Grade 6 Midterm Exams Term 1 2023 Set 6

Grade 6 Midterm Exams Term 1 2023 Set 6 (5)

This category comprises of Grade 6 Midterm Exams Term 1 2023 Set 6 with Answers.

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PART 1 (Answer all questions in this section)

  1. During a social studies lesson learners wrote the three arms of government in Kenya on a chart. Which one is not?
    1. Parliament.
    2. Executive.
    3. Police station.
    4. Judiciary.
  2. Below are descriptions of a certain lake in Eastern Africa.
    1. It is shared among three countries.
    2. It is the largest in Eastern Africa.
    3. The main activity carried out here is fishing.
      The lake described above is ________________________________.
      1. L. Tanganyika.
      2. L. Nakuru.
      3. L. Tana.
      4. L. Victoria.
  3. Tiffany is from Rwanda; she wants to become a Kenyan citizen. Which one of the following ways will she use?
    1. Registration.
    2. Voting.
    3. Travelling to Kenya.
    4. Schooling in Kenya.
  4. Mountains formed through the process of eruption of magma are called:-
    1. Horst Mountains.
    2. Volcanic Mountains.
    3. Crater Mountains.
    4. Block Mountains.
  5. Grade six learners were asked to state the name of the council of elders of the Ameru.
    Which one is it?
    1. Mugwane.
    2. Kabaka
    3. Njuri Ncheke
    4. Mugwe
  6. Which one of the following are the correct combination of the main latitude and longitude respectively?
    1. Latitude and prime meridian.
    2. Equator and Greenwich Meridian.
    3. Tropic of Capricon and prime meridian.
    4. Equator and tropic of Capricon.
  7. Use the diagram below to answer questions 7 and 8. 
    What is the part marked A? 
    1. magma. 
    2. Dyke.
    3. Crater.
    4. Lava.
  8. Which of the following mountains were formed through the above process?
    1. Mau ranges and Ruwenzori Mountains.
    2. Mount Kenya and Mount Kilimanjaro.
    3. Danakil Alps and Pare.
    4. Mount Meru and Aberdare Ranges.
  9. Three of the following are vegetation zones in Eastern Africa, except one. Which one is it?
    1. Desert vegetation.
    2. Mangrove forest.
    3. Savannah vegetation.
    4. Mediterranean vegetation.
  10. Below are communities found in Kenya. Which communities belong to the Plain Nilotes?
    1. Agikuyu, Luo, Maasai.
    2. Tugen, Luhya,Kisii.
    3. Maasai, Iteso, Samburu.
    4. Oromo, Borana, Pokomo.
  11. Countries that have no coastal line are called __________________________________countries.
    1. landlocked
    2. island
    3. deserts
    4. coastal lands
  12. Which one of the following is a river that does not drain its water in Lake Victoria?
    1. R. Nyando.
    2. R. Yala.
    3. R. Katonga.
    4. R. Omo.
  13. Which lakes are formed when water is collected on top of the depression of a volcanic mountain?
    1. Tarn.
    2. Lava-dammed.
    3. Corrie.
    4. Crater.
  14. The lakes found on the floor of the rift valley were formed through the process of:- 
    1. Volcanicity.
    2. Down-warping.
    3. Erosion.
    4. Faulting.
  15. The block or horst mountains in East Africa were formed through the process of:-
    1. Faulting and sinking.
    2. Erosion.
    3. Faulting and uplifting.
    4. Volcanicity.
  16. Valeria, a grade six pupil in Ushindi academy was asked to write down factors to consider when appraising a song. Which one of the following is not a factor that she mentioned?
    1. Clarity of words
    2. Voice blend
    3. Appropriate gestures
    4. The language used to sing the song.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 17 and 18.  


