Wednesday, 25 January 2023 08:38

Science Questions and Answers - Class 8 Term 1 Opener 2023 Set 2


  1. Which of the plants below is a non- green plant?
    1. Moss.
    2. Puffball.
    3. Fern.
    4. Algae.
  2. Sharing the same drug with a person with similar symptoms is
    1. drug misuse.
    2. overdosing.
    3. expiry of drugs.
    4. underdose.
  3. In the acronym AIDS, letter S stands for syndrome, meaning
    1. symptoms and signs.
    2. acquiring.
    3. state of sickness.
    4. shortage.
  4. The following plants have the same root system except
    1. carrot.
    2. banana.
    3. peas.
    4. cabbage.
  5. Which pair of the following blood vessels forms the main blood vessels in the human circulatory system?
    1. Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.
    2. Pulmonary vein and venacava.
    3. Aorta and venacava.
    4. Pulmonary artery and aorta.
  6. Which one of the following is not a sign of an animal infected with parasites?
    1. Rough coat.
    2. Rise in body temperature.
    3. Chewing cud.
    4. Loss of appetite.
  7. The diagram below shows an apparatus.
    Heat travels from point A to point B through the process known as
    1. evaporation.
    2. convection.
    3. conduction.
    4. radiation.
  8. Digested food is absorbed into the blood stream in the
    1. colon.
    2. ileum.
    3. rectum.
    4. stomach.
  9. Which of the following animals is a secondary consumer?
    1. Rat.
    2. Zebra.
    3. Lion.
    4. Bacteria.
  10. The soil with the poorest drainage
    1. is used in construction.
    2. is good for farming.
    3. cracks when dry.
    4. has a medium capillarity.
  11. The following are ways of conserving water
    1. Mulching.
    2. Shading.
    3. Harvesting.
    4. Re-using.
      Which pair consists of methods that conserve soil moisture?
      1. i and ii
      2. ii and iv
      3. i and ii
      4. ii and iv
  12. Which one of the following is the best lubricant?
    1. Tar.
    2. Water.
    3. Engine oil.
    4. Petrol.
  13. Which one of the following does not take place when breathing in? The
    1. diaphragm moves downwards.
    2. ribs move upwards.
    3. diaphragm moves upwards. 
    4. lungs become inflated.
  14. The diagram below shows a tooth.
    The type of teeth infection shown illustrates
    1. cavity.
    2. bleeding gums.
    3. dental caries.
    4. plague.
  15. Which one of the following statements on precautions during thunderstorms is incorrect? A person should
    1. wear shoes with thick rubber soles.
    2. walk in open fields carrying metallic objects.
    3. not to stand in a pool of water.
    4. not to shelter under a tall tree.
  16. The diagram below represents a simple machine in use.
    The arrangement represents a
    1. wheelbarrow and a crowbar.
    2. crowbar.
    3. crowbar and a claw hammer.
    4. wheelbarrow.
  17. Which one of the following is not an artificial source of heat?
    1. Candle.
    2. Sun.
    3. Electricity.
    4. Lamp.
  18. Dark or grey heavy mountainous clouds which appear low in the sky are
    1. cumulus
    2. stratus
    3. nimbus
    4. cirrus
  19. A group of class 7 pupils set up the experiment below.
    After sometime, the candle goes off because
    1. water in the plate rises up and extinguishes the candle.
    2. the candle burns using most of the oxygen in the glass and then goes out.
    3. the glass prevents the candle from burning immediately it is placed in it.
    4. the candle burns but the carbondioxide it produces extinguishes it.
  20. Which one of the following does not cause tooth decay?
    1. Eating biscuits.
    2. Eating sugary foods.
    3. Drinking water.
    4. Brushing teeth once in a while.
  21. Which one of the following is an egg laying mammal?
    1. Reptile
    2. Shark
    3. Eagle
    4. Platypus
  22. The rainguage has its parts made of metal in order to
    1. make it look attractive.
    2. make it easy to paint.
    3. withstand harsh outdoor weather conditions.
    4. expand and contract.
  23. Below is a chart showing a simple classification of animals
    Which animal is wrongly classified?
    1. Man
    2. Flea
    3. Locust
    4. Cricket
  24. A HIV victim appeared to loose much weight within a short time and have a persistent cough. The person was likely to be in
    1. window stage.
    2. incubation stage.
    3. symptomatic stage.
    4. full blown stage.
  25. Gabions help to conserve soil in the environment by controlling
    1. sheet erosion.
