Displaying items by tag: technology

Off Season Cropping Techniques

Off season cultivation refers to the production outside of their typical cropping cycle.
The main objective of off season cultivation is to produce and supply to the market during their lean period.

Importance/Advantages of off season cropping

  • It helps in the more effective and efficient use of land and farm resources.
  • The per-unit result of off-season planting is excellent.
  • Consumers nowadays prefer fresh veggies even when they are not in season, and off-season vegetable cultivation can meet this need.
  • It is sometimes feasible to gain foreign exchange by exporting fresh veggies.
  • It is a great source of preventive food that also contributes to nutritional security.
  • It's a good choice for seed production.

Technologies For Off Season Cropping

  1. Drip irrigation
    Crop yields can increase through improved water and fertility management and reduced disease and weed pressure. When drip irrigation is used with polyethylene mulch, yields can increase even further.
    These benefits are only possible when a drip irrigation system is properly designed, managed, and maintained.

    Advantages of drip irrigation
    • Lower-volume water sources can be used because trickle irrigation may require less than half of the water needed for sprinkler irrigation.
    • Lower operating pressures mean reduced energy costs for pumping.
    • High levels of water-use efficiency are achieved because plants can be supplied with more precise amounts of water.
    • Disease pressure may be less because plant foliage remains dry.
    • Labor and operating costs are generally less, and extensive automation is possible.
    • Water applications are made directly to the plant root zone. No applications are made between rows or other nonproductive areas, resulting in better weed control and significant water savings.
    • Field operations, such as harvesting, can continue during irrigation because the areas between rows remain dry.
    • Fertilizers can be applied efficiently through the drip system.
    • Irrigation can be done under a wide range of field conditions.
    • Compared to sprinkler irrigation, soil erosion and nutrient leaching can be reduced.
  2. Container gardening
    The following crops best suited for container/pot gardening;
    • Beans
    • Beets
    • Tomatoes
    • Cucumber
    • Onions
    • Peas
    • Radish
    • Carrots
    • Potatoes
    • Squach
    • Brinjal(Eggplant)
    • Ladies Finger (okra)
    • Capsicum/Pepper/ Green Chilies
    • Leafy vegetables such as lettuce, Kale, Methi(Fenugreek), Coriander (cilantro)
      Factors to consider when establishing framed suspended gardening for off season crops
      • Can it be established along pathways
      • Can it enhance beauty
      • Can it grow within a short period of time (not a perennial crop)?
      • Is there space for the containers
      • Mechanisms put in place to manage pests and diseases.

Off Season Production Techniques

  • Taking use of and utilizing various agro-climatic conditions.
  • Improved varieties are chosen.
  • Adjustment of planting time.
  • Making plastic tunnels, polythene houses, and permanent glass houses to provide controlled environmental conditions.
  • Staggered planting
  • Succession planting – planting two different at different times in one farm- one with a faster maturity.
    Construction of suspended garden design
    Refer to learner’s book

Value Addition Techniques

Value-added agriculture generally focuses on production or manufacturing processes, marketing or services that increase the value of primary agricultural commodities, perhaps by increasing appeal to the consumer and the consumer's willingness to pay a premium over similar but undifferentiated products.

Benefits include:

  • increased income,
  • employment creation,
  • improved food safety,
  • food security,
  • nutritional benefits and
  • greater consumer confidence.

There are four major ways that value is added to crops along the value chain:

  1. product transformation, e.g. frying, drying
  2. distribution,
  3. storage, and
  4. added service.

The value of farm products can be increased by cleaning, cooling, cooking, combining, churning, culturing, grinding, extracting, drying, handcrafting, packaging and distributing, as well as by adding information, education or entertainment,

Adding value to groundnuts

Apart from just eating them raw or cooked, groundnuts can be used to produce oil, paste, flour or sauce used in cakes and cookies obtained by grinding nuts, and peanut butter.

Adding value to Potatoes

This can be done through boiling, frying, smashing.

Learners to check on how to add value on other products

Importance Of Addition On Crop Produce (explained)

  •  Increased revenue. Any addition adds a percentage of increased financial value to the produce and has the effect of improving the incomes of the local farmers.
  • Value addition allows the farmer to focus on the consumer while producing and through meeting expectations, he can create a loyal market around the product.
  • Increased shelf life is a benefit any farmer would want. The longer the product can stay without getting spoilt, the more the guarantee one has of a product selling at their preferred price and time. Milk for instance, hardly lasts over 24 hours but with boiling, it can last more days while with further processing into ghee, the same milk can last months.
  • With value addition comes increased bargaining power. Brand Creation is one of the de facto results of value addition and a fact that your product can be directly identified with you or your farm which is important in an industry where customers exercise a lot of brand loyalty. It allows them to always and readily identify with you as well as win you more referral customers.
  • value addition creates employment opportunities for people who work there like; industrial chemists, food processors, factory laborers
  • Wastage and disposal of unwanted refuse is curtailed since they can be made into different quality products. This helps to ensure zero waste and protect the environment.


Science and Technology

  1. Identify the phase of the moon drawn below
  2. Grade six Science and Technology teacher threw a ball up in the dir. The ball came back and hit the ground hard.
    Which force acted on the ball?
  3. A class set up an experiment like the one shown below.
    What are they investigating?

    The illustration below shows the changes of states of matter.
  4. Name the process marked Z.
  5. Which letter represents evaporation?
  6. Write one example of acids
  7. A child was diagnosed with the following signs and symptoms:
    1. Severe diarrhoea that resembled rice water.
    2. Constant vomiting.
    3. dehydration.
      Which disease was the child likely to be suffering from?
  8. What is the use of a printer in computing?
  9. Mwamba was typing a document on Word. On which part of his computer was the document displayed?
  10. How helpful is a cursor during typing?

    Use the flow chart below to answer the following questions.
  11. Which plant is wrongly classified?
  12. Give one example of plants that can replace x

    Use the diagram below to answer questions 13-15.
  13. Give the function of part P
  14. Which letter represents the sternum?
  15. Name the part marked R.


  1. What is soil erosion? . (2 mks)
  2. Name three types of soil erosion? (3 mks)
  3. State three ways of controlling soil erosion? (3 mks) a)
  4. What is a seedbed . (2 mks)
  5. Draw two tools used in preparing a seedbed? (4 mks)


  6. What is the difference between splash and sheet erosion? (4 mks)
  7. Name four types of indigenous foods. (4 mks)
  8. State three uses of domestic animals? (3 mks)


Home Science

  1. Write the procedure used for laundering a white cotton shirt.
  2. What is the use of a pin cushion in stitching?
  3. Write one safety precaution to observe during needlework.

    Kambua saw the following care labels in some clothes she was laundering. State the meaning of each label.