  1. The role of the part marked T is to :-
    1. decorate the drum
    2. produce sound
    3. make the drum tight
    4. tune the drum
  2. John was asked to name the material likely to be used to make part X. Which of the following is the right answer?
    1. Nylon string
    2. Leather strip 
    3. Wire
    4. Rope
  3. Grade six learners came across the note symbol below during their music lesson.
    Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the note symbol?
    1. It is called a crotchet
    2. Its note value is one count.
    3. It is made of two quavers.
    4. Its note value is two counts
  4. Four learners from Kalimoni academy wanted to perform a folk dance. They shared out roles as follows:
    Chebet: Soloist
    Grace: singer
    Lavender: instrumentalist
    Warren: Dancer
    Who among the following learners will lead during the performance?
    1. Chebet
    2. Grace
    3. Lavender
    4. Warren
  5. Mr. Warui told his learners to ensure that they pronounce words clearly when singing. Clarity in pronunciation of words is called?
    1. Diction.
    2. Dictation
    3. Voice blend
    4. Tempo
  6. Grade 6 learners were asked to write down the roles of different types of folk songs. They wrote the following roles of a certain folk song.
    1. Praise and give thanks to God our creator
    2. pray for God's care and protection
    3. Appeal for God's blessings
      Which one of the following types of folk songs did they write about?
      1. Naming song
      2. Sacred song
      3. Marriage song
      4. Work song
  7. The picture below shows a popular musical instrument known as wandindi.
    The instrument is from which community?
    1. Luo
    2. Kikuyu
    3. Luhya
    4. Kalenjin
  8. The table below shows musical instruments from different communities. Which community is correctly matched with its instrument?
       Community   Instrument  
     A.   Luo  Abu 
     B.  Luhya  Obokano
     C.  Kikuyu  Nzumari 
     D.  Kalenjin  Wandindi 
  9. Grade six learners visited Bomas of Kenya to watch a live performance. Towards the end of the performance there was a section of the song characterized by louder singing, louder playing of instruments and more vigorous singing and dancing. This section. is known as:-
    1. climax
    2. structure
    3. mood
    4. action section
  10. Mutiso drew the art work below. What principle of art is displayed by the art work?
    1. Texture
    2. Proportionality
    3. Rhythm and movement
    4. Forms
  11. Grade 5 pupils were making wax crayons. Why did they melt the wax under controlled temperature?
    1. To melt it slowly
    2. To prevent accidents since wax is flammable
    3. To ensure they attain a proper colour
    4. To ensure the wax doesn't evaporate.
  12. Grace a grade 5 pupil at Aim school was preparing materials for weaving. Which of the following methods would she use to prepare sisal?
    1. Cutting
    2. Stripping
    3. Splitting
    4. Scraping
  13. After learning about leather work, Meryl decided to make a pencil case using the following steps.
    1. Measure, mark and make holes along the edges of the cut out design.
    2. Measure, mark and draw the plan of the design on the piece of leather.
    3. Cut thongs for lacing the pieces of leather. iv. Fold the cut-out shape to form the pencil case.
    4. Lace the leather in place according to the design.
      Which of the following combination show the correct procedure for making a pencil case?
      1. i, iv, v, iii, ii
      2. ii, iii, v, iv, i
      3. ii, iv, i, iii, v
      4. i, iii, iv, ii, v
  14. Silvia a grade 6 pupil was making coil pots over the holiday for sell. The following are methods she would have used to decorate the pottery items except:-
    1. stamping
    2. embedded
    3. scratching
    4. polishing
  15. Rashid displayed the paper cut out shown below. Which method of letter construction was used to come up with the letter?
    1. Block Uppercase lettering
    2. 2 D lower case lettering
    3. 3 D upper case lettering
    4. Lower case lettering
  16. During a group discussion grade 6 learners listed the following as ways of creating balance in art work. Which one of the responses is incorrect?
    1. Placing objects at the center of the drawing space.
    2. Arranging forms in a way that the left and the right side of the composition are unequal.
    3. Overlapping forms with correct Proportionality.
    4. Arranging forms in a circular manner.
  17. Anna listed items required for a painting activity in art and craft lesson. Which of the items is not required in painting?
    1. Paper
    2. Canvas
    3. Paint brush
    4. Cloth
  18. Grade 5 learners drew the diagram shown below. Which colour is likely to be represented by letter B?
    1. Blue
    2. Green
    3. Yellow-Green
    4. Red-Orange
  19. Grade 5 learners listed examples of mounting surfaces. Which one of the following is an example of unconventional mounting surfaces?
    1. Manilla
    2. Cartridge
    3. Glass
    4. Sugar paper

PART 2: Answer one area that you well prepared in CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

  1. The students of grade six were discussing about unique skills and talents given to us by God. Which of the following is a talent?
    1. Singing
    2. Sleeping.
    3. Eating
    4. Walking.
  2. We learned from the bible that various people were given talents to serve God. Who according to exodus 31:3 was given special ability to work with every kind of artistic work?
    1. Joshua
    2. Bezalel
    3. Mirriam
    4. Moses 
  3. Music is one of the ways through which we can nurture our talents. Which of the following is a talent related to music?
    1. Playing the piano.
    2. Drawing.
    3. Playing football.
    4. Painting.
  4. The following statements show ways in which we can nurture our talents at school. Which one is not?
    1. Singing during the assembly.
    2. Teaching other students how to play musical instruments.
    3. Teaching others how to draw pictures.
    4. Showing others how to break locks.
  5. God is always happy when we use our talents and abilities; he gave us to:-
    1. serve ourselves.
    2. brag to everyone.
    3. serve God. 
    4. serve our friends.
  6. Which one of the following describes a civil marriage?
    1. Conducted in a place of worship by a pastor or priest.
    2. Conducted in the office of the registrar of marriages by government official.
    3. Conducted according to customs of traditional African community.
    4. Conducted in the streets by a DJ.
  7. In marriage, dowry is paid by the bride groom to:-
    1. show appreciation to bride's family.
    2. show the bride's family that he is rich
    3. buy the bride from her family.
    4. bribe the bride's family into accepting him.
  8. You came across a poster discouraging early marriage. What is the reason for discouraging early marriage?
    1. Because it leads to abuse of a child's right to education.
    2. Because it takes away labor from one's family.
    3. Because it is not appealing.
    4. Because it increases burden to families.
  9. Early marriage is a statement used to refer to a situation when a girl is involved in marriage while she is below ______________________________ years of age.
    1. 30
    2. 10
    3. 18
    4. 16 
  10. The following statements show the inappropriate ways of spending our leisure time. Which one is not?
    1. Engaging in drug abuse like smoking and drinking alcohol.
    2. Engaging in irresponsible boy-girl relationship which may lead to early pregnancy.
    3. Idleness which can lead to bad activities like stealing
    4. Playing football with friends. 
  11. Which of the following statements best describe active leisure? 
    1. Riding a bicycle,
    2. Listening to music.
    3. Watching videos.
    4. Meditating.
  12. You have learned that leisure is important because:-
    1. it enables us to develop our skills and talents.
    2. it enables us to compensate for waking
    3. it enables us to cook a lot of food.
    4. it enables us to go drink alcohol with friends
  13. According to genesis 2:1-3, God rested on the ____________________________day.
    1. Seventh
    2. First
    3. Third
    4. Second
  14. Elizabeth wants to use her leisure time properly after studying. Which value will help her use her leisure time properly?"
    1. Responsibility.
    2. Strength.
    3. Joy
    4. Happiness.
  15. According to teachings from Genesis 2:1-3 God rested to show us the importance of:-
    1. leisure time.
    2. creating Adam and Eve
    3. finishing his creation within a short time.
    4. creating heaven and earth 


