Displaying items by tag: home science

Topic 3: Consumer Education

Sub topic: Consumer awareness
What is a shopping list?
When you want to shop, you should first prepare a list of all the items you want to buy. This list is known as shopping list.

Why is a shopping list important?

  1. It saves money by helping a person to buy only the things they need.
  2. It saves time when shopping. This is because a person knows exactly what to buy.
  3. It reduces by helping a person to choose items that are most important.
  4. It enables a person to know the amount of money he or she needs to buy the items.

What are the steps of making a shopping list?

  1. Think About all the things you want to buy
  2. Consider the money you have
  3. Think about important items and the less important items
  4. Write your list, starting with the most important items.
  5. Write how much each item costs.

Picture of a shopping list
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  1. Barry wanted to do shopping. He wrote the following items on a piece of water.
    1. Cabbage
    2. Tomatoes
    3. Potatoes
    4. Onions
    5. Sukuma wiki
      Where should Barry go to buy the items?
    6. Write down three important reasons why one should make a shopping list.

What's covered?

  • Common illness in the locality
    • What are the common illness in our locality?
    • How do we communicate when feeling unwell?
    • What are the causes of illness in our locality?
    • What healthy practices prevent illnesses?
  • Exercise
  • Care of the home
    • What do we use to clean our home?
    • What are the methods of cleaning the home?
    • How do we clean our home?
    • Activity 1.
    • Safety precautions when cleaning a room
    • How do we care for and store cleaning materials and tools
  • Exercise
  • Care and cleaning of shoes
    • What materials are our shoes made of?
    • What materials do we use to clean our shoes?
    • How do we clean leather shoes?
    • How do we clean plastic shoes?
    • How do we clean canvas shoes?
    • How can we observe safety when cleaning shoes?
    • How do we care for and store the materials we use to clean shoes?
  • Exercise.
  • Fuels used at home.
    • Why do we use charcoal at home?
    • How do we use and conserve fuels at home?
    • What challenges can we face when using fuels?
    • How do we keep safe when using fuels?
  • Exercise

Topic 2: Healthy Living

Sub topic: Common illness in the locality

What are the common illness in our locality?
There are common illness that affect people in our locality.
These illness can cause headaches, vomiting, stomachache and general pain in the body.
They can also make us feel hot or cold. 

How do we communicate when feeling unwell?
We should always tell other people when we feel unwell.
We can tell our parents, our teachers, our friends or a responsible adult. When we tell other people that we feel unwell, we get help

What are the causes of illness in our locality?
The common illness in our locality are caused by:

  • Germs- eating using dirty hands or eating fruits without washing.
  • Coughing without covering your mouth will spread diseases to others
  • Putting sharp objects in our ears or nose
  • Drinking dirty water also causes diseases like cholera. 

Pictures showing common causes of illness in the locality 
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What healthy practices prevent illnesses?

  • Washing hands—wash your hands using clean running water.
  • Covering the mouth when coughing—cough while covering your mouth.
  • Using a handkerchief—clean your nose using a handkerchief.


  1. Name three common illness that affect people in your locality.
  2. Mrefu went to school. During break time, he developed a headache. He told his teacher. His teacher took him to hospital.
    1. Write what you think Mrefu told his teacher.
    2. Write what you think Mrefu told the doctor at the hospital.
  3. Shantel and Rayan were given fruits by their father. Shantel washed her fruits before eating. Rayan ate his fruits without washing them.
    1. Who among the two practiced a healthy habit?
    2. Which healthy habit was practiced?
    3. Write other healthy practices we should practice.

Sub topic: Care of the home

What do we use to clean our home?
Things we use to clean our home are: brooms, dusters, soap, moppers, brushes, dust pans and dust bins. 

Pictures of materials and tools we use to clean our home
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We sweep and mop floors, dust surfaces and dispose refuse to keep our homes clean. We use different materials to do these tasks.

What are the methods of cleaning the home?
The different methods we use to clean the home are:

  • Sweeping
  • Dusting
  • Mopping
  • Disposing of refuse

Pictures showing methods of cleaning the home on page 24.
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How do we clean our home?
Activity 1.

You will need: brooms, water, soap, mops or floor cloths, basins or buckets, dustpans and cloth dusters.

  1. Sweep the class.
  2. Dispose of waste in a dustbin and take it to the rubbish pit.
  3. Dust the windows, chairs, tables and desks.
  4. Mop the class and allow it to dry.
  5. Arrange the furniture after cleaning.
  6. Clean and store the cleaning materials and tools properly. 

Safety precautions when cleaning a room

  • If the floor is earthen, sprinkle water on it before sweeping.
  • Wear an apron and a dust mask when sweeping or dusting.
  • Avoid walking on a wet floor.
  • Wait for the floor to dry before arranging the furniture.

How do we care for and store cleaning materials and tools

  1. Hang brooms and mops or place them against a wall on the handle.
  2. Store brushes on a shelf with the bristle facing up
  3. Keep basins and buckets in a shade
  4. Hang dust pans by the handle.
  5. Fold floor cloths and store them on a shelf.


  1. Write five materials we can use to clean our houses.
  2. Name four locally available materials we can use to make cleaning materials and tools
  3. Your teacher has asked you to show other learners in your school how to clean their homes. Write down what you will tell them about being safe when cleaning their homes.
  4. Why do we close windows and doors when sweeping and open them after we have finished sweeping.
  5. You have been asked to mop your house. Write three materials you will use. How will you use them?

Sub topic: Care and cleaning of shoes

What materials are our shoes made of?
Shoes are made from different materials. They can be made from leather, plastic or canvas.

Pictures of shoes.
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What materials do we use to clean our shoes?
Materials used to clean shoes are:
Shoe brush
Shoe polish
A piece of cloth
Water and soap
A piece of stick
Old newspapers

Pictures of materials used to clean shoes
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How do we clean leather shoes?
Materials needed: Leather shoes, shoe polish, two shoe brushes, a piece of cloth, warm water, soap, a blunt stick, a basin or a bucket and old newspapers.

  1. If necessary, cover the surface with old newspapers.
  2. Remove any mud from the soles using a blunt stick.
  3. Dispose of the old newspapers and the mud appropriately.
  4. Wipe the shoes using a piece of cloth to remove any dust
  5. Remove the shoe laces, if any. If the shoe laces are dirty, wash them in soapy water, rinse them and hang them to dry.
  6. Wipe the shoes with damp cloth dipped in soapy water. Wipe the shoes again using a clean damp cloth. Leave the shoes to dry in the shade for a few minutes.
  7. Apply shoe polish using a soft shoe brush. Allow the polish to soak in for a few minutes.
  8. Brush the shoes in a dry airy place. Stuff them with newspapers if storing them for a long time.

How do we clean plastic shoes?
Materials needed: Plastic shoes, a piece of cloth or a soft brush, warm water, soap, old newspapers, a blunt stick and a basin or a bucket.

  1. If necessary, cover the surface with old newspapers
  2. Remove any mud from the soles using a blunt stick.
  3. Dispose of the old newspapers and the mud appropriately.
  4. Put some warm water in a basin or bucket.
  5. Add some soap and stir.
  6. Dip the shoes in the soapy water. Scrub them using a cloth or a soft brush.
  7. Rinse the shoes well in clean water.
  8. Dry the shoes in the shade.

How do we clean canvas shoes?
Materials needed: Canvas shoes, soap, water, a basin or a bucket, soft brush or a scrubbing cloth.

