Monday, 27 March 2023 12:23

Integrated Science Questions and Answers - Grade 5 Opener Exams Term 1 2023 Set 6

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  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the state of matter below? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 23.37.17
    1. Have a fixed volume.
    2. Takes the shape of a container they are put in.
    3. Have a fixed shape.
    4. Does not flow. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 23.37.29
    What is the function of the part of a digital device shown above?
    1. Displays what is going on in a computer.
    2. Controls and processes programs.
    3. Types into a computer.
    4. Give instructions when clicked.
  3. The following are water pollutants likely to be found near your school. Which one is not?
    1. Clean water in a bucket.
    2. Slaughter house waste.
    3. Dead rotten plants.
    4. Sewage waste.
  4. Which of the following statements is true about the type of teeth shown below?
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 23.44.06
    1. It is used for tearing.
    2. Found at the back of a mouth.
    3. Has a large flat rough surface.
    4. Has three roots.
  5. Grade 5 learner saw the following animals during a visit to the farm near the school. Which of them is an invertebrate?
    1. Rabbit
    2. Millipede
    3. Fish
    4. Cow
  6. The following are reasons why animals die. Which one is not?
    1. Due to good health.
    2. Attacked by enemies.
    3. Lack of enough food.
    4. Due to old age.
  7. Which of the following can be used by a Grade 5 learner to protect the body when dealing with force?
    1. Face mask.
    2. Slippers.
    3. Wrist watch.
    4. Leg guards.
  8. Grade 5 learners set up the experiment shown below. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 23.37.43
    Which of the following made the heat to move from the candle and made the wax fall?
    1. Reflection.
    2. Conduction. 
    3. Echo
    4. Tha stand
  9. Which group consists of transparent materials only
    1. Milk, dirty water.
    2. Tinted window, greased paper.
    3. Clear glass, clean water.
    4. Wood, frosted glass.
  10. Grade 5 learner saw the clouds with the following characteristics
    1. Bring heavy rainfall
    2. Dark grey in colour
    3. Looks like mountains in the sky
    4. Irregular in shape
      What type of clouds are the learners likely to have seen
      1. Cirrus clouds.
      2. Stratus clouds
      3. Cumulus clouds.
      4. Nimbus cloud.
  11. A Grade 5 learner dipped a bread in water and left it for 3 days. Which of the following fungi was likely to grow on the bread?
    1. Yeast.
    2. Mould.
    3. Puffball.
    4. Mushroom.
  12. The following are characteristics of amphibians. Which one is not?
    1. Breath through gills when they are young.
    2.  Cold blooded.
    3. Have a moist skin.
    4. Warm blooded.
  13. Name the parts marked J and L. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 23.53.33
       J   L 
     A.   Trachea   Lungs 
     B.  Oesophagus   Trachea 
     C.  Trachea  Diaphragm 
     D.  Lungs  Pancrease
  14. Ben was advised to follow the following preventive measures to prevent certain waterborne disease. 
    1. Wear gumboots when working in water logged areas
    2. Draining stagnant water
    3. Drink safe and clean water
      Which discase was Ben preventing himself from?
      1. Bilharzia.
      2. Cholera
      3. Dysentry.
      4. Typhoid.
  15. Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal muscles in human beings
    1. Helping the body to move.
    2. Keeping the body upright.
    3. Protecting the brain from injury.
    4. Controlling the body temperature. 


    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 09.40.18
    Which of the following is a safety measure to be observed when using the farm tool shown above? A.
    1. Sharpening before use.
    2. Cleaning it after use.
    3. Wearing gloves to protect the hands.
    4. Storing it properly.
  2. The following are methods a Grade 5 learner can use to sow tiny seeds except use of a
    1. shaker.
    2. garden trowel
    3. sowing tool
    4. folded paper.
  3. Which of the following is a legume crop?
    1. Rice
    2. Millet
    3. Maize.
    4. Beans.
  4. The following are vegetable crops. Which of them is correctly matched?
    1. Fruit vegetable - spinach
    2. Stem vegetable - spring onion
    3. Root vegetable - beetroot
    4. Leafy vegetable - carrot
  5. Grade 5 learners visited a farm near the school and saw the domestic animals below. Which of them offers transport to people and goods?
    1. Ram
    2. Donkey
    3. Pig
    4. Cock
  6. Which of the statement below is not true about fruits?
    1. Some fruits change colour when ripe.
    2. Fruits which ripen on a tree tastes better.
    3. Fruits are rich in carbohydrates.
    4. Some fruits become soft when they ripen.
  7. Which of the following practices had Grade 5 learners carried out in school garden to care for young fruit trees? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 09.46.09
    1. Weeding
    2. Fencing
    3. Prunning
    4. Shading
  8. Grade 5 learners made a compost manure in a school garden. Which of the following is an importance of compost manure?
    1. Increases the use of artificial fertilizers.
    2. It is easy to make.
    3. It is expensive to prepare.
    4. Releases the nutrients to the soil faster.
  9. Which soil has the following characteristics? 
    1. Holds little water
    2. Has large particles
    3. Good for growing coconut.
      1. Loam soil.
      2. Clay soil.
      3. Sand soil.
      4. Loam and clay soil.
  10. When walking home from school, Grade 5 learners saw excess water flowing on the ground surface eroding the top soil. Which of the following was taking place?
    1. Soil conservation.
    2. Run off.
    3. Soil deposition.
    4. Soil recovery.
  11. Which of the materials below is not suitable for making organic waste for improving the soil in the farm?
    1. Sugarcane trash.
    2. Fruit peelings.
    3. Dry grass.
    4. Small pebbles.
  12. The following crops were planted by Grade 5 learners. Which of them is a cover crop?
    1. Cassava.
    2. Pumpkin plant.
    3. Cucumber.
    4. Cabbage.
  13. Grade 5 learners are planning to transplant seedlings. Which of the following would you advise them not to do?
    1. Remove the shade from the seedbed.
    2. Increase the amount of water during hardening off.
    3. Use a garden trowel to remove seedlings.
    4. Transport the seedlings in a container.
  14. Which of the following farming practice will reduce water loss from the soil?
    1. Mulching.
    2. Weeding.
    3. Fencing.
    4. Soil sedimentation.
  15. Which of the following small wild animal damages the roots of a crop?
    1. Birds.
    2. Squirrel
    3. Moles.
    4. Hare. 