  1. The following are verses from suratul Takathur except:-
    1. until you visit grave
    2. no! You are going to know
    3. the fire of Allah kindled
    4. you will surely see the hell fire
  2. The word aura means:-
    1. beautiful
    2. nakedness
    3. smartness
    4. ugliness
  3. The following are examples of charity. Which one is not
    1. Planting trees
    2. Cleaning school compound
    3. Greeting your classmates
    4. Sleeping during lessons
  4. Which one is not the pillars of Iman?
    1. Believing in His Angels
    2. Believing in the last day
    3. Believing in Qadar
    4. Believing in zakat and saum
  5. People who have taqwa is...
    1. Muumin
    2. Muhajjirun
    3. Muttaqin
    4. Musalin
  6. Reliance on Allah (SWT) is...?
    1. Taqwa.
    2. Tawakul
    3. Mutawakul
    4. God fearing
  7. Asking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) is known as:-
    1. Mujahid 
    2. Alghafar
    3. Towba
    4. Adala
  8. Muslims run between Swafa and Marwa to remember.... 
    1. Musa.
    2. Ismail.
    3. Hajar.
    4. Sara
  9. Which prophet of Allah were his people punished by flood?
    1. Nuh.
    2. Isa.
    3. Zakaria.
    4. Daud
  10. Which one of the followings fardh prayer doesn't have Baadiyah prayer?
    1. Fajar
    2. Dhuhur
    3. Maghrib
    4. Isha
  11. The Sunnah prayer perform after Isha during Ramadhan is:-
    1. Witri
    2. Taraweeh
    3. Tahajud
    4. Salatul leyli
  12. Complete the following hadith of the prophet "I have been sent for the purpose of perfecting:-
    1. bad morals
    2. killing non- Muslims
    3. good morals
    4. knowledge
  13. Before eating Muslims should say:-
    1. Bismilllah.
    2. Alhamdullilah
    3. Allahu Akbar
    4. Oh Jesus
  14. Attribute of Allah (SWT) "Al- Malik" means?
    1. Provider.
    2. King.
    3. Knowing.
    4. Judge
  15. The angel that records good deeds is?
    1. Atid.
    2. Mikail.
    3. Ridhwan.
    4. Raqib



  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. D
  13. D
  14. C
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. B
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B
  31. C
  32. C
  33. D
  34. A
  35. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. A


