Displaying items by tag: class 7

Wednesday, 15 September 2021 12:20

Properties of Matter - Class 7 Science Revision Notes

Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.

A solute-This is the solid which dissolves in a liquid.

A solvent-Thus is the liquid in which the solid dissolves in.

A solution-This is what is formed when solute and solvent are mixed completely.

Soluble solids:-This are solids that dissolves completely in liquids.

Insoluble solids:-These are solids that do not dissolve in liquids when they are mixed.

Miscible liquids:-This are liquids that mix to form a uniform solution eg water and milk,water and spirit, cooking oil and paraffin etc.

Immiscible liquids:-This are liquids that when put together and shaken still forms layers eg water and paraffin.

Methods of Separating Mixtures.

  1. Picking:-Involves use of hands to pick big solid particles from a mixture eg mixture of maize and beans, mixture of Stones from rice etc.
  2. Winnowing:- Used i separation of light solid particles from the heavy ones using the wind eg a mixture of rice and husk, a
    mixture of sorghum from the chaffs etc.
  3. Sieving:- Used in separating mixture of small and large solid particles where the small particles passes through the sieve
    leaving behind the big ones eg mixture of maize and millet.
  4. Use of magnet:- Used in separating magnetic materials from non magnetic materials eg Flour and iron fillings
  5. Decanting:-Used to separate an insoluble solid from a liquid by gently pouring out the liquids eg mixture water and cooked
  6. Filtering:- This involves using a filter paper or a cloth to separate a mixture eg a mixture of soil and water
    NB:-The water obtained from filtering is not safe for drinking as it may contain traces of the mixtures and also germs its
    therefore advisable to boil it again

Evaporation:-This is a method that is used to separate a mixture of soluble solid from a liquid but only the solidis recovered.

Home made water filter

class 7 science home made water filter

Magnetic Materials


  • Tin
  • Iron
  • Nickel
  • Steel
  • Chromium.
  • Cobalt
  • Alnico
Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 12:07

Electricity - Class 7 Science Revision Notes

This is a form of energy.

Sources of Electricity.

There are two forms of electricity. ie Static and current electricity.

Static electricity is produced by rubbing two surfaces against each other.

Current electricity is produced from:

  • Hydroelectric dams
  • Diesel generators Car batteries.
  • Geothermal wells.
  • Torch cells.
  • Solar batteries

Good and Bad Conductors of Electricity

Good Conductors - These are materials that allow electricity to pass through them.

Bad conductors -These are materials that do not allow electricity to pass through them.

Electrical Appliances

  •  An electric iron-used for pressing clothes.
  • An electric cooker- used for cooking.
  • An electric kettle-Used for boiling water or making tea.
  • Radio-Used to receive information transmitted from stations.

Safety when Dealing with Electricity

  • Don't work near mains.
  • Don't have cables running under a carpet.
  • Don't overload sockets by plugging in many electrical appliances.
  • Never throw objects at a wire carrying electricity.
  • Don't touch sockets and swiches with wet hands.
  • Don't try to repair electrical appliances unless you have the knowledge of what you are doing.

Lightning and Safety Measures.

Lightning is a strong form of static electricity that is caused by the charges brought about by clouds .

Lightning arrestors are always fitted on tall buildings so that it when lighting strikes,the charges reach the ground

Precautions against Lighting during Thunderstorm.

  • Use shoes with rubber soles while walking in the open on a rainy day.
  • Don't stand on a pool of water when its raining.
  • Avoiding leaning against the wall when its raining.
  • Avoid carrying metallic and sharp-pointed objects when it is raining.
  • When lightning strikes,it often hits tall objects before spreading to other objects in the area.
  • Avoiding walking in open fields.
Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 11:43

Soil - Class 7 Science Revision Notes

Soil Fertility.

This is the ability of the soil to produce high yields for a long time.

Fertilizer: These are organic or inorganic substances that are added to soil that have lost their fertility.

They are grouped into natural fertilizers and artificial fertilizers.

Green Manure:They are made from green plants,these plants should be:

  • Leafy.
  • Able to grow fast.
  • Able to decay quickly
  • Contain a high amount of nitrogen.

Farmyard manure: They are made from animals wastes such as urine,dung, poultry droppings and animal bedding.
Compost manure: This is a mixture of decayed plants,animal waste,leaves and vegetable peelings

How to encourage fast decomposition of compost heap:

  • Keeping the heap moist.
  • Adding a layer of decayed materials rich in bacteria.
  • Adding a layer of topsoil to introduce decomposers.
  • Covering the heap duriing the wet season.
  • Turning the heap occasionally,at leastafter 3-4weeks to allow circulation of air.
    NB:Farmyard manure introduces bacteria.

