Displaying items by tag: social


  • Culture is people’s way of life.
  • Each community has its own way of doing things.
  • Communities have different types of foods, dressing, songs, dances, ceremonies and festivals.
  • Culture is passed from one generation to another.

Aspects Of Traditional Culture In The County

 Aspect of culture   What is common in my community  
 1. Food Kalenjins
Drink such as mursik(sour milk)
Animal's blood mixed with fermented milk 
Cereals such as millet (bek/kilipsiongik) and sorghum (mosongik) 
Meat (pendo)
Mushroom (popek)
Vegetables such as isoik
Drink milk and blood and soup
Meat from goats, sheep and cattle
Cereals such as lablab beans (njahi), peas (njugu) and beans (mboco) 
Crops like sweet potatoes (ngwaci), cassava (mwanga), yams (ikwa), and arrowroots (nduma)  
Fruits such as terere (aramantha) stinging nettle kahurura and manage Irio ( mashed beans, maize, potatoes and green vegetables)
 2. Dressing
  • The mode of dressing depended mainly on the occasion
  • Most communities used to dress from animal skins, grass and leaves
  • Among the Maasai, adults plaited their hair and decorated their bodies
  • Warriors had special dressing and weapons
  • Leaders wore special clothes like hats
  • Women wore bangles around their arms and legs and necklaces around their necks
  • Girls wore special dressing before and after initiation
 3. Housing  
 4. Ceremonies
  • A ceremony is an activity or event held to mark ma certain m accession
  • The ceremony may involve songs, dances and celebrations
  • They were held during important events such as birth, circumcision, funerals 
 5. Songs and dances
  •  They were sang for entertainment and pass important messages
  • Song were sang during: Marriage, Initiation, Work, War, Child naming ceremony, Funerals
 6. Games and sports  
 7. Festivals
  •  They are days or the periods of the celebrations
  • They are held to celebrate when something special has happened

Examples: music festivals, harvesting festivals, drama festivals

 8. Traditional medicine practises
  • People were treated by traditional doctors and medicines
  • Learning was done through experts
  • This was called apprenticeship
  • Some women were trained as midwives who assisted mothers when giving birth


Importance of aspects of traditional culture    

  1. Culture promotes unity among the members of the society through sports and games, festivals and ceremonies.
  2. Through culture, young people are able to learn good morals and values.
  3. Culture makes us unique through language, types of food we eat and the dressing styles.
  4. Tourists pay some money to see our culture. This money helps the government to develop our country.
  5. Promote love and kindness
  6. Promote responsible people in the society
  7. Promote honesty
  8. They develop good habits

The school   

  • A school is a place where pupils go to be taught or to learn
  • Is an educational institution designed to provide learning to learners with the support of teachers
  • A school mainly equips learners with knowledge and skills
  • A school trains individuals to be responsible or useful members of the society
  • We have government and private schools

History of the school

  • Every school has a history.
  • The history tells us when and how the school started.
  • It also tells us about the achievement of the school.
  • This history gives the school an opportunity to focus on future plans.

PAGE 59-61

School motto and core values

  • A school motto is a short statement of what a school believes in.
  • School core values are important believes that guide the members of the school.

PAGE 62-64

Practising School Motto And Core Values In School

PAGE 62-65

School routine

  • A daily school routine is a list of activities that the school does every day.
  • Is the programme of activities that have been planned to take place every day in the school
  • Day schools and boarding schools have different routines
  • A school routine is prepared by the school administration
  • School routine should be as per the guidelines of the ministry of education.
  • A school routine is clearly indicated on the school timetable

Importance of a school routine

  • It helps the school to run smoothly
  • It ensures order and harmony in the school
  • Helps in bringing up all round pupils
  • Helps to train pupils to be responsible
  • Helps in proper time management
  • Helps to strengthen discipline among pupils
  • Ensures that all activities in the school are allocated times



Study the map of Seta Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The land in Seta area slopes from
    1. North
    2. East.
    3. West. 
    4. South
  2. Which one of the following factors led to the growth of Seta town?
    1. Economic activities.
    2. Road junction.
    3. Security
    4. Climatic conditions.
  3. Traders in Seta area obtain their trading licences from
    1. Sema market
    2. County offices.
    3. Police station.
    4. County commissioner's office.
  4. The main religion in Seta town is
    1. Islamic
    2. Christian
    3. Hinduism.
    4. Judaism.
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not practised in Seta area?
    1. Farming
    2. Lumbering
    3. Tourism.
    4. Fishing
  6. What is the climate of the North of Seta area?
    1. Cool and wet.
    2. Hot and wet.
    3. Hot and dry
    4. Hot and cool.
  7. The administrative head of Seta area is a
    1. county commissioner.
    2. governor.
    3. regional co-ordinator.
    4. police officer.
  8. Which one of the following language groups is correctly matched with the place of origin?
    1. Cushites - Cameroon.
    2. Bantus - Bar-el Ghazel.
    3. Nilotes - Horn of Africa.
    4. Semites - Saudi Arabia.
  9. The following are descriptions of an early hominid
    1. Remains were discovered near lake Turkana and Olduvai Gorge
    2. Made simple tools
    3. Made slurred speech
    4. Lived in caves
      The hominid described above is
      1. homo habilis.
      2. homo erectus.
      3. homo sapien
      4. homo sapien sapien.
  10. Three of the following are traditional methods of education. Which method did the learner need an expert to learn through observation?
    1. Story telling.
    2. Use of riddles.
    3. Use of proverbs.
    4. Apprenticeship.
  11. The following are types of soils. Which one is found in the flood plains through deposition?
    1. Loamy soil.
    2. Volcanic soil.
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sandy soil.
  12. The following are characteristics of a relief region in Kenya:
    1. Lies between 250m and 1100m above sea level.
    2. It is generally flat
    3. Has some eroded hills
    4. It is generally dry
      The region described above is
      1. the highlands
      2. the plateaus.
      3. the Rift Valley.
      4. the Coastal lowlands.
  13. Among the Nandi community, people who were born almost the same time formed
    1. a clan
    2. age group
    3. age set.
    4. age mates.
  14. The main aim of education in traditional African society was to
    1. prepare the youth for adulthood and become responsible members of the society
    2. prepare the youth for employment in traditional industries.
    3. instill discipline and responsibility.
    4. instill knowledge and skills.
  15. Which group of mountains below were formed through faulting?
    1. Atlas, Drankensberg, Cape ranges.
    2. Ruwenzori, Usambara, Kharas.
    3. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Elgon.
    4. Ahagger, Tibesti, Homboli.
  16. Which of the following groups consists of crops grown in traditional agriculture?
    1. Yams, sorghum, millet.
    2. Millet, cassava, wheat.
    3. Arrow roots, French beans, Yams.
    4. Sweet potatoes, cassava, rice.
  17. The main problem facing poultry farming in Kenya today is
    1.  high cost of poultry feeds.
    2. attacks by pests and diseases.
    3. over production of poultry products.
    4. competition from imported poultry products.
  18. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its use?
    1. Soda ash-making toothpaste.
    2. Fluorspar - strengthening steel and aluminium.
    3. Diatomite-making paints.
    4. Limestone - making cement.
  19. The government of Kenya is promoting fish farming mainly to
    1.  improve the living standards of the farmers.
    2.  increase food production
    3.  increase government revenue.
    4.  make good use of unproductive land.
  20.  Which one of the following traditional methods of weather observation is used today?
    1. Croaking of frogs.
    2. Migration of ants.
    3. Observing the movement of the clouds.
    4. Phases of the moon.
  21. The system used by Portuguese to rule her colonies in Africa was know as
    1. assimilation 
    2. association.
    3. direct. 
    4. indirect
  22. The following are characteristics of population of Germany. Which one is not?
    1. Majority of the people are old.
    2. The population is not evenly distributed.
    3. There are slightly more males than females.
    4. The population has a small dependence ratio.
  23. The main reason why the government of Kenya established settlement schemes in Kenya after independence was to
    1. improve the living standards of the people.
    2. increase food production in the country.
    3. settle the landless
    4. put more land under cultivation.
  24. The method of irrigation used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is
    1. canal.
    2. furrow.
    3. drip
    4. overhead.

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 25 to 28


  1.  The winds marked M are known as
    1. Hamattan.
    2. Westerlies.
    3. North West trade winds.
    4. Northery winds.
  2. The plateau marked S is called
    1. Bie plateau.
    2. Fouta Djallon.
    3. Jos plateau.
    4. Nyika plateau.
  3. The Island country marked X was colonized
    1. French 
    2. British
    3. Italians
    4. Germans.
  4. The climatic region marked Y is experienced in the following countries except
    1. Morocco 
    2. Libya.
    3. Tunisia.
    4. Chad.
  5. Below is a description of a town in Eastern Africa:
    1. It is an industrial centre
    2. It is the commercial capital of its country
    3. It serves as the gateway of its country
    4. It is the biggest city in its country
    5. It is a tourist centre
      The town described above is
      1. Nairobi.
      2. Arusha.
      3. Mombasa.
      4. Dar es salaam.
  6. The main contribution of sugarcane growing in Sudan is that
    1.  it has led to the growth of industries.
    2.  it has led to the development of infrastructure.
    3. it has led to the creation of job opportunities.
    4.  it has led to the increment of government income.
  7. Which one of the following is not a type of marriage recognized in Kenya?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Religious marriage.
    3. Eloping marriage.
    4. Customary marriage.
  8. The following are functions of the head teachers in a public primary school. Which one is not?
    1. Ensures that the day-today activities of the school are running smoothly.
    2.  Keeps important documents of the school.
    3. Controls the ministry of education.
    4. Admits new pupils in the school.
  9. The main difference between horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands is that
    1. horticultural farming in Netherlands is carried out on arable land while in Kenya it is done on reclaimed land.
    2. horticultural farming in Netherlands is highly mechanized while in Kenya it is less mechanized.
    3. Netherlands practise monocropping while Kenya grow all the horticultural crops.
    4. horticultural farming in Netherlands is done by the government while in Kenya it is done by individuals.
  10. Which one of the following is the main benefit of forestry in Swaziland?
    1. Earns the country foreign exchange.
    2. Creation of job opportunities.
    3. Moderates the climate of the country.
    4. Provides raw materials for paper industry.
  11. The document issued by a court of law outlining the person who will manage the estate of the deceased person is known as
    1. a will
    2. testate.
    3. letter of administration.
    4. intestate.
  12.  The following are conditions favouring a crop grown in Africa:
    1. High humidity throughout the year
    2. High and well distributed rainfall of between 1500mm - 2000mm
    3. High temperatures of between 24°c - 28°c
    4. Protection from strong sunlight
    5. Low altitude of upto 750m
      The crop whose conditions are described above is
      1. cocoa.
      2. cloves
      3. cotton
      4. sugarcane.
  13. Three of the following statements are true about the white settlers in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. They introduced cash crop farming in Kenya.
    2. They introduced new methods of modern farming.
    3. They introduced livestock keeping in Kenya.
    4. They took the fertile land from the Africans.
  14. The main tourist attraction in the Rift valley region of Kenya is
    1.  wildlife.
    2. beautiful sceneries.
    3. sandy beaches.
    4. rich cultural practices.
  15. In which two months of the year is the sun overhead the equator?
    1. March and September.
    2. June and September.
    3. September and December.
    4. December and March.
  16. Which one of the following methods of administration was used by the British in administering Northern Nigeria?
    1. Assimilation.
    2. Direct rule.
    3. Association.
    4. Indirect rule.
  17. Which one of the following is a social right of a citizen in Kenya?
    1. Right to work and earn a living.
    2. Right to marry and raise a family.
    3. Right to vote.
    4. Right to do business.
  18. Which one of the following is not a similarity between the government of Kenya and Swaziland?
    1. In both countries the heads of state are commanders of the Defence Forces
    2. In both countries parliament has two houses
    3. In both countries the head of government is the Prime Minister.
    4. Both countries have civil servants.
  19. Which one of the following is a form of child abuse?
    1. Forcing children to go to school.
    2. Engaging children in household chores.
    3. Enforcing moral laws in them.
    4. Denying them food as a way of punishment.
  20. Which one of the following is the most commonly abused drug in Kenya?
    1. Alchohol.
    2. Bhang.
    3. Cigarette.
    4. Miraa.
  21. During the Belgians rule in Congo the native Africans were referred to as
    1. prazos.
    2. indigina.
    3. evolvees.
    4. assimilees
  22. Which one of the following river projects is not correctly matched with its source of water?
    1. Akosombo Dam - R. Volta.
    2. Aswan High Dam - R. Nile.
    3. Seven Forks Dams - R. Tana.
    4. Kariba Dam - R. Niger.
  23. Which one of the following methods of conflict resolution involves taking the matter to court
    1. Litigation 
    2. Mediation.
    3. Arbitration.
    4. Conciliation
  24. The best method of conserving wildlife is by
    1. passing strict laws against poachers.
    2. banning trade that involves the selling of game products,
    3. fencing game parks.
    4. educating the people about the importance of wildlife conversation.
  25. The main reason why the Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa was
    1. search for raw materials for their industries.
    2. search for markets for their industrial goods.
    3. need to spread christianity.
    4. need to settle the surplus population.
  26. The bill of rights are guaranteed in the constitution in chapter
    1. Five.
    2. Four
    3. Seven.
    4. One.
  27. The diagram below means
    1.  no entry 
    2. no road ahead
    3. stop
    4. road busy
  28. Who was the first President of Ghana when it gained independence?
    1. J.B Danguah.
    2. Canaan Banana.
    3. Kwameh Nkrumah.
    4. Robert Mugabe.
  29. In Kenya National Assembly debates are controlled by the
    1. sergent at arms.
    2. leader of majority.
    3. President.
    4. speaker.
  30. The body in charge of elections in Kenya is mandated to carry out the following functions except
    1. drawing and reviewing boundaries
    2. solving nomination disputes
    3. nullifying election results
    4. announcing election results
  31. Which group of countries used armed struggle during their struggle for independence in the colonial period?
    1. Kenya, Zimbabwe, Mozambique.
    2. Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania.
    3. Ghana, South Africa, Uganda.
    4. Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya.
  32. The main source of revenue for the county governments in Kenya is
    1. grants from the national government.
    2. taxes.
    3. rents.
    4. Ioans.
  33. The following are qualities of a good leader except
    1. intolerant.
    2. patriotic.
    3. impartial.
    4. loyal.
  34. Kenya became independent in
    1. 1960
    2. 1963
    3. 1964
    4. 1978
  35. HIV/AIDS can not be transmitted through
    1. sexual intercourse.
    2. shaking hands.
    3. sharing sharp objects.
    4. kissing.
  36. The head quarters of A.U are based in
    1. Addis Ababa.
    2. Nairobi.
    3. Arusha.
    4. Cairo.

Christian Religious Education

  1.  Which one of the following facts from the biblical stories of creation shows that human beings are given the mandate to subdue the earth?
    1. Human beings are commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
    2. Human beings are given the power to name all the other creatures
    3. Human beings are given the power to take care of God's creation
    4. Human beings are commanded to have work and leisure.
  2. In the Exodus the presence of God was manifested by
    1. a mighty wind
    2. an earthquake and a still voice
    3. a burning bush and a pillar of cloud
    4. a pillar of fire and cloud
  3. Now I know you have obedient reverence for God, because you have not kept back your only son from me." (Genesis 22:12) These words were spoken by God to
    1. Noah
    2. Abraham
    3. David
    4. Moses
  4. The following are lessons learnt from the ten plaques that God sent to the Egyptians. Which one is not?
    1. Yahweh was aware of the problems of the Israelites
    2. Yawheh was working through His prophet, Moses
    3. Yahweh was determined to save His people
    4. Yahweh was less powerful than the Egyptian gods.
  5. Which of the following action by the Israelites during passover does not show that they were in a hurry?
    1. Eating while standing
    2. The unleavened bread
    3. The bitter herbs
    4. Eating while wearing sandals
  6. Who among the following kings brought the ark of the covenant to the temple of Jerusalem?
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon 
    4. Rehoboam
  7. Which one of the following lists consists of historical books of the Bible only?
    1. Judges, Nehemiah, Esther
    2. 1st Kings, Exodus, Leviticus
    3. 1st Chronicles, Numbers, Psalms
    4. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Jobs
  8. Who among the following is not a major prophet?
    1. Daniel 
    2. Ezekiel
    3. Isaiah 
    4. Joel
  9. During the God's covenant with Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:3-34, God promised to
    1. make a new covenant where each individual will come to know God.
    2. make David's dynasty continue forever
    3. preserve the life of people
    4. fulfill the promises He had made to Abraham.
  10. Which one of the following commandments discourages us from being greedy for what does not belong to us?
    1. Do not desire another man's property
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    3. Do not use my name for evil purpose
    4. Respect your mother and father
  11. The following are events that happened in the life of Jesus: - Heaven opened - The Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove - Sound was heard from heaven. g which of the following occassions did the above events take place?
    1. During the transfiguration of Jesus
    2. During the death of Jesus
    3. During the temptations of Jesus
    4. During the baptism of Jesus
  12. Which one of the following was the main message of John the baptist?
    1. Baptism and humility
    2. Repentance and baptism
    3. Love and generosity
    4. Forgiveness and joy
  13. Jesus was circumcised at the age of eight days because
    1.  it was in accordance to the Jewish customs
    2. his parents were in a hurry to flee to Egypt
    3. there was a census in the whole Roman empire
    4. the angel told Joseph to do so in a dream
  14. One way through which Jesus cared for the less fortunate in the society was
    1. preaching to them and judging them for their sins
    2. telling people to, despise them as they were lazy
    3. encouraging them to read the Bible when they were free
    4. feeding the hungry and healing the sick.
  15. Which one of the following was not a value taught by Jesus during the sermon on the mountain?
    1. Spiritual poverty
    2. Peace making
    3. Humility
    4. Courage
  16. "Do not put the lord your God into tesi" Jesus said these words to the devil when he tempted him to
    1. kneel down and worship him
    2. change stones into bread
    3. throw himself down from the top of the temple
    4. build the temple at Jerusalem in a day.
  17. Jesus healed the paralytic man. This shows that
    1. He has power over nature
    2. He has power over sins
    3. He has power over death
    4. He has power to rule the earth.
  18. During the trial of Jesus, Pilate washed his hands to show that
    1. he had made his achievements
    2. he was a sinful person
    3. he had nothing to do with the case
    4. he was a trusted friend of Jesus
  19. Which one of the following events happened during the pentecost?
    1. Noise was heard from the sky sounding like a strong wind
    2. Darkness covered the whole earth
    3. A voice was heard from heaven
    4. The curtain of the temple was torn into two.
  20.  Allan, a standard eight boy, visits the inmates in prison during the weekends. He gives them food and clothes. Which fruit of the holy spirit does he display?
    1. Self-control
    2. Patience
    3. Kindness
    4. Peace
  21. Which one of the following is not an aspect of worship in African traditional societies?
    1. Offering tithes
    2. blessing the people
    3. singing songs
    4. praying for God's protection.
  22. The following are similar beliefs in both African traditional societies and christianity except
    1.  the result of sin and evil is suffering and death
    2. God is the guardian of morality, law and order.
    3. sin arises from human beings disobedience and greed
    4. Baptism by water.
  23. The following were roles of girls in African traditional societies except
    1. feeding and looking after young children
    2. protecting the clan from external attacks
    3. sweeping the compound and cleaning houses
    4. fetching water and cleaning utensils
  24. In African traditional societies, it is believed that evil is caused by all the following except
    1. malicious ancestral spirits who have a grudge against the living
    2. evil people such as wizards and sorcerers
    3. failure to abide by the church norms
    4. breaking of oaths.
  25. The following names are used to refer to God in African traditional societies except
    1. Jehovah
    2. Asis
    3. Enkai
    4. Mulungu
  26. Risper, your deskmate, has a deep urge of taking alcohol. As a christian, the best advice to give her
    1. to take the alcohol only when not seen
    2. just take a little alcohol and repent
    3. our bodies are the temple of the Holy spirit
    4. take it but be careful to avoid its harmful effects
  27. Bochela is a wealthy man in his village. The best way in which he can use his wealth is by
    1. opening a big supermarket to sell things to the villagers.
    2. helping his sister's children who are jobless
    3. organising for expensive trips of his family members abroad
    4. buying water pipes to supply water to the villagers
  28. The best way that the church can do to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youths is by
    1. encouraging them to visit VCT centres
    2. educating them on behavioural change.
    3. organising retreats for them
    4. neglecting those who are already infected
  29. Lewa, your deskmate, says that she is mature enough to have a boyfriend. As a christian deskmate and a classmate the best advice you would give her is
    1. forget about boys and concentrate on her studies
    2. have only one boyfriend abstain from sex.
    3. have the boyfriend but keep it a secret
    4. enjoy herself as life is too short
  30. At the Jacobs's well, Jesus was avoiding one of the following social vices with the samaritan woman. Which one is it?
    1. Corruption
    2. Nepotism
    3. Racial discrimination
    4. Social injustice.

