Wednesday, 05 July 2023 13:02

Social Studies and Religious Education Questions and Answers - Class 8 Opener Exams Term 2 2023 Set 3


map fasi

Study the map of Fasi area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the direction of the ginnery from the rice farms?
    1. South East
    2. South West
    3. North East
    4. North West
  2. What is the approximate length of the railway lines in Fasi area?
    1. 15km
    2. 23km
    3. 17km
    4. 10km
  3. The population distribution in Fasi arca is mainly influenced by
    1. drainage.
    2. transport networks.
    3. pests and diseases.
    4. economic activities.
  4. Three of the following are economic activities practised in Fasi area. Which one is not?
    1. Cotton farming
    2. Mining
    3. Fishing
    4. Lumbering
  5. The climate of Fasi town is likely to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  6. The main source of water in Fasi town is likely to be
    1. River Fasi
    2. Lake Fasi
    3. River Kope
    4. Rain water
  7. Who is in-charge of security in Fasi area?
    1. County Commissioner
    2. County Governor
    3. Chief
    4. The Police service
  8. The main reason for the migration of the Maasai from South-Western Ethiopia was to
    1. look for more fertile land. 
    2. avoid internal conflicts. 
    3. look for pasture and water. 
    4. search for trade goods.
  9. The main function of clan heads in traditional African communities was to
    1. protect members from attacks. 
    2. conduct marriage ceremonies. 
    3. educate the youth. 
    4. settle disputes.
  10. Three of the following mountains were formed as a result of faulting and uplifting. Which one was not? 
    1. Aberdare ranges
    2. Ras Dashan
    3. Mt.Meru
    4. Ahaggar mountains
  11. Who among the following African leaders resisted European colonial rule?
    1. Nabongo Mumia
    2. Samori Toure
    3. Mwanawina Lewanika
    4. Kabaka Mutesa I
  12. Which one of the following factors does not lead to slow population growth?
    1. Rising cost of living.
    2. Spread of HIV and AIDS.
    3. Late marriage.
    4. Low mortality rate.
  13. An age group is a group of
    1. people who were circumcised at the same time.
    2.  people who trace their origin to same ancestor.
    3. people who were born and initiated almost at the same time.
    4. two or more age-sets.
  14. The diagram below shows the formation of a type of rainfall.
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    The type of rainfall represented above is
    1. convectional
    2. frontal
    3. relief
    4. cyclonic
  15. The main problem facing forests in Kenya is
    1. pests and discases.
    2. human encroachment.
    3. forest fires.
    4. illegal logging
  16. Which one of the following groups of people consists of Eastern Cushites of Kenya?
    1. Sanye
    2. Afar
    3. Rendile
    4. Falasha
  17. The parliament in the Buganda Kindom was called
    1. Lukiiko
    2. Bataka
    3. Katikiro
    4. Ssaza
  18. The following are roles of the school management committee. Which one is not?
    1. Receiving money for learning materials from the government.
    2. Maintaining the traditions of the school.
    3. Implementing development projects in the school.
    4. Employing teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.
  19.  Joel's goats have strayed into Ken's farm and destroyed crops thus creating a dispute between the two neighbours. The best way of resolving the conflict is
    1. creating a commision of enquiry to settle the dispute.
    2. Ken selling Joel's goats to pay himself.
    3. Ken calling Joel to have a dialogue 2023 over the dispute.
    4. Ken taking Joel to the nearest police station.
  20.  Which one of the following is not a responsibility of parents in a family?
    1. Providing education for their children. 
    2. Strengthening negative cultural practices.
    3. Being role models to their children. 
    4. Taking care of family property.
  21. Three of the following are ways of showing collective responsibility. Which one does not?
    1. Being mindful of the welfare of others. 
    2. Upholding moral values of the society 
    3. Taking part in choosing good leaders. 
    4. Ensuring that other people use harmful drugs. 

Use the map of Africa provided to answer questions 22-25.

