Such the map of Dula area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7
- What is the direction of the Tete Hill from the cattle ranch?
- North West
- South West
- South East
- North East.
- The approximate length of railway line in Dula area is?
- 26km
- 18km
- 13km
- 15km.
- The population distribution in Dula area can be said to be
- scattered
- dense
- linear
- nucleated.
- Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Dula area?
- Crop farming
- Fishing
- Mining
- Livestock keeping.
- The climate experienced around the swamp in Dula arc is likely to be
- cool and dry
- hot and wet
- cool and well
- hot and dry.
- Dula area is likely to be a
- sub-county
- municipality
- location
- county.
- Which one of the following is not a function of Dula town? It is
- An administrative centre.
- A mining centre.
- A tourist attraction centre.
- A recreational centre.
- Three of the following statements are true about an extended family. Which one is not?
- Consists of members of a nuclear family and their relatives
- Is centred around a man, his wife and their children.
- Includes grandparents, uncles and aunts.
- Includes parents, their children and other close relatives.
- The main cause of conflict between pupils and their teacher in school is
- poor performance in academics.
- coming to school late.
- failure in examinations,
- bullying.
- The revolution of the earth causes
- day and night.
- different seasons.
- difference in time along longitudes
- occurrence of sunrise, noon and sunset
- Which one of the following is not true about the Homo sapiens according to the evolution theory? l
- is referred to as the thinking man.
- carried out hunting.
- invented fire.
- evolved into the Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
- Which one of the following groups of people consists of the Kwa Speakers of West Africa?
- Hausa, San and Khoikhoi
- Wolof, Tukolor and lulani
- Nyanja, Yao and Ngoni
- Yoruba, Akwarim and Ashanti
- Three of the following early visitors to Eastern Africa were missionaries as well as explorers. Who was not?
- John Speke
- Johann Rebmann
- Dr. David Livingstone
- Dr. Ludwig Krapf.
- Below are statements about a Traditional form of government in Eastern Africa.
- It had a centralised form of government headed by kings
- it was divided into fifty two (52) clans
- It participated in the long distance Trade.
- it had a strong standing army
The traditional form of government described above is- Nyamwezi Chicfdom
- Buganda Kingdom
- Abawanga Kingdom
- Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom.
Use the diagram below to answer question 15.
- The diagram shown above shows the formation of
- The Rift Valley
- Residual mountains
- Horst mountains
- Fold mountains.
- Which one of the following is true about a customary marriage?
- is strictly monogamous.
- is organised by religious leaders.
- does not allow payment of dowry.
- is conducted according to African traditions.
- Below are conditions that favour the growing of a crop in Kenya.
- Gently sloping land.
- Cool temperature.
- Moderate rainfall.
- Well drained fertile soils.
- Warm weather during harvesting.
The conditions listed above are necessary for the growth of- tea
- cotton
- wheat
- pyrethrum.
- Who among the following may not be granted dual citizenship in Kenya?
- Very senior government officer.
- Non-governmental organisation Ieaders,
- Police officers.
- Religious leaders
- The best way of encouraging citizens in Kenya to obey the law is by
- educating people on the importance of observing law and order.
- arresting all law breakers.
- employing very many police officers to keep law and order.
- rewarding law abiding citizens.
- Below are descriptions of a town in Kenya
- It is one of the oldest towns in Kenya.
- It serves the whole of Eastern and Central Africa.
- It is a major Tourist centre..
- It was elevated to a city in 2002.
The town described above is likely to be- Nairobi
- Mombasa
- Kisumu
- Thika.
- Kenya lies to the North and North-East of
- Ethiopia
- the Indian Ocean
- South Sudan
- Tanzania,
- Three of the following types of fish are found in marine fisheries. Which one is not?
- Mullet
- Tuna
- Lobsters
- Trout.
Use the map of Eastern African provided below to answer questions 23 to 26.
- The physical feature marked W is called
- Mt. Jebel Marra
- Sudd swamp
- Jebel Abyad plateau
- Ruwenzori mountains.
- Which one of the following is true about the country marked Mt? It
- was colonised by the Germans.
- has the longest coastline in Africa.
- is landlocked.
- is mainly occupied by semites,
- The town marked K is
- Port Sudan
- Khartoum
- Asmara
- Bujumbura.
