Friday, 19 May 2023 13:47

Creative Arts, Social Studies & Religion Questions and Answers - Grade 5 Opener Exams Term 2 2023 Set 1



  1. Which one of the following is not an element of art?
    1. Line
    2. Texture
    3. Shape
    4. Form
  2. An artist can create a realistic still life composition with the following features except
    1. movement
    2. balance
    3. proportion
    4. overlapping
  3. The following are materials used in still life drawing. Which is the odd one out?
    1. Drawing surface
    2. Pencil, charcoal, crayon or chalk 
    3. Ruler
    4. Paint brush
  4. The following are examples of dry media required in the smudge technique. Which one is the odd one out?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Pencil
    3. Chalk
    4. Paint
  5. Which one of the following is not a way one can use to create value gradation effect when smudging with dry media?
    1. Spreading the applied media using a finger
    2. Using a blunt object to scratch off colour
    3. Smearing the surface with colour using a soft cloth
    4.  Varying the intensity of shading in a picture

Use the picture below to answer questions 6 and 7.


  1. Which drawing technique has been used in drawing the above cylindrical form?
    1. Shading
    2. Crayon etching
    3. Smudging
    4. Cross hatching
  2. What is the effect of using lines that are close to one another in the drawing?
    1. Creates a dark effect
    2. Creates a light effect
    3. Shows overlapping areas
    4. Shows the source of light
  3. The following are materials required in making wax crayons except.
    1. bees wax
    2. paraffin wax
    3. pigment
    4. water colours
  4. Why is soap used when applying the dark coat over the crayon rubbing?
    1. To clean the surface to be covered
    2. To make the surface slippery when working
    3. To help the ink or paint stick on the crayons
    4. To avoid melting of the wax crayons
  5. Primary colours are ................. , ................. and ....................
    1. black, white and grey
    2. red, blue and yellow
    3. violet, green and orange
    4. green, blue and violet
  6. What is the resultant colour when two primary colours are mixed?
    1. Mixed primary colour
    2. Secondary colour
    3. Tertiary colour
    4. Complementary colour
  7. The following are locally available adhesives one can use to stick cut-out pictures and photographs when making a montage.
    Which one is not?
    1. Mauritius thorn seed pod
    2. Hooves and horns
    3. Euphorbia tree sap
    4. Office glue
  8. Which of the following is not a way of preparing stiff fibres from plants in readiness for weaving?
    1. Soaking
    2. Splitting
    3. Stripping
    4. Twinning
  9. Which one of the following is not required when improvising a leather pencil case?
    1. Cutting tools such as skiving knives, blades and scissors
    2. Leather punch
    3. Sharp tipped hard wire or nail
    4. A hollow cylindrical container
  10. Making pots as shown in the following picture is by the
    15 fadad
    1. coil technique
    2. slab technique
    3. pinch technique
    4. wheel throwing technique


  1. SAT are voices sung by.
    1. Two tenors and an alto line.
    2. Soprano and alto line.
    3. Two soprano and two alto lines.
    4. Soprano, tenor and alto
  2. Which letters fill the spaces below!
    1. f.r
    2. la, ti
    3. m, s
    4. r.d
  3. How many people cannot take part into a two-part song?
    1. 3
    2. 1
    3. 5
    4. 7
  4.  Why do participants in an African performance adorn their bodies?
    1. To identify with all communities.
    2. To maintain the beat.
    3. To help keep their part.
    4. To look colourful for the audience 
  5. AB structure is called?
    1. Binary or in two sections. 
    2. Ternary or in three sections. 
    3. Quintet or in five sections. 
    4. Quartet or in four sections.
  6. ta-te has.............beat count.
    1. 1
    2. 1/2
    3. 2
    4. 3
  7. Which one of the following is not a difference between percussion instruments and wind instruments?
    1. Method of playing
    2. Method of tuning
    3. Method of maintenance
    4. Materials for making the instrument 
  8. Issues affecting our society are called
    1. Major issues
    2. Politics
    3. Moral issues
    4. Pertinent Issues
  9. Which one of the following is not a technique of playing a descant recorder?
    1. Striking the strings
    2. Tonguing the mouth piece
    3. Fingering
    4. Gently blowing air into the mouth piece 
  10. Which holes are covered when playing note lower C on a descant recorder?
    1. All
    2. 1, 2, 3, 5
    4. 1.7


Study the map below and answer the questions 1 to 5.