  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B


  1. Grade six learners collected the following samples of plants during a nature walk. Which one was a non-flowering plant?
    1. Pigweed
    2. Aloe Vera
    3. Blackjack
    4. Mushroom
  2. The diagram below shows different parts of a plant.
    In which of the following labelled parts makes plant's food?
    1. M
    2. O
    3. N
    4. P
  3. The following is a picture of a certain plant in our locality. What is the name of the plant?
    1. Bean plant
    2. Maize plant
    3. Mango plant
    4. Millet plant
  4. When handling harmful plants, learners were requested to observe the following safety precautions. Which one is not correct?
    1. Wash your hands after handling plants 
    2. Wear dust mask
    3. Taste some of the wild fruits
    4. Use safety gloves
  5. Grade six learners uprooted a young plant. They dipped the uprooted plant in a glass of water. They added some drops of oil to the water inside the glass. The plant:-
    1. dropped all the leaves
    2. absorbed oil
    3. turned more green
    4. dried up
  6. The following are some of the plants that shows examples of plants with fibrous roots and those with tap roots. Which one of them contains fibrous roots?
    1. Maize plant, pea's plant
    2. Rice plant, millet plant
    3. Wheat plant, mango plant
    4. Millet plant, sunflower plant
  7. Animals are classified in two main groups, that is, vertebrates and invertebrates. Which one of the following is not an invertebrates? 
    1. Insects
    2. Worms
    3. Myria pods
    4. Lizard
  8. The following are the major classification of insects, which is not correct?
    1. They have a pair of antennae
    2. They have compound eyes
    3. They have two body sections
    4. They have six legs
  9. Grade six learners of Mwihaka Primary School designed placards to sensitize people
    on ways of conserving water. Using water to water vegetables after washing tomatoes in the kitchen is an example of:-
    1. recycling
    2. treating water
    3. reusing
    4. reducing
  10. What will happen to a hot nail when placed in cold water?
    1. Float
    2. Expand
    3. Contract
    4. Bend 
  11. The following pictures shows electricity wires running beside a road. 
    Describe what happens to the electro power line during hot weather. The wires:-
    1. contract
    2. rust
    3. expand
    4. float
  12. The diagram below shows the parts of human heart. 
    Look at the picture and answer the questions that follow.
    Which part of the human heart is represented with letter V?
    1. Aorta
    2. Left auricle
    3. Vena cava
    4. Left ventricle
  13. The following are the safety precautions to be observed when handling computing 
    device except:-
    1. not overloading sockets
    2. switching off when not in use
    3. handling with dry hands
    4. wiping with wet cloths
  14. Spreadsheet is an application that allow data to be arranged in rows and columns of a grid. to be used in calculations and analysis of numeral data. The following are digital devices that a spreadsheet application can be found on, except:-
    1. tablets
    2. desktops
    3. laptops
    4. televisions 
  15. Kioko, a grade six learner wanted to send some messages to his classmates about some learning resources he had downloaded from his mother's phone. Which one of the following apps would Kioko use to locate the message app?
  16. Maina observed that at the side of the road there were several shallow channels parallel to the road. What do you think caused this?
    1. Cattle as they crossed the road.
    2. Soil erosion.
    3. Earthquake
    4. People digging.
  17. Clara's farm has experienced gulley erosion for some time. Which of the following will be the best control?
    1. Constructing gabions
    2. Contour ploughing
    3. Terracing
    4. Mulching.
  18. Jay came across one of the methods of controlling soil erosion as shown in the picture below. What is it called? 
    1. Terracing
    2. Contour ploughing
    3. strip cropping
    4. Mulching
  19. One of the ways of conserving soil moisture is by making sunken seedbeds. What is a sunken bed?
    1. Depressions in which you grow plants.
    2. Small hills for growing plants
    3. Large trenches for growing plants.
    4. Small trenches for growing plants.
  20. Your parents have been complaining about the crops being destroyed by wild animals. Name one deterrent you can recommend:-
    1. fencing with wire mesh
    2. shooting with a gun.
    3. staying at the farm to chase them.
    4. using poison
  21. Using deterrents to keep crops from being destroyed by wild animals is important because?
    1. It helps to protect diversity of wildlife.
    2. It helps you to look rich.
    3. It keeps animals from eating children.
    4. It makes the farm beautiful.
  22. Watermelon is which type of a crop?
    1. Standing
    2. Creeping
    3. Crawling.
    4. Climbing
  23. The process by which plants are transferred from the nursery to the planting is site called:-
    1. transplanting
    2. sowing
    3. weeding
    4. watering
  24. Weeding is important in caring for young creeping crops. Why?
    1. It helps reduce competition for nutrients.
    2. It helps for the area to look good.
    3. It helps to keep the farmer busy.
    4. It helps to increase work.
  25. Name the type of start technique in a race shown below.
    1. Head start
    2. Crouch start
    3. Frog jump
    4. Bullet start
  26. Which cards are used in managing cer games?
    1. Blue cards
    2. Yellow cards.
    3. Square cards
    4. Pinpoint cards
  27. What is tagging in rugby?
    1. pulling tags or stripes from the striker carrying the ball to restrict their attack to the try line.
    2. Passing the ball to the teammate
    3. Opposing the scoring
    4. Throwing the ball that was offside
  28. Why is pivoting important in frisbee game?
    1. Striking the opponent.
    2. It helps a thrower to evade the opponent.
    3. Elevating teammate.
    4. Helps in scoring.
  29. Which technique is not used in swimming?
    1. Breaststroke
    2. Headstand
    3. Backstroke
    4. Sidestroke
  30. Kijana drew a field below. What is its name?
    1. Soccer field
    2. Track field
    3. Discuss field
    4. Volleyball pitch
  31. The following are steps involved in doing a bunch start. Which one is the correct order?
    1. Placing both feet behind the starting line. Arms straight shoulder-width apart with fingers spread behind the line and a thumb turned away.
    2. Keep the head in the line with the body, eyes focused ahead down on the lane.
    3. Placing the legs such that the toes of the rear foot are approximately in line with the heel of the front foot.
    4. On the set command, go in ready position with the whole mbody and raise the hips just above the shoulders
      1. iii, i, ii, iv
      2. ii, i, iv, iii
      3. i, ii, iii, iv
      4. iii, ii, iv, i
  32. How should one approach during drop finishing technique?
    1. With the neck bend
    2. Full speed
    3. Chest at back
    4. Legs apart
  33. Name the type of balance shown below.
    1. Hand balance
    2. Headstand balance
    3. V-balance
    4. Forward roll
  34. Which one of the following is not a symptom of strain?
    1. Pain
    2. Muscles cramping
    3. Muscles weakness
    4. Ease to move
  35. Which one of the following is not a factor to be considered when choosing a suitable place for outdoor activities?
    1. Weather
    2. Accessibility with varied needs
    3. Mode of transport
    4. Must be luxurious place
  36. Which one of the following is not drill used in physical and health education?
    1. Hand drill
    2. Box drill
    3. Single leg box drill
    4. Reaction drill
  37. One of the following is an equipment used in softball. Which one is it?
    1. Javelin
    2. Shot put
    3. Catcher's mitts
    4. Pitcher
  38. How many players per team are required to play Tug Rugby? 
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eleven
    4. Fourteen
  39. Which one is not a way of resolving conflicts in games and sports?
    1. Discussing as a group.
    2. Listening to each other.
    3. Being fare to each other.
    4. Retaliation
  40. One of the following is an emotional change that occurs in a pre-adolescent. Which one is it
    1. Increase in weight and height
    2. Broadening of hips
    3. Growth of hair under the arms and around the pubic area
    4. Experiencing mood swings
  41. The learners below were asked to state aspects of grooming. Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Juma-taking bath daily
    2. Anita-keeping unkempt hair
    3. Paul-Shaving hair under the armpits
    4. Halima- proper dressing
  42. Diseases such as ringworms and scabies mainly affect the:- 
    1. legs
    2. eyes
    3. skin
    4. head
  43. Learners were asked to identify surfaces found at home. Which one of the following is not?
    1. Plastic 
    2. Wooden
    3. Glass
    4. Cemented
  44. What's the name of the cleaniong tool below?
    1. Dustpan
    2. Broom
    3. Long-handle mop
    4. Dust bin
  45. Mbira was not feeling well and had the following signs and symptoms
    1. Fever
    2. Running nose
    3. Dry cough.
      Which one of the following common diseases was he likely to be suffering from? 
      1. Malaria
      2. Coughs
      3. Common cold
      4. Tuberculosis
  46. Which one of the following is a fuel used at home?
    1. Water
    2. Electricity
    3. Torch
    4. Light
  47. Which one of the following is not a reason as to why we should prepare a shopping list? A
    1. To save time
    2. To buy appropriate items
    3. To save money
    4. To forget what we want to buy.
  48. During lunch, Wamuyu decided to have vegetables and some oranges. The food she took is rich in?
    1. Proteins
    2. Energy
    3. Vitamins
    4. Fats
  49. Hassan was asked to state the use of salt when laundering loose-coloured fabrics. Which one is it? 
    1. Prevents the fabric from fading.
    2. Bleach the fabric.
    3. Make the fabric strong.
    4. Brighten the fabric.
  50. Name the type of stitch shown in the diagram below. 
    1. Stem stitch
    2. Hemming stitch
    3. Chain stitch
    4. Loop stitch


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. A
  18. A
  19. A
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. A
  24. A
  25. B
  26. B
  27. A
  28. B
  29. B
  30. B
  31. A
  32. B
  33. B
  34. D
  35. D
  36. C
  37. C
  38. B
  39. D
  40. D
  41. B
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. C
  49. A
  50. C

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali yafuatayo. 