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Which one of the following surahs warns ma against backbiting?
    1. Humaza
    2. Zilzalah
    3. Takathur
    4. Fatiha
  2. Which one of the following scriptures was revealed in the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Zabur
    2. aurat
    3. Qur’an
    4. Injeel
  3. How many verses are there in surah Al-Fatiha
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Ten
  4. The main teaching of surah Al-Ikhlaas is
    1. Iman 
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Tawheed
  5. "You shall certainly see the hell fire." This is a verse from surah
    1. Takathur
    2. Qariah
    3. Zilzalah
    4. Fil
  6. Which one of the following is a manner of eating according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W)?
    1. Eating with the left hand
    2. Eating while standing.
    3. Saying Alhamdulillahi after eating.
    4. Eating the food while it is hot.
  7. While drinking water a Muslim should pause
    1. two times
    2. three times
    3. five times
    4. one time
  8. Which one of the following pillars of Islam cannot be done in ones home town?
    1. Zakat
    2. Swalat
    3. Saum
    4. Haji
  9. The total number of rakaat that a Muslim must perform in a day are
    1. 17
    2. 14
    3. 16
    4. 10
  10. Who among the following is a recipient of Zakat?
    1. Orphan
    2. Widow
    3. Slave
    4. Neighbour
  11. Which one of the following things is recommended to use while breaking a fast?
    1. Water
    2. Juice
    3. Rice
    4. Dates
  12. Which one of the following pillars of Islam promotes generosity?
    1. Hajj
    2. Zakat
    3. Saum
    4. Shahada
  13. Who among the following angels is in charge of removing the souls from human beings?
    1. Izrail
    2. Israfil
    3. Jibril 
    4. Mikail
  14. The fear of Allah (S.W.T.) is referred to as
    1. Tawakkul
    2. Tawheed
    3. Ihsaan
    4. Taqwa
  15. Which one of the following miracles was performed by prophet Musa (A.S.)?
    1. Bringing the dead back to life.
    2. Telling what someone ate the previous day.
    3. Changing a rod into a snake.
    4. Healing the lepers.
  16. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is performed to seek for rain?
    1. Khusuf
    2. Istisqai
    3. Istikharah
    4. Dhuha
  17. Which one of the following attributes of Allah (S.W.T.) means the fashioner?
    1. Al-Musawwir 
    2. Al-Waduud
    3. Al-Khaalia
    4. Al-Mutakabbir
  18. Amina a standard five pupil heard her friend sneezing. What should Amina say?
    1. Maashallah
    2. Alhamdulillahi
    3. Yarhamkallah
    4. Astadhfirullah
  19. Which of the following names is good for a Muslim?
    1. Mashaka
    2. Shida
    3. Zacks 
    4. Musa
  20. Which one of the following is the first rite to a newly born baby?
    1. Circumcision
    2. Adhan
    3. Shaving
    4. Tahnik
  21. Which month was the journey of Isra-wa! miraj undertaken?
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharrum
    4. Shawwal
  22. The act of hiding of goods in order to seli them when the prices go up is known as
    1. hoarding
    2. ghush
    3. riba
    4. uslu
  23. Abdullah, a shopkeeper, at Bidii trading cente has the following as the reasons to why his business has succeeded. Which of the following reasons is haraam?
    1. Weighing goods accurately.
    2. Selling goods on credit.
    3. Giving back the correct change.
    4. Charging interest on goods sold.
  24. .How many households constitute a neighbourhood according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W)?
    1. Fifty
    2. Forty
    3. Thirty
    4. Twenty
  25. Which town is the prophet's mosque found?
    1. Makkah
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Madina
    4. Taif
  26. Who among the following Caliph accompanied the prophet during Hijrah?
    1. Uthman 
    2. ali
    3. Umar
    4. Abubakr
  27. The main reason why Muslims lost the battle of Uhud was because
    1. they dishonoured the words o the prophet.
    2. they were few in number
    3. they were poorly prepared.
    4. the Quraish had superior weapons
  28. Who among the following was a brother to Nabii Musa (A.S.)?
    1. Issa
    2. Adam
    3. Harun
    4. Swaleh
  29. Who among the following was the first Muadhin in the history of Islam?
    1. Ammar
    2. Bilaalb
    3. Hamza
    4. Harith
  30. Who among the following prophets of A (S.W.T.) was swallowed by a whale?
    1. Lut
    2. Hud
    3. Suleiman
    4. Yunus

Marking Scheme

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  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D



Use the map of Elgon Area to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The factory in Elgon area is
    1. an assembly plant
    2. a processing plant
    3. a manufacturing plant
    4.  is a Jua Kali plant
  2. Three of the following shows that Elgon area lies in a cool and wet zone. Which one does not?
    1. Presence of boreholes
    2. Presence of forest
    3. permanent rivers
    4. Presence of a cash crop
  3. What is the direction of the game reserve from the hill?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South East
    4. South West
  4. Which economic activity is NOT practiced in Elgon area?
    1. Mining
    2. Tourism
    3. Trading
    4. Cash crop farming
  5. The highest point in Elgon area is
    1. around safi area
    2. around the forested area
    3. around the game reserve
    4. around the tea growing zone
  6. What has contributed MOST to the growth of the town in Elgon area?
    1. Nearness to Safi dam
    2. Availability of water
    3. Flatness of the land
    4. Adequate means of transport
  7. The dam in Elgon area
    1.  is a source of a river
    2. increases floods
    3. is a reservoir
    4. is a natural feature
  8. Which one of the following is a result of Bantus interaction with the people of Saudi Arabia?
    1. Introduction of Swahili culture
    2. Introduction of Christianity
    3. Establishment of Mission Schools
    4.  Abolition of slave trade
  9. The following are characteristics of prominent leaders in Africa
    1. He was a trader
    2. He was a medicine man
    3. He was a military leader
    4. He was a famous religious leader
    5. He died in 1904
      Which one are for Masaku?
      1.  (i) (iii) (v)
      2. (ii) (iv) (v)
      3. (i) (ii) (iv)
      4. (i) (ii) (v)
  10. Which one is the BEST way of conserving wildlife?
    1. Educating people on the importance of wildlife
    2. Erecting electric fences around national parks
    3. Protection of the endangered species
    4. Increasing the area under forests

Use the map of Africa below to answer question 11-13


  1. The climatic region marked M is?
    1. Mediterranean climate
    2. Mountain climate
    3. Equatorial climate
    4. Tropical climate
  2. The physical feature marked S is a
    1. a volcanic mountain
    2. a block mountain
    3. a fold mountain
    4. a residual mountain
  3. Which of the following is not true of the river marked Q?
    1. It drains in East Africa
    2. It has an artificial lake
    3. It is used for irrigation
    4. It starts in East Africa
  4. Three of the following are problems facing ECOWAS, which one is NOT?
    1. Brought limited movement of people in member countries
    2. Production of similar goods
    3. Inefficient infrastructure connecting member countries
    4. Lack of a common currency among member states
  5. Which is the capital of South Africa?
    1. Johannesburg
    2. Soweto
    3. Pretoria
    4. Witwatersrand
  6. The following are description of a certain river in Africa
    1. It originated from a lake
    2. It forms a delta
    3. Its water is used for irrigation
      The river described above is?
      1. R. Volta
      2. R. Zambezi
      3. R. Nile
      4. R. Tana
  7. Dairy farming is BEST practiced in areas that are.
    1. High in altitude.
    2. Hot and dry.
    3. Hot and wet.
    4. Near urban centres.
  8. The history of a community was passed from generation to another MAINLY through?
    1. Imitation.
    2. Work.
    3. Apprenticeship
    4. Story telling.
  9. The pre-historic site that is found in Tanzania is
    1. Olduvuai Gorge
    2. Nariokotene
    3. Hyrax Hill 
    4. Olorgesaillie
  10. Which one of the following is not a function of Mombasa town?
    1. An administrative centre
    2. An industrial centre
    3. A tourist centre
    4. It is a lake port centre
  11. Three of the following are requirements of presidential candidates except?
    1. Must present nomination papers to the returning officer.
    2. Must be 35 yrs and above.
    3. Be a registered voter in a constituency.
    4. Must be nominated by a registered political party.
  12. A false statement about the Portuguese rule in Africa is:-
    1. They considered their colonies as overseas provinces.
    2. The grouped their colonies to form federations
    3. Laws in their colonies were made in Portugal.
    4. The provinces were governed from Portugal
  13. The first prime minister in Kenya was
    1. Uhuru Kenyatta
    2. Raila Odinga
    3. Jomo Kenyatta
    4. Oginga Odinga

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 24-26


  1. Which of the following communities migrated through roure X?
    1. Bantu
    2. Kalenjin
    3. Somali
    4. Luo
  2. Which of the following lakesis marked Y?
    1. Victoria 
    2. Malawi
    3. Rukwa
    4. Tanganyika
  3. The Eastern African country marked S is?
    1. D.R.Congo
    2. Uganda
    3. Rwanda
    4. Burundi
  4. Taxes collected by the Kenya government are used in all the following except?
    1. Providing education
    2. Buying private property
    3. Maintaining law and order
    4. Building roads
  5. Three of the following are TRUE about the flag of Kenya except
    1. The Kenyan Flag was adopted in December 1963.
    2. The green color stands for our natural wealth.
    3. It is a factor that promotes national unity.
    4. It has four colors each with a different meaning.
  6. During which month is the sun overhead the tropical of Capricorn?
    1. March
    2. December
    3. September
    4. June
  7. Three of the following are factors influencing climate change except?
    1.  Pollution
    2. Overstocking
    3. Deforestation
    4. Rural-urban migration
  8. Cloves are largely grown in
    1. Zanzibar
    2. Uganda
    3.  Eritrea
    4. Tanzania
  9. Three of the following are TRUE of the legislature in Kenya EXCEPT?
    1. Its main duty is to make laws.
    2. It formulates government policies.
    3. It has elected as well as nominated MPS.
    4. It controls government spending.
  10. Which one of the following countries has a traditional government?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Uganda
    3. Somalia
    4. Swaziland
  11. The Aswan high dam was established MAINLY to?
    1. Control the flooding of river Nile
    2. Produce hydro-electric power
    3. Provide water for irrigation
    4. Create fishing grounds
  12. Which one is NOT a problem facing forests in Kenya?
    1. Government allocation of forest land
    2. Silting of rivers and dams
    3. Illegal logging
    4.  Forest fires
  13. Three of the following are importances of population data. Which one is NOT?
    1. Helps the government to plan for enough food supplies
    2. The government knows the expected money to correct from individuals
    3. Planning for social services (eg) schools and hospitals
    4. Planning for free primary education
  14. Pyramids are a famous tourist attraction in
    1. Algeria
    2. Kenya
    3. Egypt
    4. Zimbabwe
  15. During the pre-colonial period virtues were encouraged through
    1. Bible readings
    2. Local courts
    3. Scared rituals
    4. Moral laws
  16. The factor that has mainly influenced the location of Webuye paper industry is?
    1. Nearness to raw materials
    2. Good transport means
    3. A ready market
    4. Provision of skilled labour
  17. Which one of the following countries achieved her independence through constitutional means?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Ghana
    3. Kenya
    4. Mozambique
  18. Female Genital Mutilation is discouraged in Kenya Mainly because
    1. It leads to barrenness
    2. It promotes disunity
    3. It encourages immorality
    4. It is health hazard
  19. The following are descriptions of a certain mineral in Kenya
    1. It is the second most important mineral
    2. It is used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and toothpaste
    3. It is used to make non-stick cooking pans
    4. The mineral is mined using open cast method
      The mineral described above is?
      1. Limestone
      2. Soda Ash
      3. Diatomite
      4. Fluorspar
  20. The 12 members of parliament are nominated by?
    1. Registered political parties
    2. Public Service Commission
    3. Attorney general
    4. President
  21. Majority of foreigners become citizen of Kenya MAINLY through
    1. Birth
    2. Naturalization
    3. Registration
    4. Identification
  22. Who among the following is BEST suited to help end a civil dispute
    1. Local administrator
    2. Chief justice
    3. Arbitrator
    4. Member of parliament


  1. Which of the following physical features was formed through the above process?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. The Atlas Mts
    4. the Ahaggar mts
  2. Which one of the following was NOT practiced in traditional agriculture?
    1. Plantation farming
    2. Mixed farming
    3. Subsistence farming
    4. Shifting cultivation
  3. Three of the following are true of customary marriage. Which one is NOT?
    1.  It is the most common type of marriage
    2. Marriage certificates are issued
    3. It takes place according to African customs and traditions
    4. Polygamy is allowed
  4. Three of the countries below are members of the common wealth EXCEPT
    1. Britain
    2. New Zealand
    3. France
    4. Canada
  5. Three of the following are true statements about a general election. Which one is FALSE?
    1. Returning officers announce election results in constituencies
    2. Presiding officers announce election results in constituencies
    3. Presidential, parliamentary and civic elections held at the same time.
    4. The electoral commission supervises the election
  6. Which one is TRUE of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta?
    1. He supported freedom fighters in other parts of Africa
    2. He was the first chairman of the Kenya African Union KAU
    3. He was the secretary general of Kenya African National Union KANU
    4. He introduced the 8:4:4 system of education
  7. The ocean currents that creates a cooling effect on the South Western tip of Africa is
    1. Mozambique
    2. Canary
    3. Guinea
    4. Benguela
  8. Which one is a challenge facing African economies
    1. Under-population
    2. Urbanization
    3. Inadequate capital
    4. Shortage of labor
  9.  Which one of the following climatic regions mainly receives convectional rainfall throughout the year?
    1. Mountain climate 
    2. Equatorial
    3. Savanna
    4. Mediterranean
  10. Which one of the following is NOT true about the speaker?
    1. He is elected by members of parliament
    2. He chairs parliamentary debates
    3. He swears in the members of parliament
    4. He is elected after two terms of five years each
  11. Three of the following are reasons why Lenana of the Maasai collaborated with the British except?
    1. To be recognized as the Maasai political leader
    2. To receive food supplies due to famine
    3. So that the Maasai could be moved to reserves
    4. To get military support against his brother
  12. Which one is NOT an organ of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF)
    1. The Army
    2. The General Service Unit
    3. The Navy
    4. The Administration Police
  13. Three of the following are TRUE about coffee growing in Ethiopia EXCEPT
    1. The main variety grown is Arabica
    2. The main growing area is Ethiopia High lands
    3. Coffee is the second foreign exchange earner
    4. Most of the coffee is grown by small scale farmers
  14. Three of the following are advantages of roads transport except one. Which one?
    1. Faster and cheaper over shorter distances
    2. It is free from noise and air pollution
    3. It is the most widespread form of transport
    4. It is a flexible form of transport.
  15. Mary a HIV infected orphan has been refused playing with anybody by her aunt. Which freedom has Mary been denied?
    1. Freedom of playing
    2. Freedom of speech
    3. Freedom of worship
    4. Freedom of association


