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Creative Arts And Social Studies

  1. During our daily activites, when we step on dusty or muddy soils with our shoes we create a
    1. shoc print
    2. foot print
    3. hand print
    4. soil print.
  2. Grade 6 learners modelled the item shown below using clay. The modelled geometrical form is
    1. conical
    2. pyramidal
    3. cube
    4. cuboid
  3. The beautiful style of writing messages on seasonal cards using letters or words is called
    1. embellishments
    2. dabbing
    3. calligraphy
    4. printing
  4. Grade 6 learners were making rectangular flower vases using clay. The best technique to be applied in this lesson was
    1. pinch
    2. coil
    3. slip
    4. slab
  5. The process of joining two or more pieces or leather using thin strips as shown below is called
    1. strapping 
    2. glueing sewing
    3. thonging
  6. The art of creating decorative designs by sewing or sticking pieces of Cabric onto another to form a picture or pattern is called
    1. collage
    2. applique technique
    3. montage
    4. tic and dye
  7. The main technique of making a marionette is
    1. construction and assemblage
    2. sculpture
    3. collage
    4. montage
  8. Which one of the following is not a 2D art work?
    1. Drawings.
    2. Crayon etching. 
    3. Paintings.
    4. Basketry.
  9. Legs and hands are the most common parts of the body that shows movement. They are called
    1. limbs
    2. body
    3. trunk
    4. abdomen.
  10. Parts of a letter that goes down when writing a message as shown below is called
    1. body
    2. ascender
    3. descender
    4. upper case
  11. Which of the following verses are found in East African Community Anthem? 
    1. Patriotism.
    2. Unity
    3. Hatred.
    4. Peace.
  12. A Grade 6 music teacher from Amani Primary school was icaching the Icarners about the type of song that was talking about issues affecting the society. Which of the following types of song was being taught?
    1. Topical song.
    2. Patriotic song.
    3. Action song
    4. Sacred song.
  13. The following are expressions that are used when singing. Which of the following expression talk about proper pronunciation of words inorder to understand the message?
    1. Dymamics.
    2. Diction.
    3. Tempo.
    4. Voice blend.
  14. Below is a wind instrument from a certain community. What is the name of the instrument?
    1. Milele.
    2. Abu.
    3. Nzumari.
    4. Coro.
  15. Name the musical note below.
    1. dotted minim
    2. crotchet
    3. minim
    4. semibreve
  16. Which hand(s) is used to play note D in a discand recorder?
    1. Left hand.
    2. Both Hands.
    3. Right hand.
    4. None.
  17. The diagram below shows a string instrument. Write the name and the community it belongs.
    1. Wandindi - Kikuyu
    2. Orutu - Luo
    3. Kimengeng' - Kalenjin
    4. Obekano - Kisii
  18. Abdi a Grade 6 learner was asked to state the element of music that describes the loudness or softness of a song. Which one was correct? 
    1. Tempo.
    2. Rhythm
    3. Dynamics
    4. Pitch.
  19. The following are musical notes and their corresponding rests. Which one is correctly matched with its rest?
  20. String instruments are played by
    1. hitting
    2. plucking 
    3. blowing
    4. shaking



Use the map above to answer questions 21 - 25 

  1. The climatic condition experienced in the southern part of Makao area is
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. hot and dry
    4. cool and wet.
  2. The location of slaughter house in the map has been influenced by
    1. availability of raw material.
    2. presence of borehole .
    3. nearness to road network
    4. availability of good climate.
  3. What evidence in nap indicated that there is tourism activities in Makao area? 
    1. Markets.
    2. Railway line.
    3. Hotel
    4. Game reserve.
  4. The head or Makao area is likely to be
    1. Governor
    2. Deputy governor
    3. County commissioner
    4. Deputy County Commissioner.
  5. Three of the following economic activities are carried out in Makao arca except
    1. mining
    2.  livestock keeping:
    3. trading
    4. lumbering
  6. Which one of the following language groups is correctly matched with the area they settled in during migration into Eastern Africa?
    1. Highland Nilotes - Around Mt. Elgon.
    2. Bantus - Along river Nile.
    3. Cushites - Around the highlands of Ethiopia. 
    4. Semites - Around Lake Victoria.
  7. Grade 6 learners were told to download types of lakes from the internet, Michael was assisted by his guradian and downloaded the diagram below. What type of lake did they download?
    1. Crater lakes. 
    2. Lava dammed lakes.
    3. Rift valley lakes,
    4. Ox-bow lakes.
  8. Which one of the following is a similarity between the traditional government of Buganda Kingdom and the Nyamwezi cheisdom?
    1. Their leaders were appointed by the council of elders.
    2. They both had hereditary leadership.
    3. They both had a traditional parliament.
    4. They both had a monarchial government.
  9. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the method of mining?
    1. Gold - Dredging.
    2. Copper - Deep shaft. 
    3. Limestone - Open cast.
    4. Soda ash - Drilling. 30.
  10. Grade 4 learners were asked by their socia! studies teacher to give the main reason why they started an entrepreneurship project in their school, who among them gave the correct answer?
    1. Amina- To make use of locally available resources.
    2. Peter - To help the school in buying land.
    3. Margaret - To help themn raise income.
    4. William - To help them create employment in school
  11. The headteacher of Kabarak Primary Schoool sabarak Primary School invited Mr. Kigen one of the officers from East  African Community to talk about challenges facing the organization. Which one of the following was not mentioned as a challenge?
    1. Poor roads.
    2. Mistrust among members.
    3. Use of a common currency.
    4. Natural calamities.
  12. Below are examples of rights and freedoms of Kenya citizens.
    1. Freedom of Movement.
    2. Right to health care.
    3. Right to fair pay.
    4. Righi to privacy
    5. freedom of speech.
      The Which one of these rights and freedoms are grouped as social?
      1. (ii) and (iv) 
      2. (i) and (v) 
      3. (iii) and (iv)
      4. (i) and (ii)
  13. Study the poster below.
     TAXES                     GRANTS
    LOANS                      COUNTERFINES
    From the above posters, the message communicated is
    1. types of expenditure
    2. sources of foreign exchange 
    3. sources of revenue 
    4.  types of taxes.
  14. Which arm of county government is headed by the governor?
    1. County Executive Committee.
    2. County Assembly.
    3. County Education Office.
    4. County wards,

      Use the diagram below to answer question 35
  15. Which one of the following mountains was formed through the process shown in the diagram  above?
    1. Mt. Elgon.
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro.
    3. Mt. Longonot.
    4. Danakil alps.

Christian Religious Education

  1. God created the world in seven days. What did  he create on the fourth day?
    1. Sun, moon and stars. 
    2. Light and darkness.
    3. Sea creatures and birds. 
    4. The sky. 
  2. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. God  chased them from the garden when they
    1. found that they were naked
    2. talked to the snake
    3. ate the fruit of the forbidden tree
    4. cultivated the land.
  3. Mr. Kioko explained to his grade 6 learners the books of the bible. Which of the following statements he did not mention?
    1. old testament has 27 books
    2. bible is divided into two parts 
    3. gospel books are four 
    4. bible was written by different authors. 
  4. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego were thrown into the blazing fire furnace. Why did the King  command that they be thrown in the fire? They 
    1. were not true Hebrews
    2. did not pay taxes
    3. worshiped the golden statue
    4. refused to worship the golden statue.
  5. During the last supper Jesus washed his disciples feet What else did he do? Hie
    1. spoke in tongues
    2. was covered by a cloud
    3. broke the bread and gave to his disciples
    4. baptised the disciples.
  6. How many boys were killed by the two she-bears after mocking Prophet Elisha calling him 'baldy'?
    1. 2
    2. 36
    3. 18
    4. 42
  7. After Jesus was born, the wisemen from the East Compression visited him with gifts. Which of the following was not among the gifts?
    1. Gold..
    2. Silver.
    3. Myrrh.
    4. Frankincense.
  8. Mrs. Kariuki a sunday school teacher in Blessed  Worship Centre taught the young children the benefits of being kind using the story of how Jesus fed the 5000 men in the bible with loaves of bread and fish. How many baskets remained after feeding the people? 
    1. 8
    2. 5
    3. 2
    4. 12
  9. Jesus Christ walked over the water. When the disciples saw him they were frightened, they  thought he was
    1. mad
    2. a ghost
    3. an angel
    4. a spirit
  10. Jesus died and after three days he resurrected. Who informed Mary Magdalene and Mary that Jesus had risen?
    1. Peter.
    2. The Angel.
    3. Joseph of Arimathea
    4. Judas Iscariot
  11. We should be thankful to God for his good deeds in our lives. Which of the following is not a way of saying thankyou to God?
    1. Doing good things to other people.
    2. Sharing food with the needy.;
    3. Boasting about our wealth.
    4. Singing praises to God.
  12. Which of the following is the first statement in the Lords prayer?
    1. I believe in God, the father almighty....
    2. May the grace of the Lord Jesus.....
    3. Our father.....
    4. Oh God of all creation, bless......
  13. Tr. Dorcas asked her class to make cards with the fruits of the Holyspirit. Who among the following made them wrongly?
    1. James - Lovė, Peace, Gentleness
    2. Monica- Patience, Selfcontrol, faithfulness
    3. George- Prophecy, Preaching, Singing
    4. Jane - Peace, Joy, Humbleness
  14. During the Pentecost, the disciples of the sus did all the following except
    1. spoke in tongues
    2. preaches the word of God 
    3. the were drunk
    4. they were filled with the Holyspirit.
  15. Jesus home town was
    1. Nazareth
    2. Bethelehem
    3. Galilee .
    4. Antioch

