Wednesday, 14 June 2023 08:03

Integrated Science Questions and Answers - Grade 5 Mid Term 2 Exam 2023 Set 1



  1. Which of the following options consists of non-flowering plants only?
    1. Sisal, maize, cabbage.
    2. Algae, pine, moss.
    3. Liverworts, cactus, maize. 
    4. Blackjack, tea, kale.
  2. Which of the following is not an importance of flowering plants
    1. Some flowers are used as medicines. 
    2. Flowers are used for beautification. 
    3. Flowers are used to raise dough in bakery.
    4. Flowers produce nectar for bees.
  3. Study the chart below.
    3 adad
    Which plant was wrongly grouped?
    1. Cedar
    2. Moss
    3. Mango
    4. Cypress
  4. Below is an example of fungi.
    4 ssfsfs
    Identify it. 
    1. Mould
    2. Penicillium
    3. Yeast
    4. Mushroom
  5. Below are characteristics of a certain group of vertebrates:
    1. Lays unfertilized eggs.
    2. Have wet scales.
    3. Breathe by means of gills. 
    4. Have fins.
      Which of the following groups of invertebrates is described above?
      1. Amphibians
      2. Fish
      3. Reptiles
      4. Mammals
  6. Which one of the following is a sense organ for touch?
    1. Tongue
    2. Skin
    3. Nose
    4. Eyes
  7. Study the diagram below.
    7 adadad
    The sternum is labelled
    1. B
    2. A
  8. Which of the following parts of the human skeleton is used for protection?
    1. Limb bone
    2. Sternum
    3. Backbone
    4. Ribcage
  9. Which of the following parts of a computer is used to process data?
    9 adadad
  10. Wambua was typing an E-mail on his computer. On which part was the text displayed? 
    1. Cables 
    2. VDU
    3. Speaker
    4. Printer

The diagram below shows the human breathing system.

11 adsds

  1. The air we breathe is warmed in the part labelled
    1. O
    2. P
    3. M.
  2. The part labelled O is called
    1. bronchus
    2. air sac
    3. bronchiole
    4. diahragm
  3. Which of the following levers are all in the same class?
    1. Claw hammer, crowbar, fishing rod.
    2. Scissors, lid opener, wheelbarrow. 
    3. Spade, broom, fishing rod.
    4. Lid opener, broom, nutcracker.
  4. Some learners set up an experiment like the one shown: below
    14 sadda
    Wax melted on the
    1. wooden spoon. 
    2. plastic spoon. 
    3. metallic spoon.
    4. glass spoon.
  5. Which one of the following is not a factor affecting sinking and floating?
    1. Size
    2. Shape
    3. Material
    4. Weight


  1. Soil can be improved by
    1. adding sand into it.
    2. adding manures.
    3. making it wet.
    4. planting cover crops.
  2. The illustration below shows an organic waste pit
    17 adadad
    The layer labelled X contains
    1. stones.
    2. gravel.
    3. maize stalks.
    4. soil.
  3. The following are measures of conserving water in the farm except
    1. cover cropping. 
    2. mulching. 
    3. shading.
    4. thinning.
  4. Small wild animals destructing farming activities cannot be controlled by
    1. using scarecrows.
    2. using safe traps.
    3. poisoning.
    4. fencing.
  5. The experiment below can be used to investigate a certain property of soil.
    20 sfsfs
    Which property of soil can be investigated using the set up above?
    1. Texture
    2. Drainage
    3. Use
    4. Size of the particles.
  6. In the farm, water can be used for
    1. mixing chemicals.
    2. making fountains.
    3. transport.
    4. cooling machines.
  7. Which small wild animal is correctly matched with the crop it destroys?
    1. Hare - Coconut.
    2. Squirrel - Maize seeds. 
    3. Rat - Bananas.
    4. Monkey - Napier grass.
  8. Which of the following is the correct use of a scarecrow?
    1. Killing small wild animals.
    2. Frightening thieves.
    3. Frightening small animals.
    4. Helping farmers to weed.
  9. Which of the following is not an example of legumes?
    1. Cowpeas
    2. Groundnuts
    3. Greengrams
    4. Arrowroots
  10. Which of the following cannot be used to make a container garden?
    1. Old tyre
    2. Old polythene bag
    3. Sack
    4. Old plastic bucket