  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which One of the following explains the MAIN reason why God created Eve? To
    1. bear children for Adam
    2. take care of the garden of Eden
    3. be Adam's helper.
    4. look after the animals.
  2. Which one of the following acts of Abraham DOES NOT show his obedience to God?
    1. Accepting to marry his wife Sarah.
    2. Moving from Haran to Canaan .
    3. His willingness to sacrifice Isaac his only son
    4. Accepting to make a covenant with God
  3. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason why Moses ran away from Egypt?
    1. He had killed a Hebrew
    2. He was a stammerer
    3. He feared the king of Egypt
    4. God ordered him to go to Midian
  4. Which one of the following event did NOT take place when God was calling Moses to rescue the Israelites.
    1. God introduced Himself to Moses.
    2. There was a burning bush
    3.  Moses told God who God was
    4. God commissioned Moses to go to Egypt
  5. According to Deuteronomy chapter 34, on which mountain did Moses die? Mount
    1. Sinai
    2. Nebo
    3. Horeb
    4. Ararat
  6. Which one of the following is the reason why Jacob and his family moved to Egypt?
    1. There were plagues in Israel
    2. God instructed them to move
    3. There were floods in Israel
    4. There was famine in Israel
  7. Who among the following judges of Israel sang songs of praises to God?
    1. Deborah and Barak
    2. Miriam and Samson
    3. Gideon and Barak.
    4. Othniel and Ehud.
  8. The following were the failures of King Saul when he ruled as King of Israel. Which one is NOT? He
    1. consulted a medium after Samuel's death
    2. married many foreign wives who brought idolatry in Israel.
    3. offered it sacrifice to God instead of Waiting for Samuel
    4. spared some fat animals, beautiful women and King Agog
  9. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about teaching of Jeremiah on the new Covenant?
    1. Children will be finished for the sins of their parents.
    2. God will give the Israelites an everlasting kingdom
    3. God will accept sacrifices as a sign of repentance
    4. God will write the laws in the people's hearts.
  10. Who among the following prophets prophesied that Jesus would be born in the lineage of David?
    1. Joel
    2. Isaiah
    3. Nathan
    4. Micah
  11. Which one of the following group consists of the gifts that were presented to Baby Jesus by the wise men?
    1. Gold, silver and frankincense
    2. Gold, bronze and frankincense
    3. Gold, frankincense and oil
    4. Gold, myrrh and frankincense.
  12. How old was Jesus when he was taken by his parents to the temple for dedication?
    1. 8 years 
    2. 8 days
    3. 12 years.
    4. 12 days
  13. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to be baptised he referred to him as
    1.  Prince of Peace.
    2. Bread of life.
    3. Lamb of God.
    4. Light of the Gentiles
  14. Which one of the following is the MAIN lesson that Christians learn from the parable of the hidden treasure?
    1. Its important to find pearls
    2. Wealth is very important
    3. The Kingdom of God is for the Jews
    4. There is joy in finding the kingdom of God
  15.  Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians to help the people that are in need? The
    1. sower 
    2. prodigal Son
    3. good Samaritan
    4. mustard seed.
  16. Which one of the following miracles was performed by both Peter and Jesus?
    1. Healing lepers
    2. Raising the dead,
    3. Calming the storm.
    4. multiplication of oil.
  17. Which one of the following beatitudes is CORRECTLY matched with its promise? Blessed are
    1. those who mourn for they will be comforted
    2. the merciful for theirs is the kingdom of God.
    3. the humble for they will be satisfied
    4. the pure in heart for they will inherit the earth
  18. In which one of the following activities did Jesus prepare His disciples for his death?
    1. Calming the storm.
    2. Healing the blind Bartimaeus.
    3. Triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
    4. Sharing the last meal with them.
  19. According to Luke 24:50 Jesus was taken to heaven while at Mt.
    1. Jerusalem.
    2. Nazareth
    3. Bethany.
    4. Galilee.
  20. Three of the following took place on the day of Pentecost. Which one DID NOT!
    1. There was a strong wind.
    2. Tongues of fire rested on each of them.
    3. The disciples spoke in new tongues
    4. The disciples broke the bread and shared
  21.  Three of the following are fruits of the Holy Spirit. Which one is NOT?
    1.  Faithfulness.
    2. Gentleness
    3. Love
    4. Faith
  22. Which one of the following DOES NOT mark new life in traditional African Society?
    1. Baptism.
    2. Initiation
    3. Birth.
    4. Marriage
  23. According to traditional African communities. how were the ancestors remembered?
    1. Singing songs of praises to them
    2. Naming children after them.
    3. Pouring libation
    4. Offering burnt sacrifices to them.
  24. According to traditional African communities naming of children was done by
    1. men
    2. women.
    3. both parents.
    4. clan elders.
  25. Three of the following are Christian views or marriage. Which one is NOT?
    1. Marriage should be permanent.
    2. Marriage without children is incomplete
    3. Wives should be submissive to their husbands.
    4. No one should separate what God has put together.
  26. The following shows how different pupils spent their leisure time during the school holiday Who among them spent it the BEST way!?
    1. Karani - read the bible.
    2. Wamaitha - involved herself in choir practice.
    3. Gabriel - watched christian movies
    4. Steffanie - participated in community cleaning
  27. You have noted that your deskmate Nahashon is dropping in his class performance for the last couple of weeks. As a Christian how BEST can you help him?
    1. Find out the cause of dropping
    2. Report him to his parents
    3. Buy him text books and revision materials.
    4. Avoid his company lest you also start dropping,
  28. On your way home from church, you find two boys fighting. As a Christian what is the BEST action to take?
    1. Avoid them by running very fast.
    2. Separate them and help them reconcile.
    3. Report them to the nearest police station
    4. Join in the fight to help the one being beaten more.
  29. Which one of the following is the BEST way to control the spread of HIV/AIDS among married couples?
    1. Abstinence,
    2. Faithfulness.
    3. Taking preventive medicines
    4. Use of family planning drugs.
  30. The following characters describes an early missionary in Eastern Africa
    1. He wrote the Swahili dictionary
    2. He campaigned against slave trade
    3. He established a mission station or Rabai
      Who among the following missionary is described above?
      1. John Speke
      2. Johann Ret man
      3. Ludwig Krapf
      4. David Livingstone


  1. The following are favours of Allah(sw) upon the prophet p.b.u.h). All of them are mentioned in Surah Inshiraah EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Removed burdens from him.
    2. Raised his fame
    3. Lifted up his heart.
    4. Gave him riches.
  2. Which of the following is the MAIN subject matter in the Surah Al-Qadr? The
    1. Angelic host led by Jibril(A.S).
    2.  revelation of the holy Qur'an.
    3. prevailing of peace until fajr.
    4. rewards equivalent to one thousand months.
  3. All the following information is true as mentioned in strah Al-Zilzala EXCEPT
    1. men will appear bright with folded faces
    2. the earth will be inspired to give our secrets.
    3. the man will question "What's the matter?
    4. the earth will shake with final earthquake.
  4. Muslims are not allowed to eat from all these meat EXCEPT one. Which one? Animals
    1. gored by the horns of other animals.
    2. that dies after falling from a height.
    3. that dies from a hunters hook
    4. partly eaten by wild animals.
  5. The army which attempted to destroy the holy Kasba in the year 570 A.D was destroyed by
    1. flood of water
    2. small stones of baked clay
    3. Dose of a thunderstorm
    4. corked fire.
  6. "The curse of Allah befalls the giver, the recipient and the one who acts as a mediator between the two". This hadith teaches us on the effects of
    1.  virtues and sins.
    2. righteousness
    3. co-operation 
    4. corruption
  7.  According to the hadith, true and honest business merchants will on the Day of Qiyamah be rewarded as the
    1. Standard bearers of truth
    2. martyrs
    3. steadfast in Imaan.
    4. fathers of Imaan.
  8. The prophet(p.b.u.h) one day told a Swahaba who wanted to just leave a camel free, "Tie it first and then rely on Allah Which lesson was he teaching us?
    1. Istiqaama.
    2. Istimraar.
    3. Tawakkul.
    4. Thumaanina.
  9. Angel Jibril (A.S) never stopped advising the prophet(p.b.u..h) about his until he thought that Allah will make them heirs of his inheritance
    1. neighbours
    2. friends
    3. relatives
    4. leaders
  10. Any good service you render to your brother Muslim Allah(s.w) will reward you Yaumul Qiyama.
    1. beyond imagination.
    2. a similar service.
    3. another better service.
    4. without Hisaab.
  11. Which of the following words when uttered last before death, makes one to enter paradise?
    1. Laa haula walaa Quwwata illa billah
    2.  Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiun.
    3. Husbunallahu waneemal waqiil.
    4. Laa ilah illallah
  12. You feel like there is something strength especially touching on your life or on the life of your people. Which of the following prayers are you advised to perform?
    1. Swalatu Istikhaara.
    2. Swalatul Khusuf
    3. Swalatu Istisqu-a.
    4. Swalatul Khauf.
  13. Which one of the following activities MUST one face away from Qibla when performing it, according to Islamie teachings? When
    1. praying Swalah.
    2. slaughtering an animal.
    3. toileting.
    4. performing Udhu.
  14. Who among the following is NOT mentioned among the recipients of Zakkal?
    1. debtor.
    2. matyr.
    3. slave
    4. New convert.
  15. Which one of the following is classified as a thick Najis?
    1. Saliva of a dog.
    2. Milk of animals that we do not eat their meat.
    3. Urine of an infant baby boy.
    4. All faeces.
  16.  All the following pieces of clothing are prepared for the purposes of shrouding the Mayyit EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. The Amis
    2. Taar.
    3. Chtaam
    4. Lifaafa.
  17. The following Hajj activities are performed seven times each EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Drinking at the spring of Zamzam
    2. Twawaf around the holy Kaaba.
    3. Sa'y between the Swafa and Marwa hills
    4. Throwing stones at the Maqamu Ibrahim stampede.
  18. The following are the qualities that may guide a person to make the most accurate judgement in the Islamic court. Which one is NOT among them?
    1. Justice. 
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Handsome.
  19. The two prophets of Allah who received food direct from heaven were Prophets
    1. Musa and Issa.
    2.  Ibrahim and Ismail.
    3. Daud and Suleiman.
    4. Dhulkill and Idris
  20. During the month of Ramadhan's fasting sessions, the door of Hellfire are closed, the doors of Paradise remain open and the Shuyaatwiin aro jailed. Which Angels do this work? Angels
    1. Munkar and Nakir
    2. Ridhwaan and Malik
    3. Raqib und Atid.
    4. Jibriland Izrail
  21. With full evidence from reliable witnesses. the Islamic Sharia administers a death sentence to each of the following crimes EXCEPT
    1. apostacy
    2. adultery.
    3. killing accidentally
    4. corruption
  22. The first few people to join Islant underwent bitter persecution but still their Imaan was not swayed. This is because they had
    1. resistance
    2. tolerance
    3. no hope.
    4. hypocrisy
  23. The following activities took place on the days within the month of Muharram EXCEPT one. Which one? The day
    1. When Nabil Ayyub recovered from his suffering
    2. when Saidina Hussein was martyred.
    3. which Nabii Adam(A.S) was created.
    4. We Nabii Ibrahim was lynched
  24. The MAIN virtue encouraged among Muslim families in the Eid-ul Adh-h , Eid-ul-Fitr and Aqiqa festivals is
    1. sharing
    2. cooperation
    3. extravagance,
    4. advertisement
  25. Why do Muslims circumcise their baby boys? It is a
    1. custom of their great grand parents
    2. form of baptism.
    3. form of initiation
    4. form of 'Twahara
  26. Whoever has knowledge but hold back on it refusing to transmit. Allah(s.w) will punish him (or her) with
    1. strokes of cane from trees of hellfire,
    2. pebbles made of clay from hellfire
    3. bars of hot iron from the hellfire
    4. strings of ropes from hellfire fibre.
  27. Who among the following prophets made a great throne out of ivory and gold from Eastern Africa?
    1. Nabii Daudf(A.S).
    2. Nabii Suleiman(A.S).
    3. Nabii Yusuf (A.S).
    4. Nabii Yaqub (A.S).
  28. Who among the following early visitors to the Coast of East Africa came from mun? The
    1. Al-Insa group.
    2. Ammu Zaid Group.
    3. Shirazi group
    4. Suleiman and Sald group.
  29. Which sub-tribe entered into agreement with the Muslims after the treaty of Hudaibiyya?
    1. Banu Khura.
    2. Banu Khazraj
    3. Bam Bahr.
    4. Banu Qainuqua.
  30. At which point lid 100 Muslims from the Muslim army that was headed for the battle of Uhud, turn away?
    1. Around the mountain the archers
    2. At Miqat.
    3. At Ashawt.
    4. Where they had made trenches.

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. C
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  23. D
  24. A
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C


Study the map of Wasi area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. The approximate area of Kate Town is
    1. 20 5km² 
    2. 3.5km²
    3. 4.5km²
    4. 8.75km²
  2. What is the direction of Wasi market form Dete hili?
    1. North
    2. North West
    3. South East
    4. North East
  3. The settlement pattern in Wasi area can be described as
    1. linear
    2. dense
    3. clustered
    4. Sparse
  4. The climate experienced to the north of the sugarcane farm is LIKELY to be
    1. hot and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wel
    4. cool and dry
  5. The MOST common used means of transport in Wasi area is
    1. road
    2. water
    3. railway
    4. pipeline
  6. Traders in Wasi market obtain trading licenses from the
    1. County headquarters
    2. Chief's office
    3. Governor's office
    4. Police station
  7. Which one of the following social services is NOT offered in Wasi area?
    1. Education
    2. Security
    3. Health
    4. Religion
  8. An extended family consists of
    1. mother, father and children
    2. grandparent, mother and children
    3. one parent. daughters and sons.
    4. father and mother only
  9. The following groups of people comprise of nilotic speakers EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
    1. Njemps. Jic, and Iteso
    2. Nuer. Jopadhola and Alur
    3. Marakwet. Sebci and Datoga
    4. Falasha, Tigreans and Tutsi
  10. Rural-Urban migration is MAINLY caused
    1. Lack of industries in rural areas.
    2. lack of learning institution in rural areas.
    3. Enough social amenities in urban areas.
    4. Inadequate farming land in rural areas,
  11.  The sun is overhead the Equator in the month
    1. June and December
    2. February and August
    3. May and June
    4. March and September
  12. Three of the following cause lawlessness in our societies. Which one DOES NOT?
    1. religious differences
    2. equal distribution of resources
    3. lack of employment opportunities
    4. poverty
  13. Rivers Congo and Limpopo have one thing in COMMON. It is that they
    1. drain into the Atlantic Ocean
    2. are not navigable at any given point.
    3. form estuaries as they enter the sea
    4. rise in the Eastern African highlands
  14. Copper mining in Zambia is important MAINLY because it
    1. reduces unemployment in the country.
    2. lead to better standards of living.
    3. earns foreign exchange.
    4. has lead to urbanization
  15. Which one of the following is NOT among the duties of the school head teacher?
    1. Writes minutes during staff meetings.
    2. Disciplines pupils who fail to observe school rules.
    3. Supervising the work done by teachers in the school
    4. Admits new pupils to the school.
  16. Three of the following were reasons for the coming of traders to Eastern Africa before the 19th Century. Which one was NOT? To
    1. trade with the people of the coast
    2. obtain raw materials for their industries.
    3. end the slave trade.
    4. look for markets for their goods.
  17. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about the Ntemi of Wanyamwezi? He
    1. ruled with the assistance of a prime minister
    2. was elected by registered voters among the Nyamwezi.
    3. chose the Bataka to be clan heads.
    4. haired religious ceremonies.

Use the diagram below to answer question 18


  1. The fishing method shown in the diagram above is known as
    1. purse-seining
    2. net-drifting
    3. trawling
    4. long lining
  2. The MAIN export crop in Kenya is
    1. tea
    2. coffee
    3. flowers
    4. wheat
  3. The statements below describe a town in Kenya
    1. It is the third largest town in Kenya
    2. It is a tourist centre
    3. It is an inland port.
    4. it started around 1901
      The town described above is LIKELY to be
      1. Kisumu
      2. Nairobi
      3. Mombasa
      4. Nakuru
  4. Which one of the following is NOT among the factors that promote national unity in Kenya?
    1. The national language.
    2. Games and sports
    3. The national flag.
    4. The constitution

Use the map of Africa provided below to answer questions 22 to 25


  1. The river marked Z is likely to be
    1. Niger
    2. Volta
    3. Benue
    4. Cuanza
  2. The winds marked K are called
    1. North Easterlies
    2. Westerlies
    3. South East monsoon winds
    4. Harmattan winds
  3. Most of the people who live in the area marked P are
    1. Kwa speakers
    2. Bantu
    3. Nilotes
    4. Arabs
  4. The country marked U is known as
    1. Namibia
    2. Gabon
    3. Angola
    4. Zambia
  5. Who among the people is NOT allowed to acquire dual-citizenship in Kenya
    1. A school teacher.
    2. The Chief Justice
    3. Junior government officer
    4. A child below eight years.
  6. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about the political organisation of the San?
    1. Leadership among the San was clearly defined.
    2. The San were organised into small hunting bands.
    3. The San had no councils of elders.
    4. Their decisions were reached through a consensus.
  7. Which one of the following early human creatures is CORRECTLY matched with its characteristics?
    1. Homo sapiens sapiens - discovered fire.
    2. Homo erectus - handy human being
    3. Homo habilis - intelligent man
    4. Homo sapiens - thinking human being.
  8. Below are effect of European settler farming in Kenya
    1. Developing of urban areas.
    2. creation of African reserves
    3. formation of agricultural cooperatives
    4. Discrimination
    5. Introduction of exotic animals
      Which of the listed effects above affected Africans NEGATIVELY?
      1. (i). (ii)
      2. (ii), (iv)
      3. (iv), (v)
      4. (iii), (iv)
  9. Cultural artifacts are important because they
    1. carefully stored in museums
    2. preserve our history and culture.
    3. show us how our ancestors developed tools.
    4. were used in the past,
  10. Which one of the following is the BEST way to resolve a conflict involving murder?
    1. Dialogue
    2. Negotiation
    3. Mediation
    4. Judicial settlement
  11. Which one of the following is NOT a responsibility of a Kenyan citizen?
    1. taking care of environment and natural resources
    2. paying taxes in time
    3. being loyal and patriotic
    4. participating in elections to vote in corrupt leaders
  12. Below are conditions necessary for growing of a certain crop
    1. High temperatures of more than 27°C throughout the year
    2. Moderate rainfall of about 1500mm in a year
    3. Deep fertile soils.
    4. High humidity throughout the year
      The conditions listed above are ideal for the growth of
      1. pyrethrum
      2. cocoa
      3. Sugarcane
      4. cloves
  13. Which one of the following responsibilities of Kenyan citizens helps them exercise their political rights?
    1. obeying the law
    2. voting
    3. showing respect
    4. paying taxes
  14. First and is given MAINLY to
    1. save life
    2. promote recovery
    3. prevent further injury
    4. enable the injured to get to a doctor
  15. Tourism is important to Kenya MAINLY because
    1. it earns foreign exchange.
    2. promote international understanding,
    3. leads to expansion of transport network
    4. encourage protection of wildlife.
  16. Shifting cultivation is different from bush fallowing in that in
    1. shifting cultivation, modern methods of farming are put into use
    2. bush fallowing cash crop farming was done.
    3. bush fallowing farmers practice crop rotation instead of plot rotation.
    4. in shifting cultivation, smaller portion of land are used.
  17.  The MOST expensive means of transport to use, develop and maintain is
    1. road transport
    2. water transport
    3. railway transport
    4. air transport
  18. Which one of the following is an effect of rotation of the earth?
    1. Changing of seasons
    2. Change of the lunar eclipse.
    3. Change of the position of the midday sun.
    4. Occurrence of sunrise, noon and sunset.
  19. The MAIN problem facing communication in Eastern Africa is
    1. unstable supply of electricity
    2. inadequate funds to modernize communication
    3. poor roads that make it difficult to reach some places.
    4. Slow rate of expansion of postal services.
  20. Wakerra wants to establish a poultry farm for egg and meat production. The MAIN factor that she should consider before establishing the farm is availability of
    1. raw materials.
    2. market
    3. water.
    4. land
  21. Which one of the following groups of countries represent former German colonies ONLY?
    1. Morocco, Benin, Chad
    2. Cameroon, Namibia, Togo
    3. Somali, Libya, Eritrea
    4. Tanganyika, Cape Verde. Angola
  22.  The MAIN objective of the African Union (A.U) is to
    1. achieve greater unity and solidarity in Africa
    2. encourage international co-operation
    3. protect the rights of African people.
    4. promote peace and security in Africa.
  23. Julius Nyerere is remembered in Tanzania MAINLY because he
    1.  introduced the policy of self-reliance.
    2. united the people of Tanzania
    3. led Tanganyika to independence.
    4. was a great teacher.
  24. The MAIN problem facing sea fishing in Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. over fishing
    2. exploitation of fishermen
    3. pollution due to oil spills.
    4. inadequate fishing equipment.
  25. The MAIN problem facing forests in Kenya
    1. pests and diseases
    2. poverty among the people
    3. drought
    4. increased demand for land.
  26. The CHEAPEST method of fish preservation
    1.  refrigeration
    2. salting .
    3. sun-drying
    4. canning
  27. The Fulani of West Africa keep large herds of livestock MAINLY because
    1.  they live in a sparsely populated region
    2.  their land has lots of pasture and water for their animals.
    3. depend on livestock for their livelihood
    4. their livestock earn foreign exchange
  28. The MAIN mineral export in Kenya is
    1. limestone
    2. fluorspar
    3. soda ash 
    4. diatomite
  29. Below are rights and freedoms contained in the constitution of Kenya.
    1. Right to liberty
    2. Freedom from discrimination
    3. Right to privacy
    4. Right to decent living
    5. Right to vote
    6. Freedom of worship
      Which one of the following shows civil rights only?
      1. (ii). (v)
      2. (i). (vi)
      3. (iii), (iv)
      4. (ii), (vi)
  30. The national government gets its revenue MAINLY through
    1. taxes
    2. collection of fees and fines
    3. interest on loans
    4. Loans from the world bank,
  31. Waiyaki wa Hinga and Nabongo Mumia have on thing in COMMON. It is that they
    1. fought for Kenya's independence.
    2. resisted colonial rule.
    3. formed the Mau Mau movement
    4. collaborated with the British
  32. The first African country to attain independence in Africa was
    1. Egypt
    2. Sudan
    3. Ghana
    4. South Africa
  33. South Africa is the MOST industrialised nation in Africa mainly because it
    1. has large reserves of minerals
    2. has good infrastructure,
    3. attained independence last from the Europeans.
    4. had ready market in the neighbouring countries
  34. Which one of the following signs in traditional methods of observing weather was an indication that it would rain?
    1. Appearance of long trails of ants.
    2. Appearance of the full moon
    3. Shedding of tree leaves.
    4. Appearance of the rainbow
  35. The first step towards conducting a general elections in Kenya is
    1. announcing of election date by the electoral body
    2. dissolution of parliament.
    3. printing of ballot papers.
    4. egistration of voters.
  36. The BEST way of curbing drug and substance abuse is
    1. promoting healthy leisure activities.
    2. providing moral guidance to the youth.
    3. educating the public on dangers of drug and substance abuse.
    4. trengthening police inspections at border crossing points and airports.
  37. The arm of government that makes sure that the laws passed by parliament are observed is the
    1. executive
    2. legislature
    3. judiciary
    4. Senate
  38. Which one of the following shows superior courts in Kenya only?
    1. Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, Kadhi's Court.
    2. Supreme Court, Chief Magistrate's Court, Juvenile Court
    3. Kadhi's Court, Courts of Martial. Magistrate's Court
    4. High Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court
  39. The MAIN duty of the army is to
    1. carry our peace operations in the country.
    2. defend the country from external enemies.
    3. offering emergency assistance to people hit by disasters.
    4. guarding the country's water bodies


