Monday, 27 February 2023 06:49

Social Studies & Religious Education Questions and Answers - Class 8 Opener Exams Term 1 2023 Set 3



Study the map of Koso area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7  

    1. The direction of the school from the well is
      1. South East
      2. South West
      3. North East
      4. North West
    2. The main factor that has influenced the location of the sawmill near Maru hill is
      1. availability of labour
      2. availability of water
      3. availability of raw materials
      4. nearness to the market
    3. The main economic activity in Koso area is
      1. bush fallowing farming
      2. cash crop farming
      3. subsistence farming 
      4. tourism
    4. Three of the following are functions of Koso town. Which one is not?
      1. A recreational centre
      2. A communication centre
      3. A business centre
      4. An administration centre
    5. The climate of Koso area is likely to be
      1. cool and dry
      2. hot and dry
      3. hot and dry
      4. hot and wet
    6. The administrative officer in Koso area is
      1. county commissioner
      2. chief
      3. assistant county commissioner 
      4. Governor
    7. Which of the following is responsible for the settling up of the insecticide factory near maru hill?
      1. he pyrethrum plantation
      2. The forest plantation
      3. The maize plantation
      4. The tea plantation
    8. Which of the following feature was formed through faulting and sinking?
      1. Lake Victoria
      2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
      3. The rift valley
      4. Ruwenzori mountains
    9. Which of the following countries is not crossed by the equator?
      1. Tanzania
      2. Gabon
      3. Somalia.
      4. Congo
    10. A weather instrument that is used to measure the speed of wind is called
      1. a wind vane
      2. a wind sock
      3. anemometer
      4. barometer
    11. The kingdom of old Ghana declined mainly because
      1. the king became too old to lead the army
      2. there was drought in the land
      3. the decline of trade led to shortage of finances in kingdom
      4. the neighbouring communities united against it
    12. Three of the following are factors influencing climate in Africa except the
      1. ocean currents
      2. distance from the sea
      3. shape of the coastline
      4. longitude
    13. Which of the following towns is correctly matched with the county it is found
      1. Nyeri - Muranga county
      2. Mali - Kwale county
      3. Nakuru -Kericho county
      4. Vihiga- Kakamega
    14. The main problem facing sisal farmer in Kenya is
      1. poor market
      2. competitions from synthesis fibre
      3. lack of money
      4. shortage of labour
    15. The fastest means of transporting refined oil production from Mombasa to Eldoret is
      1. by railways using tankers
      2. by road using trailers
      3. by pumping it through pipeline
      4. by air using container
    16. In which climatic zone would you expect hot dry summers with cool wet winters and rain falling mainly in winter
      1. desert
      2. mediterranean
      3. tropical
      4. equatorial
    17. Three of the following area in Africa have a high population density. Which one does not?
      1. Along the Eastern Coast of Africa
      2. The horn of Africa
      3. The East Africa Highlands
      4. Along the Nile valley
    18. Three of the following roles are played by the community in the development of the school. Which one is not?
      1. Providing labour to the school
      2. Teaching children
      3. Buying books for the school
      4. Donating land to the school
    19. The biggest problem facing forestry in DRC is
      1. the huge size of trees which makes them difficulty to fell
      2. long distances covered to get the wood to the market
      3. over exploitation of the most valuable species
      4. illegal cutting trees
    20. Which of the following problems has the least effect on pastoralists?
      1. Lack of market
      2. Poor pastures
      3. Drought
      4. Diseases
    21. The British used indirect rule in Northern mainly because Nigeria
      1. They did not have enough administrators
      2. The existing African government were ready to assist
      3. The country was large
      4. They did not want trouble
    22. Which one of the following is not found in the government of Swaziland?
      1. House of Assembly
      2. Liqoqo
      3. Council of elders
      4. Senate
    23. A person who abuse drugs is likely to
      1. die at an early age
      2. be a poor person during his or her life
      3. appear confused and irresponsible many times
      4. fall many times
    24. Which one of the following is a form of child abuse?
      1. Providing security to a child
      2. Providing proper medical care to a child
      3. Allowing a child to go to school
      4. Denying a child food
    25. The main factor that influences the development of mountain vegetation is
      1. latitude
      2. altitude
      3. fertile volcanic soil
      4. heavy rainfall
    26. Which of the following is the main language group in southern Africa?
      1. The Europeans
      2. The Bantus
      3. The Asians
      4. The khoisan
    27. Kenya became a republic on
      1. 12th December 1964
      2. 20th October 1964
      3. 12th December 1963
      4. 1st June 1963

Use the diagram below to answer questions 28.   


