Tuesday, 07 March 2023 13:58

Integrated Science Questions and Answers - Grade 5 Opener Exams Term 1 2023 Set 5


  1. Soila was washing her coloured handkerchief. She added salt to the watem she was using. What was the use of salt when washing the handkerchief? To 
    1. brighten the colour
    2. remove mucus stains
    3. prevent using soap
    4. dry easily.
  2. When doing laundry, we iron clothes after drying them. The main reason why we iron clothes is to
    1. make fun
    2. pass time
    3. remove creases
    4. remove dirt.
  3. After Harun sorted out his clothes, he repaired the torn ones before washing them. Why do we repair clothes before wash.ng them? To
    1. prevent further tearing
    2. make them look smart
    3. use less soap
    4. fasten drying.
  4. A tailor had the item shown below in his workshop. What is its function? To
    1. protect the finger while sewing
    2. fix the button well
    3. thread the niddle
    4. repair torn clothes.
  5. Juma wanted to buy some buttons from the shop. He had to consider all the following factors except
    1. shape
    2. colour
    3. colour of the garment
    4. size of the clothes.
  6. It is healthy for children to play games. All the following games are played in the society except one. Which one is it?
    1. Tag of war
    2. Hide and seek
    3. Soccer
    4. Wrestling.
  7. One afternoon, Joan was feeling unwell. What was the best thing for her to do?
    1. Lie on the bed and relax.
    2. Report to the police.
    3. Inform her parent.
    4. Isolate herself.
  8. After his exams, Ali was to join high school. The best type of shoes for him to buy for school is shoes made using
    1. plastic
    2. leather
    3. canvas
    4. cotton.
  9. Which type of fuel was mostly used in the traditional times?
    1. Firewood
    2. Gas
    3. Electricity
    4. Paraffin
  10. Alice prepared the following shopping list
    What was missing in the shopping list?
    1. Cents
    2. Capital
    3. Price of the items
    4. Balance.
  11. Salim was sent to buy a packet of maize flour from a grocery shop. What was he supposed to consider when buying the item?
    1. Manufacturing date.
    2. Colour of the packet.
    3. Size of the grocery shop. 
    4. Expiry date of the maize flour.
  12. The following are reasons for preserving milk except to 
    1. make it last longer
    2. make it easy to store and transport
    3. increase wastage
    4. prevent it from getting spoilt.
  13. Which of the following is not a fragile kitchen utensil?
  14. Which of the following foods is not prepared by boiling?
    1. Irish potatoes
    2. Chapati
    3. Eggs
    4. Maize.
  15. Which of the following is not a method of cooking food?
    1. Shallow frying
    2. Boiling
    3. Deep frying
    4. Slicing.
  16. Below are steps to perform the headstand.
    1. Keep the arms straight and hold the balance.
    2. Place one foot in front of the other.
    3. Place both hands in front on the ground or mat, shoulder-width apart with fingers spread out slightly and facing forward.
    4. Bring legs down one after the other and finish in a lunge or upright position.
    5. Kick one leg up then follow with the other one.
    6. In a standing position stretch hands straight over the head. Which is the correct order of the activities above?
      1. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
      2. iii, i, iv, vi, ii, v
      3. vi, ii, iii, v, i, iv
      4. vi, v, iii, ii, i, ii
  17. Which of the following is not a safety tip in swimming?
    1. Do not push each other into the pool.
    2. No chewing or eating during swimming.
    3. Swim after taking meals.
    4. Ensure there is a life saver on alert.
  18. Which one of the following shows a short-term effect of drugs in sports? 
    1. Lung complications.
    2. Break up of families.
    3. Long-lasting effect on the function of the liver.
    4. Failure of the kidneys and the liver. 
  19. A substance or ingredient that promotes growth, provides energy and maintains life can best be reffered to as
    1. nutrient
    2. balanced diet
    3. food
    4. fibre.
  20. Which one of the following is not a way of making water safe for drinking in sports?
    1. Boiling.
    2. Adding water guard.
    3. Filtering.
    4. Using simple water purifiers.
  21. Which of the following is not an importance of muscular endurance activities?
    1. Helps increase our stamina.
    2. Helps in preventing injuries that might be caused by overuse of our active muscles.
    3. Helps us never to get injured in sports. 
    4. Helps avoid lower back pain.
  22. The following are parts of the cardiorespiratory system. Which one is not?
    1. Lungs
    2. Heart
    3. Blood vessels
    4. Muscles
  23. Which of the following activities are correctly grouped?
     Passive activities    Active activities 
     A. Football.
    B. Tag of war.
    C. Watching a movie.
    D. A handball game.
    A handball game.
    Watching a football game.
  24. The skill used in swimming to stabilize and propel your body forward in the water with your legs is known as
    1. flutter kick
    2. deck
    3. propel kick
    4. front crawl.
  25. Which of the following is not a cause of nose bleeding?
    1. Bursting of small blood vessels in the nose.
    2. Sneezing hard while mouth closed. 
    3. Dryness in the nose that leads to picking the nose.
    4. Regular cleaning of the nose.
  26. The following are characteristics of plants as living things except that they
    1. grow
    2. die
    3. respond to change in the environment 
    4. give birth.