Mulches: These are plant materials such as plant leaves and dry grass which are used as soil cover.

Types of Fertilizers (Inorganic manure)

They are classified into two:

  • Straight fertilizer
  • Compound fertilizer.

Straight Fertilizers:

They contain only one macronutrient.

Examples of nitrogenous fertilizer.

  • Calcium Ammonium Nitrate.
  • Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate.
  • Urea

Examples of Phosphatic fertilizers.

  • Single super phosphate.
  • Double super phosphate

Examples of potassic fertilizers.

  • Muriate of potash.
  • Sulphate of potash.

Compound Fertilizers:

They provide two or more of the macronutrients to a plant.

Examples of compound fertilizers.

  • Diammonium Phosphate(DAP)
  • Nitrogen, Phosphorus,Potassium(NPK)

Advantages of using Manures and fertilizers.

  • Results in high growth rate of crops.
  • Leads to high crop yields which are of high quality.
  • Leads to growth of crops that are deep green in colour.
  • Encourage the vegetative growth.
  • Leads to quick ripening of fruits.
  • Provides the necessary nutrients for growth and development of crops.
  • Increase the size of seeds,grain and fruits.
  • Strengths the plantstems that support the plant.
  • Improves soil fertility.

Disadvantages of Using Manures and Fertilizers.

  • Some are expensive to prepare eg Green manure.
  • Some pollutes the environment if not use by plants immediately eg Inorganic manure.
  • Some fertilizers are corrosive.
  • Some manures and fertilizers scorch the plant if applied in great quantities.

Activity 2: State other advantages and disadvantages of using manures.and fertilizers

Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 11:33

Water - Class 7 Science Revision Notes

Water Pollution

This involves making water impure or contaminating it.

Causes of Water Pollution

  • Floods
  • Human and animals waste
  • Oil spillage
  • Waste from industries.
  • Uncontrolled use of farm chemicals.
  • Acid rain

Effects of Water Pollution.

  • Blocking the root hair.
  • Acidic rain causes harm to plants since they cannot grow well in acidic rain.
  • Dissolved chemicals substances and fertilizer may cause harm to animals.
  • Oil spillage prevents entry of oxygen in water leading to suffocation and death.

Controlling Water Pollution.

  • Practising proper hygiene.
  • Practising farming methods.
  • Drawing water for animals instead of taking them to water sources.
  • Controlling the dumping of industrial waste into water sources.
  • Clearing accidental oil spills as soon as they happen.
  • Controlling the use of farm chemicals.

Conservation of Water

Conservation means proper care and use of water sources.

It ensures water isused sparingly and conserved for future use.

Ways of Conserving Water.

  • Harvesting rain water.
  • Recycling water.
  • Re-using water.
  • Using water sparingly.
  • Mulching and shading.
  • Construction of dams
Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 11:20

Animals - Class 7 Science Revision Notes


  • This is an organism that fully depends on another organism for its survival.
  • They either live on the body of the animal(External parasites) or inside the bodies on the animals(Internal parasites).

Examples of External Parasites(Ecto-parasites).

  • Tick- Cattle, Sheep, Goats
  • Mites- Oigs, Goats, Sheep, Poulty, Camel, Horses, Cattle, Rabbits.
  • Flea- Pigs, Poulty, Rabbits.
  • Louse-Poulty, Pigs, Sheep, Cattle, Horses
  • Tsetse fly- All domestic animals

Examples of Internal Parasites(Endo-parasites).

  • Liverfluke- Attacks liver and lungs of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.
  • Tapeworms- Attacks liver and small intestines of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.
  • Roundworms- Attacks small intestines,liver and lungs of cattle, sheep, goat, poultry and fish.
  • Hookworms-Attacks the small intestine ofsheep and oats.
  • Lungworms- Attacks the lungs,brain and stomach of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs

Effects of Parasites on Animals.

  1. Leads to poor health of the animal .
  2. Causes anemia as they sucks a lot of blood from the animal's body.
  3. Causes irritation on the body of thee animal.
  4. Leads to poor quality of the products.

Methods of Controlling Livestock Parasites.

  • Rotational grazing-Both
  • Dipping- External parasites.
  • Spraying-External parasites.
  • Deworming- Internal parasites;Involves drenching and dosing.
  • Hand picking - External parasite.

Methods of Controlling Human Intestinal Worms.

  • Proper sanitation.
  • Proper washing of food that are eaten raw.
  • Proper cooking.
  • Regular deworming.
Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 09:50

Plants - Class 7 Science Revision Notes


This is the dependence of one person on another;or one living thing upon another.

