Tuesday, 19 April 2022 13:22

Social Studies and CRE Questions and Answers - Class 7 End of Term 1 Exams 2022 Set 2

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Study the map of Kamaki's area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7
kamakis area

  1. What is the direction of the ternary factory from the school?
    1. North East 
    2. South
    3. North West
    4. West
  2. The climate in South West part of Kamaki arcais LIKELY to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and wet
    3. cool and hot
    4. desert
  3. Which one of the following economic activities is NOT carried out in Kamakis area?
    1. Cattle keeping
    2. Trading
    3. Mining
    4. Fishing
  4. River Samo flows to the
    1. North
    2. North East
    3. South
    4. South East
  5. The feature formed by River Samo at Kabera dam is
    1. enstuary 
    2. delta
    3. confluence
    4. mouth
  6. The MAIN cash crop grown in Kamaki area is
    1. tea 
    2. coffee
    3. sisal
    4. maize
  7. The development of Kamakis was due to presence of
    1. tarmac road
    2. church
    3. road junction
    4. trading
  8. A group of people with the same forefather is known as
    1. clan 
    2. community
    3. agegroup
    4. ageset
  9. Which one of the following country is land-locked?
    1. Somalia 
    2. Kenya 
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Tanzania
  10. The head of Judiciary is
    1. President of High Court.
    2. Chief justice
    3. President.
    4. Speaker
  11. Rotation of the earth on its own axis causes
    1. seasons 
    2. revolution 
    3. climate
    4. day and night
  12. Use the diagram to answer the following
    12 aiyyghdad
    The type of rainfall drawn above is
    1. Convectional
    2. Topographical
    3. Relief
    4. Sea side rainfall
  13. The side of mountain marked B is and activity done is
    1. sloping side, farming
    2. windward side, beef farming
    3. leeward side, beef farming
    4. rain shadow, lumbering
  14. The type of rainfall is MOSTLY experienced in
    1. L. Victoria
    2. Coastal area
    3. Kiambu
    4. Malindi
  15. The area in Ethiopia that has the LOWEST altitude is 
    1. Kalla
    2. Harar
    3. Dallol
    4. Dashan
  16. Which one of the following is NOT a Rift Valley lake?
    1. L. Eyasi
    2. L. Chala
    3. L.. Chamo
    4. L.Shala
  17. The cconomic acitivites carried out in part labelled B is
    17 augduyagdyua 
    1. pastoralism 
    2. lumbering 
    3. farming
    4. bee keeping
  18. Which one of the following is NOT the MAIN reason for migration of Bantu?
    1. To look for fertile lands.
    2. Population pressure.
    3. Search for pasture.
    4. Attack by neighbours.
  19. Which of the fish is NOT caught in Indian Ocean?
    1. Trout
    2. Shellfish
    3. Parrot fish
    4. Mullet
  20. African socialism MAINLY emphasized on
    1. public opinion.
    2. to live together in harmony.
    3. democracy on voting.
    4. people getting better payments.
  21. The following are conditions necessary for growth of a certain crop
    1. Grow well in deep. fertile well-druined soil. 
    2. Require high and reliable rainfall.
    3. Average temperature of 20º - 25ºC.
    4. Ruiru ll is a drought resistance.
    5. Mainly grown in large scale in Kiambu.
      The type of crop described above MAINLY 
      1. grown for export.
      2. grown as Staple food.
      3. used as beverage.
      4. does well in hot-dry place.
  22. The headquater for East African Community is found in
    1. Arusha
    2. Nairobi 
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Kampala
  23. Who among the traditional leaders in Africa resisted the colonialist?
    1. Waiyaki wa Hinga
    2. Nabongo Mumia
    3. Kabaka Mulesal
    4. Koitalel Arap Samoei
  24. Which weather instrument measures two aspects?
    1. Windsock
    2. Windvane 
    3. Barometer
    4. Sunshine recorder
  25. Keeping of animal and cultivation of crop is called
    1. Floriculture
    2. Agriculture
    3. Aqual culture
    4. Non of the above
  26. The following are values developed in school EXCEPT
    1. co-operation
    2. teamwork
    3. intolerance
    4. inquisitive
  27. The following mountain were formed through volcanicity EXCEPT 
    1. Mt.Pare
    2. Mt.Kenya
    3. Mt.Kilimanjaro
    4. Mt.Elgon
  28. The diagram below shows a fishing method. The method of fishing drawn above is
    28 ahduiahda
    1. Purse-seining
    2. Net drifting
    3. Trawling
    4. Long-lining
  29. Mwalimu Julius Nyerere led Tanganyika to independence in the year
    1. 1929
    2. 1961
    3. 1960
    4. 1999
  30. The MAIN staple food in Uganda is
    1. sugarcane
    2. maize
    3. banana
    4. coffee
  31. Executive arm of the government consist of all the following EXCEPT
    1. The President
    2. The Attorney General
    3. Chief Justice
    4. Civil servants
  32. Planting trees to replace those cut down is called
    1. Re-afforestation
    2. Afforestation
    3. Agro-forestry
    4. Deforestation
  33. The Great Rift Valley starts in Jordan and ends in
    1. Uganda
    2. Turkana
    3. Morogoro
    4. Beira
  34. The LARGEST National Park in Kenya
    1. Serengeti
    2. Seleous
    3. Queen Elizabeth
    4. Tsavo
  35. Which one of the following is WRONGLY matched?
    1. Judiciary - Interpret the laws.
    2. Executive - Implement the law.
    3. Legistrature - Implement the law.
    4. Senate - Makes and amends the law.