  1. Remove the shoe laces if any. Wash the shoe laces in soapy water if they are dirty. Rinse them and hang them to dry.
  2. Remove any mud from the soles using a blunt stick.
  3. Hit the shoes gently against each other to remove I dust.
  4. Remove the insoles from the shoes.
  5. Wash the shoes and insoles in warm soapy water. Scrub them with a cloth or a soft brush.
  6. Rinse the shoes and the insoles in clean water. Shake them to remove excess water.
  7. Dry the shoes by placing them against a wall in a slanting position.
  8. After they dry, put the laces and insoles back and store the shoes in an airy place.
  9. Put some newspapers in the shoes to prevent them from losing shape.

How can we observe safety when cleaning shoes?

  1. Use a blunt piece of stick to remove mud. Do not use a sharp one.
  2. Use warm water when cleaning. Do not use hot water.
  3. Store cleaning materials in a locked place
  4. Store shoes properly after cleaning.

How do we care for and store the materials we use to clean shoes?
The following are some ways of taking care of the materials we use to clean our shoes.

  1. Store shoe polish on a shelf away from small children.
  2. Store shoe brushes on a shelf with the bristle facing up.
  3. Clean the scrubbing brush and store it on a shelf with the bristles facing up.
  4. Wash the cleaning cloth in soapy water and dry it.Fold and store it on a shelf.
  5. Wash basins and buckets and store them in a shaded area.


Write the materials used for making shoes.

  1. Your parent has asked you to clean your canvas shoes.Write down the Materials you will use
  2. How do we take care of basins and buckets after cleaning our shoes.
  3. You have been asked to teach other children how to clean their shoes. Write two safety measures you will tell them to observe when cleaning their shoes.
  4. Why are shoe brushes stored with the bristles facing up?

Sub topic: Fuels used at home.

Which type of fuels are available in our homes?
Fuel is any material that is used to produce heat or light in our homes. Charcoal, firewood, paraffin, gas and electricity are fuels.
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Why do we use charcoal at home?
We use charcoal in our homes for various purposes

 fuel what we can use it for 
 firewood cook, heat or warm the house and provide light 
 charcoal cook and provide heat or warmth in the house
 paraffin cook and provide light
 electricity cook, heat or warm the house and provide light
 gas cook and provide light

How do we use and conserve fuels at home?
To conserve something is to use it without wasting. Using fuel without wasting it is conserving fuel.

  • We can conserve firewood and charcoal by using jikos that use less firewood or charcoal.
  • We can conserve electricity by using energy saving bulbs, and using electricity only when we need it.

What challenges can we face when using fuels?

  • Some fuels are dangerous and can cause fire, like firewood.
  • Some fuels produce so much smoke that is dangerous for our health.
  • Fuel like gas can get finished before you start cooking.
  • Electricity is very unreliable as it can be off without notice.

How do we keep safe when using fuels?

  1. Do not overload sockets
  2. Check the gas cylinder and pipes to ensure they are not working. Do not sleep in a closed room that has a burning charcoal jiko.
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  1. Name any three fuels you see at your home.
  2. A grade four Learner used charcoal for cooking. How else can this learner use charcoal?
  3. Look at the pictures below.
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    1. Who is using fuel well in the pictures?
    2. Who is wasting fuel? Why?
  4. Write three ways we can conserve firewood at home.
  5. When using gas, what safety measures should you think about?

What's covered:

Topic 1: Healthy practices

Sub topic: Play
To grow healthy, we need food, clothing, play, rest and shelter. Shelter is housing.

Which games are played in our locality?
Games played in our locality are football, Athletics, tug of war, swinging, playing darts, playing games on computers. 

Pictures of games played in the locality on page 3
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Which items do we use during playing?
Items we use when playing are;
Ropes, computers, bean bags, balls, sacks, phones, mats and marbles.

Pictures of items we use to play on page 5
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What are the qualities of a good play item?

  • Should be durable
  • Stronger
  • Should be smooth not rough that can hurt people
  • Should be safe to play with 

How do we make play items?
Making a ball using locally available materials.
Materials needed:

Pieces of cloth or old newspapers, an old clean sock and string


  1. Take the old sack
  2. Put pieces of news paper or cloth in the old sock. Push them to the Bottom of the sock.
  3. Mold the pieces into the shape of a ball.
  4. Twist the sock and turn the top side inside out. Tuck in the ball.
  5. Tie the end with a string or make a note. 

Pictures of the procedure on making a ball 
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How do we take care of our play items?
Play items should be kept well after use.
Arrange them well on the shelves or put them in cartons neatly.
Always keep them in a clean dry place. 

Safety and security during play.

  • Remove items like stones, sticks, and broken glass from where you are playing.
  • Avoid playing near dangerous areas like water pools and holes.
  • Do not play with damaged play items
  • Do not play with dangerous objects.
  • Never push other children out of a game.
  • Always wait for your turn.
  • Always keep your play items safely after playing.


    1. write down three things you need to grow healthy
    2. Write down why each of the things is important.
  2. Your teacher has asked you to bring the following materials to class.
    old pieces of clothes, a string, a rope, green sticks
    1. Write three play items you can make using the materials.
    2. Which games can you play using the play items?
  3. Write two things we should think of when buying a toy.
  4. Make a poster on how we can prevent accidents during play.
    Show your poster to other learners in class
  5. Write three ways we should care for a ball.


Science And Technology

  1. Grade 6 learners at Maseno academy carried out an experiment like the one shown below,
    Which property of matter were they investigating?
    1. Effects of hot and cold water on patter.
    2. Expansion and contraction of solids.
    3. Expansion and contraction of gases,
    4. Expansion and contraction of liquids
  2. Use the diagram below to answer the following question,
    Which statement does not match with the parts represented by letters in the diagram above?
    1. P- its volume decreases during exhalation.
    2. U - cleans and warms the air.
    3. R - helps the trachea to stay open.
    4. V - flattens during inhalation.
  3. Below is a simplified diagram of the circulatory system.
    Which pair of blood vessels carry blood with carbondioxide?
    1. P, Q
    2. P, S
    3. R, S
    4. P,R
  4. The pie chart below shows the composition of gases that make up air.
    Which of the following statements is true about the composition of air represented above?
    1. The gas marked W is used during germination.
    2. Gas X can be used to put out fire.
    3. The gas labelled Y is used to preserve soft drinks.
    4. Gas Z is used by legumes to make proteins.
  5. Which of the following parts of a computer displays the document being typed?
    1. Keyboard.
    2. Monitor. 
    3. Printer.
    4. Mouse.
  6. The diagram below represents classification of plants.
    Which of the following plants can be used to represent L and R respectively?
    1. Mucor, bracket tree.
    2. Moss, grass.
    3. Cabbage, toadstool.
    4. Moulds, sugarcane.
  7. Which of the following statements is true?
    1. A VDU is used to process data.
    2. A mouse has a space bar.
    3. A cursor shows the end of text being worked on.
    4. The monitor is used to produce hard copies.
  8. Which of the following small animals are all invertebrates?
    1. Newt, cockroach, spider.
    2. Snail, spider, mite.
    3. Slug, crab, frog.
    4. Centipede, snake, scorpion.
  9. Which of the following effects of heat on matter are as a result of increase in temperature?
    1. Melting and expansion.
    2. Condensation and contraction.
    3. Freezing and evaporation.
    4. Evaporation and contraction.
  10. Which of the following is not a fimction of leaves?
    1. Photosynthesis.
    2. Breathing. 
    3. Transpiration.
    4. Absorption.
  11. The diagram below shows transfer of heat on matter.
    The type of heat transfer demonstrated  above is called
    1. convection.
    2. radiation
    3. conduction.
    4. expansion
  12. The following are signs of a certain nutritional deficiency disease:
    1. Sores at the corners of the mouth.
    2. Protruding stomach
    3. Swollen body parts.
    4. Brown hair.
      Which of the following foods can be recommended for a person suffering from the disease?
      1. Beans, tomatoes, cabbages.
      2. Rice, ugali, liver.
      3. Meat, fish, groundnuts.
      4. Chips, sugarcane, bananas.
  13. Candle wax is able to float on water because of its
    1. weight.
    2. material. 
    3. size.
    4. shape.
  14. Crops such as peas, greengrams and are called
    1. cereals.
    2. legumes.
    3. tubers.
    4. vegetables.
  15. Below is a chart showing farm animals  and their uses:
    Which products are represented by W, X  and Y respectively?
    1. Milk, mutton, eggs. :
    2. Wool, mutton, eggs.
    3. Mutton, meat, mohair.
    4. Hide, eggs, meat.


