Wednesday, 14 June 2023 08:04

Creative ARTS & Social Studies/RE Questions and Answers - Grade 5 Mid Term 2 Exam 2023 Set 1



  1. Machogu brought a puppet like the one drawn below to class.
    1 zdada
    This type of puppet is called a
    1. glove puppet.
    2. marionette.
    3. rod puppet.
    4. hand puppet.
  2. Pinch technique can be applied in
    1. clay items.
    2. paper work.
    3. fabric.
    4. wood items.
  3. Grade 5 learners wanted to make wax crayons. They brought the following items to class:
    Musa - Paraffin.
    Wambu - Beeswax.
    Kanu - Metallic container.
    Stephanie - Rubber bands.
    Who brought an item that was not necessary?
    1. Musa
    2. Wambu
    3. Kanu
    4. Stephanie
  4. A teacher drew a form like the one shown below
    4 adadada
    Which of the following techniques did the teacher use to show shading effect? 
    1. Cross hatching
    2. Smudge
    3. Crayon etching
    4. Collage
  5. Which one of the following indigenous Kenyan crafts is made from leather?
    5 adda
  6. Coiling is a technique associated with
    1. leather shoes. 
    2. fabric. 
    3. plastic buckets. 
    4. clay pots.
  7. Study the diagram below.
    7 adadad
    Which colour does letter X represent?
    1. Violet
    2. Green
    3. Yellow
    4. Orange
  8. The diagram below shows a decorated fabric.
    8 sfsfsf
    The technique shown above is called
    1. tie and dye.
    2. batik.
    3. collage.
    4. montage.
  9. Which of the following shows a still life drawing?
    9 sfsfsf
  10. All the following may be needed for crayon etching except
    1. a drawing paper. 
    2. a toothpick.
    3. plasticine.
    4. black ink.


  1. Below is a wind instrument.
    11 adadad
    The wind instrument above is called
    1. Coro.
    2. Orutu.
    3. Kayamba
    4. Nzumari.
  2. All wind instruments produce sound when
    1. shaken.
    2. hit
    3. bowed.
    4. blown
  3. Body movements or actions used to show the meanings of words or ideas in a song are called
    1. moods.
    2. tones.
    3. dictions.
    4. gestures.
  4. Below is a descant recorder.
    14 dadada
    The part labelled N is the
    1. head joint.
    2. middle joint.
    3. end joint.
    4. foot joint.
  5. The mouth piece is found in part
    1. M
    2. N
    3. P
    4. O
  6. The foot joint is labelled
    1. P
    2. N
    3. M
    4. O
  7. All the following lines are found in the Kenya National Anthem. Which one is not?
    1. Kila siku tuwe na shukrani.
    2. Raha tupate na ustawi.
    3. Natulinde uhuru na amani.
    4. Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu.
  8. Which of the following types of songs is wrongly matched with its description?
    1. Topical songs - sung to enlighten the community.
    2. Action songs - sung during a certain community activity.
    3. Sacred songs -  sung during religious activities.
    4. Patriotic songs sung to show love for the country.
  9. Solo singing involves a performance by
    1. four people.
    2. three people.
    3. two people.
    4. one person.
  10. Which part of a drum is used to tune it?
    1. Foot
    2. Membrane
    3. Laces
    4. Resonator 


  1. All the following are not modern methods of communication except
    21 ssfsfsf
  2. A motorist approached a road sign like the one shown below
    22 adadada
    What was the motorist supposed to do?
    1. Turn back
    2. Call the police
    3. Turn off headlights
    4. Slow down
  3. All the following crops can be grown under horticulture except
    1. fruits.
    2. flowers.
    3. sugarcane.
    4. vegetables.
  4. Wildlife is important in our country because it
    1. rears animals in the country.
    2. attracts tourists.
    3. makes learners pass school tests.
    4. brings visitors to our homes.
  5. Which of the following fuels can be used in a hurricane lamp?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Sawdust
    3. Firewood
    4. Paraffin
  6. All the following are resources found in Kenya except
    1. museums.
    2. lakes.
    3. minerals.
    4. forests.
  7. Below is a method of inland fishing in Kenya.
    27 sfsfsf
    The fishing method shown above is called
    1. long lining. 
    2. purse seining.
    3. trawling.
    4. harpooning.
  8. Study the diagram below
    28 sfsfsf
    The activity above can be made possible in
    1. forests.
    2. water bodies.
    3. mountains.
    4. valleys.
  9. All the following are aspects of our traditional culture. Which one is not?
    1. The foods we eat.
    2. Our religions.
    3. The way we build our houses.
    4. The curriculum we observe in school.
  10. Traditional artefacts are always kept in
    1. homes.
    2. museums.
    3. markets.
    4. classrooms.
  11. Honesty, integrity, trust and respect are examples of school
    1. core values.
    2. routine.
    3. mission.
    4. motto.

Use the map of Kenya given below to answer questions 32 to 35.