  1. In the beginning, God revealed Himself to people through
    1. creation
    2. covenants
    3. prophets
    4. Jesus Christ
  2. Three of the following animals were slaughtered during God's covenant with Abraham. Which one was not?
    1. Dove 
    2. Pigeon
    3. Ram
    4. Chicken
  3. Why did Moses escape to Midian?
    1. He discovered that he was not an Egyptian
    2. He was tired of his father
    3. He wanted to marry Zipporah
    4. He had killed an Egyptian and feared for his life
  4. Which one of the following activities was MAINLY done by Joshua during the Exodus?
    1. He led Israelites out of Egypt
    2. Made a golden calf for Israelites
    3. He led the Israelites in crossing Rive Jordan
    4. He received the ten commandments from God
  5. Which one of the following is not portrayed by God to the prophets in the Old Testament?
    1. God is jealous
    2. God is a living God
    3. God can destroy people if they disobey Him
    4. God is a judge
  6. The lesson the Israelites learnt when God gave them manna is that He is
    1. everlasting
    2. humble
    3. holy
    4. caring
  7. Which one of the following was the last plague that made Pharaoh to let the Israelites out of Egypt?
    1.  Killing of the Egyptian first borns
    2. Frogs
    3. Water becoming read
    4. Ants
  8. When the Israelites went to receive the ten commandments, the presence of God was symbolised by
    1. fire
    2. a flaming torch
    3. an earthquake
    4. a strong wind
  9. The MAIN reason why the Israelites celebrated the passover is that it reminded them of
    1.  their going to Egypt
    2. God's saving power in Egypt
    3. the manner they ate in the desert
    4. their suffering in the desert
  10. "I will increase your pain during labour."
    To whom did God pronounce this judgement?
    1. Sarah
    2. Eve
    3. Hannah
    4. Mary
  11. A prophet is never welcomed in his own home town. Jesus said these words when He was
    1. tempted by the devil
    2. nailed on the cross
    3. rejected in Nazareth
    4. in the garden of Gethsemane
  12. Which miracle of Jesus showed that he was a universal Messiah?
    1. Healing the ten lepers
    2. Feeding the five thousand
    3. Driving out demons
    4. Healing the paralysed man
  13. How do Christians prepare themselves for Easter?
    1. By decorating their bodies with olive leaves
    2. By preparing and serving special food
    3. By repenting their sins
    4. By buying new clothes
  14. The MAIN reason why Christians worship together is to
    1. strengthen one another's faith
    2. pray for one another
    3. learn from each other
    4. show their unity in Christ
  15. "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only" (Luke 4:8). These words were said by Jesus during His
    1. transfiguration 
    2. crucifixion
    3. temptations
    4. baptism
  16. Which of the following events happened immediately after the last supper?
    1. Jesus ascended into heaven
    2. Jesus went to Mt. Olive to pray
    3. Jesus was arrested
    4. The disciples had an argument
  17. Complete the following beatitude "Happy are those who work for peace for
    1. they will be called God's children
    2.  he Kingdom of heaven is theirs
    3. they shall inherit the earth
    4. God will be merciful to them
  18. "Do not collect more than is legal" (Luke 3:13). These words were said by John the Baptist to teach about
    1. honesty
    2. tolerance
    3. humility
    4. mercy
  19. When Jesus was walking along with his disciples, they met a man who was born blind. According to Jesus the man was born blind because
    1. his parents were sinners
    2. he was a sinner
    3. God's power might be seen
    4. the neighbours could help him
  20. The MAIN reason why Jesus chose the twelve disciples was in order to
    1. have many friends
    2. get material support from them
    3. have them preach the good news
    4. work for their needs
  21.  Ananias and Sapphira sinned against God when they
    1. refused to take part in prayer meetings
    2. refused to become church leaders
    3. failed to give all the money to the disciples
    4. refused to go to church
  22. In traditional African communities the best way to honour God is by
    1. building shrines for Him
    2. praying to Him
    3. dancing for Him
    4. offering sacrifices to Him
  23. The MAIN reason why marriage is important in traditional African communities is
    1. to get security
    2. to improve ones’ status
    3. to provide companionship
    4.  for the continuity of the family line
  24.  In traditional African communities, children are taught their duties MAINLY through
    1.  telling them stories 
    2. singing and dancing
    3. assigning them tasks
    4. playing games
  25. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Gentleness 
    2. Healing
    3. Patience
    4. Humility
  26. Which one of the following traditional African practices should be preserved?
    1. Eating traditional food
    2. Raiding other communities
    3. Circumcising girls
    4. Marrying girls at an early age
  27. Which one of the following books of the new testament describes the work of Jesus when He was on earth?
    1.  Luke
    2. Romans
    3. Acts
    4. Corinthians
  28. Sexual intercourse before marriage is wrong because
    1. one may get early unwanted pregnancy
    2. one may drop out of school
    3. it leads to prostitution
    4. it is against the laws of God
  29. Christians should uphold leisure because
    1. God meant it for worship
    2. in leisure they find fun
    3. leisure brings love
    4. leisure is for meeting new friends
  30. Which one of the following BEST shows how Christians are helping to reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS? By
    1. being role models
    2. counseling the sick
    3. teaching on behaviour changes
    4. providing drugs


  1. Which of the following Surahs teaches Muslims to love people of other religions?
    1. AL-Aadiyat 
    2. AL-Quraish
    3. AL-Kaafirun
    4. AL-Tiyn
  2. The following are places of revelation of Allah (sw). Which one is wrongly matched with the place of revelation?
    1. Zabur-Mt. Sinai 
    2. Taurat-Jabal Tur
    3. Furqan-Makkah
    4. Suhuf-Palestine
  3. Which of the following is a verse from Surah Al-Tiyn?
    1. “Verily we created man in the best mould."
    2. Their tradition of travelling in winter and summer
    3. " Read! And your Lord is most generous".
    4.  " By the permission of their Lord with decrees”.
  4. The following are taught in Surah Al-Nasr except
    1.  victory of Islam
    2. success of Islam
    3. seeking repentance and forgiveness
    4. piling up of wealth for personal gains.
  5. The following are the ways of receiving Lailatul Qadr except
    1.  reading the Quran
    2. praying Tahajud
    3. visiting friends and relatives
    4.  itkaf and Wuqoof.
  6. Which of the following verses of Surah Maun wams muslims against neglecting swallah?
    1. Alladhiina hum yuraauun.
    2. Alladhiina hum an swalaatihim. saahuun
    3. "Wayamnauunal Maauun."
    4. Fadhaalikal Ladhii yudu-dul yatim.
  7. "Allahumma Baarak Lanaa Fiyhi, Wazidnaa Minhu" is a dua for
    1. sleeeping
    2. waking up
    3.  the sick 
    4. drinking.
  8. Complete the Hadith: "The visitor of the sick that receives the best thawab is the one that one
    1. takes the sick some fruits
    2. asks the sick about his condition
    3. stays for shortest time
    4. where one prays for the sick.
  9. Which of the following is true about the Hadith of prophet (saw)?
    1. Genuine Hadith must be traced to the prophet (saw).
    2. There are five books of Hadith
    3. The chain of transmitters of Hadith is called Sahih.
    4. Rawaw means the subject matter or content in a Hadith.
  10. Complete the Hadith “Eat and drink but waste not by excess for Allah (sw) loves not the ________”
    1. arrogant
    2. wasters
    3. mean
    4. ignorant.
  11. Muslims fast Sunnah fasts on the following days and dates except on
    1. 9th of Dhul Hijja
    2. 13h 14h and 15th of every month
    3. 10th Dhul Hijja
    4. 9th and 10tMuharram.
  12. The following spoils ones' fast except
    1. fainting
    2. post buth bleeding
    3. becoming insane
    4. denouncing Islam.
  13. Which of the following is the main pillar of Hajj?
    1. Stonning the Jamarat.
    2. Sleeping at Muzdalifa.
    3. Sleeping at Mina.
    4. Standing at Arafa.
  14. Which of the following is not a pillar of Umra?
    1. Saayi
    2. Standing at Arafa
    3. Tawaf
    4. Weaving Ihram
  15. Sitting during swallah and reciting Tashahud is called
    1. Rukuu 
    2. Itidal
    3. Julus
    4. Kunut.
  16. Which of the following is not an importance of Friday in Islam? Creation of
    1. Hawa 
    2. the Universe
    3. Hell
    4. Adam (as).
  17. Calculate the zakat of 50000 kg of wheat cultivated using machines. A
    1. 2500 kg
    2. 500 kg
    3. 25 kg
    4. 250 kg
  18. The main reason why Muslims greet one another is to
    1. show concern
    2. find out what they have eaten
    3. show enmity
    4. find out their achievements
  19. The best time for reciting the Kalimah is when
    1. you see wonders
    2. you promise somebody something
    3.  you are travelling
    4. one converts to Islam.
  20. Which of the following groups shows the correct Faradh parts of Wudhu?
    1.  Hands
    2. Hands
    3.  Mouth
    4. Face
  21. The month of Allah (sw) is
    1. Rajab 
    2. Dhul-Qaada
    3. Muharram
    4. Dhul Hijja
  22. Mr. Omar asked his pupils to name Historical events and their dates in Islam. Who gave the correct one?
    1. Guyo-Orphanhood of the prophet (570 AD).
    2. Galgalo-First public preaching (601 AD).
    3. Abdirazak - Year of sorrow (O AP).
    4. Osman -Treaty of Hudaibiya (10 AH).
  23. Which of the following events happened immediately after the battle of Badr?
    1. The battle of Uhud
    2. Hijra to Madina.
    3. The battle of Khandaq.
    4. Isra-Wal-Miraj.
  24. Why do Muslims remember king Negus? He
    1.  helped Muslims in Madina
    2. helped Muslims to conquer Makkah
    3. helped Muslims during the boycott
    4. showed tolerance to Muslims in Ethiopia
  25. Which of the following is true about Idd celebrations?
    1. Muslims give Zakatul Fitr after Idd-Ul-Fitr Swallah.
    2. Muslims eat breakfast before Idd-Ul-Fitr Swallah.
    3. Muslims slaughter animals before Idd - Ul Adh-ha.
    4. Idd Swallah has Adhan and Iqamah.
  26. The main reason for battle of Badr was
    1.  the Quraish attacked Muslim farms
    2. the Quraish raised goods to sell so as to attack Muslims
    3. revenge for the boycott of Muslims in the valley of Shib
    4.  the Quraish wanted to kill the prophet and finish Islam.
  27. Which events happened in the month of Ramadhan in Islamic History?
    1. The first pledge of Aqaba and the battle of Uhud.
    2. The battle of Badr and the conquest of Makkah.
    3.  Hijra of Muslims to Madina and the treaty of Hudaibiyya.
    4. The conquest of Makkah and Hijjatul-widaa.
  28. Which of the following is wonder of creation?
    1. The camel.
    2. The baby in the womb.
    3. The universe.
    4. Computer technology.
  29. Nabii Musa's mother was given the following instructions except
    1. that Musa (as) would be made a prophet
    2. to cast Musa in the river
    3.  to suckle Musa
    4. put Nabi Musa in a basket.
  30.  Which of the following is not another name for Surah Al-Qaariah?
    1. The Striker
    2. The Day of Clamour
    3. The Great Noise
    4. The Clear Evidence

Marking Scheme

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  30. D


Study the map of Makuto area above and use it to answer questions I to 7.

  1. Mato area is headed by 
    1. chief 
    2. governor 
    3. assistant county commissioner
    4. senator
  2. River Peo flows towards
    1. South East 
    2. North West 
    3. North
    4. South West
  3. Tosa town may have developed mainly because of 
    1. availability of industries. 
    2. reliable rainfall. 
    3. good means of transport.
    4. good medical facilities.
  4. The settlement pattern in Mato area can be described as 
    1. linear
    2. sparse 
    3. dense
    4. nucleated 
  5. What is the approximate area of theirrig ation scheme? 
    1. 3km
    2. 6km
    3. 8km
    4. 10km
  6. The climate of the South Eastern part of Mato area is
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and wet
    3. cool and dry 
    4. hot and wet
  7. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Mato area? 
    1. Farming 
    2. Lumbering.
    3. Pastoralism. 
    4. Fishing, 
  8. Below are roles of a school in community development. Which one is not? 
    1. Offering employment to the support staff. 
    2. Identifying and developing pupils' talents. 
    3. Donating land to the community. 
    4. Preserving the culture of the community.
  9. The main reason why the floor of the Rift Valley receives little rainfall is because 
    1. it is low in altitude, 
    2. it lies on the rain shadow 
    3. it is influenced by the harmattan winds.
    4. it is far from large water bodies.
  10. Which one of the following communities migrated from the Horn of Africa? 
    1. Sange.
    2. Dahalo. 
    3. Duruma.
    4. Pokomo.
  11. Below are conditions that favour the growth of a certain crop:
    1. Low altitude of below 400m above sea level.
    2. Deep well drained fertile soil.
    3. Rainfall of between 1500-2000mm annually
    4. High temperatures of 24"-28°C.
    5. Shelter from strong winds.
      The crop that requires the above conditions is likely to be:
      1. tea
      2. cloves
      3. cocoa
      4. coffee.
  12. Which of the following ways of interaction among communities is both modern and traditional?
    1. Trade.
    2. Games and sports. 
    3. Education. 
    4. Burial ceremonies.
  13. Which one of the following areas in Africa is least populated? 
    1. Nile Valley in Egypt 
    2. Mouth Kenya Peaks. 
    3. South East Africa.
    4. Highlands of Ethiopia.
  14. The main reason why John Speke came to Eastern Africa was to 
    1. control trade. 
    2. stop slavery and slave trade. 
    3. find the source of R. Nile.
    4. spread the good news.
  15. The following are reasons why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa. Which one of them is political? 
    1. To settle their surplus population. 
    2. Search for raw materials. 
    3. To protect traders and missionaries.
    4. For National pride and prestige.
  16. Which one of the following features in Africa formed as a result of erosion of materials? 
    1. Rift Valley 
    2. L. Victoria
    3. Bie plateau 
    4. Mt. Tibesti

The table below shows a type of climate in Africa.

