KLB Form 2 Agriculture Schemes of Work Term 3 2020/2021

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                   SCHEMES OF WORK    FORM TWO AGRICULTURE    TERM 3 YEAR 2020/2021
 1    1 LIVESTOCK HEALTH 1 (ANIMAL HEALTH). Introduction. To differentiate between health and disease.                  To explain importance of keeping animals healthy. Q/A: Health and diseases; and their economic importance.   KLB BK II  Pg. 115-6  
  2,3  Signs of good health. To explain signs that help to identify a healthy animal. Discussion: Physical appearance, physiological body functions and morphological conditions of the animal body   Pg.116-8  
 2     1                                               2       Predisposing factors of animal diseases.                                                                                                    Causes of animal diseases.                     To identify and explain predisposing factors of animal diseases.                                                                          To describe causes of animal diseases Q/A & Detailed discussion.                                                                                                                                Detailed description of nutritional causes, physical causes and chemical causes.   Pg. 119-120  
   3 Bacterial animal diseases. To identify Bacterial diseases of livestock. Detailed discussion of bacterial disease and their control. Chart: Bacterial diseases, causal organism and animals affected. Pg.122-124  
 3     1

Viral animal diseases.                                  Protozoan diseases.

To list down viral diseases of livestock.                                            To list down protozoan diseases of animals Detailed discussion of viral diseases and their control.                        Detailed discussion of protozoan diseases and their control. Chart: Viral diseases, causal organism and animals affected.                                               Chart: protozoan diseases, causal organism and animals affected. Pg.125-6  
 2,3 Management of diseases. To explain general methods of diseases control. Q/A: Control of nutritional diseases. Discussion: Importance of proper housing, isolation/ slaughtering of sick animals, imposition of quarantine, prophylaxis, vaccination, vector control e. t. c.   Pg.125-8  
 4  1-3 Handling livestock To describe appropriate methods of handling livestock. Q/A: Handling of animals during treatment, milking, inspecting e. t. c Discussion: Other activities necessitating proper handling of animals, i.e drenching, injecting, controlling mastitis, hand spraying.  Q/A: Sites that should be sprayed with acarides.   Pg. 129-131  
 5     1 LIVESTOCK HEALTH (PARASITES) Effects of parasites on animals. To describe host-parasite relationships.        To identify effects of parasites on livestock. Q/A: Definition of a host, parasite.          Brief discussion and give specific examples.   Pg.133-4  
  2 Tse-tse fly To describe parasitic effects of tse-tse fly.                        To explain methods of control of tse-tse fly Q/A: Disease transmitted by tse-tse fly; and methods of control of tse-tse fly.   Pg.134-5  
  3 Keds, fleas and lice. To describe harmful effects of keds, fleas and lice on livestock. Brief discussion.      Q/A: Methods of controlling ectoparasites.   Pg.135-7  
 6     1


One-host tock.

To list down effects of ticks on livestock.                                            To describe the life cycle of one-host tick Q/A Harmful effects of ticks.                                                                Exposition.  Explanations Chart-Life cycle on one-host tick Pg.138-140  
  2 Two-host tick.                                                        Three-host tick.                              Tick control. To describe the life cycle of two-host tick.                                                      To describe the life cycle of three-host tick.                      To explain measures of controlling ticks. Exposition and explanations. Represent the life cycle diagrammatically. Detailed discussion. Assignment. Chart-life cycles of ticks. Pg.141-3  


 7     1 The tapeworm (Taenia app). To describe characteristics features of tapeworm.            To identify symptoms of attack by tapeworm. Exposition: Labelling a tapeworm/Observing a preserved specimen of a tapeworm.  Preserved specimen of a tapeworm.  Pg.144  
  2 Lifecycle of a tapeworm. To describe the lifecycle of a tapeworm.            To identify the symptoms of attack by a tapeworm. Exposition and explanations of the lifecycle.                                                        Q/A and brief discussion  Chart- Lifecycle of a pork tapeworm. Pg.147-8  
  3 Roundworms (Ascaris app.) To identify symptoms of attack by roundworms.      To describe the lifecycle of a roundworm.          To explain measures of controlling roundworm. Q/A and brief discussion.                                              Detailed discussion of lifecycle.                                                      Q/A: Measures of control  Preserved specimen of roundworm. Pg.148-151  
 8    1 Liver fluke. To identify symptoms of attack by liver fluke.                                      To describe the lifecycle of a liver fluke.                    To explain measures of controlling liver fluke. Q/A and brief discussion.                                              Detailed discussion of lifecycle.                                                      Q/A: Measures of control. Chart- Lifecycle of a liver fluke. Pg.151-3  
 2,3 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION (NUTRITION) Food components. To identify the components of food in animal feeds.        To state functions of water an animal.    To state functions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, oils, vitamins, in an animal body. Use a flow chart to show food components.                                          Q/A and brief discussion.                                                    Q/A and detailed discussion; sources, deficiency, symptoms. Flow chart- Components of food.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Seed cakes, fish meal, bone meal, Lucerne. Pg.158-164  
 9     1 Minerals To identify important minerals for livestock. Discussion: Types of minerals, their sources and deficiency symptoms.   Pg.165-169  
  2 Feeds and Feedstuffs. To differentiate between a feed and a feedstuff.            To describe the composition of dry and succulent roughages.            To state and explain the composition of energy concentrates and protein concentrates. Exposition, discussion and giving relevant examples. Examples of roughages and concentrates. Pg. 169-171  
  3 Feed additives. To define feed additives.              To give examples of feed additives. Giving examples of feed additives and description of their importance.   Pg. 171  
 10     1 To concept of rationing.                                                                      Maintenance ration.                                                                            Production ration. To define food ration; balanced ration.                                                To define maintenance ration.  To state factors affecting maintenance ration.                                To explain characteristics of a balanced ration. Detailed discussion                                                      and                                                    Probing questions   Pg.172-3  
  2 Feed digestibility                          Feed nutritive values. To define feed digestibility.          To calculate 0/0 digestibility of a feed.                    To explain factors affecting food digestibility.          To define terms used to express feed value. Exposition of new concepts.            Problem solving discussion.      Exposition and discussion of other terms used to express feed value: calorific value, dry matter, starch equivalent, TDN, CP, DCP and CF. Chart- Nutritive values of some feeds. Pg.173-4  
  3 Computation of animal feeds. Trial and error method. Pearson's square method To state advantages and disadvantages of trial and error method of computing animal feeds.                    To compute livestock ratios using Pearson's Square method Q/A and brief discussions.    Exposition- Teacher explains the procedure of computing livestock ration using Pearson's Square method.            Worked examples. Supervised exercise.                                                           Calculators Pg.176-178  
 11     1 General process of digestion. To describe the general process of digestion. Detailed discussion of digestion in the mouth, stomach, small intestines and colon. Chart- General digestive system Pg.179-185  
  2  Digestion in non-ruminants To give examples of mono gastric animals.                To describe digestion in mono gastric animals. Detailed discussion of digestion in a pig and poultry. Chart-Specific digestive systems Pg.180-186  
  3 Digestion in Ruminants  To identify the components of the stomach.              To state the functions of each compartment.        To state differences and similarities between digestive systems in ruminants and non-ruminants Students observe the four compartments of a ruminant's stomach.    Discussion: Structure and functions of each compartment.          Q/A: Students highlights differences and similarities between ruminants and non-ruminants. Chart- Digestive system of a cow. Pieces of stomach compartments of a cow. Pg.187-8  
                                            END OF TERM THREE EXAMINATIONS       
Read 1286 times Last modified on Friday, 21 May 2021 09:32

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