Displaying items by tag: social studies



Study the map of Kute area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Kute area rises towards
    1. south west
    2. south east
    3. north west
    4. north east.
  2. What is the approximate area of the ranch?
    1. 7.26km2
    2. 3.6km2
    3. 4.8km2
    4. 12km2
  3. The climate of the south western part of Kute area is likely to be
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  4. Kutwe town serves all the following functions except
    1. religion
    2. security
    3. administration
    4. recreation.
  5. The following economic activities are carried out the Kute area except
    1. fishing 
    2. trading
    3. farming
    4. communication.
  6. Most settlements in Kute area are mainly influenced by
    1. drainage
    2. transport
    3. economic activities
    4. drainage.
  7. Kute area is likely to be administered by
    1. a chief
    2. a governor
    3. Assisstant County Commissioner (ACC)
    4. Deputy County Commissioner (DCC).
  8. Countries of southern Africa experiences longer hours of daylight than darkness during the month of
    1. December to February
    2. August to September
    3. June to August
    4. March to May.
  9. Below are statements describing some activities of the early horminid.
    1. lived in small groups
    2. walked on two limbs in upright posture
    3. lived in caves
    4. practised painting in caves
    5. remains were discovered at Olduvai Gorge, Koobi Fora and Ollergessasillie
      Which one of the following early human beings is associated with the above activities?
      1. Homosapiens
      2. Homohabies
      3. Homoerectus
      4. Homosapiens
  10. The diagram below shows a weather measuring instrument.
    The weather above is used to measure
    1. air water
    2. atmospheric pressure
    3. air temperature
    4. humidity.
  11. In traditional African societies, one of the functions of the clan was to
    1. settle dispute
    2. foretell the future
    3. defend the community
    4. train warriors.
  12. The time in Kigali 32°E is 2:24am. Find the time in Praia 26°W.
    1. 6:16am
    2. 10:32am
    3. 6:16pm
    4. 10:32pm
  13. Which one of the following communities belongs to the same language group in the same country?
    1. Iteso, Njemps, Nuer
    2. Anuak, Nuer, Acholi
    3. Njemps, Karamajong, Maasai
    4. Lugbara, Alur, Acholi
  14. Below are responsibilities of family members.
    1. building shelter
    2. respecting adults
    3. sharing family resources
    4. learning positive values
    5. helping in various family chores
    6. giving support and guidance 
      Which one of the following combinations consists of responsibilities of children?
      1. (i), (iii), (iv)
      2. (ii), (iii), (vi)
      3. (iv), (v), (vi)
      4. (ii), (iv), (v) 
  15. Which type of modern migration is likely  to lead to low agricultural output?
    1. Urban - rural
    2. Rural - urban
    3. Urban - urban
    4. Rural - rural
  16. The following mountains were formed in the same way except
    1. Atlas
    2. Ras Dashan
    3. Mt. Marsabit
    4. Mt. Nyiragongo
  17. The following are characteristics of a relief feature in Eastern Africa;
    1. Has some raised isolated features 
    2. Rises between 300m - 1000m above sea level
    3. It is generally a dry land 
    4. It is higher in Eastern Africa and lower in the Northern part of Africa
      The relief region described above is likely to be
      1. plateaus
      2. rift valley
      3. coastal lowlands
      4. highlands.
  18. Which one of the following statements describes the political organization of the Soninke during the pre-colonial period?
    1. They lived in grass thatched houses
    2. They were ruled by chiefs
    3. The king was assisted by a council of ministers
    4. Decisions were made through mutual consent.
  19. In order to enforce right behaviour in traditional African communities, people were supposed to
    1. attend ceremonies and festivals
    2. observe taboos
    3. attend rites of passage
    4. attend marriage and cleansing ceremonies.
  20. Which one of the following statements is true about settlement of communities in Eastern Africa during pre-colonial period?
    1. Development of self-reliance
    2. Spread of traditional religion
    3. Development of new languages 
    4. Introduction of cash crop farming
  21. Which one of the following is a traditional  form of education?
    1. Use of poems
    2. Reading and writing
    3. Use of pictures
    4. Apprenticeship
  22. In administering Congo, the Belgians used
    1. direct rule
    2. indirect rule
    3. paternalism
    4. association.
  23. Which one of the following statements is not true about traditional agriculture?
    1. Dependend on family labour 
    2. Farmers practised subsistence farming
    3. Farmers practised commercial farming 
    4. Farmers used simple tools
  24. The diagram below shows the formation of a lake in Africa.
    The lake marked X was formed through
    1. deposition
    2. erosion
    3. volcanicity
    4. earth movements
  25. Below statements describe an early visitor to Eastern Africa;
    1. he was a journalist
    2. came to Eastern Africa twice
    3. signed treaties with local leaders to welcome the Europeans
    4. confirmed that the source of the Nile was L. Victoria
      The early visitor described above is
      1. William Macknon
      2. H.M Stanley
      3. John Speke
      4. Dr. David Livingstone.
  26. The diagram below shows the formation of
    1. land breeze
    2. sea breeze
    3. relief rainfall
    4. convectional rainfall.
  27. The main problem facing forests in Kenya is
    1. forest fires
    2. attack by pests and diseases 
    3. increased population pressure
    4. destruction by wild animals.
  28. Below are statements about a mineral in Kenya;
    1. used in making cement
    2. used in hardening aluminium
    3. used in making non-sticky cooking pans
      The mineral described above is
      1. limestone
      2. diatomite
      3. flouspar
      4. marble.
  29. The Nile Valley in Egypt is sparsely populated. This is mainly because of
    1. flooding
    2. mining activities
    3. availability of water for irrigation 
    4. attack by wild animals.
  30. The following are characteristics of a certain type of soil.
    1. has medium sized particles
    2. medium water retention 
    3. well drained
    4. has high humus content
    5. the soil is fertile
      The type of soil described above is
      1. volcanic soil
      2. alluvial soil
      3. loam soil
      4. clay soil.
  31. Three of the following are importance of  the school routine except
    1.  maintains order in school
    2. encourages pupils to work hard
    3. maintains discipline
    4. encourage proper use of time.
  32. Which one of the following is the main reason why Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme was established? To
    1. reduce the problem of landlessness 
    2. grow rice
    3. increase food production
    4. promote cohension in the country.
  33. Which one of the following is not a way of managing rapid population growth? 
    1. Encouraging family planning
    2. Encouraging early marriages
    3. Discouraging some cultural practices like polygamy in the society
    4. Adopting a national population policy
  34. Which one of the road signs below is a mandatory sign.
  35. Below are functions of a town in Kenya; 
    1. it is a tourist centre
    2. it is a fishing town
    3. it is a mining town
    4. it is an administration town
      The town described above is
      1. Malindi
      2. Kisumu
      3. Nakuru
      4. Eldoret.
  36. Which one of the following statements is not true about fish farming in Japan?
    1. Most fish farms are found in the marine sheltered areas along the coast
    2. Japan is the leading producer of inland water fish in the world
    3. Fish is sold through co-operatives
    4. Fish farming is highly mechanized
  37. The main reason for the location of cement factory at Bamburi is
    1. availability of labour
    2. proximity to the market
    3. presence of limestone in the area
    4. availability of good means of transport.
  38. The major problem facing poultry farmers in Kenya is
    1. high cost of farm inputs
    2. lack of market
    3. pests and diseases
    4. fluctuating prices in the market.
  39. Which one of the following statements is true about the population of Kenya and Germany?
    1. The total population in Kenya is higher than that in Germany
    2. Life expectancy in Kenya is higher while in Germany is low
    3. Most of the people in Kenya live in rural areas while in Germany live in urban areas
    4. The number of children and adult is almost equal in Kenya and Germany
  40. The handing over of power ceremony among the Ameru was known as
    1. Ntiba
    2. Kiruka
    3. Ntuuko
    4. Njuri Ncheke.
  41. Who among the following leaders was a founde member of Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU)?
    1. Daniel Moi
    2. Oginga Odinga
    3. Jomo Kenyatta 
    4. James Gichuru