Plants depends on animals in the following ways:

  • Carbon dioxide
  • Pollination
  • Animal waste
  • Nutrients

Animals depends on plants in the following ways:

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Medicine
  • Oxygen

Plants depends on other plants for the following ways:

  • Support
  • Shade
  • Habitat

Animals depends on other animals in the following ways:

  • Transport
  • Food

Examples of Insectivorous plants

  • Venus flytrap
  • Cobra lily
  • Sundew
  • Bladderwort
  • Butterwort
  • Picher plant.

Food Chain.

A food chain is a relationship in which living things depends a feed on one another directly.

Examples of a food chain:

  1. Grass   ---->    Grasshopper     ---->      Chicken          ---->        Hawk
    (Producer). (Primary cosumer).       (Secondary consumer).    (Tertiary consumer)
  2. Algae---->Small fish----->Big fish---->King fish
    NB:Learners are always asked what happen if one group is exempted:
    What will happen if all chicken died because of a disease kin the first example;
    • Grasshopper will increase since what feeds on them are dead
    • Grass will reduce since grasshoppers are more in number
    • Hawk will decrease since their food is not there

Crop Pest.

A pest is a troublesome or harmful thing,animal or insect.

They damage crops

Types of Pest

Pests are classified into two ie

  1. Field Pests
    • cutworms
    • Aphids
    • Stalk borer
    • Weaver birds
  2. Storage pests
    • Weevils
    • Termites
    • Rat
    • Mole

Crop Pest and their Effects on Plant

 Pest    Crop attacked  Type of damage caused
Stalk borer  maize,sorghum,sugar cane
  • bore holes on the stalk
  • makes large holes on leaves. 
Aphids cabbage,beans,oranges,maize
  • Suck plant sap
Cutworm cabbage,tomatoes,beans,irish potatoes
  • Cut the stems of young seedlings especially at the base of the plant.
Weevils maize,beans,cowpeas,bananas,cashew
  • Bore holes on cereals.
  • Bore hole in the growing point eg banana.
  • Make holes on stem just below the bark eg cashew nuts
Termites cassava,sugarcane,maize,sunflower
  • They eat planmaterials afterplanting.
Birds e.g weaver bird maize,rice,millet,sorghum. 
  • Eat grains before grains mature and therefore they dry up.

Pest Control Measures

  • Scaring .
  • Trapping .
  • Hand picking.
  • Weeding.
  • Spraying.
  • Prunning.
Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 09:46

Environment - Class 7 Science Revision Notes

Environment is what surrounds an organism

Components of Environment

Major Components of the Environment.

  • Water-Occupies the largest percentage
  • Soil
  • Air-Found in all other components of the environment
  • Animal
  • Plants

Minor Components of the Environment.

  • Heat
  • Sound
Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 09:33

Health Education - Class 7 Science Revision Notes

Drug is any substances other than food that, alters the functioning of the body.

Drug misuse -This is the usage of any drug for any other purpose other than the recommended one.

Drug abuse -This is using of drug to a way that the body cannot work without it.

Commonly Abused Drugs

  • Tobacco
  • Miraa (khat)
  • Mandrax
  • Heroin/opium-from poppy plant
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Alcohol
  • Bhang/dope/marijuana/hashish.
  • Cocaine-from coca plant
  • Inhalants eg petrol and glue.

Ways of Taking Drugs.

  • Sniffing eg heroine,cocaine
  • Chewing eg miraa
  • Injection eg cocaine
  • Smoking eg cocaine,bhang,tobacco,heroin
  • Drinking eg alcohol.

Narcotic Drugs/illegal drugs

  • Cocaine
  • Bhang
  • Heroin
  • Mandrax

Effects of Drugs

  • Causes lung cancer eg tobacco
  • Causes liver cirrhosis eg alcohol
  • Causes breathimg difficulties eg heroin.
  • Causes mouth cancer eg miraa
 Health effects    Social effects 
  • Addiction
  • Fits
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • General weakness  
  • Shivering
  • Violence
  • Stress
  • Irritability
  •  Truancy
  • Accident
  • Rape
  • Fighting
  • HIV/AIDS   


Myths and Misconceptions of HIV/AIDS

A myth is a false idea or a false story that many people believe is true.

A conception is a wrong or untrue idea which people believe because they do not have the facts or do not understand it at all.

Care and Support for People Infected with HIV and AIDS

  • Love and care
  • Adequate diet.
  • Hygiene.
  • Medical care
Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 09:16

Human Body - Class 7 Science Revision Notes

The Blood Circulatory System

Parts of the Circulatory System

  • The heart-The pumping organ
  • The blood-The transport fluid.
  • The blood vessel-They are pipes through which the blood flows

Blood Components and their Functions

  • Plasma-The liquid part of the blood which transport digested food materials, salts and other dissolved substances.
  • Red blood cells-They contain red colouring matter called haemoglobin, which gives blood the red colour, red blood cells
    helps in transporting oxygen.
  • White blood cells-They have a nucleurs, they help in fighting and killing disease-causing germs.
  • Platelets-They help in blood clotting ie further loss of blood through wound.