      1. The type of rainfall shown above is likely to be experienced in the following areas except
        1. A lake region
        2. Coastal lowlands
        3. The Rift valley region
        4. Near lake Tanganyika
      2. Which of the following is an effect of the rotation of the earth?
        1. It causes differences in the length of day and night
        2. It influences the position of the midday sun
        3. It causes differences in time along different longitudes
        4. It causes seasons
      3. Three of the following areas in Africa were colonised by the European powers except
        1. Liberia
        2. Somalia
        3. Ghana
        4. South Africa
      4. Which of the following towns in Kenya started as an industrial centre
        1. Nakuru
        2. Thika
        3. Machakos
        4. Nairobi

Use the map of Africa drawn below to answer questions 32 to 35.     


      1. The water mass marked Z is
        1. Indian ocean
        2. Atlantic ocean
        3. Mediterranean sea
        4. Red sea
      2. The island marked W was colonized by
        1. Belgium
        2. Somalia
        3. Portugal
        4. France
      3. Which of the following mineral is mined in the country marked Y in the map
        1. Soda ash
        2. Copper
        3. Gold
        4. Petroleum
      4. Which of the following vegetation is found in the area marked X on the map
        1. Equatorial rainforest 
        2. Mangrove forest 
        3. Savannah woodlands
        4. Mountain fores
      5. Which of the following methods of fishing is used in deep sea fishing?
        1. Trawling
        2. Longlining
        3. Net drifting
        4. Purse-seining
      6. Three of the following were founder members of East Africa community when it was formed except
        1. Rwanda
        2. Uganda
        3. Kenya
        4. Tanzania
      7. Three of the following are reasons that may make a member of the assembly lose his or her seat. Which one is not?
        1. If one is convicted of an election offence by a court of law
        2. If one is a registered voter in the ward he or she intends to contest in
        3. If one loses his or her Kenyan citizenship
        4. If one is sentenced to death
      8. Which one of the following is not a challenge facing the African union today
        1. colonialism in some member countries
        2. conflicts in member countries
        3. prolonged drought and famine
        4. HIV and AIDS pandemic
      9. Below are achievements of a certain prominent African leader
        1. He made the suez canal the property of his government
        2. He gave land to the landless
        3. He encouraged arap countries to unite
        4. He initiated the construction of the Aswan high dam
          The leader described above is
          1. Gamal Abdel Nasser
          2. Anwar sadat
          3. King farouk
          4. Leopold Senghor
      10. The following are capital cities in Africa. Which one is not?
        1. Yaounde
        2. Tunis
        3. Alexanderia
        4. Cairo
      11. Which of the following is the main language group in Central and Western regions on Kenya?
        1. The Europeans
        2. The Bantu
        3. The Asians
        4. The Khoisan
      12. Which of the following human activities has had the greatest effect on natural vegetation in Kenya?
        1. Farming activities
        2. Charcoal burning
        3. Pastoralism
        4. Mining activities
      13. The third vice president of Kenya was
        1. Daniel Moi
        2. Oginga Odinga
        3. Mwai Kibaki
        4. Joseph Murumbi
      14. Which of the following statements does not describe a function of the AU (OAU)
        1. to eliminate corruptions within member states
        2. to protect the independence of member states
        3. to promote friendly relations between African countries and other countries 
        4. To promote unity among African states
      15. Three of the following groups of people below have special needs except
        1. those who can not read and write 
        2. the visually impaired
        3. those living with HIV/AIDS
        4. the physically challenged
      16. Three of the following are causes of soil erosion. Which one is not?
        1. Deforestation
        2. Paddocking
        3. Over grazing
        4. Mono cropping
      17. Three of the following are sources of income for the central government. Which one is not?
        1. Cess on sand-harvesting
        2. Foreign loans
        3. Income tax
        4. Fines from courts
      18. Which of the following events took place last in Kenya?
        1. Kenyatta becoming the president of KANU
        2. Lifting of state of emergency
        3. Kenya attaining internal self government 
        4. Kenya becoming a republic
      19. Which one of the following places do tourists visit to see old slave market
        1. Olduvai Gorge
        2. Zanzibar
        3. Olorgesaile
        4. Mombasa
      20. The school routine is important because
        1. the teacher on duty follows the programme
        2. the headteacher's work is reduced
        3. it forces the school community to follow the programme
        4. it ensures planned activities run systematically and smoothly