- The main cash crop grown in the country marked X is
- tea
- coffee
- bananas
- sugarcane.
- The school administration plays the following roles except
- maintaining the culture of the school.
- maintaining the school discipline.
- developing the schools.
- employing all teachers in the school.
- Maize growing in Kenya and Tanzania is important mainly because it
- earns foreign exchange.
- creates employment.
- staple food.
- is a raw materials for industries.
- Three of the following factors have led to rapid population growth in Kenya. Which one has not?
- Urbanization
- Spread of HIV and AIDS
- Early marriages
- Polygamy.
- Nabongo Mumia and Mwanawina Lewanika have one thing in common. It is that they
- supported colonialism in Africa.
- were long distance traders. ,
- Resisted European invasion in Africa.
- fought for independence in their countries.
- Three of the following are roles played by the Kenyan government in promoting trade. Which one is not?
- Distributing goods to all parts of the country.
- Providing security for traders.
- Increasing export and import taxes.
- Organizing workshops for traders.
- Which one of the following tourist attractions is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
- Valley of kings- Egypt.
- Victoria Falls - South Africa
- Table mountains - Zimbabwe
- The ancient city of Marakech - Kenya.
- Mr. Kithokoi has shared his piece of land among his sons. A dispute arise over who should get the biggest share. The best way for Mr. Kithokoi t to settle the dispute is by
- selling the land to get money.
- discussing the matter with his sons
- taking his sons 10 a court of law
- buying another piece of land for his sons:
- The main difference between horticultural. farming in the Netherlands and in Kenya is that
- Most of the produce in Kenya is exported while in the Netherlands, most produce is consumed locally.
- Green house are used more in the Netherlands than in Kenya.
- Farmers grow a variety of crops in Kenya while in the Netherlands Farming is specialised.
- It is practised on polders in the Netherlands while natural land is used in Kenya.
- The main purpose of education in traditional African society Hills to
- give knowledge, skills and desired attitudes to the youths.
- prepare the youths for employment in industries.
- encourage youths to find white collar jobs.
- prepare the youths to be responsible members.
- Which was the most important factor considered in the location of cement manufacturing in Athi River?
- Availability on raw materials.
- Nearness 10 a source of water
- Availability of ready market.
- Accessibility from the capital city.
- The most effective way of communicating information to the majority of Kenyans today is by use of
- Newspaper.
- Television.
- Radio.
- Internet.
Use the diagram below to answer question 38.
- The weather instrument shown above is called
- anemometer
- Windsock
- hygrometer.
- windvane
- The main problem affecting wildlife in Kenya is
- wildfires
- drought and famine.
- terrorism.
- poaching.
- The following are uses of a mineral.
- making motor vehicle radiators.
- making of electric wires.
- making of ornaments
- making of metal pipes and tubes.
The mineral with the above uses is likely to be- copper
- fluorspar
- gold
- diatomite.
- Three of the following are forms of child abuse. Which one is not?
- Forcing a child to go to school,
- Denying a child food and clothes.
- Over working at child.
- female genital mutilation
- The most expensive means of transport in Eastern Africa is?
- Railway Transport
- Road transport
- Air transport
- Pipeline transport.
- South Africa is the most industrialized country in Africa mainly due to
- good infrastructure.
- presence of a wide range of minerals.
- favourable climate.
- gold mining
- The main problem facing multi-purpose river projects in Africa is
- displacement of people.
- water-borne disease.
- siltation.
- Inadequate funds.
- The statements below describe a prominent leader.
- He carried out land reforms.
- He abolished Sharia Law
- He built a dam for electricity provision.
- He took part in the formation of the organisation of African Unity (OAU)
The prominent leader describe above is- Nelson Mandela
- Leopold Sedar Senghor
- Haile Selassie
- Gamal Abdel Nasser.
- The best method of fishing in deep sea is
- trawling
- net-drifting
- seining
- harpooning.
- Which of the following is a warning road sign?
- A national philosophy is :
- document containing all the laws of a country.
- set of beliefs of the people in a country.
- word that encourages citizens of a country to be united.
- tool that is used in governing a country,
- The political organisation of the San (bushmen) was based on
- a written constitution.
- direct democracy.
- natural law.
- a centralised government system.
- The statements below describe a regional organisation.
- It was formed in 1994. .
- The organisations headquarter are in Lusaka, Zambia.