map scial asa

  1. What is the population pattern in Maji Mazuri Area? 
    1. Dense
    2. Clustered
    3. Linear
    4. Nucleated
  2. Which of the following is not an economic activity practised in Maji Mazuri Area?
    1. Tourism
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Mining
    4. Farming
  3. What is the climatic condition in the east of Maji Mazuri Area!
    1. Cool and wet
    2. Hot and dry
    3. Dry and wet
    4. Cool and dry
  4. What is the direction of scrub vegetation from the forest?
    1. South
    2. North
    3. North East
    4. South West
  5. Limestone is mined at Maji Mazuri Area.
    What means of transport is used to transport it?
    1. Railway
    2. Air
    3. Road
    4. Water
  6. A map has.........................key elements.
    1. 4
    2. 7
    3. 5
    4. 9
  7. Barry listed the following as cash crops.
    Which one is not correct?
    1. Tea
    2. Pyrethrum
    3. Sukuma wiki
    4. Coffee
  8. Kenya borders Tanzania to the
    1. South
    2. West
    3. North
    4. East
  9. Name the relief feature shown on the map below.
    34 adada
    1. Mt Kilimanjaro
    2. Mt Elgon
    3. Mt Kenya
    4. Mt Marsabit
  10. Which of the following weather elements is not correctly named?
    35 adada
  11. The climate of a region is mainly influenced by altitude. Which climatic region is described?
    1. Tropical climate
    2. Desert
    3. Mountain equatorial
    4. Modified
  12. Which of the following is a monument?
    1. Tom Mboya
    2. Fort Jesus
    3. Gedi Ruins
    4. Koobi Fora
  13. Museums preserve our ................... and traditions in our country
    1. Culture
    2. Food
    3. Homes
    4. Elders
  14. Makena categorised communities according to their language groups as follows. Which one is correctly matched?
    1. Bantu- Iteso, Elmolo
    2. Cushites- Luo, Terik
    3. Nilotes- Pokot, Keiyo
    4. Asians- France, Italy
  15. The following areas are densely populated except.
    1. Coastal areas
    2. North of Lake Victoria
    3. Highlands
    4. Deserts


  1. God created the whole world and rested on the ................................ day
    1. First
    2. Third
    3. Fifth
    4. Seventh
  2. Why did Eve agree to eat the forbidden fruit!
    1. She wanted to be wise like God
    2. She wanted to be foolish
    3.  She did not know it was forbidden
    4. She was not hungry
  3. Which punishment was given to Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit?
    1.  She was told never to eat fruits
    2. She would feel pain when giving birth 
    3. She was told to eat dust
    4.  She would have to wear leaves
  4. Sierra was feeling confused about how to differentiate a talent and an ability She spoke to the following people to get advice on how to use her talents. Which one of them had the best advice?
    1.  Her small sister
    2. Her father
    3. Her classmate
    4. A stranger
  5. From the story of the rescue of baby Moses by Pharaoh's daughter we can learn the following values except?
    1. Unkindness
    2. Love
    3. Compassion
    4. Empathy
  6. Which of these children show good stewardship in school?
    1. Velma- Loses her text books and her uniform items frequently
    2. Brianna-Tears pages from her exercise books and throws them around the classroom
    3.  Drake- Breaks school desks and chairs
    4. Didi- Switches off the lights and takes care of her property
  7. Jacky's friends are always gossiping about the others. She does not like it. Which of these reasons could make Jacky still stay with those friends!
    1.  Loneliness
    2. Good role models
    3. Having little time
    4. Honouring God
  8. Which of these values can we use to nurture. our talents and abilities?
    1. Laziness
    2. Fear
    3. Honesty
    4. Irresponsibility
  9. Which of these children has been denied their rights?
    1. Annete-Arranging the books on the shelf
    2. Brenda - Helping with chores around the house
    3. Imelda- She works in a coffee plantation
    4. Charles-He can play together with his friends.
  10. Which sin did the first human beings commit?
    1. Adultery
    2. Disobedience
    3. Murder
    4. Stealing


  1. Which surah tells us that AbraAshram wanted to destroy Kaaba
    1. Fiyl
    2. Humaza
    3. Falaq
    4. fatiha
  2. Which surah warns  backbiters, rumour mongers and misers
    1. Maun
    2. Humaza
    3. Lahab
    4. nas
  3. Which surah is a must in every swalab
    1. Falaq
    2. Nas
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Fatiha
  4. Surah Ikhlas tells us that
    1. We should pray
    2. To obey our parent
    3. We should be patient
    4. Allah is one
  5. The holy prophet (SAW) said "A ................... is a brother to another Muslim
    1. Muslim
    2. Muumin
    3. Neighbour
  6. Swalah is the pillar of
    1. Religion
    2. Islam
    3. Iman
    4. Zakot
  7. The holy prophet (SAW) said "Tell the truth even though is,
    1. Now
    2. Tomorrow
    3. Sweet
    4. Bitter
  8. Najis is divided into class
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 6
  9. the third pillar of Islam
    1. Swalah
    2. Saum
    3. Zakat
    4. Hajj
  10. Before offering our swallah we should do,
    1. Udhu
    2. Tayamum
    3. Salaams
    4. Dua




Read 1215 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 08:12