Use the diagram below to answer questions 52 to 53.   


      1. In which climatic region is the town above likely to be found
        1. Temperate climate
        2. savannah climate
        3. mediterranea climate
        4. desert climate
      2. In which of the following towns in Africa are readings likely to have been recorded?
        1. Kampala
        2. Nairobi
        3. Cairo
        4. Accra
      3. Who among the following African leader in Kenya collaborated with the British
        1. Koitalel arap Samoei
        2. Mekatilili wa Menza
        3. Waiyaki wa Hinga
        4. Lenana
      4. Which one of the following industries can be classified as a manufacturing industry? 
        1. Petroleum refining
        2. Tyre retreading
        3. Glass making
        4. Milk processing
      5. Which of the following is correctly matched?
        1. Pokomo, somali,Ogaden-Cushites 
        2. Pokomo,pokot, taita -Bantus
        3. Nandi,Kipsigis, Tugen-River lake nilotes 
        4. Maasai, Iteso, Samburu- plain nilotes
      6. The following are facts about a certain African leader
        1. He was born in 1892
        2. He was widely known as Ras Tafari
        3. He introduced a new constitution in his country
          Who among the following leaders is described above?
          1. Haile Selassie
          2. Tom mboya
          3. Jomo Kenyatta
          4. Julius Nyerere
      7. Which of the following is the main tourist attraction feature along the Kenyan coast?
        1. Historical sites and wildlife
        2. Sandy beaches and sunny climate
        3. Swahili culture and historical site 
        4. Wildlife and swahili culture
      8. According to the Kenyan constitution a person qualifies to contest for presidency after attaining the age of
        1. 35 year
        2. 25 years
        3. 21 years
        4. 18 years
      9. Which of the following countries is not a member of inter-governmental authority on development?
        1. Somalia
        2. Sudan
        3. Uganda
        4. Tanzania


