Displaying items by tag: End Term 3


Study the map of Pali area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Pali arca?
    1. 15km
    2. 12km
    3. 8km
    4. 10km
  2. The population distribution in Pali arca is likely to be influenced by 
    1. transport and communication 
    2. crop farming
    3. drainage
    4. mining activities.
  3. The land in Pali area slopes towards
    1. North West
    2. South East
    3. North East
    4. South West
  4. Most of the residents of Pali area are
    1. Muslims
    2. Traditionalists
    3. Christians
    4. Pagans.
  5. The main economic activity in Pali area is
    1. trading
    2. mining
    3. farming
    4. pastoral farming
  6. The climate in Pali area is likely to be
    1. Hot and dry
    2. Hot and wet 
    3. Cool and humid
    4. Cool and wet
  7. Three of the following social services are offered in Pali town. Which one is not?
    1. Security
    2. Education
    3. Health
    4. Recreation
  8. Which one of the following mountains was formed through faulting and uplifting?
    1. Ras Dashan mountains.
    2. The Aberdares:
    3. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    4. Mt. Cameroon
  9. Three of the following make up the school administration. Which one does not? The
    1. headteacher.
    2. deputy headteacher
    3. school president
    4. school committee
  10. The Pokomo migrated from Shungwaya in order to
    1. look for fertile land for farming.
    2. search water and pasture for their animals.
    3. escape attack from the Galla.
    4. reduce overpopulation in Shungwaya.
  11. Three of the following traditional leaders collaborated with the British. Which one did not?
    1. Lewanika
    2. Nabongo Mumia
    3. Oloibon Lenana
    4. Kabaka Mwanga.
  12. The Miombo highlands of Tanzania and Lambwe valley in Kenya are sparsely populated mainly due to
    1. pests and diseases
    2. poor drainage.
    3. harsh climatic conditions. 
    4. government policy
  13. Cultural artefacts are important mainly because they
    1. are preserved in national museums.
    2. were used by our ancestors.
    3. preserve people's culture.
    4. attract tourists who bring foreign exchange.
  14. Which one of the following groups belong to the plain nilotes of Kenya?
  15. The diagram below shows the formation of a type of rainfall.
    The type of rainfall represented in the diagram above is
    1. relief rainfall.
    2. frontal rainfall
    3. convectional rainfall
    4. orographic rainfall
  16. The early political association in Kenya played the following roles in the struggle for independence except
    1. presenting African grievances to the international community.
    2. promoting nationalism.
    3. communicating the feeling of Africans to the colonialists.
    4. leading Kenya to independence.
  17. The best way of resolving conflict involving two neighbours in the society is through
    1. dialogue
    2. litigation
    3. use of a commission of enquiry. 
    4. mediation.
  18. The best method of reducing human-wildlife conflict in Kenya is
    1. using the Kenya Defence Forces to protect wildlife.
    2. employing more game wardens.
    3. educating Kenyans on the importance of wildlife.
    4. erecting electric fences around game parks and forests.
  19. The following are roles of the deputy headteacher in a primary school except
    1. coordinating duties of the members of staff.
    2. supervising class attendance by teachers.
    3. acting as a secretary during school committee meetings.
    4. writing minutes during staff meetings.

Use the map of Kenya provided below to answer questions 20 to 23


  1. The town marked M is
    1. Kisumu
    2. Thika
    3. Eldoret
    4. Nakuru
  2. The country marked W is
    1. South Sudan
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Sudan
  3. The national park marked K is 
    1. Arawale
    2. Sibiloi
    3. Lake Nakuru National Park
    4. Malka Mari
  4. The climate experienced in the shaded region marked T is mainly influenced by
    1. winds
    2. relief and altitude
    3. latitude
    4. nearness to a large water mass.
  5. Which one of the following is not a basic need of family members?
    1. Food
    2. Clothing 
    3. Education
    4. Shelter
  6. Which of the following is a responsibility of persons with special needs?
    1. Taking part in national building. 
    2. paying all taxes like other citizens.
    3. Promoting social injustice.
    4. Taking bribes from business people.
  7. The following are characteristics of a type of soil.
    1. Found in highlands
    2. It is very fertile.
    3. Deep and well drained
    4. Red in colour
      The type of soil described above is 
      1. loamy soil
      2. volcanic soil 
      3. alluvial soil
      4. black cotton soil.
  8. The British used indirect-rule to colonize the northern part of Nigeria mainly because the
    1. British officers were often sick with malaria.
    2. cost of running the colony directly was high.
    3. protectorate was large.
    4. region had poor transport and communication networks.
  9. The first aid is mainly given in order to
    1. prevent further injury.
    2. promote recovery.
    3. save life
    4. enable the injured person to get to a doctor
  10. Which one of the following methods was not used in Tanganyika during the struggle for independence?
    1. Boycotts
    2. Diplomacy
    3. Motions through the LegCo
    4. Armed struggle.
  11. Below are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa.
    1. Rainfall ranges from 380mm to 2000mm per year.
    2. Temperatures range between 15°C and 25°C.
    3. The region experiences a hot rainy season and a cool dry season.
      The climatic region described above is likely to be
      1. savannah climatic region.
      2. semi-desert climatic region.
      3. mediterranean climatic region.
      4. equitorial climatic region  
  12. The most commonly used form of transport in Kenya is
    1. air
    2. railway
    3. road
    4. water
  13. Three of the following are roles of political parties in Kenya. Which one is not? To
    1. Encourage citizens to vote
    2. Encourage abuse of human rights.
    3. Keep the government on its toes.
    4. Promote freedom of association.
  14. The Equator (0°) passes through all the following African countries except
    1. Uganda
    2. Gabon
    3. Rwanda
    4. Somalia
  15. The main contribution of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta to the people of Kenya is that he
    1. led Kenya to independence.
    2. introduced the spirit of Harambee.
    3. Established settlement schemes.
    4. United Kenyans through the Kenya African National Union (KANU).
  16. Natural forests in Kenya are preserved mainly to protect
    1. sources of medicine.
    2. home for wildlife. 
    3. rare species of trees.
    4. water catchment areas.
  17. The main effect of HIV and AIDS on population growth is
    1. reduced life expectancy.
    2. slower population growth.
    3. high population losses.
    4. increased number of orphans.
  18. The backyard rearing of birds is practiced by most people because
    1. the birds have better meat. 
    2. it is cheap to keep the birds.
    3. traditional types of chickens are kept.
    4. birds are not affected by pests and diseases.
  19. River Nile and Niger have one thing in common. It is that they
    1. flow through Egypt.
    2. have estuaries.
    3. Rise in the equatorial climatic region.
    4. have deltas.
  20. A government officer who employs his close relatives in government positions practices
    1. nepotism
    2. ethnicity
    3. regionalism
    4. tribalism
  21. The African Union (AU) was mainly formed in order to
    1. promote unity among African states.
    2. promote friendly relations between African countries and other countries of the world.
    3. Promote trade in Africa.
    4. End colonialism in Africa.
  22. The most common problem facing the expansion of communication systems in Africa is
    1. inadequate capital
    2. illiteracy
    3. Lack of electricity
    4. Lack of skilled personnel.  
  23. Tea farming is important to the 20C Drought and famine economy of Kenya mainly because it
    1. gives most Kenyans employment. 
    2. improves standards of living. 
    3. is a source of foreign exchange. 
    4. is a source of income to farmers.
  24. The newest way of interaction among Kenya communities is 
    1. Trade
    2. Social media
    3. Education
    4. Facebook
  25. Three of the following are fresh water lakes in Africa. Which one is not?
    1. Lake Malawi
    2. Lake Natron
    3. Lake Chad
    4. Lake Tanganyika
  26. The main problem facing multi- purpose river projects in Africa is
    1. Displacement of People
    2. Siltation
    3. Water borne diseases.
    4. Reduced water levels downstream.
  27. The main method of improving the tourism sector in Kenya is to
    1. building more hotels and game parks.
    2. curbing poaching in all game parks.
    3. improving security by fighting insecurity and terrorism.
    4. advertising our tourist attractions home and abroad.
  28. The main problem facing beef farming in Kenya and Tanzania is 
    1. Poor quality breeds.
    2. Animals discases
    3. Drought and famine
    4. Land pressure.
  29. The appropriate action to take before crossing a busy road is to
    1. Cross the road when it is clear. 
    2. Look right and left then cross the road.
    3. Look left and right then cross the road.
    4. Run across the road.
  30. A foreigner intending to acquire citizenship in Kenya by registration must have
    1. lived in Kenya for at least two years.
    2. adequate knowledge of Kiswahili and English.
    3. a lot of wealth.'
    4. connections in the government.
  31. Three of the following are business opportunities in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Provision of services.
    2. Transportation.
    3. Farming
    4. Smuggling of goods.
  32. Which one of the following was not involved in shifting cultivation in the past?
    1. Practicing crop rotation.
    2. Cultivation of small portions of land at a time.
    3. use of land over and over again.
    4. Doing farming activities by hand.
  33. In Kenya, general elections are held
    1. When a sitting member of parliament dies.
    2. after every five years.
    3. in all constituencies on separate days.
    4. to clect the president only.
  34. In Kenya, the rights and freedoms of citizens are contained in the A
    1. Attorney-general's chambers.
    2. Hansard
    3. School syllabi
    4. Bill of rights.
  35. The arm of government that makes and amends laws is the
    1. Executive
    2. Judiciary
    3. Legislature
    4. Cabinet
  36. Cases involving children in Kenya. are heard by the
    1. juvenile courts 
    2. Kadhi's courts
    3. courts martial
    4. magistrate courts
  37. Which one of the following is a symbol of national unity?
    1. The national language.
    2. The national anthem. 
    3. National schools.
    4. The constitution
  38. Who appoints judges in Kenya
    1. Chief Justice
    2. The Supreme Court
    3. The Judicial Service Commission.
    4. The President.
  39. The following are sources of revenue for county governments in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Sale of bonds and treasure bills. 
    2. Sales of business licenses. 
    3. Loans from the national government.
    4. Property rates.
  40. Which one of the following is true about indirect democracy?
    1. There are no elections to choose leaders.
    2. All people are leaders in government.
    3. Citizens make all decisions involving their activities.
    4. Leaders make decision on behalf of the citizens.
  41. The method of irrigation used in Perkerra irrigation scheme is
    1. Drip irrigation.
    2. Basin irrigation
    3. Furrow irrigation
    4. Canal irrigation



  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which one of the following answers is wrongly matched?
    1. Day 2 Day and night
    2. Day 3 - Sea, land and vegetation
    3. Day 4 Heavenly bodies
    4. Day 5 Sea creature and birds
  2. "At last here is one of my own kind-bone taken from my bone and flesh from my flesh." Gen 2. From this verse Christians should
    1. make use of God's creation.
    2. marry and bring up families.
    3. practice equality in their homes.
    4. learn that human beings were last to be created.
  3. Which one of the following was the main reason why Abraham instructed his son Isaac to get a wife from their relatives?
    1. Their neighbours were hostile.
    2. The Canaanites were uncircumcised.
    3. There were no women in Canaan to marry.
    4. Their neighbouring communities were idol worshippers.
  4. Three of the following were done by Moses when he was living in Egypt. Which one was not? He
    1. accepted God's call.
    2. killed an Egyptian.
    3. performed miracles before the king.
    4. received the ten commandments.
  5. Which of the following events took place during the exodus?
    1. Call of Moses in the desert.
    2. Building of the ark of covenant
    3. Killing of the Egyptians firstborns.
    4. Turning of water into wine.
  6. When travelling through the desert during exodus the Israelites were led at day time by 
    1. a cloud
    2. a pillar of light.
    3. a flaming sword
    4. ark of the covenant
  7. What was the name of the woman who hid the Israelite spies in Jericho?
    1. Rachael
    2. Rahab
    3. Abigail
    4. Jael
  8. The following are facts about a certain King in Israel:
    1. He ruled for twenty years.
    2. God rejected him.
    3. He was killed in war.
      Who among the following kings is described above?
      1. Josiah
      2. Ahab
      3. Saul
      4. David.
  9. Which one of the following miracles was done by prophet Elisha?
    1. Healing a blind man.
    2. Calling fire from heaven.
    3. Multiplication of bread.
    4. Casting demons from a woman.
  10. "He has provided for us a mighty saviour, a descendant of his servant David" Luke 1:69. Who among the following prophets made the above prophesy?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Hosea
    3. Zechariah
    4. Jeremiah.
  11. Which one of the following is the main reason why Herod was not happy when he heard about the birth of Jesus Christ?
    1. The wisemen had deceived him. 
    2. He wanted to remain the king.
    3. He wanted his son to inherit his kingship.
    4. He had not yet seen the baby.
  12. The teachings of John the Baptist mainly dwelt in.
    1. helping the needy people.
    2. teachings of the law of Moses.
    3. teaching people against idol worship.
    4. change of people's sinful way of life. 
  13. What advice did John the Baptist give to the soldiers who went to him to be baptised?
    1. Obey people in the authority.
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely.
    3. Do not be misled by the false prophets.
    4. Do not take more than what is required.
  14. During the sermon on the mount, Jesus taught that happy are the peacemakers for they shall
    1. be shown mercy.
    2. be comforted
    3. see God
    4. be called children of God.
  15. The teaching of the parable of the lost coin, teaches Christians that they should 
    1. repent their sins.
    2. love their neighbours.
    3. be ready to forgive others.
    4. bring more people to God's kingdom.
  16. "Do not take a purse or bag or sandals" Luke 10:4. Jesus gave these instructions to his disciples when He
    1. sent them out to preach.
    2. taught them the Lord's prayer.
    3. met them on the way to Emmaus.
    4. sent them to prepare the last supper.
  17. Which one of the following Christian values is learnt from the parable of the prodigal son?
    1. Tolerance
    2. Humility
    3. Forgiveness
    4. Persistence
  18. Which of the following events did not take place on the night that Jesus was arrested?
    1. Jesus prayed on a mountain.
    2. Simon denied Jesus three times.
    3. Jesus healed the car of a slave.
    4. Judas Iscariot hanged himself.
  19. "Surely this was a righteous man" Luke 23:47. These words were said by
    1. the woman who went to the tomb. 
    2. the thief crucified alongside Jesus.
    3. Pilate when Jesus was brought before him.
    4. the Roman officer when Jesus died on the cross.
  20. Which of the following happened when Jesus was taken up in heaven?
    1. Angels spoke to the disciples.
    2. A cloud covered the disciples.
    3. A voice was heard from heaven.
    4. The Holy Spirit came down in. form of a dove.
  21. Which one of the following is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Kindness
    2. Goodness
    3. Faith
    4. Faithfulness
  22. Which of the following is the reason why people were surprised when they heard the disciples speaking on the day of Pentecost? 
    1. The disciples were drunk with wine. 
    2. The disciples had done miraculous things.
    3. There was wind blowing and tongues of fire.
    4. The disciples were speaking in foreign languages
  23. Three of the following were done by the carly Christians except one. Which one? They
    1. ate together joyfully.
    2. build synagogues all over Israel.
    3. took the good news to other lands. 
    4. sold their property and gave the money to the poor.
  24. The following values were taught by our ancestors except
    1. hardwork
    2. injustice
    3. purity
    4. honesty
  25. Which one of the following customs was not used when naming children traditional African communities?
    1. The child's wish.
    2. Time of the day.
    3. Type of the weather.
    4. To remember the ancestors.
  26. In traditional African societies, marriage was important because it
    1. is presided over by elders.
    2. ensured continuity of life.
    3. shows that a woman can give birth.
    4. shows that marriage partners are chosen by parents.
  27. Who one of the following is not a good use of leisure time for a standard eight pupil? 
    1. Taking part in a football match. 
    2. Participating in cleaning the streets.
    3. Fetching firewood for an old woman. 
    4. Watching a romantic movie on a TV.
  28. Kalekye a standard eight pupil was given more money by the shopkeeper after buying some items from a shop. She just went home quietly and hid the money. What Christian value does Kalekye lack?
    1. Honesty
    2. Loyalty
    3. Faithfulness
    4. Kindness
  29. Nekesa a born again Christian realises that Wasike whom she wants to get married to is a drunkard. As a Christian what is the best thing for her to do?
    1. Stop the marriage plans
    2. Join Wasike in drinking
    3. Talk to Wasike to stop drinking
    4. Advise Wasike to be drinking a little.
  30. Which one of the following was not done by the European missionaries when they came to Kenya? They
    1. treated diseases.
    2. translated the bible.
    3. baptised the converts languages.
    4. intermarried with Africans.