  1. Which of the following is not a planting material for creeping crops?
    1. Seeds.
    2. Hoes.
    3. Scissors.
    4. Manure. Burning candle
  2. Which of the following is an example of creeping crops?
    1. Cactus.
    2. Carrot.
    3. Passion.
    4. Pumpkin. 
  3. Which of the following is a deterrent of wild animals against farming activities?
    1. Scarecrow.
    2. Chicken.
    3. Mongoose.
    4. Bananas.
  4. All the following are ways of conserving water in the farm except
    1. mulching. 
    2. shading.
    3. thinning.
    4. cover cropping. 
  5. Kwame came across a bare land with deep  U-shaped channels as shown below
    Which type of soil erosion was this likely  to be?
    1. Splash erosion.
    2. Rill erosion. 
    3. Sheet erosion.
    4. Gulley erosion.
  6. Exposed  plant roots on a bare flat ground  is an indication of
    1. Splash erosion.
    2. sheet erosion. 
    3. gulley erosion. 
    4. rill erosion.
  7. All the  following are ways of controlling soil erosion. Which one is not?
    1. Using drip irrigation.
    2. Mulching.
    3. Planting cover crops
    4. Building gabions.
  8. Below is a small domestic animal reared in Kenya.
    Which of the following are the products  from the animal above? 
    1.  Meat and milk. 
    2. Manure and meat.
    3. Milk and skin.
    4. Wool and manure.
  9. Identify the animal drawn below.
    1. Goat.
    2. Dog
    3. Sheep.
    4. Bull.
  10. Which of the following shows a pair of tiny seeded crops?
    1. Sugarcane and banana. 
    2. Onions and tomatoes.
    3. Pumpkin and cucumber.
    4. Sunflower and carrots.


  1. Which of the following lists consists of accessories only?
    1. Lipstick, eye pencil, deodorants.
    2. Deodorants, creams, nailpolish.
    3. Perfumes, headgears, lotion. 
    4. Scarves, necklaces, wristbands.
  2. A person between 13 and 19 years is
    1. a young man.
    2. an underage. 
    3. a small lady.
    4. an adolescent.
  3. Which of the following diseases is non- communicable?
    1. Tuberculosis.
    2. Malaria.
    3. Epilepsy.
    4. Covid-19.
  4. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when making a budget?
    1. Taste and preference.
    2. Amount of money.
    3. The type of food.
    4. The weather of the day.
  5. A sufuria is a cooking equipment that is commonly cleaned using
    1. Charcoal powder.
    2. steelwool.
    3. a sand paper.
    4. egg shells.
  6. Which of the following is a fragile kitchen  utensil?
  7. Which of the following foods can be stewed?
    1. Meat
    2. Cassava
    3. Yams.
    4. Cabbage.
  8. Which of the following may be needed for baking?
    1. Maize flour.
    2. Oven.
    3. Onions.
    4. Tomatoes.
  9. Which of the following is not a needle work tool?
  10. Which or the following lists consists of a balanced diet? 
    1. Rice, meat, chapati.
    2. Fish, orange, carrots.
    3. Ugali, eggs, kales.
    4. Chips, sausages, chicken.

Physical Health Education.

  1. 'Which one of the following is not a track event?
    1. Back stroke.
    2. Bunch start.
    3. Shoulder shrug
    4. Drop finish.
  2. Partner work can be applied in 
    1. swimming. 
    2. football.
    3. athletics.
    4. ropework.
  3. Which of the following is not a rope work technique?
    1. Wounded duck.
    2. Pivoting.
    3. Skier.
    4. Heel taps.
  4. Which of the following equipment is used in standing javelin?
  5. Scissor technique can be applied in
    1. high jump.
    2. soccer.
    3. kabaddi. 
    4. softball.
  6. Which of the following is the first phase in high jump?
    1. Landing.
    2. Take off
    3. The run.
    4. Flight
  7. A teacher drew a diagram like the one drawn below.
    What did the teacher draw?
    1. shotput sector.
    2. rounders pitch. 
    3. javelin sector.
    4. volleyball pitch.
  8. Study the picture below.
    The item drawn above can be used when practising
    1. football.
    2. high jump.
    3. handball. 
    4. volleyball.
  9. When practising tapping in soccer, we can  use our
    1. heads.
    2. hands.
    3. elbows .
    4. highs.
  10. How many players make up one kabaddi team?
    1. 7
    2. 11
    3. 12
    4. 6
  11. A group of learners was seen practising single hand dig pass. Which game were they preparing for?
    1. Handball.
    2. Volleyball.
    3. Football.
    4. Basketball.
  12. Study the type of pass below.
    The type of pass above is called
    1. bounce pass.
    2. chest pass.
    3. dig pass.
    4. instep pass.
  13. Which of the following can be used to improvise a relay baton?
    1. Broken glasses.
    2. Maize stalks.
    3. Old clothes.
    4. Thread.
  14. Smitts are worn to protect our
    1. hands
    2. eyes
    3. knees.
    4. elbows.
  15. Which of the following is not a pool activity?
    1. Crouch surface dive.
    2. Backstroke
    3. Standing surface dive.
    4. Punting.

Marking Scheme

Science aad Technology  Agriculture  Home Science  Physical Education
  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D

  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D


  1. D
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D



Science and Technology

  1. Identify the phase of the moon drawn below
  2. Grade six Science and Technology teacher threw a ball up in the dir. The ball came back and hit the ground hard.
    Which force acted on the ball?
  3. A class set up an experiment like the one shown below.
    What are they investigating?

    The illustration below shows the changes of states of matter.
  4. Name the process marked Z.
  5. Which letter represents evaporation?
  6. Write one example of acids
  7. A child was diagnosed with the following signs and symptoms:
    1. Severe diarrhoea that resembled rice water.
    2. Constant vomiting.
    3. dehydration.
      Which disease was the child likely to be suffering from?
  8. What is the use of a printer in computing?
  9. Mwamba was typing a document on Word. On which part of his computer was the document displayed?
  10. How helpful is a cursor during typing?

    Use the flow chart below to answer the following questions.
  11. Which plant is wrongly classified?
  12. Give one example of plants that can replace x

    Use the diagram below to answer questions 13-15.
  13. Give the function of part P
  14. Which letter represents the sternum?
  15. Name the part marked R.


  1. What is soil erosion? . (2 mks)
  2. Name three types of soil erosion? (3 mks)
  3. State three ways of controlling soil erosion? (3 mks) a)
  4. What is a seedbed . (2 mks)
  5. Draw two tools used in preparing a seedbed? (4 mks)


  6. What is the difference between splash and sheet erosion? (4 mks)
  7. Name four types of indigenous foods. (4 mks)
  8. State three uses of domestic animals? (3 mks)


Home Science

  1. Write the procedure used for laundering a white cotton shirt.
  2. What is the use of a pin cushion in stitching?
  3. Write one safety precaution to observe during needlework.