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  1. The river marked T is called river
    1. Senegal
    2. Volta
    3. Zambezi
    4. Niger
  2. The country marked Q is
    1. The Democratic Republic of Congo.
    2. Cameroon
    3. Angola
    4. Sudan
  3. The climate experienced at the areas marked M is likely to be
    1. tropical savannah climate. 
    2. mediterranean climate. 
    3. humid sub-tropical climate. 
    4. desert climate.
  4. The winds marked P are known as
    1. The Harmattan
    2. South Westerlies
    3. South East Monsoon winds.
    4. North East trade winds.
  5. In their administration of Northern Nigeria, the British used
    1. direct rule
    2. assimilation
    3. indirect rule
    4. company rule
  6.  The soils that are formed after deposition of croded material in rivers, valleys and flood plains are known as
    1. loamy soils.
    2. volcanic soils.
    3. alluvial soils.
    4. sandy soils.
  7. Which one of the following is a warning road sign?
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  8. The main crop grown in Perkerra irrigation scheme is
    1. chillies
    2. seed-maize
    3. onions
    4. paddy rice
  9. People can be encouraged to move from urban areas and settle in rural areas mainly through
    1. creating more employment opportunities in towns.
    2. creation of settlement schemes. 
    3. increasing of trading activities in rural areas.
    4. establishing industries in rural areas.
  10. The following are achievements of a prominent Africa leader.
    1. He led his country to independence. 
    2. He helped in the formation of East African Community.
    3. He campaigned for world peace.
    4. He organized his people in Ujamaa villages.
      The leader who had the above listed achievements is likely to be 
      1. Mwalimu Nyerere
      2. Leopold Sedar Senghor 
      3. Haile Selasie
      4. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
  11. The following are factors influencing climate in Africa except
    1. longitude.
    2. winds.
    3. shape of the coastline.
    4. ocean currents.
  12. The Equator crosses all the following African countries except
    1. Uganda
    2. Tanzania
    3. Kenya
    4. Somalia
  13. The main reason for the establishment of settlement schemes in Kenya was to
    1. put more land into meaningful usc. 
    2. increase food production.
    3. reduce population pressure on land. 
    4. settle the landless.
  14. The Fulani of West Africa keep large herds of livestock mainly because
    1. they depend on their livestock for livelihood.
    2. they live in less populated areas. 
    3. of good climate in their regions.
    4. they occupy an extensive grassland belt.
  15. Which one of the following forms of mass media is the best to relay messages to a large group of people in different regions at the same time?
    1. The television.
    2. The radio.
    3. Newspapers.
    4. The social media.
  16. Below are conditions that favour the growing of a crop in Kenya.
    1. Well distributed rainfall of between 1000mm and 1500mm.
    2. Well drained fertile volcanic soils.
    3. High altitude of over 1800metres above sea level.
    4. Cool temperatures.
      The crop that mainly grows under the above conditions is
      1. Tea
      2. Coffee
      3. Cotton
      4. Pyrethrum
  17. Which one of the following types of vegetation is not found in the Nyanza region of Kenya?
    1. Mangrove
    2. Forest vegetation
    3. Woodland vegetation
    4. Savannah grasslands.
  18. In Kenya, a responsible citizen is one who
    1. takes part in land grabbing.
    2. owns lots of wealth.
    3. promotes nepotism.
    4. obeys the law.
  19. Most traditional Kenyan communities interacted through
    1. social media
    2. intermarriage 
    3. trade 
    4. war
  20. The main problem facing dairy farming in Kenya is
    1. inadequate milk factories. 
    2. high cost of production. 
    3. drought and famine. 
    4. animal diseases.
  21. Most cement factories are situated near Athi River town mainly due to
    1. nearness to source of limestone quarries.
    2. availability of water in the river Athi. 
    3. availability of cheap labour.
    4. good infrastructure in the region.
  22. The headquarters of the East African community (E.A.C) are at
    1. Arusha
    2. Nairobi
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Kampala
  23. The main reason for the decline and Tall of the Kingdom of Old Ghana was
    1. lack of clearly defined boundaries. 
