Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:15

English Questions and Answers - Class 8 End Term 3 Exams 2023 Set 1

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Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

There are many things we do without plan. 'When you wake up, you __1___ start by stretching then you move out of bed. There are many times when you go ___2___ to the washroom ___3___ at other times, you go to take a shower. This routine is ______ as any other activity, like brushing the _______, could casily come in ___6_____order. What do you do after bathing? Majority of us ____7___some oil or make-up before dressing up___8_____ clean clothes. Nobody prepares to do these activities in___9____ but we all find them following almost the same ___10___

The main difference is the time each of us take to accomplish them. It takes ____11___people a longer time to choose what to ___12___. This is because some clothes are more ___13____ for activities of a ___14___ day. It requires that one plans for the clothes to use for a specific day to_15__ looking awkward. All we do happens because we have always done it repeatedly.

   A  B   C   D 
 1  certainly  usually  normally   probably 
 2  direct  slowly  properly  once
 3  and  while  then  so
 4  known  followed  flexible  repeated
 5  teeth  floor  hair  clothes
 6  some   no  any  more
 7  use  apply  smear  put
 8  on  with  by  in
 9  style  advance  place  plan
10  order  way  time  style
11  all  every  some  few
12  dress  wear  take  put on
13  needed  accepted  suitable  wanted
14  special  normal  short  given
15  avoid  reduce  continue  start

For questions 16 to 18, choose the alternative which means the same as the underlined expression.

  1. All candidates look forward to joining Form One next year.
    1. expect
    2. enjoy
    3. long for
    4. wait for
  2. You should never hand in your composition before going over it.
    A. study C. finish
    B. revise
    D. read
  3. Nowadays some families find it difficult to bring up many children. 
    1. raise
    2. educate
    3. feed
    4. afford

For questions 19 and 20, choose the best arrangement of the given sentences to make a sensible paragraph.

    1. I treasured entertainment.,
    2. It was interesting watching animals at play.
    3. I would spend hours and hours watching the monkeys.
    4. Whenever I had money, I would go to the zoo.
      1. (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
      2. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
      3. (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
      4. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
    1. He keeps cows and goats
    2. There are more goats that cows on his farm
    3. He is a large scale farmer
    4. Some of the goats were bought recently
      1. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
      2. (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
      3. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
      4. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)

For questions 21 and 22, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined sentence.

  1. It's upon you to decide what to do over the weekend.
    1. You are at liberty to do what you want over the weekend.
    2. You will do anything others do over the weekend.
    3. You will do what you're told to do over the weekend.
    4. You will do what has been decided over the weekend.
  2. Even if you complain, he is not likely to take any action.
    1. He will only take action if you are likely to complain.
    2. Since he'll take no action, there's no need for you to complain.
    3. You have to complain for him to take action.
    4. He didn't take any action because you complained late.

In each of the questions 23 to 25, one of the words is a general term which includes the other three. Select the word.

    1. ladles
    2. pots
    3. utensils
    4. pans
    1. car
    2. organ
    3. heart
    4. liver
    1. sorghum
    2. millet
    3. rice
    4. grain

Read the story below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

When Tira left his homeland, it was for two good reasons. He had tried his best tó carn a decent living but it flopped in his face. In the better days, he had worked very hard and built himself a house and bought some goats and sheep. However, things turned upside down for him without a warning. He lost both parents almost simultaneously and as if to add insult to injury, robbers broke into his home soon after. They carted away whatever could be of value to them, including the goats and sheep. So, he left his homeland in a kind of protest.

Word had been going round of a peaceful and welcoming community in the neighbouring country. It is there that Tira decided to go and try his luck. He knew it would not be easy to settle down there but somehow, it would be better than what he had been through at his native home. It was a long journey by lorry; the only means of transport that could cover the distance and was affordable. He carried very little and had a very good reason for it.