    Kambua saw the following care labels in some clothes she was laundering. State the meaning of each label.

    Write one method of cooking  each of the following foods.
  9. Below is a diagram showing a cooking stick.
    Which material has been used to make the utensil above?
    Use the given words to classify the crops drawn below.
    Cereal Legume Vegetable
  13. Okoyo's fingernails are pale. He also gets very tired after doing simple tasks. Sometimes, he feels dizzy. Which nutritional deficiency disorder is Okoyo likely to be suffering from?
  14. Maimuna asked a health care specialist the cause of kwashiorkor. Which correct answer was Maimuna given?
  15. Write the procedure used for cleaning ,the top of a plastic table.


Physical Health Education

  1. State the steps of performing a bunch start? (2 mks)
  2. What is meaning of commitment in games and sports? (2 mks)
  3. Describe a drop finish technique when in races. (3 mks)
  4. Name two local games that involve racing? (2 mks) 
  5. Name two materials you can use to improvise a ball. (2 mks)
  6. What is a strain? . (1 mk)
  7. Name parts of the body where a strain may occur. (3 mks)
  8. Write three field athletic events. (3 mks) 
  9. State two passes in socccer. (2 mks)

Social Studies


Use the map of Waba area to answer questions1 - 5,

  1. Of which religion are people of Waba area likely to be?
  2. What is the main function of the railway line in Waba area?
  3. By which means of transport are tourists visiting the game reserve in Waba area likely to leave the reserve?
  4. What is the direction of Kanga market from the northern bridge?
  5. Who is the administrative head of Waba area?
  6. Write one condition under which a Kenyan can be allowed to vote.
  7. Write one similarity between the early forms of government in Maasai and Ameru.
  8. How have tourists been important to the economy of our country?
  9. Describe the population distribution illustrated below.
  10. How important is wildlife in our country?
    Write three factors that favour dairy farming in Kenya
  11. _____________________________
  12. _____________________________
  13. _____________________________
  14. After how long does Kenya hold general elections?
  15. How is democracy practised inyour school?
  16. After a dispute between Yuda and Zama, it ended up that Yuda stabbed Zama to death. Which of Zama's right did Yuda mainly violate?
  17. Name the National symbol drawn below.
    Write two ways through which a person can become a Kenyan citizen
  18. _______________________
  19. _______________________
  20. Name one product that results from dairy farming in Kenya.

    Use the map of Kenya below to answer the following questions
  21. Name the feature marked W
  22. What is the economic importance of the feature marked X to our country?
  23. Which is the slowest means of transport?

    Name the following means of communication.
  27. Draw a road sign that means "Roundabout ahead" 

    Identify the following means of transport

Christian Religious Education

  1. Joseph worked for an Egyptian official called?
  2. We should always not trust?
    (strangers, visitors, neighbours)
  3. State one thing that happens when a child is disobedient?
  4. The first people to be created were ________ and ______________
  5. The sign that God showed Noah when He promised him that He will not destroy the world with flood is the (1 mk)
  6. In which occasion did Jesus weep?(1 mk)
  7. The lesson that Christians learn from the miraculous catch of fish is that they should be

Match the followin verses from the sermon on the mountain. (3 mks)

Happy are those who mourn   They will see God
9 Happy are the pure in heart God will call them His Children 
10 Happy are the peace makers God will comfort them 


  1. Zacchaeus was a ____________
  2. Who interpreted Pharaoh's dreams?
  3. Who was the nephew to Abraham?
  4. When angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, Elizabeth was how many months expectant of John?____________________ . (1 mk)
  5. Jesus performed his first miracle in . (1 mk)

Islamic Religious Education

  1. What does Allah's attribute Al- Aalim mean?
  2. Write one positive way of using a smartphone.
  3. Write one miracle performed by prophet Issah.
  4. When is Taraweh performed?
  5. state one nullifier of swalah
  6. State the role of angels Munkar and Nakir
  7. In which city did the unity between the Muhajirun and the Ansa take place?
  8. Which of the daily five swalahs falls between Fajr and Asr?
  9. According to prophet' hadith who should seek knowledge?
  10. How many angels are mentioned in the Q'uran?
  11. What does sabr mean?
  12. Why are muslims discouraged from begging?
  13. Write one unislamic activity that might take place during a wedding
  14. What is the importance of performing Qabliyah and Ba'diyah prayers?
  15. Why should muslims emulate angels in their daily activities?


  1. State three importance of songs? (3 mks)
  2. Angela was seen singing the song with a gloomy face. What was the mood of the song? . (2 mks)
  3. State four types of songs? (3 mks)
  4. Name three digital devices that can be used to record when performing a song? (3 mks)
  5. Trio is a word used in performance. What is its meaning? (2mks)
  6. Name three events when folk songs are performed? (3 mks)
  7. Write the french rythm for the following notes. (4 mks)
    1. Semibreve
    2. Minim
    3. Crotchet
    4. Quavet
  8. Write four elements of music. (4 mks)

Art & Craft

  1. Moho is the best painter in both Grade six East and West. Which job opportunity is he likely to get after school in relation to his ability in Art?
    Name the following types of
  4. Re-construct the letters below in the space provided.
  5. Proportionally, draw a human hand.

  6.  Name one product of claywork.
  7. Create a tonal value on the strip below.
  8. Draw and colour an item that can be made using sisal fibres

  9. We use ________________ to stick cutouts on surfaces during cutting and pasting technique
  10. How do we obtain tertiary colours?

    Write a pair of colours that will produce the given secondary colours when mixed.
  11. Orange:
  12. Green:
  13. Purple:
    Name two items you nay need for carving.
  14. ____________________________________
  15. ____________________________________

Marking Scheme

Science and Technology

  1. New moon
  2. Gravity
  3. Convection in liquids
  4. Condensation
  5. X
  6. mark any correct answer eg, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid etc
  7. Cholera
  8. Producing hard copies
  9. Monitor
  10. Guide the typist
  11. Fern
  12. Student to give an non-flowering plants eg ferns, mosses and liverworts
  13. Protects the brain
  14. Q
  15. Hip bone 


  1. Soil erosion removal of top layer of soil from one part to the other.
    1. Splash
    2. sheet erosion
    3. rill
    4. gulley erosion
    1. Maintain a healthy perennial plan, cover
    2. Mulching
    3. Planting a  cover crop
    4. Placing crushed stone, wood chips and other similar materials in heavily used areas where vegetation is hard to establish and maintain.
  4. Seedbed or seedling bed is local soil environment in which seeds are planted.
  5. _______
    1. Pig weeds
    2. black night shade
    3. indigenous cereals such as millet and sorghum
    4. indigenous root crops such as yams and cassava.
    1. Gives us food such as milk, meat eggs
    2. home protection
    3. helps in doing chores such as ploughing

Home Science

  1. Leaner to write
  2. For keeping pins
  3. Leaner to write
  4. Do not iron
  5. Do not use warm water beyond the shown temeparture
  6. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  7. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  8. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  9. Wood
  10. vegetable
  11. legume
  12. cereal
  13. anaemia
  14. lack of proteins
  15. learner to write.

