Monday, 27 February 2023 06:49

Science Questions and Answers - Class 8 Opener Exams Term 1 2023 Set 3


  1. Which one of the blood component below helps to stop bleeding after an injury?
    1. Red blood cells.
    2. Platelets.
    3. Plasma.
    4. White blood cells.
  2. All drugs below are NARCOTICS except
    1. khat
    2. bhang
    3. cocaine
    4. heroin
  3. Which statement below is true about immunization of the infants?
    1. DPT protects the child against diptheria polio and tetanus
    2. BCG is given at the age of birth and 9 months
    3. Anti-measles is given through injection
    4. Anti-polio is administered through an injection
  4. Which one of the following is not a social effect of drugs?
    1. Accidents.
    2. Truancy.
    3. Conflicts.
    4. Impaired judgement.
  5. All the following are common communi- cable diseases which one is not?
    1. Tuberculosis
    2. Tetanus
    3. Malaria
    4. Typhoid
  6. The diagram below shows a mammalian heart.
    Which blood vessel above carries oxygenated blood to the heart?
    1. M
    2. N
    3. P
    4. R
  7. The male sex cells in a human being are produced in the ___________________
    1. ovary
    2. uterus
    3. penis
    4. testis
  8. Which pair of small animals below belong to the same group as a spider?
    1. Tick and tsetse fly.
    2. Mite and crab.
    3. Ants and termites.
    4. Scorpion and mite.
  9. Excessive taking of alcohol causes a disease of the liver called:
    1. addiction
    2. cirrhosis
    3. ethanol
    4. cancer
  10. The diagram below shows a weather instrument.
    Which statement is not correct about the above instrument?
    1. Its narrow end points where the wind blowing to.
    2. It measures the strength and direction of wind.
    3. It has black and white stripes.
    4. It can be made with pole, wire and a mosquito net.
  11. Which component of environment is found in all other components?
    1. Air
    2. Water
    3. Soil
    4. Plants
  12. The addictive element in cigarette is called:
    1. Nicotine
    2. Tar
    3. Carbon monoxide
    4. Caffeine
  13. Digestion of cooked beans starts in the:
    1. mouth
    2. stomach
    3. duodenum
    4. small intestine
  14. Which one of the following is not an importance of HIV-testing? To
    1. Decide on marriage.
    2. Change behaviour.
    3. Campaign for HIV/AIDS spread. 
    4. Plan for the dependant.
  15. Std 6 pupils did the experiment below to investigate a certain property of light.
    The property of light investigated is:
    1. light travel in a straight line
    2. light bends
    3. refraction of light
    4. reflection of light
  16. Which property of soil determines the rate of drainage in soil?
    1. Colour of the soil
    2. Size of the soil particles
    3. Amount of the air in soil
    4. Amount of the humus
  17. Which lever below has the effort between load and fulcrum?
    1. Fishing rod
    2. Wheelbarrow
    3. Claw hammer
    4. Bottle opener
  18. Which one of the following is not a function of all leaves in green plants?
    1. Making food
    2. Losing excess water
    3. Exchange of gases
    4. Food storage
  19. After fertilization in a female the implan- tation takes place in the:
    1. ovary
    2. uterus
    3. oviduct
    4. placenta
  20. Which stage of HIV infection does the patient test negative but can infect others?
    1. Incubation stage
    2. Window stage
    3. Symptomatic stage
    4. Full blown AIDS
  21. The diagram below shows a flower
    Which part above represents parts of a stamen?
    1. Y and R
    2. Y and T
    3. X and Z
    4. X and R
  22. Which one of the food crops below represents cereals only?
    1. Oats, maize, peas
    2. Groundnuts, grams, peas
    3. Ovacado, sugarcane, maize
    4. Millets, sorghum, barley
  23. Beans seeds can germinate without, ___________________________
    1. moisture
    2. temperature
    3. soil
    4. air
  24. Which drug is stimulant when abused in small amount and depresant when abused in large amount?
    1. Alcohol
    2. Tobacco
    3. Bhang
    4. Khat
  25. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain water borne disease
    1. fever
    2. abdominal pains
    3. skin rashes
    4. joint and muscle aches
      The above diseases is likely to be:
      1. Typhoid
      2. Malaria
      3. Bilharzia
      4. Cholera
  26. Which is the 4th and 6th planet in the solar system from the sun?
    1. Earth and Jupiter
    2. Mars and Jupiter
    3. Mars and Saturn
    4. Jupiter and Uranus