- It is the largest trade bloc in Africa
- promotes trade among member countries. .
The regional organisation described above is likely to be the- East African Community (TAC).
- Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
- Southern African Development Community (SADC).
- Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
- Which one of the following was not used by Ghanaians in their struggle for independence?
- Guerilla warfare
- Boycotts and strikes
- Diplomacy
- Motions through the legislative council.
- Which one of the following group of countries show's countries that were never colonised in Africa?
- Libya and Egypt
- South Sudan and Djibouti
- Ethiopia and Liberia
- Madagascar and Chad.
- Which of the following is not an arm of government in Kenya?
- Legislature
- Executive
- Cabinet
- Judiciary.
- Three of the following are benefits of democracy. Which one is not?
- Rule of law
- Freedom to take bribes
- Respect for human rights
- Freedom to choose leaders.
- The following are chapters in the new constitution. Which one is not?
- Leadership and integrity
- Devolved government
- The public service
- Local authorities.
- Which one of the following methods of farming was not used by white settlers in Kenya?
- Shifting cultivation
- Livestock farming
- Plantation farming
- Agroforestry.
- Which one of the following is not a function of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)?
- Settling disputes related to nomination of candidates.
- Establishing polling stations in the country
- Recommending the creation of new constituencies.
- Nominating members of political parties.
- In Kenya, parliamentary elections are done by
- nomination of candidates
- secret ballot
- electing leaders through queuing
- general consensus.
Use the diagram below to answer question 59.
- The diagram shown above shows the formation of
- sea breeze
- convectional rainfall
- land breeze
- orographic rainfall
- The main source of revenue for the county governments in Kenya is
- grants from the national government.
- taxes
- licence fees
- loans from the world bank.
- Adam and Eve were put in the garden of Eden MAINLY to;
- look after the animals
- eat all the fruits in the garden of Eden
- cultivate and take care of the garden r
- provide companionship to each other
- From the call of Abraham in Genesis 12, Christians learn that they should;
- live in peace
- believe in dreams
- obey the will of God
- travel in groups when going for a journey
- Jacob showed tolerance and patience by;
- working for fourteen years so as to marry Rachael
- deciding to marry Leah instead of Rachael
- falling in love with Rachael
- accepting to work in Laban's farm
- Moses was reluctant to ask the king for the release of the Israelites from Egypt because;
- he had killed an Egyptian
- he was not an Egyptian
- he was still in Midian
- he could not speak well
- Which one of the following activities happened during the night of Exodus?
- Moses saw the burning bush
- Israelites ate boiled meat
- Moses killed an Egyptian
- The angel of death killed the Egyptian first born natural males
- Who among the following was the first king of Israel
- Ahab
- Saul
- David
- Solomon
- Which one among the following was the greatest achievement of King David?
- Writing the first book of the Bible
- Bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
- Challenging the worship of Baal
- Building the temple
- Who among the following people had abilities in artistic work and helped in building the sacred tents?
- David and Bazalel
- Bazalel and Solomon
- Oholiab and David
- Oholiab and Bazalel
- Who among the following prophets foretold that Jesus would become a refugee in Egypt?
- Micah
- Isaiah
- Hosea
- Jeremiah
- "Bethlehem is a small town but will have a ruler."
- Prophet Zachariah
- Prophet Micah
- Prophet Isaiah
- Prophet Jeremiah
- When Baby Jesus was presented in the temple for dedication, Simeon described Him as the;
- saviour of the Gentiles and the world
- lamb of God who cleanses
- greatest shepherd
- king of Jews
- “Do not put the Lord your God to test.” (Luke 4:12). These words were spoken by Jesus during;
- His trial before Pilate
- His crucifixion on the cross
- His baptism at River Jordan
- His temptation in the wilderness
- Which one of the following is a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the Mount?
- Happy are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy,
- Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
- Your will be done on earth as in heaven
- Love your neighbour as you love yourself
- The parable of Jesus that teaches about the forgiveness of sins is the parable of the;
- mustard seed
- Good Samaritan
- lost son
- sower
- "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?" These words of Jesus teaches Christians that they should;
- avoid tempers
- avoid judging others
- avoid taking revenge
- pay taxes promptly
- During the last supper, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. The value that Christians learn from this is that they should;
- preach to others
- judge others
- forgive others
- serve others
- “Son, here is your mother. Woman here is your son.” These words were spoken by Jesus on the cross. To whom did He refer to as son?