Physical Education

  1. "On your marks"
    "Set" - Heel presses forward
  2. a desire/ willingness/ resolve to continue in participation of a sport/ activity.
  3. Athlete bends both arms backwards and tries to touch on the tape on the finishing line with the chest, when the finishing line is just one step ahead.
  4. Many an apporprriate games eg hide and sek, tag, etc
    1. Sisal fibre
    2. Papers
    3. Pieces of cloth
  6. To injure, overuse, misuse or exert excessive pressure.
  7. Legs, Knees, feet and back
    1. Long jump
    2. Discuss
    3. Javeline
    1. Push pass
    2. Wall pass
    3. Outside the foot pass

Social Studies

  1. Christians
  2. Transporting coffee berries to the factory
  3. air
  4. Southwest
  5. Governor
  6. Being over 18 years of age
    Being a registered voter
  7. Both had divine rulers- (laibon for the maasai and mugwe for the am,eru) who also acted as religious leaders.
  8. Ensuring flow of foreign exchange
  9. Nucleated
  10. It boosts our economy
  11. High rainfall, therefore there is food for cattle in highland areas.
  12. Low temperatures, good for survival of exotic breeds
  13. Fertile soils- for planting grass and other feeds
  14. 5 years
  15. Learner to state
  16. Right to life
  17. Court of arms
  18. Learner to write
  19. Learner to write
  20. Learner to name - milk
  21. L. Turkana
  22. Fishing
  23. Water
  24. Newspaper
  25. Television
  26. Radio
  27. Learner to draw
  28. Aeroplane
  29. Ship
  30. Bus

Christian religious Education

  1. Potiphar
  2. Strangers
  3. be punished, parents become unhappy
  4. Adam and Eve
  5. rainbow
  6. when Lazarus died
  7. Obedient
  8. Happy are those who mourn God will comfort them
  9. Happy are the pure in heart, they will see God
  10. Happy are the peace makers. God will call them His children
  11. Tax collector
  12. Joseph
  13. Lot
  14. 6
  15. Cana

Islamic Religious Education

  1. all - knowing
  2. mark appropriate answer
  3. mark appropriate answer
  4. After Isha during Saum
  5. mark appropriate answer
  6. questioning the dead
  7. Madina
  8. Dhuhr
  9. Everyone
  10. 25
  11. patience
  12. it encourages laziness
  13. mark appropriate answer
  14. To get rewards from Allah
  15. To live sacred lives


  1. It makes one creative
    It makes learning more enjoyable
    It plays with emotions
    It helps to develop linguistic skills of children
    Develops listening skills
    induces movement in children
  2. Sad mood
  3. Patriotic, topical, sacred, western
  4. phone, tablet, camera

Art & Craft

  1. Learner to state.
  2. Glove puppet.
  3. String puppet
  4. Learner to reconstruct
  5. Learner to draw
  6. Learner to name
  7. Learner to create
  8. Learner to draw an colour
  9. Glue
  10. By mixing secondary and primary colours
  11. Red, yellow
  12. Blue, yellow
  13. red, blue
  14. Learner to name
  15. Learner to name


Science and Technology

  1. Complete. the table below by naming four parts of a plant and their functions. (8 mks) 
    Part of the plant             Functions
  2. Draw the following roots. (4 mks)

    Fibrous root  Tap root 
  3. State two medicinal plants found in your locality. (2 mks)
  4. Name three plants with fibrous root system. (3 mks)
  5. Mammals are examples of animals with a backbone and constant body temperature. State three examples of animals in these group? (3 mks)
  6. State an invertebrate with three body parts?____________________. (1 mk)
  7. What is sound pollution? (3 mks)
  8. A grade five student was seen doing the following activity. What was the student investigating? (1 mk)


  1.  Write one example of indigenous crops in Kenya.
  2. State one way of taking care of a vegetable nursery.
  3. In order to earn income, what can Kiprotich do with his surplus vegetable seedlings?
  4. Below is an indigenous food crop grown in Kenya.
    State the nutrition importance of the crop above

    State the functions of each of the following domestic animals
  5. Pig
  6. Dog
  7. Camel 
  8. Write one example of a climbing fruit tree.
  9. Write one use of sandy soil.
  10. The illustration below shows a climbing fruit tree.
    Write the function of the structure marked W
  11. How can a farmer use a scarecrow in his farm?
  12. Write one-way of dealing with moles in the farm.
  13. Name the type of irrigation shown below.
    Name the following' gardening equipment.


Home science

  1. A person going through puberty is referred to as? . (1 mks)
  2. Name four good grooming habits. (4 mks)
  3. You were asked to advice fellow students on physical exercises. State three physical exercises for an adolescent. (3 mks)
  4. State three importance of physical exercise. (3 mks)
  5. Fill the table below by naming three examples in each case. (6 mks)
    Body building foods Protective foods 

  6. It's important to wash hands regularly. State three instances when one Must wash hands? (3 mks)
  7. State accessories used by adolescents? (4 mks)
  8. Name three embroidery stitches, (3 mks)
  9. State three types of media you can use to achieve after decorating your apron. (3 mks)

Physical Education

Name the sports items drawn below

  3. The following are activitiesinvolved in hurdles
    1. Clearance
    2. Approach
    3. Flight
    4. Take off
      Arrange them in order beginning with the first one.
  4. In which sports activity do we practise elongated started?
  5. The technique shown below is used in Frisbee. Name it.
  6.  When practising handwalk, which parts of our bodies do we hold high?
  7. Why are long jump pits filled with materials?
  8. What is the last activity in long jump?
  9. Straddle and straddle cross is a common technique in ___________ work.
  10. Draw a volleyball field in the space provided

    Write two examples of passes used in soccer.
  11. _______________________________
  12. _______________________________
  13. How many players are there in one soccer team?
    Write two contents of a first aid
  14. _______________________________
  15. _______________________________

Social Studies


  1. The general flow of rivers in Mwakitu area is towards?
  2. The settlement in Mwakitu area can be described as
  3. The plantation in Mwakitu grows?
  4. What is the direction of the church from the plantation?
  5. The growing of tea in Mwakitu area indicates that the climate is
  6. River Susi has _______________ tributaries.
  7. Who is the head of Mwakitu area ______________________?
  8. State 3 elements of the map. (3 mks)
  9. Name two countries found in East Africa. (2 mks) 
  10. Name three arms of the National Government of Kenya. (3 mks)
  11. Differentiate between a latitude and a longitude? (1 mk)
  12. Name three main physical features in Kenya? (3 mks)
  13. What is the meaning of a climate?
  14. Identify the three major language groups in Kenya. (3 mks)
  15. Write two ways one can become a Kenyan citizen. (2 mks)

Christian Religious Education

  1. What is the other name for the Lord's table?
  2. Write one gift of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Write one quality of a good friend.
  4. Write one result of unhealthy boy-girl relationship.
  5. When Jesus Christ baptised, a voice came from heaven saying
  6. What is the lesson Christians learn from Jesus' parable of the lost sheep?
  7. When Jesus fed the multitude, how many baskets of food remained?
  8. In which mountain did the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal take place?
  9. During the call of Moses, in which form did God appear to him?
  10. State one way through which king Solomon used the wisdom he asked from God.
  11. Write one example of commonly abused drugs in Kenya.
  12. When Jesus portrayed His power over nature, on which vessel were they travelling?
  13. Which Christian value do Christians learn from the story of the friend at midnight?
  14. Write one way of taking good care of school property.
  15. Which of Jesus' parables teaches Christians about the kingdom of heaven?

Islamic  Religious Education

  1. Name the five ulul Azm prophets.
  2. Name two pillars of swalah. (2 mks) 
  3. Write two miracles of Nabii Issa (as) (2 mks)
  4. Name three nullifiers of saum. (3 mks) 
  5. Give the meaning of the follow ing attributes of Allah ( 5WT). (2 mks)
    1. Al-Ghaffar
    2. Al-waahid
  6. What is hadith'?