Islamic Religious Activities

  1. What is “Al-Kauthar”? A
    1.  star in the darkness
    2. guidance in the ignorance
    3. mountain peak.
    4. river in paradise.
  2. In the Surah Al-Maun, Muslims should not mistreat
    1. orphans
    2. brother muslims 
    3. the non muslims 
    4. their neighbours.
  3. "Wama adiraaka mal-hutwama-Naarullahi muukada”. This is a quotation from Surah 
    1. Al-Qaaria
    2. Al-Humaza 
    3. Al-Quraish .
    4. Al-Kaafirun
  4. Which quotation completes this verse correctly?
    1. Truth and honesty.
    2. Kindness and respect.
    3. Truth and patience.
    4. Love and unity.
  5. "Allah suid in Surah Asr, "Man is in a loss except those who have faith, do righteous. deeds and advice each other on ...." In this Surah, Allah(s.w) swears by 
    1. the sun.
    2. the still morning.
    3. wonders of creation. 
    4. time.
  6. What are Hadith?
    1. Stories of Prophets.
    2. Sayings of Swahabas.
    3. The history of Islam
    4. Sayings of the Prophet.
  7. In the hadith of the prophet, we learn that Allah (s.w) judges people basing on their 
    1. actions.
    2. appearance 
    3. wealth
    4. race
  8. What did Allah promise those men who wear women clothes and women who wear the male clothings according to Hadith? A
    1. reward
    2. punishment
    3. curse
    4. confusion.
  9. There are pillars of Iman.
    1. three
    2. five
    3. six
    4. eleven
  10. What is Taqwa?
    1. The feeling of Allah.
    2. The fear of Allah.
    3. Seeing Allah.
    4. Reliance on Allah.
  11. A prophet of Allah was thrown in fire to burn off but Allah (s.w) ordered fire, “Be cool and safe on my servant”. This was Prophet
    1. Nuh (A.S)
    2. Yusuf(A.S)
    3. Musa (A.S)
    4. Ibrahim (A.S)
  12. How many brothers did Prophet Yusuf (A.S). had? 
    1. 11
    2. 10
    3. 12
    4. 9
  13. All the following are forms of Hadath Akbar except one. Which one?
    1. Sexual intercourse.
    2. Mestruation flow.
    3. Blood after birth.
    4. Passing stool.
  14. Which one of the following is not a reason why muslims should take Tayammum before Swalah? When
    1. water is dangerous for your health
    2. there is no water
    3. you already have Wudhu .
    4. a dangerous animal is near water for Wudhu.
  15. Who among the following people is not a recipient of Zakkat? 'The
    1. orphans
    2. poor
    3. new converts 
    4. needy.

Marking Scheme

 Creative Arts & Social Studies   CRE  IRE
  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  1.  C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  1. C
  2. C
  3. C
  4. C
  1.  D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 5

Shopkeeper: Yes customer. How can I help you?
Customer: (Scratching his head) Actually, I came to ask if you could lend me  a packet of maize flour and cooking oil.
Shop keeper: Are you aware that this is the fourth time you are coming to borrow something from this shop and yet you never paid for the first three items you borrowed?
Customer; yes, I am aware. Just have mercy on me. I do not have anywhere to get money and my children are hungry.
Shop keeper: Are you mistaken or the alcohol that you took somehow got into your brain? Now listen and listen carefully. I do not entertain such nonsense in my work.
Customer: (angry) Who gace you the power to criticise me? I am better off than you. You think you are so rich that there is no day you will never go on your knees begging anbd yet all your sons are common thieves.

  1. According to this dialogue, the customer wanted to get some items on_____
    1. credit
    2. cash
    3. loan
    4. hire purchase
  2. The opposite of the word lend as used in the conversation could be
    1. buy
    2. borrow
    3. sell
    4. grant
  3. According to the dialogue, the customer had visited the shop ______ times before.
    1. two
    2. three
    3. four
    4. fourth
  4. The word aware could mean all the following except
    1. conscious
    2. sensitive
    3. alert
    4. clueless.
  5. According to the conversation, the shop keeper can be said to be ________
    1. compassionate
    2. sympathetic
    3. arrogant
    4. friendly

Read the passage below ans answer questions 6 to 9
            In case of any accident or injury, it is very important to give help to the injured person before any medical treatment is given to the patient. The first help given to the patient is called First Aid. The right type of First Aid given to the patient sometimes saves lives. So everyone of us should know what quick actions to be taken in different types of accidents. I'll discuss bleeding.
            As little bleeding is not dangerous, apply any antiseptic and then tie with a clean piece of cloth if necessary. If the bleeding is continous , we must stop it by placing a clean pad or cotton frimly over the wound until the bleeding stops or until the patient sees a doctor.

  1. In case of nay accident,what would be the first thing to do?
    1. Give medical treament
    2. Give help to the injured person
    3. Call others
    4. Rush the patient to hospital.
  2. What is the meaning of the word 'necessary' undelined in the story?
    1. Medical help.
    2. Wanted
    3. Not wanted
    4. Not available.
  3. Which word can be used instead of the word 'apply' as used in the passage?
    1. Put
    2. Place
    3. Placed
    4. Keep
  4. which would be the best title for the passage?
    1. First Aid
    2. First Aid and Bleeding
    3. Bleeding
    4. First Aid in bleeding.

Read the passage below and answer questions 10 to 12
            A long time ago, there was a man and his wife. They had a girl. The girl fell sick many times. She then died and was thrown away so as to rot and be forgotten.
            Suddenly, a dove appeared by her side. the dove revived her to life again. It took her to a cave wher she lived. After a short while, the girl said she wanted to be with her mother. The dove told her the need for them to stay in the caves, she insisted and the dove let her go. After going home, she felt sick again. She died and her parents threw her away. The dove revived her to life again.
            The girl slipped into her home and the dove followed her, took the magic ornament which it used to revive the girl and she turned into bones.
            While the parents were still wondering what to do with the boned, the dove revived the girl and they went far away to saty as friends forever.

  1. According to the passage, how many times did the girl die?
    1. Two
    2. Four
    3. Three
    4. One
  2. Ornament as used in the passage means?
    1. Decorations
    2. Rain
    3. Bones
    4. Rings
  3. From the passage we can conclude that the dove was a frind in _______ to the girl
    1. deed
    2. need
    3. true
    4. action

Read the passage below and answer questions 13 to 15
          It was a clear, still night and the moon shone brightly through the water that Tom could not sleep. Suddenly , he saw a beautiful sight. A bright red light moved along the river-side and threw down into the water a long flame.
          Tom, a curious little rogue, had to go and see what it was; so he swam to the shore and met the light as it stopped over a shallow edge of a low rock. 

  1. Tom could not sleep because of the __
    1. clear night
    2. silent night
    3. still night
    4. bright moonlight
  2. What did tom see all of the sudden? A
    1. beautiful riverside
    2. bright red light
    3. long flame
    4. beautiful site
  3. Tom was curious, that means Tom was __
    1. brave
    2. coward
    3. dangerous
    4. eager to know.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space , select the best alternative from the choices given

Snakes     16      poisonous   17      18   . thier tongue are not poisonous. The snake uses    19   tongue to     20     what is in front of it.

16.   A. had  B. has  C. have  D. are 
17. A. fangs B. teeth C. canines D. saliva
18. A. But B. And C. When D. As
19. A. its B. it's C. its' D. thier
20. A. feel B. fill C. suck D. see

For questions 21 to 23, choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the gaps

  1. She has ___ all her money
    1. loose
    2. losed
    3. lose
    4. lost
  2. They _____ him stealing books
    1. caught
    2. catched
    3. catch
    4. caughted
  3. I was ____ by his remarks
    1. hurted
    2. hurt
    3. hut
    4. heart

For questions 24 to 26, select the correct question tag.

  1. They like walking home, ______?
    1. do they
    2. don't they
    3. will they
    4. shouldn't they
  2. Let us observe the covid-19 protocols, ____?
    1. shall we
    2. is it
    3. will we
    4. let we
  3. We ate fish for dinner, _______?
    1. weren't we
    2. were we
    3. didn't we
    4. did we

For questions 27 to 29, select the correct form of adjective.

  1. My sister wore a ___________ dress
    1. red, cotton, pretty,
    2. pretty, cotton, red
    3. cotton, red, pretty
    4. pretty, red, cotton
  2. Yesterday I saw _____ birds
    1. tiny, three, beautiful
    2. three, beuatiful, tiny
    3. tiny, beautiful, three
    4. three, tiny, beautiful
  3. Her birthday present was a ___ shawl
    1. red, small, pretty, silk
    2. pretty, small, red, silk
    3. small, pretty, silk, red
    4. red, silk, small, pretty

For question 30, choose the correct alternative to fill in the gap

  1. This is the most tiresome journey I have _______ had
    1. ever
    2. whatever
    3. never
    4. whenever

Complete the story below and make it as interesting as possible

We had just sat arounf the fire when grandmother started this story. It was about .....