Study the map of Africa below and answer questions 42 - 45.

  1. The multi-purpose river project marked Q was mainly established to
    1. promote irrigation farming
    2. promote industrial development
    3. promote inland fishing
    4. promote water transport.
  2. The vegetation of the area marked P consists of
    1. umbrella-shaped trees
    2. hardwood only
    3. scrub vegetation in dry areas
    4. tall ever-green trees.
  3. The river marked S is
    1. Zambezi
    2. Limpopo
    3. Orange
    4. Cunene
  4. The country marked R was colonized by
    1. France
    2. Britain
    3. Portugal
    4. Belgium.
  5. The main cause of conflicts in schools is
    1. poor performance
    2. failure to obey school rules
    3. Absenteesm
    4. frequent dialogue between pupils and the school administration.
  6. Which one of the following groups of countries consists of members of IGAD?
    1. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
    2. Eritrea, Rwanda, Tanzania
    3. Djibouti, Burundi, Kenya
    4. Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia
  7. The following are conditions that favour a growth of a certain crop in Africa;
    1. rainfall of between 650mm - 2500mm annually
    2. wide range of soils
    3. temperatures of between 18°c - 27°c
    4. dry spell before harvesting
      The crop described above is
      1. coffee
      2. maize
      3. bananas
      4. wheat.
  8. In 1957, eight Africans were elected to the legco to represent their regions. Which one is not correctly matched with their region?
    1. Tom Mboya - Nairobi
    2. Muindi James - Ukambani
    3. Lawrence Oguda - North Nyanza
    4. Benard Mate - Central
  9. Who among the following traditional leaders fought against European occupation in his territory?
    1. Mukite wa Nameme
    2. Kabaka Mutesa
    3. Waiyaki wa Hinga
    4. Lewanika
  10. Below is a description of a United Nations agency;
    1. founded in 1945
    2. headquarters are in Rome, Italy
    3. it deals with promoting food security 
    4. also deals with protecting water towers and forestry
      The agency described above is
      1. World Food Programme (WEP)
      2. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
      3. United Nations Environment Progamme (UNEP)
      4. The World Bank (WB)
  11. Which one of the following is not associated with Gamel Abdel Nasser in Egypt?
    1. Abolished Sheria laws
    2. Initiated construction of Aswan High Dam
    3. Changed land policy in Egypt
    4. Led his country to independence
  12. Below are values that are practised in the society;
    1. rule of law
    2. multipartism
    3. freedom of media
    4. justice
    5. equity
      The values listed above relate o
      1. types of human rights
      2. responsibilities of people
      3. types of democracy
      4. pillars of democracy.
  13. Which one of the following groups of National Parks are found in Tanzania?
    1. Murchison, Ruaha, Serengeti
    2. Serengeti, Katavi, Ruaha
    3. Murchison, Bwindi, Queen Elizabeth
    4. Nuba, Dinder, Southern National Park
  14. Juma wants to import medicine from China. Which one of the following forms of transport is most suitable?
    1. Road
    2. Railway 
    3. Water
    4. Air
  15. Who among the following is not a member of the cabinet?
    1. The president
    2. Deputy president
    3. Secretary to the cabinet
    4. Principal secretary
  16. The main factor likely to undermine peace in Kenya is
    1. racism
    2. tribalism
    3. corruption
    4. oppression.
  17. Three of the following are functions of legislature in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Debating laws
    2. Enforcing laws
    3. Controlling government finances
    4. Passing laws
  18. A child found in Kenya who seems to be seven years of age whose nationality and parents are unknown qualifies to be a citizen of Kenya by
    1. recommendation
    2. birth
    3. registration
    4. naturalisation.
  19. Civic election is an occasion when people vote for
    1. members of parliament
    2. members of county assembly
    3. president
    4. change in the constitution.



