Wednesday, 14 June 2023 08:03

English Questions and Answers - Grade 5 Mid Term 2 Exam 2023 Set 1


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 5.

Tina : Good morning Tonny, how was your weekend?

Tony: Morning Tina. I have to thank God that my weekend was one of the best I have ever known since we joined this class.

Tina: Sounds quite amazing. Why was the previous weekend the best to you?

Tony: My family and I went to Marura National Park and...

Tina: The one in Wanyama scenery?

Tony: Yes, that one. I saw different types of animals I tell you!

Tina: Wow! Did you see the giraffe? Someone told me that it is the animal with the longest neck.

Tony: Yes, that is true. We also saw elephants, hyenas, lions and ostriches, the biggest and fastest birds in the world.

Tina: I love to hear that. I would also like to visit Marura National Park.

Tony: Oh really? Why don't you accompany me during August holiday when I shall be visiting Pori Game Reserve?

Tina: Thank you Tony. You are indeed a true friend.

Tony: You are welcome Tina.

  1. Which of the following animals has not been mentioned in the conversation?
    1. Giraffe
    2. Hyena
    3. Lion
    4. Leopard
  2. Likely, Tony visited the park with his 
    1. mother, father and sisters. 
    2. friends and relatives.
    3. brother and classmates.
    4. family and Tina
  3. What from the conversation shows that Tina was eager and impatient?
    1. She confirmed that the giraffe has the longest neck.
    2. She visited Pori for the first time. 
    3. She interrupted Tony's explanation. 
    4. Tony invited her to join him on a trip to Pori.
  4. The weekend was good for Tony because
    1. he saw a giraffe.
    2. they visited a National Park. 
    3. Tina had accompanied him to Wanyama scenery.
    4. he saw the biggest and fastest birds.
  5. Towards the end of the conversation, Tina was happy because
    1. she had visited a National Park. 
    2. Tony was a good friend.
    3. she would accompany Tony to Pori.
    4. she had visited Pori Game Reserve.

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 9.
"Aah, I am the fastest among you all" Hare told the animals in a meeting. It was true that hare was faster than most animals but not all, but he was full of pride. All the animals had been invited by their king, lion, to discuss some issues that concerned them. In the past competition, hare had beaten his long time rival, leopard, by far. So, many animals knew that hare was a hero in marathon races and ?" Hare asked jumping on the platform after the meeting had ended. "Hare is the hero!" Many of his spectators answered in unison. King lion looked at the hare and smiled. Hare was a small animal but he had become famous in the whole animal kingdom.

  1. How many animals have been mentioned in the story?
    1. Four 
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Many
  2. We are told that hare was faster than most animals but not all. This means that
    1. there were some animals faster than hare.
    2. hare was the fastest animal.
    3. most animals were faster than hare.
    4. all animals were faster than hare.
  3. Why do you think hare was jumping on the platform?
    1. He had beaten all the animals in the race.
    2. He was dancing for the other animals
    3. No animal dared to compete with him.
    4. He was responding to the king's order.
  4. Why did the lion smile after looking at the hare? He
    1. was the hero in marathon races. 
    2. had been declared the king. 
    3. thought hare was the most couragious animal.
    4. was a small animal but had become famous. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
There are many uses of old items that most of us think should be thrown away. Using old items for the second time or third time is called re-using. Re-using is the best way to reduce waste. With the current competency based curriculum, some learning areas are guided to carry out different projects. Some of these projects may end up needing some of these old items. For example, there is a quick and easy project that can be done with a can. You need an old can, scissors, glue and coloured papers. First, ask an adult to help you remove the top of the can with a can opener. Wash and dry the can, draw the shapes on the coloured paper with a pencil. Use the pair of scissors to cut the papers into different shapes. Decorate the can with the pieces of papers using glue. Add other materials like pieces of clothes. The old can is now a vase flower holder!

  1.  According to this passage, old items should be
    1. thrown away
    2. made into flower holders. 
    3. re-used.
    4. used for academic projects.
  2. What is the real meaning of re-using as per the writer?
    1. The act of using something.
    2. Using something for the second or third time.
    3. Using something continuously.
    4. Avoiding to use something at all.
  3. Generally, this passage passes an important lesson on
    1. creativity.
    2. classroom activities.
    3. competency based curriculum.
    4. uses of old cans.

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.
The long awaited day was finally around the corner. I hardly slept that night. I kept on thinking about the following day. We were to have an academic school trip to Kombora National Park. Those who had paid for the trip were very lucky. They would see many animals like zebras, elephants, gazelles, buffaloes and giraffes among others. My parents had made the payment and I would accompany the other pupils.

We were to travel by bus. The bus arrived very early in the morning. The class teacher read the list as we boarded the bus. I selected a seat next to the window where I would enjoy looking outside as we travelled.

  1. The second sentence means that the writer
    1. slept very hard.
    2. did not sleep at all.
    3. did not sleep well.
    4. stayed awake the whole night.
  2. According to the passage, who were lucky?
    1. Those who had planned to pay for the trip.
    2. The pupils who did not pay for the trip.
    3. All the pupils in the writer's class.
    4. Those who had paid for the trip.
  3. Which of the following animals has not been mentioned in the passage?
    1. Lions 
    2. Gazelles
    3. Zebras
    4. Elephants

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20.
For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

When I arrived in the ..................16.................. of the accident, I was..................17.................. beyond words. Broken glasses were scattered all over and the luggage was strewn by the sides of the road. It was as clear as..................18..................that a van had a head on..................19..................with a lorry. In fact, it was the speeding van that had slammed into a lorry that was heading to the..................20..................

    1. seen
    2. sport
    3. scene
    4. sin
    1. chocked
    2. shocked
    3. choked
    4. shock
    1. crystal
    2. polythene
    3. sound
    4. daybreak
    1. coalition
    2. collision
    3. collusion
    4. collection
    1. same
    2. above
    3. forward
    4. opposite

For questions 21 to 23. select the best interrogative to complete the sentences. 

  1. ......................................won the match?
    1. Where
    2. Which
    3. Who
    4. What
  2. ......................................was the competition held?
    1. Which
    2. Whose
    3. What
    4. Where
  3. ......................................did you learn yesterday?
    1. Who
    2. Whom
    3. What
    4. Whose

In questions 24 to 27. Choose the correct order of adjectives to fill in the blank spaces.

  1. My mother's room has a......................................carpet.
    1. big circular old
    2. big old circular
    3. old big circular
    4. old circular big
  2. Our head teacher wears a......................................jacket.
    1. baggy big old
    2. big old baggy
    3. baggy old big
    4. big baggy old
  3. There is a......................................fort near Wanyama animal orphanage.
    1. huge tall ancient
    2. tall ancient huge
    3. huge ancient tall
    4. tall huge ancient
  4. I saw a......................................table in the senior teacher's office.
    1.  small new oval
    2. new oval small
    3. small oval new
    4. new small oval

For questions 28 to 30, select the best alternative to fill in the blank spaces.

  1. Kauleni and I......................................visit the children's home next week.
    1. will
    2. shall
    3. are
    4. could
  2. The teacher......................................take us to the field.
    1. shall
    2. are
    3. is
    4. will
  3. Mutinda and his younger sister......................................bring us new toys.
    1. shall not
    2. have
    3. will
    4. are


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Read 841 times Last modified on Monday, 03 July 2023 11:16