    Write one method of cooking  each of the following foods.
  9. Below is a diagram showing a cooking stick.
    Which material has been used to make the utensil above?
    Use the given words to classify the crops drawn below.
    Cereal Legume Vegetable
  13. Okoyo's fingernails are pale. He also gets very tired after doing simple tasks. Sometimes, he feels dizzy. Which nutritional deficiency disorder is Okoyo likely to be suffering from?
  14. Maimuna asked a health care specialist the cause of kwashiorkor. Which correct answer was Maimuna given?
  15. Write the procedure used for cleaning ,the top of a plastic table.


Physical Health Education

  1. State the steps of performing a bunch start? (2 mks)
  2. What is meaning of commitment in games and sports? (2 mks)
  3. Describe a drop finish technique when in races. (3 mks)
  4. Name two local games that involve racing? (2 mks) 
  5. Name two materials you can use to improvise a ball. (2 mks)
  6. What is a strain? . (1 mk)
  7. Name parts of the body where a strain may occur. (3 mks)
  8. Write three field athletic events. (3 mks) 
  9. State two passes in socccer. (2 mks)

Social Studies


Use the map of Waba area to answer questions1 - 5,

  1. Of which religion are people of Waba area likely to be?
  2. What is the main function of the railway line in Waba area?
  3. By which means of transport are tourists visiting the game reserve in Waba area likely to leave the reserve?
  4. What is the direction of Kanga market from the northern bridge?
  5. Who is the administrative head of Waba area?
  6. Write one condition under which a Kenyan can be allowed to vote.
  7. Write one similarity between the early forms of government in Maasai and Ameru.
  8. How have tourists been important to the economy of our country?
  9. Describe the population distribution illustrated below.
  10. How important is wildlife in our country?
    Write three factors that favour dairy farming in Kenya
  11. _____________________________
  12. _____________________________
  13. _____________________________
  14. After how long does Kenya hold general elections?
  15. How is democracy practised inyour school?
  16. After a dispute between Yuda and Zama, it ended up that Yuda stabbed Zama to death. Which of Zama's right did Yuda mainly violate?
  17. Name the National symbol drawn below.
    Write two ways through which a person can become a Kenyan citizen
  18. _______________________
  19. _______________________
  20. Name one product that results from dairy farming in Kenya.

    Use the map of Kenya below to answer the following questions
  21. Name the feature marked W
  22. What is the economic importance of the feature marked X to our country?
  23. Which is the slowest means of transport?

    Name the following means of communication.
  27. Draw a road sign that means "Roundabout ahead" 

    Identify the following means of transport

Christian Religious Education

  1. Joseph worked for an Egyptian official called?
  2. We should always not trust?
    (strangers, visitors, neighbours)
  3. State one thing that happens when a child is disobedient?
  4. The first people to be created were ________ and ______________
  5. The sign that God showed Noah when He promised him that He will not destroy the world with flood is the (1 mk)
  6. In which occasion did Jesus weep?(1 mk)
  7. The lesson that Christians learn from the miraculous catch of fish is that they should be

Match the followin verses from the sermon on the mountain. (3 mks)

Happy are those who mourn   They will see God
9 Happy are the pure in heart God will call them His Children 
10 Happy are the peace makers God will comfort them 


  1. Zacchaeus was a ____________
  2. Who interpreted Pharaoh's dreams?
  3. Who was the nephew to Abraham?
  4. When angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, Elizabeth was how many months expectant of John?____________________ . (1 mk)
  5. Jesus performed his first miracle in . (1 mk)

Islamic Religious Education

  1. What does Allah's attribute Al- Aalim mean?
  2. Write one positive way of using a smartphone.
  3. Write one miracle performed by prophet Issah.
  4. When is Taraweh performed?
  5. state one nullifier of swalah
  6. State the role of angels Munkar and Nakir
  7. In which city did the unity between the Muhajirun and the Ansa take place?
  8. Which of the daily five swalahs falls between Fajr and Asr?
  9. According to prophet' hadith who should seek knowledge?
  10. How many angels are mentioned in the Q'uran?
  11. What does sabr mean?
  12. Why are muslims discouraged from begging?
  13. Write one unislamic activity that might take place during a wedding
  14. What is the importance of performing Qabliyah and Ba'diyah prayers?
  15. Why should muslims emulate angels in their daily activities?


  1. State three importance of songs? (3 mks)
  2. Angela was seen singing the song with a gloomy face. What was the mood of the song? . (2 mks)
  3. State four types of songs? (3 mks)
  4. Name three digital devices that can be used to record when performing a song? (3 mks)
  5. Trio is a word used in performance. What is its meaning? (2mks)
  6. Name three events when folk songs are performed? (3 mks)
  7. Write the french rythm for the following notes. (4 mks)
    1. Semibreve
    2. Minim
    3. Crotchet
    4. Quavet
  8. Write four elements of music. (4 mks)

Art & Craft

  1. Moho is the best painter in both Grade six East and West. Which job opportunity is he likely to get after school in relation to his ability in Art?
    Name the following types of
  4. Re-construct the letters below in the space provided.
  5. Proportionally, draw a human hand.

  6.  Name one product of claywork.
  7. Create a tonal value on the strip below.
  8. Draw and colour an item that can be made using sisal fibres

  9. We use ________________ to stick cutouts on surfaces during cutting and pasting technique
  10. How do we obtain tertiary colours?

    Write a pair of colours that will produce the given secondary colours when mixed.
  11. Orange:
  12. Green:
  13. Purple:
    Name two items you nay need for carving.
  14. ____________________________________
  15. ____________________________________

Marking Scheme

Science and Technology

  1. New moon
  2. Gravity
  3. Convection in liquids
  4. Condensation
  5. X
  6. mark any correct answer eg, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid etc
  7. Cholera
  8. Producing hard copies
  9. Monitor
  10. Guide the typist
  11. Fern
  12. Student to give an non-flowering plants eg ferns, mosses and liverworts
  13. Protects the brain
  14. Q
  15. Hip bone 


  1. Soil erosion removal of top layer of soil from one part to the other.
    1. Splash
    2. sheet erosion
    3. rill
    4. gulley erosion
    1. Maintain a healthy perennial plan, cover
    2. Mulching
    3. Planting a  cover crop
    4. Placing crushed stone, wood chips and other similar materials in heavily used areas where vegetation is hard to establish and maintain.
  4. Seedbed or seedling bed is local soil environment in which seeds are planted.
  5. _______
    1. Pig weeds
    2. black night shade
    3. indigenous cereals such as millet and sorghum
    4. indigenous root crops such as yams and cassava.
    1. Gives us food such as milk, meat eggs
    2. home protection
    3. helps in doing chores such as ploughing

Home Science

  1. Leaner to write
  2. For keeping pins
  3. Leaner to write
  4. Do not iron
  5. Do not use warm water beyond the shown temeparture
  6. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  7. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  8. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  9. Wood
  10. vegetable
  11. legume
  12. cereal
  13. anaemia
  14. lack of proteins
  15. learner to write.

