Wednesday, 19 April 2023 07:56

English Language Questions and Answers - Grade 6 End Term 1 Exams 2023 Set 3

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Read the dialogue below and answer questions 1 to 5 


Mary : How are you Tony? 
Tony : I am fine. How are you? 
Mary: I am fine too. Good to see you after the long holiday.
Tony : Am happy to see you. How was your holiday? 
Mary: It could not have been better. I went to visit my brother in Kisumu.
Tony : You must have enjoyed the long journey to Kisumu. 
Mary: Yes, it was memorable. We visited many exciting places. Did you spend the holiday here? 
Tony : I was also lucky. I went to visit my cousins who live in Nyeri.
Mary: How far is Nveri from here? 
Tony : It is about two hundred kilometres. It took us about four hours as we used public means of transport. 
Mary: Kisumu is farther than that but it took us less time as my father borrowed our neighbour's car. 
Tony : Did you visit Lake Victoria? 
Mary : Yes, we even had a boat ride. How I wish I could also visit Nyeri and see Mount Kenya. 
Tony : Mt Kenya is a major tourist attraction in that area. Many visitors go there for mountain climbing. 
Mary: Have you ever climbed the mountain? 
Tony : My father says am too young for that. 
Mary: It's a matter of time before you are of age. There goes the bell! See you later. 
Tony : See you. 

  1. It is true to say that Mary and Tony 
    1. are relatives 
    2. are friends 
    3. are classmates 
    4. climbed Mount Kenya 
  2. Wy do you think Mary has not seen mount Kenya? 
    1. Her father refused 
    2. She is too young 
    3. She lives far from Mount Kenya.
    4. She prefers boat riding. 
  3. Mary says "I wish I could also visit Nyeri and see Mount Kenya". We can say "if wishes 
    1. were granted we would climb Mount Kenya 
    2. were horses beggars would ride. 
    3. was money we would be rich.
    4. were wishful thinking. 
  4. How far do you think Kisumu is from the school? 
    1. More than two hundred kilomitres
    2. Less than two hundred kilometres
    3. Two hundred kilometres
    4.  We are not told. 
  5. At what time do you think the two friends were talking? 
    1. After school 
    2. During break time
    3. During class time 
    4. After lunch break

Read the passage below and answer questions 6, 7 and 8. 


The wife of a rich man fell sick. When she felt she was about to die, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said, "Always be a good girl, I will look down from heaven and watch over you." Soon after, she shut her eyes and died in peace. She was buried in the garden. The little girl went every day to her grave and wept, and was always good and kind to all around her. The snow season spread a beautiful 

white covering over the grave, but by the time the sun had melted it away again, her father had married another wife. This new wife had two daughters of her own. They were fair in face but foul at heart, and it was now a sorry time for the poor little girl. They took away her fine clothes, and gave her old ones to put on as they laughed at her. 

  1. How many daughters did the rich man have with the first wife? 
    1. One 
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four 
  2. The two daughters mistreated the first wife's daughter because
    1. blood is thicker than water. 
    2. birds of a feather flock together.
    3. the wearer of the shoe knows where it hurts.
    4. every dog has its own day. 
  3. Who was buried in the garden? 
    1. The first daughter 
    2. The second wife 
    3. The rich man 
    4. The first wife. 

Read the passage below and answer questions 9-12. 


Demonstrations and picketing provide means for those who have strong feelings about particular issues to express those feelings. Such expressions may take the form of motionless protests, public meetings, protest marches, press-conferences, sit-ins and even counter demonstrations.. 

Demonstrators, picketers and petition-presenters must do so peacefully and unarmed. Assemblies, picketing and demonstrations, which are not peaceful, are excluded from the protection of the Article. If they consist of violence to or intimidation of the public then the assembly or the demonstration ought to be stopped. Likewise, participants in assemblies, picketers and demonstrators must not be armed. Weapons as well as defensive or protective gadgets which breed or stimulate aggression ought not to be possessed by the demonstrators or picketers. 