Marking Scheme

  1.  A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  1. A
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
Tagged under
  1. Some Grade 5 learners were asked to name some wastes that decompose easily.
    This was their response.
    Rono:        Banana peels.
    Atieno:      Kitchen refuse.
    Wambua:  Leaves.
    Cheptoo:  Plastic bottles.
    Who was not correct?
    1.  Wambua.
    2.  Cheptoo.
    3. Rono.
    4. Atieno.
  2. Which of the following shows a beam balance?
    1. G5ET2022EsciQ2as2
    2. G5ET2022EsciQ2bs2
    3. G5ET2022EsciQ2cs2
    4. G5ET2022EsciQ2ds2
  3. In which of the following levers is the fulcrum between the effort and the load?
    1. Wheelbarrow. 
    2. Claw hammer.
    3. Broom.
    4. Fishing rod.
  4. Which of the following parts of a computer is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Monitor -- provessing data.
    2. Keyboard... producing hard copies.
    3. Screen -typing.
    4. Mouse - selecting parts of text.
  5. A certain substance had the following characteristics:
    1. It had no definite shape.
    2. It had a definite volume. 
    3. It also had a definite mass.
      The substance being described above is most likely to be
      1. a stone.
      2. tea.
      3. charcoal.
      4. air.
  6. One afternoon, Kantai was typing an e mail on a computer. In which part of the computer was his work displayed? On the
    1. CPU.
    2. keyboard.
    3. printer.
    4. VDU.
  7. Which of the following flowering plants?
    1. Black jack and moss. 
    2. Beans and moulds. 
    3. Maize and grass.
    4. Blackjack and algae.
  8. Which one of the following sense organs is responsible for sight?
    1. Nose.
    2. Ears.
    3. Skin.
    4. Eyes.
  9. All the following can be worn when handling harmful plants except
    1. hairbands. 
    2. gloves. 
    3. goggles.
    4. aprons.
  10. In a certain habitat, an animal with the following characteristics was seen:
    1. Its body was covered with fur.
    2. It had a constant body temperature. 
    3. It was an egg-laying animal.
    4. It had mammary glands.
      Which of the following animals was likely to have been seen?
      1. Bat.
      2. Bird.
      3. Spiny ant-eater.
      4. Tortoise.
        Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.
  11. Which one of the following is not a function of the part marked A?
    1. Gaseous exchange.
    2. Warming the air we breath.
    3. It cleans the air.
    4. Moistening of the air.
  12. The part that contains C-shaped cartillages is labelled
    1. B
    2. A
    3. D
    4. C
  13. What is the name of the part marked C?
    1. Left lung.
    2.  Bronchus.
    3.  Bronchiole.
    4. Diaphragm.
  14. The following are steps when typing a document but not in the correct order. 
    1. Edit 
    2. Type 
    3. Save 
    4. Print.
      Which of the following is the correct order of the steps? 
      1. i, ii, iii, iv 
      2. i, ii, iv, iii
      3. ii, iii, i, iv
      4. ii, i, iii, iv
  15. Which one of the following is a waterborne disease?
    1. Typhoid
    2. Tuberculosis
    3. Epilepsy
    4. Malaria
  16. Which of the following lists consists only of materials needed when making a compost pit?
    1. Kitchen refuse, nails, top soil.
    2. Plastic bottles, banana peels, ash. 
    3. Old clothes, famyard manure, maize stalks.
    4. Rotting fruits, ash, top soil.
  17. Prevention of reduced fertility of soil is called soil
    1. erosion.
    2. conservation.
    3. structure.
    4. profile.
  18. All the following may be needed when making a scarecrow except
    1. old clothes.
    2.  strings.
    3.  sticks.
    4. glue.
  19. Which one of the following is not a way of conserving water in the farm? 
    1. Pruning. 
    2. Shading.
    3. Mulching.
    4. Cover-cropping.
  20. Which one of the following is a suitable way of caring for young climbing fruit plants?
    1. Pruning.
    2. Harvesting.
    3. Supporting the vines.
    4. Exposing the roots to sun heat.
  21. Some Grade 5 learners were asked to name various domestic animals and their uses to human beings. Here is what they said:
    Hashim: sheep-gives us mutton and milk.
    Nadia:    dog-guards our homes.
    Karim:    donkey-helps humans during transportation.
    Maria:     goat-gives quality milk to the farmer.
    Who was wrong?
    1. Nadia.
    2. Karim
    3. Hashim
    4. Maria.
  22. Which of the following gardening tools can be used to dig a hard ground?
    1. G5ET2022EsciQ22as2
    2. G5ET2022EsciQ22bs2
    3. G5ET2022EsciQ22cs2
    4. G5ET2022EsciQ22ds2
  23. Which one of the following statements is not true about container gardening?
    1. Container gardens save water. 
    2. Old tyres can be used to establish a container garden.
    3. A container garden can be moved from one place to another.
    4. Crops to be sold outside the country can be planted in container gardens.
  24. Which of the following crops is correctly matched with its type?
    1. Vegetable - onion.
    2. Cereal - kales.
    3. Legume - wheat.
    4. Fruit - cucumber.
  25. Fruit trees in the nursery bed can be cared for by all the following except
    1. watering.
    2. harvesting. 
    3. weeding.
    4. thinning.
  26. All the following are examples of fuels used at home. Which one is not?
    1. Firewood.
    2. Shampoo. 
    3. Gas.
    4. Charcoal.
  27. Which of the following foods is correctly matched with the nutrients it provides?
    1. Carrots - carbohydrates
    2. Maize - proteins
    3. Pineapples - iron
    4. Spinach - vitamins
  28. Kitchen utensils that can break easily are said to be
    1. weak.
    2. durable. 
    3. fragile. 
    4. glasses.
  29. Meat can be cooked using all the following methods except
    1.  frying
    2.  boiling.
    3.  baking.
    4. grilling.
  30. Study the type of stitch shown below.
    The type of stitch shown above is called 
    1. back stitch. 
    2. chain stitch.
    3. running stitch. 
    4. loop stitch.
  31. Which of the following needle work tools shows a thimble? A. O
  32. The diagram below shows a kitchen tool.

    The tool drawn above was made using
    1. clay. 
    2. iron sheets,
    3. plastic.
    4. metals. 
  33. Which one of the following is not a sign associated with kwashiorkor?
    1. Loose brownish hair.
    2. Swollen limbs.
    3. Breathlessness.
    4. Pot belly.
  34. Cereals can be preserved in
    1.  refrigerators.
    2.  water.
    3.  polythenes.
    4. sacks. 
  35. A cleaning tool used to collect rubbish to be thrown away is called a ______________________
    1. rubbish bin.
    2. dust pan,
    3. dust bin.
    4. rubbish pit.
  36. Kariandusi was seen practising the gymnastics skill below.
    Probably, Kariandusi was practicing  
    1. somersault.
    2. handstand.
    3. cart wheel.
    4. forward roll.
  37. Pivoting is a sports activity that is applied 
    1. swimming. 
    2. kabaddi.
    3. soft ball.
    4. frisbee.
  38. Study the illustration below.
    The type of catch shown above is applied in frisbee. What is the name of the type of catch?
    1. Double rim catch.
    2. Two handed rim catch.
    3. Single handed rim catch.
    4. Double hands rim catch.
  39. How many actions are combined when  practicing through vault into forward roll?
    1. Two
    2. Four
    3. Five
    4. Three
  40. When practicing handwalk, the weight of the whole body rests on the
    1. feet
    2. hands
    3. knees
    4. shoulder
  41. Which of the following shows a rounders bat?
  42. Name the rope work technique below.
    1. Single rope bounce
    2. Double feet bounce.
    3. One foot bounce. 
    4. Two feet bounce.
  43. Jumping rope regularly can help us prevent
    1.  headache.
    2. stomachache.
    3.  fitness.
    4. obesity.
  44. What is the use of a floater in swimming?
    1. It normally floats on the surface of water.
    2. It can be used to sink a swimmer.
    3. Beginners can use it to learn.
    4. It can be made using inflated tubes. i
  45. Which of the following statements is true about a swimming pool?
    1. Swimmers should shower before using the swimming pool.
    2. Swimmers can take snacks and light drinks while swimming
    3. All participants must wear helmets for safety in the swimming poolTo save time, swimmers can urinate in the swimming pool. 
  46. Which of the following is not a component of health related fitness?
    1. Muscular strength.
    2. Cardiorespiratory endurance.
    3. Mental preparation.
    4. Flexibility. 
  47. All the following are reasons for drinking water during games. Which one is not
    1. It regulates the rate of our heartbeat.
    2. It lubricates joints.
    3. Water forms saliva.
    4. It regulates body temperature.
  48. In ABC of first aid C, stands for
    1. cotton.
    2. condition
    3.  circular.
    4. circulation.
  49. Blowing the nose very hard can lead to
    1. fatigue.
    2.  fainting.
    3. nose bleeding.
    4. nausea.
  50. All the following can be found in a first aid kit except
    1. a scissor. 
    2. a pair of pliers. 
    3. bandages. 
    4. methylated spirit.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. A
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. D
  17. B
  18. D
  19. A
  20. C
  21. C
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. D
  35. B
  36. C
  37. D
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. C
  42. C
  43. D
  44. C
  45. A
  46. C
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B

Swali la 1 hadi 5: Soma mazungumzo haya kisha ujibu maswall 1 hadi 5

Rehema: (Huku akiutoa mkoba wako mabegani) Mama umeshindaje leo?

Mama: Nimeshinda vyema sana, labda wewe mwanane.

Rehema: Nami pia.

Mama: Nenda basi ukafue sare. Nami naenda jikoni kuandaa chajio.

Rehema. Sawa mama. Nataka pia nifanye kazi ya ziada tuliyopewa na mwalimu.

  1. Mazungumzo haya yalifanyika wakati gani? 
    1. Asubuhi
    2. Mchana 
    3. Jioni
    4. Usiku
  2. Neno 'sare' kama lilivyotumika kwenye mazungumzo lina maana ya
    1. Nguo za sherehe
    2. Kaptura na shati
    3. Rinda na sweta
    4. Mavazi yanayovaliwa shuleni
  3. Mamake Rehema alikuwa na shughuli gani?
    1. Kuandaa chujio
    2. Kufanya kazi ya ziada
    3. Kuandaa chamcha
    4. Kuenda shambani
  4. Ni nani aliyempa Rehema kazi ya ziada?
    1. Mama yake
    2. Mwalimu wake
    3. Baba yake
    4. Rafiki yake 
  5. Kitendo cha Rehema kukubali kufanya kazi ya ziada aliyopewa kinaonyesha kuwa yeye ni
    1.  mtukutu
    2. mtundu
    3.  mtiifu
    4. mvivu

Swali la 6 hadi 10, Soma hadithi ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali.


Ilikuwa likizo ya mwezi wa Aprili. Mimi na dada yangu Pendo tulihudhuria harusi ya shangazi yetu, Zainabu. Tulikuwa tumealikwa ili kubeba pete za bibi na bwana harusi, Watu wengi walihudhuria harusi hiyo ambayo ilikuwa ya kufana na kila mtu alitaka kuona shangazi yetu akifunga pingu za maisha na mpenzi wake Jabali.

Watu walifurahia kula keki na vyakula vya aina mbalimbali. Kulikuwa pia na vinywaji. Baada ya kufunga pingu za maisha shangazi yangu na mume wake Jabali walibebwa na ndege kuelekea Uarabuni. 

  1. Ni nani na nani walifunga pingu za maisha?
    1. Mimi na dadangu
    2. Pendo na dadake
    3. Zainabu na jabali
    4. Shangazi na Pendo
  2. Kila mtu alitaka kuona nani akifunga pingu za maisha?
    1. Shangazi
    2. Mjomba
    3. Mama
    4. Dada
  3. Bwana harusi alikuwa anaitwa nani? 
    1. Mpenzi
    2. Zainabu 
    3. Mume
    4. Jabali
  4. Baada ya harusi, mume na mke walienda wapi?
    1. Uaribuni
    2. Kwa ndege .
    3. Nyumbani 
    4. Pwani
  5. 'Kufunga pingu za maisha' ni aina gani ya tamathali?
    1. Nahau
    2. Tashbihi
    3. Methali
    4. Kitendawili

Swali la 11 hadi 15, Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 


Wanyama wanaofugwa huitwa mifugo. Wanyama hawa ni kama mbuzi, kondoo, ng'ombe, ngamia na punda. Wanyama hawa wana faida nyingi sana. Mfugaji huwakamua ng'ombe, ambao humpa maziwa ambayo humpa pesa nyingi akiyauza.

