IRE Schemes - Grade 1 Schemes of Work Term 2 2023

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Sub Strand

Specific Learning Outcome

Learning Experiences

Key Inquiry Question

Learning Resources





SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

narrate the event of the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners are guided to name the date, month and year of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

Learners are guided to name the place of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

When was the prophet born?

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

narrate the event of the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners are guided to name the date, month and year of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

Learners are guided to name the place of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

Where was the Prophet (S.A.W.) born?

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify the name given to the Prophet (S.A.W) at birth.

Learners listen to the story about the events of the Amul fiil (the elephant year)

Learners are guided to draw and color the Kaaba, elephant and birds

What name was the Prophet (S.A.W.) given at birth

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify the name given to the Prophet (S.A.W) at birth.

Learners listen to the story about the events of the Amul fiil (the elephant year)

 Learners are guided to draw and color the Kaaba, elephant and birds

What name was the Prophet (S.A.W.) given at birth

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Appreciate Makka, the birth place of the Prophet as the holy city of Muslims

Learners pick out the name of the Prophet (S.A.W) from a set of flash cards containing other names.

Learners in small groups or class sing qasida or recite poems on the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners to name the Prophet’s parents

What events took place during the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W)?

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the selected Hadith to show obedience to parents

Learners listen to different stories on obedience.

Learners are guided to give instances where obedience is practiced in their daily life.

What is obedience

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the selected Hadith to show obedience to parents

Learners listen to different stories on obedience.

Learners are guided to give instances where obedience is practiced in their daily life.

What is obedience

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






Practice obedience in their day to day life to follow the orders of Allah

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individuals recite the Hadith on obedience ‘Allah’s pleasure is in parents’ pleasure and Allah anger is in parents’ anger’’ Organize learners in groups or pairs to name activities that show obedience

What do you do to please Allah?

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






Practice obedience in their day to day life to follow the orders of Allah

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individuals recite the Hadith on obedience ‘Allah’s pleasure is in parents’ pleasure and Allah anger is in parents’ anger’’ Organize learners in groups or pairs to name activities that show obedience

What do you do to please Allah?

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






Appreciate the importance of the Hadith in shaping the life of an individual

Learners read Hadith on obedience displayed for practice. Learners role play the virtue of obedience

How do you show obedience to different people (peers, teachers, parents, elders etc.)?

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the selected Hadith on cleanliness as an act of worship

Learners are guided to discuss cleanliness and its importance (body, clothes, environment)

How do you maintain cleanliness?

Charts, soap, water, dustbin

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the selected Hadith on cleanliness as an act of worship

Learners are guided to discuss cleanliness and its importance (body, clothes, environment)

How do you maintain cleanliness?

Charts, soap, water, dustbin. KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Maintain personal hygiene for healthy living.

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individuals recite the Hadith on cleanliness ‘Cleanliness is part of faith…”

When do we wash our hands?

Charts, soap, water, dustbin. KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Practice cleanliness in their day to day life as an act of ibadah

Organize learners in class, groups or pairs, to discuss the teachings of the Hadith.

When do we wash our hands?

Charts, soap, water, dustbin KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Appreciate the importance of cleanliness as part of faith

Learners to read the Hadith on cleanliness displayed on chart for practice.

Learners are engaged in cleaning activities such as cleaning the school compound, washing hands.

Why do you clean your school compound everyday

Charts, soap, water, dustbin KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the five pillars of Islam to strengthen their faith

Learners to name the five pillars of Islam in sequence

What are the five pillars of Islam?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the five pillars of Islam to strengthen their faith

Learners to name the five pillars of Islam in sequence

What are the five pillars of Islam?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Pronounce the Shahadah as an act of ibadah

Learners to sing songs or poems on the pillars of

Islam/shahada Learners to arrange pillars of Islam on flash cards in their sequence

How do you pronounce the shahada?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Pronounce the Shahadah as an act of ibadah

Learners to sing songs or poems on the pillars of Islam/shahada

Learners to arrange pillars of Islam on flash cards in their sequence

How do you pronounce the shahada?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Appreciate the importance of Shahadah as a basic principle of Islam

Learners in pairs or groups to recite the shahada

Learners to give occasions when the Shahada is said

When do we say the shahada?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

use the Islamic greetings in their daily lives to inculcate the spirit of love

Learners recite the Islamic greetings

Learners are guided in pairs or small groups to listen to the manners of Islamic greetings from a Cd.

What do you do when you meet your friend?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

use the Islamic greetings in their daily lives to inculcate the spirit of love

Learners recite the Islamic greetings

Learners are guided in pairs or small groups to listen to the manners of Islamic greetings from a Cd.

What do you do when you meet your friend?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

identify Islamic etiquettes on greetings to inculcate the culture of greeting in Islam

Learners in pairs , small groups or as a whole class practice Islamic greetings

 Learners to read words of Islamic greetings displayed on a chart

What is the Islamic way of greeting people?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

identify Islamic etiquettes on greetings to inculcate the culture of greeting in Islam

Learners in pairs , small groups or as a whole class practice Islamic greetings

Learners to read words of Islamic greetings displayed on a chart

What is the Islamic way of greeting people?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

appreciate the use of Islamic greetings to attain rewards

Learners to salute and respond to greetings through role play

Why should we use Islamic greetings?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation





Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: recite the prescribed dua before eating, to seek the blessings of Allah and after eating to thank Allah.

Learners to be guided to view Islamic manners of eating through pictures or audio visual materials

What do you do before eating

charts, pictures, audio visual materials, utensils






Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the prescribed dua before eating, to seek the blessings of Allah and after eating to thank Allah.

Learners to be guided to view Islamic manners of eating through pictures or audio visual materials

Which hand do you use when eating?

charts, pictures, audio visual materials, utensils,

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1






Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: recite the prescribed dua before eating, to seek the blessings of Allah and after eating to thank Allah.

Learners to be guided to view Islamic manners of eating through pictures or audio visual materials

Which hand do you use when eating?

charts, pictures, audio visual materials,


KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1






Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: practice Islamic manners of eating as per the teachings of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners to be guided to practice Islamic manners of eating (washing hands, Say Bismillah, use of right hand, eating what is before you and say Alhamdullillahi after eating)

What do you do during eating?

charts, pictures, audio visual materials,


KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1






Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: practice Islamic manners of eating as per the teachings of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners to be guided to practice Islamic manners of eating (washing hands, Say Bismillah, use of right hand, eating what is before you and say Alhamdullillahi after eating)

What do you do during eating?

charts, pictures, audio visual materials,


KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1





Read 311 times Last modified on Tuesday, 31 January 2023 12:26

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