  1. Adam and Eve were chased out of the garden of Eden according to the story of the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3. What punishment was given to the man?
    1. Crawl on his belly
    2. Pain during child birth
    3. Toil hard all his life
    4. Always eat dust
  2. God made promises to Abraham. Which one of the following was not among them?
    1. God will bless Abraham
    2. Bless those who cursed him
    3. Make his name famous
    4. Rescue his descendants from oppression and punish that nation.
  3. While in prison, Joseph was put in charge of other prisoners because
    1. he was faithful
    2. he was successful
    3. he interpreted dreams better
    4. he was hardworking.
  4. During the sealing of the covenant, Moses dedicated the Israelites to God by
    1. giving them the ten commandments
    2. sacrificing the lamb without blemish
    3. sprinkling blood on them
    4. giving them manna and quails.
  5. Which one of the following festivals is celebrated by the Israelites to remember their hard life in the wilderness?
    1. Easter
    2. Pentecost
    3. Passover
    4. Tabernacle
  6. Both King Ahab and King David broke the following commandments. Which one is it?
    A. The 4th
    C. The 6th
    B. The 5th
    D. The 7th
  7. The main reason why the Isrealites demanded for a king is to
    1. have a king they can see
    2. be like other nations
    3. lead them during war
    4. become chosen people of God.
  8. Who among the following prophets prophesied about the suffering servant of God?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Micah
    4. Zachariah
  9. Naboth refused to give his land to king Ahab. What main lesson do Christians learn from the story of king Ahab and Naboth?
    1. One should be truthful
    2. Land belongs to the community
    3. We should be fair in our dealings
    4. One should obey the laws of the land 
  10. The main lesson that Christians learn from the annoucement of the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus is that they should
    1. be ready to do God's work 
    2. trust in God's power
    3. be humble before God
    4. be prayerful.
  11. Which one of the following events in the life of Jesus took place when he was eight days old?
    1. Baptism
    2. Naming
    3. Dedication
    4. Presentation
  12. Which one of the following activities took place during the baptism of Jesus?
    1. The temple veil was torn into two
    2. There was an earthquake
    3. The spirit of God descended in form of fire
    4. Heaven opened
  13. Which one of the following parables teaches on the value of the kingdom of God? The parable of the
    1. hidden treassure
    2. mustard seed
    3. growing seed
    4. sower.
  14. The main lesson that Christians can learn from the miracle of the miraculous catch of fish is that they should
    1. be committed to their work
    2. work with others
    3. be ready to serve God
    4. obey God's word.
  15. Happy are the humble for they shall
    1. receive what God has promised
    2. see God
    3. be called the children of God
    4. inherit the earth
  16. Jesus went to River Jordan to be baptised in order to
    1. set an example to his followers
    2. recognize the importance of the work of John the Baptist
    3. show that John was more important than him
    4. make many people go for baptism.
  17. Immediately Jesus was arrested, he was taken to the house of
    1. Annas
    2. Caiphas
    3. Pilate
    4. Herod.
  18. Who among the following groups of people were the first to know that Jesus had resurrected?
    1. Peter and James
    2. Mary Magdalene and Joanna
    3. John and Philip
    4. Mary mother of James and Martha
  19. Jesus made his eleven disciples to believe that he had resurrected by
    1. healing them
    2. washing their feet
    3. breaking the bread
    4. showing them scars.
  20. During the day of Pentecost, many people believed and were baptised. How many people believed?
    1. 120
    2. 3000
    3. 300
    4. 140
  21. In the early church, the disciples decided to send financial help to their fellow believers in Judea through the following people. Who were they?
    1. Agabus and Barnabas
    2. Saul and Philip
    3. Saul and Barnabas
    4. Philip and Mathias
  22. Paul wrote the following books of the new testament. Which one?
    1. Titus, Jude, Ephesians
    2. Galatians, James, Romans
    3. James, 1st Peter, 1st John
    4. Colosians, Galatians, Romans
  23. Which one of the following beliefs about God is common to Christianity and traditional African religion?
    1. God lives in heaven
    2. God lives in caves
    3. God exists in trinity
    4. God is all powerful
  24. Which one of the following acts of worship is carried out by priests in traditional African communities?
    1. Giving holy communions
    2. Making sacrifices
    3. Baptising members
    4. Reciting the creed
  25. Which one of the following best explains why boys were valued in traditional African society?
    1. Source of wealth
    2. Inherit family property
    3. Provide security
    4. Take care of livestock
  26. The traditional African communities reconciled with God through the following means except
    1. giving tithes
    2. offering sacrifices
    3. praying
    4. confession.
  27. Class 7 pupils were asked ways of enabling authorities to perform their duties effectively. Who among the following pupils gave the best answer?
    1. Ann - paying taxes
    2. Ben - receiving bribes
    3. Jane - helping tribemates
    4. Vesh - supporting injustice
  28. James does not get any sleep the whole night thinking about wealth and family she has lost so far. Which kind of suffering is this?
    1. Emotional suffering
    2. Mental suffering
    3. Spiritual suffering
    4. Physical suffering
  29. The main reason why Christians fast is to
    1. overcome temptation
    2. strengthen their faith
    3. to obey God's command
    4. to pray for serious needs.
  30. Christians can help in the fight against the spread of HIV and AIDS in the following ways except
    1. avoid promiscuity in the society 
    2. abstinence among the youth
    3. avoid blood transfusion in hospitals
    4. avoid sharing cutting tools.



  1. Which verse matches the meaning below; "Master of the Day of Judgement"
    1. Ihdina swiraatal mustakiim
    2. Maalik yaumidiin
    3. Ghairil maghdhuubi aleihim
    4. Iyaakanaabudu wa iyyaaka nastain
  2. Which surah speaks about the Night of Decree?
    1. Alaq
    2. Naas
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Qadar
  3. In surah Al Qadr, which angel is referred to as Ruh?
    1. Izrail
    2. Mikail
    3. Jibril
    4. Israfeel
  4. Which one is not from Surah At Takaathur?
    1. Kallaa saufa taalamuun
    2. latarawwunnal jahiim
    3. thumma latus alunna yaumaidhin 
    4. fa amma man thaqulat mawaaziinuhu 
  5. Which statement is not true about Al Qaariah?
    1. Mountains will be like carded wool
    2. people will be like moths
    3. prophets will be smiling
    4. people's actions will be weighed on scale
  6. Who played the most important role in preparation for Hijrah? 
    1. Abubakr; he made all the preparations
    2. Amir; he removed the tracks of the prophet by grazing his goats in front of the cave
    3. Abdullah; he brought news about the plans of the Qureish
    4. Asmaa; she prepared food for the prophet and her father
  7. Why did iblis refuse to bow to Adam?
    1. He was better than Adam
    2. He was jealous of him
    3. Adam was created last
    4. He had better knowledge
  8. What was the reason for Qabil and Habil offering sacrifices?
    1. Adam loved sacrifices
    2. Adam wanted to solve a problem
    3. It is good to do so before marriage 
    4. They promised to make the sacrifices
  9. The best of Allah's gifts can be found in
    1. the sea
    2.  the land 
    3. the animals
    4. our bodies.
  10. Adam was not allowed to eat from the tree because
    1. the fruit of the tree was not good
    2. the fruit was dangerous to them 
    3. Allah wanted to test them
    4. iblis loved that tree.
  11. Which of the following best describes the word 'Mukhtadhar'?
    1. One in saqaratul maut
    2. One in hospital
    3. One who is pious
    4. One who stopped being a Muslim
  12. How many Takbiira does imam say during swalatul janeezah?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 6
    4. 4
  13. The procedure of covering the body of deceased Muslim is referred to as
    1. ghusul
    2. kafan
    3. wudhu
    4. dafan.
  14. On which way are trees of benefit to mankind?
    1. Help in manufacturing glass
    2. Wood is used to make valuable items
    3. Trees are food for jins
    4. Trees can be burnt to make tar
  15. Complete he following Hadith;
    "________________ the one who eats to his fill but his neighbour goes without food."
    1. He is a liar
    2. He is not a gentleman
    3. He is cursed
    4. He is not a believer
  16. What is the best thing to do to a neighbour who plays very loud music?
    1. Report the case to the police
    2. Arrange with thieves to still the music system
    3. Keep on advising the neighbour
    4. Revenge by playing louder than his
  17. Which tree is mentioned in surah Tiyn?
    1. Date
    2. Fig
    3. Forbidden tree
    4. Cactus
  18. How many rights does a neighbour have if he is a Muslim and is related to you by blood?
    1. three
    2. two
    3. six
    4. ten
  19. On which year did the prophet (S.A.W) perform his farewell pilgrimage?
    1. 10th year A.H
    2. 9th year A.H
    3. 11thth year A.H
    4. 8th year A.H
  20. Which of the following will not nullify ones saum?
    1. experiencing nifas
    2. sniffing tobacco
    3. swallowing saliva
    4. drinking juice deliberately
  21. Which one of the following is a climax of Hajj?
    1. Stoning the Satan
    2. Prforming Tawaf 
    3. Standing at Arafat
    4. Putting on Ihram
  22. Which of the following does not fall under the Sunnah Fast?
    1. fasting on 9th and 10th Muharram
    2. fasting six days of Muharram
    3. fasting on the 9thth of DhulHajj
    4. fasting on the 9th of DhulHajj
  23. The prophet (S.A.W) said, "Muslims are like a single building, each side holds the other.The Hadith teaches on the importance of
    1. unity among Muslims
    2. building strong houses 
    3. congregational prayers 
    4. social gathering
  24. Which of the following is a teaching on Hadith on Ihsan?
    1. To hide our mistakes
    2. Angels record our deed
    3. To think before we eat
    4. Allah is All Seeing All Knowing.
  25. What is the most important thing on the day of Eidul Hajj?
    1. Visiting the sick
    2. Greeting friends
    3. Sacrificing an animal
    4. Attending parties.
  26. Ar Razak is an attribute of Allah that means
    1. the Fashioner
    2. the Bestower
    3. the Sustainer
    4. the Merciful
  27. Which statement is not true about the creation of man?
    1. Allah S.W gave man the right religion and guidance.
    2. Man was created in the best shape. 
    3. Man was among Allah's first creations.
    4. Man has been given many gifts in his body.
  28. Identify the correct statement about the books of Allah.
    1. they were written by prophets themselves
    2. they contain similar message
    3. their message was for particular people
    4. their contents have been changed
  29. The belief in the Day of Judgement encourages Muslims to
    1. ensure equality
    2. work peacefully
    3. practise righteousness
    4. help others.
  30. The believe in Allah can also be said to be
    1. Inna lillah
    2. Astaghfirullah
    3. Maa shaa Allah
    4. Amantu billah.