- Pilate
- Andrew
- Peter
- John
- Who among the following people welcomed prophet Elisha?
- The bleeding woman at Capernaum
- The Widow at Nain
- The Widow at Shunem
- The Widow of Zarephath
- Who among the following people prophesied that the suffering servant would be buried in a rich man's tomb?
- Prophet Ezekiel
- Prophet Jeremiah
- Prophet Joel
- Prophet Isaiah
- Three of the following people witnessed the resurrected Christ EXCEPT;
- Peter
- Cleopas
- Paul
- the holy women
- Which one of the following practices is NOT carried out in African Traditional Societies to remember dead?
- Planting a banana plant on the grave
- Giving them a decent burial
- Naming the children after the dead
- Pouring libation
- Which one of the following is a common belief in both African traditional Societies and christianity?
- There is life after death
- There is marriage after death
- Those who are good will go to heaven
- Bad people go to hell
- In Traditional African Society, the third rite of passage is;
- birth
- marriage
- death
- initiation
- According to I Peter 3:1-7, a happy family should be guided by all the following qualities EXCEPT;
- forgiveness
- partiality
- humility
- kindness
- The person in the New Testament who taught about the gifts of the Holy Spirit was;
- John
- Luke
- Matthew
- Peter
- Which one of the following is NOT an irresponsible sexual behavoiur?
- Sex within marriage
- Homosexuality
- Rape
- Incest
- Which of the following activities of leisure is common to both Traditional African Communities and Christianity?
- Watching films
- Visiting the needy
- Attending beer parties
- Reading the scriptures
- Who among the following people were the parents to John the Baptist?
- Noah and Hannah
- Zachariah and Elizabeth
- Joseph and Mary
- Elikanah and Hannah
- Which of the following was not done by Christian missionaries?
- Treating the sick people
- Preaching the gospel
- Starting new schools
- Encouraging slave trade
- The best advice that can be given to a class eight boy who smokes would be;
- advising him to continue with the habit
- advising him to stop the behaviour
- take the boy to the police station
- join the boy in the act
- A lesson that muslims learn from Surah Al-Fiil and Surah Lahab is that
- Allah protects His own.
- Allah rewards even little kindness
- Allah allows freedom of religion
- Allah wants those who practise patience
- Which one of the following verses is wrongly matched with the chapter from which it was extracted?
- “Verify, you shall see the blazing fire."-Surah Takathur.:
- “Woe to every slanderer and backbiter"-> Surah Humaza.
- "And the mountains will like carded wool" --> Surah Qaria.
- "Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone."->Surah Maun.
- Which among the following is a pair of Surahs that are recited by muslims in order to seek for Allah's protection from evil?
- Surahs Fatiha and Ikhlas
- Surah An-Nas and Falaq
- Surah Nasr and Kafirun
- Surali Qureish and Zilzalah
- -> Alam yajidika yatiiman Fa-aawa.
-> Wawajadaka Dhwaalan Fahadaa.
-> Wawajadaka A'ailan Fa aghnaa".
In this quotations, Allah reminds the prophet of The following situations he was in and how he helped him. Which one is not mentioned? He has- an orphan, He gave him a shelter.
- was wondering,He gave him guidance.
- poor, He made him rich.
- not known, He gave him fame.
- What is man warned against in Surah Takathur?
- Accumulation of wealth
- Mistreating orphans
- Injustice in measures
- Begging
- The prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "What will mostly take people to paradise will bе ________ and good behaviour.“
- love for parents
- the fear of Allah
- love for the prophet (S.A.W)
- praising Allah (S.W)
- A hypocrite has the following three signs according to the teachings of the prophet(p.b.u.h). Which one is not among them? He
- tells lies
- never pays Swadaka
- breaks promises
- betrays trusts
- Khalid was riding a donkey when it suddenly stopped. He got off the donkey, gave it food and water and allowed it to rest. This is what we call _________ to animals.
- generosity
- kindness
- punctuality
- the fear
- Idran a standard eight girl saw her classmate Izra, cheating in examination. The correct course of action Iqran should take is .
- tell her off-stop cheating.
- tell the invigilator about it.
- tell other classmates about it.