Study the diagram below and answer questions 27 and 28.


  1. The part labeled Q is called
    1. colon
    2. liver
    3. stomach
    4. pancreas.
  2. What is a function of the part labeled S?
    1. Allows food passage to the stomach. 
    2. Absorbs water and mineral salts. 
    3. Allows absorption of digested food materials.
    4. Holds undigested food material for a while before removal from the body.
  3. During a group discussion on the functions of the tongue, the following responses were given. Which one was wrong?
    1. Used to taste foods.
    2. Used to roll the chewed food into small rounded balls.
    3. Pushes food down the food gut.
    4. Produces saliva.
  4. The following are safety precautions when handling plants except wearing
    1. of gloves to protect our hands
    2. socks
    3. goggles
    4. gumboots.
  5. All the following human activities pollute water except
    1. fishing
    2. washing clothes at the river 
    3. disposing human waste in the river 
    4. bathing in the river.
  6. The following are characteristics of clouds.
    1. Indicates fine weather.
    2. High in the sky.
    3. Looks like bundles of cotton.
      The cloud described is
      1. cumulus
      2. nimbus
      3. cirrus
      4. stratus.
  7. Three of the following are things that force can do except
    1. change size of items
    2. change direction of moving objects
    3. change shape of objects
    4. stop a stationary ball.
  8. Which of the following is not true about light?
    1. Travels in one direction.
    2. Can be reflected.
    3. Travels in a straight line.
    4. Helps us to see things.
  9. Which of the following is not a good conductor of heat?
    1. Metal spoon
    2. Cooking stick
    3. Nail
    4. Pins.
  10. The following are characteristics of a type of teeth.
    1. Have one root.
    2. Found at the front part of the mouth.
    3. They are four on the lower jaw.
      The type of teeth described above is
      1. molars
      2. canines
      3. incisors
      4. pre molars.
  11. Grade 5 pupils were discussing about the transmission of light through different materials. Who gave the correct response?
    1. Jane - opaque materials allow light to pass through
    2. Jose - transparent materials allow little light to pass through
    3. Jack - translucent materials allow most light to pass through.
    4. Jeff -  a block of wood is an opaque material.

Precious and her friends set up the experiment below. Use it to answer questions 38 to 39.


  1. What were they investigating?
    1. Conduction
    2. Convection
    3. Radiation
    4. Melting.
  2. Which of the above pins was the first to fall off the wire?
    1. P
    2. Q
    3. R
    4. T
  3.  A Grade 5 pupil brought the following tool to class.
    Identify the parts of the lever labeled
       Q   R   T  
  4. Which soil has fine particles?
    1. Loam
    2. Sand
    3. Clay
    4. Loam-clay
  5. After rains, a pupil saw some water flowing over the surface of the soil. What name is given to the excess water that flows over the soil surface?
    1. Overflow
    2. Excess water
    3. Runoff
    4. Floods.
  6. A teacher drew the type of soil erosion below on the board. Which type of erosion is this?
    1. Rill
    2. Gulley
    3. Sheet
    4.  Splash.
  7. Which of the following methods is used to control the above type of erosion?
    1. Cover crops
    2. Mulching
    3. Building gabions
    4. Planting trees.
  8. Which is the first step in preparation of compost manure?
    1. Select a suitable site.
    2. Collect required materials.
    3. Add a small layer of ashes.
    4. Level the land.
  9. Which one of the following is not an importance of compost manure?
    1. It is easy and cheap to make.
    2. It slowly releases plant nutrients into the soil.
    3. It has high rate of artificial fertilizers. 
    4. It reduces the uses of artificial fertilizers and chemicals.
  10. Grade four learners mentioned small wild animals that destroy crops in the farm. Who gave the wrong answer?
    1. Becky - Moles.
    2. Angel - Birds.
    3. Leon - Squirrels.
    4. Dorrys - Cheetah.
  11. The following are materials used by Grade four learners to make a scarecrow. Which material was not used?
    1. Tyres
    2. Old sacks
    3. Dried grass
    4. Old pair of trouser. 
  12. Grade 4 learners were requested by their teacher to carry fruit seeds to class. In which one of the following places could they not get the fruit seeds?
    1. Natural forest
    2. Supermarket
    3. Local nurseries
    4. Farms.
  13. Which one of the following is not a gardening practice for transplanted seedlings?
    1. Mulching
    2. Weeding
    3. Shading
    4. Watering.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. C
  18. A
  19. A
  20. C
  21. C
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. D
  27. A
  28. A
  29. D
  30. B
  31. A
  32. A
  33. D
  34. A
  35. B
  36. C
  37. D
  38. A
  39. C
  40. D
  41. C
  42. C
  43. B
  44. C
  45. B
  46. C
  47. D
  48. A
  49. C
  50. C


Read 820 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 March 2023 08:24