Akilibora Ujingakutu ni mwenye heshima na busara. Alijitahidi asikasirike ovyoovyo hadharani. Kukasirika ovyo kunamfanya mtu aonekane baradhuli. Mtu huyu hakukasirika hata kama ungemwudhi kiasi gani. Labda alizificha hamaki zake kwa sababu mwungwana hakasiriki usoni, hukasirika moyoni.

Alipoitwa shuleni Hekimautu kuongea na wanafunzi, hakutarajia kuzungumza kwa muda mrefu. Alikuwa na maneno machache tu ya kuwaeleza wanafunzi wote ukumbini. Alinena kuhusu umuhimu wa kurauka na kuenda shuleni kusoma. Pia alieleza kuwa darasani ni mahali pa kukipa kichwa nafasi, wakati na uwezo wa kuchora mambo na kuyaweka kichwani ili yatumike katika maisha ya baadaye.


  1. Akilibora Ujingakutu alikuwa ________________________________
    1. mwungwana
    2. mjinga
    3. mwalimu
    4. mkali
  2. Kisawe cha heshima ni ________________________________
    1. hekima
    2. taadhima
    3. huruma
    4. akili
  3. Akilibora alialikwa kumaanisha alipatiwa:-
    1. mwaliko
    2. wito
    3. mwali
    4. uwakilishi
  4. Sifa za mwungwana ni __________________________________
    1. kuhamaki
    2. kuficha hasira.
    3. kununa 
    4. kufunza
  5. Bwana Ujingakutu hakuwafunza wanafunzi kuhusu:-
    1. wakati wa kuenda shuleni kusoma.
    2. umuhimu wa kufika shuleni mapema.
    3. umuhimu wa darasa.
    4. manufaa ya kuenda shuleni.

Jibu maswali kulingana na kisa hiki.

Siku moja ndovu alikuwa akipita kwenye msafara wa siafu. Aliwakanyaga bila kujali kuwa siafu waliumia. Siafu walijaribu sana kumwuma ndovu kwa nguvu zao zote lakini ndovu hakuhisi uchungu. Alizidi kuwakanyaga siafu. Siafu walizidi kuumia na kulalamika ila hakuna aliyewasaidia. Siafu mmoja aliamua kutambaa polepole hadi kwenye mwiro wa ndovu. Aliingia ndani na kutulia tuli! Ndovu hakujua chochote. Mara alianza kumwuma ndani kwa ndani kwenye mwiro wake.Ndovu alihisi uchungu mwingi. Aliendelea
kumwuma kwa muda mrefu. Ndovu alijaribu kupiga chafya lakini siafu yule hakutoka. Ndovu akaenda penye mti mkubwa. Akaanza kuuchapa mwiro kwenye mti hadi ukatoka damu. Siafu hakutoka. Aliendelea kujiumiza kwenye mti ule hadi akafa. Hatimaye siafu alienda zake.


  1. Ndovu alipokuwa akipita alikanyaga __________________________
    1. msafara
    2. siafu
    3. nyasi
    4. mwiro
  2. Msafara wa siafu ni siafu _________________________
    1. wakali
    2. wadogo
    3. wanyonge
    4. wengi
  3. Siafu walipokanyagwa ___________________________
    1. walilia
    2. waliumia 
    3. waliamka
    4. walikimbia
  4. Siafu aliyemwuma ndovu aliingia wapi? Kwenye:-
    1. pembe
    2. mkonga
    3. jicho
    4. mdomo 
  5. Ndovu alijaribu kumtoa siafu kwa kuupiga mwiro mtini na _____________________
    1. kupiga mayowe
    2. kulia
    3. kuenda miayo
    4. kupiga chafya.

Soma kifungu kisha ujibu maswali barabara.

Jina la mjomba wangu ni Simu Sumu. Ana simu nzuri sana. Anakipenda kifaa hiki sana na mara nyingi hukisifia kuwa kimeifanya dunia kuwa kimoja au vitu viwili vilivyounganishwa kwa sauti moja. Lakini kwa upande mmoja,mjomba anachukia zaidi jinsi watu wanavyotumia simu kuwadanganya wengine. Watu hudanganya kuwa hawapo karibu kumbe wapo! Wabaya zaidi ni matapeli wanaowaibia wengine kupitia rununu.

Mjomba alitumiwa pesa hewa shilingi elfu kumi. Ndani ya simu yake alikuwa na pesa zake zaidi ya shilingi elfu kumi. Tapeli akamwandikia arafa kuwa amemtumia shilingi elfu kumi. Kabla ya mjomba kutulia akili, alipigiwa simu kuwa pesa hizo alitumiwa kwa bahati mbaya. Akaombwa azirudishe pesa zile kwa mtumaji. Mjomba kwa huruma, akatuma pesa alizoulizwa. Alipoangalia salio la akiba yake, alipata kuwa imepungua. Akagundua kuwa alimtumia tapeli pesa zake. Kuanzia siku hiyo, mjomba anazichukia simu zote za matapeli. Hizo ndizo anazoita simu sumu!