Types of Blood Vessels and their Functions.


  • They carry blood away from the heart
  • They have thick walls
  • They have a narrow lumen.
  • They have no valves since they carry blood at a high pressure  from the heart.
  • They carry oxgyeneted blood except pulmonary artery which carry deoxgeneted blood from the heart to the lungs.
  • Main artery is Aorta.


  • They carry blood from other body parts to the heart.
  • They have thin walls.
  • They have a wide lumen.
  • They carry blood at a low pressure.
  • They carry deoxygenated blood except pulmonary vein which carry oxygenated blood from lungs to the heart.
  • Main vein is Venacava.


  • They are small blood vessels that help to take blood to all parts of the body.
  • They are found all over the body.
  • They cover a wide surface of the body.

The Heart

  • It has four chambers, two chambers are on the upper parts(Auricles) and two chambers on the lower parts(Ventricles)
  • The heart is also divide into left and right side which is vertically lateral to how it faced(Your left hand side becomes the right when in paper and vice versa).
  • The parts include: Right auricle, Left auricle, Right ventricle and Left ventricle.
  • The heart also have valves ie semi lunar valve, tricuspid valve and bicuspid valve.

The Circulation of Blood.

  • Blood from all parts of the body flows into the right auricle of the heart through venacava, then its pumped through pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxidation.
  • In the lungs, oxygen is added to the blood and carbon dioxide is removed.
  • Oxygenated blood then flows to the left auricle of the heart through the pulmonary vein.
  • The muscular left ventricle then pumps the blood to all parts of the body through the aorta. This process repeats back and forth making another cycle.
    NB: When one inhales carbon monoxide the chamber of the heart that receives it first will be left auricle, but when one is bitten by a snake the poison will first reach the right auricle through venacava.

The Importance of Blood Circulation.

  • It transports food from the small intestine to all parts of the body.
  • Transports oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body.
  • Transports carbondioxide from the body tissues to the lungs.
  • Wastes materials like urea to the kidney.
  • Transports heat to all parts of the body.

Activity: Draw a well labelled diagram of the heart.

Published in Science Class 7 Notes
Thursday, 09 September 2021 12:24

Social Studies/RE - Class 7 End Term 1 Exam 2021 SET 2

 c7 set 2 Et1 Q1
Study the map of Bego Area below and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The location of the two industries in Bego area was mainly influenced by
    1. nearness to market
    2. nearness to raw materials
    3. nearness to roads
    4. nearness to water supply
  2. Which one of the following is a food crop grown in Bego area?
    1. Bananas
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Maize 
    4. Tea
  3. The mineral mined in Bego area is
    1. limestone
    2. sand
    3. salt 
    4. soda ash
  4. The general flow of river Bego is from
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. South East
  5. The economic activity carried out in the North Eastern part of Bego area is
    1. tea growing 
    2. sugarcane farming
    3. mining
    4. livestock
  6. The main reason why tea is grown in the South Western part of Bego area is that A
    1. the area has cool and wet conditions
    2. the area is hilly
    3. rivers in the area provide water irrigation 
    4. there is adequate labour
  7. Which one of the following places is at the HIGHEST altitude above sea level?
    1. Cattle dip 
    2. Pineapple farm 
    3. Tugo town
    4. Sibi town
  8. Traditional forms of government among the Nyamwezi people were beaded by
    1. chiefs
    2. kings
    3. council of elders 
    4. emperors
  9. Which one of the following is not a roleof children in a family?
    1. Taking care of family property
    2. Seeking for advice from parents
    3. Providing basic needs
    4. Respecting other members of the family
  10. The first member states of the East African community (EAC) when it was formed in 1967 were 
    1. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 
    2. Djibouti, Rwanda, Uganda 
    3. Tanzania, Burundi, Sudan 
    4. Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
  11. Which one of the following relief features in Africa formed through faulting and twisting of underneath rocks? 
    1. Mount Ruwenzori
    2. Atlas mountains
    3. Yatta plateau
    4. Rift Valley
  12. Radios are used to make government announcements because
    1. most people understand Kiswahili
    2. most areas are supplied with electricity 
    3. messages are made in indigenous languages 
    4. they are widespread

The diagram below shows a marine fishing method.