  1. Allah (S.W.T) has blessed you with many favours. What should you do according to the teachings of Surah Ad-Dhuha?
    1. Be proud of them.
    2. Teach them out.
    3. Conceal them.
    4. Explain them.
  2. Below are verses from Surah Al-Fiyl. 
    1. Faja-alahum ka'aṣfin maakuul.
    2. Tarmiihim bihjaaratin min sijjiil
    3. Alam-tara kaifa faa'la rabbuka bi-ashaabil fiyl
    4. Wa arsala aleihim twayran abaabiil.
    5. Alam yaj'al kaidahum fii tadh-liil
      The correct order of the above verses is
      1. (iii), (iv), (v), (ii), (i)
      2. (ii), (i), (iv), (v), (iii)
      3. (iii), (v), (iv), (ii), (i)
      4. (iv), (iii), (v), (i), (ii)
  3. To easily comprehend the knowledge that one is being taught, surah Alaq guides that learners should
    1. commit the knowledge into memory 
    2. take note of points using a pen.
    3. repeat the lesson, time and again. 
    4. put the lessons into practice.
  4. Who among the following people is not warned of a heavy punishment in Surah Al-Maun? Those who
    1. backbite others.
    2. discourage feeding the poor.
    3. do good deeds only to be seen.
    4. perform some salaats and skip others. 
  5. Which of the following things are believers asked to seek from Allah (S. W.T) in the Surah An-Nasr?
    1. Forgiveness
    2. Knowledge
    3. Protection
    4. Guidance
  6. The prophet (S.A. W) said, "Fear Allah in respect of these dumb animals and ride them when they are fit to be rode and get off them when they are tired." This hadith teaches Muslims about
    1. justice to animals.
    2. responsibility to animals..
    3. relationship with animals.
    4. kindness to animals
  7. Complete the following hadith of the prophet; "What will mostly take people to paradise will be the fear of Allah and
    1. obedience to leaders.
    2. good behaviour
    3. avoiding the evil
    4. love for the prophet (S.A. W)
  8. Muslims should endeavour to always be the first to give greetings, whenever they meet their brother Muslims because of a benefit taught by the prophet (S.A. W) in his hadith. Which one?
    1. It washes their sins like tree shedding leaves.
    2. The rewards are more than being greeted.
    3. They become close to Allah (S.W.T).
    4. As a way of identification that you are Muslim.
  9. You have committed an evil, may be without knowing, as a learned Muslim what should you do almost immediately?
    1. Follow it up with a good deed.
    2. Find a place and perform Sijdatu Sah-wa.
    3. Make efforts to control another evil.
    4. Recite a repentance supplication.
  10. Which one of the following is a pillar of Imaan?
    1. Praying to Allah as though you see Him.
    2. Accepting life situations the way they befall you.
    3. Performing prayers with thumaanina and ghushuu.
    4. Convincing people to know and practice Kalima.
  11. Which one of the following names of Allah shows that He is the giver?
    1. Al-Razaaq
    2. Al-Khaaliq
    3. Al-Qahhaar
    4. Al-Wahhaab.
  12. Which among the following scriptures was revealed to Nabii Musa (A.S)?
    1. Zabur
    2. Injiil
    3. Taurat
    4. Suhuf.
  13. In which posture of Swalah should a Muslim in prayer recite Tashahhud?
    1. Prostration.
    2. Sitting
    3. Bending
    4. Standing.
  14. While performing Salatul Janaza, when will you recite the supplication for the dead! In the
    1. third takbira
    2. first takbira
    3. fourth takbira
    4. second takbira
  15. Zaid is a Muslim farmer. He invites you on his farm to see his animals and advice him on how he should pay zakkat. On visiting you witness 60 goats, two camels, 30 sheep and 25 cows. Which animal would you advice him to first give out as zakkat? 
    1. Cows
    2. Camels
    3. Sheep
    4. Goats
  16. Which of the following is an act ofmTayammum?
    1. Drying the far with a porous stone after urinating.
    2. Rinsing the mouth with water.
    3. Wiping the face with dusty hands.
    4. Immersing the whole body in water.
  17. Which form of pilgrimage are Muslim faithfuls allowed by Sharia to perform more than the ones in their lifetime?
    1. Ifrad
    2. Umra
    3. Tamatu
    4. Qiran-
  18. Which of the qualities made the Qureish admire Muhammad's character?
    1. Generosity
    2. Hospitality
    3. Humility
    4. Trustworthiness
  19. Which one of the following stories teaches Muslims that Islamic brotherhood is far much better than brotherhood by blood relation? When
    1. Ibrahim was thrown into the fire and never burnt.
    2. Canaan perished in floods as Nabii Nuh saw.
    3. Yusuf was thrown in a ditch and survived.
    4. Qabil killed Habil.
  20. Which advice will you give to your close friend who likes using abusive language? To
    1. avoid by keeping quiet.
    2. speak in low voice and tone.
    3. use simple language.
    4. mind whom you speak to.
  21. Who among the following was an agent of spread of Islam along the coast of East Africa?
    1. Construction of Kenya-Uganda railway.
    2. Advent of Muslim missionaries
    3. Intermarriage
    4. The removal of Portuguese.
  22. The means of earning a living acceptable in the Islamic muamalaat is
    1. selling expired goods cheaply. 
    2. lending money on interest.
    3. selling, foreign currency
    4. adulteration of goods to meet customer demands.
  23. At the age of twelve, Muhammad (SAW) travelled to Shaam for trade training in the company of
    1. Maisara Khadijah's helper.
    2. a Christian monk Raaghibu Bahira
    3. his close friend Abubakkar Swiddiiq.
    4. his uncle AbuTalib.
  24. Who among the following people is prayed for a supplication - "Yarhamkallah"? One who
    1. sneezes
    2. coughs
    3. performs excellently 
    4. travels
  25. Which of the following was a form of persecution that the Qureish used to punish the early Muslim converts?
    1. Demolishing their houses.
    2. Beating them up
    3. Killing them.
    4. Boycotting them.
  26. Who suckled the prophet (S.A. W) away from his own mother? Mama
    1. Halima
    2. Aisha
    3. Khadija
    4. Ayman
  27. It is recommended that before Muslims attend Idd-ul-fitr,
    1. perform istinjaa
    2. perform a sunna prayer 
    3. they wear white clothes.
    4. they eat something.
  28. Which one of the following is the first ' month of the Islamic calendar?
    1. Muharram
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Rajab
    4. Dhul-hijja
  29. Islam recommends circumcision for boys mainly to
    1. reduce spread of HIV/AIDS.
    2. initiate them to adulthood.
    3. encourage cleanliness.
    4. as a sunna of Ibrahim,
  30. Which one of the following statements about Nabii Yusuf is true?
    1. He revenged against his brother.
    2. Allah gave him inspiration through dreams.
    3. He was jailed because of Zinaa.
    4. He rose to a minister in his own homeland.



  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. C
  34. C
  35. D
  36. C
  37. B
  38. D
  39. A
  40. A
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. B
  45. B
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D
  51. A
  52. B
  53. D
  54. C
  55. A
  56. B
  57. D
  58. A
  59. D
  60. C


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. B
  14. D
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. D
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. B
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. B
  1. Which one of the following pairs of discases is correctly matched with. the time of immunization?
       10 weeks  At birth
     A.  Tuberculosis  Measles
     B.  Whooping cough  Polio
     C.  Tetanus  Pertusis
     D.  Yellow fever  Hepatitis B
  2. The following are characteristics of a certain type of tooth:
    1. Have cusps and ridges.
    2. Four in each jaw.
    3. Has uneven top.
      The type of tooth described above is
      1. molar
      2. canine
      3. premolar
      4. incisor.
  3. Which of the following parts of the alimentary canal produces digestive juices?
    1. Mouth and ileum.
    2. Stomach and colon.
    3. Ileum and colon.
    4. Colon and rectum.
  4. Which one of the following energy transformations take place when charcoal is used in cooking?
    1. Heat energy
    2. Light energy
    3. Electrical energy
    4. Chemical energy
  5. Which of the following is an advantage of using organic manure in the farm? It
    1. has specific nutrients.
    2. has long term effect.
    3. is bulky to transport
    4. spreads edible weeds
  6. The diagram below shows some parts of a flower
    Which parts represent filament and style respectively?
    1. V and Y
    2. X and Y
    3. Y and W
    4. Y and X
  7. Which one of the following parts of reproductive system facilitate movement of minerals to the foetus?
    1. Amnion sac and placenta.
    2. Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord.
    3. Placenta and amniotic fluid.
    4. Placenta and umbilical cord.
  8. Plants depend on other plants for the following except
    1. habitat
    2. shade
    3. oxygen 
    4. support
  9. Which of the following methods of soil conservation work the same way as constructing gabions?
    1. Terracing
    2. Cover cropping
    3. Mulching
    4. Shading
  10. Which of the following pairs consists of food that help in boosting the body immune system?
    1. Bread and milk.
    2. Potatoes and kales.
    3. Spinach and ripe bananas.
    4. Rice and carrots.
  11. The following are characteristics of a certain animal:
    1. Breathe through lungs.
    2. Has varying body temperature.
    3. Lay fertilized eggs.
      The animal described above is likely to be
      1. a frog
      2. an ostrich
      3. a tilapia
      4. a crocodile.
  12. Which of the following is a sign of crop diseases?
    1. Dark green.
    2. Malformation' 
    3. Thick cuticle
    4. Reduced yields 
  13. The diagram below represents a block of wood being pushed along a surface towards point X:
    Which of the labelled parts mainly help in conserving the energy used?
    1. Part S
    2. Part T
    3. Part R
    4. Part K
  14. Which one of the following components of air is correctly matched with its percentage?
       Inert gases  Carbon dioxide 
     A.  0.97%  0.03%
     B.  78%  21%
     C.  0.03%  0.97%
     D.  21%  0.03%
  15. Which of the following pairs of drugs are prohibited in Kenya?
    1. Miraa and heroin.
    2. Cocaine and alcohol.
    3. Bhang and cocaine.
    4. Alcohol and tobacco.
  16. The diagram below represents a block of wood being pushed alog a surface towards point X:
    In which direction is the force of friction?
    1. L
    2. K
    3. N
    4. M
  17. A child has the following signs and symptoms:
    1. Pale skin.
    2. Whitish eyes.
    3. Feeling dizzy
      The child is also likely to;
      1. have swollen body parts. 
      2. feel light headed.
      3. have alert eyes.
      4. have weak bones.
  18. Which of the following materials are not attracted by a magnet? Alni
    1. Alnico and tin.
    2. Steel wool and staples. 
    3. Office pins and razor blade.
    4. Silver coin and copper wire.
  19. The following are proper use of medicinę except
    1. taking medicine for the recommended disease.
    2. taking excess medicine to speed up the healing process.
    3. taking the right dosage. .
    4. medicine should be taken before the expiry date.
  20. Which of the following pairs of animal parasites can be controlled through hand picking?
    1. Liverflukes and hookworms.
    2. Ticks and fleas.
    3. Tapeworms and liverflukes.
    4. Ticks and tapeworms."
  21. Which of the following stages of HIV/AIDS does a patient test negative with no signs?
    1. Incubation period
    2. Full blown AIDS
    3. Symptomatic stage
    4. Window stage.
  22. The diagram below represents a set up that was used to demonstrate a certain property of matter.
    The property of matter demonstrated above was to conclude that;
    1. liquids exert pressure.
    2. matter occupies space.
    3. matter has weight.
    4. gases exert pressure.
  23. The following materials can be used to construct a certain weather instrument;
    1. Nail
    2. Piece of wood
    3. Wire
    4. Metal sheet
      The weather instrument likely to be constructed is
      1. windvane
      2. liquid thermometer
      3. raingauge
      4. windsock
  24. Which one of the following uses of water is not practiced in the industry?
    1. Mixing chemicals
    2. Cooling machines
    3. Cleaning tools 
    4. Making fountains.
  25. The most effective control measure against HIV transmission among youth is
    1. using condoms.
    2. abstaining from sex before marriage.
    3. creating awareness.
    4. educating through social media.
  26. Which of the following types of soil erosion removes a thin layer of soil?
    1. Rill erosion
    2. Gulley erosion 
    3. Sheet erosion
    4. Splash erosion
  27. Which one of the following statements is true about liquids and solids? Both have
    1. indefinite mass and volume. 
    2. definite shape and mass.
    3. definite volume and shape. 
    4. definite volume and mass.
  28. Which one of the following pairs of farm animals produce mutton?
    1. Goats and sheep..
    2. Pigs and cattle.
    3. Pigs and goats. 
    4. Sheep and cattle.
  29. When pupils heated some garden soil in a sufuria covered with a lid, some water droplets were observed on the lid? The observation made indicated the presence of
    1. organic matter
    2. mineral salts
    3. living organisms.
    4. water.
  30. The following are some characteristics of soil.
    1. Easily water logged.
    2. Poor drainage. 
    3. Best in capillarity.
    4. Small air spaces.
      The characteristics above are for
      1. clay soil only.
      2. sand and loam soil. 
      3. sand soil only.
      4. clay and loam soil.
  31. Heat is transferred through a vacuum by
    1. convection and conduction. 
    2. radiation only.
    3. conduction and radiation.
    4. convection only.
  32. Which of the following statements is true about cumulus clouds?
    1. Dark grey in colour.
    2. Bring heavy rainfall.
    3. Look like bundles of cotton.
    4. Found low in the sky.
  33. Which of the following statements is true about pulmonary artery? It carries
    1. deoxygenated blood to the lungs. 
    2. oxygenated blood to the heart.
    3. oxygenated blood to the lungs.
    4. deoxygenated blood to the body.
  34. In which of the following pairs of levers is the load, effort and fulcrum likely to be in similar position when in use?
    1. Spade and a pair of pliers.
    2. Claw hammer and crowbar,
    3. Spade and fishing rod.
    4. Wheelbarrow and claw hammer.
  35. Which of the following is the best way of preventing the spread of bilharzia in the community?
    1. Clearing long grasses and bushes. 
    2. Administering vaccination.
    3. Seeking medical attention during an outbreak.
    4. Wearing protective clothing.
  36. Excessive release of industrial gases affects non living components of the environment by 
    1. corroding iron sheets.
    2. suffocating plants.
    3. causing breathing problems.
    4. killing small animals in the soil.
  37. Which of the following pairs of plants is correctly matched with the type of root system?
       Fibrous root  Tap root
     A.  Beans  Millet
     B.  Onion  Acacia
     C.  Mango  Coconut
     D.  Maize  Sorghum
  38. Which of the following pairs of food can be preserved by salting?
    1. Fruits and fish.
    2. Cooked beans and vegetables. 
    3. Fish and pork.
    4. Milk and honey.
  39. Which of the following simple tools- make work easier by increasing the effort distance?
    1. Wheelbarrow
    2. Pulley 
    3. Spade
    4. Staircase
  40. The diagram below represents a seiup used to investigate a certain aspect.
    The aspect being investigated is: 
    1. refraction of light.
    2. making a rainbow.
    3. reflection of light. 
    4. how light travels.
  41. Which one of the following factors will not affect sinking and floating of a material in water? The
    1. size of the material.
    2. type of the material.
    3. mass of the material.
    4. shape of the material.
  42. On a see-saw, the heavier person can lift the lighter person when he
    1. sits away from the pivot.
    2. sits the same distance with the lighter person.
    3. sits near the pivot.
    4. stands on the see-saw.
  43. The main reason why a baby needs to be breastfed by the mother is that the milk produced
    1. boosts the baby's ability to fight ailments.
    2. is free from diseases.
    3. bonds the mother with the baby.
    4. is always available.
  44. Which of the following liquids will form a uniform layer when mixed in a container?
    1. Ink and diesel.
    2. Petrol and cooking oil.
    3. Water and kerosene.
    4. Diesel and spirit.
  45. When breathing out, the
    1. diaphragm moves upwards and flattens.
    2. volume of the chest cavity increases.
    3. pressure in the chest cavity increases.
    4. lungs become inflated.
  46. Which of the following is the most. effective method of controlling weeds, in a large scale farm?
    1. Digging them out.
    2. Slashing.
    3. Uprooting.
    4. Using herbicides.
  47. Which one of the following is not an effect of force on objects?
    1. Changes the direction of a moving object.
    2. Slows down a moving object. 
    3. Changes the state of an object.
    4. Stops a moving object.
  48. The following are adaptations of hydrophytes except
    1.  fleshy thick green stems. 
    2. flexible stem.
    3. numerous stomata.
    4. thin cuticle.
  49. Which of the following discase symptoms is for tuberculosis?
    1. Prolonged cough with blood sputum.
    2. Severe diarrhoea. 
    3. Joint pain.
    4. Blood in the stool.
  50. A flower with long feathery stigma is not likely to have
    1. no scent.
    2. sticky pollen grains.
    3. powdery pollen grains. 
    4. small sized petals.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. C
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. A
  37. B
  38. C
  39. D
  40. B
  41. B
  42. A
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. A
  50. B