Physical Education

  1. "On your marks"
    "Set" - Heel presses forward
  2. a desire/ willingness/ resolve to continue in participation of a sport/ activity.
  3. Athlete bends both arms backwards and tries to touch on the tape on the finishing line with the chest, when the finishing line is just one step ahead.
  4. Many an apporprriate games eg hide and sek, tag, etc
    1. Sisal fibre
    2. Papers
    3. Pieces of cloth
  6. To injure, overuse, misuse or exert excessive pressure.
  7. Legs, Knees, feet and back
    1. Long jump
    2. Discuss
    3. Javeline
    1. Push pass
    2. Wall pass
    3. Outside the foot pass

Social Studies

  1. Christians
  2. Transporting coffee berries to the factory
  3. air
  4. Southwest
  5. Governor
  6. Being over 18 years of age
    Being a registered voter
  7. Both had divine rulers- (laibon for the maasai and mugwe for the am,eru) who also acted as religious leaders.
  8. Ensuring flow of foreign exchange
  9. Nucleated
  10. It boosts our economy
  11. High rainfall, therefore there is food for cattle in highland areas.
  12. Low temperatures, good for survival of exotic breeds
  13. Fertile soils- for planting grass and other feeds
  14. 5 years
  15. Learner to state
  16. Right to life
  17. Court of arms
  18. Learner to write
  19. Learner to write
  20. Learner to name - milk
  21. L. Turkana
  22. Fishing
  23. Water
  24. Newspaper
  25. Television
  26. Radio
  27. Learner to draw
  28. Aeroplane
  29. Ship
  30. Bus

Christian religious Education

  1. Potiphar
  2. Strangers
  3. be punished, parents become unhappy
  4. Adam and Eve
  5. rainbow
  6. when Lazarus died
  7. Obedient
  8. Happy are those who mourn God will comfort them
  9. Happy are the pure in heart, they will see God
  10. Happy are the peace makers. God will call them His children
  11. Tax collector
  12. Joseph
  13. Lot
  14. 6
  15. Cana

Islamic Religious Education

  1. all - knowing
  2. mark appropriate answer
  3. mark appropriate answer
  4. After Isha during Saum
  5. mark appropriate answer
  6. questioning the dead
  7. Madina
  8. Dhuhr
  9. Everyone
  10. 25
  11. patience
  12. it encourages laziness
  13. mark appropriate answer
  14. To get rewards from Allah
  15. To live sacred lives


  1. It makes one creative
    It makes learning more enjoyable
    It plays with emotions
    It helps to develop linguistic skills of children
    Develops listening skills
    induces movement in children
  2. Sad mood
  3. Patriotic, topical, sacred, western
  4. phone, tablet, camera

Art & Craft

  1. Learner to state.
  2. Glove puppet.
  3. String puppet
  4. Learner to reconstruct
  5. Learner to draw
  6. Learner to name
  7. Learner to create
  8. Learner to draw an colour
  9. Glue
  10. By mixing secondary and primary colours
  11. Red, yellow
  12. Blue, yellow
  13. red, blue
  14. Learner to name
  15. Learner to name


Science and Technology

  1. Complete. the table below by naming four parts of a plant and their functions. (8 mks) 
    Part of the plant             Functions
  2. Draw the following roots. (4 mks)

    Fibrous root  Tap root 
  3. State two medicinal plants found in your locality. (2 mks)
  4. Name three plants with fibrous root system. (3 mks)
  5. Mammals are examples of animals with a backbone and constant body temperature. State three examples of animals in these group? (3 mks)
  6. State an invertebrate with three body parts?____________________. (1 mk)
  7. What is sound pollution? (3 mks)
  8. A grade five student was seen doing the following activity. What was the student investigating? (1 mk)


  1.  Write one example of indigenous crops in Kenya.
  2. State one way of taking care of a vegetable nursery.
  3. In order to earn income, what can Kiprotich do with his surplus vegetable seedlings?
  4. Below is an indigenous food crop grown in Kenya.
    State the nutrition importance of the crop above

    State the functions of each of the following domestic animals
  5. Pig
  6. Dog
  7. Camel 
  8. Write one example of a climbing fruit tree.
  9. Write one use of sandy soil.
  10. The illustration below shows a climbing fruit tree.
    Write the function of the structure marked W
  11. How can a farmer use a scarecrow in his farm?
  12. Write one-way of dealing with moles in the farm.
  13. Name the type of irrigation shown below.
    Name the following' gardening equipment.


Home science

  1. A person going through puberty is referred to as? . (1 mks)
  2. Name four good grooming habits. (4 mks)
  3. You were asked to advice fellow students on physical exercises. State three physical exercises for an adolescent. (3 mks)
  4. State three importance of physical exercise. (3 mks)
  5. Fill the table below by naming three examples in each case. (6 mks)
    Body building foods Protective foods 

  6. It's important to wash hands regularly. State three instances when one Must wash hands? (3 mks)
  7. State accessories used by adolescents? (4 mks)
  8. Name three embroidery stitches, (3 mks)
  9. State three types of media you can use to achieve after decorating your apron. (3 mks)

Physical Education

Name the sports items drawn below

  3. The following are activitiesinvolved in hurdles
    1. Clearance
    2. Approach
    3. Flight
    4. Take off
      Arrange them in order beginning with the first one.
  4. In which sports activity do we practise elongated started?
  5. The technique shown below is used in Frisbee. Name it.
  6.  When practising handwalk, which parts of our bodies do we hold high?
  7. Why are long jump pits filled with materials?
  8. What is the last activity in long jump?
  9. Straddle and straddle cross is a common technique in ___________ work.
  10. Draw a volleyball field in the space provided

    Write two examples of passes used in soccer.
  11. _______________________________
  12. _______________________________
  13. How many players are there in one soccer team?
    Write two contents of a first aid
  14. _______________________________
  15. _______________________________

Social Studies


  1. The general flow of rivers in Mwakitu area is towards?
  2. The settlement in Mwakitu area can be described as
  3. The plantation in Mwakitu grows?
  4. What is the direction of the church from the plantation?
  5. The growing of tea in Mwakitu area indicates that the climate is
  6. River Susi has _______________ tributaries.
  7. Who is the head of Mwakitu area ______________________?
  8. State 3 elements of the map. (3 mks)
  9. Name two countries found in East Africa. (2 mks) 
  10. Name three arms of the National Government of Kenya. (3 mks)
  11. Differentiate between a latitude and a longitude? (1 mk)
  12. Name three main physical features in Kenya? (3 mks)
  13. What is the meaning of a climate?
  14. Identify the three major language groups in Kenya. (3 mks)
  15. Write two ways one can become a Kenyan citizen. (2 mks)

Christian Religious Education

  1. What is the other name for the Lord's table?
  2. Write one gift of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Write one quality of a good friend.
  4. Write one result of unhealthy boy-girl relationship.
  5. When Jesus Christ baptised, a voice came from heaven saying
  6. What is the lesson Christians learn from Jesus' parable of the lost sheep?
  7. When Jesus fed the multitude, how many baskets of food remained?
  8. In which mountain did the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal take place?
  9. During the call of Moses, in which form did God appear to him?
  10. State one way through which king Solomon used the wisdom he asked from God.
  11. Write one example of commonly abused drugs in Kenya.
  12. When Jesus portrayed His power over nature, on which vessel were they travelling?
  13. Which Christian value do Christians learn from the story of the friend at midnight?
  14. Write one way of taking good care of school property.
  15. Which of Jesus' parables teaches Christians about the kingdom of heaven?