  1. Mary a Grade 5 learner wanted to fix a button on her blouse. Write one thing she should look for when choosing the button. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 09.46.18
    Moraa wore the above tool on her finger while repairing her dress. What is its name?
    1. Ring.
    2. Needle
    3. Thread
    4. Thimble
  3. Cooking food in a small amount of oil that has been heated is known as
    1. shallow frying.
    2. deep frying. 
    3. boiling.
    4. frying pan.
  4. Utensils made of glass, earthenware, ceramic gourds are utensils that should be handled with care. We say they are
    1. delicate.
    2. fragile
    3. clean.
    4. plastic.
  5. Pre-adolescence child is a child at the ages of
    1. 13 to 19 years
    2. 10 to 12 years
    3. 8 to 11 years
    4. 9 to 12 years.
  6. Name one good grooming daily health habit that should be practised by a pre-adolescent.
  7. Which one of the following changes occurs in boys only
    1. Start of menstruation.
    2. Changes in body shape and height.
    3. Start of crections with ejaculations.
    4. Start of vaginal discharge.
  8. Joseph Grade 5 learner was given money by his uncle to buy shoes to wear during his brother's wedding. Write one thing that he should consider while buying shoes.
  9. Which one of the following is not a way of wasting time by a pre-teen?
    1. Talking and playing with friends.
    2. Listening to music on radio or phone.
    3. Watching too much television.
    4. Reading storybooks in the library.
  10. Which one of the following is not a way of preserving milk?
    1. Boiling.
    2. Refrigerating.
    3. Drinking.
    4. Fermenting. 


  1. Study the pitch below carefully. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 09.46.34
    Which of the following equipment will a Grade 5 learner use while playing in the pitch above?
    1. Frisbee disk.
    2. A rope.
    3. Soccer ball.
    4. Rounders bat.
  2. The following materials were collected by Grade 4 learners to make an improvised soccer ball. Which one was not a good material for improvising a soccer ball?
    1. Rubber bands.
    2. Old clothes.
    3. Small pebbles.
    4. Strings.
  3. Which statement is false about rope skipping?
    1. Both feet are used in single bounce skill.
    2. The head should be held straight to maintain balance.
    3. Recycled plastic bags cannot be used to make ropes
    4. We should not lift the rope more than 5cm from the ground.
  4. Which swimming technique will the Grade 5 learner move the arms alternately overhead accompanied by a futter kick to propel him forward?
    1. Breast stroke.
    2. Standing surface dive.
    3. Crounch surface dive.
    4. Front crawl.
  5. Which of the following is an importance of warm up activities to a player in Grade 5?
    1. The brain becomes prepared.
    2. Joints becomes less flexible.
    3. Prepares the body for the game.
    4. Helps in preventing injuries.
  6. John a player in Grade 5 is always dehydrated. Which of the following is a reason which could lead to body dehydration?
    1. Drinking too much sugarly drinks.
    2.  Cold weather.
    3. Taking alot of water.
    4. Good health.
  7. ___________________is the use of a substance to illegaly improve the athletics performance in the field.
    1. Drug abuse
    2. Stereotype
    3. Doping
    4. Illness
  8. In which of the following stages in hurdling in athletics will the runner sprint towards the first hurdle after the start command?
    1. Take off.
    2. Flight. 
    3. Approach.
    4. Landing
  9. Grade 5 learners were sharing the responsibilitics in soft ball game. Which of the following is a responsibility of an infield player?
    1. Catching the flying balls.
    2. Fielding ground balls.
    3. Throwing the ball to the infielders.
    4. Covering the bases.
  10. In which area of the standing discus will the flags be used? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 09.46.44


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. C
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C
  31. shape/size, colour of garment
  32. D
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. chew food with mouth closed/ wash hands before meals
  37. C
  38. size, colour, occasion, price, comfort
  39. D
  40. C
  41. D
  42. C
  43. C
  44. D
  45. B
  46. A
  47. C
  48. C
  49. D
  50. D





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