Wednesday, 05 July 2023 13:02

Mathematics Questions and Answers - Class 8 Opener Exams Term 2 2023 Set 4


  1. What is six million, six hundred and sixty nine thousand, nine hundred and sixty nine written in numerals?
    1. 6,609,696
    2. 6,669.969
    3. 6,996,699
    4. 6,696,969
  2. What is the total value of digit 6 in 3497.586?
    1. Thousandths
    2. Six thousandths
    3. 0.0006
    4. 0.06
  3. What is the difference between the largest and the smallest six digit number formed by 9, 2, 0, 6, 5, 4 without repeating any digit?
    1. 1169989
    2. 9408951
    3. 760851
    4. 725952
  4. What is the value of 28+92+52-20÷5x3
    1. 19
    2. 64/7
    3. 53/20
    4. 17
  5. What is the difference between the L.C.M and the H.CF of 12, 24 and 36?
    1. 84
    2. 60
    3. 52
    4. 166
  6. A 51-bus seater bus and a 14-seater matatu were to transport 794 people to a party. If a matatu made an extra trip than the bus, how many people did the matatu transport?
    1. 182
    2. 168
    3. 612
    4. 626
  7. In a certain leap year, 15th February was a Tuesday. What day was 7th May that same year?
    1. Tuesday
    2. Monday
    3. Saturday
    4. Sunday
  8. What is the square root of √6561?
    1. 81
    2. 91
    3. 71
  9. What is the next number in the sequence below
    1, 3, 6, 11, 18, ............
    1. 27
    2. 33
    3. 31
    4. 29
  10. What is the value of 10 adada
    1. 51/100
    2. 13/40
    3. 37/60
    4. 19/20
  11. In a meeting, 2/5 of the attendants were women, 1/4 of the remainder were men and the rest were children. There were 80 men in that meeting. How many children were there?
    1. 120
    2. 240
    3. 480
    4. 800
  12. What is the number 15.76 rounded off to the nearest tenth?
    1. 15.7
    2. 15.8
    3. 16
    4. 20
  13.  What is the value of 13 sffsf 
    1. 6/25
    2. 11/9
    3. 3/5
    4. 2/5
  14. What is the value of 14 sfsfs  when x=5, y=x+3 and w=2x+y?
    1. 27
    2. 24
    3. 36
    4. 2.7
  15. What is the possible value of x in the inequality shown below 2x + 10 +3x < 40 + 2x ?
    1. 3
    2. 10
    3. 12
    4. 15
  16. Which one of the following expression the simplest form of
    7(2r+3)+4r-3 ?
    1. 6r+6
    2. 6r+8
    3.    9r   
    4. 3r+2
  17. What is 11/2% expressed as a ratio in its simplest form?
    1. 3.2
    2. 2:300
    3. 3:200
    4. 200:3
  18. What is the value of x in the equation?
    1. 81/2
    2. 8
    3. 31/2
    4. 5
  19. Sarah bought pawpaws, oranges and mangoes. The number of pawpaws was 2 more than the number of oranges. The number of mangoes was twice the total number of oranges and paw paws. The total number of fruits bought was 48. If the number of oranges was x, which of the equations below can be used to find the number of oranges bought?
    1. 4x + 24=48
    2. 6x+16=48
    3. 6x+24= 48
    4. 4x+16 = 48
  20. A meeting was attended by 150 people. Out of these, 0.14 were men, 0.2 were women and the rest were children. How many children than women were there?
    1. 69
    2. 78
    3. 99
    4. 129
  21. Work out √0.6084
    1. 0.68
    2. 0.78
    3. 7.8
    4. 0.078
  22. A distance of 5k kilometres is represented on a map by a length of 4 cm. what is the scale used
    1. 1: 25
    2. 1: 1250
    3. 1: 12500
    4. 1: 125000
  23. Kanan paid sh 950 for an item after getting a discount of sh 50. What percemage discount did he get?
    1. 5%
    2. 55/9%
    3. 55/13%
    4. 95%
  24. The hire purchase price for a wall  cabinet is 1.5% more than the cash price. Kimondo bought the cabinet on hire purchase terms by paying a deposit of sh. 13,200 and the remaining amount in 12 equal monthly instalments. If the cash price was sh. 24,000 How much was the monthly instalment?
    1. 400
    2. 900
    3. 1400
    4. 2500
  25. Jame's piece of land is in the shape below. ABCD is a trapezium while the remaining is a semi-circle.
    25 sfsfsfs
    What is the area of the above shape in ares? Take(π = 3.14)
    1. 143.25
    2. 93250
    3. 9325
    4. 104.00
  26. In the year 2002, the number of pupils in a school was 800 in the year 2003 the number of pupils increased by 40%. How many pupils were there in 2003?
    1. 320
    2. 480
    3. 840
    4. 1120
  27. Mwikala had 135 two hundred shillings notes which she changed as follows:
    • sh 21000 into one thousand shillings notes
    • sh 3000 into five hundred shillings notes
    • sh 2000 into one hundred shillings notes and the remaining amount of money into fifty shillings notes.
      How many notes did she get in total?
      1. 67
      2. 54
      3. 47
      4. 20
  28. A salesman is paid a salary of sh 1500 per nonth plus a commission of 2 1⁄2 on the sales of goods above sh 10000. In one month he was paid a total of sh 1800. How much was the sales of the goods?
    1. Sh. 300
    2. Sh. 12000
    3. Sh. 22000
    4. Sh. 82000
  29. Raila borrowed sh 10000 for a period of 2 years. He was charged compound interest at the rate of 15% per year. How much interest did he pay altogether?
    1. 13225
    2. 3000
    3. 1725
    4. 3225
  30. The charges for sending a telegram were as follows:
    • The first 10 words or less is sh 15
    • Any additional words sh 1.50 each
