Monday, 13 March 2023 12:11

Science Questions and Answers - Class 8 Mid Term Exams Term 1 2023 Set 3

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  1. Which of the following is not a method of reducing friction?
    1. Using rollers
    2. Making the surfaces rough
    3. Using lubricants
    4. Streamlining bodies
  2. A passenger in a moving vehicle is always advised to put on a safety belt when it is moving fast to protect himself against ____________________ when it stops quickly.
    1. accident
    2. inertia force
    3. force of gravity
    4. magnetic force.
  3. Which one of the following is not a way of polluting water?
    1. Uncontrolled use of farm chemicals.
    2. Industrial waste.
    3. Treated sewage.
    4. Human and animal waste.
  4. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain disease
    1. vomiting
    2. head ache
    3. fever
    4. loss of appetite
      The disease is most likely to be _______________________
      1. tuberculosis
      2. whooping cough
      3. tetanus
      4. malaria

The weather instrument below was made by the Grade 5 pupils.


  1. Which mistake did the pupils make when constructing the instrument?
    1. Using biro tube instead of straw
    2. Labelling the scale
    3. Invisible coloured water
    4. Loose air cork.
  2. Which of the following statement is true about liquids and solids?
    1. They have definite mass.
    2. They have definite volume and shape.
    3. They have definite volume but not definite mass.
    4. They have no definite shape and volume mass.

Grade 6 pupils set an experiment as shown below.  


  1. What were they likely to investigate?
    1. Reflection of light.
    2. Dispersion of light.
    3. Spliting of light.
    4. Refraction of light.

The chart below shows changes of matter.


  1. Which of the process marked W, X, Y, Z requires decrease in temperature?
    1. W, X
    2. Y, Z
    3. Y, X
    4. W, Z
  2. Which of the following is not a safety measure against lightning?
    1. Avoid walking barefoot in water
    2. Shelting under trees when it is raining 
    3. Keeping away from metal objects e.g electric wires
    4. Fitting lighting arrestors on buildings
  3. Which of the following liquids will form a homogenous solution?
    1. Water and motor oil
    2. Milk and cooking oil
    3. Water and spirit
    4. Milk and kerosene
  4. Which of the following nutrients is essential for the formation of healthy teeth and bones in a calf?
    1. Carbohydrates
    2. Proteins
    3. Vitamins
    4. Minerals
  5. The following are signs and symptoms of water borne diseases. The disease that is likely to have the below signs and symptoms is _________________________.
    1. high fever
    2. paleness and weak body
    3. coughing
    4. diarrhoea
    5. blood stained stool and urine
      1. Bilharzia
      2. Cholera
      3. Typhoid
      4. Malarial
  6. The most effective way of controlling HIV and AIDS in unmarried people is through
    1. abstaining
    2. use of condoms
    3. being faithful
    4. having multiple partners
  7. Which of the following animal feed is not an example of a concentrate?
    1. Calf pencil
    2. Lucern
    3. Chick mash
    4. Dairy meal
  8. Which one of the following is not a good behaviour when taking meals?
    1. Not talking with food in the mouth
    2. Chewing food with mouth closed
    3. Filling mouth with food when chewing 
    4. Chewing food properly before swallowing
  9. Which of the following group consists of translucent materials?
    1. Air, frosted glass, wood
    2. Tracing paper, oiled paper, clear water 
    3. White paper, thick plastics, frosted glass
    4. Oiled paper, frosted glass,tracing paper
  10. The following are nutritional deficiency diseases. Which one is caused by lack of proteins in the diet?
    1. Marasmus
    2. Anaemia
    3. Kwashiokor
    4. Rickets
  11. Which one of the following is not true about the placenta?
    1. It helps the transfer of food nutrients from the mother to the foetus
    2. Placenta facilitates the transfer of waste products from the foetus to the mother
    3. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the foetus body
    4. It protects the foetus from shock
  12. The movement of planets round the sun is referred to as
    1. evolutions
    2. rotations
    3. evolutions
    4. orbit
  13. Some plants have tendrils which of the following are uses of tendrils?
    1. Used by leaves to make food 
    2. Trapping insect and air
    3. Taking food to other parts of the plant
    4. Attaching to other plants or as support for climbing
  14. The following are ways of food preservation
    1. smoking
    2. use of low temperatures
    3. use of honey
    4. drying
    5. canning
    6. salting
      Which two are both modern and radiation?
      1. i and ii
      2. iv and v
      3. ii and iv
      4. i and iv
  15. Which one of the following is not an importance of HIV testing?
    1. Know ones status. 
    2. Decide on marriage.
    3. Avoid further infection.
    4. Campaign on the spread of HIV/AIDS.
  16. Which of the following statements is not true about the environment?
    1. Green plants in the environment are called producers.
    2. Non green plants which live on other dead plants are known as decomposers. 
    3. The environment is the surrounding of a living organism.
    4. Water covers the large part of the earths surface.
  17. The table below shows the number of each type of teeth in an adult. Which one is correct?
       Incisors   Canine   Premolars   Molars 
     A.     12     8       4       8
     B.      8     8       4      12
     C.      8     4       8      12
     D.      4     8       12       8
  18. Why is part of the raingauge dug into the ground?
    1. For accuracy reading
    2. To avoid ground water splashing into the collecting jar
    3. To collect more water
    4. To reduce evaporation of collected water
  19. Which one of the following is a function of leaves?
    1. Reproduction
    2. Protect the seeds
    3. Help in exchange of gases
    4. Absorption of water and mineral salt
  20. The following are preventive measures of sexually transmitted diseases except _________________________.
    1. avoid sexual contact with infected person
    2. married persons should remain faithful 
    3. taking infected sex partners for treatment
    4. Infected person should take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor 
  21. The following are fibre crops except
    1. sisal
    2. coconut
    3. cotton
    4. palm trees
  22. The following are the non living components of the environment. Which one is not?
    1. Plants
    2. Air
    3. Soil
    4. Water
  23. Which of the illustration below shows the flow of blood around the body and back to the heart?
    1. Vena cava → right auricle → right ventricle → pulmonary artery → pulmonary vein→ left auricle → left ventricle → aorta
    2. Aorta → right auricle → right ventricle → pulmonary vein→ left ventricle → aorta
    3. Pulmonary vein → left auricle → left ventricle aorta → vena cava → right ventrilce → right auricle
    4. Pulmonary artery → pulmonary vein → vena cava → right auricle → right ventricle
  24. Which statements is correct about soil?
    1. Soil with the least drainage is the best for modelling
    2. Soil with large particles make long ribbons
    3. The soil with the highest capillarity is the best for cultivation
    4. Soil which cracks when dry has the best drainage