  27. Which of the following pair of methods of food preservation makes both modern and traditional methods of food preservation
    1. Drying and freezing
    2. Low temperature and drying
    3. Smoking and drying
    4. Salting and smoking
  28. Std 6 pupils did the experiment below
    The effect of light investigated was
    1. refraction
    2. reflection
    3. formation of rainbow
    4. dispersion of light
  29. Which one of the following is not a myth and misconception about HIV/AIDS?
    1. AIDS victims are always thin
    2. Sex with a virgin cares AIDS 
    3. AIDS is a curse from God
    4. AIDS has no cure
  30. The type of soil erosion that can be prevented by building porous dams is the
    1. gulley
    2. sheet
    3. rill
    4. splash
  31. The type of teeth used for tearing off meat also:
    1. have rough tops
    2. are sharp pointed
    3. have two roots
    4. are chisel-shaped
  32. A brightly coloured flower
    1. has feathery stigma
    2. produces light pollen grains
    3. are small in size
    4. has few heavy pollen grains
  33. A mixture of salt and sand can be separated by
    1. dissolving and evaporation
    2. filtering and evaporation
    3. sieving and filtering
    4. winnowing and evaporation
  34. The force that resists motion is measured in
    1. kilograms
    2. gravity
    3. friction
    4. newton
  35. Which one of the following shows correctly the excretory organ and the wastes excreted
           Organ          wastes
    1. Skin             water,urea,carbondioxide
    2. Kidney          water, salt,carbondioxide
    3. Lungs           carbon dioxide,water,salt
    4. Kidneys        water,urea,salt
  36. The experiment below was carried out by std 5 pupils to investigate transfer of heat
    Which pin dropped last?
    1. Z
    2. Y
    3. X
    4. W
  37. Which one of the following is correct about bat, frog and snake?
    1. They have scales
    2. They lay eggs
    3. Have varying body temperature
    4. Breath through lungs.
  38. Boat racing is a use of water in
    1. the farms
    2. the homes
    3. recreation
    4. factories
  39. Which one of the following is not true about the concentrates as animal feeds?
    1. Contains high nutrient contents
    2. Have high moisture content
    3. Supplement other feeds
    4. Are generally bought from shops
  40. The following are uses of heat except
    1. ironing
    2. cooking
    3. keeping pests away
    4. drying
  41. The chart below shows air composition
    Which part of the air labelled above is used in preserving fizzy drinks?
    1. M
    2. N
    3. P
    4. Q
  42. Which group of material below does not allow the light to pass thorugh?
    1. Mirror, titnted glass, milk
    2. Air, dirty water, stone
    3. Skylight, oiled paper, frosted glass
    4. Mirror, milk, dirty water.
  43. Which type of weed has very strong smell and can be used as a pesticide?
    1. Mexican marigold
    2. Oxalis
    3. Sodom apple
    4. Wondering jew
  44. In a human breathing system when the diaphragm flattens:
    1. the ribs moves upwards and inwards
    2. the lungs shrink
    3. the ribs move downwards and inwards
    4. the ribs move upwards and outwards
  45. Which of ,the followinig physical changes in adolescence tatakes place in boys only?
    1. Increase in weight and height
    2. wet dreams
    3. produce sex cells
    4. hips broadens
  46.  Which group of plants below are green non-flowering plants only?
    1. Pine, sugarcane, cactus
    2. Yeast, mould, mushrooms
    3. Cider, algae, ferns
    4. Banana,sugarcane,grass
  47. The chart below shows classification of
    Which animals were wrongly classified?
    1. Frog and fish
    2. Hen and fish
    3. Snake and dog
    4. Dog and hen
  48. What is the main use of fibre in the diet
    1. Helps in constipation
    2. Helps in food digestion
    3. Facilitate the movement of undigested food
    4. Helps in food absorption in body
  49. When soil is strongly burnt in a tin to produce smoke, it shows that soil
    1. has water
    2. has organic matter
    3. has air
    4. has living things
  50. Which two forms of energy requires a medium to be transferred from one point to the other?
    1. Sound and light
    2. Light and heat
    3. Electricity and sound
    4. Heat and electricity


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D
  11. B
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. A
  34. D
  35. D
  36. A
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. D
  45. B
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D
Read 987 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 March 2023 06:04