Use the map below to answer the following questions.
36 ugauyyuad

  1. The physical feature marked B was formed through
    1. faulting and uplifting
    2. faulting and sinking
    3. volcanicity
    4. Depression
  2. Country marked C was colonized by
    1. French
    2. British
    3. Italian
    4. Belgians
  3. Rivermarked A originate from
    1. MRuwenzori
    2. Mt. Elgon
    3. M.Kilimanjaro
    4. ML. Usabara
  4. Three of the following are element of a good citizen EXCEPT
    1. nepotism
    2. obedient
    3. loyalty
    4. hardworking 
  5. Which one of the following is NOT an impact of industries?
    1. Job creation
    2. Insecurity.
    3. Destruction of land.
    4. Noise pollution.
  6. Who among the following are Nilotes of Uganda?
    1. Nue!
    2. Banyoro
    3. Bachinga
    4. Schei
  7. The instrument above uses a liquid called
    42 auhduiahda
    1. alcohol 
    2. mercury
    3. water
    4. ethanol
  8. Which country in Eastern Africa has the HIGHEST population?
    1. Tanzania 
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Kenya
  9. The MAIN challenges facing fishing in L. Victoriais 
    1. water hyacinth
    2. lack of good fishing equipntent
    3. low fish market.
    4. poor transport and storage of fish.
  10. The MOST modern means of communication is use of
    1. internet
    2. radio
    3. television
    4. newspaper
  11. Which of the following is NOT a processing industry?
    1. Tea processing industry.
    2. Leather Lunnery
    3. Barber shop
    4. Bicycle repair
  12. Which town was named after impalla gazelles?
    1. Jinja
    2. Dodoma
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Kampala
    1. It is a capital city.
    2. It is a collecting and distribution centre. 
    3. Administrative centre. 
    4. Holds headquarter of Africa Union.
      The town described above is 
      1. Arusha 
      2. Dodoma
      3. Kampala
      4. Addis Ababa
  14. In Nyamwezi Chiefdom Njeni ruled with assistance of Council of elders known as 
    1. Wanyaphala
    2. Njuri Njeke
    3. Mugabe
    4. People of the moon
  15. The type of democracy where pupils are allowed to vote for a prefect to represent them in class competition is
    1. representative democracy 
    2. direct democracy
    3. human right democracy
    4. indirect democracy
  16. The bottom MOST colour of our Nation flag is 
    1. Black
    2. White
    3. Green
    4. Red
  17. The diagram above shows the formation
    52 aygdyagda
    1. Horst mountain 
    2. Rift Valley
    3. Volcanic mountain
    4. Depression
  18. River Ewasonyiro North drain its water in
    1. Thomson fall
    2. L.Turkana 
    3. Indian Ocean
    4. Lorian swamp
  19. A land breeze takes place during
    1. day 
    2. rainy season
    3. night 
    4. day and night
  20. Slanting sides of Rig Valley are called
    1. faults 
    2. escarpments
    3. slopes
    4. folds
  21. The Gabra community is one of the language group of
    1. Semitic 
    2. Cushitic 
    3. Nilotes
    4. Bantu
  22. On 1 June Kenya celebrate
    1. Labour day 
    2. Heroes day
    3. Jamhuri day 
    4. Madaraka day
  23. The MAIN sugarcane growing arca in Sudan is
    1. Gezira
    2. Khartoum 
    3. Kenana 
    4. Harar
  24. Sudan gained independence in
    1. 1960
    2. 1962
    3. 1956
    4. 2011
  25. The LONGEST river in Eastern Africa is
    1. Tana 
    2. Nile
    3. Ruvuma
    4. Pangani