Islamic  Religious Education

  1. Name the five ulul Azm prophets.
  2. Name two pillars of swalah. (2 mks) 
  3. Write two miracles of Nabii Issa (as) (2 mks)
  4. Name three nullifiers of saum. (3 mks) 
  5. Give the meaning of the follow ing attributes of Allah ( 5WT). (2 mks)
    1. Al-Ghaffar
    2. Al-waahid
  6. What is hadith'?


  1. Why do folk dancers use ornaments when dancing?
    Name the three parts of descant recorder.
    Put notes B, A and G against the correct solfa notes,
  5. doh
  6. re
  7. mi
  8. Name the wind instrument drawn below.
  9. Study the diagram below.
    What is the function of the parts labelled W?
  10. A whistle produces sound when
    Write two examples of percussion instruments
  11. __________________________________________         
  12. __________________________________________       
  13. Tufanye sote bider is a line in Kiswahili Kenya National Anthem. In which verse is the line found?
    Write the French rhythms for the following.
  14. Quaver
  15. Crotchet

Art & Craft

  1. What makes an object to be referred to as 2D? (1 mk)
  2. Write your school's name in 3D. (4 mks)
  3. What is weaving?. (1 mk)
  4. Shade the following picture using stippling technique. (3 mks)
  5. What is balance of forms?
  6. State three elements of art? (3 mks)
  7. Draw two tools used in drawing? (4 mks)


  8. State two materials that can be used for weaving?(2 mks)
  9. Name three traditional technique which can be used to decorate a carved cooking stick. (3 mks)
  10. Name two weaving techniques. (2 mks)

Marking Scheme

Science and Technology

    Part of the plant             Functions
    Leaf   Allow exchange of gases
     Flower  It grows into fruit
     Roots  Holds the plant firmly in the soil
     Stem  Holds the plant upright
  2.  Student should draw tap and fibrous roots correctly.      
    1.  Neem
    2. Cinnamon
    1. Onion
    2. Maize
    3. millet   
    1. Birds
    2. human being
    3. elephants
  6. insects
  7. It's the contamination of something
  8. Force of gravity.


  1. African Nightshade, Spider Plant, Amaranth, stinging nettle, pumpkin leaves, cowpeas and Slender Leaf etc
  2. Mark any correct answer given
  3. Sell them
  4. Gives carohydrates
  5. Food
  6. Security
  7. Food/ milk, carrying objects and people
  8. passionfruit, kiwi fruit, grapes
  9. building
  10. to keep the plant upright/ support
  11. to scare destructive animals
  12. digginf trenches, planting barrier plants
  13. Drip
  14. Watering can
  15. Wheelbarrow

Home Science

  1. An adolescent
    1. Body cleanliness, dressing well, caring for clothes, cleaning your body every day.
    2. Washing your hands withsoap after going to the toilet.
    3. Brushing your teeth twice a day
    4. Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue ( or your sleeve) when sneezing or coughing
    5. Washing your hands after handling pets and other animals
    1. Playing volleyball
    2. Playing touch football
    3. Gardening
    4. Walking
    5. Shooting baskets
    1. Improves your memory and brain function(all age groups)
    2. Protect against many chronic diseases
    3. Aid in weight management.
    4. Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
    5. Improve your quality of sleep
    6. Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  5. Body building           Protective
    Beef                          Mangoes
    Beans                        Kales
    Green grams             Water melon
    1. After visiting the toilet
    2. Before eating food
    3. When preparing to cook.
  7. Jewelry , bangles, scarves, caps   
    1. Chain
    2. Satin
    3. Stem
    1. Radio
    2. television
    3. Magazine

Physical Education

  1. Rounders Ball
  2. Racket
  3. Approach, take off
  4. Athletics
  5. Double ahnded rim catch
  6. Legs
  7. For safety
  8. Landing
  9. Rope
  10. Learner to draw
  11. backheel pass/through pass/ Forward-pass (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  12. through pass/backheel pass/ Forward-pass (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  13. 11
  14. bandage/ scissors, cotton, spirit (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  15. Check 14 above

Social Studies

  1. Southwest
  2. Linear settlement
  3. Tea
  4. West
  5. Cool and wet
  6. One
  7. Chief
  8. Frame, tile compass, scale, key
  9. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
  10. The Executive, Legislature, Judiciary
  11. Latitudes All parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called parallels of latitudes.
    Latitudes are measured in degrees.
    Longitudes: The vertical lines running North-South join the two poles. They are called the meridians of longitude. They are spaced farthest apart at the equator and converge at a point at each pole.
  12. Volcanic and block Rift Valleys, Lakes, Plains
  13. Climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.
  14. Cushites
  15. Birth

Christian religious Education

  1. Eucharist
  2. love/joy/ peace/ patience/ kindness/ goodness/faithfulness/ humility/ self-control/gentleness (mark any one)
  3. trustworthy (mark any other appropriate answer)
  4. pregnancy/ abuse/ STIs (mark any other correct answer)
  5. This is my son with whom I am pleased
  6. Calling christians to the church
  7. 12
  8. Carmel
  9. Burning bush
  10. Student should give appropriate answer
  11. Student should give appropriate answer
  12. Boat
  13. Persistence in prayer
  14. Student should give appropriate answer
  15. Mustard seed

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Issa (as), Muhammad(SAW)
  2. refer to no. 1
  3. refer to no. 1
  4. refer to no. 1
  5. refer to no. 1
  6. Qiyam, rukuu, itidaal, sujuud, jalsa
  7. refer to no. 6
  8. Raised the dead, healed lepers/blind, 
    he spoke when he was very young
    (mark correct any correct answer)
  9. refer to no. 8
  10. Eating intentionally/ deliberately,
    drinking intentionally,
    vomiting intentionally
  11. refer to no. 10
  12. refer to no. 10
  13. Forgive
  14. The holy one
  15. Hadith is what the prophet (SAW) said or the sayings of the prophet (SAW)