  1. Which one of the following is true about the climate of the area? 
    1. It is hot and wet throughout the year. 
    2. It has two rainy seasons. 
    3. It is very hot at night and cold during the day. 
    4. It has cool wet winters and hot dry summers.
  2. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the areas is it mined? 
    1. Oil - Klarksdorp, Niger delta 
    2. Copper - Ndola, Kitwe 
    3. Soda ash - Gongoni, L. Magadi 
    4. Gold - Johannesberg, Luhumbashi
  3. The speaker of the county assembly 
    1. is the head of the county government. 
    2. is appointed by the senators. 
    3. is nominated by the IEBC. 
    4. chairs the debates in the assembly.
  4. In Africa the biggest producer of fish is 
    1. South Africa 
    2. Nigeria 
    3. Morocco
    4. Tanzania
  5. In the Baganda Kingdom the clan heads who assisted the Kabaka to rule were known as 
    1. Ssaza
    2. Batongole
    3. Bataka
    4. Gombolola
  6. Which one of the following courts in Kenya determines election petitions involving members of parliament? 
    1. Supreme court 
    2. High court 
    3. Court of appeal 
    4. Court martial
  7. Time in Bamako 10º West is 11.32a.m. What time will it be in Kismayu 30ºE? 
    1. 2.12p.m. 
    2. 1.32p.m. 
    3. 8.52am. 
    4. 9.52p.m.
  8. Below is a process of elections in Kenya:
    1. Parliament is dissolved.
    2. Mass registration of voters. 
    3. Nomination of candidates.
    4. Ballot papers are printed
    5. Delivery of materials to the polling stations.
      Which of the following is the correct order in which they occur? 
      1. ii, iii, iv, i,v 
      2. iii, iv, iii, v 
      3. ii, iii, i.iv. 
      4. v. i, iv, ii, ii
  9. Which one of the following statements about O.AU. is true? 
    1. It was transformed to African Union (AU) in 2000. 
    2. It was formed to promote trade in the continent.
    3. It helped fights for independence in Kenya. 
    4. The headquarters are in Tripoli Libya.
  10. The following is a group of countries in Africa.
    1. Chad
    2. Lesotho
    3. Botswana
    4. Ethiopia
    5. Mali
    6. Zambia
      Which one of the following statements is true about them? 
      1. They are members of COMESA. 
      2. They are in the Northern hemisphere. 
      3. They are headed by a prime minister. 
      4. They do not have a Coastline.
  11. The climate of Namibia is mainly influenced
    1. prevailing winds. 
    2. distance from a large water body. 
    3. shape of the Coastline. 
    4. the horizontal movement of water in the ocean.
  12. Which one of the following groups consists only of hard wood trees? 
    1. Spruse, fir, teak 
    2. Cypress, mvule, obeche 
    3. Camphor, meru oak, rosewood 
    4. Pine, ebony, cedar
  13. The main reason why the government is evicting people from the forests is to 
    1. protect rare species of trees. 
    2. protect the water catchment areas. 
    3. protect the natural habitats of animals. 
    4. ensure there is provision of natural medicines.
  14. The following are tourist attractions in Africa. Which one is correctly matched with the country it is found? 
    1. Aksum Valley - Ghana 
    2. Robben Island - Zanzibar 
    3. Shimoni Caves . Kenya 
    4. Fort Milna - Egypt
  15. The following are statements about a river in Africa.
    1. It carries the largest volume of water. 
    2. It is navigable in most parts. 
    3. It has very many tributaries.
    4. It is the deepest river in Africa.
      The river described above is 
      1. R. Nile
      2. R. Congo
      3. R. Orange 
      4. R. Niger
  16. Which of the following countries did not use armed struggle in the fight for independence? 
    1. Kenya, Zimbabwe 
    2. Ghana, Mozambique 
    3. Tanzania, Ghana 
    4. Zimbabwe, Namibia
  17. The diagram below is a physical feature.
    3In which one of the following countries is it likely to be found? 
    1. Ghana
    2. Congo 
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Algeria
  18. The feature above was formed through 
    1. erosion and deposition. 
    2. faulting and sinking. 
    3. volcanicity. 
    4. residual activities.
  19. In which chapter of the constitution is the bill of rights found? 
    1. 5
    2. 11 
    3. 7
    4. 4
  20. Which of the following countries were both colonised by Portuguese? 
    1. Congo, Namibia 
    2. Mozambique, Namibia 
    3. Libya, Eritrea 
    4. Togo, Cameroon
  21. Which one of the following statements is not true about the Khoikhoi? 
    1. Their original economic activity was hunting and gathering. 
    2. They speak with a click sound. 
    3. Major decisions were made through general agreement.
    4. They were organized in small hunting bands
  22. The Swazi national council is known as 
    1. Tinkuhndla 
    2. Libandla 
    3. Liqoqo
    4. Ngwenyama
  23. Drug and substance abuse is being discouraged in Kenya because it 
    1. affects people's health. 
    2. it is a misuse of money. 
    3. pollutes the environment.
    4. it is a source of happiness.
  24. Which of the following people are voltaic speakers? 
    1. Soninke, Susu, Bambara. 
    2. Fulani, Tukorol, Wolof. 
    3. Songhai, Zarma, Kanuri. 
    4. Ndendi, Ibo, Kanuri.
  25. In Kenya most rivers are polluted by
    1. effluent from industries. 
    2. fertilizers from farms. 
    3. human wastes. 
    4. soil particles.
  26. The main type of democracy carried out in Kenya is 
    1. participatory 
    2. representative 
    3. direct
    4. consensual
  27. Mediterranean climate is experienced in the following countries except. 
    1. Morocco
    2. South Africa 
    3. Libya
    4. Burkina Faso
  28. Three of the following may lead to loss of parliamentary seat in Kenya except 
    1. when one stops being a Kenyan citizen. 
    2. when one misses six consecutive sittings without speaker's permission. 
    3. when one loses an election petition. 
    4. when one is jailed for eight months.
  29. Below are descriptions of a prominent leader in Africa.
    1. He set up private schools to increase the number
    2. He abolished the ownership of slaves.
    3. He was a founder member of 0.A.U.
    4. He invited foreigners to advise on development issues.
    5. He introduced a new constitution.
      The leader described above is: 
      1. Nelson Mandela 
      2. Gamel Abdel Nasser 
      3. Haile Selassie 
      4. Nyerere
  30. Which one of the following people collaborated with the Europeans? 
    1. Lozi.
    2. Ababukusu. 
    3. Madinka. 
    4. Nandi.
  31. The main problem facing Tswana pastoralists
    1. drought 
    2. pests and diseases 
    3. cattle rustling
    4. limited market.
  32. Which one of the following statements is not true about both religious and civil marriages? 
    1. Marriage certificate is given
    2. There are wedding bans. 
    3. It is monogamous.
    4. Dowry must be given.
  33. The main reason why Nile Valley in Egypt is densely populated is that 
    1. it has fertile soils. 
    2. it receives reliable rainfall. 
    3. there is enough water for irrigation
    4. it has presence of previous minerals.
  34. The arm of the government that implements the laws made in the parliament is 
    1. executive
    2. senate
    3. judiciary
    4. national assembly

Below is a map of Africa. Use it to answer questions 51-54.

  1. The river marked H is 
    1. Limpopo
    2. Congo 
    3. Zambezi
    4. Orange
  2. What is the capital city of the Island marked
    1. Moroni
    2. Pria 
    3. Antananarivo 
    4. Comorros
  3. The main economic activity carried out in the shaded area marked K is
    1. cocoa farming
    2. mining 
    3. pastoralism 
    4. fishing
  4. The physical feature marked L on the map was formed as a result of 
    1. compressional forces. 
    2. tensional forces. 
    3. faulting and uplifting. 
    4. faulting and sinking.
  5. The main source of conflict in a society is 
    1. favoritism 
    2. illiteracy 
    3. transparency
    4. poverty
  6. The main cash crop grown in Zanzibar is 
    1. rice
    2. pyrethrum
    3. cocoa
    4. cloves
  7. Which one of the following factors leads to slow population growth? 
    1. Education
    2. Religious beliefs. 
    3. Better health 
    4. Cultural practices
  8. Which one of the following methods of preserving fish involves the use of temperatures? 
    1. Sun drying
    2. Freezing 
    3. Smoking 
    4. Salting
  9. Which one of the following is the main source of revenue for county governments? 
    1. Taxes 
    2. Cess 
    3. Sale of properties 
    4. Grants from Central government
  10. Which one of the following would be the main factor to consider when starting a bakery?
    1. Availability of wheat 
    2. Market 
    3. Space 
    4. Government policy


  1. The main reason why man was created is to
    1. name all the things created. 
    2. be in the image of God. 
    3. take care of God's creation.
    4. reproduce and fill the earth.
  2. Which one of the following best explains why God chose Noah to build the ark? 
    1. He was faithful to God. 
    2. He agreed to build the ark. 
    3. He took animals to the ark.
    4. He obeyed God.
  3. Jacob's name was changed to Israel when
    1. he obeyed the voice of God. 
    2. he fought with the Angel.
    3. he took the birth right from Esau. 
    4. he married Rachel.
  4. During the Passover night 
    1. the angel of death killed all the firstborns of Israelites. 
    2. there were the ten plaques. 
    3. the Holy Spirit descended in form of flamestivat 
    4. the Israelites were freed from slavery. 
  5. Three of the following were Judges in Israel. Which one was not? 
    1. David
    2. Othniel. 
    3. Shamgar. 
    4. Deborah
  6. "I am who I am" Exodus 3:14. These words were spoken to Moses when he was 
    1. given the ten commandments. 
    2. before King Herod. 
    3. looking after Jethro's sheep. 
    4. crossing the red sea.
  7. Which one of the following miracles was performed by both Jesus and prophet Elisha? 
    1. Making an axe float. 
    2. Healing lepers. 
    3. Driving away evil spirits. 
    4. Commanding a bear to kill children.
  8. King Ahab and King David had one thing in common. It was that 
    1. they both killed because of coveting. 
    2. they both worshiped foreign gods. 
    3. they both fought with their predecessors. 
    4. they were both anointed by prophet Samuel.
  9. Who among the following was the father of prophet Isaiah?
    1. Manasseh. 
    2. Shecaniah. 
    3. Dan.
    4. Amoz.
  10. The main reason why Joseph fled to Egypt with Jesus is because 
    1. there was famine in Israel. 
    2. to run away from Herod. 
    3. to take the census. 
    4. to trade.
  11. Which one of the following was not among the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness?
    1. To get power and wealth. 
    2. To turn stones to bread. 
    3. To get knowledge and wisdom. 
    4. To throw himself down.
  12. Who among the following disciples were nicknamed the sons thunder by Jesus? 
    1. Peter and John 
    2. John and James 
    3. Thomas and Luke 
    4. James and Peter
  13. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that He is the light of the world? 
    1. Calming the storm 
    2. Feeding the 5000 men.
    3. Healing the blind man
    4. Walking on water.
  14. What did the parents of Jesus offer as a sacrifice during His dedication? 
    1. Lamb 
    2. Myrrh and frankincense 
    3. Gold 
    4. Pigeons
  15. Which one of the following parables teaches about forgiveness and repentance? 
    1. The parable of the yeast. 
    2. The parable of the sower. 
    3. The parable of the lost son. 
    4. The parable of the mustard seed.
  16. In which one of the following activities did God send an angel to strengthen Jesus? 
    1. Baptism 
    2. Resurrection 
    3. Crucifixion 
    4. Prayer at Gethsemane
  17. In which one of the following towns did Peter see a vision of animals of all kinds and God told him to eat? 
    1. Joppa.
    2. Bethlehem. 
    3. Damascus. 
    4. Antioch.
  18. Jesus said that for one to be His true disciple he must be ready to
    1. be a dedicated Christian. 
    2. share his riches with the poor. 
    3. suffer for doing good. 
    4. leave one's family and relatives.
  19. "Today you shall be with me in paradise" These words were said by Jesus to 
    1. Peter
    2. robber 
    3. Mary Magdalene 
    4. Stephen
  20. Which one of the following was not among the accusations leveled against Jesus? 
    1. Claiming to be Messiah. 
    2. Healing people on Sabbath. 
    3. Telling people not to pay taxes. 
    4. Starting riot in Judea.
  21. Believers in the early church received the Holy Spirit during the 
    1. Passover
    2. transfiguration 
    3. the last supper 
    4. Pentecost
  22. The ability to find solutions affecting our Acti lives is known as
    1. Knowledge 
    2. craftiness 
    3. creativity
    4. cunningness
  23. Which one of the following acts of worship is carried out by priests in traditional African communities? 
    1. Making sacrifices. 
    2. Administering holy communion. 
    3. Baptism. 
    4. Foretelling about the future.
  24. In traditional African societies children were taught how to respect their elders mainly by
    1. worries
    2. peers
    3.  parents
    4. priests
  25. The main reason why Christians should obey the authority is 
    1. all authority is from God. 
    2. to get promotion at work, 
    3. to avoid beefs with leaders. 
    4. to show good examples.
  26. Christians are encouraged to take part in community development because they 
    1. want to eam a living. 
    2. want to share with others. 
    3. use it as a hobby.
    4. to be recognized.
  27. James found his friend fighting with another boy. As a Christian what should James do? 
    1. Help his friend beat the boy. 
    2. Separate them and help them reconcile. 
    3. Report them to the teacher. 
    4. Walk away to avoid more trouble.
  28. Which one of the best shows how Christians spend their leisure time? 
    1. Reading stories 
    2. Playing games 
    3. Dancing Christian music. 
    4. Visiting the sick.
  29. Why one of the following does not lead to the spread of HIV and AIDS? 
    1. Sharing sharp objects. 
    2. Sex before marriage. 
    3. Blood transfusion. 
    4. Shaking hands.
  30. Which one of the following was not one of the activities of missionaries? 
    1. Training the laity. 
    2. Introduction of schools. 
    3. Spreading the good news. 
    4. Supporting African traditions.


  1. Which of these Surah's is the same as a third of the Qur'an? 
    1. Suratul Ikhlas 
    2. Suratul Faatiha 
    3. Ayatul Kursiy
    4. Suratul Yasin
  2. Which Surah of the Qur'an warns people who ignore prayers?
    1. Kafirum
    2. Маun
    3. Fatiha
    4. Falaq
  3. We learn about the revelation of the Qur'an in suratul 
    1. Alay
    2. Maun 
    3. Qadr
    4. Tanzil
  4. Which of these acts shows Tawakkul? 
    1. Spending all your time in mosque. 
    2. Relying on Allah for protection 
    3. Asking your broti er for lielp. 
    4. Seeking education,
  5. What is the total numer of Takbiraat in Salatul Janaza? 
    1. One
    2. Two 
    3. Three
    4. Four
  6. Which one of the following is not an attribute of the Angels? 
    1. They do not eat or drink 
    2. They do not have wings. 
    3. They do not sin. 
    4. They are neither male nor female.
  7. Who among the following was not among the earliest people to convert into Islam? 
    1. Ali bin Abi 
    2. Abubakar 
    3. Khadija
    4. Waraqa
  8. The attribute of Allah "The peaceful" means 
    1. Ihsan
    2. Islam 
    3. Iman
    4. Taqwa
  9. The seventh month of Islamic calendar is 
    1. Swafar
    2. Babiul Thani 
    3. Rajab
    4. Shaaban
  10. The lady who helped the sick in the prophet's mosque was 
    1. Amina
    2. Sumaiya 
    3. Khadija
    4. Rufaidah
  11. How many prophets are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an? 
    1. 25
    2. 99
    3. 20
    4. 50
  12. Prayers end with 
    1. Allah Akbar 
    2. Taslim 
    3. Tahiyyatu 
    4. Alhamdulillah
  13. Who among the following was created first? 
    1. Musa
    2. Adam 
    3. Muhammad 
    4. Ibrahim
  14. Which of the following is not Najis? 
    1. Pork
    2. Saliva 
    3. Urine
    4. Dog
  15. How old was the prophet when he married Khadija? 
    1. 25 years
    2. 40 years 
    3. 55 years 
    4. 63 years
  16. Mixing good quality good with low quality goods is 
    1. ribua
    2. hoarding 
    3. ghush
    4. usury
  17. How old was the prophet (S.A.W.) when he went for his second business trip to Syria?
    1. 12
    2. 25
    3. 40
  18. Dini was about to eat Siefudin's food when he remembered that Allah (S.W.) is seeing him. This is a good sign of 
    1. Iman
    2. Taqwa 
    3. Ihsan
    4. Islam
  19. Which one is not true on Angels? 
    1. They see Allah (S.W.) 
    2. They can change to any form. 
    3. They were created from light. 
    4. They never disobeyed Allah (S.W.)
  20. When performing Tayamum, it is sunnah to wash 
    1. Bana: Who is sick and cannot touch water: 
    2. Mafta: Who is travelling to Nairobi. 
    3. Ghaniim: Who has no water at all. 
    4. Jalal: Who has little water bul wants to give to his cows for drinking
  21. The Angel who has not been properly paired with his duty is
    1. Jibril - wahy 
    2. Mikail - blowing trumpet
    3. Malik - rain 
    4. Izrail - death
  22. Prophet Ibrahim was 
    1. not given anything.
    2. given suhuf. 
    3. given ten commandments. 
    4. not among Ulul - Azm
  23. The belief in the last day is one of the pillars of 
    1. Islam
    2. Iman 
    3. Ihsan
    4. Sunnah
  24. Salat is the ___ pillar of Islam.
    1. second
    2. fourth 
    3. third
    4. fifih
  25. Zakat means 
    1. to pay money. 
    2. to think about the poor, 
    3. to sacrifice. 
    4. to purify
  26. Ramadhan is the__ month of the Islamic calendar.
    1. 2nd
    2. 5th
    3. 9th
    4. 12th
  27. " Your classmate who is a non-muslim invites you to his birthday party. You arrive and find beer being served. As a Muslim you should 
    1. refuse to take the beer. 
    2. leave the party 
    3. tell him it is wrong to serve beer. 
    4. pretend to be drinking beer.
  28. Which pillar of Islam shows the difference between Muslims and non-Muslims? 
    1. Zakah
    2. Swalah 
    3. Saum
    4. Haji
  29. The Muhajireen were 
    1. the Muslims of Madina. 
    2. the Muslims of Taif. 
    3. the Muslims who migrated to Madina. 
    4. all Muslims in the world.
  30. Who was the leader of the group that broke away, from the Muslims army in the battle of Uhud? 
    1. Ubayy bin Khalaf. 
    2. Abdallah bin Ubay. 
    3. Abdallah bin Mas 'oud. 
    4. Abdullahi bin Rawahah.



  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B



  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  10. D



  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B


Science and Technology

  1. Complete. the table below by naming four parts of a plant and their functions. (8 mks) 
    Part of the plant             Functions
  2. Draw the following roots. (4 mks)

    Fibrous root  Tap root 
  3. State two medicinal plants found in your locality. (2 mks)
  4. Name three plants with fibrous root system. (3 mks)
  5. Mammals are examples of animals with a backbone and constant body temperature. State three examples of animals in these group? (3 mks)
  6. State an invertebrate with three body parts?____________________. (1 mk)
  7. What is sound pollution? (3 mks)
  8. A grade five student was seen doing the following activity. What was the student investigating? (1 mk)


  1.  Write one example of indigenous crops in Kenya.
  2. State one way of taking care of a vegetable nursery.
  3. In order to earn income, what can Kiprotich do with his surplus vegetable seedlings?
  4. Below is an indigenous food crop grown in Kenya.
    State the nutrition importance of the crop above

    State the functions of each of the following domestic animals
  5. Pig
  6. Dog
  7. Camel 
  8. Write one example of a climbing fruit tree.
  9. Write one use of sandy soil.
  10. The illustration below shows a climbing fruit tree.
    Write the function of the structure marked W
  11. How can a farmer use a scarecrow in his farm?
  12. Write one-way of dealing with moles in the farm.
  13. Name the type of irrigation shown below.
    Name the following' gardening equipment.