The diagram below shows a seed.  


  1. Which part represent plumule?
    1. O
    2. N
    3. M
    4. P
  2. The following plants need a certain gas from the environment to make proteins:- beans, groundnuts and peas. Which gas is it?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Carbon dioxide
    3. Rare gases
    4. Nitrogen
  3. The following are characteristics of certain group of animals
    1. Have moist skin with no scales
    2. They are cold blooded
    3. Lay eggs in water that are fertilized externally
      Which class of animals have the above characteristics?
      1. Reptiles
      2. Birds
      3. Amphibians
      4. Fish

The diagram below shows a flower.   


  1. Which part becomes a seed after fertilization?
    1. Q
    2. Y
    3. X
    4. Z
  2. A Grade 6 pupil did an experiment to demonstrate a certain type of soil erosion where a thin uniform layer soil was removed after pouring water. Which type of soil erosion was represented?
    1. Gulley
    2. Splash
    3. Sheet
    4. Rill
  3. Which of the following group of parasites are internal?
    1. Liverfluke, ticks, fleas
    2. Threadworms, lungwoms, round worms
    3. Tapeworms, roundworms, fleas
    4. Ticks, snails, liverflukes
  4. Listed below are excretory organs. Which one is not correctly matched with its function?
    1. The kidney helps to remove urea and excess salts
    2. The lungs helps to remove carbon
    3. The skin helps to remove excess water and salt
    4. The kidney through which the indigestable waste gets out of the body
  5. Which of the following is not a sign of sexually transmitted infections?
    1. Discharge of pus from the vagina and penis
    2. Painful sores on the private parts 
    3. Having stomach ulcers
    4. Burning sensations when passing urine
  6. Which of the following is not an importance of light?
    1. Light helps us to see things well
    2. Human beings and animals use light to warm themselves
    3. A room which is well lit discourages pests
    4. Plants use light to make their own food
  7. Which of the following method of grazing can be used by a farmer with small piece of land?
    1. Herding
    2. Stall feeding
    3. Strip grazing
    4. Paddocking

Study the diagram below and answer the question below.  


  1. Which part is not correctly matched with its function?
    1. (iv)-produces bile
    2. (ii)-produces digestive juices 
    3. (v)- absorption of water and minerals 
    4. (vi) absorption of digested food
  2. The process of providing the body with foods necessary for growth and maintenance of good health is known as
    1. nutrition
    2. nutrients
    3. balanced diet
    4. digestion
  3. The diagram below represents a female reproductive system.
    Which one of the parts labeled P, Q, R and S is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Ovulation - S
    2. Egg formation - R
    3. Site for implantation - Q
    4. Site for fertilization - P
  4. The diagram below represents a set up that is used to demonstrate a certain property of air.
    The demonstration shows us that air, ___________________________.
    1. is dissolved in water
    2. has weight
    3. occupies space
    4. exerts pressure
  5. Which of the following materials is least important when making a simple circuit?
    1. A bulb
    2. A wire
    3. A dry cell
    4. A. socket

The diagram below shows arrangement of material in compost heap.  


  1. Which layer represents green leaves and kitchen refuse?
    1. N, J
    2. K, N
    3. I, J
    4. I, O
  2. Why do wheels have treads?
    1. To reduce friction.
    2. To give them a streamlined shape.
    3. To make the wheel look beautiful. 
    4. To increase friction.

Use the diagram to answer the questions below.


  1. The gas that is used by leguminous plants to make proteins is labelled ___________________________.
    1. M
    2. P
    3. O
    4. N
  2. Which of the following material cannot be used as an insulator?
    1. Copper
    2. Plastics
    3. Rubber
    4. Wood


  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. D
  19. A
  20. D
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. A
  30. A
  31. A
  32. A
  33. D
  34. C
  35. D
  36. C
  37. B
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. B
  42. A
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. D
  49. D
  50. A
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