Friday, 28 October 2022 12:07

Creative & Social Studies Questions and Answers - Grade 5 End of Term 3 November 2022 Exams Set 2


  1. Which one of the following is not a secondary colour? 
    1. Green.
    2. Orange.
    3. Red.
    4. Violet.
  2. All the following are locally available materials that can be used in plain and twine techniques except 
    1. wax.
    2. linen.
    3. wool.
    4. nylon yarns.
  3. Which one of the following can be decorated using embedding technique?
  4. All the following may be needed for picture making except 
    1. a pencil.
    2. a ruler. 
    3. an eraser
    4. plasticine.
  5. A Grade 5 boy used thonging method to make an indigenous craft. Which of the following items was he likely to have made?
  6. All the following letters are in 3D except
  7. Grade 5 learners wanted to make wax crayons. They brought the following items to class:
    Sharon:____ paraffin
    Kevin:____bees wax
    Brian____metallic container
    Carol____charcoal powder
    Who brought an item that was not necessary?
    1. Kevin
    2. Brian.
    3. Sharon.
    4. Carol.
  8. A laddle can be curved using 
    1. plasticine.
    2. plastic.
    3. clay.
    4. wood.
  9. What is the use of adhesive when mounting artwork?
    1. Balancing the artwork at the centre of the frame.
    2. Making the artwork look bright. 
    3. Easening the work of display. 
    4. Sticking the cutouts.
  10. A marionette is manipulated using 
    1. sticks.
    2. Fods.
    3. strings.
    4. gloves.


  1. Which of the following lines is found in the chorus of the East African Community Anthem (EACA)?
    1. Umoja wetu ni nguzo yetu. 
    2. Tujitoe kwa hali na mali. 
    3. Natulinde uhuru na amani. 
    4. Tuwezeshe kuishi kwa amani.
  2. Which of the following types of songs is wrongly matched with its description?
    1. Topical songs-sung to enlighten the community.
    2. Action songs-sung during a certain community activity.
    3. Sacred songs-sung during religious activities.
    4. Patriotic songs- sung to show love for the country.
  3. Which one of the following shows a minim?
  4. The musical instrument drawn below is called abu
    Which of the following communities plays the musical instrument above? 
    1. Kalenjin. 
    2. Kipsigis. 
    3. Luo.
    4. Iteso. 
  5. Which of the following aspects of a folk song is the most important?
    1. Message.
    2. Instrumentation.
    3. Participants.
    4. Occasion.
  6. Which one of the following is not a percussion instrument?
  7. Tightening the laces of a drum so as to produce the desired sound is called 
    1. hitting.
    2. tuning 
    3. turning. 
    4. pulling
  8. A descant recorder is a musical instrument played by 
    1. bowing. 
    2. hitting.
    3. shaking.
    4. blowing.
  9. Study the item drawn below.
    The item above is commonly used when performing 
    1. folk songs. 
    2. lullabies.
    3. religious songs. 
    4. sacred songs.
  10. A person who plays instruments in a folk dance is called 
    1. an instrumentalist. 
    2. a musician. 
    3. a composer.
    4. a soloist.


  1. Which of the following choices contains elements of a map only? 
    1. Compass, title, vegetation. 
    2. Frame, key, scale. 
    3. Altitude, key, frame. 
    4. Frame, key, direction.
  2. Which of the following countries is located to the east of Kenya?
    1. Ethiopia. 
    2. Uganda. 
    3. Somalia.
    4. Tanzania
  3. Which of the weather conditions represented below is ideal for flying a kite?
  4. Which of the following means of communication is audio-visual?
  5. Cultural centres and monuments are examples of
    1. historic built environments.
    2. natural environments.
    3. physical features
    4. national heritage.
  6. Which of the following duties is performed by the deputy head teacher in a public primary school? 
    1. Chairing staff meetings. 
    2. Preparing the school timetable. 
    3. Taking minutes in a Board of Management meeting.
    4. Allocating duties to other staff members.
  7. Kadere saw a road sign like the one shown below.
    What does the road sign mean? 
    1. The presence of a roundabout. 
    2. No turning.
    3. No entry.
    4. Danger ahead.
  8. Which of the following lists consists of Central Bantus only? 
    1. Wadawida, Abaluhya, Ameru. 
    2. Iteso, Njemps, Abakuria. 
    3. Samburu, Akamba, Ameru. 
    4. Ambeere, Aembu, Ameru.
  9. Growing crops for home consumption and keeping livestock for domestic use is called 
    1. small scale farming.
    2. subsistence farming. 
    3. arable farming. 
    4. indigenous farming.
  10. All the following crops can be grown under horticulture except 
    1. sisal.
    2. carnations.
    3. kales.
    4. roses.
  11. Below is a method of inland fishing in Kenya.
    The fishing method shown above is called 
    1. long lining. 
    2. purse seining.
    3. trawling
    4. harpooning.

Use the map of Kenya provided below to answer questions 32 to 35

  1. The country marked P is called
    1. Ethiopia.
    2. Uganda.
    3. Somalia
    4. Tanzania.
  2. The feature marked X is shared among how many countries?
    1. 2
    2. 5
    3. 3
    4. 4
  3. The National park marked R is called
    1. Sibiloi.
    2. Malka Mari
    3. Amboseli
    4. Serengeti
  4. The lake labelled W is lake
    1. Victoria.
    2. Natron.
    3. Albert.
    4. Turkana.