Home science

  1. A person going through puberty is referred to as? . (1 mks)
  2. Name four good grooming habits. (4 mks)
  3. You were asked to advice fellow students on physical exercises. State three physical exercises for an adolescent. (3 mks)
  4. State three importance of physical exercise. (3 mks)
  5. Fill the table below by naming three examples in each case. (6 mks)
    Body building foods Protective foods 

  6. It's important to wash hands regularly. State three instances when one Must wash hands? (3 mks)
  7. State accessories used by adolescents? (4 mks)
  8. Name three embroidery stitches, (3 mks)
  9. State three types of media you can use to achieve after decorating your apron. (3 mks)

Physical Education

Name the sports items drawn below

  3. The following are activitiesinvolved in hurdles
    1. Clearance
    2. Approach
    3. Flight
    4. Take off
      Arrange them in order beginning with the first one.
  4. In which sports activity do we practise elongated started?
  5. The technique shown below is used in Frisbee. Name it.
  6.  When practising handwalk, which parts of our bodies do we hold high?
  7. Why are long jump pits filled with materials?
  8. What is the last activity in long jump?
  9. Straddle and straddle cross is a common technique in ___________ work.
  10. Draw a volleyball field in the space provided

    Write two examples of passes used in soccer.
  11. _______________________________
  12. _______________________________
  13. How many players are there in one soccer team?
    Write two contents of a first aid
  14. _______________________________
  15. _______________________________

Social Studies


  1. The general flow of rivers in Mwakitu area is towards?
  2. The settlement in Mwakitu area can be described as
  3. The plantation in Mwakitu grows?
  4. What is the direction of the church from the plantation?
  5. The growing of tea in Mwakitu area indicates that the climate is
  6. River Susi has _______________ tributaries.
  7. Who is the head of Mwakitu area ______________________?
  8. State 3 elements of the map. (3 mks)
  9. Name two countries found in East Africa. (2 mks) 
  10. Name three arms of the National Government of Kenya. (3 mks)
  11. Differentiate between a latitude and a longitude? (1 mk)
  12. Name three main physical features in Kenya? (3 mks)
  13. What is the meaning of a climate?
  14. Identify the three major language groups in Kenya. (3 mks)
  15. Write two ways one can become a Kenyan citizen. (2 mks)

Christian Religious Education

  1. What is the other name for the Lord's table?
  2. Write one gift of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Write one quality of a good friend.
  4. Write one result of unhealthy boy-girl relationship.
  5. When Jesus Christ baptised, a voice came from heaven saying
  6. What is the lesson Christians learn from Jesus' parable of the lost sheep?
  7. When Jesus fed the multitude, how many baskets of food remained?
  8. In which mountain did the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal take place?
  9. During the call of Moses, in which form did God appear to him?
  10. State one way through which king Solomon used the wisdom he asked from God.
  11. Write one example of commonly abused drugs in Kenya.
  12. When Jesus portrayed His power over nature, on which vessel were they travelling?
  13. Which Christian value do Christians learn from the story of the friend at midnight?
  14. Write one way of taking good care of school property.
  15. Which of Jesus' parables teaches Christians about the kingdom of heaven?

Islamic  Religious Education

  1. Name the five ulul Azm prophets.
  2. Name two pillars of swalah. (2 mks) 
  3. Write two miracles of Nabii Issa (as) (2 mks)
  4. Name three nullifiers of saum. (3 mks) 
  5. Give the meaning of the follow ing attributes of Allah ( 5WT). (2 mks)
    1. Al-Ghaffar
    2. Al-waahid
  6. What is hadith'?


  1. Why do folk dancers use ornaments when dancing?
    Name the three parts of descant recorder.
    Put notes B, A and G against the correct solfa notes,
  5. doh
  6. re
  7. mi
  8. Name the wind instrument drawn below.
  9. Study the diagram below.
    What is the function of the parts labelled W?
  10. A whistle produces sound when
    Write two examples of percussion instruments
  11. __________________________________________         
  12. __________________________________________       
  13. Tufanye sote bider is a line in Kiswahili Kenya National Anthem. In which verse is the line found?
    Write the French rhythms for the following.
  14. Quaver
  15. Crotchet

Art & Craft

  1. What makes an object to be referred to as 2D? (1 mk)
  2. Write your school's name in 3D. (4 mks)
  3. What is weaving?. (1 mk)
  4. Shade the following picture using stippling technique. (3 mks)
  5. What is balance of forms?
  6. State three elements of art? (3 mks)
  7. Draw two tools used in drawing? (4 mks)


  8. State two materials that can be used for weaving?(2 mks)
  9. Name three traditional technique which can be used to decorate a carved cooking stick. (3 mks)
  10. Name two weaving techniques. (2 mks)

Marking Scheme

Science and Technology

    Part of the plant             Functions
    Leaf   Allow exchange of gases
     Flower  It grows into fruit
     Roots  Holds the plant firmly in the soil
     Stem  Holds the plant upright
  2.  Student should draw tap and fibrous roots correctly.      
    1.  Neem
    2. Cinnamon
    1. Onion
    2. Maize
    3. millet   
    1. Birds
    2. human being
    3. elephants
  6. insects
  7. It's the contamination of something
  8. Force of gravity.


  1. African Nightshade, Spider Plant, Amaranth, stinging nettle, pumpkin leaves, cowpeas and Slender Leaf etc
  2. Mark any correct answer given
  3. Sell them
  4. Gives carohydrates
  5. Food
  6. Security
  7. Food/ milk, carrying objects and people
  8. passionfruit, kiwi fruit, grapes
  9. building
  10. to keep the plant upright/ support
  11. to scare destructive animals
  12. digginf trenches, planting barrier plants
  13. Drip
  14. Watering can
  15. Wheelbarrow

Home Science

  1. An adolescent
    1. Body cleanliness, dressing well, caring for clothes, cleaning your body every day.
    2. Washing your hands withsoap after going to the toilet.
    3. Brushing your teeth twice a day
    4. Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue ( or your sleeve) when sneezing or coughing
    5. Washing your hands after handling pets and other animals
    1. Playing volleyball
    2. Playing touch football
    3. Gardening
    4. Walking
    5. Shooting baskets
    1. Improves your memory and brain function(all age groups)
    2. Protect against many chronic diseases
    3. Aid in weight management.
    4. Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
    5. Improve your quality of sleep
    6. Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  5. Body building           Protective
    Beef                          Mangoes
    Beans                        Kales
    Green grams             Water melon
    1. After visiting the toilet
    2. Before eating food
    3. When preparing to cook.
  7. Jewelry , bangles, scarves, caps   
    1. Chain
    2. Satin
    3. Stem
    1. Radio
    2. television
    3. Magazine

Physical Education

  1. Rounders Ball
  2. Racket
  3. Approach, take off
  4. Athletics
  5. Double ahnded rim catch
  6. Legs
  7. For safety
  8. Landing
  9. Rope
  10. Learner to draw
  11. backheel pass/through pass/ Forward-pass (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  12. through pass/backheel pass/ Forward-pass (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  13. 11
  14. bandage/ scissors, cotton, spirit (mark correct any other appropriate answer)
  15. Check 14 above

Social Studies

  1. Southwest
  2. Linear settlement
  3. Tea
  4. West
  5. Cool and wet
  6. One
  7. Chief
  8. Frame, tile compass, scale, key
  9. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
  10. The Executive, Legislature, Judiciary
  11. Latitudes All parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called parallels of latitudes.
    Latitudes are measured in degrees.
    Longitudes: The vertical lines running North-South join the two poles. They are called the meridians of longitude. They are spaced farthest apart at the equator and converge at a point at each pole.
  12. Volcanic and block Rift Valleys, Lakes, Plains
  13. Climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.
  14. Cushites
  15. Birth

Christian religious Education

  1. Eucharist
  2. love/joy/ peace/ patience/ kindness/ goodness/faithfulness/ humility/ self-control/gentleness (mark any one)
  3. trustworthy (mark any other appropriate answer)
  4. pregnancy/ abuse/ STIs (mark any other correct answer)
  5. This is my son with whom I am pleased
  6. Calling christians to the church
  7. 12
  8. Carmel
  9. Burning bush
  10. Student should give appropriate answer
  11. Student should give appropriate answer
  12. Boat
  13. Persistence in prayer
  14. Student should give appropriate answer
  15. Mustard seed

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Issa (as), Muhammad(SAW)
  2. refer to no. 1
  3. refer to no. 1
  4. refer to no. 1
  5. refer to no. 1
  6. Qiyam, rukuu, itidaal, sujuud, jalsa
  7. refer to no. 6
  8. Raised the dead, healed lepers/blind, 
    he spoke when he was very young
    (mark correct any correct answer)
  9. refer to no. 8
  10. Eating intentionally/ deliberately,
    drinking intentionally,
    vomiting intentionally
  11. refer to no. 10
  12. refer to no. 10
  13. Forgive
  14. The holy one
  15. Hadith is what the prophet (SAW) said or the sayings of the prophet (SAW)


  1. To make the dance real
  2. Head joint/ MIddle joint/ foot joint
  3. Refer to no. 2
  4. Refer to no. 2
  5. G
  6. A
  7. B
  8. trumpet
  9. To let air out when playing
  10. blown
  11. Mark appropriate answer
  12. Mark appropriate answer
  13. 2nd
  14. ta
  15. ta-te

Art & Craft

  1. It has a length, width and height
  2. Ensure the name is in 3D
  3. It's a process in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth.
  5. Refers to how elements of art relate to each other within the composition
  6. Line, shape, colour, value , space, form
  7. The drawings should include items such as pen, pencils, crayons etc
  8. Banana fibres, raffia, grass, sisal


Use the map below to answer questions 1 - 5.

  1. The source of the river is_______
  2. How many tributries does the river have?
  3. Which food crop is grown in Kali area?
  4. The people of Kali area are_______
  5. There are schools in Kali area.
  6. What are resources?
  7. Maasai live in a special house known as_______
  8. _____is buying and selling of goods and services.
  9. Give two examples of resources.
  10. Name the main compass directions.
  11. ______is people's way of life.
  12. Write your school motto.
  13. Name two economic activities.
  14. Give examples of community leaders.
  15. How do you conserve the resources in your county?
  16. Name two materials used in pottery.


  1. _______created us in His image and likeness.
  2. _______was thrown in the den of lions.
  3. I am a child of_______
  4. I show God_______ when I bow when praying. (face, respect)
  5. The prayer that Jesus taught His disciples is called the_______(Jesus' prayer, Lord's player)
  6. The following groups show members of a family.
    • Group A  
    • Group B
    • Group C
      The group that shows member3 of an extended family is group
  7. When someone does good to you you say_______
  8. The story of Ananias and Sapphira teaches us that we should be_______ (clean, honest)
  9. _______walked on water and did not sink. (Peter, John)
  10. An activity that children do in the church to show respect for church as the house of God is (reciting verses of the Bible, playing games)
  11. Name one of the twelve disciples of Jesus
  12. The three Hebrew men were saved from fire by the_______ (angel, king)
  13. In Philippians 4:4 we learn that we should_______ in the Lord always.
  14. We should make_______ choices at all times.
  15. Which one of the following is not a good feeling? (happiness, love, anger)

Match the pillars of Islam

  1. Zakat   Prayers
  2. Saum   Kalima
  3. Hajj   Fastings
  4. Shahada    Pilgrimage
  5. Salah    Alms
  6. Muslims pray_______ times a day.
  7. Muslims face _______while praying.

Write THREE manners to be observed before eating 



  1. forest
  2. 2
  3. maize
  4. Christians
  5. Things we use to get money 
  6. manyatta 
  7. Trade
  8. land
  9. mineral
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West
  11. Culture
    1. Farming
    2. Trading
  13. M.C.A
  14. M.P
  15. a/b any correct


  1. God 
  2. Daniel 
  3. God 
  4. respect 
  5. Lord's prayer
  6. Thank you 
  7. honest 
  8. Peter
  9. reading verses of the Bible 
  10. any correct answer 
  11. angel
  12. rejoice
  13. God
  14. anger


Study the map and answer the questions that follows

  1. Identify the title of the map above
  2. Name three items named on the map
  3. Name two crops grown in the map
  4. Which game is played in the Moro area?
  5. The religion practised in Moro is
  6. Name three elements of a map
  7. A compass has points
  8. Draw a compass and name the : cardinal points
  9. Our country is called
  10. Name the weather symbols


  1. ____has good plan for me.
  2. What is a gift?
  3. Which gift has God given you?
  4. From the parable of the talent. What lesson can you learn from it?
  5. Name three God's creation
  6. ____and_____were placed in the garden of


  1. Match the words with their meaning
    Al-Kauthar   To your Lord
    Lirabbika   One cut off
    Al-Abtaru   River in Paradise
  2. We should always be_____ to Allah (S.W.T.) for His continued blessings.
  3. Maun has_____ verses
  4. The verses of al-Quraysh are____
  5. Who fed and saved the Qurash from fear?
  6. Write the replies to the Salaamu
    Assalam aleikum warahmatullahi?
  7. Allah has_____beautiful names
  8. Name one Allah creation



  1. Farming history
    1. bridge
    2. quarry (any other)
    1. Maize
    2. tea
  4. Football
  5. Christian
    1. title
    2. scale
    3. compass
    4. frame
  7. 4
  8. ..
  9. Kenya
    1. rainy
    2. windy
  11. sun 


  1. God
  2. something given for free
  3. gift of life
  4. our talents will be taken if we don't use them well
    1. star
    2. moon
    3. sun
  6. Adam, Eve


  1. Lirabbika - To your Lord
    Al-Abtaru - One cut off 
    Al-Kauthar - Rive in Paradise
  2. Grateful/thankful
  3. 7
  4. 4
  5. Ala-Maududi
  6. Wa alaikum assalam
  7. 99
  8. The sun/ the moon/ the planets


Study the map of Toto area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. The land in Toto area slopes towards
    1. South East 
    2. North West 
    3. East 
    4. West
  2. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road in Toto area? 
    1. 20km 
    2. 10km 
    3. 16km 
    4. 12km
  3. The settlement pattern found in Toto area is
    1. nucleated 
    2. Iinear 
    3. Clustered 
    4. influenced by drainage
  4. The MAIN economic activity carried out in Tints illusis likely to be 
    1. Trade
    2. Crop farming
    3. transport and communication 
    4. fishing
  5. The climate experienced in the eastern part of Toto area is LIKELY to be
    1. hot and Wet 
    2. Cool and wet
    3. hot and dry
    4. cool and dry
  6. Traders in Dete market obtain their trading licenses from the
    1. chief's camp
    2. police post
    3. county commissioner's oflice
    4. county oflices
  7. Most of the residents in Toto arca are
    1. Muslims 
    2. Pagans 
    3. Christians 
    4. Hindus
  8. Which one of the following groups of needs. compromise of basic family needs only?
    1. Food, clothing and shelter 
    2. Water, shelter and clothing 
    3. Security, food and shelter 
    4. Education, food and clothing.
  9. Which one of the following groups of communities is found in West Africa? 
    1. Shona, Ndebele, Ngoni 
    2. Berbers, Tuaregs, Arabs 
    3. Igbo, Yoruba, Akwapim 
    4. Xhosa, Zulu, Venda
  10. The MAIN reason for rural to urban migration is
    1. inadequate farming land in rural areas.
    2. search for jobs in towns. 
    3. retirement from employment. 
    4. availability of good infrastructure in towns.
  11. Which one of the following is an elfect of the revolution of the earth? .
    1. Occurrence of sunrise, noon and sunset.
    2. Change of the lunar eclipse. 
    3. Occurrence of day and night.
    4. Differences in time along different longitudes.
  12. Three of the following factors promote peace in our country: Which one DOES NOT?
    1. Equal opportunities for all. 
    2. Ganes and sports
    3. Dilogue amongst citizens.
    4. Co-operation with terrorists.
  13. Which one of the following is TRUE about the River Congo? 
    1. It is the biggest river in Africa. 
    2. It has a delta at its mouth. 
    3. It drains it water in the Indian ocean. 
    4. It is not navigable due to rapids and water falls.
  14. Coffee growing in Ethiopia and Kenya is important MAINLY because it 
    1. improves living standards. 
    2. leads to development of infrastructure. 
    3. creates employment in both countries. 
    4. is a source of foreign exchange.
  15. The following are roles of school administrators.
    1. Heading the school disciplinary committee
    2. Admitting new pupils to the school.
    3. Disciplining pupils who fail to observe school rules.
    4. Writing minutes in a stuff meeting.
      Which one of the following are the duties of a school deputy headteacher ONLY?
      1. (i) and (iv)
      2. (i) and (iii)
      3. (ii) and (iii)
      4. (iii) and (iv)
  16. Three of the following are duties of the Mutemi of the Nyamwezi. Which one is NOT? He
    1. was the commander-in-chief of the Nyamwezi army.
    2. controlled trade between the Nyamwezi and Arabs.
    3. expanded his kingdom outside Nyamwezi territory
    4. made judgements on cases of murder.
  17. Which one of the following policies was used by the French to administer West Africa?
    1. Direct rule
    2. Assimilation
    3. Indirect rule
    4. Paternalism
  18. Which one of the following types of trees is found in a planted forest?
    1. Mvule
    2. Oak
    3. Mahogany
    4. Pine
  19. The first African country to gain independence from the European was
    1. Sudan
    2. South Africa 
    3. Ghana 
    4. Egypt
  20. The statements below describe a town in  Kenya.
    1. It is located on a slal aireu suitable for expansion.
    2. It started as an agricultural centre. 
    3. It enjoys a good supply of water from nearby rivers. 
    4. It is a major industrial centre.
      The town described above is LIKELY to be 
      1. Thika 
      2. Nairobi
      3. Nakuru  
      4. Eldoret
  21. The MAIN factor that affects national unity in Kenya is 
    1. corruption
    2. tribalism
    3. equal distribution of resources. 
    4. political differences 
  22. A person may become a citizen of Kenya through registration if he/she
    1. was born in Kenya by non-citizens of Kenya.
    2. visits Kenya as a tourist for seven consecutive years. 
    3. is married to a citizen of Kenya for at least seven years.
    4. is a child who seems to be below cight years of age.
  23. Who among the following African leaders collaborated with the British in Eastern Africa?
    1. Kabaka Mwanga
    2. Mwanawina Lewanika
    3. Chief Nana of Itsekiri
    4. Kabaka Mutosa I
  24. The population distribution in Africa is 'MAINLY influenced by
    1. Pests and diseases 
    2. Urbanisation 
    3. Government policy 
    4. Climate