  1. Mjomba wangu ana simu __________________________
    1. kubwa
    2. sumu
    3. nzuri
    4. ghali
  2. Mjomba anachukia zaidi watu gani?
    1. Matapeli wa kutumia simu.
    2. Wateja wasiopatikana.
    3. Wadanganyifu kwa simu.
    4. Wanaoandika arafa.
  3. Pesa hewa ni pesa zipi?
    1. Za kuiba
    2. Nyingi
    3. Bandia
    4. Ambazo hazipo.
  4. Mjomba anaziona simu za udanganyifu kama _____________________________
    1. simu
    2. wazimu
    3. sumu
    4. sima
  5. Maandishi yanayotumwa kwenye simu ni ________________________________
    1. arifa
    2. arifu
    3. taarifa
    4. arafa

Jaza mapengo kwa majibu mwafaka. 

Taa ___16___ umeme ___17___ mwangaza ___18___kutosha. Giza ___19___ usiku hutoweka mpaka usiku ___20___ kama mchana.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   ya   la   wa   cha 
 17.  una   ina   zina    yana
 18.  za  la   wa   ya 
 19.  ya  za  la  cha
 20.   ikiwa    yakawa   ukawa   zikawa 

Kamilisha kwa kufuata maagizo. 

  1. Mfupa unaoshikilia meno kinywani unaitwa ___________________________-
    1. ufizi
    2. ulimi
    3. utaya
    4. midomo.
  2. Jozi ipi isiyo na maneno yenye sauti tata?
    1. kacha- kasha
    2. ponda - poda
    3. chuma - chama
    4. piga - pinga
  3. Maneno haya yatafuatana vipi katika kamusi?
    1. chunga
    2. chupa
    3. chanda
    4. changa
      1. iii, iv, ii, i
      2. i, iv, iii, ii
      3. iii, i, iv, ii 
      4. iii, iv, i, ii
  4. Mtoto yule mzembe haandiki vizuri. Kivumishi kionyeshi ni kipi?
    1. mtoto
    2. mzembe
    3. yule
    4. vizuri 
  5. Kamilisha: Mfupa ______________________________
    1. mkubwa
    2. kubwa 
    3. mikubwa
    4. makubwa.
  6. Sentensi ipi iliyo na kiashiria cha mbali kidogo?
    1. Mzee yule amelala.
    2. Mti huo utakatwa.
    3. Kalamu hizi haziandiki.
    4. Ndoo zao zinavuja. 
  7. Neno hoki ni aina gani ya neno?
    1. Kitenzi
    2. Nomino
    3. Tahajia
    4. Ngeli.
  8. Sentensi: Maji mengi yamemwagika chini ina kivumishi kipi cha idadi?
    1. jumla
    2. kamili
    3. wingi
    4. katika orodha. 
  9. Mchezo wa kuvutana kamba huitwa:-
    1. sataranji
    2. raga
    3. jugwe
    4. mwereka.
  10. Endeleza:
    Ulinunua vitabu _______________________________________?
    1. ngapi 
    2. vigani
    3. zipi
    4. vingapi


Andika insha ya wasifu kuhusu 'MWILI WANGU'


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. C
  20. C
  21. C
  22. C
  23. D
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow.

There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!" The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces. "Don't cry 'wolf, shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill.

Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away. When the villagers saw no wolf, they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is no wolf!" But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.

Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!" But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come. At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping.

"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?" An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village. "We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth". The boy promised that he would never again cry wolf when there was none.


  1. Why did the shepherd boy shout wolf when there was no wolf?
    1. He was bored.
    2. He wanted to go home.
    3. He wanted food.
    4. He thought he saw a wolf.
  2. What did the boy do when the villagers came and found there was no wolf?
    1. He cried.
    2. He laughed.
    3. He ran.
    4. He slept.
  3. Why do you think the villagers failed to come when the boy cried wolf for the third time?
    1. They wanted the boy to be eaten by the wolf.
    2. They were busy with other tasks.
    3. They thought he was fooling them.
    4. They were not near the village.
  4. What advice did the old man give to the boy?
    1. Nobody believes a liar even when he is telling the truth.
    2. To keep fooling the villagers.
    3. To kill the wolf when he sees it next time.
    4. People like one who makes fun of them.
  5. What lesson do you learn from the story?
    1. Don't make fun about serious issues.
    2. Always make fun of people.
    3. Never say anything when you see something bad.
    4. Always cry wolf when there's no wolf. 

Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow.

Mathew:  Hey John, how are you doing?
John:       I am good, I'm really excited for the holiday
Mathew: Oh yeah! What are you planning to do over the holiday?
John:       My uncle who lives in Mombasa invited me to visit them. Why don't you come with me, I'm                     sure my uncle won't mind?
Mathew:  Thank you for the invitation but I have to decline.
John:        Why?
Mathew:  I really wish I could but my mother is travelling and I will have to take care of my siblings.
John:       But what about your father?
Mathew:  He goes to work early and comes back home late, and you know my sisters cannot be left on their own.
John:       Oh yeah! They are still too young.
Mathew:  Exactly. It was kind of you to invite me and I appreciate it.
John:       It's okay, maybe the next holiday. 
Mathew: I would be delighted to come. I hope you will have lots of fun over there.
John:       I sure will.
Mathew:  Well, say hi to your uncle and aunt for me.
John:        I will, and please greet your sisters too. See you next term.
Mathew:  Bye John.


  1. Why is John excited for the holiday?
    1. Because he will not study anymore.
    2. Because he is visiting his uncle in Mombasa.
    3. Because he will watch a lot of movies.
    4. Because he will meet his friends.
  2. What reason does Mathew give for declining the invitation?
    1. He doesn't like Mombasa.
    2. He is too young to be away from home.
    3. His mother is travelling and he has to care for his siblings.
    4. His father is sick.
  3. Which conversation skill was displayed by the two friends?
    1. Turn taking.
    2. Bragging.
    3. Shouting at each other.
    4. Answering questions.
  4. Why does Mathew's father not take care of his sisters?
    1. Because he hates them.
    2. Because he goes to work early and comes back late.
    3. Because he doesn't know how to take care of children.
    4. Because he is sick.
  5. Why do you think Mathew's sisters cannot be left on their own?
    1. Because they are too young.
    2. Because they are naughty.
    3. Because they are not feeling well.
    4. Because they don't know how to cook.