    2. interaction with the Almoravids. 
    3. overdependence on trade. 
    4. succession disputes.
  24. Which one of the following is an example of a manufacturing industry?
    1. Grain milling.
    2. Soft drinks making.
    3. Shoc making.
    4. Ship building.
  25. Most tourists visit Kenya in order to see
    1. beautiful scenary.
    2. our rich culture.
    3. the rift valley.
    4. wildlife.
  26. The most developed means of transport in Kenya is
    1. road transport
    2. air transport
    3. railway transport
    4. water transport
  27. The following are uses of a mineral. 
    1. Making coins.
    2. Making electrical wires.
    3.  Making motor vehicle radiator.-
      The mineral that has the listed uses above is
      1. Gold
      2. Soda ash
      3. Crude oil
      4. Copper
  28. The two ways of becoming a citizen of Kenya are by
    1. naturalisation and marriage.
    2. dual citizenship and legislation. 
    3. birth and registration.
    4. birth and naming.
  29. Which one of the following is not true about fish farming in Kenya?
    1. Most fish farms are run by individuals.
    2. There is a small market for fish in Kenya.
    3. Fish farming relies heavily on scientific farming methods.
    4. The most common species of fish in fish farms is tilapia.
  30. The main benefit of maize farming in Kenya is that maize farming
    1. is a source of foreign exchange. 
    2. creates jobs for most Kenyans. 
    3. provides food for most Kenyans. 
    4. improves the standards of living for Kenyans.
  31. In Kenya, all human rights are listed in the
    1. holy bible and quran. 
    2. bill of rights.
    3. school textbooks.
    4. parliamentary arm of the government.
  32. Which one of the following is true about the Organisation of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. It was formed in 2002 in Sirte, Libya. 
    2. Its main objective is to promote trade in Africa.
    3. It supported the scramble and partition of Africa.
    4. Its membership is open to all independent African countries.
  33. Three of the following are factors that undermine peace in the society. Which one does not?
    1. National integration.
    2. Political differences.
    3. Corrupt practices. 
    4. Unemployment.
  34. Which one of the following is not a type of democracy?
    1. Representative democracy.
    2. Political democracy. 
    3. Direct democracy.
    4. Nominational democracy.
  35. The head of the Judicial Arm of government in Kenya is
    1. The Attorney General 
    2. Registrar of the Judiciary. 
    3. The Chief Justice.
    4. The President.
  36. In Kenya, one becomes the speaker of the Senate through
    1. election by elected senators.
    2. voting in all constituencies.
    3. election by elected members of the National Assembly.
    4. nomination by the President.
  37. The main role of the Legislative arm of Government in Kenya is to 
    1. interpret the law.
    2. formulate government policies.
    3. make laws.
    4. amend laws.
  38. The government gets its revenue mainly through
    1. taxation.
    2. loans and grants from international bodies.
    3. sale of government property. 
    4. collection of fees and fines.
  39. Use the diagram below to answer the question below.
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    The fishing method showed above is called
    1. trawling.
    2. purse seining.
    3. net drifting. 
    4. long-lining. 


  1. According to the bible story of creation, which one of the following order of creation is correctly matched?
    1. Day 3 - The sky.
    2. Day 4 - The heavenly bodies.
    3. Day 6 - Sea creatures and birds of the air.
    4. Day 5 - Land animals both domestic and wild.
  2. Which one of the following did not happen when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? They lost the
    1. power to live forever.
    2. power to be like God.
    3. good relationship with God.
    4. glory and honour given to them by God.
  3. Which one of the following items was not carried by Abraham when he went to sacrifice his own son Isaac?
    1. Wood
    2. Knife
    3. Fire
    4. Lamp
  4. Which one of the following is the main teaching that Christians learn from the story of Noah and the flood?
    1. Those who sin are punished.
    2. They should protect their lives.
    3. They should take care of animals.
    4. Families are very important.
  5. Which one of the following is the main reason that made Moses to be reluctant to accept God's call? He
    1. tacked confidence in himself.