  1. Why do folk dancers use ornaments when dancing?
    Name the three parts of descant recorder.
    Put notes B, A and G against the correct solfa notes,
  5. doh
  6. re
  7. mi
  8. Name the wind instrument drawn below.
  9. Study the diagram below.
    What is the function of the parts labelled W?
  10. A whistle produces sound when
    Write two examples of percussion instruments
  11. __________________________________________         
  12. __________________________________________       
  13. Tufanye sote bider is a line in Kiswahili Kenya National Anthem. In which verse is the line found?
    Write the French rhythms for the following.
  14. Quaver
  15. Crotchet

Art & Craft

  1. What makes an object to be referred to as 2D? (1 mk)
  2. Write your school's name in 3D. (4 mks)
  3. What is weaving?. (1 mk)
  4. Shade the following picture using stippling technique. (3 mks)
  5. What is balance of forms?
  6. State three elements of art? (3 mks)
  7. Draw two tools used in drawing? (4 mks)


  8. State two materials that can be used for weaving?(2 mks)
  9. Name three traditional technique which can be used to decorate a carved cooking stick. (3 mks)
  10. Name two weaving techniques. (2 mks)

Marking Scheme

Science and Technology

    Part of the plant             Functions
    Leaf   Allow exchange of gases
     Flower  It grows into fruit
     Roots  Holds the plant firmly in the soil
     Stem  Holds the plant upright
  2.  Student should draw tap and fibrous roots correctly.      
    1.  Neem
    2. Cinnamon
    1. Onion
    2. Maize
    3. millet   
    1. Birds
    2. human being
    3. elephants
  6. insects
  7. It's the contamination of something
  8. Force of gravity.


  1. African Nightshade, Spider Plant, Amaranth, stinging nettle, pumpkin leaves, cowpeas and Slender Leaf etc
  2. Mark any correct answer given
  3. Sell them
  4. Gives carohydrates
  5. Food
  6. Security
  7. Food/ milk, carrying objects and people
  8. passionfruit, kiwi fruit, grapes
  9. building
  10. to keep the plant upright/ support
  11. to scare destructive animals
  12. digginf trenches, planting barrier plants
  13. Drip
  14. Watering can
  15. Wheelbarrow

Home Science

  1. An adolescent
    1. Body cleanliness, dressing well, caring for clothes, cleaning your body every day.
    2. Washing your hands withsoap after going to the toilet.
    3. Brushing your teeth twice a day
    4. Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue ( or your sleeve) when sneezing or coughing
    5. Washing your hands after handling pets and other animals
    1. Playing volleyball
    2. Playing touch football
    3. Gardening
    4. Walking
    5. Shooting baskets
    1. Improves your memory and brain function(all age groups)
    2. Protect against many chronic diseases
    3. Aid in weight management.
    4. Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
    5. Improve your quality of sleep
    6. Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  5. Body building           Protective
    Beef                          Mangoes
    Beans                        Kales
    Green grams             Water melon
    1. After visiting the toilet
    2. Before eating food
    3. When preparing to cook.
  7. Jewelry , bangles, scarves, caps   
    1. Chain
    2. Satin
    3. Stem
    1. Radio
    2. television
    3. Magazine

Physical Education

  1. Rounders Ball
  2. Racket
  3. Approach, take off
  4. Athletics
  5. Double ahnded rim catch
  6. Legs
  7. For safety
  8. Landing
  9. Rope
  10. Learner to draw
  11. backheel pass/through pass/ Forward-pass (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  12. through pass/backheel pass/ Forward-pass (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  13. 11
  14. bandage/ scissors, cotton, spirit (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  15. Check 14 above

Social Studies

  1. Southwest
  2. Linear settlement
  3. Tea
  4. West
  5. Cool and wet
  6. One
  7. Chief
  8. Frame, tile compass, scale, key
  9. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
  10. The Executive, Legislature, Judiciary
  11. Latitudes All parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called parallels of latitudes.
    Latitudes are measured in degrees.
    Longitudes: The vertical lines running North-South join the two poles. They are called the meridians of longitude. They are spaced farthest apart at the equator and converge at a point at each pole.
  12. Volcanic and block Rift Valleys, Lakes, Plains
  13. Climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.
  14. Cushites
  15. Birth

Christian religious Education

  1. Eucharist
  2. love/joy/ peace/ patience/ kindness/ goodness/faithfulness/ humility/ self-control/gentleness (mark any one)
  3. trustworthy (mark any other appropriate answer)
  4. pregnancy/ abuse/ STIs (mark any other correct answer)
  5. This is my son with whom I am pleased
  6. Calling christians to the church
  7. 12
  8. Carmel
  9. Burning bush
  10. Student should give appropriate answer
  11. Student should give appropriate answer
  12. Boat
  13. Persistence in prayer
  14. Student should give appropriate answer
  15. Mustard seed

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Issa (as), Muhammad(SAW)
  2. refer to no. 1
  3. refer to no. 1
  4. refer to no. 1
  5. refer to no. 1
  6. Qiyam, rukuu, itidaal, sujuud, jalsa
  7. refer to no. 6
  8. Raised the dead, healed lepers/blind, 
    he spoke when he was very young
    (mark correct any correct answer)
  9. refer to no. 8
  10. Eating intentionally/ deliberately,
    drinking intentionally,
    vomiting intentionally
  11. refer to no. 10
  12. refer to no. 10
  13. Forgive
  14. The holy one
  15. Hadith is what the prophet (SAW) said or the sayings of the prophet (SAW)


  1. To make the dance real
  2. Head joint/ MIddle joint/ foot joint
  3. Refer to no. 2
  4. Refer to no. 2
  5. G
  6. A
  7. B
  8. trumpet
  9. To let air out when playing
  10. blown
  11. Mark appropriate answer
  12. Mark appropriate answer
  13. 2nd
  14. ta
  15. ta-te

Art & Craft

  1. It has a length, width and height
  2. Ensure the name is in 3D
  3. It's a process in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth.
  5. Refers to how elements of art relate to each other within the composition
  6. Line, shape, colour, value , space, form
  7. The drawings should include items such as pen, pencils, crayons etc
  8. Banana fibres, raffia, grass, sisal


  1. Write 2 common illinesses.
    (diarrhoea and Tuerculosis, Sore throat and common cold)
  2. Utensils that break easlily in our kitchen are called(fragile, glass, ceramic)utensils. 
  3. Write two energy giving foods.
  4. Name three fuels we use at home
  5. A meal that contains the three groups o ioods in the rightis amounts is known as (balance diet, energy giving food, grouped meal)
  6. Write two methods of cooking food.
  7. _______bags is used to keep all the needlework tools together. (Plastic, Sewing)
  8. Write two personal items.
  9. ______is putting the dirty clothes in clean cold water without soap for a while before washing them. (Mending, Soaking, Washing)
  10. The process of washing, ironing and storing is called_______ (drying work, laundly work, garment work)


  1. Name two tools used in drawing.
  2. Shade this picture using smudging technique.
  3. Name the colour triangle.
  4. When we mix two primary colours we get colours.
  5. _____is a mixture of a colour with white. (Shade, Tone, Tint)
  6. Name two materials which can be used to make a montage.
  7. Warps and wefts are used in (threading, weaving)
  8. Draw and colour a drum.
  9. Name two materials used in pottery.
  10. Make a pattern using letter 'C' or 'X' 