Maziwa pia hutumiwa kutengeneza siagi. Maziwa ni tamu sana, Kondoo hutupa sufi ambazo hutumiwa kutengeneza fulana. Maziwa ya mbuzi ni mazuri sana. Ngamia hutumiwa kutubebea mizigo. Maziwa yake pia hunywewa na watu wengine huamini kuwa ni dawa. Wanyama wote wanahitaji kutunzwa, Sharti waishi mahali safi na wapewe chakula cha kutosha ili wawe na afya nzuri.

  1. Wanyama wanaofugwa nyumbani huitwa
    1.  mifugo
    2.  Ng'ombe'
    3.  Jibini
    4. Sufi
  2. Ni mnyama yupi kati ya hawa hafugwi nyumbani?
    1. Ng'ombe
    2.  Mbuzi
    3. Kondoo
    4. Simba 
  3. Ni ipi si faida ya maziwa
    1. Hutupa pesa
    2. Kutengeneza siagi
    3. Kunywewa
    4. Kutengeneza sufi
  4. Ni mnyama yupi hutumika kubebea mizigo
    1.  Ng'ombe'.
    2. Kondoo
    3. Mbuzi
    4. Ngamia
  5. Anayewafuga wanyama huitwa _________________
    1.  Mtu
    2.  Mfugaji
    3.  Mfungaji
    4. Wavulana

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujaze nafasi 16 - 20 kwa jibu sahihi.

Elimu ni kitu chenye umuhimu ____16____ kwetu. Kwanza elimu hutufanya tujue kusoma na ___17___ . Bila elimu hatuwezi___18___ wa wenzetu kwa njia ya kuandika au kusoma. Watu ___19___ hawajasoma hukumbwa na changamoto ___20___. Sharti sote tuipende elimu.

    1. Kubwa
    2. mkumbwa
    3.  kikubwa
    4. mkubwa
    1. kulia
    2. kuandika
    3. kuketi
    4. kucheka
    1. kuwasiliana 
    2. kuwasilisha 
    3. kuwasiliwa
    4. kuwasilika
    1. ambayo
    2. ambaye 
    3. ambamo 
    4. ambao
    1. mingi
    2. nyingi 
    3. jingi
    4. wengi

Swali la 21 hadi 30. Chagua jibu sahihi. 

  1. Kanusha sentensi hizi: Alisoma hadithi.
    1. Hangesoma hadithi
    2. Hakusoma hadithi
    3. Hajasoma hadithi 
    4. Hatasoma hadithi
  2. Andika kwa wingi: Ndoo hii imejaa maji..
    1. Ndoo hizi zimejaa maji
    2. Ndoo haya yamejaa maji
    3. Mandoo hizi zimějaa maji
    4. Mandoo hizi zimejaa maji
  3. Kisawe cha barabara ni ___________
    1. chete
    2. lami
    3. njia
    4. soko
  4. Tegua vitendawili hivi: Nyama nje ngozi ndani
    1. Firigisi
    2. Muwa
    3. Mkate
    4. Ndizi
  5. Kamilisha methali hizi: Kidole kimoja hakivunji ______________________
    1. kidole
    2. chawa
    3. dawa
    4. mto
  6. Tumia kimilikishi '-ake'  ipasavyo:Mtoto analilia kalamu 
    1. yake 
    2. lake 
    3. chake 
    4. vyao 
  7. Jibu la 'Alamsiki" ni
    1. alamsiki
    2. vyema
    3. aheri
    4. binuru
  8. Kikundi cha matunda huitwa
    1. pakacha
    2. mtumba
    3.  bumba
    4. numbi 
  9. Andika kwa tarakimu 
    Elfu kumi na moja
    1. 11000
    2. 10001
    3.  1001
    4. 1100
  10. Kitendo cha kupasha chakula moto
    1. kukanza
    2. kupika
    3. kuinjika
    4. kuoka 


Andika insha kuhusu;



  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. A
  12. D
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. B
  21. B
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. A
  29. A
  30. A


Question 1 - 5: Read the conversation below and answer questions

Adasa: I think malaria is a very dangerous disease.

Masha: Yes, it is. It is a killer disease. But I think typhoid is worse.

Adasa: What about AIDS: I think it's the worst disease.

Masha: I agree with you. AIDs has killed very many people. We should do our best to keep it away from us.

  1. Which is the worst disease?
    1.  AIDS
    2.  Tyhoid
    3. Malaria
    4. Tuberculosis
  2. Which is the comparative adjective of the word best ______________________
    1. Good
    2. Better
    3. Gooder
    4. 'Best'
  3. _____________ thinks that malaria is a very dangerous disease.
    1. Masha
    2. Adasa
    3. James 
    4. Lucy
  4. The following diseases have been mentioned in the conversation except
    1. AIDS
    2. Typhoid
    3. Malaria
    4. Covid -19
  5. The following pronouns have been used in the conversation except
    1.  I
    2.  It
    3.  you
    4. It's

Question 6 - 13: Read the passage below and answer questions


Little children eat or drink anything that comes across their paths. Without any doubts, you have come across them eating bananas which have flies or are rotten, All these are caused by grown ups. Many grown ups store poisons, paraffin and different varieties of soaps where children could reach them easily. On getting these items, the grown ups are not aware that the children have taken
these bad items.

If in a house there are children below five yers, the following precautions should be taken label all containers with soaps, perfumes and poison to ensure that the labelled tins are out of children's reach. All bottles should be kept on top of cupboards or any other place whose height is beyond the reach of children

There are those parents who store poison in food containers. This is dangerous. When these innocent children come across them, they believe it's food. They end up swallowing poison or chewing morsels of fungicide and the end result is death.

  1. Who are being blamed for the dangers in the house according to the passage?_____________________
    1. Grown ups
    2.  Children
    3. Teachers
    4. Neighbours
  2. Which one of the following is not a dangerous item kept in the house?
    1. Poisons 
    2. Paraffin 
    3. Soaps
    4. Milk
  3. Why do children eat anything they find?
    1. It's their hobby
    2. They don't listen to their parents
    3. They don't know what is good or bad
    4. They are sweet
  4. What is the meaning of the word 'morsels' as underlined in the passage?
    1. A large amount
    2. A lumpsome
    3. A type of gungi
    4. A Small amount
  5. All the following should be avoided to keep children safe except?
    1. Keep the medicine near children
    2. dispose left overs near children
    3. keep medicine away from children
    4. leave bottles without labels
  6. What is the final results after a child takes poison
    1. Fainting
    2. Death
    3. Suffocation .
    4. Deep sleep
  7. Which mistake is done by most parents?
    1. Having alot of rules
    2. Leaving medicines carelessly
    3. Bringing up many children
    4. Employing househelps
  8. Which is the best title for the passage?
    1. Medicines in hospitals
    2. Children disobedience
    3. Children with medicine
    4. Parents and medicine

Question 14 - 22: Read the text below and fill in with the correct answers

The long ___ 14___ day had at last 15 to attend the graduation. Everyone__16____ eager. ____17____ The young pupils lined ____18____ excitedly. Each had something to ____19____, it seemed ____20____ were eager to see their parents___ 21____ to ____22____  the very important day.

    1. waiting
    2. wait
    3. awaited
    4. waited
    1. arrive
    2. come
    3. entered
    4. noticed
    1. is
    2. were
    3. was
    4. has
    1. date
    2. party
    3. day
    4. ceremony
    1. up
    2. on
    3. between
    4. off 19.
    1. told
    2. say
    3. speak
    4. question
    1. Whole
    2. All
    3. Each
    4. Every
    1. coming
    2. came
    3. come
    4. gone
    1. look
    2. seen
    3. saw
    4. witness

Questions 23 - 30: Complete the following similes. 

  1. As brave as a ___________________
    1. snake
    2. lion
    3. cat
    4. dog
  2. As white as a _______________________
    1. snow
    2. Ash
    3. shirt 
    4. Clouds

For question 25 - 26. Fill in the spaces with the correct possessive pronouns.

  1. This is my book. It is ___________________
    1. mine
    2. yours
    3. his
    4. hers
  2. That cow belongs to them. It is __________________
    1. there's
    2. their's
    3. theirs
    4. there's

Identify adverb of time in the following sentences

  1. The bell rang at noon.
    1. bell
    2. rang
    3. at
    4. noon
  2. I was too late to arrive in school.
    1. too
    2. late
    3. arrive
    4. school

For questions 29 - 30. Choose the correct short form of the underlined words

  1. We will not attend the meeting
    1. willn't
    2. won't
    3. will not
    4. woun't
  2. I was not told to sweep the class.
    1. wasn't
    2. weren't
    3. wasen't
    4. wasend


Write an interesting composition about.