    • Abbreviations and punctuation marks are counted as words.
    • A tax of 20% is charged on the amount of the total to be paid and is rounded off to the nearest 50cts.
    • What is the cost for sending the following telegram?
      1. sh 25
      2. sh 24
      3. sh 28.80
      4. sh 29.00
  31. Mwago bought the following items from a shop:
    • 3kg of sugar@sh 68
    • 250g of tea leaves for sh 85
    • 1 kg of cooking fat for sh 109
    • 2kg packet of rice for sh 149
      Mwago paid for the items using a sh 1000 note. How much more did he add to the shopkeeper in order to receive a balance of sh. 5007
      1. sh 547
      2. sh 453
      3. sh 47 
      4. sh 53
  32. Mwaura made a curving of a model shown below, that is a cuboid and a cylinder glued together.
    32 sfsfsf
    If the above curving was painted all over, calculate the total surface area which was painted in cm3.
    1. 6220 cm3
    2. 2200 cm3
    3. 1232 cm3
    4. 2240 cm3
  33. A container of volume 1 cubic metre is full of juice. The juice is then poured into a five-litre containers. How many such containers are used?
    1. 2
    2. 200
    3. 2000
    4. 200000
  34. The figure below represents the net of a solid.
    34 adada
    The net is folded to form the solid. What is the sum of the vertices and edges of the solid formed
    1. 15
    2. 6
    3. 9
    4. 11
  35. Construct a parallelogram WXYZ such that the line WX=5cm and XY=7.5 cm. angle WZY=135° join W to Y and Z to X and let the point of intersection be O. what is the length of line WO?
    1. 2.6 cm
    2. 5.2 cm
    3. 5.8 cm
    4. 11.6 cm
  36. The ratio of boys to girls in a school is 3:2. There are 600 pupils in the school. During an athletic competition 1/6 of the girls and 1/5 of the boys took part. How many pupils took part in the competition?
    1. 448
    2. 288
    3. 200
    4. 112
  37. The pie chart below represents the types of vehicles imported in Kenya in acertain year. If 16000 Mazdas were imported, how many more Toyotas than Suzukis were imported?
    37 afafaf
    1. 4800
    2. 28800
    3. 19200
    4. 9600
  38. The figure drawn below is a right angled triangular prism.
    38 adada
    What is the volume of the prism in cm3
    1. 3000 cm3
    2. 3200 cm3
    3. 6000 cm3
    4. 6500 cm3
  39. The figure PQRS is a parallelogram. Line RST is a straight line angle STU=30° and angle TUP=70°.
    39 dadad
    What is the size of angle TQR?
    1. 140°
    2. 110°
    3. 40°
    4. 30°
  40. Six men complete a job in 20 days. If the men work at the same rate, how many more men are needed to complete the job in 12 days?
    1. 16
    2. 10
    3. 8
    4. 4
  41. The figure below represents a stack made of cubes.
    41 adada
    If it was all over painted on the surface, how many cubes did not get paint?
    1. 80
    2. 12
    3. 16
    4. 68
  42. The mean mark of the scores obtained by ten pupils in a test was 12. The marks obtained by eight of the pupils were: 13, 11, 10, 9, 10, 18, 11, 10 if the other two pupils obtained equal marks, what was the median mark in the test?
    1. 10
    2. 10.5
    3. 11
    4. 14
  43. Ali left home for market at a speed of 5km/h and returned at a speed of 4km/h. the whole journey took 54 hours. How far is the market from home in kilometres?
    1. 9
    2. 12
    3. 24
    4. 27
  44. The following are properties of a certain quadrilateral:
    1. Opposite sides are parallel
    2. All sides are equal
    3. Opposite angles are equal
    4. Diagonals are unequal and bisect each other at right angles.
      Which is the name of the quadrilateral?
      1. Rectangle
      2. Trapezium 
      3. Rhombus
      4. Square
  45. A train left town Q on Thursday and took 9 hours 30 minutes to reach town R. at what time and day did it reach town R in 24 hour clock system?
    1. 0315 hr Friday
    2. 0415 hr Friday 
    3. 0415 hr Thursday 
    4. 1615 hr Thursday
  46. Construct triangle ABC such that line AB=7cm, angle ABC=60° and angle BCA=70° in this triangle, construct a circle that touches the three edges of the triangle. What is the length of twice radius?
    1. 1.7 cm
    2. 2.5 cm
    3. 3.7 cm
    4. 5 cm
  47. A lorry was packed with cartons each containing packets of cooking fat. There were packets of 500g and 250g. the total mass of the packets was 900kg. if the number of 500g packets was 1000 what was the number of 250g packets
    1. 1600
    2. 800
    3. 400
    4. 100
  48. Water gained heat at the rate of 12°C per minute for 5 minutes. It was then allowed to lose heat at 4°C per minute. If the temperature before heating was 22°C, what was its temperature after 8 minutes of cooling?
    1. 46°C
    2. 48°C
    3. 60°C
    4. 50°C
  49. The plot of land shown below was fenced using metal posts placed at an interval of 5 metres, if there was a gate of 5 metres, how many metal posts were used altogether?
    49 adada
    1. 109 
    2. 130
    3. 131
    4. 108
  50. The travel graph below shows Kamau's journey from town A to B and back. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    50 sdfsfsfs
    1. 80 km/h
    2. 100 km/h
    3. 40 km/h
    4. 60 km/h




Read 326 times Last modified on Wednesday, 12 July 2023 09:15