Tira was warmly received by his kinsmen who had settled there carlier. He was put up in a home as he looked for moncy to construct his own house. In a few months, he had a modest home of his own but that did not satisfy him. He worked so hard that in his second year there, he was the one giving shelter to new people from his homeland. His herd and flock had grown to big numbers and this made him gain respect among the others. It was not doubtful anymore; Tira was destined for bigger things.

Tira's return to his native home was just as impromptu as his departure from there had been. News reached him that land was being demarcated back at home and that his cousins were allocating themselves his parcels. He left with intention of returning after a week or so but that was not to be. To reclaim his parcels, a number of meetings and consultations with the local administration took a long time. In that process, he started working on his own pieces of land, just as had been doing in the foreign land. To his surprise, the harvest was equally as good and so, he decided to return to the neighbouring land only to organise for the transportation of the wealth he had acquired while there.

This is how. Tira, who had left his home with nothing and in protest, became rich at his home and many found it hard to believe.

  1. What drove Tira to leave his homeland?
    1. The fear of what the future had for him.
    2. His relationship with is neighbours.
    3. The attraction from the neighbouring country.
    4. To prove that he could casily become rich.
  2. Who was Tira protesting against by leaving his home?
    1. Whatever had caused the loss of his parents.
    2. His close friends and relatives.
    3. The people living in the neighbouring country.
    4. Factors beyond his control.
  3. The death of Tira's parents occurred
    1. at the same time.
    2. just before the robbers struck. 
    3. one after the other.
    4. after a warning from unknown people.
  4. How did Tira get to know about the peaceful and welcoming community?
    1. From those who wanted him to leave.
    2. From the people not identified in the passage.
    3. Everybody had been talking about it everywhere.
    4. From those who had lived there.
  5. Which one of the following words below describes how Tira felt before leaving his home?
    1. Defiant
    2. Victorious
    3. Uncertain
    4. Confident
  6. The use of a lorry for transportation suggests that
    1. This was a very remote arca.
    2. Tira had carried all his belongings.
    3. He did not want anybody to know about it.
    4. He preferred it to any other means of transport.
  7. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    1. Very many villagers had left the village.
    2. The cause of Tira's parents' death was natural.
    3. Only unfortunate people left their village.
    4. Tira had been briefed well about where he was going.
  8. The phrase 'put up' has been used in paragraph three to mean
    1. finding a new home for a homeless person.
    2. giving assistance to a needy person.
    3. giving someone accommodation.
    4. helping someone construct a new home.
  9. Had Tira been comfortable with his new house,
    1. he would not have left to return home.
    2. he would not have prospered as he did.
    3. more of his kinsmen would have joined him.
    4. he would have worked even harder.
  10. Which one of the following characteristics describe Tira?
    1. Thoughtful, brave and helpful
    2. Social, unpredictable and suspicious
    3. Industrious, thoughtful and vengeful
    4. Unrealistic, funny and unreliable
  11. Why do you think Tira's cousins were sharing out his land?
    1. He had lost intrest in them
    2. They were sure he would not know
    3. No one knew where he had relocated to
    4. They believed he would never return
  12. When Tira returned for his parcels of land,
    1. he carried with him all his belongings
    2. he had to be helped to reclaim them
    3. his cousins were apologetic to him
    4. no one could recognise him
  13. The best summary for this story would be:
    1. You cannot always succeed at your home place
    2. Jealous people are thsoe who know you well.
    3. We may not know where our propserity would begin
    4. The further away one goes from home, the better

Read the passage below and then answer question 39 to 50

The tongue plays a very important role in chewing and swallowing food as well as speech. It also contains taste buds that enable you to distinguish between five distinct flavours: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. However, that is not all your tongue is udeful for. In matters health, The tongue can provide a summary of your health. Symptoms of many chronic and acute diseases can be notice don your tongue. In fact, changes in the appearance of your tongue are often among the first signs that something isn't right.

A normal healthy tongue is typically pink in colour. The shade can however vary to slightly darker or lighter. A healthy tongue also has nodules at the top and the bottom. Any change from this normal appearance of the tongue or pain is usually a cause of concern.

