Wednesday, 29 March 2023 13:28

Science Questions and Answers - Class 8 Mid Term Exams Term 1 2023 Set 6


  1. The diagrams below represent human teeth.
    1 agdagv
    Which one of the following functions are correctly matched to P and Q respectively? 
    1. Biting and crushing
    2. Grinding and cutting
    3. Biting and crushing
    4.  Cutting and grasping
  2. The following are physical changes that occur during adolescence.
    1. chest broaden
    2. growth of pubic hair
    3. hips broaden
    4. menstruation
    5. produce of mature sex cells
    6. breast enlarge
      Which one of the following shows the physical changes that takes place in an adolescent boy?
      1. i, ii, iv
      2. iii, iv, v
      3. i, v, vi
      4. i, ii, v
  3. The following are functions of amniotic fluid except
    1. acts as a shock absorber
    2. suspends the foetus
    3. allows exchange of digested food
    4. warms the foetus
  4. The diagram below represents an heart.
    4 augduada
    Which one shows the correct labelling of the vessels i, ii, iii and iv?
      II III  IV
    venacava pulmonary vein aorta  pulmonary artery
    aorta venacava pulmonary vein pulmonary artery
    C venacava pulmonary artery aorta  pulmonary vein
    D pulmonary vein venacava pulmonary artery aorta 
  5. Which one of the following parts of human digestive system does absorption takes place?
    1. Stomach and small intestine
    2. Colon and ileum
    3. Mouth and stomach
    4. Oesophagus and mouth
  6. Which one of the following pairs of effects of drugs shows health effects only?
    1. Addiction and drowsiness
    2. Truancy and rape
    3. Lack of sleep and violence
    4. Fits and marital conflicts
  7. Which one of the following groups of plants have the same root system?
    1. Peas, carrots, sugarcane
    2. Maize, wheat, coconut
    3. Blackjack, millet, grass
    4. Cabbage, cassava, rice
  8. Which one of the following pairs of diseases consists of both immunisable and communicable diseases?
    1. Malaria and yellow fever
    2. Tetanus and anaemia
    3. Typhoid and anaemia
    4. Cholera and tuberculosis
  9. Which one of the following groups of parasites can be controlled by rotational grazing?
    1. Tapeworms, hookworms and tsetseflies
    2. Ticks, tsetseflies and mites
    3. Liverfluke, lungworms and fleas
    4. Ticks, roundworms and tsetseflies
  10. Creating public awareness on HIV/AIDS can be done during the following activities except
    1. job interview
    2. market places
    3. chief barazas
    4. burial ceremony
  11. The diagram below shows a simple circuit.
    11 audftyada
    Which one of the following materials will make the bulb to light when connected at the gap marked X?
    1. A dry piece of wood
    2. A piece of dry cloth
    3. A pencil lead
    4. A glass rod
  12. Which one of the following is not an example of rotational method of grazing?
    1. Zero grazing
    2. Strip grazing
    3. Paddocking
    4. Tethering
  13. Grade five learners set the experiment below.
    13 adada
    Which characteristic was being investigated?
    1. Liquids occupy space
    2. Liquids expand when heated
    3. Liquids exert pressure
    4. Gases occupy space
  14. Which one of the following is not a use of the component of air that makes approximately a fifth of air?
    1. Germination
    2. Photosynthesis
    3. Burning
    4. Respiration
  15. When a coin is immersed in water it appears raised because of
    1. reflection of light
    2. dispersion of light
    3. bouncing back of light
    4. bending of light
  16. The main reason why mulching is applied at the base of young seedlings is to
    1. prevent splash erosion
    2. control growth of weeds
    3. conserve soil moisture
    4. add nutrients to the soil
  17. The following are features of a windsock.
    Which one is false?
    1. Should be open on both sides
    2. Measures the strength of wind only
    3. Uses the principle that matter occupy space
    4. Has black and white stripes for visibility
  18. During a Science lesson, a bell was rung and all the leamers in the field ran towards where the teacher was. What was being investigated?
    1. Loud and soft sounds
    2. Direction of sound
    3. Special sounds
    4. Sound pollution
  19. The following are steps of making a beam balance but not in correct order.
    1. fix the stand and the arm to the balance
    2. suspend the tins on both sides of the arm 
    3. make a stand, arm and the base
    4. suspend the arm to find the balancing point and mark.
      Which one of the following is the correct order?
      1. ii, iii, i, iv
      2. iii, iv, i, ii
      3. iii, iv, ii, i
      4. i, iv, iii, ii
  20. Which one of the following pairs of materials are only translucent?
    1. Frosted glass and oiled paper
    2. Milk and mirror
    3. Clear water and car windscreen
    4. Air and white paper
  21. Which one of the following pairs of characteristics is common to lizards and hens? They
    1. lay eggs and have scales
    2. have internal fertilization and constant body temperature
    3. breathe through lungs and have varying body temperature
    4. feed on insects and have scales
  22. The set up below shows an investigation on drainage in different soils.
    22 adada
    Which one of the following need not to be the same during the investigation?
    1. Funnels size
    2. Amount of water used
    3. Amount of cotton wool
    4. Types of soil used
  23. The diagram below represents a composition of a compost heap.
    23 adada
    Which one of the following is the main function of the layer marked ill?
    1. Introduces decomposers to the heap
    2. Provides nutrients to the decomposers
    3. Adds nutrients to the compost manure 