      1. Which one of the following book speaks about creation?
        1. Exodus
        2. Numbers
        3. Genesis
        4. Leviticus
      2. According to the Genesis stories of creation
        1. sea, land and plants were created on the third day
        2. man was created on the fifth day
        3. heavenly bodies were created on the fifth day
        4. birds and sea creatures were created after man
      3. Who among the following people was asked to build an ark?
        1. Jeremiah
        2. Noah
        3. Joseph
        4. Gideon
      4. Moses was given the ten commandments on mount
        1. Ararat
        2. Nebo
        3. Sinai
        4. Carmel
      5. The prophet who foretold about Jesus being a refugee in Egypt was
        1. Micah
        2. Jeremiah
        3. Hosea
        4. Isaiah
      6. The first people to visit baby Jesus were
        1. the angels
        2. shepherds
        3. the relatives
        4. wise men from the East
      7. The healing of Naaman was done by
        1. Elijah
        2. Gehazi
        3. Moses
        4. Elisha
      8. King Solomon sinned against God when he
        1. married many wives
        2. asked God for wisdom
        3. allowed idolatry
        4. built the temple in Jerusalem
      9. Which one of the following events took place during the night before the Exodus started?
        1. All the first born son of the Israelites were killed by the angel
        2. The Israelites drank wine
        3. Roasted meat was eaten by both Israelites and Egyptians
        4. Blood was smeared on the door posts to identify the houses of the Israelites
      10. Lazarus and his two sisters lived in
        1. Jerusalem
        2. Capernaum
        3. Bethany
        4. Galilee
      11. Who among the following apostles accompanied Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane?
        1. Peter, John and James 
        2. Peter, John and Andrew
        3. John, Andre and James
        4. Peter, John and Judas Iscariot
      12. The day of Pentecost took place in
        1. Bethsaida
        2. Jerusalem
        3. Capernaum
        4. Bethany
      13. Who among the following built the temple of Jerusalem?
        1. Solomon
        2. Ahab
        3. David
        4. Saul 
      14. Which one of the following lessons do Christians learn from the parable of the talents?
        1. To love one another
        2. To use their abilities
        3. To help their workmates
        4. To get advice from the leaders
      15. Which one of the following is not a gift of the Holy Spirit
        1. Wisdom
        2. Healing
        3. Faith
        4. Love
      16. The father of Jacob and Esau was
        1. Isaac 
        2. Joseph
        3. Laban
        4. Noah
      17. Which one among the following towns was Jesus rejected?
        1. Bethlehem
        2. Bethany
        3. Nazareth
        4. Capernaum
      18. Jonathan become a friend of David because
        1. God was with David
        2. David was strong
        3. he feared of God
        4. David played the harp to entertain God
      19. Which one of the following is true about Naboth?
        1. Was a sinner
        2. Coveted Ananias vineyard
        3. Was stoned to death
        4. Died because he was honest
      20. Who preached during the day of Pentecost? 
        1. Paul
        2. John
        3. Peter
        4. Stephen
      21. Christian can best uphold respect for authority by
        1. doing community work
        2. voting for selfish leaders
        3. disobeying the laws of the land
        4. obeying the laws of the land
      22. After helping at home, Mary realises that she has more free time. As a Christian the best way of spending it is by
        1. watching cartoon network 
        2. visiting children's orphanage 
        3. visiting the animal orphanage 
        4. reading the Bible
      23. Christians are baptized to
        1. go to heaven
        2. get a chrsitian name
        3. become members of the church
        4. repent their sins
      24. All the following lead to the spreading of HIV/AIDS except one. Which one is it?
        1. Shaking hands and hugging
        2. Unprotected sex
        3. Sharing surgical blades
        4. Donating blood to road accident victims
      25. Who among the following were specialists in the traditional African community?
        1. Medicine men 
        2. Elders
        3. Initiates
        4. Warriors
      26. The early missionaries came to Kenya to
        1. stop slave trade
        2. promote the African culture
        3. introduce western culture
        4. spread the good news
      27. Caleb boasts that he comes from a rich family. Which Christian value is he lacking?
        1. Trust
        2. Humility
        3. Honesty
        4. Kindness
      28. When we perform duties assigned to us in school by our teachers, we are learning to be
        1. responsible
        2. servants
        3. honest
        4. hardworking
      29. Sex before marriage is known as
        1. adultery
        2. fornication
        3. incest
        4. masturbation
      30. Group work among Christians help them to 
        1. become famous
        2. get basic needs
        3. generate income 
        4. create unity