  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. B
  16. A
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. B
  25. B
  26. B
  27. C
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. A
  36. B
  37. C
  38. A
  39. C
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. C
  45. B
  46. D
  47. B
  48. C
  49. A
  50. A
  51. D
  52. D
  53. B
  54. D
  55. D
  56. B
  57. B
  58. B
  59. B
  60. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. B
  27. A
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. C
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. C
  27. C
  28. C
  29. C
  30. D

Use the map of Beya area to answer questions 1-7.

  1. The climate experienced around lake Wayo is
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and wet 
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  2. The approximate area of the beef ranch in square kilometres is
    1. 6.5km2
    2. 15.0km2 
    3. 11.0km2
    4. 20.0km2
  3. The location of the fish factory was mainly influenced by
    1. availability of market for fish
    2. nearness to source of fish
    3. availability of means of transport
    4. nearness to source of land.
  4. Land in Beya area generally rises from
    1. North
    2. North East
    3. North West
    4. South.
  5. The most senior administrator in Beya area is
    1. Assistant County Commissioner
    2. Chief
    3. Deputy County Commissioner
    4. Governor.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Beya area?
    1. Fishing.
    2. Lumbering.
    3. Livestock keeping.
    4. Tourism.
  7. Population distribution in Beya area is mainly influenced by
    1. fishing
    2. rainfall
    3. employment
    4. transport
  8. Before the coming of Europeans, skills in iron working were taught to learners through
    1. observation
    2. proverbs
    3. songs
    4. riddles.
  9. Which one of the following groups of communities is made up of Bantu speakers of Central Africa?
  10. Three of the following traditional weather observation methods indicate a wet season. Which one does not?
    1. Croaking of frogs.
    2. Excitement of cattle.
    3. Shedding of leaves.
    4. Dew on the grass.
  11. Which one of the following groups of items consist of cultural artefacts preserved in museums?
    1. Bows, arrows, spears.
    2. Gourds, calabashes, pots.
    3. Shields, swords, knives.
    4. Beads, bangles, earrings.
  12. Ox-bow lakes are formed through
    1. erosion
    2. deposition
    3. downwarping
    4. lava damming.
  13. Which one of the following statements is true about the Khoikhoi and the San people in the pre-colonial period?
    1. They lived in stone houses.
    2. They had hereditary chiefs.
    3. They lived a nomadic life.
    4. They were long distance traders.
  14. Which one of the following seaports is correctly matched with the country it is found?
    1. Durban   -  South Africa
    2. Lobito  -  Mozambique
    3. Beira  -  Namibia
    4. Walvis Bay -   Angola
  15. Three of the following marriage systems in Kenya allow polygamy. Which one does not?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Customary marriage.
    3. Islamic marriage.
    4. Christian marriage.
  16. Below are statements about an ocean current;
    1. It flows from cold areas
    2. It causes fog and mist
    3. It affects climate of South West Coast of Africa
      The Ocean current described above is
      1. Canary current
      2. Agulhas current
      3. Benguela current
      4. Guinea current.
  17. Most Kenyans between 18 years and 35 years move to live in towns mainly to
    1. live with their relative
    2. look for employment
    3. escape idleness in rural areas 
    4. join institutions of learning.
  18. The best method of transporting of medicine from India to Kenya is
    1. water
    2. railway
    3. air
    4. road.
  19. The main problem facing Perkerra Irrigation Scheme is
    1. inadequate water in the dry season
    2. decrease in farming land
    3. siltation of water canals
    4. pests that destroy crops.
  20. Which one of the following combinations consists of traditional African leaders who resisted European colonial rule?
    1. Lewanika and Mumia.
    2. Lenana and Waiyaki.
    3. Samouri and Lewanika.
    4. Mekatilili and Mkwawa.
  21. The purpose of a school motto is to
    1. show the direction to a school
    2. outline the aims of a school
    3. outline daily activities in a school
    4. show the number of pupils in a school.
  22. Three of the following are benefits of poultry farming. Which one is not?
    1. It is a source of income.
    2. It provides people with food.
    3. It attracts tourists.
    4. It is a source of farm manure.
  23. Below are characteristics of a relief region in Kenya;
    1. It lies between 1000 metres and 2000 metres
    2. It has few hills
    3. Some areas experience floods
      The relief region described above is
      1. Lake Victoria basin
      2. Rift Valley region
      3. Coastal lowlands
      4. Plateau region.
  24. Judy crosses a busy road when going to school. The safest way to cross the road is
    1. look right, look left, look right and cross the road
    2. tell the motorists to stop
    3. run across the road
    4. cross the road when it is clear.
  25. Pollution in major towns in Kenya can best be reduced through
    1. relocating industries to rural areas
    2. putting dustbins in industrial areas
    3. collecting garbage regularly
    4. arresting people who dump waste.
  26. The diagram below represents a fishing method
    The best place for catching fish using the above method is
    1. in swamps
    2. in the deep sea
    3. in fast flowing rivers
    4. near the seashore.
  27. Which one of the following groups is made up of communities who migrated to Kenya insearch of pasture?
    1. Luo, Taita, Pokomo.
    2. Ameru, Tugen, Abakuria.
    3. Maasai, Somali, Turkana.
    4. Abagusii, Mijikenda, Akamba.
  28. The main effect of deforestation is that leads to
    1. spread of deserts
    2. exploitation of minerals
    3. increase in agroforestry
    4. preservation of sources of rivers.
  29. Tourists who visit mount Kenya are mainly attracted by
    1. scenery
    2. pre-historic sites
    3. sports
    4. wildlife.
  30. The policy of assimilation used by the French to administer colonies failed because
    1. Africans resisted colonial rule
    2. France had few colonial administrators 
    3. it was hard for Africans to adopt foreign culture
    4. the French did not want Africans to get assimilated.
  31. Three of the following statements about volcanic mountains in Eastern Africa are true. Which one is not?
    1. They are the highest.
    2. All of them have craters.
    3. Some of them have snow.
    4. Some lie on the floor of the Rift Valley.
  32. The main cause of conflict in pastoral farming areas in Kenya is
    1. religious differences
    2. inadequate security facilities
    3. high level of illiteracy
    4. competition for pasture.
  33. It is the responsibility of children in a family to
    1. take care of family property
    2. provide basic needs
    3. establish business opportunities
    4. pay school fees.
  34. Standard eight pupils visited a place where quarrying was taking place. The effect of mining they observed was
    1. smoke
    2. chemicals.
    3. mineral deposits
    4. open pits.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 35 to 38