  1. To make the dance real
  2. Head joint/ MIddle joint/ foot joint
  3. Refer to no. 2
  4. Refer to no. 2
  5. G
  6. A
  7. B
  8. trumpet
  9. To let air out when playing
  10. blown
  11. Mark appropriate answer
  12. Mark appropriate answer
  13. 2nd
  14. ta
  15. ta-te

Art & Craft

  1. It has a length, width and height
  2. Ensure the name is in 3D
  3. It's a process in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth.
  5. Refers to how elements of art relate to each other within the composition
  6. Line, shape, colour, value , space, form
  7. The drawings should include items such as pen, pencils, crayons etc
  8. Banana fibres, raffia, grass, sisal


  1. All things around us can be divided into two ______and______
  2. The last stage of every animal is______ (growth, death, breath)
  3. I have (42, 32, 22)teeth in my mouth.
  4. ______polluted water does not make it safe for drinking. (Filtering, Boiling)
  5. The three states of matters are______and______
  6. Pouring soil out from a container is (filling, emptying)
  7. Air pollution affect growth of plants. (True, False)
  8. The shape of a ______varies with that of the containers. (solid, liquid, gas)
  9. When an object remains on the surface of water, it is said to be (sinking, floating)
  10. ______travels in a straight line ______ (Energy, Sound, Light)
  11. Which properties of matter does not affect floating and sinking? (shape of the material, type of material, size of material)
  12. Sound travels in______ direction. (two, three, all) 
  13. ______materials allows light to pass through
  14. Name the 4 types of clouds.
  15. ______can not be done on a rainy day (Harvesting, Winnowing)


  1. ______is a place prepared for planting seeds to grow until they are harvested. (A gardener, Seedbed, Farm)
  2. Name the three main types of soil ______,______and______
  3. Which one of the following is not a benefit of domestic animals? (Source of food, Farming activities, Protecting their young ones)
  4. Name three examples of tools and equipment used in gardening.
  5. The following are carried out to maintain good conditions for health growth of our seedlings. Which one is not? (Mulching, Watering, Thinning, Harvesting)
  6. Fruits are sources of many important nutrients in our bodies. Which type of nutrients is provided by fruits?(Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre)
  7. Give three examples of legume crops.
  8. Name three places where seeds could be obtained.
  9. The following methods can be used for spreading tiny seeds evenly. Which one cannot? (Use of shaker, Use of sowing tool, By hands, Throwing the seeds)
  10. Write three types of materials used for making compost manure. (Dry leaves, Cattle dug, Kitchen waste, Plastic bottles)
  11. Name three ways of using water in farming activities. (Water crops, Give animals, To clean equipment, Spray pesticides)
  12. The following are examples of leafy vegetables. Which one is not? (Carrot, Kale, Cabbage)



  1. living/non-living 
  2. death
  3. 22
  4. filtering
  5. solid
  6. emptying
  7. true
  8. liquid 
  9. floating
  10. light
  11. size of material
  12. all 
  13. transparent
  14. nimbus/stratus
  15. winnowing


  1. Farm 
  2. clay
  3. protecting their young ones 
  4. jembe
  5. harvesting 
  6. vitamins 
  7. beans 
  8. throwing seeds
  9. dry leaves
    vegetables grass
    farm waste 
  10. watering
  11. carrot

Answer all questions in the space provided

  1. Name three characteristics of living things (3mks)
    1.  ______________________________________________ 
    2. _______________________________________________
    3. _______________________________________________
  2. Making clean air dirty is referred to as ___________________________ (1mk)
  3. Write down three parts of a skeleton.  (3mks)
    1. __________________________________
    2. ___________________________________
    3. ___________________________________
  4. Identify parts of the body that we wear the following protective equipment
      ST Q4a G5 ET3 2022
      ST Q4b G5 ET3 2022
      ST Q4c G5 ET3 2022
  5. Name three examples of non-flowering plants.(3mks)
    1.  ______________________________
    2. _______________________________
    3. _______________________________
  6. Fish breathes through  _________________________________________(1mk)
  7. Match the animal with its characteristics (3mks)
    1. Turkey                     Gives birth to their youngones
    2. Rabbit                     Cold blooded
    3. Lizard                      Covered by feathers
  8. Write down two useful fungi   (2mks)
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  9. We breathe in air called __________________ and breathe out air called _________________________ (2mks)
  10. The external parasite that causes scabies is called ________________________________(1mk)
  11. Name two symptoms of jiggers infestation.  (2mks)
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  12. Identify the following internal parasite _______________________________ (1mk)
    ST Q12 G5 ET3 2022
  13. Name any three ways to protect ourselves from internal parasites (3mks)
    1. _________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________
    3. _________________________________________
  14. What is word processor? (2mks) ____________________________________________________
  15. Name three parts of a computer (3mks)
    1. __________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________
    3. __________________________________________
  16. From the list below, underline the waste that can decompose (3mks) 
    1. E-waste
    2. Animal waste
    3. Fruit peelings
    4. Scrap metal
    5. Wood remains
    6. Plastic cups
    7. Old clothes
  17. The process of making something old appear new again is called _____________________________ (1mk)
  18. Give two examples of word processor software (2mks)
    1. ___________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  19. Name the tooth below (1mk)
    ST Q19 G5 ET3 2022
  20. List three parts of the digestive system    (3mks)
    1.  _______________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
  21. Mary suffered from a waterborne disease and had the following signs and symptoms
    1. Headache
    2. Vomiting
    3. Violent watery diarrhoea
      Which disease was Mary likely to be suffering from __________________________________ (1mk)
  22. Name the function of hair in the nose __________________________________________ (1mk)
  23. Name two diseases that affect the breathing system (2mks)
    1. __________________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________________
  24. Identify the following external parasite ( 1mk)
    ST Q24 G5 ET3 2022
  25. Name any two things you need when washing hands (1mk)
    1. _________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________


    1. Living things grow
    2. They reproduce
    3. They fed
    4. They die
  2. Air pollution
    1. Skull
    2. rib cage
    3. spine
    4. limbs
    5. bones
    1. hands
    2. feet
    3. nose and mouth
    1. algae
    2. moss
    3. fern
  6. gills
    1. Turkey - have feathers
    2. Rabbit - give birth
    3. Lizard - cold blooded
    1. Yeast
    2. Mushroom
    3. Penicillium
  9. oxygen, carbon dioxide
  10. mite
    1. Itching
    2. pain on feet
    3. deformed toes and feet
  12. Tapeworm
    1. washing fruits and vegetables
    2. washing hands after going to toilet
    3. Eating well cooked food.
  14. Word processor is software used to compose, format, edit and print documents.
    1. Monitor
    2. mouse
    3. CPU
    4. keyboard
  16. Animal waste, fruit peelings, wood remains
  17. recycling
    1. microsoft word
    2. Open office 
    3. Word pad
  19. Premolar
    1. Mouth
    2. food pipe
    3. stomach
    4. large and small intesties
    5. rectum
    6. anus
  21. Cholera
  22. To trap dust
    1. Cold
    2. Asthma
    3. TB
    4. coughs
    5. Covid-19
    6. pneumonia
  24. Jigger
    1. Soap
    2. warm water
    3. sanitizer
    4. towel.