Use the map of Kenya provided to answer questions 25 to 28

  1. The country marked K is
    1. Swaziland
    2. Lesotho
    3. Switzerland
    4. Botswana
  2. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about the country marked Z?
    1. It is the largest country in Africa
    2. It is Africa's greatest producer of sugarcane
    3. It is crossed by thic Great River Nile
    4. It was the first country to gain independence in Eastern Africa.
  3. The mountain marked M is called
    1. Ahaggar
    2. Atlas Mountains
    3. Tibesti 
    4. Ras Dashan
  4. The winds marked T are called
    1. The Harmattan 
    2. North East 'Trade Winds 
    3. Westerlies 
    4. South Westerlies
  5. Which one of the following was NOT used in traditional forms of education? 
    1. Story telling 
    2. Composition writing 
    3. Working with adults 
    4. Imitation
  6. The following are conditions that favour a growth of a certain crop in Kenya. .
    1. Warm temperature of about 250 during the growing time.
    2. Moderate ruinfull of between 500mm and 1100mm
    3. well drained fertile soil.
    4. flat land especially where machine's are involved.
      The conditions stated above are suitable for 'the growth of
      1. tea 
      2. cotton 
      3. flowers 
      4. wheat
  7. The MOST effective ways of curbing drug and substance abuse is
    1. creating public awareness on drug and substance abuse.
    2. preventing smuggling of drugs at border points.
    3. ensuring parents become good role models to children.
    4. providing moral guidance to the youth through healthy leisure activities.
  8. The type of democracy practised in the Kenyan government is 
    1. direct democracy
    2. representative democracy
    3. participatory democracy
    4. nominational democracy. 
  9. Which one of the following was a positive effect of European settler farming?
    1. Creation of African reserves. 
    2. Exploitation of Africans.
    3. Creation of agricultural cooperatives. 
    4. Discrimination and racial segregation.
  10. The capital city of Nigeria is
    1. Lagos 
    2. Free Town 
    3. Porto Novo 
    4. Abuja
  11. The MAIN factor to consider before establishing a poultry farm is availability
    1. Water
    2. labour
    3. raw materials
    4. market
  12. The BEST thing to do for people with special needs in the community is to
    1. give them jobs in the community
    2. establish special schools for them
    3. providing them with special equipment they need
    4. create positive attitudes in them.
  13. Which one of the following minerals is CORRECTLY matched with the method of mining involved in its extraction?
    1. Fluorspar - Scooping
    2. Gold - Dredging method
    3. Soda ash - Panning method 
    4. Copper - Stripping method
  14. The MAIN problem facing forestry in Africa is
    1. pests and diseases
    2. drought and famine
    3. rapid population growth
    4. illegal logging

Use the diagram below to answer question 39

  1. The weather instrument shown above is called
    1. In ancroid barometer 
    2. Hygrometer 
    3. A simple barometer 
    4. Mercury thermometer 
  2. Olunga has discovered that his classmate is HIV positive.  As a good citizen, what is the BEST thing for him to do? 
    1. Advise them to seek medical advice
    2. Report the matter  to the headteacher
    3. Tell his close triends.
    4. Avoid playing with the affected classmate.
  3. Jua kali industries are encouraged the government MAINLY because they
    1. depend on local resources 
    2. create sell employment.
    3. require little capital to start 
    4. lead to foreign exchange
  4. Julius Nyerere is remembered in Tanzania MAINLY because he
    1. transferred the capital city from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma.
    2. established ujamaa villages.
    3. was a greal teacher.
    4. led Tanganyika to independence. 
  5. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason for the formation of East African community?
    1. To bring closer economic and social cooperation in the region
    2. To create a common market for goods produced in the region.
    3. To promote free movement of people among member states. 
    4. To improve transport and communication in the region.
  6. Most of the countries in Eastern Africa were colonised by the 
    1. French 
    2. Italians 
    3. Germans 
    4. British
  7. Which one of the following fishing methods is MAINLY used in decp sea fisheries? 
    1. Purse-seining 
    2. Net drifting 
    3. Trawling 
    4. Long lining
  8. Which one of the following countries is CORRECTLY matched with her main tourist attractions? 
    1. Morocco - Table mountains, Kruger National park 
    2. South Africa - Warm sandy beaches, the pyramids of Giza. 
    3. Zimbabwe - Victoria Falls, Hwango National Park 
    4. Kenya - The ancient town of Marakech, Berber villlages.
  9. Which one of the following is TRUE about struggle for independence in both Tanganyika and Ghana? The two countries
    1. used peaceful means to fight for independence. 
    2. gained independence before 1960. 
    3. fought for independence from Germans. 
    4. used armed struggle to gain independence.
  10. Horticultural produce in Kenya is transported from major farms by 
    1. road 
    2. railway 
    3. air 
    4. water
  11. In order to effectively communicate at important matter to the masses, the government should use the 
    1. television 
    2. radio 
    3. internet 
    4. government newspapers
  12. Which one of the following is a social right enjoyed by citizens of Kenya? Right to 
    1. work 
    2. education 
    3. thought 
    4. to vote in elections.
  13. The highest and final court in Kenya is the
    1. Court of Appeal
    2. High Court
    3. Chief Magistare's courts
    4. Supreme Court
  14. Kenyan's celebrate their independence day on
    1. 1st June
    2. 10th October 
    3. 2011 October
    4. 12th December
  15. The statements below describe a population structure.
    1. Birth and deaths are few.
    2. Many people practise family planning
    3. The population is aging.
    4. Most of the people live in urban areas.
      The statement above describe the population structure of 
      1. Kenya 
      2. India 
      3. Germany 
      4. Germany and India
  16. The MAIN problem facing trade in Eastern Africa is
    1. production of similar goods. 
    2. high tariffs at border points 
    3. political instability
    4. poor transport and communication networks.
  17. In the past, most communities interacted through 
    1. wars 
    2. games and sports 
    3. intermarriage 
    4. trade
  18. The MAIN role of the legislature in Kenya is to 
    1. formulate government policies. 
    2. make laws. 
    3. amend laws. 
    4. implement government policies.
  19. Which method of conflict resolutions majorly involves the judicial system in the society? 
    1. arbitration
    2. mediation 
    3. litigation
    4. enquiry
  20. Which one of the following is COMMON in the systems of government in both Kenya and Swaziland? In both countries
    1. parliament consists of two houses.
    2. there are no general elections.
    3. members of the parliament are elected by the people
    4. the president rules for a maximum of ten years.
  21. The national government get its revenue MAINLY through
    1. court fines
    2. grants and aids
    3. taxes
    4. foreign exchange earnings.
  22. The first step towards conducting a general election in Kenya is
    1. Nomination of candidates by political parties. 
    2. Dissolution of parliament 
    3. Conducting civic education to the electrórate.
    4. Announcement of election dates by the IEBC


  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which one of the following statements is CORRECT?
    1. placed him in the garden of Eden.
    2. created a helper for him.
    3. breathed His breath into him.
    4. removed a rib out of him
  2. The following were the promises made to Abraham by God. Which one is NOT?
    1. God would bless his name.
    2. God would make him a great nation.
    3. His descendants would live for three hundred years.
    4. God would give him a promised nation.
  3. Which one of the following reasons BEST explain why Noah built the ark?
    1. To save his family.
    2. To fulfill the will of God.
    3. He wanted other people to die in the floods
    4. People had become so wicked
  4. When the Israelites came to Matah they could not drink its water because it was bitter. What did Moses use to purify the water?Exodus 15:25
    1. A piece of wood
    2. A piece of cloth
    3. Salt 
    4. A stick
  5. From which tribe were Moses, Aaron and Miriam
    1. Judah
    2. Leviit 
    3. Benjamin
    4. Manasseh
  6. Which one of the following BEST explains why the Passover is important to the Jews. Because reminds them of
    1. the death of Egyptians.
    2. about crossing the Red sea.
    3. about the king of Egypt.
    4. their deliverance from slavery.
  7. “You will not build a temple for me David, instead your son is the one who will do it because your hands are full of blood.”
    1 Samuel 7:5- 17. Which one of David's sons built a temple for God?
    1. Solomon
    2. Adonijah
    3. Amnon
    4. Absalom
  8. Which of the following commandments did  King Ahab break when he saw Naboth's Man became alive after God vineyard and wanted to own it? A. 
    1. You should not steal.  
    2. You should not covet. 
    3. You should not bear false witness against someone.
    4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. 
  9. When Naaman was healed of leprosy, Elisha refused to take the gifts he had carried for him. Gehazi the servant of Elisha ran after him and lied that his master had changed his mind and wanted the gifts. Which one of the following values did Gehazi lack?
    1. Humility
    2. Self-control 
    3. Integrity 
    4. Kindness 
  10. According to Exodus 31, who among the following people did God fill with the skills, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts to help in building the ark of the covenant?
    1. Moses and Aaron they could 
    2. Joshua and Caleb 
    3. Eliezar ad Gershom 
    4. Bezalela and Oholiob 
  11. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are   small among the clans of Judah, out of you will  come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from ancient times” Who among the following prophets prophesied the birth place of Jesus? 
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Micah
    3. Isaiah
    4. Joel
  12. Which one of the following is the MAIN reason why Zechariah became dumb when the angel  of God told him that his wife would give birth  to a baby boy? He 
    1. He was so afraid because his wife was old.
    2. The news about the birth of his son excited him so much.
    3. He doubted the message of the angel.
    4. He fell sick and became dumb.
  13. Why did Mary and Joseph take their baby Jesus  to Egypt? They 
    1. had gone to visit their relatives.. 
    2. were going for census.
    3. were running away from King Herod. 
    4. had gone for the Passover festivals.
  14. John the baptist went round in the whole territory of river Jordan preaching his message. To which group of people did he tell not to take money from anyone by force or accuse anyone falsely and to be also contented with their pay? The 
    1. Pharisees 
    2. tax collectors 
    3. soldiers 
    4. Saducees
  15. Which one of the following is the MAIN lesson that Christian learn from the incident when Jesus was baptized by John the baptist? That Christian should
    1. identify themselves with their church. 
    2. be baptized in order to get new names. 
    3. look for people to baptize them in rivers. 
    4. be ready to be baptized them in rivers.
  16. Which one of the following miracles performed by Jesus shows that he is a universal saviour? Healing of the 
    1. blind Bartimeus
    2. Roman Centurion's servant
    3. paralyzed man
    4. bleeding woman
  17. In which of the following events did Jesus teach us that He is the source of enjoyment?
    1. The healing of Lazarus
    2. Multiplication of fish and bread.
    3. The wedding at Cana of Galilee
    4. The healing of the crippled woman
  18. Which one of the following was NOT an accusation about Jesus brought before Pilate? 
    1. Claiming to be the Messiah 
    2. Organizing riots in Jerusalem 
    3. Telling people not to pay taxes 
    4. Telling people not to obey the laws of Moses.
  19. Who among the following people was the rich man who offered his tomb for the burial of the body of Jesus
    1. Nicodemus 
    2. Simon of Cyrene
    3. Joseph of Arimathea 
    4. Stephen
  20. According to the teaching of Saint Paul, any person who DOES NOT work should not be allowed to 
    1. work
    2. eat
    3. sleep
    4. earn money
  21. Which one of the following is a SIMILAR belief in both Christianity and traditional African communities? 
    1. Life after death 
    2. God the ancestor 
    3. The Holy trinity 
    4. Going to paradise
  22. Who among the following people was NOT religious specialist in traditional African societies? 
    1. Rainmaker 
    2. Magician 
    3. Diviner
    4. Prophet
  23. In African traditional communities, the MAIN reason why people shared their materials things with others was to show 
    1. their wealth. 
    2. respect to the elders. 
    3. concern for other. 
    4. obedience to the ancestors.
  24. According to traditional African communities, children are told folktales MAINLY to 
    1. entertain them. 
    2. keep them busy. 
    3. teach them their history. 
    4. teach them moral values.
  25. A standard 8 boy was reported to his mother for not completing his homework. As a Christian what is the BEST action for the mother to take? :
    1. Beat him thoroughly 
    2. Refuse to pay his school fees 
    3. Advice him on the importance of obedience.
    4. Report him to the nearby police station,
  26. Shantel has no sister or brother. When she first went to school, it was very difficult for her but with time she understood the importance of living and learning together. Which one of the following values did shantel acquire in school? 
    1. Sharing
    2. Writing 
    3. Reading
    4. Working
  27. Martha a standard 8 girls finds two pupils fighting. As a Christian what should Martha do?
    1. Pass and leave them fighting. 
    2. Stop them from fighting. 
    3. Report the matter to their parents. 
    4. Report them at the nearest police station.
  28. Which one of the following is NOT a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Love
    2. Kindness
    3. Faith
    4. Faithfulness
  29. Which one of the following qualities is a hindrance to a happy relationship between friends?
    1. Tolerance
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Betrayal
    4. Humility
  30. Who one of the following activities did Ludwig Krapf involve himself in as a missionary in Kenya?
    1. Planting cash crops.
    2. Building mission centres.
    3. Appointing church leaders.
    4. Building the railway.


  1. Which one of the following is NOT a burden removed from prophet Muhammad (p.biu.h) according to Surah Al-Inshirah?
    1. ignorance
    2. burying daughter alive
    3. gambling
    4. business merchant caravans
  2. Who among the following people were given taurat? The
    1. Jews
    2. Christians
    3. Arabs
    4. Chaldeans 
  3. The holy Qur’an was revealed in the night of
    1. Isra wal miiraj
    2. Hijra
    3. Lailatul qadr
    4. Tahajjud
  4. In the surah Al-falaq, Muslims seek
    1. intervention
    2. refuge
    3. advice
    4. blessings
  5. In surah Al-Asr, man is considered to be at a loss if he
    1. use time poorly.
    2. never embraced Islamic guidance.
    3. used wealth on the way of Allah.
    4. stopped da'awa mission
  6. The hadith of the prophet (p.b.u.h) involves a number of guidance. Which one of these is among them? The
    1. agreements of the Ulamaa
    2. views of the Caliphs.
    3. findings of Swahabas
    4. the approvals of the prophet (p.b.u.h)
  7. Which one among the following vices in Islamic Sharia, is a form of Zinaa?
    1. Apostasy
    2. Fornication
    3. Accusations
    4. Rumours 
  8. All the following are moments in which Muslims need to thank Allah (s.w) EXCEPT when we  
    1. get riza
    2. are relieved off difficulties
    3. give promises to people.
    4. we gain promotions on jobs
  9. When you drink, how many times should you stop to take a breath?
    1. three
    2. two 
    3. five
    4. four 
  10. Which one of the following conditions of swalah CANNOT be seen by any other man? 
    1. Facing Qiblat
    2. Having the intention
    3. Cleanliness 
    4. Covering the A'ura
  11. Muslims travellers are allowed to reduce the amount of rakaats and combine fardh prayers.Which swalats should not be reduced according to Sharia?
    1. Dhuhr and Asr
    2. Fajr and Isha 
    3. Asr and Isha
    4. Fajr and Maghrib
  12. Muslims who fail to fast in the month of Ramadhan for a few days with reasons understood in the sharia, it becomes in other days of the Islamic calendar.
    1. Fidya
    2. Kafara
    3. Sunna
    4. Waajib
  13. Which one of the following information is TRUE ABOUT Umra? It
    1. must be concluded with standing at Arafa.
    2. can be performed repeatedly in life.
    3. must be performed alongside Hajj.
    4. it is used to orientate the new pilgrims.
  14. The special piece of cloth worn during hajj pilgrimate is called
    1. kaffaan
    2. libasu Taqwa
    3. qamis
    4. ihraam
  15. In which takbira of salat janaza should the dua for the dead be recited?
    1. fourth
    2. first
    3. third
    4. second
  16. Milk of animals whose meat we do not eat is grouped under ______ najis. 
    1. light
    2. heavy 
    3. medium
    4. impurity
  17. People having janaba, nifas and heidh are not allowed to do all the following things EXCEPT to enjoy during the occasion of
    1. entering the mosque
    2. listening to sermons
    3. touching the holy Qura’n.
    4. perform swalah
  18. The attribute that Allah (s.w) is known to be “Guider" is
    1. Al-Basit
    2. As-Samii
    3. Al-Adl
    4. Al-Rasheed
  19. Which one of the following was a miracle at the time of prophet Suleiman (A.S)
    1. survived in a blaze of fire.
    2. brought the dead people back to life,
    3. communicated the language of all creatures.
    4. Allah made iron soft for him.
  20. Which one of the following is a pair of angels who perform their duties together?
    1. Isra'iil and israfiil
    2. Munkar and Nakir
    3. Ridhwan and Malik
    4. Jibril and Mikaiil
  21. Which one of the following CORRECTLY shows the Ayyaamul Tashriq days on the Islamic Calendar year? 
    1. 11th, 124, 13th, Dhul Hijja
    2. 25th, 27th, 296, Ramadhan
    3. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Shawwaal
    4. 13th, 14th, 15th, Every months
  22. The prophet (p.b.u.h) compared a person who talks in the mosque during khutba to
    1. an empty basket that makes noise.
    2. a burning candle that finishes itself.
    3. a donkey loaded with books.
    4. a defaulter who missed the Jum'a
  23. Which one of the following is the correct date on which the prophet underwent Isra-wal miiraj trip?
    1. 17th, Shaaban year of Birds
    2. 124, Rabiul awwal Year of Elephants
    3. 10", Muharram Year of Hijra
    4. 27th, Rajab year of Sorrow
  24. Walima is a special food prepared for people
    1. Idd.
    2. Nikah
    3. Suhur
    4. Aqiqa
  25. Chaldeans were people from
    1. Thamud
    2. Aika
    3. Ur
    4. Ard
  26. By readily accepting the call to be slaughtered by his father. Nabii Ismail (A.S)exercised
    1. patience
    2. honesty 
    3. generosity
    4. sacrifice
  27. "Allahumma innii, audhubika minal khubuth wal-khabaaithi”. This is recited upon entering
    1. kitchen
    2. toilet
    3. bedroom
    4. house
  28. Which one of the following trades gives a halaal income?
    1. Musical instruments
    2. Intoxicants
    3. Pottery
    4. Photography
  29. Who among the following was NOT one of prophet Muhammad's grandfathers?
    1. Aazar .
    2. Qilabi
    3. Quswayyi
    4. Abdul Manafi
  30. Which pillar of Islam is said to be heavier than the earth and everything in it?
    1. Swala
    2. Hajj
    3. Swaum
    4. Shahada



  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. D
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. B
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. B
  30. B
  31. A
  32. B
  33. C
  34. D
  35. D
  36. D
  37. D
  38. C
  39. C
  40. A
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. D
  45. C
  46. C
  47. A
  48. A
  49. B
  50. B
  51. D
  52. D
  53. C
  54. A
  55. D
  56. B
  57. C
  58. A
  59. C
  60. B


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D




Use the map of Elgon Area to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The factory in Elgon area is
    1. an assembly plant
    2. a processing plant
    3. a manufacturing plant
    4. is a Jua Kali plant
  2. Three of the following shows that Elgon area lies in a cool and wet zone. Which one does not?
    1. Presence of boreholes
    2. Presence of forest
    3. permanent rivers
    4. Presence of a cash crop
  3. What is the direction of the game reserve from the hill?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South East
    4. South West
  4. Which economic activity is NOT practiced in Elgon area?
    1. Mining
    2. Tourism
    3. Trading
    4. Cash crop farming
  5. The highest point in Elgon area is
    1. around safi area
    2. around the forested area
    3. around the game reserve
    4. around the tea growing zone
  6. What has contributed MOST to the growth of the town in Elgon area?
    1. Nearness to Safi dam
    2. Availability of water
    3. Flatness of the land
    4. Adequate means of transport
  7. The dam in Elgon area
    1. is a source of a river
    2. increases floods
    3. is a reservoir
    4. is a natural feature
  8. Which one of the following is a result of Bantus interaction with the people of Saudi Arabia?
    1. Introduction of Swahili culture
    2. Introduction of Christianity
    3. Establishment of Mission Schools
    4. Abolition of slave trade
  9. The following are characteristics of prominent leaders in Africa
    1. He was a trader
    2. He was a medicine man
    3. He was a military leader
    4. He was a famous religious leader
    5. He died in 1904