  1. According to the Biblical story of creation, which one of the following is NOT a reason why God created a woman for the man? To
    1. be his helper.
    2. do all the work for him. 
    3. have children with him. 
    4. be his companion.
  2. Which one of the following statements BEST describes the kind of punishment that God gave to Eve due to her disobedience? 
    1. Eating through her sweat
    2. Great suffering while giving birth.
    3. Not to eat the fruits in the Garden of Eden.
    4. Living naked for the rest of her life.
  3. Joseph was sold by his brothers because
    1. he dreamt of becoming their King.
    2. there was hunger in the land of Canaan.
    3. he interpreted their dreams.
    4. he was the most loved child of their father.
  4. Abraham was called by God when he was living at 
    1. Haran
    2. Egypt
    3. Canaan
    4. Ur
  5. Moses broke the stone tablet at the foot of Mt.Sinai because two 
    1. God told him to do so.
    2. he was tired of carrying them. 
    3. he was annoyed by the Israelites. 
    4. he wanted to see Gods' reaction.
  6. Which one of the following activities was NOT performed during the passover? 
    1. Eating unleavened bread.
    2. Eating bitter herbs.
    3. Slaughtering a lamb.
    4. Drinking wine.
  7. "Do not covet other peoples' property is one of the commandments. Who among the following people broke this commandment? 
    1. David 
    2. Ahab 
    3. Cain 
    4. Abel
  8. "Your people shall be my people and your God shall be my God' These words were said to Naomi by 
    1. Orpah
    2. Mahlon
    3. Chillion
    4. Ruth
  9. Who was the father of King David?
    1. Solomon 
    2. Saul 
    3. Jesse
    4. Samuel
  10. Which of the following is NOT contained in the New Testament as prophesied by Prophet Jeremiah?
    1. Laws will be written on peoples hearts. 
    2. The laws will be written on a stone tablet. 
    3. The peoples sins will be forgiven and forgotten.
    4. Each person will take repsonsibility of his or her own sins.
  11. What was used to seal the covenant between God and the Israelites at the foot of Mt.Sinai?
    1. Water 
    2. Fire 
    3. Blood
    4. Rainbow
  12. Who was the first Christian matyr? .
    1. Abel
    2. Stephen 
    3. Paul
    4. Peter
  13. What was the name of the prophet who rebuked King David when he practised injustice? Prophet 
    1. Nathan 
    2. Elijah
    3. Elisha
    4. Isaiah
  14. Christians today celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus during
    1. Christmas 
    2. Easter
    3. Sabbath
    4. Advent
  15. Who was the tax collector who welcomed Jesus in this house?
    1. Paul 
    2. Stephen 
    3. Levi 
    4. Zaccheaus
  16. Jesus healed a man who was deaf and dump. He put his fingers in his ears, spat and touched the man's tongue and said "Ephphatha". What did Jesus mean by Ephphatha? 
    1. Open up.
    2. Leave him.
    3. Get healed.
    4. It is well.
  17. Jesus was a refugee in
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth .
    3. Capernaum
    4. Egypt
  18. Pilate washed his hands after trying Jesus Christ to show that
    1. Jesus was a good leader.
    2. Jesus was the King of the Jews.
    3. He had nothing to do with the case.
    4. His hands were dirty. 
  19. Jesus healed the Centurion servant at
    1. Capernaum
    2. Galilee 
    3. Nazareth
    4. Bethlehem 
  20. Jesus went with his disciples to Mt.Olives to pray. What happened to him as he was praying?
    1. He was taken to heaven.
    2. He was arrested and crucified. 
    3. He was transfigured. 
    4. His sweat was like drops of blood.
  21. What happened to Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciple after the arrest and crucification of Jesus Christ? He
    1. repented his sins. 
    2. committed suicide.
    3. continued preaching the word of God.
    4. stopped being a disciple.
  22. The son of the widow of Zarephath was raised to life by Prophet 
    1. Jeremiah 
    2. Elisha 
    3. Elijah
    4. Nehemiah
  23. Which one of the following is NOT a quality of a good friend? 
    1. Loyalty 
    2. Trustworthy 
    3. Kindness 
    4. Hypocrisy
  24. Which one of the following activities BEST promotes love among Christians? 
    1. Going to church. 
    2. Caring for the needy. 
    3. Praying for others. 
    4. Visiting friends.
  25. Three of the following were leisure activities in Traditional African Communities. Which one is NOT? 
    1. Singing and dancing. 
    2. Listening to stories. 
    3. Participating in cultural activities. 
    4. Reading story books.
  26. In Traditional African Society, which ceremony changed an individual from childhood to adulthood? 
    1. Birth
    2. Burial 
    3. Initiation
    4. Naming
  27. Your cousin Margret, who is in standard seven spends her holidays sleeping, because she says she has nothing to do. What is the BEST advice you can give to her?
    1. Tell her to help in the house chores.
    2. Invite her to come and visit you.
    3. Tell her to watch television instead.
    4. Take her to your friends party,
  28. The name given to God in the Maasai community is
    1. Akuj
    2. Ngai 
    3. Enkai
    4. Asis
  29. Which one of the following activities is a fruit of the Holyspirit? 
    1. Speaking in tongues. 
    2. Preaching the Gospel. 
    3. Performing miracles
    4. Living in joy
  30. Which other work did Apostle Paul do to earn a living?
    1. Making bricks. 
    2. Making tents. 
    3. Preaching 
    4. Fishing


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