  1. Plants can be divided into flowering and ___________ plants. (1 mark)
  2. Write two benefits of flowering plants to human beings. (2 marks)
  3. Name two examples of fungi. (2 marks)
  4. State two economic importance of fungi. (2 marks)
  5.  Write TRUE or FALSE. (3 marks)
    1. Some mushrooms can be eaten.
    2. Birds are cold blooded animals.
    3. Fungi adds nutrients to compost manure.
  6. Complete the blank spaces in the table below. (3 marks)
    Type of vertebrate Example 
       Spiny ant eater
  7. Name one mammal that lives in water. (1 mark)
  8. ________________________    is a flying mammal. (1 mark)
  9. Write the meaning of the following words. (2 marks)
    1. Carnivores
    2. Warm-blooded animals
  10. Identify the type of vertebrate with the following characteristics. (1 mark)
    1. The body is covered with moist skin.
    2. They lay eggs which hatch into young ones.
    3. They breathe through gills.
    4. They are cold blooded.
  11. How can we take care of our ears? (1 mark)
  12. State two examples of body muscles. (2 marks)
  13. Identify the parts of the breathing system with the following functions. (3 marks)
    1.  It is where gaseous exchange takes place.
    2. It allows lungs to contract and expand during breathing.
    3.  It allows air to pass into the lungs.
  14. State one way that can be used to reduce the spread of COVID - 19.(1 mark)
  15. Name any two signs and symptoms of dysentery (2 marks)
  16.  A patient can use _____________ to manage asthma. (1 mark)
  17.  How can someone know that he or she has jiggers? (1 mark)
  18. Write two examples of solid wastes found in your school. (2 marks)
  19.  Write the functions of the following parts of a computer. (2 marks)
    1. Mouse
    2. C.P.U.
  20. Name two effects of heating on matter. (2 marks)


  1. What is the meaning of soil recovery? (1 mark)
  2. Name two areas where eroded soil may be deposited. (1 mark)
  3. Why is it important to recover eroded soil? (1 mark)
  4. Use YES or NO.(3 marks)
    1. Climbing fruit plants have a strong stem.
    2. Eroded soil has nutrients.
    3. Fruits of climbing fruit plants are all harvested at once
  5. Learners from Kileleshwa Academy were advised to use organic materials only in their waste pit. What is the meaning of 'organic materials'? (1 mark)
  6. What is the meaning of water conservation' on the farm?(1 mark)
  7. Give two reasons why we conserve water on the farm. (2 marks)
  8. Use the diagrams bellow to answer the following questions.
    1.  Identify what you can see in picture A and B. (2 marks)
      Picture A
      Picture B
    2. Which of the above methods conserves water when used for irrigation? (1 mark)
  9. Mzee Ojwang has planted many fruit climbing plants on his farm.
    1. Write two benefits that Mzee Ojwang can get from climbing fruit plants. (2 marks)
    2. State two ways that Mzee Ojwang can use to know mature fruits before harvesting them. (1 mark)
  10. Write two practices that can be carried out when taking care of climbing plants. (2 marks)
  11. What is the colour of blackberries that are ready for harvesting? (1 mark)
  12. A shade preserves water by reducing________________. (irrigation, evaporation) (1 mark)
  13. How can the following animals be controlled from damaging crops? (3 marks)
    1.  A mole
    2. Birds
    3. Mongoose 
  14. Write two safety precautions to be considered when handling small wild animals. (2 marks)
  15. Write the names of two domestic animals that are kept in your locality. (2 marks)
  16. Fill in the following table correctly. (3 marks)
    Domestic animal  Use
  17. State any cultural use of domestic animals. (1 mark)
  18. Identify the domestic animal described below. (1 mark)
    1. Can be used to provide meat.
    2. They are used for ploughing.
    3. They provide hides when slaughtered.
  19.  What is the meaning of indigenous food crops? (1 mark)
  20.  Name two examples of indigenous foods crops that you know. (2 marks)

Marking Scheme


  1. non- flowering
  2. Used as food, 
    Used as medicine
  3. Mushroom, yeast, puffball( any)
  4. Used as food
    Used as medicine
    1. true
    2. false
    3. true
  6. amphibians- frog, toad
    reptile - crocodile
    mammal- spiny ant eater
  7. whale( accept any)
  8. bats
    1. Animals that feed on fresh
    2. Animals with constant body temperatures
  10. Fish
  11. Wearing ear muff in sound polluted areas.
  12. Arm muscles
    1. Lungs
    2. Diaphragm
    3. trachea
  14. Accept any correct answer
  15. Accept any correct answer
  16. inhaler
  17. itching Accept any correct answer
  18. Accept any correct answer
    1. control, move and select text, files, icons, folders
    2. process data
  20. Accept any correct answer


  1. Soil recovery is making of the soil useful again after erosion or destruction
  2. Along river banks, valleys etc
  3. To make it useful again
    1. no
    2. Yes
    3. no
  5. Materials that can decompose/ decay
  6. Using farming methods and practices that help in saving/ conserving water.
  7. To avoid wastage, to enable plants have water for a long time
    1. picture A- drip irrigation
      picture B - watering using a watering can
    2. method in picture A
    1. He can use the fruits from the climbing plants as food, the climbing plants act as soil cover hence prevent erosion, he can sell the fruits to get income
    2. Observing their colour, observing the size of the fruits, etc
  10. Watering , weediung etc
  11. Dark, black
  12. Evaporation
    1. Setting safe traps
    2. Using deflectors that make noise
    3. Using repellants
  14. Wearing protective clothing to avoid contracting pests and diseases from them, 
    Being careful not to get injured and bites from them etc
  15. Assess
  16. Used in racing , Bees, 
    Used as a pet
  17. Cows as used in payment of dowry etc,
  18. Cows
  19. Crops that grow on their own in some places and are considered the main source of food in that area
  20. Sweet potatoes, cassava etc
  1. Grade five pupils had put water in different containers as shown below.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 sci Set 1 Q1
    They concluded that liquids do not have a  __________________________________
  2. List two poor conductors of heat. 
    1. _______________________________
    2. _______________________________
  3. Materials which do not allow any light to pass through them are called ______________________ materials.
  4. Write three diseases that affect the breathing system.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
    3. ________________________________
  5. List two green non-flowering plants.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  6. Importance of flowering plants.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  7. Name four water borne diseases.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
    4. _________________________________
  8. Write two laying mammals.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  9. Animals with varying body temperature are called ___________________________________
  10. Write three signs and symptoms of cholera.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
  11. Muscles that hold the head up and move it in all directions are called ____________________________________
  12. The 3Rs means:
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________
  13. Name three internal body parasites.
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________