  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. C
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. A
  19. B
  20. B
  21. A
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. A
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. B
  30. A
  1. Which of the following shows a 3 dimensional letter?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ1as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ1bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ1cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ1ds1
  2. Book jackets are used to
    1. cover books.
    2. prevent cold.
    3. decorate books.
    4. cover the title of the book.
  3. The type of puppet which is manipulated using strings is called a
    1. glove puppet.
    2. hand puppet. 
    3. rod puppet. 
    4. marionette.
  4. Grade 5 learners wanted to make wax crayons. They brought the following items to class:
    Sharon:   paraffin.
    Kevin:     bee wax.
    Brian:     metallic container.
    Carol:     rubber bands.
    Who brought an item that was unnecessary?
    1. Sharon.
    2. Carol. 
    3. Kevin.
    4. Brian.
  5. A teacher drew a form like the one below.
    Which of the following techniques did the teacher use to show shading effect?
    1. Cross hatching. 
    2. Smudge.
    3. Crayon etching.
    4. Collage. 
  6. Which one of the following is not a primary colour? 
    1. Yellow.
    2. Red.
    3. Blue.
    4. Brown.
  7. A cooking stick can be carved using
    1. plasticine.
    2. plastic.
    3. clay.
    4. wood.
  8. Coiling is a technique associated with 
    1. leather shoes.
    2. plastic buckets.
    3. clay pots.
    4. fabric.
  9. Which of the following indigenous crafts can be made using plain and twine weaving technique? 
    1. leather wallet.
    2. floor mat.
    3. bucket.
    4. pot.
  10. What is the use of adhesive in mounting artwork?
    1. Balancing the artwork at the centre of the frame.
    2. Making the artwork look bright.
    3. Easening the work of display.
    4. Sticking the cutouts.
  11. Jakoya plays instruments during folk dances in his Maporomoko.village. We can say that Jakoya is 
    1. an instrumentalist.
    2. a musician.
    3. a composer.
    4. a soloist.
  12. Painting the face with red clay before a folk dance is called
    1. body tattooing.
    2. costuming.
    3. body adornment. 
    4. using omaments.
  13. When playing note C on the descant recorder, 
    1. use the thumb of the left hand to cover the back hole. 
    2. cover the thumb hole with your left thumb. 
    3. do not blow air into the descant recorder.
    4. use the index finger to cover the top.
  14. All wind instruments produces sound when
    1. shaken.
    2. hit.
    3. bowed.
    4. blown.
  15. Below is a wind instrument called coro.
    Which community plays the instrument above? 
    1. Mijikenda. 
    2. Agikuyu.
    3. Abagusii
    4. Luo
  16. Which of the following aspects of a folk song is the most important? 
    1. Message.
    2. Instrumentation.
    3. Participants. 
    4. Occasion.
  17. Body movements or actions used to show the meaning of words or ideas in a song are called
    1. moods.
    2. tones.
    3. dictions.
    4. gestures.
  18. Which of the following types of songs is wrongly matched with its description?
    1. Topical songs sung to enlighter the community,
    2. Action songs sung during a certain community activity.
    3. Sacred songs sung during religious activities.
    4. Patriotic songs sung to show love for the country.
  19. Which of the following is not a part of the descant recorder?
    1. Head joint.
    2. Foot joint.
    3. Arm joint.
    4. Middle joint.
  20. Which of the following lines is not found in the Kenya National Anthem?
    1. Kila siku tuwe na shukrani. 
    2. Raha tupate na ustawi.
    3. Natulinde uhuru na amani.
    4. Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu.
  21. Tourism has contributed to the economy of Kenya by all the following except 
    1. promoting local industries. 
    2. providing basic needs to families in the land
    3. earning the country foreign exchange.
    4. promoting cultural practices.
  22. Which one of the following is not a tourist attraction in Kenya? 
    1. Language groups.
    2. Cultural activities.
    3. Natural sceneries
    4. Wildlife.
  23. Which one of the following is not a modern means of communication?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ23as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ23bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ23cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ23ds1
  24. Which of the following means of communication is audio-visual?
    1. Magazine:
    2. Radio.
    3. Newspaper.
    4. Television.
  25. Which of the following road signs shows the presence of a round about?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ25as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ25bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ25cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ25ds1
  26. All the following can help us reduce road accidents in our local roads except
    1. issuing more driving licences to motorists.
    2. reporting careless drivers.
    3. observing road signs.
    4. avoiding playing near roads.
  27. Below is a method of inland fishing in Kenya.
    The fishing method shown above is called 
    1. long lining.
    2. purse seining.
    3. trawling.
    4. harpooning.
  28. Which of the following crops is not grown under horticulture?
    1. Fruits.
    2. Flowers.
    3. Sugarcane.
    4. Vegetables.
  29. Dairy farming in Kenya takes place in all the following areas except
    1. Trans Nzoia. 
    2. Kisii.
    3. Nandi.
    4. Nairobi. 
  30. Which one of the following is not a resource found in Kenya?
    1. Museums. 
    2. Lakes. 
    3. Minerals. 
    4. Forests
  31. Which of the following is not a source of money for the county government?
    1. Parking fees.
    2. Grants from well-off countries.
    3. Sale of trading licences.
    4. Rents from county houses.
      1. Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 32 to 35.
  32. The National park marked Q is called
    1. Sibiloi.
    2. Malka Mari 
    3. Losai
    4. Meru
  33. The lake marked R is shared by three of the following countries except 
    1. Kenya
    2. Rwanda
    3. Tanzania
    4. Uganda
  34. The mineral mined at the place marked S is 
    1. fluorspar. 
    2. limestone. 
    3. soda ash. 
    4. diatomite.
  35. The river marked T is called river 
    1. Tana 
    2. Athi 
    3. Nzoia
    4. Ewaso nyiro
  36. Who went around river Jordan mainly preaching to the people about repentance? 
    1. Jesus.
    2. Elisha
    3. John the Baptist. 
    4. Elijah.
  37. During the baptism of Jesus, all the following took place. Which one did not?
    1. Heaven opened.
    2. Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove.
    3. A voice came from heaven.
    4. Darkness covered the whole land.
  38. Why is baptism important in the life of a Christian? It
    1. makes Christians acquire new names.
    2. makes a Christian a member of God's family.
    3. makes Christians known by other members of the church
    4. is a way of bonding with church leaders.
  39. When Jesus calmed the storm, 
    1. His power over nature was revealed. 
    2. the disciples were in deep sleep.
    3. His clothes turned crystat white. 
    4. angels appeared to Him. 
  40. Jesus showed compassion for the needy by
    1. performing miracles wherever He went.
    2. feeding a multitude.
    3. dying on the cross.
    4. promising them the Holy Spirit.
  41. Jesus healed the paralysed man in
    1. Galilee
    2. Bethany
    3. Carpenaum
    4. Gethsemane
  42. The parable of Jesus about the lost sheep teaches Christians
    1. the value of attending church services.
    2. about the recovery of the lost human
    3. about the importance of keeping property
    4. the value of tending well to domestic animals. 
  43. According to Jesus' teachings during the Sermon on the mountain, happy are the pure  in heart because
    1. they will see God.
    2. God will call them His children.
    3. God will be merciful to them.
    4. God will reward them.
  44. Which of the following is pot a good way of empowering the needy?
    1. Giving them capital to start businesses.
    2. Giving them money for upkeep daily.
    3. Teaching them legal skills of acquiring wealth
    4. Employing them for a pay. 
  45. Which of the following books of the Bible is in the Old Testament?
    1. Acts.
    2. Titus.
    3. Hagai.
    4. Thessalonians.
  46. Who among the following was a blind man in the Bible?
    1. Bartimaeus.
    2. Zacchaeus. 
    3. Zachariah.
    4. Jeroboam. 
  47. John the Baptist's mother was called
    1. Annah.
    2. Rebecca.
    3. Elizabeth.
    4. Mary.
  48. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many were not thankful?
    1. One.
    2. Five.
    3. Seven.
    4. Nine. 
  49. As Grade 5 learners were playing football, Miriam accidentally stepped on Kamene. As a Christian, what should Kamene do?
    1. Sit down and cry. 
    2. Forgive Miriam.
    3. Report Miriam to the teacher.
    4. Avoid playing with Miriam. 
  50. A person who always tells the truth is said to be
    1. honest.
    2. obedient.
    3. Polite.
    4. kind.


  1. How many ayahs are there in surah Al-kawthar?
    1. 6
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 5
  2. Tameehim bihijaratin min sijjeelin is an ayan from suratul
    1. Fiyl
    2. Maun
    3. Kafirun
    4. Lahab
  3. Which of the following is not a lesson from surah Al-Quraish?
    1. Never take the blessings of Allah for granted.
    2. Allah sends us blessings and bounties.
    3. Allah blessed the Qureish with security.
    4. Never underestimate Allah.
  4. Which of the following attributes of Allah means all forgiving?
    1. Al-Haafidh.
    2. Al-Ghafar.
    3. Al-Aalim.
    4. Al-Malik.
  5. Which one of the following is not a characteristics of angels? Angel
    1. can change form.
    2. were created from nur.
    3. can either be males or females.
    4. do not have parents.
  6. Prophets had different qualities for character formation. Which one of the following is one of them? They were 
    1. intelligent. 
    2. arrogant.
    3. slanderers. 
    4. dishonest.
  7. Which one of the following is a miracle performed by prophet Musa(AS)? 
    1. He had clear signs of Allah's mercy on him
    2. Turning a rod into a snake.
    3. His hand shone like the moon when he put it in his armpit. 
    4. Striking the red sea and separating the waters. 
  8. When we perform swalah correctly, we earn
    1. points.
    2. gifts.
    3. curses.
    4. thawab.
  9. Normally, Taraweh is performed 
    1. in the morning. 
    2. in the afternoon.
    3. after Asr.
    4. at night.
  10. Turning away from Qibla during swalah
    1. strengthens our faith.
    2. nullifies swallah.
    3. is a condition in Islam.
    4. must always be observed.
  11. Which one of the following is not an optional prayer? 
    1. Fajr
    2. Qabliyah
    3. Taraweh
    4. Baadiyah
  12. Which on of the following is not a form of swadaqah? 
    1. Smiling at each other. 
    2. Removing harmful objects from the way. 
    3. Visiting the sick.
    4. Keeping time during swallah. 
  13. Which one of the following is not a condition for swalah? One has to
    1. be in ritual purity. 
    2. wear new clothes.
    3. be a Muslim.
    4. have sound mind.
  14. The wife of prophet Muhammad (SAW) was called
    1. Amina.
    2. Zeitun.
    3. Khadijah. 
    4. Ruqayah. 
  15. As a Muslim child, it is the obligation of my parents to
    1. obey me.
    2. catter for my basic needs. 
    3. buy me computer games. 
    4. do my homework for me.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. B
    CRE    IRE
  36. C          C
  37. D          A
  38. B          D
  39. A          B
  40. B          C
  41. C          A
  42. B          A
  43. A          D
  44. B          D
  45. C          B
  46. A           A
  47. C          D
  48. D          B
  49. B          C 
  50. A          B


  1. The following are protective clothes while visiting a school farm. Which one is not
    1. Gloves
    2. Overalls
    3. Gumboots
    4. Shirts
  2. The following are examples of non- flowering plants. Which one is not
    1. Moss
    2. Fern 
    3. Cedar
    4. Grass
  3. Which one of the following group of plants contains harmful plants? 
    1. Sodom apple, datura, euphorbia 
    2. Datura, maize, sodom apple 
    3. Beans, stinging, nettle, oxalis 
    4. Sodom apple, millet, sorghum
  4. Which one of the following is a fungi?
    1. Bread
    2. Bread moulds 
    3. Pollen grains 
    4. Rotting logs
  5. Animals that have a backbone are known as 
    1. invertebrates 
    2. vertebrates
    3. reptiles 
    4. insects
  6. Study the list of animals below: Tilapia, Lizards, Snakes, Crocodiles, Newts, Toads, Salamanders  
    From the list above pick the group  that has amphibians only?   
    1. Toads, salamanders, newts 
    2. Tilapia, toads, newts   
    3. Lizards, snakes, crocodiles 
    4. Salamanders, snakes, newts
  7. Which of the following bones of a human skeleton is wrongly matched with where it is found? 
    1. Skull - head
    2. Ribcage - chest region
    3. Backbones - the back of the body 
    4. Limb bones - the face
  8. The following are diseases that affect the breathing system.  Which one is not?
    1. Tuberculosis
    2. Asthma
    3. Influenza
    4. HIV/AIDS
  9. Diseases that are caused by drinking contaminated water are known as 
    1. Respiratory diseases
    2. Deficiency diseases 
    3. Water borne diseases
    4. Comunicable diseases
  10. The following are ways of  preventing cholera. Which one is 
    1. Drinking treated water
    2. Washing hands before taking  meals
    3. Drinking boiled water
    4. Disposing feaces in the rivers
  11. Which one of the following is a parasite? 
    1. Lice 
    2. Bee
    3. Housefly
    4. Butterfly 
  12. Identify the type of internal parasite shown below.
    1. Hookworm
    2. Roundworm 
    3. Pinworms
    4. Tapeworm