  1. Which one of the following language groups used the route marked Z during the migration period?
    1. Bantus.
    2. Semites.
    3. Cushites.
    4. Nilotes.
  2. The game park marked T is
    1. Maasai Mara
    2. Amboseli
    3. Tsavo
    4. Ruma
  3. The mountain marked S was formed through
    1. volcanicity
    2. folding
    3. faulting
    4. erosion.
  4. Natural vegetation in the area marked VV consists of
    1. evergreen forests
    2. short shrubs
    3. tall grass
    4. mangrove trees.
  5. An economic activity carried out in semi-desert areas is
    1. dairy farming
    2. fishing
    3. mining
    4. flower farming.
  6. The following are descriptions of an early visitor to Eastern Africa;
    1. He came to control the Coastal trade
    2. He made Zanzibar his capital
    3. He died in 1854
      The person described above is
      1. Carl Peters
      2. William Mackinon.
      3. David Livingstone.
      4. Seyyid Said.
  7. The bill of rights is found in which chapter of the constitution.
    1. Four.
    2. Six.
    3. Two.
    4. Five.
  8. Which one of the following factors leads to slow population growth?
    1. Improved healthcare.
    2. Increased food production.
    3. High mortality rate.
    4. Early marriages.
  9. Below are statements about a type of livestock farming;
    1. People migrate with their animals
    2. Large herds of livestock are kept
    3. Cattle, sheep and goats are kept
      The type of livestock farming described above is
      1. ranching
      2. poultry farming
      3. dairy farming
      4. pastoral farming
  10. The weather instrument shown below is used to measure
    1. strength of wind
    2. direction of wind
    3. speed of wind
    4. intensity of wind.
  11. Three of the following were positive effects of white settler farming. Which one is not? 
    1. Introduction of new crops.
    2. Establishment of industries. 
    3. Creation of native reserves.
    4. Growth of towns.
  12. Democracy can be practised in a school through the following ways except 
    1. allowing pupils to make class rules 
    2. encouraging pupils to take part in games 
    3. allowing pupils to choose clubs
    4. allowing pupils to elect their leaders.
  13. The main export crop of Ethiopia is
    1. sugarcane
    2. sisal
    3. cotton
    4. coffee.
  14. Which one of the following early political associations was formed by Harry Thuku?
    1. Young Kikuyu Association.
    2. Kikuyu Central Association.
    3. Kenya African National Union.
    4. East African Association.
  15. Which one of the following factors undermines peace in the society?
    1. Dialogue.
    2. Transparency.
    3. Favouritism.
    4. Patriotism.
  16. The most effective way of controlling gulley erosion is
    1. constructing terraces 
    2. building check dams
    3. planting grass
    4. planting cover crops.
  17. A similarity of the governments of Kenya and Swaziland is that
    1. there is a Prime Minister
    2. there are two houses of parliament
    3. there is an elected President 
    4. there is multi-party democracy.
  18. A four year old boy whose nationality and parents are not known is found in Kenya. He becomes a Kenyan citizen by
    1. adoption
    2. naturalization 
    3. registration
    4. birth.
  19. Which one of the following groups is made up of manufacturing industries?
    1. Banking, catering, vehicles.
    2. Flour, tourism, hotel.
    3. Steel, shoes, plastic.
    4. Printing, hairdressing, shoe shining.
  20. Net drifting is a method of fishing used to catch fish
    1. in the deep sea
    2. near the seashore
    3. in a swamp
    4. in fast flowing rivers.
  21. Which one of the following is a symbol of national unity?
    1. Constitution.
    2. Coat of arms.
    3. President.
    4. Parliament.
  22. Which one of the following combinations is made up of salty water lakes?
    1. Kyoga and Albert.
    2. Victoria and Rukwa.
    3. Tanganyika and Malawi.
    4. Bogoria and Elementaita.
  23. Who among the following is a member of the cabinet?
    1. Speaker.
    2. Governor.
    3. Senator.
    4. Deputy President.
  24. The main reason for the construction of the River Tana projects was to
    1. control flooding
    2. create a fishing ground
    3. generate electricity
    4. create an inland water way.
  25. In a school duties are assigned to teachers by
    1. head teacher
    2. deputy head teacher
    3. school chairperson
    4. head of department.
  26. The head of the judicial system in Kenya is
    1. Magistrate
    2. Chief Justice
    3. Attorney General 
    4. Speaker.