  1. Below are community members and their ages
    Mbula-10 years
    Sidi - 6 years
    Keziah - 18 years
    Kombo -  20 years
    Who among them is a pre- teen?
    1. Kombo
    2. Keziah
    3. Sidi
    4. Mbula
  2. Which of the following changes takes place in girls only during pre- adolescence?
    1. Broadening of hips.
    2. Growth of beards.
    3. Breaking of voice.
    4. Pimples on the face.
  3. The type of shoes for a pre- adolescent boy or girl should be
    1. black.
    2. big.
    3. comfortable.
    4. small.
  4. Wairimu wants to buy a dress for her birthday party. Which of the following is not an important factor to consider?
    1. Colour
    2. Price
    3. Size
    4. Manufacturer
  5. A glass table can be cleaned using
    1. a soft cloth.
    2. a broom.
    3. a brush.
    4. a rake.
  6. Which of the following cleaning materials can be used to collect litter?
    31 sfsfsf
  7. All the following are common communicable diseases except
    1. malaria.
    2. measles.
    3. ringworms.
    4. cholera.
  8. Which of the following is not a media for advertising a product to consumers?
    1. Market place.
    2. Television.
    3. Radio.
    4. Notice board.
  9. Which one of the following is not an effect of time wastage?
    1. Poor performance in school.
    2. Lack of self esteem.
    3. Failing to perform.
    4. Can lead to an unhappy life.
  10. Below is an example of stitches used on clothes.
    35 sfsfs
    The stitch shown above is called
    1. chain stitch.
    2. back stitch.
    3. running stitch.
    4. loop stitch.


  1. Below is an example of starts in athletics.
    36 sffsfs
    The type of start shown above is called
    1. bunch start.
    2. medium start.
    3. elongated start.
    4. raise start.
  2. Relay batons can be improvised using
    1. stones
    2. cotton wool.
    3. sand.
    4. manila papers.
  3. Visual baton exchange is a sports activity related to
    1. relays.
    2. swimming.
    3. rounders.
    4. hurdles.
  4. The section of the long jump facility that players step on before flight is called
    1. landing area.
    2. take off board.
    3. take off lane.
    4. runway.
  5. The rope work technique involving jumping from side to side is called
    1. straddle cross. 
    2. wounded duck.
    3. skier.
    4. single bounce.
  6. Which of the following is not a type of passes in soccer?
    1. Tiptoe pass.
    2. Outside of the foot pass.
    3. Wall pass.
    4. Push pass.
  7. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of an infield player in softball?
    1. Catching the ball before it hits the ground.
    2. Backing up outfielders.
    3. Tagging the running batter using the hand holding the ball.
    4. Catching buffed fly balls.
  8. Technical and tactical approaches are applied in
    1. soccer.
    2. volleyball.
    3. rounders.
    4. swimming.
  9. Below is a type of serve applied in volleyball
    44 sfsfsfs
    This type of serve is called
    1. underarm serve. 
    2. standing serve. 
    3. overarm serve. 
    4. overhead serve. 
  10. Which one of the following items may not be necessary for improvising a volleyball equipment?
    1. Old clothes
    2. Strings
    3. Sticks
    4. Rubber bands
  11. If you get hurt in the process of a game,
    1. continue playing slowly.
    2. go to the hospital.
    3. do not continue playing.
    4. sit down in the field.
  12. Which of the following is not a pool activity?
    1. Standing surface dive.
    2. Legal touches.
    3. Front crawl.
    4. Back stroke.
  13. Forehand and backhand throws are both applied in
    1. rounders.
    2. frisbee.
    3. soccer.
    4. volleyball.
  14. Which of the following activities cannot help in developing muscular strength?
    1. Hill walking.
    2. Body weight squat.
    3. Lifting weights.
    4. Climbing stairs.
  15. Which of the following can a player eat two hours before the game?
    1. Yams
    2. Eggs
    3. Fruits
    4. Honey


int sci



Read 2374 times Last modified on Wednesday, 14 June 2023 09:41