    Which one are for Masaku?
    1. (i) (iii) (v)
    2. (ii) (iv) (v)
    3. (i) (ii) (iv)
    4. (i) (ii) (v)
  10. Which one is the BEST way of conserving wildlife?
    1. Educating people on the importance of wildlife
    2. Erecting electric fences around national parks
    3. Protection of the endangered species
    4. Increasing the area under forests

      Use the map of Africa below to answer question 11-13
  11. The climatic region marked M is?
    1. Mediterranean climate
    2. Mountain climate
    3. Equatorial climate
    4. Tropical climate
  12. The physical feature marked S is a
    1. a volcanic mountain
    2. a block mountain
    3. a fold mountain
    4. a residual mountain
  13. Which of the following is not true of the river marked Q?
    1. It drains in East Africa
    2. It has an artificial lake
    3. It is used for irrigation
    4. It starts in East Africa
  14. Three of the following are problems facing ECOWAS, which one is NOT?
    1. Brought limited movement of people in member countries
    2. Production of similar goods
    3. Inefficient infrastructure connecting member countries
    4. Lack of a common currency among member states
  15. Which is the capital of South Africa?
    1. Johannesburg
    2. Soweto
    3. Pretoria
    4. Witwatersrand
  16. The following are description of a certain river in Africa
    1. It originated from a lake
    2. It forms a delta
    3. Its water is used for irrigation

    The river described above is?
    1. R. Volta
    2. R. Zambezi
    3. R. Nile 
    4. R. Tana
  17. Dairy farming is BEST practiced in areas that are.
    1. High in altitude.
    2. Hot and dry.
    3. Hot and wet.
    4. Near urban centres.
  18. The history of a community was passed from generation to another MAINLY through?
    1. Imitation.
    2. Work.
    3. Apprenticeship.
    4. Story telling.
  19. The pre-historic site that is found in Tanzania is
    1. Oldvuai Gorge
    2. Nariokotene
    3. Hyrax Hill
    4. Olorgesaillie
  20. Which one of the following is not a function of Mombasa town?
    1. An administrative centre
    2. An industrial centre
    3. A tourist centre
    4. It is a lake port centre
  21. Three of the following are requirements of presidential candidates except?
    1. Must present nomination papers to the returning officer.
    2. Must be 35 yrs and above.
    3. Be a registered voter in a constituency.
    4. Must be nominated by a registered political party.
  22. A false statement about the Portuguese rule in Africa is:-
    1. They considered their colonies as overseas provinces.
    2. The grouped their colonies to form federations
    3. Laws in their colonies were made in Portugal.
    4. The provinces were governed from Portugal
  23. The first prime minister in Kenya was
    1. Uhuru Kenyatta
    2. Raila Odinga
    3. Jomo Kenyatta
    4. Oginga Odinga

      Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 24-26
  24. Which of the following communities migrated through roure X?
    1. Bantu 
    2. Kalenjin
    3. Somali
    4. Luo
  25. Which of the following lakesis marked Y?
    1. Victoria
    2. Malawi
    3. Rukwa
    4. Tanganyika
  26. The Eastern African country marked S is?
    1. D.R.Congo
    2. Uganda
    3. Rwanda
    4. Burundi
  27. Taxes collected by the Kenya government are used in all the following except?
    1. Providing education
    2. Buying private property
    3. Maintaining law and order
    4. Building roads
  28. Three of the following are TRUE about the flag of Kenya except
    1. the Kenyan flag was adopted in December 1963.
    2. The green color stands for our natural wealth.
    3. It is a factor that promotes national unity.
    4. It has four colors each with a different meaning.
  29. During which month is the sun overhead the tropical of Capricorn?
    1. March
    2. December
    3. September
    4. June
  30. Three of the following are factors influencing climate change except?
    1. Pollution 
    2. Overstocking
    3. Deforestation
    4. Rural-urban migration
  31. Cloves are largely grown in
    1. Zanzibar 
    2. Uganda
    3. Eritrea
    4. Tanzania
  32. Three of the following are TRUE of the legislature in Kenya EXCEPT?
    1. Its main duty is to make laws.
    2. It formulates government policies.
    3. It has elected as well as nominated MPs
    4. It controls government spending.
  33. Which one of the following countries has a traditional government?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Uganda
    3. Somalia
    4. Swaziland
  34. The Aswan high dam was established MAINLY to?
    1. Control the flooding of river Nile
    2. Produce hydro-electric power
    3. Provide water for irrigation
    4. Create fishing grounds
  35. Which one is NOT a problem facing forests in Kenya?
    1. Government allocation of forest land
    2. Silting of rivers and dams
    3. Illegal logging
    4. Forest fires
  36. Three of the following are importances of population data. Which one is NOT?
    1. Helps the government to plan for enough food supplies
    2. The government knows the expected money to correct from individuals
    3. Planning for social services (eg) schools and hospitals
    4. Planning for free primary education
  37. Pyramids are a famous tourist attraction in
    1. Algeria
    2. Kenya
    3. Egypt
    4. Zimbambwe
  38. During the pre-colonial period virtues were encouraged through
    1. Bible readings
    2. Local courts
    3. Scared rituals
    4. Moral laws
  39. The factor that has mainly influenced the location of Webuye paper industry is?
    1. Nearness to raw materials
    2. Good transport means
    3. A ready market
    4. Provision of skilled labour
  40. Which one of the following countries achieved her independence through constitutional means?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Ghana
    3. Kenya
    4. Mozambique
  41. .Female Genital Mutilation is discouraged in Kenya Mainly because
    1. It leads to barrenness
    2. It promotes disunity
    3. It encourages immorality
    4. It is health hazard
  42. The following are descriptions of a certain mineral in Kenya
    1. It is the second most important mineral
    2. It is used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and toothpaste
    3. It is used to make non-stick cooking pans
    4. The mineral is mined using open cast method

    The mineral described above is?
    1. Limestone
    2. Soda Ash
    3. Diatomite
    4. Fluorspar
  43. The 12 members of parliament are nominated by?
    1. Registered political parties
    2. Public service commission
    3. Attorney General
    4. President
  44. Majority of foreigners become citizen of Kenya MAINLY through
    1. Birth
    2. Naturalization
    3. Registration
    4. Identification
  45. Who among the following is BEST suited to help end a civil dispute
    1. Local administrator
    2. Chief justice
    3. Arbitrator
    4. Member of parliament
      Use the diagram below to answer question 46.
  46. Which of the following physical feature was formed through the above process?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt.Kilimanjaro
    3. The Atlas mts 
    4. the Ahaggar mts
  47. Which one of the following was NOT practiced in traditional agriculture?
    1. Plantation farming
    2. Mixed farming
    3. Subsistence farming
    4. Shifting cultivation
  48. Three of the following are true of customary marriage. Which one is NOT?
    1. It is the most common type of marriage
    2. Marriage certificates are issued
    3. It takes place according to African customs and traditions
    4. Polygamy is allowed
  49. Three of the countries below are members of the common wealth EXCEPT
    1. Britain
    2. New Zealand
    3. France
    4. Canada
  50. Three of the following are true statements about a general election. Which one is FALSE?
    1. Returning officers announce election results in constituencies
    2. Presiding officers announce election results in constituencies
    3. Presidential, parliamentary and civic elections held at the same time.
    4. The electoral commission supervises the election
  51. Which one is TRUE of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta?
    1. He supported freedom fighters in other parts of Africa
    2. He was the first chairman of the Kenya African Union KAU
    3. He was the secretary general of Kenya African National Union KANU
    4. He introduced the 8:4:4 system of education
  52. The ocean currents that creates a cooling effect on the South Western tip of Africa is
    1. Mozambique 
    2. Canary
    3. Guinea
    4. Benguela
  53. Which one is a challenge facing African economies
    1. Underpopulation
    2. Urbanization
    3. Inadequate capital
    4. Shortage of labor
  54. Which one of the following climatic regions mainly receives convectional rainfall throughout the year?
    1. Mountain climate
    2. Equatorial
    3. Savanna
    4. Mediterranean
  55. Which one of the following is NOT true about the speaker?
    1. He is elected by members of parliament
    2. He chairs parliamentary debates
    3. He swears in the members of parliament
    4. He is elected after two terms of five years each
  56. Three of the following are reasons why Lenana of the Maasai collaborated with the British except?
    1. To be recognized as the Maasai political leader
    2. To receive food supplies due to famine
    3. So that the Maasai could be moved to reserves
    4. To get military support against his brother
  57. Which one is NOT an organ of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF)
    1. The Army
    2. The General Service Unit
    3. The Navy
    4. The Administration Police
  58. Three of the following are TRUE about coffee growing in Ethiopia EXCEPT
    1. The main variety grown is Arabica
    2. The main growing area is Ethiopia Highlands
    3. Coffee is the second foreign exchange earner
    4. Most of the coffee is grown by small scale farmers
  59. Three of the following are advantages of roads transport except one. Which one?
    1. Faster and cheaper over shorter distances
    2. It is free from noise and air pollution
    3. It is the most widespread form of transport
    4. It is a flexible form of transport
  60. Mary a HIV infected orphan has been refused playing with anybody by her aunt. Which freedom has Mary been denied
    1. Freedom of playing
    2. Freedom of speech
    3. Freedom of worship
    4. Freedom of association


  1. Noah a man of God had the ability to?
    1. control rain
    2. create a rainbow
    3. build
    4. sing
  2. Who among the following people asked for permission to bury the body of Jesus?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Cleopas
    3. Joseph of Arimathea
    4. Peter
  3. Jesus made himself known as the resurrected Lord to the two men at Emmaus when he?
    1. broke the bread
    2. showed them the scars
    3. washed their feet
    4. healed them
  4. What did Moses find the Israelites doing when he brought the first tablets of the TenCommandments?
    1. Sacrificing a lamb
    2. Praying God
    3. Building the tower of Babel
    4. Worshipping an idol
  5. Who among the following men was a judge as well as a prophet in Israel?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Elijah
    3. Samuel
    4. Gideon
  6. King Saul annoyed God by?
    1. planning to kill David
    2. consulting a medium
    3. killing of prophets
    4. marrying foreign wives
  7. How many brothers had Joseph son of Jacob?
    1. Eleven
    2. Twelve
    3. Ten
    4. One
  8. Which one is a common miracle done by Jesus, Elijah and Elisha?
    1. Multiplying of flour
    2. Multiplying of oil
    3. Raising of sons
    4. Healing of lepers
  9. Which of the following are prophetic biblical books?
    1. Ruth, Judges, Micah
    2.  Amos, Hosea, Job
    3. Esther, Nahum, Jeremiah
    4. Isaiah, Revelation, Ezekiel
  10. Which name did Angel Gabriel give to baby Jesus during his annunciation? Matthew 1:23
    1. Prince of peace
    2.  Emmanuel
    3. Christ
    4. Messiah
  11. Which of the following miracles did Jesus do after his resurrection?
    1. Feeding the four thousand
    2. Calming of a storm
    3. Miraculous catch of fish
    4. Walking on water
  12. Where was Jesus when he was tempted by Satan?
    1. In the garden of Gethsemane
    2. In mount olives
    3. In the temple
    4. In the wilderness
  13. During the sermon on the mountain Jesus taught?
    1. Christian values
    2. Ten Commandments
    3. Secular values
    4. Lord’s prayer
  14. A parable that teaches Christians on Jesus second coming is about?
    1. the lost sheep
    2. the mustard seed
    3. the ten virgins
    4. the prodigal son
  15. Which disciple did Jesus ask to take care of his mother Mary when he was on the cross?
    1. James
    2. John
    3. Peter
    4. James
  16. Who among the twelve disciples of Jesus doubted his resurrection?
    1. Judas
    2. Peter
    3. John
    4. Thomas
  17. Fasting does not help a Christian to
    1. be respected .
    2. pray.
    3. help the needy.
    4. have self-control .
  18. Which one of the following benefits can a Christian get from the Holy Spirit?
    1. Selfishness
    2. Courage
    3. Disobedience
    4. Bitterness
  19. The early missionaries did not train one of the following workers
    1. Clergy
    2. Doctors
    3. Medicinemen 
    4. Laity
  20. Which among the following cannot bring conflict in our communities?
    1. Ethnic differences
    2. Poverty
    3. Religion difference
    4. Patriotism
  21. Discernment is an important Christian value when practicing?
    1. judgment
    2. self- control
    3. humanity
    4. self esteem
  22. Who among the following people would not be involved during sacrifices in Traditional African society?
    1. Priest
    2. Elder
    3. Sorcerer
    4. Rainmaker
  23. Children in Traditional African Society were named from all the following except?
    1. ancestors
    2. saints
    3. seasons
    4. events
  24. The major role of youngmen in Traditional African Society was?
    1. grazing cattle
    2. settling disputes
    3. offering sacrifices
    4. providing security
  25. Which one of the following Traditional Africa society practice can’t agree with Christianity?
    1. Burnt offering
    2. Singing and dancing
    3. Offering farm produce
    4. Daily prayers
  26. Peter a class seven pupil has had a cough for the last two weeks. His deskmate is spreading a rumor that he is HIV positive. What advice can you give to them
    1. Peter should start taking ARVs
    2. They should both visit a VCT center
    3. HIV/AIDS doesn’t affect pupils
    4. Coughing is not necessarily a symptom of HIV/AIDS
  27. Mary is a class seven girl who likes to spend her leisure time with boys in isolated places. Which one of the following is likely to be a result?
    1. Female genital mutilation
    2. Academic improvement
    3. Teenage pregnancy
    4. Family cooperation
  28. Tom attends a school where the teacher uses sign language. This is likely to be a school for th
    1. visually impaired
    2. hearing impaired
    3. physical handicapped
    4. mentally handicapped
  29. Who among the following does manual work?
    1. John who is a farmer
    2. Michael who is a watchman
    3. Karen who is a policewoman
    4. Jane who is a teacher
  30. The Great commission refers to?
    1. Jesus miracles and healings
    2. Jesus sending out his disciples
    3. Jesus being born on earth
    4. Jesus ascension into heaven


  1. Among the following Surahs which one has more verses
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Kauthar
    3. Falaq
    4. Naas
  2. Suratul Fatiha is also called__________
    1. Rahim
    2. Hamdu
    3. Fatah
    4. Iyaaka
  3. Suratul Alaq mentions man as being created from_____________
    1. Clay
    2. Clot of Blood
    3. Ribs
    4. woman
  4. The word Bayyinah means __________
    1. lear evidence 
    2. good advice
    3. Clear lessons
    4. good tidings
  5. Which verse is recommended for a Muslim to recite?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Naas
    3. Yasin
    4. Kursiyyuh
  6. Complete the following hadith; '' whoever is not thankful to _______is not thankful to ______''
    1. Allah , people
    2. people , Allah
    3. Prophet , Allah
    4. Allah, prophet
  7. The following are nullifiers of swalah. Which one is not?
    1. Turning away from the Qibla
    2. Leaving out a pillar of swalah
    3. Reciting a chapter of Qur-an
    4. Following maamuma
  8. If you do nothing and expect everything to be done by Allah is ___________
    1. Tawakkul
    2. Taqwa
    3. Tawheed
    4. Tawaakul
  9. The first Wahyi which came from Allah was on ________________
    1. Alaq
    2. Creation
    3. Knowledge
    4. Clot of blood
  10. The main reason why muslims fast is_______
    1. To keep away from eating
    2. Is a pillar of Islam
    3. To gain taqwa
    4. All prophets fasted
  11. Hafswa got 249 marks in Std. 7 End year exam. Her parents told her to repeat. She refused. What best advice would you give her?
    1. Tell her to obey her parents and repeat
    2. Advice her to transfer to another school
    3. Tell her to quit school
    4. Inform her to discuss the issue with her parents
  12. Those who keep away from worldly affairs are known as ______________
    1. Muttaqin
    2. Auliyyaa
    3. Zuhd
    4. Abideena
  13. Which among the following is connected to Zakkat ( fitr, tawaf, qiyam, nisab, sunnah, takbir)
    1. fitr, sunnah
    2. Sunnah, takbir
    3. Fitr, nisab
    4. nisab, takbir
  14. We should say jazakallah when__________
    1. Helping others
    2. Eating
    3. Sneezing
    4. Thanking others
  15. Who among the following is a grandson of the prophet?
    1. Ibrahim
    2. Ali
    3. Fatma
    4. Hassan
  16. One of the Islamic measures in controlling HIV/AIDS is _____________
    1. marrying one wife
    2. Avoiding people of the opposite gender
    3. prayers
    4. Being faithful to married partner
  17. Hijjatul widaa is known as_________
    1. last hajj
    2. farewell Hajj
    3. blessed Hajj
    4. holy Hajj
  18. Nabii Nuh(a.s) was sent to the people of ________ in Iraq
    1. Adil
    2. Baghdad
    3. Basra
    4. Mesopotamia
  19. Inna lillahi wa inna illahi rajiunis mostly recited by muslims __________________
    1. When calamity strikes
    2. When they hear bad news
    3. When in pain
    4. When they are informed of the death of someone
  20. Ali ate unintentionally during Ramadhan. What is the immediate action for him to take?
    1. Continue eating
    2. Stop eating and continue fasting
    3. Take a glass of water
    4. Call a friend and share the meal
  21. The sunnah prayer only performed during Ramadhan is known as ____________
    1. witr
    2. tahajjud
    3. Baadiyah
    4. taraweh
  22. During the battle of Uhud the muslim army had __________ soldiers with coats of armour.
    1. 1000
    2. 300
    3. 700
    4. 200
  23. Which among the following events is not associated with Friday
    1. Creation of Adam
    2. Admission of Adam to paradise
    3. Death of Nabii Issa
    4. Day of judgement
  24. Qaarun was a ralative of nabii __________
    1. Issa (a.s)
    2. Suleiman (a.s)
    3. Nuh (a.s)
    4. Musa (a.s)
  25. The early migration of Muslims from Makkah to Madinah is known as_________
    1. Hijrah
    2. Isra
    3. Swafah
    4. Hajj
  26. The companions of the prophet who migrated from Makkah were called_________
    1. Answar
    2. Muhajiruun
    3. Swahabas
    4. Muuminun
  27. When electing leaders we should choose those with
    1. Alot of money
    2. Cars
    3. Honesty
    4. degrees
  28. In Kenyan coast the counties with high population of muslims are Kilifi,Mombasa, Kwale, Lamu. Which one has the highest muslimpopulation?
    1. Lamu
    2. Kwale
    3. Kilifi
    4. Mombasa
  29. Which fardh prayer has no baadiyyah optional prayer?
    1. Isha
    2. Maghrib
    3. Dhuhur
    4. Subh
  30. When is it most appropriate to say Kalimah?
    1. When reciting Quran
    2. When about to sleep
    3. Before taking bath
    4. Before eating

Marking Scheme

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  30. B


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