  1. When Adam and Eve realised that they had sinned in the garden of Eden they
    1. went out of the garden
    2. repented their sins
    3. cultivated the garden
    4. made clothes from leaves.
  2. A promise that God made to Abraham was that God would
    1. give him many descendants
    2. give him an everlasting kingdom
    3. give him a long life
    4. make him a priest.
  3. Jacob worked for a long time for Laban. The Christian virtue he demonstrated was
    1. patience
    2. honesty
    3. loyalty
    4. obedience.
  4. The main reason why Moses removed his shoes when God called him was that
    1. he wanted to show he was close to God 
    2. he wanted to avoid God's punishment
    3. he wanted to obey God
    4. he was afraid of God.
  5. Which one of the following commandments teaches Christians to be faithful in marriage?
    1. 'Do not steal'
    2. 'Do not accuse anyone falsely'
    3. 'Do not commit adultery'
    4. 'Respect your father and mother'
  6. The relationship of Ruth and her mother-in- law Naomi teaches Christians the virtue of
    1. loyalty
    2. obedience
    3. patience
    4. honesty.
  7. The incident in which David killed Goliath teaches Christians to be
    1. loyal
    2. patient
    3. obedient
    4. courageous
  8. The wicked wife of King Ahab who planned the murder of Naboth was called
    1. Abigail
    2. Jezebel
    3. Merab
    4. Ruth.
  9. Prophet Daniel was thrown into a den of lions because
    1. the king hated him
    2. he was a slave
    3. he disobeyed the king's order
    4. he failed to interpret the king's dreams.
  10. When Angel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus, Mary was living in
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Jericho
    3. Bethsaida
    4. Nazareth.
  11. Jesus was left in the temple when He was twelve years old because He wanted to
    1. obey his parents
    2. preach to the Jews
    3. be in His father's house
    4. perform miracles.
  12. When the devil took Jesus to the temple during His temptation, the devil told Jesus to 
    1. jump down from the top of the temple
    2. change water into wine
    3. bow down and worship him
    4. change wine into water.
  13. The teaching of Jesus about our enemies was that we should
    1. not mix with them
    2. love them and treat them well
    3. seek revenge
    4. report them to the authorities.
  14. The parable of Jesus that teaches Christians to be humble in prayer is
    1. mustard seed
    2. unmerciful servant
    3. widow and the judge
    4. pharisee and tax collector.
  15. When Jesus changed water into wine, He had gone to Cana to
    1. attend the passover feast
    2. preach at the Synagogue
    3. attend a wedding
    4. visit his relatives.
  16. Jesus pointed out his betrayer when He was
    1. eating the last supper
    2. praying at the Garden of Gethsemane 
    3. being led to the place of crucifixion
    4. being tried before the council.
  17. Jesus forgave the thief crucified with Him because
    1. He knew the thief
    2. the thief was innocent
    3. the thief came from Galilee
    4. the thief was repentant.
  18. On the day of pentecost the disciples of Jesus were able to
    1. heal many people
    2. speak in tongues
    3. catch many fish
    4. choose the deacons.
  19. A Christian virtue learnt from the story of Ananias and Sapphira is that they should be
    1. humble
    2. obedient
    3. honest
    4. repentant.
  20. Which one of the following groups is made up of books of History?
    1. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus.
    2. Psalms, Proverbs, Job. 
    3. Matthew, Mark, Luke.
    4. Esther, Joshua, Ruth.
  21. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Joy.
    2. Patience.
    3. Peace.
    4. Faith.
  22. A common way of worship in both Christianity and traditional African communities is
    1. beating drums
    2. reading scriptures
    3. pouring libations
    4. offering animal sacrifices.
  23. In traditional African communities shrines are places where
    1. ancestors are buried
    2. sacrifices are offered
    3. initiation ceremonies are held
    4. trade is conducted.
  24. Dowry is paid in traditional African communities in order to
    1. seal a marriage
    2. please parents
    3. show the bride is good
    4. help the needy.
  25. The main duty of priests in traditional African communities is to
    1. treat diseases
    2. allocate land to people
    3. lead people in worship
    4. settle disputes.
  26. The best way for Christians to promote development in the country is by
    1. preaching the gospel
    2. visiting the sick
    3. establishing hospitals
    4. attending church services.
  27. Your deskmate does not want to share his textbook with you. The best action for you to take is to
    1. tell your parents to buy for you a book 
    2. report to the class teacher
    3. move to another desk
    4. advise him on the value of sharing.
  28. Which one of the following statements describes intercession as an element of prayer?
    1. Praying for oneself.
    2. Praying for other people.
    3. Being humble in prayer.
    4. Seeking for forgiveness.
  29. A leisure activity practised in both Christianity and traditional African communities is
    1. reading scriptures
    2. singing in church
    3. visiting the needy
    4. watching Christian programmes.
  30. Pre-marital sex in Christianity is discouraged because
    1. it is misuse of sex
    2. it leads to teenage pregnancies 
    3. it leads to break up of families 
    4. it is a waste of resources.



  1. Which one of the following surahs emphasizes the kindness to orphans? 
    1. Asr.
    2. Maun.
    3. Kauthar.
    4. Fiil.
  2. Which one of the following surahs narrates the favours of Allah to prophet Muhammad?
    1. Tiin.
    2. Qadr.
    3. Dhuha.
    4. Inshirah.
  3. Surah Al-Ikhalas emphasizes on
    1. knowledge
    2. Taqwa
    3. Ihsan
    4. Tawheed.
  4. Those people who neglect swalah are warned by surah
    1. Maun
    2. Talaq
    3. Naas
    4. Alaq.
  5. Surah Al-Humaza discourages muslims from
    1. piling of wealth
    2. mistreating orphans
    3. multipractise in business
    4. backbiting and slander.
  6. Which of the following angels brought wahy to prophet Mohammad?
    1. Jibril.
    2. Malik.
    3. Izrail.
    4. Ridhwan.
  7. Who among the following accompained prophet Mohammed (SAW) during migration to Medina?
    1. Uthman.
    2. Abubakar.
    3. Hamza.
    4. Ali.
  8. Patients and time are two themes mentioned in surah
    1. Bayyinah.
    2. Kauthar.
    3. Asr.
    4. Falaq.
  9. What should a muslim say when he sees something good?
    1. Alhamdullilah.
    2. Bismillah.
    3. Mashallah.
    4. Astaghfirullah.
  10. Which one of the following is not a virtue of fasting?
    1. Self discipline.
    2. Symphathy.
    3. Sacrifice.
    4. Lack of appetite.
  11. Which one of the following is not an attribute of Allah?
    1. Ar-Rahama.
    2. Al-Qudus.
    3. Al-Wadud.
    4. Al-Mustafa.
  12. Which of the following pillars of Islam was commanded during the month of Rajab?
    1. Saleh.
    2. Hajj.
    3. Shahada.
    4. Fasting.
  13. Who among the following was the youngest person to become a muslim?
    1. Hamza.
    2. Ali.
    3. Abubakar.
    4. Khadija.
  14. Which one of the following is not Ash-hurum?
    1. Muharam.
    2. Shaban.
    3. Rajab.
    4. Dhul Qaada.
  15. Which one of the following parts of udhu is washed first?
    1. Feet.
    2. Hair.
    3. Arms.
    4. Face.
  16. Which of the following prophets of Allah was commanded to slaughter his son? 
    1. Ibrahim.
    2. Musa.
    3. Daud.
    4. Issa.
  17. Which one of the following is not a sunnah prayer?
    1. Dhuha.
    2. Fajr.
    3. Taraweh.
    4. Istisqai.
  18. Which one of the following marks the conclusion of swalah?
    1. Adhan.
    2. Jasla.
    3. Ruku.
    4. Salam.
  19. Which angel is responsible for blowing the trumpet?
    1. Jibril.
    2. Israfil.
    3. Izrail.
    4. Munkar. 
  20. Qabila killed his brother mainly because of 
    1. indiscipline
    2. jealousy
    3. kindness
    4. selfishness.
  21. Who among the following was the first wife of the prophet?
    1. Aisha
    2. Hafa.
    3. Maymuna.
    4. Khadija.
  22. The prophet's mosque was built in
    1. Madina
    2. Makkah
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Taif.
  23. Which of the following is the main reason why Allah created man and Jinn?
    1. To give birth.
    2. To take care of earth.
    3. To worship Him.
    4. To take care of each other.
  24. The following are pillars of Wudhu except
    1. uttering Bismillah
    2. observing the order
    3. washing the forehead
    4. washing the feet.
  25. A good muslim leader should have all these qualities except
    1. humility
    2. compassion
    3. treachery
    4. impartiality.
  26. The last rite done to a dead muslim is
    1. Dafan
    2. Janaza
    3. kafan
    4. ghusul.
  27. The following are pillars of Hajj except
    1. Ihram
    2. Tawaf
    3. Arafat.
    4. Miqat.
  28. According to the hadith of the prophet paradise lies under the feet of
    1. uncles
    2. mothers
    3. imams
    4. fathers.
  29. Which day of the week was the prophet born?
    1. Tuesday.
    2. Friday.
    3. Monday.
    4. Sunday.
  30. Who was the king of Yemen who wanted to destroy the holy Ka'abah?
    1. Abrah.
    2. Qarum.
    3. Negus.
    4. Jalut.