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza kila pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Usawa wa jinsia ni suala __1___ kwa muda mrefu hapa ___2___. Tabia ya kumpendelea mtoto wa jinsia moja __3___ nyingine imeepigwa na wakati. Mtoto yeyote __4____ ipasavyo anaweza kufanikiwa na kuifaa jamii __5___. ___6__ kumdhulumu mtoto kwa misingi ya kijinsia humfanya ajione duni, yaani __7___. Ni vyema tushikane mikono kukabiliana na __8___ wa kijinsia kwani ___9___.

 1   uliojadiliwa   lililojadiliwa   iliyojadiliwa   yaliyojadiliwa
 2   kwetu   mwetu   yetu   petu
 3   kuliko   kumliko   kuiliko   kuwaliko
 4   akilewa   angelelewa   akilelewa   angelewa
 5   yetu   yako   yake   yenu
 7   Ilhali   Hata hivyo   Juu ya hayo   Angaa
 8   ajichukie   ajishuku   ajitwaze   ajibeze
 9  uso wa kufadhiliwa    u chini.  ukibebwa   usilevyelevye  miguu.   pasi na viganja viwili     kofi hazilii.  papo kwa papo kamba   hukata jiwe.

Mwalimu ___10___ kwamba Fatu alikuwa_11___, alimwita faraghani ili ___12___ na kupata kiini cha huzuni yake. Huku __13___na matone ya machozi, Fatu alimweleza mwalimu huyo kuwa wavyele wake walikuwa na mipango ya kumwachisha shule na __14___ kwa __15___wa rika la babu yake. Mwalimu alimhimiza asiwe na wasiwasi maadamu angemsaidia kuepuka kadhia hiyo

 10  aligundua  akagundua  alivyogundua  alipogundua
 11  amejishika tama  amepiga mafamba  amekula mwande  ametia mrija
 12  amsajili  amsaili  amsitiri  amsaliti
 13  amedondokwa  anatiririkwa  akidondokwa   akitiririkwa
 14  kumwoa  kumwolesha  kuoleka   kumwoza
15  buda  ajuza  kaimu  barobaro

Kuanzia swali la 16 hadi la 30, chagua jibu lifàalo zaidi kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia "ki" kuonyesha vitendo sambamba.
    1. Uzi huo ukivutwa sana utakatika.
    2. Msukaji aliimba akisuka vikapu.
    3. Kijiji hicho kiliwavutia wageni kwa wenyeji.
    4. Wacheza ngoma wote walivalia kitamaduni.
  2. Upi ni ukanusho ufaao wa sentensi; Mahali kuliko na mlipuko wa maradhi kunahitaji msaada.
    1. Mahali kusiko na mlipuko wa maradhi kunahitaji msaada.
    2. Mahali kuliko na mlipuko wa maradhi hakutahitaji msaada.
    3. Mahali kuliko na mlipuko wa maradhi hakujahitaji msaada.
    4. Mahali kusiko na mlipuko wa maradhi hakuhitaji msaada.
  3. Ni jibu lipi lililo na maneno ambayo hayalingani?
    1. Chawa, funza, utitiri, kunguni.
    2. Singe, manowari, bunduki,kombora.
    3. Wengu, nyongo, pafu, waridi
    4. Robo, humusi, thuluthi, sudusi
  4. Andika kauli ya kutendewa ya sentensi;
    Masogora waliingia ukumbini wakacheza ngoma.
    1. Ngoma ilichezewa ukumbini na masogora.
    2. Ukumbini mlichezwa ngoma na masogora.
    3. Masogora walichezea ngoma ukumbini.
    4. Ngoma ilichezwa na masogora ukumbini.
  5. Ni ulinganifu upi ulio sahihi?
    1. Jimbi - mtamba
    2. Fahali - koo
    3. Mjomba - halati
    4. Kipora - mbarika
  6. Andika katika hali ya umoja.
    Nyuta hizo zilitumiwa na wasasi hodari.
    1. Ukuta huo ulitumiwa na msasi hodari.
    2. Uta huo ulitumiwa na msasi hodari.
    3. Uta huo ulitumiwa na msasi mhodari.
    4. Ukuta huo ulitumiwa na msasi mhodari.
  7. Chagua sentensi yenye kihusishi cha kulinganisha.
    1. Wageni waliwasili baada ya sherche kuanza.
    2. Timu yetu ilicheza dhidi ya Miamba angu wa Pwani.
    3. Kilate alimwendea mwalimu kwa ushauri.
    4. Jengo hilo lilikuwa kubwa mithili ya mlima.
  8. Aka ni kwa mwashi kama ilivyo kwa msasi.
    1. saka
    2. sasa
    3. saa
    4. susia
  9. Badilisha katika usemi wa taarifa:
    "Mtoto wako atatibiwa leo," daktari alimwambia mama huyo.
    1. Daktari alimwambia mama huyo kwamba mtoto wake atatibiwa siku hiyo.
    2. Daktari alimwambia mama huyo kwamba mtoto wake angetibiwa siku ambayo ingefuata.
    3. Daktari alimwambia mama huyo kwamba mtoto wake angetibiwa siku hiyo.
    4. Daktari alimwambia mama huyo kwamba mtoto wake anatibiwa siku hiyo.
  10. Chagua vielezi katika sentensi ifuatayo. Wanafunzi wote walitembea taratibu hadi ukumbini.
    1. walitembea, hadi
    2. hadi, ukumbini
    3. taratibu, ukumbini
    4. taratibu, wote
  11. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho;
    Akiona miale ya jua hufa.
    1. Umande
    2. Samaki
    3. Kobe
    4. Mvua
  12. Kipi ni kisawe cha nahau enda upogo?
    1. enda mserego
    2. enda joshi
    3. enda masia
    4. enda mrama
  13. Chagua maelezo yasiyo sahihi.
    1. Ngonjera ni shairi la majibizano.
    2. Arudhi ni kanuni za utunzi wa mashairi.
    3. Utenzi ni shairi lenye vipande viwili katika mishororo.
    4. Vina ni silabi zinazofanana katikati au mwishoni mwa mishororo.
  14. Pora ni jogoo ambaye hajaanza kuwika. Pora pia ni
    1. chopoa kwa nguvu kitu alichoshika mtu.
    2. mnyama jamii ya nyegere alayc asali.
    3. tendo la kuondoa magamba ya samaki.
    4. funga kitu kwa kukaza sana.
  15. Mzazi au kiongozi anapoondoka, wale waliomtegemea hutaabika sana.
    Chagua methali inayolingana na maclczo haya.
    1. Mkuu hukua kwao.
    2. Mti ukianguka ndege hutawanyika
    3. Akikalia kigoda mtii
    4. Mti hauendi ila kwa nyenzo.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 31 mpaka 40

Kwa muda mrefu jamii imekuwa ikimpigia debe mtoto wa kike. Jambo hili limewekwa katika nyanja tofauti tofauti; elimu, afya, nafasi za ajira, katika dini na kwingineko. Kuwezeshwa huku kwa mtoto wa kike kumekithiri na dalili zimejitokeza katika hali mbalimbali. Dalili iliyo kubwa zaidi ni kutelekezwa kwa mtoto wa kiume. Yeye amesahaulika kabisa kiasi kwamba hakuna kundi au juhudi za kiutawala ambazo zimewekwa kuhakikisha kuwa naye hajaachwa nyuma kama mkia.

Kutelekezwa kwa mtoto wa kiume kumeanza kuonyesha matokeo yasiyoridhisha. Suala la kwanza lililo dhahiri ni matumizi ya mihadarati. Jamii haina wakati wa kumshughulikia mtoto wa kiume. Hali hii imemwacha huru kufanya maamuzi yake. Uhuru usiodhibitiwa ni hatari. Uhuru huu umemfanya kutumia wakati wake apendavyo. Njia mojawapo ni katika kutumia mihadarati na kushiriki hulka nyingine ambao zina madhara makubwa. Yeye akiendelea kufanya hivyo, mwenzake wa kike anaendelea kutunzwa kwa hali na mali hata katika kiwango cha kudekezwa.

Kupuuzwa kwa mtoto wa kiume kumemfanya abaki nyuma kielimu. Hatukuwa tukishuhudia kudorora kwa matokeo ya mitihani kwa watoto wa kiume? I lakuna aliyethubutu kuhoji sababu labda kwa kuhofia kubandikwa nembo ya taasubi ya kiume. Mtoto wa kiume anapoendelea kufanya vibaya katika masomo hubaki nyuma na hata katika kuchukua nafasi za ajira baadaye. Hali hii hudhihirika kiuchumi ambapo wanaume wengi hawawezi kufikia mishahara ambayo wenzao wa kike wanapata. Wanawake pia wamepanda hata kuchukua nyadhifa muhimu katika ngazi za kitaifa na kimataifa.

Tuhuma za kuwanyanyapaa wale ambao wamekuwa wakiunga mkono juhudi za mwanamume kujiendeleza zimekuwa sumu. Sumu hii imeleta matokeo ya kuibuka kwa taasubi ya kike. Mmea wa taasubi hii umepaliliwa na kunyunyiziwa maji na mashirika ya kijamii yanayompigia debe mwanamke na hata katika vyombo vya habari kupitia kutetea haki za wanawake. Kwa muda mrefu hatukuwa na shirika lolote lililotetea haki za mtoto wa kiume au hata vipindi vilivyopigia debe juhudi za kuwainua watoto hao.

Mawazo ambayo yamekuwa yakipigiwa upatu na mashirika ya kutetea haki za mtoto wa kike na hata vyombo vya habari yamekita mizizi hata akilini mwa wazazi. Nani atapinga hili? Ithibati ya jambo hili i wazi kabisa. Ukitembea mitaani utawapata watoto wa kiume wakicheza bila suruali huku wa kike wakiwa wamevalishwa nguo nadhifu.

Nyumbani utawapata watoto wa kiume wakila vyakula vigumu huku wenzao wakila mapochopocho. Hata katika majina hili linajitokeza. Wazazi hufanya juhudi kubwa kuwachagulia majina wanao wa kike. Si ajabu nafasi ya mwanamume imeendelea kubanwa. Visa vya wanaume kupigwa na wanawake ni mojawapo ya matokeo.

Hali hii ya kuinuliwa kwa mtoto wa kike imekuwa ikifanywa bila kuzingatia mambo mengi muhimu. Jambo moja ambalo hakuna aliychoji ni; Kwa nini mtoto wa kike ainuliwe? Ikiwa ni ili afikishwe kiwango cha mwenzake wa kiume, basi alimfikia na kumpita. Kama hali ndiyo hii, basi ni muhimu mtoto wa kiume naye ainuliwe. Hili litaafikiwa ikiwa mbinu zilezile zilizotumiwa kwa mtoto wa kike zitakumbatiwa.

Suluhu itapatikana vipi? Tatizo la kutelekezwa kwa mtoto wa kiume litapewa ufumbuzi ikiwa tutapiga hatua nyuma tujiulize ni kwa nini tulihitaji kulinda haki za mtoto wa kike. Bila shaka, jambo moja litakuwa wazi kuwa mtoto wa kike alikuwa akibaki nyuma kutokana na sababu za kimazingira hasa ya kijamii. Ikaibuka haja ya kumsaidia kukabiliana na changamoto za mazingira hayo. Abadan kataan kutelekezwa kwa mtoto wa kiume hakukuwa mbinu mojawapo ya kutetea haki za mtoto wa kike.

  1. Chagua maelezo sahihi kulingana na aya ya kwanza
    1. mtoto wa kiume amepuuzwa kwa muda mrefu.
    2. jamii imetekelezwa mikakati mbalimbali ya kumwinua msichana.
    3. watawala ndio wanaochangia zaidi. kudhalilishwa kwa mvulana.
    4. haki za watoto wote zimepigiwa debe na mashirika mbalimbali.
  2. Jambo analopinga mwandishi katika aya ya pili hasa ni
    1. kumpa mvulana uhuru mwingi kupindukia.
    2. jitihada nyingi kuelekezwa katika malezi ya msichana.
    3. vijana kutumia mihadarati kupindukia.
    4. mvulana kujikulia bila maelekezo yafaayo.
  3. Si kweli kusema kuwa;
    1. wanaume hawapati nyadhifa nzuri kitaifa na kimataifa.
    2. msichana anabembelezwa kupita kiasi."
    3. maovu katika jamii yanadhihirisha pengo katika malezi.
    4. kumpa mtoto wa kike nyadhifa mbalimbali ni jambo la busara.
  4. Kwa nini wengi hawakuthubutu kuhoji kiini cha kudorora kwa elimu ya mtoto wa kiume?
    1. Jambo hilo lilitokea bila wengi kujua.
    2. Matokeo duni kwa mvulana lilikuwa jambo la kawaida.
    3. Kumtetea mvulana kulichukuliwa kama kupinga maendeleo ya msichana.
    4. Kumwinua mvulana kupita kiasi kungemnyima msichana nafasi ya kufanya vyema.
  5. Kwa nini wanaume hawana mishahara mizuri kama wenzao wa kike?
    1. Wanaume wananyimwa nafasi ya kujitetea kazini.
    2. Wanawake ni wengi kuliko wanaume
    3. Wanawake wengi wameelimika kuliko wanaume.
    4. Waajiri wengi hivi sasa ni wanawake.
  6. Mashirika ya kijamii na vipindi katika vyombo vya habari;
    1. hupendelea jinsia ya kiume zaidi.
    2. vinapaswa kutekeleza shughuli kwa usawa
    3. vimetekeleza wajibu wao sawasawa.
    4. hutumiwa kumdhalilisha mtoto wa kike.
  7. Aya ya tano imedokeza kuwa
    1. mvulana amenyimwa hata haki za kimsingi.
    2. watoto wa kiume wanahimizwa kucheza bila mavazi.
    3. mtoto wa kike anatimiziwa haki zake zote.
    4. wavulana wasiovalia suruali hudharauliwa na wasichana wenye mavazi nadhifu michezoni.
  8. Msimamo wa mwandishi wa makala haya ni kuwa
    1. kuinuliwa kwa msichana kumeleta madhara mengi kuliko manufaa katika jamii.
    2. juhudi za kumwimarisha msichana zinafaa kusitishwa ili mvulana naye aangaziwe.
    3. mvulana anapaswa kusaidiwa ili naye ampiku mwenzake wa kike.
    4. juhudi za kupigania usawa wa kijinsia zinapaswa kulenga watoto wa jinsia zote.
  9. Kauli yamekita mizizi imetumia tamathali gani ya usemi?
    1. Sitiari
    2. Tashbihi
    3. Chuku
    4. Nahau
  10. Neno kuwanyanyapaa kulingana na muktadha lina maana ya
    1. kuwapinga
    2. kuwabeza.
    3. kuwazomea
    4. kuwadhihaki

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia nambari 41 mpaka 50

Siku ya Geza na mwanawe kutoka hospitalini ilifika. Muuguzi aliwashauri wamtunze mtoto huyo vyema; kwamba mtoto mwenyewe hakuwa na dosari kubwa, ila alihitaji utunzaji wa makini zaidi. Maneno hayo yaliangukia masikio yaliyokuwa yametiwa nta. Hisia za unyonge na maonevu zilimkubatia Geza kiasi cha kuuycyusha utu wake. Mumewe alikuja kumchukua kutoka hospitalini.