    4. Keeps the compost moist
  24.  Which one of the following plants consist of only those that are flowering?
    1. Napier grass and onions
    2. Cedar and mushroom
    3. Cactus and cedar
    4. Sugarcane and moss
  25. Which one of the following food substances can be used to prevent anaemia?
    1. Irish potatoes, meat and cabbage
    2. Beans, peas and carrots
    3. Liver, beans and eggs
    4. Kidney, matumbo and fish
  26. Which one of the following components of environment covers the largest surface of the earth?
    1. Soil
    2. Water
    3. Air
    4. Plants
  27. Which one of the following consists of a compound fertilizer?
    1. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
    2. Triple Super Phosphate
    3. Sodium Nitrate
    4. Ammonium Phosphate
  28. Which one of the following describes the term environment?
    1. A natural home of a living organism
    2. Biotic components within the surroundings
    3. The surrounding of a living thing
    4. A natural house of a living thing
  29. Which one of the following is not true about the clouds drawn below?
    29 adadada
    1. They are low in the sky
    2. They have a flat bottom
    3. They are thick and feathery
    4. They appear like bundles of cotton wool
  30. The following are characteristics of plants adaptation.
    1. broad leaves
    2. deep rooted
    3. presence of airsac
    4. reduced leaves
    5. sunken stomata
    6. flexible stems
      Which of the above adaptations are only for plants found in dry areas?
      1. i, ii, v
      2. iii, iv, vi
      3. v, iv, ii
      4. v, iv, iii
  31. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain disease.
    1. shivering followed by sweating
    2. severe headache
    3. pain in the joints
    4. lack of enough blood
    5. vomiting and diarrhoea
    6. lack of appetite
      Which communicable disease is described above?
      1. Tuberculosis
      2. Malaria
      3. Typhoid
      4. Common cold
  32. Which one of the following effects of pests on crops is not correct?
    1. Lower yields
    2. Reduced quality of produce
    3. Transmission of diseases to crops
    4. Robust growth
  33. Which one of the following factors makes a log of wood float on water?
    1. Mass of wood
    2. Size of the wood
    3. Shape of wood
    4. Type of material
  34. Which one of the following plant seeds store their food in the endosperm?
    1. Green gram
    2. Peas
    3. Maize
    4. Beans
  35. Which one of the following is both modern and traditional method of food preservation?
    1. Canning
    2. Drying
    3. Use of honey
    4. Salting
  36. Which one of the following statements is true about HIV and AIDS?
    1. In window stage a person may test positive
    2. In symptomatic stage the body has developed AIDS
    3. The immune system is completely destroyed in symptomatic stage
    4. In asymptomatic stage a patient may test negative
  37. Which one of the following substances will both not pollute river water?
    1. Sewage and industrial waste
    2. Domestic wastes and sewage
    3. Oil spillage and animal waste
    4. Acidic rain and oil spillage
  38. Which one of the following are uses of water at home?
    1. Drinking and fishing
    2. Mixing chemicals and irrigation
    3. Washing and cooking
    4. Fountains and boat racing
  39. All the following are uses of water in the diet except
    1. helps in digestion
    2. helps to prevent constipation
    3. absorption of digested food 
    4. prevents dehydration
  40. The diagram below represents a certain lever in use.
    40 adada
    Which pair of levers below belong to the same group with the one shown above?
    1. Spade and wheelbarrow
    2. Crowbar and claw hammer
    3. Claw hammer and spade
    4. Wheelbarrow and bottle opener
  41. The following are ways of reducing the force that hinders motion except
    1. spreading a coarse material
    2. smoothening surfaces
    3. streamlining objects
    4. oiling movable parts
  42. Which one of the following is not a problem related to teeth?
    1. Bad breath
    2. Bleeding gums
    3. Shedding of teeth
    4. Teeth cavities
  43. Which one of the following should not be done to HIV/AIDS victims?
    1. Be given adequate balanced diet
    2. Should be isolated
    3. Proper hygiene
    4. Proper medical care
  44. Animals that provide mutton products are
    1. sheep and goats
    2. cattle and sheep
    3. cattle and goat
    4. goats only
  45. Which one of the following small animals are correctly grouped?
    1. Ticks, mites, termite
    2. Ants, housefly, mite
    3. Weevils, beetles, tsetsefly
    4. Crabs, lobster, tick
  46. Which aspect of heat transfer was being investigated below?
    46 adada
    1. Convection
    2. Conduction
    3. Radiation
    4. Melting
  47. The diagram below shows pressure in liquids.
    47 adada
    Which one of the fellowing explains the illustration?
    1. Pressure in liquids increases with depth
    2. Pressure in liquids is equal at the same depth
    3. Pressure in liquids is exerted to all directions
    4. Gravitational force causes pressure in liquids
  48. Substances with definite shape and mass are likely to be
    1. solids only
    2. liquids only
    3. gases and liquids
    4. solids and liquids
  49. Which two processes require decrease in temperature?
    1. Melting and evaporation
    2. Melting and condensation
    3. Condensation and freezing
    4. Evaporation and freezing
  50. Which one of the following is not a use of light?
    1. Helps us to see clearly
    2. Photosynthesis
    3. Warming the house
    4. Advertisement


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Read 405 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 April 2023 08:44