  13. G5ET2022ISQ13s1
    The diagram above shows a model  of the human breathing system.  What does the part marked X represent?
    1. Gullet
    2. Wind pipe
    3. Oesophagus 
    4. Bronchus
  14. The following are characteristics of amphibians. Which one is not
    1. They have a moist skin 
    2. They lay eggs
    3. They are cold blooded 
    4. They do not take care of their young ones
  15. A chameleon responds to changes in the environment by
    1. running away 
    2.  changing its colour
    3. hiding in its shell 
    4. flying off
  16. The following are parts of a computer except   
    1. monitor
    2. mouse 
    3. keyboard 
    4. chair
  17. The teeth we use to chew food are known as 
    1. canines 
    2. incisors
    3. molars
    4. nails
  18. Name the digital device shown below 
    1. camera
    2. laptop
    3. mobile phone
    4. computer
  19. The diagram below shows the human digestive system.
    Water and mineral salts are known as absorbed in the part marked _____________
    1. a
    2. b
    3. c
  20. Three of the following can sink in water. Which one cannot?
    1. Nail
    2. Coin
    3. Bottle top
    4. Stone


  1. Learners of Kasarani Primary School noticed that there were V- shaped trenches left by running water in their fields. Which type of soil erosion had taken place?
    1. Rill
    2. Gulley 
    3. Sheet 
    4. Splash
  2. Which of the following human activities contributes to soil erosion 
    1. Mulching
    2. Afforestation
    3. Deforestation
    4. Crop rotation 
  3. Putting dry grass on top of the  seed on the ground after planting is known as   
    1. Sowing
    2. gardening 
    3. thinning
    4. mulching 
  4. The following are small animals that destroy crops. Which one is  not
    1. Moles
    2. Weaver birds
    3. Monkeys
    4. Dogs   
  5. Which of the following is not worn when handling small wild animals?
    1. Gloves
    2. Masks
    3. Gumboots
    4. Suit
  6. The following are types of soil except 
    1. sand
    2. clay
    3. loam
    4. manure 
  7. Identify the farm tool shown below 
    1. Jembe
    2. Panga
    3. Rake 
    4. Spade
  8. Which of the following indegenous plants grows in dry areas?
    1. Pigweed
    2. Sorghum 
    3. Yams
    4. Black night shade
  9. The removal of unwanted plants is known as
    1. Prunning
    2. Weeding 
    3. Uprooting
    4. Thinning
  10. What is the best time to plant seedlings?
    1. In the morning
    2. At midday 
    3. In the afternoon
    4. In the evening 


  1. Which of the following is a factor that should be considered when buying shoes?
    1. Date of manufacture
    2. Size of the shoe 
    3. Number of pairs
    4. Name fo the seller
  2. The following are factors that lead to time wastage. Which one does not
    1. Uncontrolled use of media 
    2. Preparing a work plan 
    3. Excessive playing
    4. Poor planning of time
  3. Which of the following is not a material used for making surfaces found at home? 
    1. Clay
    2. Tiles
    3. Wood
    4. Cement
  4. Which one of the following is not a communicable disease?
    1. Chicken pox
    2. Scabies
    3. Measles
    4. Diabetes
  5. Pouring excess water on a wooden  surface can lead to 
    1. Rotting
    2. Baking
    3. Drying
    4. Cleanliness
  6. Which of the following is not a  macro-nutrient? 
    1. Fats
    2. Vitamins   
    3. Carbohydrates
    4. Proteins 
  7. Which of the following is not a symptom of Kwashiorkor?  
    1. Brownish and thin hair 
    2. Swollen body parts
    3. Protruding belly
    4. Pale finger nails
  8. Grade five learners made the stitch shown below. What is the name of the stitch?
    1. Hemming stitch
    2. Even tacking stitch 
    3. Herringbone stitch
    4. Back stitch 
  9. Which of the following is not a step in laundry work? 
    1.  Sorting
    2. Blousing 
    3. Washing
    4. Mending
  10. Pulses are also known as
    1. Cereals
    2. rice
    3. maize
    4. legumes


  1. How many players are there in a soccer match? 
    1. 11 
    2. 14 
    3. 22
    4. 7
  2. Which of the following is not a content of a First Aid Kit?
    1. Pain killers
    2. Bandage
    3. Razor blades 
    4. Gloves
  3.  In relay which material cannot be used to improvise a batton?
    1. manila
    2. Plastic paper
    3. Stick 
    4. Iron metal 
  4. Which is the best resting position?
    1. Sitting
    2. Lying on the back 
    3. Lying on the left side 
    4. Lying on the right side
  5. When should First Aid be administered in games and sport? 
    1. Immediately after the accident
    2. A few minutes after the accident 
    3. At the hospital
    4. After seeing the doctor
  6. Below is a rounder's bat. Name the part labelled B
    1. Grip
    2. Barrel
    3. Knob
    4. End cap 
  7. Warm up activities are important because they
    1. relax the muscles without being sore
    2. help the muscles stretch without being injured
    3. help the to prevent injuries
    4. help the hearbeat to go back to normal gradually
  8. Which game is played in the equipment shown below?
    1. Netball 
    2. Volleyball 
    3. Handball 
    4. Basket ball
  9. The following are skills learnt during rope skipping. Which one is not?
    1. Wounded duck
    2. Skier 
    3. Volley
    4. Straddle
  10. A score in rugby is called?
    1. run 
    2. goal
    3. try
    4. point 


  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. A
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. D
  26. D
  27. D
  28. B
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. D
  35. A
  36. A
  37. D
  38. D
  39. B
  40. D
  41. C
  42. A
  43. B
  44. B
  45. A
  46. A
  47. C
  48. B
  49. C
  50. C



  1. You have been given this question booklet and a separate answer sheet.
  2. Do any necessary rough work in this booklet.
  3. When you have chosen your answer, mark it on ANSWER SHEET, not in the question booklet.


  1. Use an ordinary pencil. 
  2. Make sure that you have written on the answer sheet:
  3. By drawing a dark line inside the correct numbered boxes mark your full Assessment Number in the grid near the top of the answer sheet.
  4. Do not make any marks outside the boxes.
  5. Keep your answer sheet as clean as possible and do not fold it.
  6. For each of the Question, answers are given. The answers are lettered A, B, C, and D. In each case only ONE of the four answers is correct. Choose the correct answer.
  7. On the answer sheet the correct answer is to be shown by drawing a dark line inside the box in which the letter you have chosen is written.
    In the Question Booklet:
    23. The cheapest way of preserving fish is
    1. freezing
    2. sun drying
    3. smoking
    4. canning
      The correct answer is B (sun drying)
      On the answer sheet:
      23. [A] [B] [C] [D]
  8. Your dark line MUST be within the box. 
  9. For each question ONLY ONE box is to be marked in each set of four boxes.



  1. What is still life drawing? 
    1. Drawing from observation 
    2. Drawing plants 
    3. Drawing from imagination 
    4. Drawing of non-moving objects
  2. Grace, a grade 5 pupil, was making baskets using twinning technique. Which natural materials could she use to make the basket? 
    1. Nylon
    2. Plastic
    3. Nylon threads
    4. Sisal fibres
  3. Three of the following are parts of a book jacket. Which one is not?
    1. A spine
    2. A Back cover
    3. A flap
    4. Decorated pictures
  4. Kimathi mixed colours to paint in a colour wheel. Which colour did he get after mixing red and orange?
    1. Amber
    2. Pink
    3. Red - orange
    4. Purple
  5. Which career is related with the skill and talent of making quality pictures?
    1. Painting
    2. Photography
    3. Design
    4. Fashon design
  6. Which of the following techniques can be used to create a dark effect on the picture below
    6 d
    1. Painting
    2. Colouring
    3. Stippling technique
    4. Scratching technique
  7. Tonal variation can be created through addition of one of the following pairs of colours. Which one?
    1. Orange and white
    2. White and black
    3. Yellow and green
    4. Green and black
  8. The following are used in painting except
    1. Crayon
    2. Sponge
    3. Spatula
    4. Point brush 
  9.                                  makes a piece of artwork attractive.
    1. Balance 
    2. Colour
    3. Texture
    4. Size
  10. The following materials are used in crayon etching except
    1. mounting surface
    2. glue
    3. sharp tools
    4. water


  1. The following are all ornaments except
    1. necklaces
    2. anklet
    3. earing
    4. descant 
  2. Grade 5 pupils were told to compose a song about HIV/AIDs. What type of song did they compose?
    1. Love song
    2. Patriotic song
    3. Action song
    4. Topical song
  3. A drum is a musical instrument that is played by
    1. shaking
    2. hitting
    3. blowing
    4. plucking
  4. The musical instrument drawn below is known as
    14 d
    1. Wandidi 
    2. Nyatiti
    3. Obukamo
    4. Piano
  5. Three of the following are benefits of songs in the community. Which one is not
    1. For entertainment
    2. To pass information
    3. To curse people
    4. To preserve culture
  6. Which of the following song are performed to lure children to sleep?
    1. Work songs 
    2. Play songs
    3. Lullaby songs
    4. Action songs
  7. Which one of the following elements refers to the speed of a song?
    1. Tempo
    2. Pitch
    3. Dynamics
    4. Structure
  8. The Kenya National Anthem has                            stanzas.
    1. 1
    2. 4
  9. What is the name of the traditional musical instrument shown below?
    19 d
    1. Drum 
    2. Horn
    3. Guitar
    4. Piano 
  10. Songs sung to show love and respect to our country are known as                                  songs. 
    1. patriotic 
    2. love 
    3. topical 
    4. action