    2. feared that Pharoah would kill him.
    3. feared that the Israelites would accept him.
    4. felt that he was the least among his family.
  6. One of the following is the reason why Moses broke the stone tablets that he brought from Mt. Sinai. Which one is it?
    1. The stone tablet was too heavy for him to carry.
    2. He was angry with the Israelites because they disobeyed God.
    3. He thought that the Israelites did not need them.
    4. The content of the tablet was wrongly written.
  7. The main virtue that the children of Israel were required to have when crossing the Red Sea was
    1.  honesty
    2. holiness
    3. obedience
    4. tolerance
  8. Who among the following Kings of Israel was punished by God because of performing the duty of Priest? 
    1. Saul
    2. Ahab
    3. David
    4. Solomon
  9. Who among the following people was a prophetess and a judge in Israel?
    1. Esther
    2. Rahab
    3. Deborah
    4. Jael
  10. He drank water from the brook and was fed by ravens, he multiplied oil and flour of the window of Zarephath, he went to heaven on a chariot of fire. Who among the following prophets is described above?
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Hosea
    4. Micah
  11. "A sound is heard in Ramah, the sound of bitter weeping. Rachael is crying for her children. She refuses to be comforted for they are dead" Matthew 2:18. This prophecy was made by Jeremiah and fulfilled in the New Testament. It was referring to
    1.  the stoning and death of Stephen.
    2. beheading of John the Baptist.
    3. the killing of the firstborn sons of the Egyptians.
    4. the killing of baby boys in Bethlehem.
  12. Where was Zachariah when angel Gabriel announced to him that his wife would conceive and give birth to a child who would be named John? In the
    1. wilderness looking after his flock.
    2. temple burning incese.
    3. temple praying and fasting.
    4. fields sheering his sheep.
  13. Who among the following people were the first to see the baby Jesus?
    1. The wisemen
    2. Simeon and Anna
    3. Elizabeth and Zachariah
    4. The shepherds
  14. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was eight days old? Jesus was
    1. circumcised 
    2. baptised
    3. sacrificed
    4. shaved his hair
  15. Who among the following disciples of Jesus asked if anything good would come from Nazareth?
    1. Bartholomew
    2. Philip
    3. Andrew
    4. Thomas
  16. "And he said to him, I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours." Luke 4:6-7. What response did Jesus give to the devil for this temptation?
    1. Do not put the Lord your God to the test 
    2. Man shall not live on bread alone.
    3. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. 
    4. Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.
  17. Which one of the following is the correctly order of the events at Jesus' baptism as they followed each other.
    1. Heaven was opened.
    2. A voice was heard from heaven.
    3. The Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove.
      1. (iii) (ii) (i)
      2. (i) (ii) (iii)
      3. (i) (iii) (ii)
      4. (iii) (i) (ii)
  18. According to Jesus' teachings during the sermon on the mount. He said blessed are the pure in heart for they will
    1. be called sons of God.
    2. see God
    3. be satisfied by God.
    4. inherit the earth
  19. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians on repentance and forgiveness. The
    1. good Samaritan.
    2. mustard seed.
    3. rich man and Lazarus.
    4. prodigal son.
  20. According to Mark 14: 18-19, which message of Jesus to his disciples disturbed them most? That
    1. he would no longer be with them.
    2. He would die a painful death.
    3. One of them would betray him.
    4. He was going to the wilderness for fasting.
  21. Which one of the following was not an accusation brought against Jesus before the Sanhedrian?
    1. Telling people not to pay taxes.
    2. That he would destroy the temple and built it in three days.
    3. Working on the Sabbath.
    4. Claiming to be the Messiah.
  22. For how many days did Jesus stay with His disciples after his resurrection?
    1. 30 days
    2. 40 days
    3. 20 days
    4. 70 days
  23. Which one of the following acts of worship was carried out by priests in Traditional African Communities?
    1. Baptising the community. 
    2. Giving the Iloly Communion. 
    3. Leading in singing of hymns. 
    4. Making sacrifices.
  24. Which one of the following is the main reason why marriage was important in Traditional African Communities? It
    1. helped in improving ones status. 