ce Et1 ss set2 Q12

  1. The marine fishing method illustrated in the above diagram is
    1. purse-seining method 
    2. trawling method 
    3. long lining method 
    4. net drifting method
  2. Improvement in modern systems of communication in Africa has mainly resulted in
    1. expansion of urban centres
    2. decrease in rates of crime
    3. increase in trading activities
    4. migration of people to towns
  3. Chief Mkwawa and Koitalel Arap Samoei had one factor in common. It is that they
    1. signed peace treaties with Europeans
    2. gave their land to European farms
    3. collaborated with the Europeans
    4. resisted European colonial rule
  4. Three of the following statements about clans are correct. Which one is not?
    1. Members are related by blood
    2. Members help one another
    3. Members live in the same area 
    4. Members have a common ancestor
  5. The following are characteristics of a vegetation zone in Africa;
    1. There is plenty of tall grass i
    2. Most trees are deciduous iii
    3. Thorny trees of medium height
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. savannah vegetation
      2. mountain vegetation
      3. semi-desert vegetation
      4. rain forest vegetation
  6. Which one of the following language groups is not found in West Africa?
    1. Benue-Congo speakers
    2. Cushitic speakers
    3. Afro-Asiatic speakers 
    4. Mande speakers
  7. It is important for people to live in peace in the society in order to
    1. conserve the environment
    2. prevent the spread of diseases
    3. enable leaders rule for long periods
    4. enable the government to deliver services
  8. A characteristic of areas where beef ranching is done is that the areas 
    1. have dense forests 
    2. have irrigated pastures
    3. are sparsely populated 
    4. experience cool and wet climate
  9. The political party that led Tanganyika to independence was
    1. Tanganyika African National Union
    2. Chama cha Mapinduzi
    3. Tanganyika African Association :
    4. United Tanganyika party 
  10. Which one of the following groups is made up of Bantu communities who live in Southern Africa?
    1. Sara, Luba, Bakongo 
    2. Chagga, Baganda, Taita
    3. Tswana, Bemba, Hutu
    4. Zulu, Sotho, Herero
  11. Which one of the following rivers in Africa is correctly matched with the water body where it ends?
    1. River Nile - Lake Turkana 
    2. River Orange - Atlantic Ocean
    3. River Limpopo-Mediterranean Sea
    4. River Omo - Indian Ocean
  12. The main reason why Kenya traders with other countries is to
    1. earn foreign exchange
    2. promote good relations with other countries
    3. advertise tourist attracting sites,
    4. enable Kenyans to move freely
  13. Person living with disabilities in Kenya have the right to
    1. do what they want 
    2. form their own political parties
    3. be given higher salaries
    4. be nominated to the senate
  14. The plains Nilotes settled in the Rift Valley region of Kenya because 
    1. the areas had fertile soils for farming 
    2. there were many trade goods in the area 
    3. the areas were ideal for grazing
    4. the areas were not habited
  15. The aim of preparing a school motto is to
    1. guide the learners to achieve the aims of the school 
    2. prepare pupils to be future leaders
    3. outline the rules of the school 
    4. allocate time for school activities
  16. Three of the following are effects of revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. It causes deflecting of winds
    2. It causes different seasons 
    3. It causes sea and land breezes rotation
    4. It causes different lengths of day and night
  17. Which one of the following is an example of a processing industry?
    1. Paper manufacturing
    2. Flour milling
    3. Glass manufacturing
    4. Shoe manufacturing

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 30 to 33.