Use the map of KIGI are below to answer questions that follow:

kigi area map

  1. Which is the main religion in Kigi area
    1. Islamic
    2. Christianity
    3. Hindu
    4. Traditional
  2. Kigi area is likely to be a
    1. Sub county
    2. Country
    3. County
    4. Ward
  3. River Kigi flows from                            to                               
    1. South West to North East
    2. South East to North East
    3. North East to South West
    4. North West to South East 
  4. What is the settlement pattern evident in Kigi Area? 
    1. clustered
    2. Linear
    3. Dense
    4. Sparse 
  5. The climate of the South Western part of Kigi Area is likely to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and dry 
    3. cool and wet 
    4. hot and dry
  6.                                            is something that we use to create wealth.
    1. Resource 
    2. Economic activity 
    3. Trade
    4. Farming

Use the diagram below to answer questions 27 and 28

27 d

  1. The latitude marked 'b' is likely to be
    1. prime meridian
    2. Tropic of Cancer
    3. Arctic circle
    4. Equator 
  2. The latitude labelled T measures
    1. 23 1/2° N
    2. 23 1/2° S
    3. 66 1/2° S
    4. 23 1/2° S 
  3. The following are qualitites of good leader except
    1. Kind
    2. Honest 
    3. Responsible
    4. Arrogant

Study the map below and answer questions 20 to 32

30 d

  1. The drainage feature marked D is
    1. R. Athi 
    2. R. Tana
    3. R. Turkwel
    4. L. Victoria
  2. The physical feature marked B was formed through a process known as 
    1. faulting and uplifting 
    2. faulting and sinking 
    3. volcanicity 
    4. down warping
  3. Which of the following rivers has its mouth in the drainage feature marked C? 
    1. River Migori 
    2. River Yala 
    3. River Turkwel 
    4. River Sagana
  4. Which feature is formed at the point where River Tana flows into the Indian Ocean? 
    1. Tributarys
    2. Valley
    3. Delta
    4. Estuary 
  5. A person who belongs to a certain country is known as
    1. patriot
    2. resident
    3. citizen
    4. foreigner 
  6. A low-lying flat land is known as a
    1. plateau
    2. plain
    3. valley
    4. highland 
  7. Which one of the following is the highest mountain in Eastern Africa?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt. Elgon
    4. Mt. Ruwenzori 
  8. The main work of the police is to
    1. arrest criminals
    2. protect the leaders
    3. maintain law and order
    4. kill the law breakers 
  9. Which group below is made up of Bantu speakers in Uganda?
    1. Agikuyu, Ameru, Aembu
    2. Wanyamwezi, Wayao, Chagga 
    3. Baganda, Basoga, Batoro
    4. Banyore, Abagusii, Wangoni 
  10. Eastern Africa has                            countries. 
    1. 11
    2. 12
    3. 13
    4. 14 
  11. General election in Kenya take place after every                            years.
    1. 15
    2. 10
    3. 5

SECTION B: C.R.E (20mks)

  1. Grade six learners were discussing the Biblical story of creation using their Bible. From theri discussion, they found that human beings were created on: 
    1. the fourth day 
    2. the third day 
    3. the fifth day
    4.  the sixth day 
  2. Which one of the following lessons can grade six pupil best learn from the story of Abraham? 
    1. To be honest 
    2. To trust in God 
    3. To be helpful
    4.  To be generous 
  3. Whic of the following is NOT a gospel book? 
    1. Acts
    2. Luke
    3. John
    4. John 
  4. Which one of the following boxes contain a pair of gifts of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Love
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Healing
    4. Preaching
  5. A grade six CRE teacher asked the
    pupils to complete the beatitude below: "Happy are the pure in heart ......" Which one of the following responses that they gave was CORRECT? 
    1. they will receive what God has promised
    2. they will see God
    3. they will be called children of God
    4. They will be comforted
  6. Grace was asked to take care of her siblings by her mother while she was away but she did not do that. The christian value that she lacked is: 
    1. Honesty 
    2. Wisdom 
    3. Obedience 
    4. Joy
  7. Which of the following was the first miracle that Jesus performed? 
    1. Turning water into wine. 
    2. Raising Lazarus 
    3. Feeding the hungry crowd 
    4. Healing the bleeding woman
  8. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that Lincoh, a grade six pupil, should consider when choosing a friend? 
    1. Disobedient 
    2. Hardworking 
    3. Irresponsible 
    4. Wealthy
  9. In which of the following ways can the residents of Mtwapa village do to care for their environment?
    1. Planting along river banks 
    2. Cutting doen trees 
    3. Planting trees 
    4. Blowing charcoal
  10. You have discovered that your best friend at school is suffering from an incurable disease. As a christian, what is the BEST thing for you to do? 
    1. Advice him or her to transfer to another school 
    2. Tell him or her to donate blood 
    3. Tell him or her to leave school. 
    4. Advice her or him to seek medical attention.


marking scheme


  1. The following are functions of parts of the digestive system:
    1. Absorption of water and mineral salts. 
    2. Absorption of digested food into the body.
    3. Digestion of proteins.
    4. Food mixes with salive
    5. Food is chewed using teeth.
      Which of the following pairs shows the functions of the mouth? 
      1. i, v
      2. iv, ii
      3. ii, iii
      4. iv, v
  2. Which one of the following types of teeth is correctly matched with its function? 
    1. Canines - tearing 
    2. Premolars — cutting 
    3. Incisors - grinding 
    4. Molars biting
  3. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of plants? Plants 
    1. reproduce. 
    2. feed. 
    3. move from place to place. 
    4. grow.
  4. Which one of the following lists consists of substances in the same state of matter? 
    1. Smoke, chalk dust, charcoal. 
    2. Tea, water, porridge. 
    3. Ink, gas, stone. 
    4. Pencil, saliva, desk.
  5. Study the diagram below.
    The bottle tops are 
    1. sinking.
    2. sinkers
    3. drowning.
    4. floating.
  6. Grade 6 learners set up the experiment as shown below.
    The process taking place at X is called 
    1. freezing 
    2. condensation. 
    3. evaporation.
    4. melting.
  7. Which one of the following is not a part of the breathing system? 
    1. Oesophagus. 
    2. Trachea. 
    3. Bronchioles. 
    4. Air sacs.
  8. The diagram below shows a root type seen by Grade 6 pupils during nature walk.
    The plant they uprooted was likely to be 
    1. sugarcane. 
    2. cowpeas. 
    3. maize. 
    4. grass.
  9. Which blood vessel transports deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body to the heart? 
    1. Pulmonary artery. 
    2. Pulmonary vein. 
    3. Venacava. 
    4. Aorta.
  10. All the following animals are not invertebrates except a 
    1. toad.
    2. lizard. 
    3. snail.
    4. snake.
  11. Which of the following lists has useful fungi only? 
    1. Mushroom, puffball. 
    2. Dandruff, yeast.
    3. Penicillium, toadstool. 
    4. Yeast, mushroom.
  12. A player kicked a ball hard up. She saw the ball coming back to the ground. This was due to 
    1. nature of the weather. 
    2. lack of wind. 
    3. force of gravity. 
    4. sunshine intensity.
  13. What do we use to identify acids and bases?
    1. Litmus paper. 
    2. Aluminium foil.
    3. Oiled paper.
    4. Transparent narrow bottles.
  14. Heat transfer in gases and liquids is called
    1. evaporation.
    2. convection.
    3. radiatiul.
    4. conduction.
  15. Which of the following shapes of the moon is called yiubous?

  16. The type of soil that makes longest ribbons
    1. is the best for construction. 
    2. has the least air spaces. 
    3. is called loam. 
    4. does not crack when dry.
  17. The most advanced type of soil erosion is
    1. rill erosion.
    2. sheet erosion.
    3. gulley erosion.
    4. splash erosion.
  18. Which one of the following crops is the odd one out?
    1. Pumpkin. 
    2. Carrot.
    3. Watermelon.
    4. Cucurber.
  19. Which of the following gardening practices conserves soil moisture? 
    1. Weeding 
    2. Pruning
    3. Digging
    4. Mulching
  20. Which of the following animals makes underground holes and eats our tuber crops?
    1. Weaverbird. 
    2. Monkey. 
    3. Mole. 
    4. Mongoose.
  21. Which of the following food crops is not indigenous?
    1. Millet.
    2. Rice.
    3. Yarns.
    4. Cassava
  22. Which of the following materials cannot be used to prepare compost manure?
    1. Banana pools. 
    2. Maize stalk. 
    3. Plastic bottles. 
    4. Farmyard manure.
  23. Which of the following animals offers Services only? 
    1. Hen.
    2. Ox.
    3. Camel
    4. Cat.
  24. The ability of soil to regain its original fertility is called soil 
    1. recovery.
    2. erosion. 
    3. profile.
    4. acidity
  25. Which of the following can be used for mulching?
    1. Polythene papers. 
    2. Old rags.
    3. Pieces of iron sheets.
    4. Dry leaves or grass.
  26. The following are changes that take place during adolescence:
    1. Production of sex cells.
    2. Broadening of hips.
    3. Deepening of voice. 
    4. Increase in weight and height
    5. Menstruation.
      Which of the changes above take place in both adolescent boys and girls? 
      1. ii, v
      2. i, iv
      3. iii, iv
      4. ii, iv
  27. Good grooming helps us to look 
    1. neat.
    2. rough.
    3. naughty.
    4. desperate.
  28. Perfumes and make-ups are examples of
    1. needs. 
    2. lotions. 
    3. accessories. 
    4. cosmetics.
  29. Cancer, obesity and hypertesion are all
    1. contagious diseases. 
    2. non-communicable diseases. 
    3. communicable diseases.
    4. nutritional deficiency diseases.
  30. Consumption of too much sugary foods can lead to 
    1. asthma 
    2. epilepsy 
    3. obesity 
    4. diabetes
  31. . Which one of the following is not an important factor to consider when choosing shoes? 
    1. Size
    2. Colour 
    3. Quantity
    4. Comfort
  32. Study the diagram below.
    Which nutrients do we get from the above стор?
    1. Proteins 
    2. Cereals 
    3. Carbohydrates 
    4. Vitamins
  33. Which one of the following is not a reason for laundry work? To 
    1. improve creases. 
    2. make the garments neat. 
    3. remove dirt and stains. 
    4. kill germs.
  34. Study the care label below.
    What does the care label above mean? Do not 
    1. use warm water. 
    2. iron. 
    3. use cold water. 
    4. wring.
  35. Using too much of body lotion frequently is one way of 
    1. staying neat. 
    2. using cosmetics well. 
    3. misusing cosmetics. 
    4. misusing accessories.
  36. A light spear designed for throwing is called a
    1.  javelin. 
    2. bat. 
    3. cross bar. 
    4. shot put.
  37. Out of the following sports activities, choose the odd one out. 
    1. Backward roll. 
    2. Head stand. 
    3. Soccer.
    4. Hand stand.
  38. Legal touches is a sports activity applied in
    1. softball. 
    2. kabaddi. 
    3. tag ruby. 
    4. volleyball.
  39. Scissor technique is a sports activity associated with
    1. high jump. 
    2. long jump. 
    3. shot put. 
    4. standing discuss.
  40. The following diagram shows a high jump facility.
    The bar marked X is called 
    1. an upright bar. 
    2. a straight bar. 
    3. a crosss bar. 
    4. a horizontal bar.
  41. All the following soccer players do not need gloves except the 
    1. midfielder.
    2. defender. 
    3. forward player.
    4. goal keeper.
  42. Which of the following is not a partner work in rope jump? 
    1. Wounded duck. 
    2. Face to face. 
    3. Side to side.
    4. Back to back.
  43. How many players make one handball team? 
    1. 11
    2. 5
    3. 6
  44. Which of the following is not an element of a good pass in handball? 
    1. Accuracy. 
    2. It should be fast. 
    3. It should be tactful. 
    4. It should be high
  45. Receiving the ball passed by a partner in handball is called 
    1. tackling.
    2. dribbling. 
    3. blocking.
    4. catching.
  46. Below is a volleyball player.
    The volleyball technique demonstrated above is called
    1. the dig. 
    2. under arm serve. 
    3. receiving
    4. volleying.
  47. All the following are outfield players in softball except the 
    1. right fielder. 
    2. left fielder. 
    3. first baseman. 
    4. center fielder.
  48. Three of the following equipment are used in rugby except 
    1. a tag belt. 
    2. training cones. 
    3. a rugby ball 
    4. discs.
  49. Which of the following is not a type of bounce in rope work?
    1. Single bounce. 
    2. Double bounce. 
    3. One foot bounce. 
    4. Two feet bounce.
  50. All the following can be found in a first aid box except 
    1. a stapler. 
    2. a bandage.
    3. painkillers.
    4. an antiseptic.