    2. ensured continuity of family lineage. 
    3. was meant for companionship.
    4. was meant to give the wife security. 
  25. In some of the Traditional African Communities. people reconciled with the ancestors through
    1. naming of the children.
    2. paying of the dowry
    3. drinking beer.
    4. protecting the aged.
  26. Which one of the following is the main virtue taught to children in Traditional African Communities?
    1. Patience
    2. Kindness
    3. Obedience
    4. Courage
  27. Leisure time can be used destructively if we engage in negative activitics. Which one of the following destructive activities is correctly matched with its consequences?
    1. Bhang - loss of perception
    2. Cigarette slurred speech
    3. Promiscuity-heart diseases
    4. Alcohol sexually transmitted diescase
  28. When a standard eight girl gets pregnant through a standard eight boy, the best reason why they cannot marry is because
    1. the boy has to continue with school.
    2. they will be dismissed from school
    3. the girl is meant to raise the child alone.
    4. the two are too young to raise a family. 
  29. Musa a very strong boy in standard eight found two boys fighting. What was the best action for him to take as a Christian?
    1. Run away
    2. Beat them up
    3. Separate them
    4. Taking them to a police station.
  30. Which one of the following was not one of the activities of Christian Missionaries in Kenya?
    1. introduced formal education.
    2. spread the Gospel.
    3. trained the laity
    4. fully supported African traditions.


  1. Which one of the following is the first verse of the Surah Al-Fatiha?
    1. Bismillahi Rahmaani Rahiim.
    2. Audhubillahi mina Shaitwaani Rajiim.
    3. Al-hamdulillahi Rabbil aalamiin.
    4. Ihdinaa Siraatwal Mustakiim.
  2. Which one of the following is not a warning to muslims from Surah Al-Maun? Do not
    1. show off in prayers.
    2. mistreat orphans.
    3. encourage begging.
    4. neglect other prayers.
  3. Which of the following is the translation of the verse: "Lakum diinukum Wali yadiin"?
    1. "You alone we worship and from you alone we seek help."
    2. "To you be your religion and to me my religion".
    3. "I worship not nor was He begotten".
    4. "He begets not nor was He begotten".
  4. The incident of the destruction of Abraham's army birds narrated in the Surah Al-Fiil teaches that
    1. A church is not a place of worship.
    2. Big animals like clephants can cause destruction.
    3. Birds shall be witness to or again and Qiyama.
    4. Allah protects His own.
  5. Which one of the following is a teaching from Surah Al-Alaq?
    1. Allah is the Master of the Day of Judgement.
    2. Man was created from a clot of blood.
    3. Allah was not created in the image of any creature.
    4. Man is created in the best shape.
  6. Which one of the following is unforgivable sin before Allah(S.W.T), according to the teachings of the Prophet (S.A. W)?
    1. Association of Allah(s.w) with other gods. 
    2. Dissobedience to parents.
    3. Killing a human being.
    4. Changing the boundaries of the earth.
  7. Complete the following Hadith with the correct clause: "Islam is cleanliness, so cleanse yourself for no unclean person will......
    1. be allowed in the mosque
    2. remain a muslim
    3. perform Swalah
    4. enter paradise
  8. According to the Hadith of the prophet(S.A. W). one is loved by Allah (S.W.T) if he keep off
    1. peoples things.
    2. un-islamic cultures.
    3. wordly affairs.
    4. his people for Ibaada.
  9. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said that a hypocrite........
    1. neglects Swalah.
    2. doubts the presence of Allah.
    3. has visible signs.
    4. betrays trust.
  10. Which one of the following is not a pillar of Salat?
    1. Gushuu
    2. Rukuu
    3. Sujud
    4. Takbira Ihram
  11. Which station do the hujaajs throw stones to curse The devil? At
    1. Muzdalifa
    2. Minna
    3. Arafa
    4. Miqat
  12. During the fasting of Swaum Ramadahan, it is Sunna to
    1. take a medicinal injection.