  1. A ___________________________ is a place where mature plants grow and are taken care
  2. Write two reasons for using tools properly.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  3. List three materials which can be re-used for gardening in places with little space.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  4. Write down three importances of compost manure in the farm.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
    3. __________________________________
  5. List three examples of climbing fruits.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  6. Why is a nursery bed raised above the ground? __________________________________
  7. The process of collecting the deposited top fertile soil from deposition sites is called _____________________________
  8. Identify the type of soil erosion below 
    Grade 5 End Term 2 sci Set 1 Q8

  9. List two organic wastes used in making compost manure.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  10. Write two farming practices that help to conserve water.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  11. Write the small animal controlled using the repellant crop below. Onions
  12. Grade five pupils grouped the following crops in the table below. 
    • maize 
    • rice
    • cowpeas
    • sukuma wiki
    • beans
    • pumpkin
       Cereals       Vegetables    


  1. Definite shape
    • Plastic
    • Wood
    • Glass
    • Feathers
    • Cloth
  3. Opaque
    1. Cold
    2. Asthma
    3. Pneumonia
    4. Tuberculosis
    5. Covid-19
    6. Coughs
    • Algae
    • Mosa
    • Fern
    • Pine
    • Cedar
    • Liverworts
    • Source of food
    • Control soil erosion
    • Soutrce of medicine
    • Source of firewood
    • Source of income
    • Beautify environment
    1. Typhoid
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Cholera
    4. Dysentry
    1. Duck billed patypus
    2. Spiny ant eaters
  9. Cold blooded
    1. Body weaknesses
    2. Fever
    3. headache
    4. Vomiting and wateryDiarrhoea
    5. Loss of fluids and severe dehydration
  11. neck muscles
    1. Reuse
    2. Recycle
    3. Reduce
    1. Roundworms
    2. Tapeworms
    3. Hookworms
    4. Pinworms


  1. Garden
    • Safety measure
    • Long lasting
    • Plastic containers
    • Bottles
    • Reduces waste
    • Saves on fertilizer
    • Enhances soil quality and nutrients
  5. passion fruits, grapes, blackberries, kiwi fruits, raspberry fruits and gooseberry fruits.
    • It is possible to provide favourable growth conditions
    • Easy weed control
  7. Soil recovery/restoration
    1. Splash erosion
    2. Gulley erosion
  9.  plants materials, animal waste, food remains or kitchen wastes
  10.  mulching, shading, and cover cropping
  11.  Aphids
     Cereals   Vegetables  
     Sukuma wiki 


Observing different phases of the moon.

  • The phases of the moon are the different shapes of the moon we can see from over a month.
  • This can be observed at night during the month of the moon.

Identifying different phases of the moon

  • There are eight phases that the moon goes through. Each phase repeats itself every 29.5 days. The following are the phases of the moon

phases of the moon

using the real moon as an example, here is how they look like:
phases of the moon2


Demonstrating Gravity

  • Hold and suspend erasers in the air. Release them and tell what happens.
  • Identify what causes the objects to act as they do. Name and define the cause.
  • The fruits and leaves fell to the ground due to a force acting on them. The erasers dropped to the ground due to a force  acting on them. This force is known as gravity.
  • Gravity is defined as the force acting on objects pulling them down.

Effects of gravity on an object.

  • The force that pulls down things is called the force of gravity.
  • When you throw a ball into the air, gravity pulls it back down. When you release a stone suspended in the air, gravity pulls it down to the ground.
  • When the books are tipped at the edge of the desk, the fall down due to gravity.
  • Gravity causes fruits and leaves to fall from trees.
  • Gravity is a force that pulls things down. It is also called the normal force.

Application of Gravity.

  • The force of gravity enables the following in our lives:
    1. Gravity causes a ball you throw in the air to come down again
    2. It cause a glass to drop down and fall onto the floor
    3. It causes us to move down and slide
    4. It causes apple to fall down from apple tree
    5. It keeps us firmly on earth, otherwise we would float away into space.
    6. It causes a pen that rolls off your desk to fall onto the floor
    7. It causes water to move down a river and waterfall.
    8. It causes a rock to roll downhill.


Energy Producing sounds

  • Sounds are produced when we the following
    1. Clap our hands
    2. Stamp our feet
    3. When we whistle.
    4. When we hot a drum
    5. Playing guitar
  • Sound is the energy that things produce when they vibrate.

Loud and soft sounds

  • Volume is the amount of sound something produces.
  •  It is the measure of the loudness of sound. Loud sounds are produced by big vibrations, while low sounds are produced by small vibrations.
  • The energy of a sound determines its loudness. The greater the energy the greater the sound.
  • Whispering makes a soft sound while shouting to a friend across a playground makes a loud sound.
  • Fire alarms and car’s horn are examples of loud sounds, while whispering to a friend and the sound of blowing wind are examples of soft sounds.

Identifying areas with loud sounds

  • Areas that produce loud sound in the environment include:
    1. Industries
    2. Music shops
    3. Markets
    4. Stadia (plural for stadium)

Sound pollution

  • Sound pollution is defined as sounds or noises that are loud, annoying and harmful to the ears.

Effects of sound pollution

  • The effect of sound pollution on human health and behaviour include the following:
    1. Loss of hearing - the immediate effect of noise pollution to a person, over a period of time is reduced hearing ability. Over a time a person may completely lose his or her hearing.
    2. Poor concentration - loud and continuous noise makes a person lose concentration on any activity that they are carrying out.
    3. Irritability - loud and continuous noise at home and at school may result in irritability which lead to aggressive behaviour.
    4. Sleep disturbances - loud noise disturbs your sleep and keeps you awake.
    5. Interferences with communication - loud noise makes people unable to communicate freely. You may find it difficult to understand or even hear what someone else is saying.

Protecting self from loud sound

  1. Turning down devices producing loud sound
  2. Using hearing protection devices when in a place with loud sound.
  3. Avoid areas with loud sound.
  4. Staying in houses with soundproof walls.