c8Et1 set 2 ss Q29

  1. Three of the following statements about the country marked M are correct. Which one is not? 
    1. It was ruled by an emperor upto 1974 
    2. Some areas in the country are deserts 
    3. It is the largest country in Eastern Africa
    4. It successfully resisted colonial rule 
  2. The game reserve marked R is
    1. Kidepo
    2. Selous
    3. Serengeti
    4. Bwindi
  3. The community that settled in the shaded area marked S during the migration period was
    1. Pokomo 
    2. Chagga 
    3. Abagusii 
    4. Taita
  4. The country marked F was colonized by
    1. France 
    2. Italy 
    3. Britain
    4. Germany 
  5. Which one of the following citizens does not demonstrate patriotism?
    1. Riziki - participate in communal work
    2. Taiyo - Attends national day celebrations
    3. Amollo - favours his relatives in employment
    4. Gatura - Conserves forest reserves
  6. Below are descriptions of a lake in Africa. 
    1. It was formed through downwarping 
    2. It is located in a dry area
    3. It is shared by three countries
      The lake described above is
      1. Lake Tanganyika
      2. Lake Turkana 
      3. Lake Malawi
      4. Lake Chad
  7. The main problem facing in land water fishing in both Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. water hyacinth growing in lakes
    2. oil spills from ships
    3. inadequate market for fish
    4. overfishing in major fishing lakes
  8. Which one of the following actions is a government policy that may influence settlement of people in a place?
    1. Establishment of multi-purpose river projects
    2. Introduction of family planning methods
    3. Vaccination of people against diseases
    4. Allowing people to move to towns
  9. Sisal growing in Kenya has declined due
    1. frequent droughts in the country
    2. low demand fro sisal products
    3. lack of funds to invest in sisal farming
    4. increase in population in growing areas
  10. The following are some communities found in Eastern Africa
    1. Nyamwezi
    2. Akamba
    3. Baganda
      It is correct to conclude that the above communities
      1. were ruled by kings
      2. resisted European colonial rule
      3. took part in the long distance trade
      4. settle in highland regions
  11. Three of the following statements about  indigenous education in the pre-colonial period are true. Which one is not?
    1. Learners were given written tests
    2. Some skills were taught through observations
    3. Learners were taught by older members
    4. Proverbs were used to teach moral values
  12. The diagram below shows a road sign.
    c8Et1 set 2 ss Q41
    A motorist who sees the road sign shown above should
    1. turn back 
    2. call for help
    3. stop the vehicle
    4. reduce speed
  13. Below are statements about an early visitor to Eastern Arica 
    1. He settled along the coast
    2. He took part in coastal trade it
    3. He came to Eastern Africa in 1840
      The person described above is
      1. Seyyid Said
      2. William Macknon
      3. Carl Peters
      4. Vasco da Gama
  14. The formation of the Rift Valley was caused by
    1. solidification of Magma on the surface
    2. erosion of soft parts of the earth
    3. faulting and sinking of land
    4. folding and twisting of underneath rocks
  15. The lake Victoria basin and the west coast of Africa have high population due to
    1. high rainfall in the areas
    2. deposition of rich soils by rivers 
    3. cool and wet highland conditions
    4. presence of minerals in the areas
  16. Conservation of natural forests in the highland areas in Kenya is done in order to 
    1. attract tourists in the country 
    2. get a constant source of firewood 
    3. get timber for export
    4. preserve sources of rivers 
  17. Which one of the following is a social right of a child? Right to
    1. marry
    2. vote
    3. own property
    4. education
  18. When Julius Nyerere was the president of Tanzania he
    1. formed the first political party
    2. took part in forming the East African community (EAC) 
    3. made Tanzania a multi-state country
    4. was overthrown by the army 4
  19. What is the time in Dakar 17°W when the time in Kampala 28°E is 2:20pm?
    1. 11.20am
    2. 5.20am
    3. 11.20pm
    4. 5.20pm
  20. Mr. Hashm deals in Petroleum products. The best form to use to transport petroleum form Saudi Arabia is 
    1. pipeline transport
    2. air transport 
    3. water transport
    4. railway transport 
  21. The Western part of Botswana are sparsely populated due to
    1. presence of swamps
    2. insecurity
    3. semi-arid conditions
    4. flooding by rivers
  22. Which one of the following is not a impact of industries in urban areas?
    1. Dumping of waste in rivers 
    2. Increase in crop production
    3. Release of smoke into the atmosphere
    4. They encourage growth of slums
  23. Which one of the following was a negative effect of colonial rule in Eastern Africa? 
    1. Africans changed their names
    2. Some places were named after Europeans
    3. Africans lost their fertile lands 
    4. African communities developed unity
  24. Which one of the following combinations is made up of cold currents only?
    1. Aguhlas and canary currents
    2. Somali and Benguela currents
    3. Guinea and Aguhlas currents
    4. Benguela and canary currents
  25. The following are facts about a town in Eastern Africa;
    1. It was started by Arab trader 
    2. It has a petroleum refinery
    3. It is a major tourist destination town
      The town described above is
      1. Mombasa 
      2. Kampala
      3. Addis Ababa
      4. Dodoma
  26. What did the British do to Mekatilili wa Menza when they arrested her?
    1. They sent her to exile in Seychelles 
    2. They sent her to live in Kisii
    3. They cut off her head
    4. They jailed her for a long time
  27. Below are requirements for growing a certain crop;
    1. Cool highland temperatures 
    2. High rainfall that is well distributed 
    3. High altitude
    4. Fertile volcanic soils that are slightly acidic
    5. The requirements listed above favour the growing of
      1. bananas
      2. sisal
      3. sugarcane
      4. tea
  28. Who among the following leaders is not elected on a polling day in Kenya?
    1. Senator
    2. Woman Representative
    3. County commissioner
    4. County Representative
  29. Three of the following duties of the body incharge of elections in Kenya except
    1. announcing election results
    2. registering political parties 
    3. reviewing constituency boundaries
    4. organizing and supervising elections 
  30. An elected member of the county assembly loses a seat if the person
    1. is jailed for 6 months or more
    2. goes out of Kenya 
    3. is admitted in hospital
    4. is arrested by the police 
  31. A person becomes a nominated member of a county assembly through
    1. election by voters in a ward
    2. election by members of a county assembly
    3. appointing by a political party
    4. appointing by the governor