Read the passage below and answer the following questions.   

The Importance of Sport for the children's health is that sport helps children to develop both physically and mentally. Physical activity should be part of our daily life. Practicing any kind of sport from an early age helps children in many ways, for example, group activities improve interaction and social integration. It also improves the mental level and promotes a healthy lifestyle in adulthood, as the habits we acquire as children are often to stay. Sports have multiple healthy benefits. If we talk on a psychological or personality level, sports activities (especially those done in groups) help children to strengthen their social self-esteem, and allow them to understand the importance of having and respecting the rules.

Another aspect to consider is what type of sport or activity will suit best the child considering his/her conditions and abilities. A more timid and shy child is likely to get better at a sport where she/he has to relate to peers. To a more active one, an individual sport such as tennis can help better develop her/his ability to concentrate.

One of the perhaps most relevant issues is the importance of physical exercise, not only in children but also in young and old people, because moderate daily physical exercise helps prevent overweight and obesity.

Taking into account the growth of the percentage of children and young people with obesity and overweight in the current world, the inclusion of sport in the family routine becomes almost mandatory.

Sport can also have the power to help us rest. For all those fathers and mothers of active children, try to get them to run every day playing soccer, or swimming or any other activity that keeps them physically active. They will fall asleep in bed in a matter of seconds and you, dads and moms, too.


  1. According to the passage, what is the importance of sports to children?
    1. It keeps them busy.
    2. It makes them tired.
    3. It helps them develop both physically and mentally.
    4. It helps them become famous..
  2. Why is it mandatory to include sports in the family routine?
    1. Because of the increase in number of young people with obesity.
    2. Because it helps family's bond.
    3. Because it helps children fall asleep fast.
    4. Because there are few people who do sports.
  3. In which kind of sport is a shy child likely to get better?
    1. One which requires silence.
    2. One which requires he/she to relate to peers.
    3. One which requires a lot of concentration.
    4. One which requires only two players. 
  4. Which health benefits of sports are mentioned in the passage?
    1. Prevents one from becoming mad.
    2. Prevents malaria.
    3. Helps one get well after being sick.
    4. Prevents obesity and overweight. 

Read the passage below and fill in the blank spaces.   

Children should always be ___15___. The use of ___16___ words help us live ___17___. If you would like to use your desk mate's rubber, you should say" ___18___me, Fred, may I use ___19___ rubber?"

   A   B   C   D 
 15.   courteous   courtesy   catesy   cautious 
 16.  impolitte  good   kind   impolite
 17.  happiest  happy   happily   happier 
 18.  Excuse  may I   Please   hello 
 19.  yours  our   your   my 

Fill the blank spaces using the correct word.   

  1. Sheila __________________________ goes to school early.
    1. always
    2. never
    3. does
    4. extremely
  2. Valerie _________________________ asked hermother for permission to go to the party.
    1. rudely
    2. excitedly
    3. politely
    4. hurriedly 

Fill the blanks with the correct word from the ones given

  1. Nina loves engaging in sports __________________________ it is healthy.
    1. since
    2. about
    3. because
    4. unless
  2. The people who steal __________________________ lie.
    1. also
    2. yet
    3. and
    4. plus
  3. It had started raining _____________________________ the children continued playing.
    1. but
    2. or
    3. while
    4. yet

Fill the blank spaces with the appropriate word.

  1. People ______________________________take a bath everyday.
    1. shall
    2. should
    3. must
    4. most
  2. We ________________________________ drink eight glasses of water daily.
    1. should
    2. may
    3. might
    4. will

Place the adjectives in brackets in their correct order

  1. Jane bought a _________________________ dress.
    (red, cotton, beautiful)
    1. red, cotton, beautifu
    2. cotton, red, beautiful
    3. beautiful, cotton, red
    4. beautiful, red, cotton
  2. Their mother served food on a _________________________ tray. (Silver, round, large)
    1. round, silver, large
    2. silver, large, round
    3. large, round, silver
    4. round, large, silver

Fill the blanks with the correct word.

  1. I ____________________________ send you the report tomorrow.
    1. will
    2. would
    3. should.
    4. must
  2. We _____________________________talk about it next week.
    1. would
    2. must
    3. shall
    4. should


Write a letter to you uncle thanking him for the presents he sent you for your birthday.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. D
  17. C
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. C
  29. A
  30. C


Answer all the following questions.

  1. A cement factory packed 23.456,021 bags of cement in a month. How many cements did the factory pack in words?
    1. Twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand and twenty-one
    2. Twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand
    3. Twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six
    4. Twenty-three four fifty-six and twenty-one
  2. During a national prayer, the total population of attendees was 704,831. What is the total value of digit 0?
    1. 00
    2. 0
    3. 04.831
    4. 00,000
  3. Mutua planted a number of seedlings in twelve rows, if each row had thirteen seedlings. How many seeds did he plant altogether?
    1. 25
    2. 165
    3. 156
    4. 146 
  4. Mr. Jojo a mathematics teacher equally shared 95 sweets amongst his thirteen grade 6 pupils. How many sweets was he left with?
    1. 7
    2. 6
    3. 4
    4. 8
  5. Kamau an athlete ran thrice round the field shown below: What total distance did he cover?
    1. 55m
    2. 110m
    3. 165m 
    4. 330m
  6. Catherine a tailor bought four rolls of fabric. If from each roll of fabric, she made fourteen dresses. How many dresses did she make from the four rolls of fabric?
    1. 40
    2. 18
    3. 16
    4. 56
  7. Peter a carpenter had a piece of timber of length 196cm. He later cut it into small equal parts of 14cm in length. How many small pieces did he get?
    1. 210
    2. 172
    3. 14
    4. 320

Use the diagram below to answer questions 8 and 9.