A white coating on the tongue that doesn't go away after brushing is definitely an indication that something is amiss.You might also notice white spots on the tongue that we'rent there before. These symptoms could indicate the following problems: oral thrush, leukoplakia and oral lichen planus.

Oral thrush is a yeast infection, also known as oral candidiasis, that grows inside the mouth.You tongue might develop white patches that look like cottage cheese. Oral thrush is especially common in infants and the elderly, especially if they wear dentures.It is common in people with weaked immune system such as in the case of HIV victims.

Another group that can easily be affected by oral thrush is people with diabetes. It is often the first symptom to indicate one has diabetes; simply because people visit the dentist more often than the general physician. People who have diabetes can also be more likely to suffer from dry mouth. Since the mouth needs to be well hydrated to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria, a diabetic person with dry mouth is more likely to suffer from oral thrush.

With leukoplakia, thickened white patches form on gums, the inside of cheeks, the bottom of mouth and sometimes, on the tongue. These patches can't be scrapped off. The cause of leukoplakia is not yet known though doctors relate it to habitual use of tobacco either by smoking, dipping or chewing.

Lastly, there is the oral lichen planus which is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects mucous membranes inside the mouth. It may appear as white, lacy patches; red, swollen tissues or open sores that may cause burning, pain or discomfort.

  1. Which of the following is not one of the functions of the tongue?
    1. Testing food.
    2. Swallowing food
    3. Aiding speech.
    4. Chewing food.
  2. The ability to distinguish between sweet, salty, sour and bitter depends on
    1. the size of the tongue.
    2. how fast one can differentiate the tastes.
    3. how sensitive the tongue is.
    4. the age of the person.
  3. When one looks at your tongue,
    1. it reveals everything about you.
    2. the person can identify the food you like.
    3. he can tell the tastes you can identify.
    4. it somehow tells your state of health.
  4. For one to identify the tongue of a healthy person
    1. the colour and texture must be observed.
    2. it has to be pink in colour.
    3. variation of other colours is important.
    4. it should be compared to other tongues.
  5. What does a change in colour of tongue indicate?
    1. The tongue is becoming healthier.
    2. The food being caten should be changed.
    3. The person should seek medical advice.
    4. The person's temperature is fluctuating.
  6. Oral thrush, leukoplakia and oral lichen are given in the passage as examples of
    1. the absence of the nodules on the tongue.
    2. the improvement of one's health.
    3. discases that affect the tongue most.
    4. what white coating of the tongue could indicate 
  7. Why are white patches common in infants?
    1. They feed on milk throughout.
    2. Their mouths remain shut for long hours.
    3. Their immune system is low
    4. Their tongues do not assist in chewing food.
  8. People's visit to the dentist show that
    1. teeth disease is very common.
    2. no one wants to lose teeth while still young.
    3. it is not easy to detect teeth problems.
    4. dentists are less expensive than general physicians.
  9. One of the symptoms of diabetes is associated with
    1. white coating of the tongue.
    2. weak immunity system.
    3. consistent coughing.
    4. dryness of the mouth.
  10. The best way to reduce the effect of oral thrush is to
    1. reduce the intake of foods with white colour.
    2. strengthen your immune sytem
    3. increase intake of liquid food.
    4. visit your doctor regularly.
  11. Which of the following parts of the mouth is affected by oral lichen planus?
    1. Mucous membrane.
    2. Inside the cheeks.
    3. The gums
    4. The bottom of the mouth.
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. The most dreaded disease.
    2. The importance of frequent visits to the doctor.
    3. What your tongue says about you.
    4. Looking after your tongue.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition. Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it as interesting as you can.

The weather outside was perfect. I left the house and went to look for my friends,


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. B
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. C
  34. B
  35. A
  36. D
  37. B
  38. C
  39. A
  40. C
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. D
  45. C
  46. A
  47. D
  48. B
  49. A
  50. C
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