      1. Imn which surah is the verse, "verity, you shall see the fire of Hell" surah
        1. Al-Qaariyah
        2. Al-Zilzala
        3. Buyyainna
        4. At-Tajathur
      2. How many verses are in suratul Al-zilzala
        1. Nine 
        2. Six
        3. Eight
        4. Five
      3. Which one is not a teaching from Suratul Al-Alaq 
        1. We should put the name of Allah in everything
        2. There is peace over night
        3. Allah is the ony creator
        4. He always waits four us to respect before punishing
      4. Which one is not a meaning of Al-inshirah? 
        1. power
        2. Expansion 
        3. Solace
        4. Confort
      5. Which surah warns us not to be harsh and rough to those who came beg? Suratul
        1. Ad-Dhuha
        2. Al-Inshirah
        3. Al-Qadan
        4. Al-Alaq
      6. According to the prophet hadith, Which one is not a sign of hypocrite?
        1. Talking lies
        2. Breaking promises
        3. Taking ribaa
        4. Betraying trust
      7. The hadith, "Those dearest to Allah(SW) are the one who treat their children kindly" is on
        1. Kindness to creature
        2. patience to creatures
        3. kindness to young children
      8. Which one is not true about a generous man in the prophet hadith? He is
        1. near Allah(SW)
        2. near hell
        3. near paradise
        4. far from hell
      9. In the hadith on rogheouness, virture is ______________________
        1. sin 
        2. shukr
        3. corruption 
        4. good conduct
      10. How many types of people should be given zakat?
        1. Ten 
        2. Seven
        3. Six
        4. Eight
      11. Which one can not nullify your Salat?
        1. Covering our Aura
        2. Turn away from Qibla
        3. Eating or drinking
        4. Making unecessary movements
      12. One of the following can not nulify yur saum. Which one?
        1. Heidh and Nifas
        2. Converting to Islam
        3. Fainting
        4. Becoming insane
      13. Which one is recited after the secong takbirah in Salatul Janaza?
        1. Gua for all muslim
        2. Prayer for the prophet (SAW)
        3. Adua for the deed
        4. Recitation of suratul fatiha
      14. "Oh All! him/her forgiveness and Mercy." This due is said for the
        1. sick
        2. mutadhar
        3. dead 
        4. new born baby
      15. Which is the main reason for Muslim men not to wear gold
        1. gold colour is ment for wemen
        2. lu is very expensive for men to afford
        3. To preserve the dignity of a man
        4. to show off
      16. The attribute of Allah (SW) that means Al-Khadiq
        1. the inveter
        2. the merciful
        3. the power
        4. The creator
      17. Which one is not an impotance of the pillars of iman (faith)?
        1. They enable us to build faith in Allah(SW) 
        2. They enable us to live a pious life
        3. They enable us to appreciate blessing from Allah 
        4. They enable us to count the bounties of Allah
      18. The religious pillar that has only one pillar is _______________ 
        1. lihsan
        2. Salat 
        3. iman
        4. islam 
      19. Which prophet is not matched with the place where he reeived revelation?
        1. Nabi Issa - Egypt
        2. Nabi Musa-Egypt
        3. Nabi Ibrahim-Jerusalem
        4. Nabi Mohammad - Saudi Arabia
      20. Allah(Sw) swears by three of the following things except
        1. Makkah
        2. Mount Arafah
        3. Mount Sinai
        4. The Olive tree
      21. Before performing any rite of hajj, a pilgrim must
        1. Take ghusul
        2. Perforn Saayi
        3. Put on Ihram
        4. Perform Tagseer
      22. The believe in Allah (SW) is best explained in the
        1. Fardh prayer
        2. Sunnah prayer
        3. Prophetic hadith
        4. Kalimah
      23. Which statement is not true about prophets 
        1. They worked to their own living only
        2. They served Allah(SW) under all conditions
        3. They all preched abut the oneness of Allah
        4. THe were free from sins
      24. HIV/AIDS can be transmitted through the following ways except
        1. Sexual intercourse 
        2. Sharing toilets
        3. Blood transfusion
        4. Infected mother to child 
      25. The following can lead one to take antixicants except
        1.  idlenes
        2. frustration
        3. disobedience
        4. peer pressure
      26. In which year was the treaty of Hudaibiyyah signed?
        1. 10th AH 
        2. 8th AH
        3. 7th AH 
        4. 6th AH
      27. Howold was Nabii Issa when he started preaching?
        1. 60 years
        2. 40years 
        3. 30 years 
        4. 12 years
      28. Prophet Musa (AS) was known as Kalimullah meaning
        1. The one who spoke to Allah (SW)
        2. The friends ro Allahg(SW)
        3. The love of Allah
        4. The one saved by Allah(SW)
      29. Hiding goods in order to sell them later and get more profit is
        1. riba 
        2. Usury
        3. hoarding
        4. ghush
      30. How many idols were destroyed in the Kaaba when makkah was conquered?
        1. 350 
        2. 360 
        3. 300
        4. 100


  1.  A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. A
  30. A
  31. B
  32. C
  33. D
  34. C
  35. A
  36. A
  37. A
  38. B
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. A
  45. A
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. D
  50. B
  51. D
  52. D
  53. C
  54. D
  55. C
  56. D
  57. A
  58. B
  59. A
  60. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
Read 917 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 March 2023 06:39