  1. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit because 
    1. they wanted to become wise
    2. the snake tricked them
    3. they wanted to cover their nakedness
    4. they were hungry
  2.  During the time of Noah God destroyed people because
    1. they were building a high tower
    2. they were evil and wicked
    3. they had become too many
    4. they were speaking one language 
  3. A promise that God made to Abraham when he was living in Haran was that
    1. Abraham would live to old age
    2. Abraham's descendants would rule forever
    3. God would give him many descendant
    4. God would make him rich
  4. Who among the following people was a brother of Moses?
    1. Joshua
    2. Elkanah
    3. Caleb
    4. Aaron
  5. During the Exodus the Israelites asked 

    Moses to give them
    1. Weapons
    2. Kings
    3. Water
    4. Clothes
  6. Gideon was able to defeat the Midianites because
    1. he obeyed God's commands
    2. he was a brave soldier 
    3. he was experienced in fighting
    4. he had a large army
  7. King Saul disobeyed God when he
    1. A took the wife of Uriah
    2. failed to kill animals captured in war 
    3. married many wives
    4. took Naboth's vineyard
  8. When King Solomon prayed to God he asked for
    1. wealth
    2. wisdom
    3. long live
    4. fame
  9. When prophet Elisha visited the woman of Shunem he told her that
    1. she would get a husband
    2. her flour and oil would never run out 
    3. she would have a son
    4. she would be the ruler of Israel
  10. Which one of the following was done by the wisemen who visited Jesus? They
    1. went back singing and rejoicing
    2. ate with Joseph and Mary 
    3. offered burnt sacrifices
    4. did not go back to Herod
  11. Zechariah the father of John the Baptist worked as
    1. a priest
    2. a carpenter 
    3. a tax collector 
    4. a shepherd
  12. When the devil told Jesus to kneel down and worship him Jesus replied that
    1. you should not put the Lord to the test 
    2. man shall not live by bread alone 
    3. you should worship the Lord your God alone 
    4. human beings cannot live on bread alone
  13. Jesus taught his disciples during
    1. the sermon on the mountain
    2. the last supper
    3. the walk to Emmaus
    4. a fishing session in lake Galilee
  14. The two brothers who left their father in a boat and followed Jesus were
    1. John and Peter 
    2. John and Andrew
    3. John and Philip
    4. John and James
  15. The parable of the three servants teaches christians to
    1. respect people in authority
    2. use their talents well
    3. be kind to the needy
    4. repent their sins
  16. Jesus healed people possessed with demons. This showed his power over
    1. diseases
    2. evil
    3. nature
    4. death
  17. Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of Jesus because
    1. he knew Jesus
    2. Jesus was tired 
    3. the soldiers forced
    4. he was a God-fearing man
  18. Jesus forgave the sins of a thief who had been crucified on his side because 
    1. the thief was innocent 
    2. the thief was a God fearing man
    3. the thief was repentant 
    4. Jesus knew the thief
  19. Which one of the following women visited the empty tomb?
    1. Lydia
    2. Salome
    3. Tabitha
    4. Martha
  20. Which one of the following combinations consist of people who met Jesus on the day he resurrected?
    1. Mary Magdalene and Cleopas
    2. Thomas and Matthew
    3. Peter and John
    4. Mary mother James and Philip
  21. Immediately before Jesus ascended to heaven he told his disciples to
    1. look themselves in a room 
    2. be satisfied with what they get 
    3. go to all places and preach
    4. preach in different languages
  22. Which one of the following actions in traditional African communities is forbidden? 
    1. Hitting an elder 
    2. Giving food to strangers 
    3. Walking at night
    4. Singing songs
  23. In traditional African communities ancestors are best remembered through
    1. performing libations
    2. using the items they left 
    3. calling out their names during prayer
    4. naming children after them
  24. Which one of the following is the main reason for marriage in traditional African communities?
    1. To get dowry payment 
    2. To continue the family lineage
    3. To get a companion
    4. To feel important
  25. Which one of the following is a rite of passage in traditional African communities? 
    1. Burial
    2. Confirmation 
    3. Naming
    4. Initiation
  26. Christians take their first harvest of crop to the church mainly to
    1. feed worshippers in the church 
    2. sell surplus food 
    3. show gratitude for God's blessings 
    4. provide food for the clergy
  27. It is important for christians to work in order to
    1. do the will of God
    2. become rich
    3. be recognized in the society 
    4. get paid
  28. Leisure time should be spent doing those activities that
    1. make a person rich
    2. goes against moral values
    3. promote the welfare of a community
    4. promote personal interest
  29. Gabriel a stands six pupil, prays for his sick mother. This element of prayer is 
    1. petition
    2. confession
    3. adoration
    4. intercession 
  30. The early European missionaries taught Africans how to read and write because they wanted them to 
    1. get jobs
    2. read the Bible 
    3. be equal to the Europeans
    4. stop their customs