sci timer ms


Swali la 1 hadi 5. soma mazungumzo haya kisha ujibu maswali.


Mbula: Shikamoo mama?

Mama: Marahaba mwanangu. Umeamkaje?

Mbula: Vyema. Mbona leo umerauka mapema hivyo?

Mama: (Akimwonyesha kalenda) Umesahau leo ni Madaraka Dei?

Mbula: Nilidhani kuwa ni kesho Jumapili!

Mama: Ni muhimu kila mzalendo kushiriki katika sherehe za kitaifa.

Mbula: Asante kwa kunipasha. Sherehe za leo zinaongozwa na nani?

Mama: Zitaongozwa na kiongozi wa kaunti. Unafahamu jina la cheo chake?

Mbula: Naam, Gavana.

Mama: Vizuri sana mwanangu. Ungetaka kuandamana nami?

Mbula: Bila shaka. Sitabaki nyuma.

Mama: Jiandae haraka kwa vile chelewa chelewa utampata mwana si wako.

Mbula: Sawa mama (Anaondoka)

  1. Kwa nini mama aliamka mapema siku hiyo?
    1. Ni mazoea yake 
    2. Ili kujiandaa kuenda kanisani 
    3. Ili kujiandaa kuenda siku ya Madaraka 
    4. Ili kutayarisha kiamsha kinywa
  2.  Hatua ya mama na Mbula kuamua kuenda kuhudhuria sikukuu ya Madaraka inaonyesha kuwa wana
    1. uzalengo 
    2. bidii 
    3. heshima 
    4. hekima.
  3. Mazungumzo haya yalifanywa siku ya gani? 
    1. Jumanne 
    2. Ijumaa 
    3. Jumapili 
    4. Jumamosi
  4. Chelewa chelewa utampata mwana si wako ni aina ya 
    1. tashbihi 
    2. Nahau 
    3. methali
    4.  tanakali
  5. Kiongozi wa nchi huitwa 
    1. Gavana
    2. Rais
    3. Seneta
    4. Chifu 

Swali la 6 - 12. soma shairi lifuatalo kisha ujibu maswali 

Ni makosa kudhulumu, binadamu duniani
Ni hatia kuhukumu, kwa udhalimu kortini
Ni vyema unapodumu, u mzuri duniani
Tenda wema nenda zako, Jalali atakulipa

Maisha yawe magumu, usiwe mwongo moyoni,
Jikuzeni humu humu, ukinge umaskini,
Ni busara kuhudumu, kwa nia safi mtimani,
Tenda mema nenda zako, Jalali atakulipa.

  1. Shairi hili ni la aina gani?
    1. Tathlitha
    2. Tarbia
    3. Tathnia
    4. Takhmisa
  2. Kila mshororo wa shairi hili una mizani ngapi? 
    1. 16 
    2. 8
    3. 32
    4. 64
  3. Ujumbe wa shairi hili ni kuhusu
    1.  kuwa na bidii pekee 
    2. kuwa mnafiki 
    3. kuwa na utu 
    4. kuwa na heshima pekee
  4. Neno jingine lenye maana sawa na Jalali ni 
    1. rafiki
    2. ndugu
    3. jirani
    4. Mungu
  5. Mshororo wa pili katika kila ubeti huitwa
    1. mwanzo 
    2. mloto
    3. mleo
    4. Kibwagizo
  6. Shairi hili lina beti ngapi? 
    1. Mbili
    2. Tatu 
    3. Nne
    4. Moja
  7. Andiku ukwupi wu nishur uro wu pili ubeti wa kwanza 
    1. Ni vyema unapodumu 
    2. Jikazeni humu humu 
    3. Ni hatia kuhukumu 
    4. Kwa udhalimu kortini

Swali la 13 hadi 15. Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali


Kimeu, Ngina, Mwende na Misha walimtembelea mwulimu wuo majilisini. Mwalimu Mumo alikuwa na kazi nyingi ya kuandaa somo. Alikuwa akichora chati kuhusu misimu tofauti.
Wanafunzi hao walimsaidia mwalimu wao katika shughuli hiyo. Kimeu Misha na Nginn walijaza kalamu rangi. Kimeu na Mwende walisaidia kuchora chati. Wote isipokuwa Ngina walisaidia kupaka rangi. Kimeu alisaidia kusafisha eneo la kufanyia kazi nao wasichana wute wakasaidia kuanika chati ukutani. 

  1. Mwalimu alikuwa akifanyia kazi wapi?
    1. Darasani
    2. Majilisini 
    3. Uwanjani 
    4. Ofisini
  2. Ni mwanafunzi yupi hakuanika chati ukutani?
    1. Ngina
    2. Mwende
    3. Misha
    4. Kimeu
  3. Mwende alifanya kazi ngapi kwa jumla?
    1. Tatu
    2. Mbili
    3. Nne
    4. Moja

Swali la 16 hadi 20. soma fungu kate na ulaze natasi kwa ibu sahihi
Wakazi wa kijiji                      16                         wana uhusiano                     17                        . Wana bidii kama                      18                         kazini. Wamepanda miti                     19                         ili kuyatunza mazingira. Katika msimu wa                      20                         wao huwa hawahisi jua kali sana kama ilivyokuwa zamani kabla ya kupanda miti hiyo.

    1. wetu
    2. yetu
    3. letu
    4. chetu
    1. mzuri 
    2. zuri
    3. wazuri
    4. uzuri
    1. kunguru
    2. kondoo
    3. mchwa
    4. njiwa
    1. mingi
    2. mengi
    3. wingi
    4. nyingi
    1. masika
    2. kiangazi
    3. vuli
    4. choo

Chagua jibu sahihi kujibu maswali

  1. Kinyume cha neno 'tamu' ni
    1. chungu
    2. kali
    3. mbaya
    4. chachu
  2. Mtu anayetunga mashairi huitwa
    1. manju
    2. malenya
    3. mwandishi
    4. mtunzi
  3. Chagua neno lililo katika ngeli ya YA-YA.
    1. magonjwa 
    2. mazingira
    3. matunda
    4. ukuta
  4. Chagua jibu linaloonyesha wingi wa 'uso wangu umeoshwa' 
    1. Nyuso zangu zimeoshwa
    2. Nyuso zao zimeoshwa 
    3. Nyuso zetu zimeoshwa
    4. Uso yetu umeoshwa
  5. Chagua jibu lenye visawe
    1. Furaha - huzuni
    2. Hongo - rushwa
    3. Mshindi - mshinde
    4. Mtu - jibu
  6. Chagua sentensi iliyoakifishwa vizuri
    1. Ala nimeona jitu kubwa sana.
    2. Mama: alinunua embe tomoko na chungwa
    3. Je, Leo ni siku gani
    4. Hoyee! Tumeshinda mbio hizo.
  7. Neno 'mtoto katika ukubwa ni
    1. jitoto 
    2. kitoto
    3. toto
    4. litoto
  8. Chagua methali inayoonyehsa ushirikiano
    1. Mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame
    2. Jifya moja haliinjiki chungu
    3. Mchagua jembe si mkulima
    4. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo
  9. Ni pambo lipi huvaliwa shingoni?
    1. Mkufu
    2. Pete
    3. Herini
    4. Kipini
  10. Tumia kivumishi kirejeshi amba-kukamilisha sentensi:
    Mpira                                     ulinunuliwa umepasuka 
    1. ambao
    2. ambayo
    3. ambacho
    4. ambalo 


Andika insha kuhusu;
Andikia mwalimu mkuu wa shule yako barua rasmi ukiomba ruhusa kujiunga na kikundi cha wanaskauti shuleni:


swa marking scheme


  1. The composition will be assessed according to the following guidelines. 
  2. The maximum mark will be 40 and the minimum mark 01.
    Does the script show that the candidate can communicate accurately, fluently and imaginatively in Englis

Accuracy (16 marks)

  1. Correct tense and agreement of verbs 
  2. Accurate use of vocabulary (4 marks)
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks)
  4. Correct punctuation (4 marks)

Fluency (16 marks)

  1. Correct flow of the story (4 marks) 
  2. Well sequenced sentence and connected paragraphs (4 marks
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks)
  4. Ideas developed in logic sequence (4 marks)

Imagination (8 marks)

  1. Unusual but appropriate use of words (4 marks)
  2. Variety of structure (4 marks)

NB: Please teachers are requested to scrutinize this marking scheme before use, it is worth

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