    2. fast without eating Suhuur.
    3. delay the breaking of Saum.
    4. perform tarawch prayer.
  13. Swalat Janaza is performed by reciting supplications in four takbiraats. In which takbira do we recite the dua for body being buried?
    1. First Takbira
    2. Second Takbira
    3. Third Takbira
    4. Fourth Takbira
  14. Which one of the following is a measure of water which by Sharia cannot be purified by najis?
    1. Shibr
    2. Nisab
    3. Qulatein
    4. Qiratun
  15. Which one of the following offerings pushed the Swaum of a fasting muslim to the arsh beyond the heavens?
    1. Zakkat Fitr
    2. Kaffara
    3. Jizya
    4. Sadaqat Jaariya
  16. A practise that shows Taqwa in a believer is
    1. remaining calm when faced with sufferings. 
    2. asking for forgiveness again and again. 
    3. performing a task and asking for Allah's intervention.
    4. doing good and avoiding evil.
  17. An attribute of Allah that describes Him as the Most Merciful is
    1.  Al-Maalik
    2. Al-Raheem
    3. Al-Jabbaar
    4. Al-Rahmaan
  18. Which one of the following was a favour of Allah (S.W.T) upon Nabii Suleiman (A.S)? Allah (s.w) 
    1. enabled him to speak while still an infant. 
    2. made iron metal soft for him.
    3. enabled him return the dead back to life. 
    4. enabled him understand the language of creatures.
  19. The main reason why circumcision is recomended in Islam is because it
    1. keeps one clean.
    2. is a rite of passage.
    3. reduces chances of infection of sexual discases.
    4. was a Sunna of the prophets (A.S).
  20. Which one of the following is phrases is not used in swearing in Islam?
    1. Wallahi
    2. Tallahi
    3. Lillahi
    4. Billahi
  21. Which one of the following was a trip made console and comfort Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) from the grieve of loosing his beloved uncle and wife respectively? The
    1. Hijra to Madina.
    2. trip of Shaam.
    3. trip to Taif
    4. Isra wal miiraj trip
  22. Who among the following personels was the Muadhin in the Prophets Mosque?
    1. Uthman bin Affaan
    2. Billal bin Rabbah
    3. Amaar bin Yassir
    4. Zaid bin Haaritha
  23. Wha Irove Qabeel, the son of Nabii Adam (A.S) to kill his brother Habiil?
    1. Envy
    2. Pride
    3. Ignorance
    4. Sickness
  24. Muslims celebrate Idd-ul-Adh-ha to commemorate:- The
    1. promotion of Nabii Yusuf from slavery to a minister.
    2. salvage of Nabii Musa from handles of Fir'aun.
    3. conquering of Makkan city by Prophet Muhammad.
    4. attempt by Nabii Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail.
  25. The two battles fought in the month of Ramadhan at an interval of one year were battles of ................................................  respectively.
    1. Khandaq and Hunain
    2. Siifiin and Badr
    3. Badr and uhud
    4. Uhud and Khandaq
  26. Muslims can demostrate cooperation by
    1. performing Salaat in a congregation. 
    2. working together to clean the environment. 
    3. selling halaal goods and by Sharia.
    4. welcoming and treating guests well.
  27. Afthe following things were instrumental in the faster spread of Islam within and beyond the Coast of East Africa, except one. Which one? 
    1. The chiefs.
    2. The inversion of Portugues.
    3. The emergency of Swahili language.
    4. Intermarriage.
  28. The married couples in Islam are confirmed to be a family by
    1. staying together for long.
    2. the court of law.
    3. giving birth to children.
    4. a Nikah ceremony.
  29. For how long did Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.) spread Islam secretly? For
    1. three years.
    2. seven years.
    3. ten years.
    4. thirteen years.
  30. Complete these Prophets words;
    "Paradise is found.....
    1. in the Arsh of Allah
    2. in the garden of Eden
    3. under the feet of mothers 
    4. in heaven


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Read 306 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 July 2023 14:02