  1. "Fawailul lil muswaliin" is a verse from Suratul ________________.
    1. Maun
    2. Tiyn 
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kauthar
  2. Swafa and Marwa is performed to remember which Prophet together with his mother?
    1. Ishaq
    2. Issa
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Ismail
  3. Believe in the angels of Allah is the pillar of Iman.
    1. First
    2. Second 
    3. Fourth 
    4. Third
  4. We celebrate iddul Fitri in the month of
    1. Shawwal 
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Rajab
    4. Muharram
  5. The story of Abraham AlAshram is explained in which Surah?
    1. Maun
    2. Tiyn
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kauthar
  6. When the Prophet left for Madina he left laying his bed.
    1. Abu-Bakr
    2. Umar 
    3. Ali
    4. Uthman
  7. Which one among the following is an example of medium Najis?
    1. Women in monthly period
    2. Bleeding or producing pus
    3. Ejaculation of sperms
    4. Sexual intercourse
  8. The people of Makkah who welcomed the people of Madinah are called 
    1. Jews
    2. Muhajirin 
    3. Answar 
    4. Kharajites
  9. Prophet Muhammad went to for a trade caravan when he met Bahira. 
    1. Medina 
    2. Syria 
    3. Makka
    4. Egypt 
  10. Work in islam is regarded as an act of
    1. Torture
    2. Ibaadah 
    3. Makruh
    4. Punishment
  11. The ninth month in the Islamic calendar
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Shawwal
    4. Muharram
  12. The second battle to be fought by the Muslims is
    1. Siffin
    2. Badr
    3. Uhud 
    4. Khandag
  13. The prophet advised as to say the truth even if it is
    1. Bitter 
    2. Bad 
    3. Hurting 
    4. Sour
  14. On which of the following is Zakat not payable?
    1. Animal
    2. Agricultures produce 
    3. Furniture 
    4. Mineral
  15. Who among the following people is NOT a recipient of Zakat? 
    1. Debtor
    2. New converts 
    3. Slaves 
    4. Orphan
  16. Three of the following are not Major Hadath EXCEPT?
    1. Vomit 
    2. Blood
    3. Urine 
    4. Sperms
  17. In which Surah was Abu Lahab cursed?
    1. Masad
    2. Nasr 
    3. Fiyl. 
    4. Kauthar
  18. The archers placed at Mount Uhud during the battle of Uhud disobeyed the Prophet because of 
    1. Fear 
    2. Jealous 
    3. Greedy 
    4. Fatigue
  19. Which surahs teaches Muslims not to dwell so much on worldly gains?
    1. Humaza 
    2. Takkathur 
    3. Nasr 
    4. Kauthar
  20. The Angel in charge of questioning the dead in the grave are called__________
    1. Munkar and Nakir
    2. Ratib and Atid
    3. Hamalatul Arshi
    4. Hafadha
  21. The attribute of Allah which Muslims believe in are ___________
    1. 10 
    2. 17 
    3. 6
    4. 99 
  22. The first wife of Prophet Muhammad is ______________.
    1. Aisha 
    2. Maryam 
    3. Fatimah 
    4. Khadija
  23. The first thing done to a new born baby is ______________.
    1. Adhan 
    2. Khitan
    3. Aqiqa 
    4. Iqamah
  24. Which among the following Prophet was sent to King Herod?
    1. Zakaria
    2. Yusuf
    3. Issa
    4. Ayyub 
  25. Where was Prophets Muhammad mother buried? 
    1. Abwan 
    2. Makkah
    3. Madinah 
    4. Syria
  26. Which among the following prayers is commonly known as" swalatul Wustwa".
    1. Dhuhr.
    2. Maghrib.
    3. .Asr. 
    4. Fajr
  27. Which month do Muslims observe fasting? 
    1. Muharram
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Safar
    4. Rabiul Awal
  28. The 24 Prophet of Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran is _______________.
    1. Adam
    2. Muhammad 
    3. Idris
    4. Issa 
  29. How many goats are slaughtered for the Aqiqa of a baby girl?
    1. One
    2. Two 
    3. Three
    4. four
  30. Swalatul Khusuf is the prayer for the eclipse of the _____________.
    1. Moon 
    2. Sun
    3. Stars 
    4. Rain


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A
  11. A
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. B
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. D
  33. B
  34. C
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. C
  40. A
  41. D
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. D
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. C
  51. B
  52. C
  53. D
  54. A
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. C
  59. A
  60. C


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B
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