Nyumbani mwa Geza na Kataa hamkusikika vigelegele vya kuzaliwa kwa kiumbe kipya. Geza alitoka garini kakipakata kitoto chake kama kifurushi cha karatasi ya shashi. Akafululiza moja kwa moja hadi chumbani mwake ambamo angekificha kitoto hicho kwa miaka mingi. Wageni waliwasili kukiona kitoto, wakatiliwa huku na kutolewa kule. Mara kitoto kina homa, mara kimelala...... almradi kila mara mama mtu alikuwa na uongo wa kuwazulia watu. Nao adinası hawakuwa mazumbukuku kiasi kile. Walikuwa wamesikia tetesi kutoka kwa akina pangu pakavu wa humo kijiji kuhusu hali ya mtoto huyo, navyo vitendo vya Geza viliwasaidia kupiga muhuri mawazo yao. Jambo lililowashangaza wapenda haki ni vipi mama ataweza kumfungia mtoto wake chumbani. Vipi mama huyo hakuweza hata kumpeleka mwanawe hospitalini kwa matibabu na
msaada zaidi?

Vitendo vya kikatili vya Geza havikumzuia mtoto kukua. Mwanatabu alitambaa, akasota, akasimama dede japo kwa taabu hadi akachukua hatua yake ya mwanzo na kuanza kutembea. Mama mtu aliyatazama hayo bila kuridhika Daima alimlinganisha mwanawe na wale wa majirani. Alishindwa kuelewa kwa nini mtoto wake bado anaboboja maneno tu badala ya kuzungumza kama watoto wa wifi yake.

Hata mtoto alipofikia umri wa kuenda shule, Geza alidinda kumpeleka hadi mume wake Kataa alipomlazimisha kufanya hivyo. Japo Kataa alitaka mtoto huyo apelekwe katika shule mahsusi za watoto wanaohitaji kushughulikiwa kwa makini, Geza alikataa katakata. Alimpeleka katika shule mojawapo ya umma hapo karibu akidai kuwa hapana pesa kwani mtoto wao wa kiume ambaye alizaliwa miaka miwili baada ya Mwanatabu kuzaliwa, alihitaji kushughulikiwa pia.

Mwanatabu aliingia shuleni na kujipata katika lindi kubwa la simanzi. Kwa vile alikuwa amezoea kuishi amefungiwa ndani asije akaonekana na kuchekwa na watu, alipata shida nyingi kuingiliana na watoto wengine. Kila alipowaona wenzake alikimbilia mwalimu kwa usalama. Mawasiliano nayo yalikuwa magumu kwani Mwanatabu hakuwa amemudu kuzungumza vyema. Mwalimu alipozungumza naye Mwanatabu alikenua meno tu na kusema maneno ambayo yalimwia vigumu mwalimu kuyafasiri.

Siku za mwanzomwanzo mwalimu alivumilia akidhani hilo lilikuwa tatizo dogo tu. Baadaye aliona kwamba hafikii popote, kwani kwa sababu ya kutoweza kuwasiliana vyema na wanafunzi wenzake, mwana huyu alizua mbinu ya kuwawezesha wenzake kumsikiliza. Alianza kuwachapa na kuwawinga kama ndege wawingwavyo kutoka shamba la mtama. Mwalimu hakusita kuwaita wavyele wa Mwanatabu ambao bila shaka walikiri mtoto wao alikuwa na tatizo tangu kuzaliwa.

Mwalimu mkuu wa shule hiyo aliwashauri wampeleke Mwanatabu katika hospitali ambamo mna kliniki ya kuwazoesha watoto kuzungumza. Aidha, aliwatafutia shule mahsusi ya watoto walio na tatizo kama la Mwanatabu.

Hivi sasa, Geza hukumbuka kwa uchungu na jitimai kubwa jinsi alivyokuwa amepania kumtelekeza mwanawe katika hali mbaya ati kwa sababu kazaliwa na upungufu wa kihali na kimwili. Mara tu baada ya Mwanatabu kupelekwa kwa matibabu zaidi na kusomea katika mazingira yaliyomfaa zaidi hali yake ilianza kuimarika. Aliweza kuzungumza. Maendeleo yake katika masomo yaliimarika, nao walimu hawakusita kutambua hayo na kumpeleka katika shule ya kawaida. Hivi sasa amehitimu masomo ya chuo kikuu. Amewafaa watoto wengi walio na matatizo ya kimaumbile. Maisha yake ni funzo na dhihirisho kuwa hakuna binadamu ambaye hawezi kutekeleza majukumu kama wengine akipewa fursa ipasavyo. Upungufu wa kimaumbile si kutojiweza. Haifai kuwabagua adinasi kwa misingi ya tofauti za kimaumbile.

  1. Ni maelezo yapi sahihi kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Muuguzi alijua kuwa Geza asingemtunza mwanawe ipasavyo.
    2. Geza alitilia maanani nasaha aliyopewa na muuguzi.
    3. Muuguzi alitekeleza wajibu wake ipasavyo.
    4. Geza alijihisi mnyonge kutokana na maneno ya muuguzi,
  2. Nyumbani mwa Geza na Kataa hamkusikika vigelegele kwani,
    1. watu hawakufika kwa sherehe ya kumpokea mtoto.
    2. mtoto hakupokelewa kwa bashasha kama ilivyotarajiwa.
    3. mke na mume waligombana kutokana na hali ya mtoto.
    4. mtoto alikuwa mwenye kasoro nyingi za kimaumbile.
  3. Waliofika nyumbani kwa Géza,
    1. hawakupewa fursa ya kumwona mtoto.
    2. walitaka kumdhihaki mtoto na mwanawe.
    3. walieneza uvumi kila mahali.
    4. ni jamaa wa karibu wa Geza na Kataa pekee.
  4. Pesa anazotoa mtu ili kumshika mioto mchanga kwa mara ya kwanza huitwaje?
    1. Ridhaa
    2. Arbuni
    3. Kifunguamkoba
    4. Fola
  5. Si kweli kusema kuwa,
    1. wapo waliojua hali ya mtoto wa Geza.
    2. vitendo vya Geza vilichangia watu kuongea zaidi.
    3. Geza na Kataa walikuwa na watoto wawili
    4. watu hawakujali dhuluma alizopitia Mwanatabu.
  6. Kwa nini Mwanatabu hakupelekwa mapema katika shule ya watoto wenye mahitaji maalum?
    1. Wavyele wake walikosa maarifa.
    2. Ulikuwepo ugumu wa kumtunza yeye na mnuna wake.
    3. Mama yake alimbagua kutokana na hali yake.
    4. Ilimchukua muda mrefu kuzungumza na kutembea.
  7. Kulingana na aya ya sita,
    1. tatizo katika mawasiliano huweza kuchangia visa vya utovu nidhamu.
    2. kuchelewa kuenda shule hutatiza mawasiliano ya wanafunzi na walimu.
    3. kutowasiliana ipasavyo huwafanya wanafunzi wasimwelewe mwalimu.
    4. kutishwa na wengine huwafanya wanafunzi wajitenge na wenzao shuleni.
  8.  Akina pangu pakavu kulingana na makala haya ni
    1. walio na upungufu wa kimaumbile.
    2. wenye tabia ya kufitini.
    3. wanaochunguza ukweli.
    4. watu wanyonge.
  9. Mambo yaliyomsaidia Mwanatabu kufanikiwa katika kifungu hiki hasa ni A
    1. kutangamana na wengine na himizo la mwalimu mkuu.
    2. matitabu na kusomea katika mazingira yafaayo
    3. ushauri wa walimu na kusomea katika shule ya umma.
    4. kupelekwa shule na msimamo thabiti na baba yake.
  10. Funzo linalopatikana katika kifungu hiki ni kuwa;
    1. Wanaowapuuza wanyonge huaibika baadaye.
    2. Binadamu ni ng'amba hawakosi la kuamba.
    3. Ukimlea mwana mwema na mui mlee.
    4. Hakuna msiba usiokuwa na mwenziwe.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.
Wewe ni kiranja mkuu wa shule yako. Andika hotuba utakayowatolea wanafunzi wenzako wa darasa la nane kuhusu umuhimu wa kuzingatia maadili hata baada ya kukamilisha mtihani wa kitaifa.


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. C
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. A
  30. B
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. C
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. D
  40. B
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. D
  45. D
  46. C
  47. A
  48. B
  49. B
  50. C

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

There are many things we do without plan. 'When you wake up, you __1___ start by stretching then you move out of bed. There are many times when you go ___2___ to the washroom ___3___ at other times, you go to take a shower. This routine is ______ as any other activity, like brushing the _______, could casily come in ___6_____order. What do you do after bathing? Majority of us ____7___some oil or make-up before dressing up___8_____ clean clothes. Nobody prepares to do these activities in___9____ but we all find them following almost the same ___10___

The main difference is the time each of us take to accomplish them. It takes ____11___people a longer time to choose what to ___12___. This is because some clothes are more ___13____ for activities of a ___14___ day. It requires that one plans for the clothes to use for a specific day to_15__ looking awkward. All we do happens because we have always done it repeatedly.

   A  B   C   D 
 1  certainly  usually  normally   probably 
 2  direct  slowly  properly  once
 3  and  while  then  so
 4  known  followed  flexible  repeated
 5  teeth  floor  hair  clothes
 6  some   no  any  more
 7  use  apply  smear  put
 8  on  with  by  in
 9  style  advance  place  plan
10  order  way  time  style
11  all  every  some  few
12  dress  wear  take  put on
13  needed  accepted  suitable  wanted
14  special  normal  short  given
15  avoid  reduce  continue  start

For questions 16 to 18, choose the alternative which means the same as the underlined expression.

  1. All candidates look forward to joining Form One next year.
    1. expect
    2. enjoy
    3. long for
    4. wait for
  2. You should never hand in your composition before going over it.
    A. study C. finish
    B. revise
    D. read
  3. Nowadays some families find it difficult to bring up many children. 
    1. raise
    2. educate
    3. feed
    4. afford

For questions 19 and 20, choose the best arrangement of the given sentences to make a sensible paragraph.

    1. I treasured entertainment.,
    2. It was interesting watching animals at play.
    3. I would spend hours and hours watching the monkeys.
    4. Whenever I had money, I would go to the zoo.
      1. (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
      2. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
      3. (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
      4. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
    1. He keeps cows and goats
    2. There are more goats that cows on his farm
    3. He is a large scale farmer
    4. Some of the goats were bought recently
      1. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
      2. (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
      3. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
      4. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)

For questions 21 and 22, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined sentence.

  1. It's upon you to decide what to do over the weekend.
    1. You are at liberty to do what you want over the weekend.
    2. You will do anything others do over the weekend.
    3. You will do what you're told to do over the weekend.
    4. You will do what has been decided over the weekend.
  2. Even if you complain, he is not likely to take any action.
    1. He will only take action if you are likely to complain.
    2. Since he'll take no action, there's no need for you to complain.
    3. You have to complain for him to take action.
    4. He didn't take any action because you complained late.

In each of the questions 23 to 25, one of the words is a general term which includes the other three. Select the word.

    1. ladles
    2. pots
    3. utensils
    4. pans
    1. car
    2. organ
    3. heart
    4. liver
    1. sorghum
    2. millet
    3. rice
    4. grain

Read the story below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

When Tira left his homeland, it was for two good reasons. He had tried his best tó carn a decent living but it flopped in his face. In the better days, he had worked very hard and built himself a house and bought some goats and sheep. However, things turned upside down for him without a warning. He lost both parents almost simultaneously and as if to add insult to injury, robbers broke into his home soon after. They carted away whatever could be of value to them, including the goats and sheep. So, he left his homeland in a kind of protest.

Word had been going round of a peaceful and welcoming community in the neighbouring country. It is there that Tira decided to go and try his luck. He knew it would not be easy to settle down there but somehow, it would be better than what he had been through at his native home. It was a long journey by lorry; the only means of transport that could cover the distance and was affordable. He carried very little and had a very good reason for it.

Tira was warmly received by his kinsmen who had settled there carlier. He was put up in a home as he looked for moncy to construct his own house. In a few months, he had a modest home of his own but that did not satisfy him. He worked so hard that in his second year there, he was the one giving shelter to new people from his homeland. His herd and flock had grown to big numbers and this made him gain respect among the others. It was not doubtful anymore; Tira was destined for bigger things.

Tira's return to his native home was just as impromptu as his departure from there had been. News reached him that land was being demarcated back at home and that his cousins were allocating themselves his parcels. He left with intention of returning after a week or so but that was not to be. To reclaim his parcels, a number of meetings and consultations with the local administration took a long time. In that process, he started working on his own pieces of land, just as had been doing in the foreign land. To his surprise, the harvest was equally as good and so, he decided to return to the neighbouring land only to organise for the transportation of the wealth he had acquired while there.

This is how. Tira, who had left his home with nothing and in protest, became rich at his home and many found it hard to believe.