32 zsdada

  1. Which letter represents Ethiopia?
    1. T
    2. Z
    3. X
    4. R
  2. The National Park marked Q is called
    1. Sibiloi.
    2. Amboseli.
    3. Maasai Mara.
    4. Serengeti.
  3. The country marked R is called
    1. Uganda
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. South Sudan
  4. The mountain marked S is called mount
    1. Suswa.
    2. Kenya.
    3. Marsabit.
    4. Elgon.


  1. The birth of Jesus was announced by angel
    1. Micah. 
    2. Gabriel.
    3. Michael.
    4. Isaiah.
  2. The Lord is with you and has greatly blessed you. You will become pregnant and you will give birth to a son. Who was told these words?
    1. Jesus.
    2. Joseph
    3. Mary
    4. Angel
  3. Who went around river Jordan mainly preaching to the people about repentance?
    1. Jesus
    2. Elisha
    3. John
    4. Elijah
  4. Why is baptism important in the life of a Christian? It
    1. makes Christians acquire new names.
    2. makes a Christian a member of God's family.
    3. makes Christians known by other members of the church.
    4. is a way of bonding with church elders.
  5. When Jesus calmed the storm,
    1. His power over nature was revealed.
    2. the disciples were in deep sleep.
    3. His clothes turned crystal white.
    4. angels appeared to Him.
  6. Stories that Jesus used to teach people are called
    1. phrases.
    2. parables.
    3. proverbs.
    4. narrations.
  7. Why did Zacchaeus climb a sycamore tree?
    1. He was a sinner.
    2. He wanted to see Jesus.
    3. Jesus was passing by.
    4. The place was overcrowded.
  8. The second book in the Old Testament is called
    1. Mark.
    2. Chronicles.
    3. Numbers.
    4. Exodus.
  9. If your friend insults you, you should
    1. run away.
    2. insult him.
    3. forgive him.
    4. slap him.
  10. Which of the following is not a good practice for a Christian?
    1. Respecting one another.
    2. Helping the old.
    3. Abusing others.
    4. Going to church.
  11. According to Jesus' teachings during the sermon on the mountain, happy are the pure in heart because
    1. they will see God.
    2. God will call them His children.
    3. God will be merciful to them.
    4. God will reward them.
  12. During the baptism of Jesus, all the following took place except
    1. heaven opened.
    2. the Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove.
    3. a voice came from heaven.
    4. darkness covered the whole place.
  13. Jesus showed compassion to the needy when He
    1. performed miracles wherever He went. 
    2. fed a crowd.
    3. died on the cross.
    4. promised them the Holy Spirit.
  14. John the Baptist's mother was called
    1. Annah.
    2. Rebecca.
    3. Elizabeth.
    4. Mary.
  15. A person who always tells the truth is said to be
    1. honest. 
    2. obedient. 
    3. polite. 
    4. kind.


  1. How many ayats are there in surah Al- Kauthar?
    1. 6
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 5
  2. Tarmechim bibijarati minsijjeelin is a supplication from surah
    1. Fiyl.
    2. Maun. 
    3. Kafirun.
    4. Lahab.
  3. Which of the following is not a lesson from surah Al-Qureish?
    1. Never take the blessings of Allah for granted
    2. Allah sends blessings and bounties.
    3. Allah blessed the Qureish with security. 
    4. Never underestimate Allah.
  4. Which of the following attributes of Allah means all forgiving?
    1. Al-Haafidh.
    2. Al-Ghafar.
    3. Al-Aalim.
    4. Al-Malik.
  5. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of angels? Angels
    1. can change form.
    2. were created from nur.
    3. can either be males or females.
    4. do not have parents.
  6. The last swalah of the day is called 
    1. Ast. 
    2. Isha. 
    3. Dhuhr 
    4. Fajr.
  7. Saum can be described as 
    1. a pillar of religion. 
    2. pilgrimage. 
    3. kindness.
    4. an act of devotion.
  8. Hajj is performed in the month of
    1. Muharram.
    2. Rajab.
    3. Dhulhijja.
    4. Ramadhan.
  9. The angel of Allah who brings rain is called
    1. Jibril 
    2. Malik. 
    3. Mikail. 
    4. Israfil
  10. When you recite dua for leaving and entering the house,
    1. your faith in religion becomes stronger. 
    2. you become lucky.
    3. angels surround you. 
    4. Allah protects you.
  11. Which of the following is not an optional prayer? 
    1. Fajr
    2. Qabliyah
    3. Taraweh
    4. Baadiyah
  12. Which of the following is not a condition for swalah? One has to
    1. be in ritual purity.
    2. wear new clothes. 
    3. be a Muslim.
    4. have sound mind.
  13. When we perform swalah correctly, we earn
    1. points.
    2. gifts.
    3. curses.
    4. thawabs.
  14. Which of the following is the last step in swalah?
    1. Maintaining a bowing posture.
    2. Turning the head to the left. 
    3. Standing straight upright.
    4. Turning the head to the right.
  15. As a Muslim child, it is the obligation of my parents to
    1. obey me.
    2. cater for my basic needs. 
    3. buy me computer games. 
    4. do my homework for me.




Read 1464 times Last modified on Wednesday, 14 June 2023 12:01