  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. D
  35. B
  36. A
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. D
  41. A
  42. C
  43. D
  44. B
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. A
  49. C
  50. B
  51. B
  52. D
  53. C
  54. B
  55. B
  56. D
  57. D
  58. C
  59. A
  60. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. D
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A


Study the map of Kaplet Area above and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.    

  1. The railway in Kaplet area is likely to transport?
    1. Tea to the factory
    2. Passengers to the town
    3. Tourists
    4. Minerals
  2. The area covered by the lake is likely to be __________________________ km2.
    1. 13
    2. 9
    3. 8
    4. 17
  3. The climate in the South Eastern side of Kaplet area is likely to be
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and wet
  4. The dorminant soils in the North western side of Kaplet area is 
    1. alluvial soils
    2. clay soils
    3. volcanic soils
    4. black cotton soils
  5. Three of the following are sources of livelihood for people in Kaplet area. Which one is not?
    1. Lumbering activities
    2. Mining activities
    3. Farming activities
    4. Trading activities
  6. Which one of the following services are not offered in Kaplet town?
    1. Recreational services
    2. Educational services
    3. Health services
    4. Religious services
  7. Kaplet area rises from
    1. North west
    2. North EastC
    3. South West
    4. South East
  8. Settler farming in the white highlands was mainly done for
    1. commercial purposes
    2. Food production
    3. Subsistence use
    4. Home use
  9. Which one of the following is true about the population structure of India?
    1. Most of the people are old
    2. There is low death rate
    3. The population growth rate is low
    4. The birth rate is high
  10. One of the following is not a problem associated with rapid industrialization. Which one?
    1. Rural - Urban migration
    2. Better economic development in the country
    3. It can lead to depletion of resources
    4. Pollution
  11. Which one of the following is not an effect of the rotation of the earth? It causes
    1. day and night
    2. different seasons.
    3. difference in time
    4. apparent movement of the sun

Use the diagram below to answer  questions 12-13


  1. Name the parts marked Q and R respectively
    1. conelet, vent
    2. dyke, magma
    3. conelet, dyke
    4. crater, vent
  2. Which one of the following mountain was not formed in the above way?
    1. Mt. Longonot
    2. Mt. Ruwenzori
    3. Mt. Kenya
    4. Mt. Nyirangongo1
  3. The following are examples of industries. Which one can be classified as a primary industry?
    1. Shoe making at Limuru
    2. Cement making at Athi river
    3. Textile industry at Kisumu
    4. Sugar refining at Awendo
  4. The system of administration used by the British in Northern Nigeria was
    1. direct rule
    2. assimilation
    3. paternalism
    4. indirect rule
  5. Below is a weather instrument. It is used to measure
    1. humidity
    2. temperature
    3. air pressure
    4. rainfall 
  6. Which one of the following boxes consist of communities that belong to the KWA speakers?
  7. The following are characteristics of a type of marriage
    1. it is conducted by a religious leader
    2. A marriage certificate is issued
    3. a man is allowed to marry upto four wives
      The type of marriage described above is likely to be 
      1. Christian marriage
      2. Hindu marriage
      3. Customary marriage
      4. Muslim marriage
  8. Copper is a major mineral in Zambia it has all the following uses except?
    1. Making water pipes
    2. Making sulphuric acid
    3. Making car radiators
    4. Making ornaments
  9. Which one of the following best explains why the government has established game parks and game reserves?
    1. To conserve wildlife
    2. To attract tourists
    3. To create employment
    4. To make good use of land
  10. The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa?
    1. it experiences cool wet winters
    2. summers are hot and dry
    3. Annual rainfall is about 500-1000mm
    4. temperatures range from 13°c - 24°c 
      Which one of the following is not likely to experience this type of climate?
      1. Morocco
      2. Algeria
      3. South Africa
      4. Zimbabwe
  11. Who among the following leaders were associated with African socialism? 
    1. Oginga Odinga and Ronald Ngala 
    2. Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel Moi
    3. Tom Mboya and Jomo Kenyatta
    4. James Gichuru and Masinde Muliro
  12. Which one of the following is not a reason why people should vote in the national elections?
    1. To elect a new government
    2. To exercise their democratic right
    3. To elect leaders of their choice 
    4. To obey the laws of Kenya

Study the map of Eastern Africa below and answer the questions that follow.  