  1. What drove Tira to leave his homeland?
    1. The fear of what the future had for him.
    2. His relationship with is neighbours.
    3. The attraction from the neighbouring country.
    4. To prove that he could casily become rich.
  2. Who was Tira protesting against by leaving his home?
    1. Whatever had caused the loss of his parents.
    2. His close friends and relatives.
    3. The people living in the neighbouring country.
    4. Factors beyond his control.
  3. The death of Tira's parents occurred
    1. at the same time.
    2. just before the robbers struck. 
    3. one after the other.
    4. after a warning from unknown people.
  4. How did Tira get to know about the peaceful and welcoming community?
    1. From those who wanted him to leave.
    2. From the people not identified in the passage.
    3. Everybody had been talking about it everywhere.
    4. From those who had lived there.
  5. Which one of the following words below describes how Tira felt before leaving his home?
    1. Defiant
    2. Victorious
    3. Uncertain
    4. Confident
  6. The use of a lorry for transportation suggests that
    1. This was a very remote arca.
    2. Tira had carried all his belongings.
    3. He did not want anybody to know about it.
    4. He preferred it to any other means of transport.
  7. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    1. Very many villagers had left the village.
    2. The cause of Tira's parents' death was natural.
    3. Only unfortunate people left their village.
    4. Tira had been briefed well about where he was going.
  8. The phrase 'put up' has been used in paragraph three to mean
    1. finding a new home for a homeless person.
    2. giving assistance to a needy person.
    3. giving someone accommodation.
    4. helping someone construct a new home.
  9. Had Tira been comfortable with his new house,
    1. he would not have left to return home.
    2. he would not have prospered as he did.
    3. more of his kinsmen would have joined him.
    4. he would have worked even harder.
  10. Which one of the following characteristics describe Tira?
    1. Thoughtful, brave and helpful
    2. Social, unpredictable and suspicious
    3. Industrious, thoughtful and vengeful
    4. Unrealistic, funny and unreliable
  11. Why do you think Tira's cousins were sharing out his land?
    1. He had lost intrest in them
    2. They were sure he would not know
    3. No one knew where he had relocated to
    4. They believed he would never return
  12. When Tira returned for his parcels of land,
    1. he carried with him all his belongings
    2. he had to be helped to reclaim them
    3. his cousins were apologetic to him
    4. no one could recognise him
  13. The best summary for this story would be:
    1. You cannot always succeed at your home place
    2. Jealous people are thsoe who know you well.
    3. We may not know where our propserity would begin
    4. The further away one goes from home, the better

Read the passage below and then answer question 39 to 50

The tongue plays a very important role in chewing and swallowing food as well as speech. It also contains taste buds that enable you to distinguish between five distinct flavours: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. However, that is not all your tongue is udeful for. In matters health, The tongue can provide a summary of your health. Symptoms of many chronic and acute diseases can be notice don your tongue. In fact, changes in the appearance of your tongue are often among the first signs that something isn't right.

A normal healthy tongue is typically pink in colour. The shade can however vary to slightly darker or lighter. A healthy tongue also has nodules at the top and the bottom. Any change from this normal appearance of the tongue or pain is usually a cause of concern.

A white coating on the tongue that doesn't go away after brushing is definitely an indication that something is amiss.You might also notice white spots on the tongue that we'rent there before. These symptoms could indicate the following problems: oral thrush, leukoplakia and oral lichen planus.

Oral thrush is a yeast infection, also known as oral candidiasis, that grows inside the mouth.You tongue might develop white patches that look like cottage cheese. Oral thrush is especially common in infants and the elderly, especially if they wear dentures.It is common in people with weaked immune system such as in the case of HIV victims.

Another group that can easily be affected by oral thrush is people with diabetes. It is often the first symptom to indicate one has diabetes; simply because people visit the dentist more often than the general physician. People who have diabetes can also be more likely to suffer from dry mouth. Since the mouth needs to be well hydrated to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria, a diabetic person with dry mouth is more likely to suffer from oral thrush.

With leukoplakia, thickened white patches form on gums, the inside of cheeks, the bottom of mouth and sometimes, on the tongue. These patches can't be scrapped off. The cause of leukoplakia is not yet known though doctors relate it to habitual use of tobacco either by smoking, dipping or chewing.

Lastly, there is the oral lichen planus which is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects mucous membranes inside the mouth. It may appear as white, lacy patches; red, swollen tissues or open sores that may cause burning, pain or discomfort.

  1. Which of the following is not one of the functions of the tongue?
    1. Testing food.
    2. Swallowing food
    3. Aiding speech.
    4. Chewing food.
  2. The ability to distinguish between sweet, salty, sour and bitter depends on
    1. the size of the tongue.
    2. how fast one can differentiate the tastes.
    3. how sensitive the tongue is.
    4. the age of the person.
  3. When one looks at your tongue,
    1. it reveals everything about you.
    2. the person can identify the food you like.
    3. he can tell the tastes you can identify.
    4. it somehow tells your state of health.
  4. For one to identify the tongue of a healthy person
    1. the colour and texture must be observed.
    2. it has to be pink in colour.
    3. variation of other colours is important.
    4. it should be compared to other tongues.
  5. What does a change in colour of tongue indicate?
    1. The tongue is becoming healthier.
    2. The food being caten should be changed.
    3. The person should seek medical advice.
    4. The person's temperature is fluctuating.
  6. Oral thrush, leukoplakia and oral lichen are given in the passage as examples of
    1. the absence of the nodules on the tongue.
    2. the improvement of one's health.
    3. discases that affect the tongue most.
    4. what white coating of the tongue could indicate 
  7. Why are white patches common in infants?
    1. They feed on milk throughout.
    2. Their mouths remain shut for long hours.
    3. Their immune system is low
    4. Their tongues do not assist in chewing food.
  8. People's visit to the dentist show that
    1. teeth disease is very common.
    2. no one wants to lose teeth while still young.
    3. it is not easy to detect teeth problems.
    4. dentists are less expensive than general physicians.
  9. One of the symptoms of diabetes is associated with
    1. white coating of the tongue.
    2. weak immunity system.
    3. consistent coughing.
    4. dryness of the mouth.
  10. The best way to reduce the effect of oral thrush is to
    1. reduce the intake of foods with white colour.
    2. strengthen your immune sytem
    3. increase intake of liquid food.
    4. visit your doctor regularly.
  11. Which of the following parts of the mouth is affected by oral lichen planus?
    1. Mucous membrane.
    2. Inside the cheeks.
    3. The gums
    4. The bottom of the mouth.
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. The most dreaded disease.
    2. The importance of frequent visits to the doctor.
    3. What your tongue says about you.
    4. Looking after your tongue.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition. Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it as interesting as you can.

The weather outside was perfect. I left the house and went to look for my friends,


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. A
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  28. B
  29. B
  30. C
  31. A
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  34. B
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  36. D
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  38. C
  39. A
  40. C
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. D
  45. C
  46. A
  47. D
  48. B
  49. A
  50. C
  1. What is eighteen million, eighteen | 6. thousand and cighteen and eighteen thousandths?
    1. 18 018 018.18000
    2. 18 108 018 018
    3. 18 018 018 .18
    4. 18 018 018.018
  2. How many groups of hundreds are there in the total value of digit 6 in the following number?
    2 368 753.25
    1. 60 000
    2. 6 000
    3. 600
    4. 60
  3. What is the value of
    0.039 × 0.051×0.063 ?
    0.013× 0.017 × 0.009
    1. 0.063
    2. 0.63
    3. 6.3
  4. What is 72 072 divided by 24?
    1. 30 003
    2. 3003
    3. 303
    4. 33
  5. What is the product of the LCM of 18 and 24 and the GCD of 36 and 48?
    1. 12
    2. 72
    3. 84
    4. 864
  6. Below is a diagram of a rectangle.
    What is the area of the rectangle?
    1. 126m2
    2. 46m2
    3. 136m2
    4.  112m2
  7. What is the value of
    33/4 of 51/3 / +42/3 ÷ 13/× 11/3?
    1. 175/9
    2. 225/9
    3. 235/9
    4. 185/9
  8. What is the next number in the pattern?
    3, 6, 15, 42,
    1. 123
    2. 81
    3. 119
    4. 109
  9. The diagram below shows a circle cut out from a semicircle.
    What is the area of the remaining part of the semicircle?
    1. 308cm2
    2. 616cm2
    3. 154cm2
    4. 1232cm2
  10. 24 men working at the same rate can take 48 days to complete a certain job. How many more days would it take if 8 men failed to turn up?
    1. 64
    2. 16
    3. 24
    4. 8
  11. Ten pupils in a class sat for a test and got a mean of 18.9. The score for ninc pupils were 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 24, 24 and 27. What was the median score?
    1. 15
    2. 19.5
    3. 39
    4. 18
  12. A businessman borrowed sh.80 000 from a financial institution at a compound interest rate of 4% per annum. How much was in his account after two years?.
    1. Sh.6 528
    2. Sh.86 528
    3. Sh.6 400
    4. Sh.86 400
  13. What is the value of
    2x2 + 3y +3z
         x + y + z
    if x = 3, y = x + 5 and z = x + y.
    1. 25/22
    2. 15/11
    3. 25/11
    4. 15/22
  14. Mark spent 2/5 of his salary o school fees and 1/4 on savings. e also spent 3/7of the remainder on transport. If he was left with Sh. 16,800, how much was spent on savings?
    1. Sh.12 600
    2. Sh. 21 000
    3. Sh. 33 600
    4. Sh. 84 000
  15. The diagram below shows a piece of land drawn to scale 1:50 000.
    What is the actual area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 10ha
    2. 100ha
    3. 1 000ha
    4. 10 000ha
  16. Sean paid sh.35 700 for a TV set after getting a discount of 15%. How much more would he have paid had he been given 10% discount?
    1. Sh.3 780
    2. Sh.6 300.
    3. Sh.4 200
    4. Sh.2 100
  17. A 33-scater bus and a 14-seater matatu ferried 343 passengers to a function. The matatu made an extra trip. If each passenger paid sh.80, how much more money did the bus earn than the matatu?
    1. Sh.18 480
    2. Sh.8 960
    3. Sh.9 520
    4. Sh.27 440
  18. Construct a triangle ABC such that linc BC = 7cm, AB = 8cm and AC = 6cm. Draw a circle that touches points ABC. What is the length of the radius of the circle? 
    1. 2.0cm
    2. 3.9cm
    3. 4.2cm
    4. 8.3cm
  19. In the figure below ABCD is a parallelogram and angle ABC = 80°.
    What is the siza of angle AED?
    1. 90°
    2. 45°
    3. 80°
    4. 55°
  20. In a school there are 180 pupils in lower primary and 240 pupils in upper primary. Each lower primary child is given 2-2dl packets of milk every week. The pupils in upper primary are given 3-2dl packets cach week. How many litres do they consume in three weeks altogether?
    1. 216/
    2. 432/
    3. 648l
    4. 504l
  21. The stack below was made of cubes as shown below.
    How many cubes were required to complete the stack?
    1. 150
    2. 60
    3. 90
    4. 75
  22. Karim went on holiday on 28th October 2022 and went back to school on 3rd January 2023. For how many days was he on holiday?
    1. 65
    2. 66
    3. 67
    4. 68
  23. In a school, the ratio of boys to girls is 4:3. During a sporting activity, 1/6 of the of the girls took part and 1/5 boys took part. The number of girls who did not take part was 225. What was the population of the school?
    1. 360
    2. 270
    3. 630
    4. 570
  24. The table below shows the number of absentees in a class of 48 pupils.
     Days  Mon  Tues   Wed   Thur   Fri 
     Girls  2  3   4   5   2 
     Boys  5  2   1   3   5 
    What was the total attendance for the week? .
    1. 33
    2. 217
    3. 240
    4. 208
  25. Construct a parallelogram such that lines AB = 6cm and BC = 8cm. Angle ABC = 125°. At point C drop a perpendicular to meet the extension of line AB at X. What is the length of line AX?
    1. 10.5cm
    2. 4.5cm
    3. 6.5cm
    4. 7.6cm
  26. What is the simplest form of
    3 (28x+49y) + 5 (12x-24y)?
    1. 22x + y
    2. 22x + 4ly
    3. 22x − y
    4. 22x − 41y
  27. A sales agent is paid a basic salary of sh.24 000 and a commission of 4% on all the sales above sh.70 000. In one month, she earned a total of sh.39 000. What was the value of the sales that month?
    1. Sh.375 000
    2. Sh.26 800
    3. Sh.445 000
    4. Sh.345 000
  28. The pic chart below represents how Ben spent his money in a certain month.
    If sh.32 000 was saved, how much more was spent on personal development than on clothings?
    1. Sh.96 000
    2. Sh.57 600
    3. Sh.38 400
    4. Sh.19.200
  29. A bus left town A for town B on Thursday at 9.30pm. The journey took 13hrs 30 min. On which day and time did the bus get to town B in 12hr clock system?
    1. Friday 11.00pm
    2. Saturday 10.00am
    3. Friday 11.00am
    4. Saturday 10.00pm
  30. A cylindrical water tank whose height is 4.2m has a diameter of 2.8m. If the tank is full of water, how many 5 more litres are needed to fill the tank?
    1. 25 872/
    2. 20 697.6/
    3. 5174.4/
    4. 12 936/
  31. 31. A rectangular plot of land has a diagonal of 195m and the width measures 75m. The land is to be fenced using five strands of wire. What is the length of the wire required?
    1. 510m
    2. 2550m
    3. 1350m
    4. 2700m
  32. Amani bought the following items from a shop.
    22kgs of sugar@sh. 130.
    4-litre packets of milk at sh. 120 per litre.
    2-2kgs of wheat flour@sh. 118 per kg.
    11⁄21⁄2kgs of salt for sh.45
    3litres of cooking oil @sh. 110 per half litre.
    If she paid using 2-1000 shillings notes, how much balance did she get? 
    1. Sh.1 742
    2. Sh.258
    3. Sh.1 412
    4. Sh.588
  33. A clock gains 10 seconds after every two hours. The clock was set right on Tuesday at 7.30am. At what time. did it show the following Tuesday at 7.30pm?
    1. 7.15pm
    2. 7.16pm
    3. 7.29pm
    4. 7.45pm
  34. Ken is 36 years older than his son. His wife is 8 years younger than him. If their total age is 106 years now, how old is his wife now?
    1. 46
    2. 22
    3. 38
    4. 28
  35. The table below shows the charges of | 38. The figure below shows a triangular. sending money orders both inland and interstate.
    Nancy sent two inland money orders valued at sh.8 500 and sh.17 000. She also sent two interstate money orders valued at sh.4 500 and sh.22 500. How much money at the post office did she pay?
    1. Sh.53 397
    2. Sh.970
    3. Sh.53 470
    4. Sh.897
  36. What is the value of x in the equation
    x + 2(x − 3) = 8
    3          2
    1. 81/4
    2. 33/4
    3. 71/3
    4. 43/4
  37. The fractions 4/7, 7/9, 8/11 and 9/13 are to arranged in a descending order. Which is their correct order of arrangement?
    1. 4/7, 9/13, 8/11, 7/9
    2. 9/13, 8/11, 7/9, 4/7
    3. 7/9, 8/11, 9/13, 4/7
    4. 4/7, 7/9, 8/11, 9/13
  38. The figure blow shows a traingular prism
    What is the volume of the prism?
    1. 2400cm3
    2. 4800cm3
    3. 2720cm3
    4. 5440cm3
  39. In an election, four candidates took part. The winning candidate got 0.48, the second candidate got 0.22 and the third candidate got 0.6 of the remainder. If the fourth candidate got 3600 votes, how many votes than the second candidate did the winning candidate get?
    1. 7 800
    2. 14 400
    3. 6 600
    4. 30 000
  40. An empty 54-seater capacity bus has a mass of 1.8 tonnes.of the seats are occupied by adults with a mean mass of 72kg and the rest occupied by children with a mean mass of 45kg. The driver has a mass of 80kg. What is the mass of the loaded bus in kgs?
    1. 3482
    2. 3.482 
    3. 5282
    4. 5.282
  41. After working for 15 days, a driver and a conductor carn sh.45 000 in total. After working for 25 days the driver carns sh,43 750. How much will the conductor earn in the month of August if he did not work for five days?
    1. Sh.38 750
    2. Sh.93 000
    3. Sh.78 000
    4. Sh.32 500
  42. Richard travelled from Laare to Nairobi a distance of 420km. It took him four hours to travel to Nairobi. He stayed at Nairobi for two hours and then drove back taking 3hours. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 931/3 km/h
    2. 120km/h
    3. 96km/h
    4. 126km/h
  43. A farmer harvested 260 bags of maize in the year 2021. In the year 2022, the harvest increased by 15%. He was left with 49 bags and sold the rest at sh.3 500. How much money did he get?
    1. Sh.1 046 500
    2. Sh.1 956 500
    3. Sh.1 785 000
    4. Sh.875 000
  44. A rectangular water tank measures 1.2m by Im by 0.75m. How many litres does it hold when half full?
    1. 900/
    2. 450/
    3. 1800l
    4. 1350l
  45. Three girls contributed sh.3 600 to buy a gift. Nancy contributed twice as much as Nimo and Mary. Mary contributed sh.600 more than Nimo. If Nimo contributed sh.x, which of the following equations can be used to get the amount Nancy contributed?
    1. 2x + 600 = 3600
    2. 4x + 1 200 = 3 600
    3. 6x + 1 800 = 3 600
    4. 6x + 1 200 = 3600
  46. Nephat sold a cow for sh.17 600 making a 12% loss. At what price should he have sold the cow to make a 30% profit?
    1. Sh.20 000
    2. Sh.24 000
    3. Sh.22 800
    4. Sh.26 000
  47. The hire purchase price of an item is 140% of the marked price. Linet paid a deposit of sh.24 000 and a monthly deposit of sh.12 000 for one year. What was the marked price of the item?
    1. Sh.144 000
    2. Sh.168 000
    3. Sh.120 800
    4. Sh.48 000
  48. The table below shows a farc chart from town A to town F.
    Anita, her husband and their four children travelled from town A to town F via town D. How much fare did they pay if the children paid half their fare?
    1. Sh.1 320
    2. Sh.1 980
    3. Sh.1 200
    4. Sh.2 400
  49. What is the square root of √0.0081 ?
    1. 0.09
    2. 0.009
    3. 0.03
    4. 0.3
  50. The graph below shows the journey by a motorist from town A to town B and back.
    What is the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 64km/h
    2. 30km/h
    3. 24km/h
    4. 48km/h