  1. How many forms can a demonstration take? 
    1. Five 
    2. Three 
    3. Four 
    4. Six 
  2. The demonstrations ought to be stopped if_ 
    1. they are peaceful 
    2. demonstrators are unarmed 
    3. demonstrators are violent. 
    4. they are not excluded from the protection 
  3. The word gadgets as used in the passage could. best be replaced by 
    1. demonstrastions 
    2. clothes 
    3. weapons 
    4. devices 
  4. From the passage above we can say demonstrate is to demonstrators as picket is to 
    1. picking 
    2. picketer
    3. picketing 
    4. picket 

Read the passage below and answer questions 13-15. 

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an important agreement by countries that have promised to protect children's rights. 

The Convention on the Rights of the Child explains who a child is. It explains his/her rights and the responsibilities of government. All the rights are connected, they are all equally important and they cannot be taken away from children. Children who move from their home country to another country as refugees should get help and protection and have the same rights as children born in that country. Every child who has been placed somewhere away from home for their care, protection or health should have their situation checked regularly to see if everything is going well and if this is still the best place for the child to be 

  1. The Convention on the Rights of the Child explains all the following except
    1. the rights of children 
    2. the government of the child. 
    3. who a child is 
    4. government's responsibility.
  2. A child may be kept away from home for all the following reasons except
    1. kidnap 
    2. care
    3. health issue 
    4. protection
  3. The best title for the story is
    1. child care
    2. children's rights 
    3. United nation convention
    4. government's responsibilities 

Read the passage below keenly. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. Fill in the spaces using the best alternative from the choices given. 

If you eat sugary foods or drinks throughout the day, you give the ___16___ in your mouth food. Well-fed bacteria make cavities more likely to occur. Hard candies, cough drops, and breath mints that ___17___ sugar are especially harmful because they dissolve slowly in your mouth. It's best not to eat sugary foods between meals. Sugary or starchy foods eaten with a meal are less ___18____ to teeth than when they are eaten alone. This might be because our mouths make more spit during eating, ___19___ washes away the sugar and bacteria. Eating sugary foods before bedtime can be the most damaging thing to do especially if you don't brush your teeth___20___ This is because we don't make as much spit when we sleep.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   virus   germs   bacteria   organism 
 17.  contain   contains   containing   had 
 18.  harm  harmless   harmful   harmfull 
 19.  who  which    that    when 
 20.  later  after    again   afterward 


For questions 21 to 23 indicate the type of the underlined adverb 

  1. The referee ran fast across the field.
    1. Adverb of time 
    2. Adverb of manner 
    3. Adverb of place
    4. Adverb of degree
  2. He was instructed to visit the office regularly
    1. Adverb of time 
    2. Adverb of frequency 
    3. Adverb of place 
    4. Adverb of degree
  3. He recently visited the children's home.
    1. Adverb of degree 
    2. Adverb of manner
    3. Adverb of place
    4. Adverb of time 

For questions 24 to 26 choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence. 

  1. That is ___________________he lost all his money. 
    1. how 
    2. who
    3. whom
    4. while 
  2. He showed us ___________________ he last saw the elephant.
    1. who
    2. how
    3. where 
    4. which
  3. The pupil ____________________saved the driver has been rewarded.
    1. when 
    2. how
    3. who 
    4. which 

For questions 27 and 28, choose the correct word to complete the sentence. 

  1. The police officers arrested _______________________ the seller nor the buyer of the drugs.
    1. nor 
    2. or 
    3. either
    4. neither 
  2. You will either attend the interview ________________________lose the chance to get the job. 
    1. nor 
    2. or
    3. either
    4. neither 

Complete the proverbs below 

  1. A drowning man will _________________________.
    1. scream for help 
    2. clutch at a straw 
    3. learn to swim
    4. die trying. 
  2. A fool and his money __________________________.
    1. is stolen 
    2. are soon parted 
    3. cannot be hidden 
    4. have no value. 


Write an interesting composition about

Assume you lost your bag while travelling by bus. Write a formal letter to the of the Company asking assistance to trace your bag.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. B
  30. B
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