- copy from Izra.
- Which one of the following Swalat is correctly matched with its timing?
- Between sunrise and noon - Swalai Dhuhr
- Between mid afternoon and before sunset. - Swalat Asr
- After sunset to mid-night - Swalat Maghrib
- After sunrise to noon - Swalat Isha.
- The most accurate on which muslims should perform Idd-ul-adh-ha is
- 11th Dhul Hijaa
- 10th Dhul Hijaa
- 9th Dhul Hijaa
- 12th Dhul Hijaa
- Which one of the following item is not liable for payment as Zakkatt according to Sharia?
- Farm produce
- Cash in savings
- Business sales
- Household sales
- Ghushi, Kafan, Swalat, Daran is the order of
- rites of passage
- pillars of Swalah
- steps of Hajj
- visiting the sick
- Which one of the following item is not liable for payment as Zakkatt according to Sharia?
- Saum -> Shahada -> Zakat--> Salat -> Hajj
- Shahada -> Salat -> Zakat -> Saum -> Hajj
- Zakat - Shahada -> Saum --> Hajj -> Salat
- Salat -> Saum --> Shahada --> Hajj -> Zakat
- Which among the following pairs of angels walk along people as they record their deeds?
- Munkar and Nakir
- Raqib and Atid
- Israfil and Izrail
- Rudwan and Malik
- When is the phrase "Jazakallah" told a person? When he
- does a good deed.
- completes a task.
- recovers from sickness.
- is given something.
- Who assisted Nabii Suleiman in the construction of the grand Mosque of Baitul Maqdis?
- Elephants
- The angles
- Birds
- The Jinns
- The holy scripture that was revealed to prophet Ibrahim (A.S) is
- Furqan
- Zabur
- Suhuf
- Taurat
- Which one of the following is the punishment that is in Sharia for a person found stealing?
- Beat him in mob justice.
- Cut off his or her hand.
- Disqualify him from Islamic faith.
- Punishing him a hundred lashes.
- Which of the following actions will lead to the spread of' HIV/AIDS between positive and negative muslims?
- Nikah ceremony and marriage.
- Jamaa prayer in the mosque under one roof.
- Exchanging greetings and well wishes.
- Responding to a dua from one Immam.
- The prophet (S.A.W) encouraged muslims, "In this month, the doors of paradise remain wide open, the doors of hell fire arc clossed and the devils are imprisoned." Which month was he referring to?
- Muharram .
- Rabiul Awwal
- Rajab
- Ramadhan
- The main reason why circumcission is encouraged among muslim men is
- it is a requirement of Iman.
- as a form of initiation.
- it is a form of twahara.
- for family planning.
- What should muslims do when a Mayyit is passed near them, as sign of respect to the dead?
- Remove their capes from the heads.
- Stand up.
- Bow down
- Follow the Janaza.
- Who among the following fought to protect the image of Islam along the coast of Kenya? The
- Waswahili
- Portugues
- Mijikenda community
- Oman Arabs
- Which one of the following dreams did Yusuf ask somebody else to traslate the meaning?
- Eleven stars, a son and the moon bowing for him.
- Somone pressing wine from grapes.
- Birds seeding on the backed bread as they fly away.
- Seven thin cows feeding on seven fat cows.
- The following are differences between Juma and Idd festivals. Which one is wrong?
- Jum'a: It is a Fardh - Idd: It is Sunna
- Jum'a: It is performed in midday. - Idd: It is in morning
- Jum'a: Give Zakkaha after prayer - Idd: Give Zakka before prayer.
- Jum'a: It attended the Twhahara only - ; Idd: It is attended by those in Hadath.
- Mixing of milk with watcr to increase the sells and profits is a un-Islamic practice referred to as
- hoarding
- Ribaa
- Usury
- Glush
- In which of the following places did the prophet(p.b.u.h) hold his last and final congregation, reffered to as Hijjatul Widaa? At
- Aqaba
- Mount Swafa
- Arafa
- Maqamu Ibrahim
- For how long did Musa(A.S) work on Nabii Shuaib's farm, that he recorded him his daughter to marry?
- 13 years
- 10 years
- 7 years
- 15 years
- Who among the following kings was religious and quickly become a friend of Islam and muslims?
- King Herod
- King Fir'aun
- King Namrud
- King Najashy

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