  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. C
  23. C
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. D
  29. C
  30. C
  31. B
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C
  36. A
  37. C
  38. A
  39. B
  40. C
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. A
  50. D


  1. The puppet theatre shown in the following picture is called ______________________.
    1. doorway theater
    2. cinema theatre
    3. display theatre
    4. puppet theatre  
  2. Kneading is important because
    1. it removes air bubbles from the clay
    2. it makes the clay soft
    3. it shapes the clay
    4. it makes modeling easy
  3. The clay item in the picture was made by the _____________________ technique.
    1. coil
    2. pinch
    3. twine
    4. slab
  4. Tonal value is created using _________________________ technilques.
    1. Shading and tinting
    2. Shading
    3. Tinting
    4. None of the above
  5. Lettering used to write a message should have the following qualities except ___________________________.
    1. neat, clear and easy to read
    2. correctly shaped and well-spaced
    3. close together but not touching 
    4. too big and far apart
  6. A decorative method that involves cutting holes on an item to make an attractive design pattern is called ______________________________
    1. piercing
    2. embedding
    3. appliqué
    4. hatching
  7. The following are methods of preparing selected materials for coil and stitch technique. Which is the odd one out?
    1. Shredding
    2. Stripping
    3. Splitting
    4. Colouring
  8. Which paper craft techniques were used to make the flowers in the picture below?
    1. Pleating and twisting
    2. Folding and creasing
    3. Twisting and cutting
    4. Cutting and pasting
  9. ______________________ is the art of creating images on a surface by pressing an object.
    1. Printing
    2. Motif making
    3. Stencil printing
    4. Pattern making
  10. When crayon etching, applying a little soap over the waxed surface is meant to make the black ink or paint ___________________________
    1. clean
    2. smooth
    3. stick
    4. bright
  11. We can make a woven item neat by doing the following except _________________________________.
    1. stitching
    2. binding
    3. tucking and warping the edges
    4. painting
  12. When creating crayon etching, do not work under the hot sun because _________________________________.
    1. it will melt the wax
    2. you will start sweating
    3. it will dry the wax
    4. it will tear your paper when etching
  13. A frame used to hold the warp threads tightly during the weaving process is known as a ______________________________.
    1. weaver
    2. loom
    3. board
    4. dowel 
  14. ______________________________  is a technique used to join two or  more pieces of leather together
    1. Coil and stitch
    2. Applique
    3. Thonging
    4. Cross hatching  
  15. Which one of the following is a fabric decoration method?
    1. Tie and dye
    2. Crayon etching
    3. Smudging
    4. Thonging


  1. Why do participants in an African performance adorn their bodies?
    1. To identify with their communities. 
    2. To maintain the beat.
    3. To help keep their part.
    4. To look colourful for the audience
  2. Who is not a participant of a folk song?
    1. Instrumentalist
    2. Soloist
    3. Dancers
    4. Singers
  3. Which country does not sing East African National Anthem?
    1. Kenya
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. South Sudan 
  4. SSA are voices sang by ______________________________ 
    1. Two tenors and an alto line.
    2. Soprano and alto line.
    3. Two soprano and two alto lines.
    4. Two soprano lines with an alto line.
  5. You are to perform a song in front of the school. Which of the following will NOT help you bring out the mood of the song? 
    1. Gestures
    2. Facial expressions.
    3. Not pronouncing your words clearly
    4. Good phrasing and breath control
  6. How many quavers are in a minim?
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 6
    4. 9
  7. Which of the following is not an element of music? 
    1. Melody
    2. Pitch
    3. Tone
    4. Structure
  8. Name one material that is locally available and can be used for body adornment.
    1. Paint
    2. Charcoal
    3. Water colors.
    4. Make up
  9. Which note represents taa-aa?
    1. A quaver
    2. A crochet
    3. A minim.
    4. A semibreve
  10. The highness or lowness of a musical note is  called ___________________________
    1. Melody
    2. Pitch
    3. Rhythm
    4. Volume


  1. The following statements refer to a certain climatic region in Eastern Africa:
    1. Vegetation is organized into stripes.
    2. Vegetation is influenced by changing altitudes.
    3. Vegetation grows in high relief regions.
      The type of vegetation described above is called _______________________
      1. Mediterranean vegetation
      2. Desert vegetation
      3. Mountain vegetation
      4. Mangrove vegetation
  2. Gold in Tanzania is extracted through. _________________________ and ____________________________
    1. drilling, deep shaft
    2. open cast and quarrying
    3. deep shaft, open cast
    4. quarrying, drilling
  3. Grade 6 Social Studies teacher asked learners at Mosoriot Primary School to name some of the areas in Kenya with high population density. Read what the learners said:
    Kapchai:    Lamu and Hola 
    Mburu:      Murang'a and Bungoma
    Mwende:   Lodwar and Moyale
    Melissa:     Garissa and Maralal
    Who gave the correct answer?
    1. Kapchai
    2. Mburu
    3. Mwende
    4. Melissa
  4. Khaniri was studying towns found in the Northern part of Kenya on the map. Which of the following is found in the furthest North -East?
    1. Nairobi
    2. Garissa
    3. Mandera
    4. Nakuru
  5. Which one of the following explains the meaning of culture?
    1. Number of people in a family
    2. Way of life in different communities
    3. Good behaviours in the society
    4. Age-sets
  6. The traditional government among the Nyamwezi was headed by the ___________________________________.
    1. hereditary chiefs
    2. emperors
    3. hereditary kings
    4. council of elders
  7. In which way were the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government similar?
    1. They were both found in Tanzania.
    2. Position of their leader was hereditary
    3. They were both ruled by hereditary kings.
    4. They were both involved in pastoralism.
  8. Which is the main aspect of good governance in the traditional societies?
    1. They both settled disputes among their members.
    2. They promoted wars and raids.
    3. They promoted nepotism.
    4. They promoted mistrust among members.
  9. How has Kenya benefited from the membership of the East African Community? 
    1. It has a big area to administer.
    2. Many Kenyans can now live in South Sudan. 
    3. It has a larger market to export goods. 
    4. It has strengthened cattle rustling.

Study the map of Eastern Africa below then answer questions 35-38.


  1. During the pre-colonial period, the traditional government in the country marked J was headed by __________________________
    1. governor
    2. hereditary kings
    3. council of elders
    4. hereditary chiefs
  2. The lake marked K was formed through a process called ______________________________.
    1. faulting and sinking
    2. volcanic processes
    3. glaciation
    4. downwarping
  3. Explain the process of formation of the mountain marked L.
    1. Faulting and uplifting
    2. Volcanicity
    3. Erosion
    4. Folding
  4. Which one of the following is a characteristic of the region marked M?
    1. Receives high rainfall throughout the year. 
    2. Vegetation is mainly hardwood trees.
    3. Main vegetation is euphorbia and cactus.
    4. It is mainly swampy area.
  5. Who among the following is the senior administrator in a school?
    1. Class teacher
    2. Headteacher
    3. Deputy headteacher
    4. Prefects
  6. In the pre-colonial period, the main function of clans was ____________________________.
    1. protect ancestral land
    2. educate the youths
    3. settle disputes among members
    4. get wives for the youths



  1. Angel Gabriel visited Zechariah while he was working in the temple to give him a special message. However, Zechariah didn't believe that he would get a son. What happened to Zechariah when he didn't believe?
    1. The angel struck him dumb
    2. The angel lifted up his sword
    3. The angel changed his mind
    4. The angel announced the birth of Mary
  2. Jesus Christ shared a special meal with His disciples before He died. The meal was called
    1. The Passover
    2. The First meal
    3. The Last Supper
    4. The disciples' meal
  3. My neighbour takes his time to go to the hospital twice every week to comfort the sick. Which fruit of the Holy Spirit does he have? 
    1. Kindness
    2. Sadness
    3. Pride
    4. Self-control
  4. Christine, Hazel and Judy are in the same class. They like talking and walking together. The three girls form a ________________________
    1. Gossip group
    2. Peer group
    3. Travelling group
    4. Swimming group
  5. Jesus Christ performed the miracle of raising Lazarus from death. He showed ____________________ the family of Lazarus.
    1. Suffering
    2. Empathy
    3. Challenges
    4. Surprise
  6. Which of these children is being subjected to child labour?
    1. Nathan: Washing his father's car
    2. Olive: Working in a coffee plantation
    3. Jeremy: Taking care of his younger brother
    4. Serena: Cooking the evening meal
  7. Jesus Christ told the parable of the hidden. treasure. Which of these values will not help us to see the Kingdom of God? ___________________
    1. Disobedience
    2. Integrity
    3. Respect
    4. Faithfulness
  8. How did Prophet Elisha help the prophet to get the axe head?
    1. He threw a stick into the water
    2. He used a rope
    3. He jumped into the water
    4. He left the axe head in there
  9. The first place where the believers were called Christians was called
    1. Antioch
    2. Babylon
    3. Galatia
    4. Macedonia
  10. The king of Egypt had two dreams which spoke about the future. Which of these things were not seen in his dreams? ___________________
    1. The River Nile
    2.  Seven fat cows
    3. Three cups of wine
    4. Seven healthy ears of corn.




  1. The surah that promises the prophet a river in paradise is ________________________________
    1. Humaza
    2. Kauthar
    3. Naas
    4. Qariah.
  2. How many verses are there in surah Al-Maun?
    1. Three
    2. Five
    3. Seven
    4. Ten
  3. Enemies of the prophet will be cut off in surah ______________________________
    1. Fatiha
    2. Takathur
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kauthar.
  4. The holy Qur'an was revealed in the month of ________________________________
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Muharram
    3. Shawwal
    4. Rajab
  5. Which animals did Allah use to destroy Abraha's army?
    1. Elephants
    2. Camels
    3. Birds
    4. Dogs
  6. A Muslim should make good use of his wealth before he becomes
    1. sick
    2. busy
    3. poor
    4. weak.
  7. We should share what we have with those ______________________-
    1. who have enough
    2. in need
    3. who knows us
    4. who cries for fame
  8. The actions and practices of the prophet (S.A.W) are known as
    1. sunnah
    2. hadith
    3. faradh
    4. hijra
  9. The fourth pillar of Iman is the belief in _______________________
    1. angels
    2. books
    3. Allah
    4. prophets
  10. The attributes of Allah Al-Khaaliq means ____________________________
    1. the creator
    2. the most merciful
    3. the forgiver
    4. the king



  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D


  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A


  1. Grade 6 learners were investigating uses of oxygen. They settled up an experiment as shown in the diagram below.
    Which one of the following was a correct observation from the experiment?
    1. Water level in the trough increased
    2. Candle flame brightened
    3. Water level in the jar increased
    4. Colour of the water changed
  2. During a nature walk in the school garden, learners uprooted a plant. Which one of the following plants has roots similar to the type found in carrot?
    1. Onion
    2. Cassava
    3. Sweet potatoes
    4. Bean plant
  3. Grade four learners observed the sky in one afternoon. The following are features of a certain type of clouds. They saw
    1. White in colour
    2. Appear like bundles of cotton
    3. Dark grey in colour
    4. Keep changing shape
      |Which pair of features are for cumulus clouds?
      1. (ii) and (iv)
      2. (ii) and (iii)
      3. (i) and (iv)
      4. (i) and (ii)
  4. Grade five learners discuss functions of the leaves. Which one of the following plants stores food in the leaves?
    1. Irish potatoes
    2. Yam
    3. Onion
    4. Sugarcane
  5. The diagram below represents the human heart.
    Blood from the lungs enter the heart through blood vessel labeled
    1. O
    2. M
    3. N
    4. P
  6. The process of changing a gas directly to solid is known as  __________________________
    1. Freezing
    2. Condensation
    3. Deposition
    4. Sublimation
  7. Grade five used a digital device to search on physical properties of acids. Which one is wrong?.
    1. Have sour taste
    2. Turn blue litmus red
    3. Have bitter taste
    4. Can cause effect on skin
  8. Which one of the following characteristic is found in all amphibians?
    1. Lay fertilized eggs
    2. Have varying body temperature
    3. Have scales
    4. They are warm blooded
  9. Which one of the following blood components help in transportation of oxygen?
    1. White blood cells
    2. Platelets
    3. Plasma
    4. Red blood cells
  10. Learners of grade six discussed the following parts of human reproductive system.
    1. Cervix
    2. Oviduct
    3. Testis
    4. Uterus
    5. Ovary
      Which two parts produces sex cells?
      1. (iii) and (v)
      2. (i) and (iv)
      3. (ii) and (iv)
      4. (iv) and (v)  
  11. Learners of Hope school searched for ways to reduce friction. They listed down the following ways of reducing friction except
    1. Polishing the surface
    2. Treading
    3. Oiling and greasing
    4. Use of rollers
  12. After using a ramp to load items in a pickup, learners were given the questions below. In which one of the following work is made easily by increasing effort distance?
    1. Flag post
    2. Staircase
    3. Beam balance
    4. Claw hammer
  13. After watching a video clip showing some vertebrates, learners were given a question to answer. Which one of the following animals is not correctly matched with its characteristics?
       Animal  Characteristics 
     A.  Frog  moist skin, lays eggs, varying body temperature
     B.  Ostrich  feathers, lays eggs, constant body temperature
     C.  Bat  hair, give birth to young ones, constant body temperature
     D.  Snake  scales, lays eggs, constant body temperature
  14. Ice is water in _________________________ state.
    1. Liquid
    2. Gas
    3. Solid
    4. Freezing
  15. Bases are substances with a bitter taste. Which one of these is a base?
    1. Sour milk
    2. Lemon
    3. Tooth paste
    4. Pineapples


  1. Calabash,pumpkins and strawberries are examples of ____________________________
    1. Legumes
    2. Creepers
    3. Climbers
    4. Vegetables
  2. Which type of soil erosion is being demonstrated below?
    1. Gulley
    2. Splash
    3. Rill
    4. Sheet
  3. Which one of the following crops can be planted using splits?
    1. Thorn melon
    2. Blueberries
    3. Strawberry
    4. Passion fruits
  4. Creeping crops have flexible stems called _____________________________
    1. Vines
    2. twin
    3. Splits
    4. Grapes
  5. How do innovative lights work in controlling wild animals from destroying our crops? 
    1. By making scary noise when touched by the wild animal.
    2. By turning on automatically upon detecting an approaching wild animal.
    3. By safely trapping the wild animal.
    4. Through emitting a repellant smell.
  6. Which one of the following is NOT a deterrent that can scare away gazelles?
    1. Innovative lights.
    2. Innovative sound devices.
    3. Thorny fence.
    4. Deflectors.
  7. Three of the following are tools and equipment that a farmer can use in preparing shallow pit EXCEPT
    1. Jembe
    2. Shovel
    3. Hammer
    4. Wheelbarrow.
  8. The following are various methods a farmer can use in conserving water and soil moisture. Which one is NOT ____________________
    1. Sunken seed bed
    2. Shallow pits
    3. Moisture bed gardening
    4. Protective shed.
  9. The practice of raising crops in a moisture bed is called. ______________________
    1. Intercropping
    2. Vertical innovative gardening.
    3. Horizontal innoved cropping
    4. Moisture bed cropping
  10. Jane prepared a seedbed that was about 30cm below the ground. She mixed the top soil with manure and returned the soil to the bed leaving a depression. Finally she applied mulch to the seedbed. What type of seedbed. did she prepare?
    1. Shallow pits.
    2. Sunken seedbed.
    3. Moisture seedbed.
    4. Innovative garden seedbed.
  11. Which one of the following is NOT an importance of creeping crops.
    1. A farmer can sell and earn income.
    2. They enhance food security in the country.
    3. Establishing a farm for creepers is costly.
    4. They have great value in nutrition.
  12. Three of the following are organic gardening practices for growing legumes EXCEPT ______________________________
    1. Training
    2. Using organic manure instead of fertilisers.
    3. Using seeds that are pest and disease free.
    4. Controlling pests without using chemicals.
  13. The practice of replacing seeds that did not germinate as well as seedlings that have dried up is called __________________________
    1. Thinning
    2. Gapping
    3. Pruning
    4. Training
  14. When mixing chemicals on the farm a farmer should observe the following safety measures EXCEPT ________________________
    1. Put on gumboots
    2. Wear handgloves.
    3. Smell the chemical first.
    4. Put on protective jacket.
  15. Why is weeding important in farming?
    1. It reduces the competition of nutrients.
    2. It reduces the yields.
    3. It increases the number of pests on the farm.
    4. It leads to low yields.