  1. Songs sung to praise and worship God are called _____songs.
  2. Two people singing together form a _____
  3. Define pitch
  4. Isukuti is a drum played by community.
  5. Draw a flute.
  6. Write two costumes worn when dancing a folk song.
  7. Name the french rhythm of a semi-breve
  8. Songs sung in praise of a country or its leaders are known as song. (patriotic, love)
  9. The Kenya National Athem song has how many stanzas? (Three, Two, Four)
  10. If you are singing and at the same time clapping, you are trying to catch up with the _____of the .song. (rhythm, taste, truth)


  1. The place where athletes run and compete is called _____field.(football track, athletic track, running track)
  2. Before one starts to run, one must have to (coming up, warming upi eating up)
  3. Draw athletic track field.
  4. Where people complete using a football, the place is called _____pitch. (football, volleyball, handball)
Questions  Activity to be done Perfomance Ratings
5 Two-handed catching     
Kneeling, overhead throw    
Geeting set -(On to your marks)    
Stopping a football    
Standing long jump     
10  Get - set - go     



  1. sore throat / common cold.
  2. flagile
    1. potatoes
    2. maize
    1. gas
    2. fire wood
    3. biogas/paraffin 
  5. balance diet
  6. boiling/frying roasting
  7. Sewing
  8. socks/handkerchief
  9. Soaking 
  10. laundry work


  1. pencil
  2. Shading
  3. A-Red
    B. Yellow
    C- Blue 
  4. Secondary 
  5. Tone
    1. Fabric, Buttons, Crayons
    2. Craft foam
  7. weaving
  8. Drawing
    1. clay
    2. porcelain, stoneware
  10. Pattern


  1. athleticfootball 
  2. warming up 
  3. drawing 
  4. foot ball


  1. praise 
  2. Duet
  3. Degree of highness or lowness of a tone.
  4. Luhya 
  5. Socks, long dresses 
  6. Patriotic
  8. patriotic
  9. three
  10. rythm
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Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:59

Home Science Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Exercise 1

  1. Outline five needs of a child healthy development
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
    5. ...........................................................................
  2. The need that protects us from bad weather and harmful things is called ........................................................................... while that keeps us warm is a ...........................................................................
  3. Name the games that are shown below
    1 ygduygagdaugd
  4. Name four play items 
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
  5. Write three qualities of a suitable play item
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  6. Name two accidents that can happen when playing
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  7. Write two benefits of taking care of playing items
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................

Common illness in the locality
Exercise 2

  1. Name four common illness that are found in your locality
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
  2. Write three common causes of illness
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. Write two ways how you can prevent diseases
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  4. Who should you communicate to when you are feeling unwell
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  5. Identify the below illness
    2 aiuhdiuahd

Care at the home

  1. Write three methods of making home clean
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  2. Cleaning tools that are made using locally available materials are called ...........................................................................
  3. Kim had a Jerican, a pair of scissors and a pen. Which cleaning tool is he likely to make ...........................................................................
  4. Name three materials needed to make an improvised mop
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  5. When sweeping where does one start ...........................................................................
  6. Why is it necessary to sprinkle water on earthen before sweeping ...........................................................................
  7. What do we use when dusting? ........................................................................... 

Care and cleaning of shoes
Exercise 3 

  1. Name the materialas used to make the below shoes
    3 ayugudyagda
  2. Which type of shoes are polished when cleaning ...........................................................................
  3. Write four materials we use when cleaning a canvas shoes
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
  4. Why are canvas shoes aired in the shade after rinsing? ...........................................................................
  5. Which type of shoes is best to wear when it's muddy ...........................................................................

Fuels used at home

  1. Which type of fuel is used in the equipment below? 
    4 auygduygada
  2. Write three reasons to consider while choosing the type of fuel to use
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. ...........................................................................is the careful use of fuel
  4. The type of fuel that mostly affects our forest is ...........................................................................
  5. Write two challenges faced when using different types of fuel
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................

Consumer awareness
Exercise 4

  1. Write two importances of a shopping list?
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  2. Write two factors to consider while making a shopping list
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  3. You were given 200 shillings to do shopping for supper. Fill the shopping list below
    No Items  Costs 
  4. When preparing a shopping list, which items should be given priority? ...........................................................................
  5. Name three places where you can buy food items
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................

Food nutrition

  1. Write three factors to consider when buying food from a grocery
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  2. Why is it good to check the expiry date of food in the market? ...........................................................................
  3. Why is it good to buy 'goods that are well packed? ...........................................................................
  4. Body building foods are also called ........................................................................... What is their purpose in the body to ...........................................................................
  5. Write four examples of energy giving foods
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
  6. What is the purpose of protective foods ...........................................................................
  7. Write three foods that are commonly found in a grocery shop
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  8. Name five types of foods found in your locality
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
    5. ...........................................................................
  9. Classify the following food to their group; maize, peas, casssava, orange, sweet potatoes, kales, mango, beans, fish, pork, cabbage, green gram , milk, chapatti, pineapples, eggs
    Body building foods  Energy giving foods  Protective foods 





  10. A meal that contains all the three food groups is said to be ...........................................................................

Preservation o milk
Exercise 5

  1. Name three sources of milk in your locality
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  2. List three animals that produce milk
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. Write two hygienic practices when handling milk
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  4. The picture below shows methods of preserving milk. Name them.
    5 sghyshgyufsf
  5. Why is it necessary to preserve milk ...........................................................................

Fragile kitchen utensils

  1. Name six utensils found in your home
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
    5. ...........................................................................
    6. ...........................................................................
  2. Name three utensils that are fragile
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. Below are utensils. Write their purposes e.g. serving, storing, preparing food etc.
    6 uyaygydayuda
  4. Name three materials that can be used to clean fragile utensils .
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  5. Fragile utensils are made of;
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................

Cooking foods
Exercise 6

  1. Write three reasons why food is cooked 
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  2. Name three foods that are eaten raw
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. Write three food hygiene practices
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  4. Name the following methods of cooking
    7 uhaguygduyagd
  5. Name four foods that can be cooked by boiling
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  6. Name two foods that can be roasted
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................


      With the help of a guardian cook a fried egg and send a photo to the teacher 

  7. Write three safety measures that you need to observe work tools
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  8. Name the following needle work tools
    8 ahuydauyda
  9. When keeping ...........................................................................it should be rolled neatly and then tied with a thread or rubber band.
  10. Match the following tools to their uses
      Needle work tool  Uses
     Thimble  For stitching
    b  Tailors Chalk  For taking measurement
     Needle  For cutting
     Thread  Sewing
     Tape measure  Protecting the finger from injuries
     Pair of scissors  Marking on a piece of cloth


  1. ...........................................................................is a loop made when a thread needle is passed through a fabric
  2. Name the following types of stiches
    9 iuadahidhaiuhd


Healthy practices

  1. Food, clothing, shelter, playing, Guidance, health
  2. Shelter, clothing
    1. Hind and seck
    2. Rope Skipping
    3. Swinging
    4. Computer game
    5. Sliding
    6. Football
  4. toys, balls, rope, bicycle, bean bag. marble 
  5. Attractive, durable, washable, easy to operate, right size, not sharp
  6. Fall, pricked, attack by harmful insect
    1. to avoid accident
    2. for them to last longer

Common Illness

  1. Headache, stomach ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, cough, cold 
  2. Eating without washing hands, dirty utensils insect bites, cuting rotten food, poor disposal of human waste, breathing contaminated air
  3. Drinking boiled water washing hand regularly using toilet well, exercising personal hygiene, sleeping under mosquito net.
  4. Parent, guardian or teacher
    1. headache
    2. Cold
    3. Stomachache
    4. Vomiting 
    1. Mopping
    2. Sweeping
    3. Dusting
  7. Improvised tools
  8. Dust pan
  9. Old woolen or cotton cloth, pair of scissors, long smooth stick, knife, sisal string 
  10. From the furthest corner 
  11. To avoid raising dust
  12. Soft piece of cloth