  1. The angel Balaam's donkey saw on the road carried a
    1. sword.
    2. Bible.
    3. shield.
    4. dove.
  2. Who told Zacharia that his wife would give birth to John?
    1. Jesus.
    2. An angel. 
    3. The priest. 
    4. A church leader.
  3. The story of a friend at midnight teaches Christians about the importance of
    1. persistence in prayer. 
    2. baptism. 
    3. strong faith.
    4. fasting and praying
  4. People were not happy when Jesus entered Zacchaeus' house because he was a 
    1. short man. 
    2. sinner 
    3. Jew.
    4. tax collector.
  5. Jesus resurrected a widow's son in a town called 
    1. Bethany. 
    2. Galilee.
    3. Capernaum.
    4. Nain
  6. Which one of the following is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit? 
    1. Faith.
    2. Joy.
    3. Love.
    4. Faithfulness
  7. How many jars of water were changed into wine by Jesus?
    1. 7. 
    2. 12. 
    3. 5. 
    4. 24.
  8. Lazarus and his sisters lived in
    1. Jerusalem. 
    2. Bethel.
    3. Jericho. 
    4. Bethany.
  9. Who among the following people witnessed the killing of Stephen?
    1. Paul. 
    2. Saul. 
    3. Peter. 
    4. Ahab.
  10. The ten men that Jesus healed were suffering from 
    1. epilepsy. 
    2. ebola.
    3. leprosy. 
    4. blindness.
  11. Which of the following is not a way of : empowering the needy?
    1. Giving them capital to start businesses. 
    2. Giving them money for daily upkeep. 
    3. Teaching them legal skills of acquiring wealth. 
    4. Employing them for a pay
  12. Which of the following books are all in the Old Testament? 
    1. Acts, John, Peter. 
    2. Habakkuk, Joel, Ephesians. 
    3. Haggai, Esther, Isaiah. 
    4. Zephania, Jude, Revelation.
  13. When Jesus calmed the storm,
    1. His power over nature was revealed. 
    2. the disciples were in deep sleep. 
    3. His clothes turned crystal white. 
    4. angels appeared to Him.
  14. When we repent our sins,
    1. people start talking about us. 
    2. we become followers of Jesus Christ.
    3. they are transferred to other sinners. 
    4. we are not accepted in the kingdom of God.
  15. During breaktime, Salama saw Mukono picking something from Mukoba's bag. This is called theft. As a Christian, which action should Salama take?
    1. Beat Mukono up to teach him a lesson. 
    2. Report Mukono to his parents.
    3. Tell other classmates about it.
    4. Tell Mukono the dangers associated with titheft.


  1. Which of the following attributes of Allah means all forgiving? 
    1. Al-Haafidth.
    2. Al-Ghafar.
    3. Al-Aalim.
    4. Al-Malik.
  2. Which one of the following is not a condition of swalah? One has to
    1. be in ritual purity.
    2. wear new clothes.
    3. be a Muslim.
    4. have sound mind.
  3. When we perform swalah correctly, we earn
    1. points.
    2. gifts.
    3. curses.
    4. thawab.
  4. Which one of the following is a sunnah prayer?
    1. Fajr.
    2. Taraweh
    3. Asr.
    4. Isha.
  5. The prayers offered after fardh prayers are called
    1. Qabliyah
    2. Taraweh.
    3. Witr.
    4. Ba'adiyah.
  6. Which one of the following is not a nullifier of swalah?
    1. Facing away from the Qibla.
    2. Talking during swalah.
    3. Covering aura.
    4. Skipping obligatory parts of swalah.
  7. Which of the following is not a miracle performed by nabii Issa? 
    1. Talking while still an infant. 
    2. Building an ark alone. 
    3. Bringing the dead back to life. 
    4. He was raised to heaven by Allah (SWT)
  8. All angels
    1. do not have parents. 
    2. were made from fire. 
    3. cannot change their form. 
    4. eat and drink during special events only.
  9. According to the prophet's hadith, a person who starts greeting others
    1. receives more thawab from Allah. 
    2. is loved most by Allah. 
    3. is closest to Allah. 
    4. will be blessed by Allah.
  10. Those who plot against Allah never meet a good ending. This lesson is from surah 
    1. Al-Fil
    2. Al-Maun
    3. Al-Kafirun
    4. Al-Lahab
  11. Alatheena hum yuraoona. What does this hadith mean? 
    1. For those who drive away demons. 
    2. Those who do good only to be seen. 
    3. Allah's mercy will be upon us. 
    4. It is mankind's duty to worship Allah.
  12. Prophets had different qualities for character formation. Which one of the following is one of them? They were 
    1. intelligent.
    2. arrogant. 
    3. slanderers. 
    4. dishonest.
  13. Zeddy can best take care of his camel by
    1. watering it. 
    2. slaughtering it.
    3. starving it.
    4. naming it.
  14. Who among the following is referred to as the angel of death? 
    1. Atid.
    2. Raqib. 
    3. Izrail.
    4. Israfil.
  15. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a strong
    1. supporter of the poor. 
    2. believer in paganism. 
    3. man.
    4. worshipper of idols.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C

  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A

  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D

  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A

Read 2052 times Last modified on Monday, 31 October 2022 13:11