  1. Which of the following is NOT a likely method used to carry a player who has an injury from the field?
    1. Two-handed seat carry
    2. Four-handed seat carry
    3. a stretcher
    4. Ambulance
  2. When nursing an insect bite, you can use all of the following care routines EXCEPT
    1. Applying a cold press to reduce swelling.
    2. Rapidly scratching the affected area.
    3. Removing the sting from the skin.
    4. Washing the affected area with soap and water.
  3. When one has a fracture, a _______________________________ is used to help the bone heal.
    1. Splint
    2. Plaster of Paris
    3. Bandage
    4. X-rays
  4. Three of the following can be used to improvise a splint EXCEPT?
    1. a wooden plank
    2. strong sticks
    3. old magazines
    4. metal
  5. The rope work technique shown below is  called?
    1. Straddle cross
    2. Double bounce
    3. Skier
    4. Wounded duck
  6. The following is an illustration of a netball court. What name do we call the lines marked M?
    1. Center circle
    2. Side line
    3. Goal line
    4. Transverse lines
  7. Three of the following are elements of a good pass except?
    1. Should be accurate
    2. Should be well measured in terms of speed 
    3. Should not be intercepted by opponent player
    4. Shoud be thrown to benefit the opposing player.
  8. The following are types of starts used in athletics sporting activities EXCEPT
    1. Elongated start
    2. Medium start
    3. Standing shot put
    4. Bunch start 
  9. In the game of Kabaddi, one player is allowed to enter the opponent's court to tag the opposing players. What do you call such a player?
    1. raider
    2. Attacker
    3. Defender 
    4. Bowler
  10. By using the following local materials, a player can improvise a ball EXCEPT _______________________
    1. Old newspapers and clothes
    2. Strings
    3. Polythene papers
    4. Wires


  1. Jane baked a cake for her birthday that was to be on the following day. Give one reason why it was necessary for Jane to store the cake properly.
    1. Avoid ants' infestation
    2. To make it more delicious
    3. To maintain freshness for lon
    4. To hide it from other people
  2. The following are factors to consider before. purchasing an ironing board. Which one is not?
    1. Should not have a cloth covered surface. 
    2. Should have adjustable legs
    3. The top should be broad
    4. Should suit an individual's height
  3. Another name for preteen is ________________________
    1. childhood
    2. old age
    3. pre-adolescence
    4. recovery stage
  4. Which of the following is not a healthy habit?
    1. Doing a lot of exercise
    2. Eating a lot of sugar
    3. Avoiding junk food
    4. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables
  5. The act making sure that the consumer is aware of the information about goods is known as __________________________.
    1. adults awareness
    2. goods awareness
    3. sellers awareness
    4. consumer awareness
  6. Which of the following is not a respiratory disease?
    1. Asthma
    2. Pneumonia
    3. Cholera
    4. Bronchitis
  7. Four learners in Grade 6 were asked by their teacher to state the changes that take place in girls only during adolescence stage. Who gave the correct answer?
    1. Katemi - Develops pimples
    2. King'oo - Hair grows in the groin
    3. Elizabeth Menstruation starts
    4. Kate - Develops deep voice
  8. Juma has the following signs:
    1. Bow legs feels
    2. He feels pain in the spine and legs
    3. He has deformity in the skull.
      Which disease is he suffering from?
      1. Scurvy
      2. Rickets
      3. Goitre
      4. Night blindness
  9. During the holiday David, a Grade 6 learner, was seen cutting a twig from a herbal plant to improvise for good grooming. What grooming was David likely to practice?
    1. Bathing
    2. Ironing his clothes
    3. Brushing his teeth
    4. Combing his hair
  10. Which washing symbol is shown below?
    1. Wash at or above 40 degrees Celsius 
    2. Do not was at 40 degrees Celsius
    3. Wash above 40 degrees Celsius
    4. Wash at or below 40 degrees Celsius


  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. D
  13. D
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. C
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A
  31. D
  32. B
  33. B
  34. C
  35. A
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. A
  40. D
  41. A
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. D
  50. D

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.


Siku moja wakati wa likizo, nyanya alitusimulia kisa cha kuhuzunisha mno. Sote tulikusanyika karibu na moto na kutulia tuli. Kila mmoja alikuwa kwa hamu na hamumu ili kupata uhondo wa hadithi ambayo angetutambia.

Baada ya kutulia kama maji ya mtungi na kujikohoza kidogo, alianza hivi, "Hadithi, hadithi..."Sote tulijibu,
"Hadithi njoo." Kisha akaendelea, "Hapo zamani za kale, zama za kuumbwa kwa ulimwengu, binadamu walifaa kupewa ujumbe muhimu mno. Ujumbe huo ndio uliofaa kuamua iwapo wangekuwa wakifa au waishi milele. Wapo walioomba ili ujumbe mzuri uwafikie. Kila mmoja alisubiri akielewa kuwa subira huvuta heri. Kinyonga ndiye aliyepewa ujumbe wa uhai. Ndege naye alipewa ujumbe wa kifo. Yule ambaye angetangulia kufikisha ujumbe, ndiye ambaye angeamua hatima ya binadamu. Wote walipewa amri kuwa waondoke kuelekea kwa binadamu.

Kinyonga alikuwa kobe kama ilivyo desturi yake. Ndege naye alipaa angani kwa kasi kama umeme. Kufumba na kufumbua, binadamu walimwona ndege akiwasili na kifurushi cheusi tititi kama makaa. walikipokea huku nyoyo zao zikidunda dududu! Wote waliangua kilio kwa huzuni walipotambua kuwa kifurushi hicho kilikuwa kimebeba kifo. Kinyonga alionekana akijikokota kwa mbali akiwa na ujumbe wa uhai. Tangu siku hiyo, binadamu walianza kufa." Baada ya kisa cha nyanya, tulijikokota kwa huzuni tukienda kulala.

  1. Maneno 'kutulia kama maji ya mtungi' ni mfano wa fani gani ya lugha?
    1. nahau
    2. istiara
    3. tashbihi
    4. kisawe
  2. Hali ya kinyonga ilifaa kurekebishwa kwa methali gani?
    1. Haraka haraka haina baraka.
    2. Chelewa chelewa utapata mwana si wako.
    3. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu.
    4. Achanikaye kwenye mpini hafi njaa.
  3. Kulingana na kifungu, ni kweli kuwa;
    1. binadamu alianza kufa tangu alipoumbwa. 
    2. binadamu walianza kufa baada ya kupokea ujumbe wa kinyonga.
    3. ndege ndiye aliyepewa habari za uhai.
    4. kifo cha binadamu kilitokana na kupokezwa ujumbe wa kifo kwanza.
  4. Maneno 'nyoyo zao zikidunda dududu' yanaonyesha kuwa binadamu walikuwa na;
    1. wasiwasi
    2. woga
    3. hasira
    4. huzuni
  5. Mwandishi anaposema kuwa 'kinyonga alikuwa kobe', ana maana gani?
    1. Alijifunika kama gamba la kobe
    2. Alilemewa na uzito wa mzigo aliobeba
    3. Alishindana na ndege kwa kasi
    4. Alienda polepole kama kobe
  6. Unadhani kwa nini wajukuu walijikokota kwa huzuni wakielekea kulala?
    1. Walimhurumia kinyonga
    2. Walikasirishwa na haraka ya ndege 
    3. Hawakufurahia tukio lililosababisha kifo
    4. Walihuzunishwa na uzee wa nyanya

Soma ufahamu unaofuata kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.


Juma, Hekima, Hidaya na Malkia ni wafanyabiashara. Wao ni wafanyabiashara ambao hulipa ushuru wa mapato kila mwisho wa mwezi. Juma huuza
vipuri vya magari, magari yenyewe na pikipiki. Hekima huuza magurudumu ya magari, baiskeli za watoto na pikipiki. Hidaya naye huuza baiskeli za watoto, pikipiki, vioo vya magari na magurudumu. Malkia huuza bidhaa zote zinazouzwa na Juma pamoja na fanicha katika duka jingine.

Juma ana maduka katika miji ya Kisumu, Mombasa na Kericho. Ukitaka kupata maduka ya Hekima, utayapata katika miji yote iliyo na maduka ya Juma pamoja na Nairobi na Naivasha. Hidaya naye ana maduka katika miji ya Molo, Nakuru, Naivasha na Mombasa. Malkia ana maduka katika miji yote kunakopatikana maduka ya Hidaya pamoja na Nairobi na Kisumu.

  1. Bidhaa gani ambazo huuzwa na kila mwanabiashara?
    1. pikipiki
    2. baiskeli za watoto
    3. magurudumu
    4. magari 
  2. Ni nani aliye na maduka katika miji mitano?
    1. Juma
    2. Hekima
    3. Hidaya
    4. Malkia 
  3. Mji gani ambako maduka ya wafanyabiashara hawa wote yanapatikana?
    1. Nairobi
    2. Naivasha
    3. Kisumu
    4. Mombasa

Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.
(Wanafunzi wawili wanaonekana uwanjani wakati wa jioni, baada ya masomo ya siku.)

NZOLA : Hujambo Njeri? Unaendeleaje? (Akimnyoshea mkono.)
NJERI:    (Anamwangalia kwa makini, akimsalimia.) Sijambo rafiki yangu Nzola. Ninaendelea vyema. Nimefurahia sana kipindi cha leo kuhusu                         usafi  wa kibinafsi.
NZOLA: Enhe! Niambie mwenzangu.
NJERI:   Nimebaini umuhimu wa vitu kama vile mswaki, taulo, hanchifu, sabuni na kadhalika.
NZOLA(Akitikisa kichwa kuonyesha kuelewa.) Nami vilevile nimeelewa kuwa sifai kutumia vifaa kama vile mswaki, taulo na hanchifu pamoja na                   watu wengine.
NJERI:   Ukweli, hivyo ni vifaa vya kibinafsi.
NZOLA:  Kuanzia leo nitahakikisha kuwa ninaangua kucha na kupiga mswaki bila kuchoka.
NJERI:    Aha! Nami sina budi kuoga na kuinawa mikono yangu kwa njia inayofaa.
NZOLA:  Hewala Njeri. (Mlio wa kengele unasikika.)
NJERI:    Twende nyumbani mwenzangu. (Wanaondoka.)

  1. Kulingana na mazungumzo, ni kweli kuwa;
    1. Njeri hakujua umuhimu wa baadhi ya vifaa vya usafi.
    2. Nzola alielewa faida ya kutumia vifaa vya usafi pamoja na wengine.
    3. Njeri alifahamu kuwa si vizuri kutumia vifaa kama vile hanchifu na wengine.
    4. Njeri alijua umuhimu wa baadhi ya vya usafi.
  2. Yawezekana kuwa wanafunzi hao walipokutana, jua lilikuwa upande gani?
    1. mashariki
    2. kaskazini
    3. kusini
    4. magharibi
  3. Mwandishi alimaanishi nini aliposema kuwa 'nami sina budi'?
    1. Ninajua umuhimu
    2. Ninalazimika
    3. Ninafahamu
    4. Nina hiari
  4. Nahau 'ninaangua kucha' ina maana gani jinsi ilivyotumika katika mazungumzo?
    1. Ninakata kucha
    2. Ninaosha kucha
    3. Ninapangusa kucha
    4. Ninalinganisha kucha
  5. Mazungumzo haya ni mfano wa;
    1. mazungumzo katika muktadha rasmi
    2. mazungumzo yasiyofuata sheria
    3. mazungumzo katika muktadha usio rasmi 
    4. mazungumzo yasiyo na manufaa
  6. Kipi si kifaa cha kibinafsi kati ya vifaa vifuatavyo kulingana na mazungumzo?
    1. hanchifu
    2. mswaki
    3. taulo
    4. sabuni

Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa kwenye kifungu kifuatacho kwa jibu linalofaa.

Kulipa ushuru kuna manufaa sio tu kwa mtu binafsi ___16___ kwa nchi yote. Taifa ___17___ wananchi wanaolipa ushuru. ___18___ hatua kimaendeleo kila siku. Kulipa ushuru ___19___ kuwa mtu huyo ni mzalendo. Ombi ___20___ kwa kila mmoja wetu ni kuwa tulipe ushuru bila kuchelewa ili kuimarisha Kenya.

   A  B  C  D
 16.  mbali pia  lakini pia  bali pia  wala tena 
 17.  yenye  lenye   chenye   zenye 
 18.  hupigwa  hupigia  hupiga  hupigisha
 19.  kunaonyesha  unaonyesha  anaonyesha  wanaonyesha
 20.  langu  yangu  wangu  changu

Jibu maswali yafuatayo kulingana na maagizo.  