Exercise 3

    1. Canvas
    2. plastic
    3. leather
    4. rubber
  2. leather shoes 
    1. Water
    2. Scrubbing brush
    3. piece of cloth
    4. soap
    5. old newspaper
  4. to avoid them lose shape and dis-colour
  5. Plastic shoe 
    1. charcoal
    2. gas
    3. firewood
    4. paraffin
    1. availability
    2. cost of fuel
    3. type of food cooking
    4. available equipment
    5. cooking method
  8. Conservation 
  9. Charcoal and firewood
    1. Some produce smoke
    2. sometime the flame produced cannot be controlled
    3. gas get finished without notice
    4. charcoal can lead to dr suffocation

Exercise 4 

    1. save time when doing shopping
    2. make us to remember what you want to buy
    3. help us to shop within budget 
    4. make us to buy only things we need
    1. amount of money you have
    2. what you need to buy
  3. Optional answer 
  4. The basic things
  5. Grocery, Market, Kiosk, Duka, Supermarket
    1. Correct weight
    2. Expiry date
    3. Price
    4. Package
  7. To avoid buying rotten food
  8. Because they look attractive
  9. protein, Help in growth and repair damaged body tissues 
  10. Maize, wheat. cassava, arrowroot potatoes, rice 
  11. Help the body to fight diseases 
  12. Cabbage, banana, kales, oranges, tomatoes, carrot 
  13. Varying answers 
    1. Body building food; - peas, beans. fish, pork, green gram, milk, eggs
    2. Energy giving food - Maize, Cassava, sweet potatoes, chapatti
    3. Protective food - Orange, kale, mango, cabbage, pineapple 
  15. Balance diet

Exercise 5

  1. Dairy animals Kiosk, Supermarket, milk vendors, Shops
  2. Cow, Camel goat
    • Wash your hand
    • use clean containers
    • Wear protective clothing to prevent dirt 
    1. boiling
    2. processing
    3. keeping in a refrigerator
    4. fermenting 
  5. to make it stay longer
    for future use
  6. Sufuria, Spoon, knife, fork, pot, flask, cup. mug, glass, bowl 
  7. Thermal fask, Glass, enamel cup, clay pot, ceramic kettle 
    1. serving
    2. storing/ serving
    3. preparing
    4. Preparing
    5. Serving
    6. Serving 
    7. preparing
    8. storing
  9. soft towel, soap, wash liquid bottle brush, spongecloth
  10. Enamel, clay, glass,

Excercise 6

    1. Make it easy to eat
    2. Improve taste
    3. Preserve it
    4. Kill germ or bacteria
    5. Make it appetizing
  2. Mango, Apple, ripe banana, cassava, sweet potato
    1. Wash hand before handling food
    2. Keeping the kitchen clean
    3. Keep utensil clean and dry 
    4. Keep food covered after cooking
    5. Keeping flies away
    1. Boiling
    2. Shallow frying
    3. Ronating
  5. Githeri, peas, sweet potato, egg
  6. Meat, cassava, Banana, potato,arrowroot
    1. sew in a well-lit house to avoid hurting yourself
    2. use magnet to pick pin or needle from the floor
    3. pins should be put in a pin cushion
    4. Use thimble to protect the fingers
    5. Cutting tools should be put in a closed pocket
    1. thimble
    2. thread
    3. tape measure
    4. Scissors
    5. Ruler
    6. seam ripper
    7. needle
    8. pins
  9. Tape measure
    1. Protecting the finger from injuries
    2. Marking on a piece of cloth
    3. Sewing
    4. For stitching
    5. For taking measuremeat
    6. For cutting 
  11. Stitch
    1. back stitch
    2. Hemming stitch
    3. Catch stitch
    4. Running stitch
Tagged under


  1. Name the food we eat to make our body healthy (3mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
    4. ........................................................
  2. Draw and name three personal items (3mks)
    1. rectangle ahuda
    2. rectangle ahuda
    3. rectangle ahuda
  3. Name three basic needs (3mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
  4. Name the items used to clean the house (3mks)
    1. kifagio
    2. bin ayda
    3. kerchief auygdad
    4. omo aghda
  5. Name the play items (2mks)
    draft ahdad


  1. Draw an athletic track showing the starting point of 100m and 200m race (5mks)
    rectangle ahuda
  2. Name the play items (4mks)
    1. ball aujhgda
    2. weird ball aiudhya
  3. Name two commands in athletic? (2mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  4. List four materials used to improve a ball (4mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
    4. ........................................................
  5. Write down two safety measures when improvising a ball
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  6. Name three games played in your locality
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  7. Name the parts used to pass a ball
    leg ball aidga
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  8. We throw the ball using the ........................................................


  1. Complete the following patterns
    1. aaaa ugda........................................................
    2. bbb yuafuda........................................................
    3. hhhh ayigdad........................................................


    1. meat
    2. fruits 
    3. eggs (any other)
    4. chapati
    1. foods
    2. shelter
    3. clothes
    1. broom
    2. dust bin 
    3. rag 
    4. soap
    5. draft


    1. ball
    2. marble
    1. on your marks
    2. go
    1. old pieces of clothes
    2. plastic bags
    3. rubber bands (any other)
    4. strings
    1. avoid sharp objects
    2. do not use hard objects of stones 
    1. football
    2. handball 
  7. outside step, inside step
  8. hands



  1. Write three physical changes in pre-adolescent in girls
  2. Name three aspect of grooming
  3. Write materials used making different types of shoes
  4. Name the needle work tools
  5. Outline three health practices that you practise at home
  6. Name the best clothes to wear during cold day
  7. Name the food we eat
  8. Write two activities you can do during leisure time


  1. Draw an athletic track (5mks)
  2. Explain what is a sprint start
  3. Write down safely measures to observe when improvising a baton
  4. Look at the picture and answer the questions below
    1. Write the activity played in the picture
    2. Name items in picture B.


  1. A still life is drawing of arrangement of (moving objects, noon moving objects)
  2. Name the items found in first AID kit
  3. Name the materials used when drawing a still life composition
  4. State whether the part shown by the arrow is light or dark
  5. What is painting? (2mks)


  1. Name two things that we need to achieve good sing
  2. What is diction as used in music
  3. Write the importance of songs during national holiday?
  4. Draw musical instrument
  5. Name three colours on the national, flag



    1. Enlargement of breast
    2. Enlargement of hips
    3. Increase of height & weight
    1. personal hygiene
    2. Hare a signatory cologne
    3. Exfoliated
    1. canvas
    2. leather
    3. rubbers
    1. scissors
    2. tape measure
    1. Wash your hands
    2. Drink more water
    3. Exercise with a friend
    1. warm clothes
    2. heavy clothes
    3. rubbers
    1. meat
    2. maize
    1. reading story book
    2. skipping rope


  1. Draw
  2. Method of gaining maximum
  3. Speed as quickly as possible 
    1. exchange of baton
    2. batons
    3. rubbers


  1. Farming history
    1. needle
    2. soap
    3. glove
    1. pencil
    2. rubber
    3. drawing book
    1. dark
    2. light
  5. Action or skills of using paints


    1. Voice
    2. Volume and style
  2. Pronunciation of your vocal expression
    1. show love to ear country
    2. it entertains us
  4. a
    1. white
    2. red
    3. green
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