  1. Kamau walked from point Y to point k through point R. What total distance did he cover in kilometres and metres?
    1. 1km 888m
    2. 525 km
    3. 679 km
    4. 1km 203m
  2. Jayden's home is at point Q he wants to visit his friend Kamau whose house is at point Y to do a science project. What is the shortest route to use to get to Kamua's home?
    1. Q-K-Y
    2. Q-K-R-Y
    3. Q-R-Y
    4. Q-R-K-Y 

Study Rachel's bill below and answer question 10 and 11.

 2kg sugar   Ksh. 435 
 3 loaves of bread   Ksh. 200 
 1kg tea leaves  Ksh. 300
 2 litres milk  Ksh. 140
  1. How much money would Rachel pay for the items?
    1. Sh.765
    2. Sh.1075
    3. Sh. 735
    4. Sh.640
  2. How much balance would Rachel get, if she paid the above bill using two- one thousand shillings note?
    1. Sh.35
    2. Sh.925
    3. Sh.1075
    4. Sh.1225
  3. During an inter class competition at Brighton school. A football match started at 3:35 Pm. If the football match took one hour thirty six minutes, at what time did the match end?
    1. 2:00Pm
    2. 5:11Pm
    3. 4:45Pm
    4. 1:34Pm
  4. During group discussion learners were asked to work the least common multiple for 24,18 and 12. Which of the following responses was correct? 
    1. 6
    2. 54
    3. 144
    4. 72
  5. Wambui a grade 5 pupil was asked to work out the fractions below. What correct answer would she give?
    1. 28/9
    2. 8/12
    3. 4/6
    4. 5/6
  6. A farmer harvested 14, 569 bags of maize and 2, 467 bags of beans in 2021. In 2022 the harvest reduced by 200 bags. What was the total number of bags harvested in 2022?
    1. 17,063
    2. 2,267
    3. 14,369
    4. 16,836
  7. Leah had G goats. She later bought 12 more goats and sold F cows. Which of the following algebraic expressions represents the information?
    1. G+ 12−F
    2. G−F
    3. F+12−G
    4. F−12+G
  8. During a mathematics discussion Grace wrote the fractions below Which of the following fractions is not an equivalent of 2/3?
    1. 6/9
    2. 8/12
    3. 4/6
    4. 5/6
  9. During a church conference 3,502men, 2,945 women and 4,882 children attended the conference. Use this information to answer questions 18 . What was the total number of the attendees at the conference?
    1. 6,447
    2. 7,827
    3. 11,329
    4. 8,384
  10. Mwaniki fenced the farm below using four strands of barbed wire. How many metres of barbed wire did he use?
    1. 200m
    2. 800m
    3. 400m
    4. 1600m
  11. During a mathematics lesson the teacher displayed the number cards shown below.
    What is the largest five-digit number that can be formed using the number cards?
    1. 80,942
    2. 86,940
    3. 94,708
    4. 98,702
  12. Below is a square drawn by a grade 4 pupil whose area is 225cm2. What is the length of one side of the square?
    1. 15 cm
    2. 25 cm
    3.  5 cm
    4. 23 cm
  13. The height of grade 6 pupils at access school is as shown below. 1.32m,1.12m, 1.02m, 1.23m, 1.20m, 1.45m and 1.96m. Arrange the heights in an ascending order?
    1. 132cm, 102cm, 145cm, 196cm, 112cm, 120cm, 123cm
    2. 196cm, 145cm, 132cm, 123cm, 120cm, 112cm, 102cm
    3. 196cm, 154cm, 132cm, 123cm, 120cm. 112cm,102cm
    4. 102cm, 112cm, 120cm, 123cm, 132cm, 145cm, 196cm
  14. Julian woke up at 6:30Am on Monday. If she had slept for 8 hours. At what time did she sleep?
    1. 8:00 Pm
    2. 10:30Pm
    3. 2:30pm
    4. 7:30pm
  15. Mutua had 16 kilograms of rice. He later repacked it into half kilogram packets. How many half kg packets did he obtain?
    1. 18
    2. 32
    3. 14
    4. 16.
  16. Martin drew the figure below. What is the volume of the cuboid?
    1. 924cm3 
    2. 132cm3
    3. 30cm3
    4. 84cm3
  17. Rashid's family consumes two trays of eggs every week, How many eggs do they consume in the two weeks?
    1. 30
    2. 14
    3. 60
    4. 120
  18. Achieng wrote the following pattern. What is the sum of the next two numbers?
    724,737,750, ___________, ____________
    1. 763
    2. 1539
    3. 776
    4. 1513
  19. Macheru was asked to solve the combined operation below. Which of the following responses was correct?
    2(2 + 6 − 3) x 5 +10
    1. 40
    2. 50
    3. 60
    4. 75
  20. Becky measured the length of the classroom wall and recorded as follows
    5.23m,3.34m, 5.05m and 3.42m.
    What was the total length of the classroom sides to the nearest 1 decimal place?
    1. 8.6m
    2. 17.0m
    3. 16.92m
    4. 34.1m
  21. Patel drew the diagram below. What is the size of the angle marked R?
    Screenshot 2023 04 03 at 14.57.40
    1. 90°
    2. 180°
    3. 45°
    4. 135° 


  1.  A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. C
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
  11. B
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. C
  19. D
  20. D
  21. A
  22. D
  23. B
  24. B
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C