  1. Soma ni kwa 'somea' kama vile fua ni kwa ______________________________
    1. fuliwa
    2. fuliana
    3. fuia
    4. fulia  
  2. Neno gani lililo na silabi nne?
    1. lima
    2. kimbiliwa
    3. mbio
    4. lia
  3. Sentensi gani iliyoakifishwa kwa usahihi? 
    1. Walikula matunda kadhaa: mananasi, machungwa na maparachichi.
    2. Salaala! kumbe anaupenda usafi kiasi hicho.
    3. Je! Mwalimu wenu wa Kiswahili ni nani?
    4. Ngombe yule wa mjomba atafungwa wapi?
  4. Chagua sentensi inayoonyesha hali ya masharti.
    1. Waliokuwa wakisoma wameenda kula. 
    2. Angali anamsaidia mzee huyo kuvuka mto.
    3. Amina na mwikali husoma mara kwa mara.
    4. Ukimsaidia kijana huyo utabarikiwa na Mungu.
  5. Sentensi ipi inayoonyesha istiara?
    1. Mwanafunzi mwenye bidii kama mchwa ametuzwa.
    2. Yeye anajua kuwa bidii hulipa.
    3. Tumia hanchifu unapopenga kamasi.
    4. Babu yangu ni kobe, hajafika nyumbani.
  6. Tambua wakati na hali ya sentensi inayofuata.
    Walikuwa wakiandika mvua ilipoanza kunyesha.
    1. wakati uliopita, hali endelezi
    2. wakati ujao, hali endelezi
    3. wakati uliopita, hali timilifu
    4. wakati ujao, hali timilifu
  7. Nomino zipi zinazopatikana katika ngeli moja?
    1. mafuta, maradhi, matunda
    2. minyoo, mikahawa, mirathi
    3. chai, damu, kahawa
    4. kunguru, kuimba, kutu
  8. Onyesha ukubwa wa sentensi inayofuata.
    Jicho la ndovu liliumizwa na miti hiyo. 
    1. Jijicho la dovu liliumizwa na jiti hilo.
    2. Jijicho la dovu liliumizwa na majiti hayo.
    3. Kijicho cha kidovu kiliumizwa na kijiti hicho.
    4. Jijicho la jidovu jiliumizwa na majiti hayo.
  9. Chagua kinyume cha sentensi inayofuata
    Buda alicheka aliponunuliwa pora na kijana mnene.
    1. Shaibu alilia alipouziwa tembe na mzee mwembamba.
    2. Ajuza alilia alipouziwa tembe na mzee mwembamba.
    3. Buda hakucheka aliponunuliwa pora na kijana mnene.
    4. Bikizee alilia alipouziwa tembe na msichana mkonde.
  10. Halima alianza safari saa mbili kasorobo, safari hiyo ilichukua muda wa saa moja na robo. Je, aliwasili saa ngapi?
    1. 9:00
    2. 3:00
    3. 3:30
    4. 9:30


Andika insha ya kusisimua ukianzia kwa maneno haya:-

Kipenga kilipolia, wachezaji wa timu zote mbili walijitosa uwanjani


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. A
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. B
  30. A

Read the following dialogue and then answer questions 1 to 5.

Babu:             Our class teacher has told me to pick a class reader from you.
Mr Momanyi: Good afternoon, Babu. How are you?
Babu:             Fine, where is the book?
Mr Momanyi: Which title of the class reader does your teacher want?
Babu:             I don't know, but just give me any book.
Mr Momanyi:Go and call your teacher.

  1. The behaviour Babu has demonstrated in the above dialogue can be described as_____________________
    1. immature
    2. careless
    3. impolite
    4. irresponsible
  2. What was Babu supposed to do before asking for a book?
    1. Ask for the book title.
    2. Be sure of what he really wanted.
    3. Wait for Mr Momanyi to talk first.
    4. Greet Mr Momanyi first.
  3. What should Babu say when Mr Momanyi says 'Good afternoon"?
    1. Good afternoon to you sir.
    2. How are you Mr Momanyi?
    3. I am fine thank you Mr Momanyi.
    4. I am glad to see you sir.
  4. At what time was the conversation conducted?
    1. In the morning
    2. In the afternoon
    3. In the evening
    4. At night
  5. Why did Mr. Momanyi tell Babu to call his teacher?
    1. Babu was rude to him.
    2. Babu did not know how to express himself.
    3. Babu did not know the exact title he was asked to bring.
    4. He wanted to have a private talk with the teacher.

Read the following passage and then answer questions 6 to 10.


Do you have a friend? I hope so. If you don't, then it is high time you got one. Everyone needs a friend they can depend on. Friends can be a great company and can lend a helping hand when need arises. Human beings depend on friends. It is the same way that animals depend on each other.

There is always a unique friendship that may exist between animals of different species. For example, honey bagger and honey guide are known to be great friends. These two animals depend on each other for their survival. Honey guide upon identifying a honey comb, would make a special sound which would inform the honey bagger of the existence of honey. The honey bagger would come and extract the honey from the comb. Meanwhile, the honey guide would fly down and eat the combs that drops on the ground. At the end of it all, the two animals would both benefit from this unique relationship.

Another unique relationship is between the giraffe and a small bird called oxpecker. In Africa, oxpeckers can usually be seen riding on the back or the head of a giraffe. One may think that a passenger of this type may be annoying, but the giraffe and the little bird depend on each other for meals and for protection from their enemies.

The oxpecker gets its meal by using its thick beak to eat the fleas, ticks and flies off the skin of the giraffe. It helps its friend by munching on annoying pests that are in hard-to-reach places. With its buddy on board, the giraffe eats leaves off the trees knowing that oxpecker will make a sound if an enemy comes near. In return, the oxpecker is safe because it is perched comfortably on the giraffe, out of the reach from its enemies.

  1. The phrase' lend a helping hand' as used in the passage is an example of _____________________
    1. an idiom
    2. a phrasal verb
    3. a metaphor
    4. a proverb
  2. From the passage, it is true to say that __________________________
    1. honey guide provides little help to the honey bagger.
    2. both honey bagger and honey guide feed on bee products.
    3. it is the honey bagger that will know where the honey is.
    4. honey guide feeds mainly on honey.
  3. When does the oxpecker make a sound?
    1. When the pests attack the giraffe.
    2. When there are no pests on the giraffe,
    3. When an enemy is around.
    4. When the giraffe is scared.
  4. The word buddy as used in the passage can best be replaced with
    1. enemy
    2. associate
    3. companion
    4. friend
  5. The pests on giraffe's body; ___________________
    1. is the greatest enemy of giraffe
    2. is the main food for the oxpecker
    3. is the enemy of the oxpecker
    4. is the only reason for the friendship between oxpecker and giraffe.

Read the following passage and then answer questions 11 to 15.


Most mammals give birth to living young babies. When the babies are born, they drink milk from their mother's mammary glands. This milk, being rich in all essential nutrients, makes the babies to grow very fast.

However one unique mammal is marsupials. They are sometimes called pouched mammals. This is because the mother has a pouch somewhere in her body. Marsupial babies are born differently from most other mammals. When they are born,
they are still very tiny and unformed. They are born blind and hairless. The tiny marsupial babies crawls through its mother's fur to find her pouch. It is a dangerous journey.

Once the baby finds the pouch, it stays there and drinks milk until it is big and strong enough to live as a real baby animal. It starts to explore the world, but goes back into its mother's pouch when it wants to. The young marsupial continues to drink its mother's milk for a long time - even when it becomes too big to fit in its mother's cozy pouch!

  1. According to the first sentence, it is true to say that;
    1. all mammals give birth to living young babies.
    2. few mammals give birth to living young babies
    3. majority of mammals do not give birth to living babies.
    4. there are some mammals which do not give birth to living young babies.
  2. Why are the marsupials called pouched mammals?
    1. Their females have pouches somewhere on the body.
    2. They are mainly hunted down by poachers.
    3. They give birth to living babies.
    4. They are a unique kind of mammals.
  3. Which of the following best describes the newborn marsupials?
    1. Big, hairless and active
    2. Small, blind and hairless
    3. Blind, fully formed and tiny
    4. Formless, hairy and small
  4. When is the baby expected to explore the world?
    1. When it is strong enough.
    2. When it is a real animal.
    3. When its mother kicks it out.
    4. When another baby is born.
  5. Put these sentences in order.
    1. The baby stays in the pouch.
    2. A baby marsupial is born.
    3. The baby finds its mother's pouch.
    4. The baby goes out to explore the world. 
    5. The baby goes back to its mother's pouch. 
      1. ii, iv, iii, v, i
      2. ii, i, iii, iv, v
      3. ii, i, iv, iii, v
      4. ii, iii, i, iv, v

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

Mombasa is a modern sea port. It ___16___ a port for many centuries. ___17___ year, sailing ships from Arabia and Persia come to the East Coast of Africa. ___18___ ships carried traders ___19___ wanted ivory, coconuts, tortoise shells and gold. As the year  ___20___, the Arabs and the Persian settled on the coast.

   A  B  C  D
 16.  was been  has been   was   is 
 17.  All  Many  Some  Every
 18.  These  This  Those  That
 19.  which  whose  who  that
 20.  passed  past  passing  goes

For questions 21 to 22, change the given sentence to either active or passive voice.

  1. Daniel bought this book.
    1. This book Daniel bought.
    2. Daniel can buy this book.
    3. This book can be bought by Daniel.
    4. This book was bought by Daniel.
  2. The e-mail was sent by the principal.
    1. The principal sent the e-mail.
    2. The e-mail the principal sent.
    3. The e-mail will be sent by the principal.
    4. The principal sends the e-mail.

For questions 23 to 24, add the correct question tag to the sentence given

  1. You don't have to go for swimming,
    1. don't you
    2. will you
    3. have you
    4. haven't you
  2. Let us go for a short walk, _________________________?
    1. shall we
    2. will we
    3. can we
    4. shan't we

For questions 25 to 27, fill in the blank spaces with correct preposition.

  1. The swimmers dived __________________________ the swimming pool.
    1. in
    2. at
    3. on
    4. into
  2. The teacher hang the chart _______________________________ the wall.
    1. on
    2. by
    3. in
    4. onto
  3. He divided the cards ________________________________ six girls.
    1. for
    2. between
    3. among
    4. to

For questions 28 to 30, change the underlined words into adjectives.

  1. The floor is full of dust.
    1. dirty
    2. dusty
    3. dust
    4. dirt
  2. Many people like watching football from England.
    1. Englandian
    2. Englandia.
    3. English
    4. Englishian
  3. How the teacher's watch got lost is full of mystery.
    1. misery
    2. miserly
    3. mystery
    4. mysterious


Below is the beginning of a story complete it making it as interesting as you can.

The long awaited day had at last arrived. We...........................


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. B
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D
  1. In Kisumu county, seven hundred and ninety -six thousand, six hundred and ninety-six shillings, was donated to shiner's youth group. for empowerment by the cabinet secretary of sports. What was the total amount donated in symbols?
    1. 769696
    2. 766669
    3. 7966696
    4. 796696
  2. A vendor sold 61799 newspapers in the month of June. How many newspapers were sold to the nearest hundreds?
    1. 62000
    2. 61700
    3. 61790
    4. 61800
  3. Work out: 5748 x 26
    1. 149448
    2. 1494480
    3. 5774
    4. 149484.
  4. A farmer harvested 103 bags of groundnuts. He sold all the bags at sh 1436568 to a supermarket. What is the total value of the amount represented by digit ↳ in the figure in shillings?
    1. 40000
    2. 400000
    3. Thousands
    4. Tens of thousands.
  5. Grade six learners were asked to write the smallest factor of 144. What did they write as the correct answer?
    1. 144
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 12
  6. Joy, a grade six learner, made number cards and arranged them as shown below.
    What did Joy write on the fifth card?
    1. 48
    2. 62
    3. 72
    4. 70.
  7. A carpenter has two pieces of timber measuring 224cm and 280 cm respectively. He cut the two into smaller pieces of equal length. What was the length of the longest common pieces cut from the timber?
    1. 8
    2. 4
    3. 18
    4. 20
  8. Solve the value of x:
    6x + 10 = 58
    1. 84/8
    2. 48
    3. 8
    4. 94/8
  9. During a county music festival 10000 participants presented their items. The number of participants who took position one were only 52. Express the fraction of those who took position one. as a decimal.
    1. 0.52
    2. 0.0052
    3. 0.052
    4. 5.2.
  10. The circle below shows how a farmer divided his land.
    The shaded part shows the used land. What is the equivalent fraction to the land that is unused?
    1. 2/5
    2. 6/10  
    3. 4/10
    4. 8/16
  11. Work out 49cm 6mm ÷ 8
    1. 6cm 2mm
    2. 5cm 12mm
    3. 6cm 4mm
    4. 5cm 2 mm.
  12. John, a mathematics teacher, displayed a card below during a mathematics lesson.
    What is the reciprocal of the fraction in the card?
    1. 42/7 
    2. 46/6 
    3. 7/46 
    4. 46/7
  13. During an assessment, the analogue clock face in the room showed the following time.
    Which type of angle was formed by the minute. hand and hour hand at 9.00?
    1. Right angle
    2. Obtuse angle
    3. Acute angle,
    4. Reflex angle
  14. Ondiek cut a 7/8 piece of sugarcane from the farm. He shared 1/4 of the piece of sugarcane with his friend Rehema. What fraction of the piece of sugarcane remained?
    1. 21/32
    2. 5/8
    3. 1/2
    4. 1/8 
  15. Serah had 73/5 kg of flour. She used 52/5 of the flour. How much flour remained?
    1. 131/5 
    2.  13
    3. 25/10
    4. 21/5 
  16. A patient's mass was 59.3972 kg. The doctor rounded off the figure to 2 decimal places and noted it down.
    What did the doctor write?
    1. 59.40
    2. 59.39
    3. 58.40
    4. 59.00
  17. What is 27.4934 + 132.26?
    1. 40.7194
    2. 28.816
    3. 159.7534
    4. 159.7435
  18. A learner was given a plain paper which she painted as shown below.
    What is the area of the part that was shaded if the figure had a base of 13cm and a height of 8cm?
    1. 52cm2
    2. 104cm2
    3. 21 cm2
    4. 52cm
  19. What is 9% as a decimal?
    1. 9.00
    2. 0.09
    3. 0.90
    4. 0.009.
  20. Find the next two numbers in the pattern below.
    4,16, 36, 64,_________  _________
    1. 64,81
    2. 81,100
    3. 100, 144
    4. 9,10.
  21. Anita is a mathematics leader in Grade 6. Shetold her classmates to work out the following
    What was the correct answer?
    1. 6/16
    2. 64/9
    3. 9/64 
    4. 3/8  
  22. Arrange 1/7, 2/3, 4/21, 5/6 from the largest to the smallest?
    1. 1/7, 2/3, 4/21, 5/6 
    2. 1/7, 4/21, 2/3, 5/6
    3.  5/6, 2/3, 4/21, 1/7, 
    4. 5/6, 2/3, 1/7, 4/21
  23. Add 25kg 67 lg to 9 kg 300g.
    1. 16kg 371g
    2. 34kg 790g
    3. 34kg 97 lg
    4. 43kg 791g
  24. A farmer had t ducks, w turkeys and y pigeons. How many birds did he have altogether?
    1. t + w
    2. t+w+y
    3. w-t+y
    4. w + y.
  25. A square piece of land measures 29km 450m. Wamaidha drove round the land 5 times. What distance did he cover?
    1. 142km 2250m
    2. 147km 2250m
    3. 147km 250 m
    4. 142km 250 m.
  26. What is 49 ÷ 7 x 150 − 735
    1. 3150
    2. 31500
    3. 3510
    4. 315.
  27. A lesson started at 12.30 pm and ended at 2.05 pm.How long did the lesson take?
    1. 10 hr 35 mins
    2. 1hr 25mins
    3. 1 hr 35mins
    4. 10 hrs 25 mins
  28. Musa was going to school. Before he could reach the school gate, he realized that he had left his scarecrow at home. He turned back to go and pick it. Which turn was made by Musa?
    1. ½ turn
    2. ¼ turn
    3. Full turn
    4. 3/4 turn
  29. Which quadrilateral has the following properties?
    1. All sides are equal.
    2. Interior angles are equal.
    3. Diagonals are equal.
    4. Diagonals meet at at right angle.
      1. Rectangle
      2. Parallelogram
      3. Rhombus
      4. Square
  30. The types of vehicles that were packed in an area were recoded in a graph as shown
    Which type of vehicle was the least parked in the area?
    1. Lorries
    2. Matatus
    3. Buses
    4. Cars


  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. C
  21. C
  22. C
  23. C
  24. B
  25. C
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. D
  30. B
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