    2. splash erosion.
    3. gulley erosion.
    4. rill erosion.
  26. Which one of the following is not a rotational grazing method?
    1. Strip grazing.
    2. Paddocking.
    3. Herding.
    4. Tethering.
  27. Which of the following parts of a flower does not wither after fertilization?
    1. Petals.
    2. Anthers.
    3. Sepals.
    4. Ovary.
  28. Which of the following parts of a seed develops into a shoot after fertilization?
    1. Radicle.
    2. Cotyledon. 
    3. Plumule.
    4. Testa.
  29. When buying animal feeds, salt licks and bone meal help in supplying the animal diet with
    1. vitamins.
    2. fats and oils.
    3. minerals.
    4. proteins.
  30. Which one of the following is not part of the alimentary canal?
    1. Mouth.
    2. Liver.
    3. Anus.
    4. Rectum.
  31. Grade 6 pupils did an experiment as shown below.
    The pupils were investigating
    1. absorption in plants.
    2. photosynthesis in plants.
    3. transportation of water and mineral salts in plants.
    4. transportation in plants.
  32. The correct unit for measuring rainfall is
    1. the rainguage.
    2. millilitres.
    3. millimetres.
    4. newtons.
  33. Which one of the following is not a form of special sound? A
    1. Screaming
    2. Ringing a bell
    3. Hooting
    4. Singing
  34. The diagram below shows the human breathing system.
    Air is moistened and cleaned in
    1. J and K
    2. K and L
    3. L and M
    4. M and N
  35. The word EXAM is written on a T- shirt. Which of the following shows how the word would appear if the wearer stands infront of a mirror?
    1. EXAM
    2. EX∀M
    3. MAX∃
    4. SciT12023S2Ans35
  36. The following are examples of food crops except
    1. beverages.
    2. legumes.
    3. cereals.
    4. fruits.
  37. Which one of the following weeds is dispersed by animals from one place to another?
    1. Sodom apple.
    2. Black jack.
    3. Oxalis.
    4. Wandering jew.
  38. The following are field pests except
    1. aphids.
    2. white ants
    3. cutworms.
    4. weaver birds.
  39. The blood vessels on the human circulatory system which have a pulse also
    1. act as links between veins and arteries.
    2. are located deep in the skin. 
    3. are at the surface of the skin. 
    4. carry blood with oxygen only.
  40. In a flower, fertilization takes place in the
    1. stigma.
    2. pollen tube.
    3. ovary.
    4. ovule.
  41. Which of the following lists does not contain any protective food?
    1. Watermelon, greengrams, yams.
    2. Green bananas, pawpaws, beef.
    3. Fish, kales, ugali.
    4. Potatoes, beef, milk.
  42. The bouncing off of light from a surface is termed as
    1. refraction.
    2. translucent.
    3. dispersion.
    4. reflection.
  43. The texture of soil type is determined by the
    1. size of its particles.
    2. mineral particles.
    3. living organisms.
    4. moisture in it.
  44. Which one of the following methods of preserving food does not dehydrate food?
    1. Drying
    2. Smoking
    3. Freezing
    4. Salting
  45. Which one of the following physical changes takes place in girls only?
    1. Increase in height and weight.
    2. Onset of menstruation.
    3. Onset of wet dreams.
    4. Appearance of beards.
  46. Which one of the following plants has a tap root system?
    1. Maize
    2. Onion
    3. Coconut
    4. Mango
  47. A child was suffering from a certain disease and showed the following signs:
    1. General body weakness.
    2. Face looking like that of an old person.
    3. Bones visible underneath the skin.
    4. Crying often.
      The child was likely to be suffering from
      1. goitre.
      2. kwashiorkor.
      3. marasmus.
      4. anaemia.
  48. Which one of the following components makes up the largest living component?
    1. Air
    2. Plants 
    3. Animals
    4. Water
  49. A disease which causes a patient to experience itching at the bowels can be prevented by
    1. proper sanitation.
    2. draining stagnant water.
    3. cutting tall bushes.
    4. drinking boiled water.
  50. During an experiment to determine conduction in solids, pupils set up the following experiment.
    The first pin to drop off was
    1. P
    2. Q
    3. R
    4. none


  1.  B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B
  31. A
  32. C
  33. A
  34. A
  35. C
  36. A
  37. B
  38. B
  39. A
  40. C
  41. D
  42. D
  43. A
  44. C
  45. B
  46. D
  47. C
  48. B
  49. B
  50. D
Read 1168 times Last modified on Monday, 27 February 2023 06:35