clip of game where the striking skill is performed such as rounder and cricket

practice striking in different ways by:

− striking in different directions such as forward, backward, to right and left − striking sideways

Field makers, pebbles, ropes,

Digital devices such as computers and smart mobile phones

Video clip of games where the striking skill is used such as rounder and cricket

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Manipulative skills: Striking

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: practice striking in different ways for Strength, coordination , balance and excellence

Name a game where the striking skill is used.

Learners to watch a video clip of game where the striking skill is performed such as rounder and cricket

practice striking in different ways by:

− striking in different directions such as forward, backward, to right and left − striking sideways

Field makers, pebbles, ropes,

Digital devices such as computers and smart mobile phones

Video clip of games where the striking skill is used such as rounder and cricket

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Manipulative skills: Striking

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: establish relationships through striking for creativity and imagination

Name a game where the striking skill is used.

Learners to watch a video clip of game where the striking skill is performed such as rounder and cricket practice striking in different ways by:

− striking in different directions such as forward, backward, to right and left

− striking sideways strike in different levels such as

low, medium and high

− strike an object to varying distances such as near, far

Field makers, pebbles, ropes, Digital devices such as computers and smart mobile phones

Video clip of games where the striking skill is used such as rounder and cricket

Signed questions and practical




Basic Motor Skills

Manipulative skills: Striking

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: appreciate striking for Strength, coordination and balance for self-esteem play games that involve striking for enjoyment

obey rules when striking for own and others safety

Name a game where the striking skill is used.

Learners to play games that involve striking

Learners to observe rules as they play games

Field makers, pebbles, ropes,

Digital devices such as computers and smart mobile phones

Video clip of games where the striking skill is used such as rounder and cricket

Signed questions and practical




Read 322 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 February 2023 11:54

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