Heat Transfer

Demonstrating Transfer of heat in liquids

  1. Materials
  2. Sawdust
  3. A glass container
  4. A stand
  5. Water
  6. A matchbox
  7. A source of heat (a candle)


  • Fill in the glass container with water
  • Place a small amount of sawdust in the water
  • Allow the sawdust to settle at the bottom of the container
  •  Place the glass container on the stand
  • Heat the container using candle as the source of heat
  • Observe what happens.
  • As the water continues to heat, a steady rise of sawdust is observed. This is because the water at the bottom of the glass container gets hotter, expands and rises.
  • The cold water at the top then moves downwards and takes the place of the risen hot water.
  • The cycle repeats itself. The sawdust particles show a movement in the water called convection currents.
  • Therefore, heat is transferred in liquids through convection.
    convection in liquids
    (convection currents in liquids)
    heating water in convection
    (heating water via convection)

Demonstrating transfer of heat in gases

  • Materials
    1. A small carton box with a top
    2. Hard paper or piece of carton
    3. A piece of paper
    4. A short candle
    5. A matchbox


  1. Make a chimney on each end of the top of the box
  2. Divide the box with hard paper or a piece of carton to make two chambers A and B. place the transparent glass on the side of the box for viewing.
  3. Light up a candle. Put the lit candle below the chimney B on the box. Close the box.
  4. Place a burning piece of paper over chimney A as shown in figure 6
  5. Observe chimney B and tell what you see.
  6. Record your observations.


  • The burning paper produces smoke that moves from chamber A to Chamber B through the opening.
  • The candle in chamber b heats the smoke coming from chamber A, which becomes lighter and rises.
  • As the smoke rises up it moves up through chimney B. Cooler air enters Chamber A through chimney A, creating a circular motion known as convection currents.
  • These currents can be viewed through the transparent glass.
  • The transfer of heat in gases is known as Convection

convection in water

                        (convection in gases)

Application of convection in everyday life

  • Convection of heat is used in everyday life by many ways. These ways include:
    1. Ventilating buildings
    2. Inflation of hot air balloons
    3. Heating of food in a microwave
    4. Formation of land and sea breezes
    5. Boiling of water in a sufuria or kettle
    6. Vehicle engines

Transfer of heat by radiation

  • When you stand in the sunlight, you can feel the warmth of the sun. The heat energy from the sun is transferred to your skin through radiation.
  • When you sit beside a fire, you feel warm. The warmth of the heat from the fire is transferred from the fire to you through radiation.

Application of radiation in everyday life

  • Radiation is used in everyday life in many ways. These ways include:
    1. Warming ourselves using electric heaters
    2. Using solar heaters in the house
    3. Drying clothes and grains
    4. Using greenhouses to aid growth of plants

Change of state

Effects of heating matter.

  • Matter - everything around us. All materials and substances that exist and occupy space.
  • States of matter - different forms of substances, that is solids, liquids and gases.
  • Change of state - to turn from one form to another, for example from solid to liquid. It occurs when matter absorbs or loses energy.
  • When solids are heated, they change their states of matter. Some solids such as candle wax and cookin fat, melt into liquid, while ice cubes melt into water (liquid)
  • The process in which a solid changes to a liquid is called melting.
  • There are some solids that change to gases when heated, for example mothballs. The process in which a solid changes directly to a gas is called sublimation.

Heating Liquids.

  • Some liquids change their state of matter through heating.
  • Water (liquid) changes to water vapour (gas) when heated.
  • The process in which a liquid boils and changes to a gas is called evaporation.

Effects of cooling matter.

Cooling water vapour

  • When vapour is cooled it changes to liquids. This means that it has changed its state from gaseous state to liquid state.
  • The process in which a gas changes to a liquid is called condensation. Cooling Liquids
  • When liquids such as water, melted fat and melted candle wax are cooled, they harden and become solids.
  • They change from liquid state to solid state.
  • The process in which a liquid changes to a solid is called freezing.
  •  When gases such as mothball vapour are cooled, they become solids without forming liquids first. A mothball is made up of a substance known as naphthalene whose vapour changes from gaseous state to solid state on cooling.
  • The process in which a gas changes directly to a solid without going through the liquid state is known as deposition.

Application of change of state of matter.

  • Heating is used to dry grains, fish and other foods to preserve them. It also dries clothes and salt through evaporation.
  • Heating of water bodies causes evaporation and cooling of air forms rain through condensation.
  • Cooling preserves food and also makes ice through freezing. Solid metal melts into liquid on heating.

Water cycle


Water cycle

  • A cycle is something that happens over and over again. It has no beginning and no end. The following are the water cycle stages:

Stage 1: Evaporation and Transpiration.

  • The water cycle begins with the sun heating the water bodies. As the water heats up, it evaporates.
  • In addition, green plants also release water vapour into the air in a process called transpiration. The vapour rises up into the sky.

Stage 2: condensation

  • High up in the sky, the temperatures are cool. Water vapour in the clouds cool down and becomes liquid water. This liquid water is stored in clouds. The process of water vapour turning back into liquid is called condensation.


  • The water falls from the sky in the form of rain, snow or hail through precipitation.

Runoff and infiltration

  • As the water fall on the ground, the water forms streams and rivers and collects in lakes and oceans. This is known as run-off. Besides runoff, water is also absorbed into the soil.
  • This is called infiltration. The water get stored as groundwater. The cycle then continues.

Acids and Bases

Identifying acids and bases

  • Most substances are both acids and bases in nature.
  • However, we cannot taste each and every substance to tell whether it is an acid or a base.
  • In order to taste whether it’s an acid or base we use a litmus paper to find out whether a substance is acidic or basic in nature.
  • The litmus paper is known as an indicator. Indicators change their colour when they are dipped in a solution containing an acidic or a basic substance. Lemon juice turns the blue litmus paper red. This means that lemon juice is an acidic
  • Wood ash solution turns red litmus paper blue. This means that the wood as solution is a base.
  • Common substances used as acids and bases
  • Blue litmus paper turns red when dipped into:
  • Lemon juice
  • Grape juice
  • Orange juice
  • Sour milk
  • Therefore, soap, antacid tablets, baking soda and wood ash are bases.
    lemons and oranges

Physical properties of acids and bases


  • They have sour taste
  • They turn blue litmus paper red.
    testing acid
    (testing acid using blue litmus paper)


  • Have bitter taste
  • They are slippery when touched
  • Turn red litmus paper blue
    testing base
    (testing base using 

Uses of acids and bases


  • Acids in fruits such as lemon and orange is used to enhance taste in drinks and to flavor
  • Lemon acid is used in some cultures to make milk sour
  • Vinegar contains acid that is used for cooking purposes and it is also used to give salads a delicious taste.
  • Vehicles have batteries that have an acid which is used to produce electricity.


  • There are various items used on a daily basis that contain bases. They include:
  • Baking powder is used to bake bread, burns and doughnuts
  • Antacid tablets are used to relieve heartburn.
  • Soap is used for bathing. We use detergents to wash our clothes
  • We clean our teeth using toothpaste.
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