  1. The capital city of the country marked W is
    1. Khartoum
    2. Juba
    3. Mogadishu
    4. Addis Ababa
  2. The pre-historic site marked T is likely to be
    1. Olduvai gorge
    2. Hyrax hill
    3. Omo valley
    4. Rusinga island
  3. The lake marked Q was formed through a process called
    1. Faulting
    2. Downwarping
    3. Erosion
    4. Volcanicity
  4. Name the desert marked S
    1. Namib
    2. Ogaden
    3. Chalbi
    4. Nubian
  5. All the following communities followed the route marked R. Which one did not?
    1. Rendille
    2. Somali
    3. Oromo
    4. Maasai
  6. The following describes an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    1. He was a German
    2. He signed treaties with African chiefs 
    3. He was the founder of the German East African Company (GEACE) in 1887.
      The visitor described above is likely to be 
      1. William Mackinnon
      2. Seyyid Said
      3. Carl Peters
      4. John Speke
  7. The feature drawn below is likely to be fund in the
    1. desert
    2. coastal lowlands
    3. highlands
    4. lake basin
  8. The main reason why the government is encouraging the conservation of natural forests in Kenya is because
    1. they control desertification
    2. they contain rare species of trees
    3. they control soil erosion
    4. they are habitats for wildlife
  9. Below are descriptions of a certain hominid
    1. made tools from stones
    2. communicated through speech
    3. ate cooked food
      The hominid described above is likely to be
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo habilis
      3. Ramapithecus
      4. Australopithecus
  10. The following are problems experienced by IGAD except
    1. lack of peace
    2. mistrust among members
    3. prolonged drought
    4. lack of common currency
  11. In a democratic society
    1. people join the ruling party
    2. only one political party is allowed
    3. elections are held regularly
    4. citizens are forced to pay taxes
  12. Mzee Torotich a maize farmer in Kitale has bought land and settled in Kinangop where he grows potatotes. This type of irrigation is called
    1. urban-rural migration
    2. urban-urban migration
    3. rural-urban migration
    4. rural-rural migration
  13. Which one of the following sets of rivers drain into the Atlantic ocean?
  14. One of the duties of the school board of management is to
    1. employ teachers
    2. plan and develop school projects
    3. punish indisciplined children
    4. sack non performing teachers
  15. Which one of the following skills was not learnt through apprenticeship during the pre-colonial period?
    1. Wood carving
    2. Iron smelting
    3. Herding
    4. Medicine
  16. The following are disadvantages of irrigation schemes. Which one is not?
    1. They contribute to the spread of diseases
    2. They lead to global warming
    3. They lead to reduction of water in the rivers
    4. They support growth of food crops which are cheap
  17. Which one of the following is not a cause of soil erosion?
    1. Heavy rainfall
    2. Monocropping
    3. Overgrazing
    4. Strip cropping
  18. The people who founded the kingdom of old Ghana obtained their wealth mainly from
    1. weaving
    2. hunting
    3. trade
    4. fishing
  19. An elected county representative can lose a seat if
    1. the election is cancelled by a court
    2. the person visits anther country
    3. the person misses 5 consecutive sittings
    4. the person does not contribute to debates in the county assembly
  20. The best action to take if a pupil is sexually abused by a stranger is to
    1. rash the pupil to the pharmacy and buy ARV drugs
    2. arrest the stranger
    3. take the pupil to the hospital
    4. advise the pupil not to use that route again
  21. The following are descriptions about a certain community in Africa
    1. decisions were made through concensus
    2. they were hunters and gatherers
    3. they traded with their neighbours
      The community above is likely to be
      1. The San
      2. The Buganda
      3. The Nyamwezi
      4. The Khoisan
  22. During the pre-colonial period, people associated the croaking of frogs with 
    1. the coming of a dry season
    2. the coming of a good harvest 
    3. the coming of rains
    4. the coming of strong rains

Use the diagram below to answer questions 46-47   


  1. The diagram above shows the formation of
    1. land breeze
    2. sea breeze
    3. orographic rainfall
    4. Cyclone
  2. Which one of the following towns is not likely to experience the above phenomenon?
    1. Kisumu
    2. Mombasa
    3. Dar-es-salaam
    4. Arusha
  3. If a person is stopped from joining a legal party of his choice he / she is denied the freedom of
    1. speech
    2. politics
    3. movement
    4. association
  4. One of the following was a function of a clan in the traditional African societies. Which one is not?
    1. Settle disputes
    2. Predict the future
    3. Defend the community
    4. Train warriors
  5. Which one of the following may lead to high population growth rate in a county?
    1. Cases of early marriages
    2. Family planning practices
    3. Change in cultural attitudes
    4. Education and awareness
  6. Minutes of a school management committee meetings are written by   
    1. Deputy headteacher
    2. The chairperson
    3. The headteacher
    4. One of the teachers
  7. Who among the following African leaders resisted the French in his territory?
    1. Chief Mkwawa
    2. Mekatilili wa Menza
    3. Samoure Toure
    4. Kabaka Mwanga
  8. Which one of the following is the reason why Madaraka day is celebrated in Kenya?
    1. To remember the day when Kenya attained self government
    2. To remember freedom fighters
    3. To celebrate independence day
    4. To celebrate the day Kenya became a republic
  9. The road sign below means
    1. bumps ahead
    2. slow down
    3. danger ahead
    4. round about
  10. Gamal Abdel Nassaer promoted agriculture in Egypt when he
    1. set aside land for plantation farming
    2. initiated the building of Aswan High dam
    3. gave land to the peasants
    4. abolished Sharia laws
  11. Which one of the following sets of countries consists only of those colonized by the French?
    1. Libya, Somalia, Egypt
    2. Senegal, Cameroon, Congo
    3. Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique
    4. Algeria, Mali, Senegal
  12. Which tourist attractions below arecorrectly matched with the country where they are located?
    1. Gedi ruins - Uganda
    2. Pyramids - Kenya
    3. Berber villages - Morocco
    4. Slave markets - Zanzibar
  13. Which one of the following is not a horticultural crop?
    1. Cotton
    2. Pawpaws
    3. Avocadoes
    4. Roses
  14. Cabinet meetings in Kenya are chaired by the
    1. Speaker
    2. President
    3. Attorney General
    4. Chief justice
  15. Population census is carried out in Kenya after years.
    1. 10
    2. 5
    3. 20
    4. 7



  1. God created the universe in 6 days. On which day did He create the sea, creatures and birds
    1. 2nd
    2. 4th
    3. 5th
    4. 6th
  2. "Never against shall I destroy my people with water" God made a covenant with Noah. The sign of the covenant was
    1. Dove
    2. Rainbow
    3. Raven
    4. Fire
  3. Abraham separated with Lot due to
    1. jealousy
    2. hatred
    3. enemity
    4. quarrels over grazing lands
  4. Which gift of the holy spirit did Joseph have which made him famous in Egypt? 
    1. Interpreting dreams
    2. Working miracles
    3. Artistic talent
    4. Was a good speaker
  5. Why did Moses decide to leave Egypt to go and live in Midian?
    1. To look for the burning bush
    2. To escape from Pharaoh
    3. To look for Jethro's herd
    4. To receive the ten commandments
  6. Which one of the following achievements of David made Jerusalem a centre of worship? He _______________________
    1. built the temple
    2. brought back the ark of the covenant
    3. killed Goliath
    4. fought 5000 men
  7. "My clan is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh and I am the least important member of my family." Who spoke these words
    1. Gideon
    2. David
    3. Isaiah
    4. Joseph
  8. Which one of the following is the reason why king Solomon is remembered as a great king of Israel. He ____________________
    1. bought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
    2. had many wives
    3. had great wisdom
    4. built the lord's temple in Jerusalem
  9. Which one of the following is not a prophecy of prophet Isaiah about the work of the Messiah. He would
    1. preach good and to the poor
    2. give sight to the blind
    3. lead Israelites free from the Roman rule
    4. set the oppressed fire
  10. Why was Mary greatly troubled by the angel's message during the annunciation of the birth of Jesus?
    1. She was engaged to Joseph 
    2. she was a virgin
    3. she feared the angel
    4. she was barren
  11. Who ordered for a census to be done when Jesus was born?
    1. Pontius Pilate
    2. King Herod
    3. Augustus Caesar
    4. Governor Quirintius
  12. Complete the following beatitude: Happy are these who are humble
    1. for they will see God
    2. God will be merciful to them
    3. the kingdom of heaven
    4. they will receive what God has promised
  13. Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches about forgiveness
    1. the good Samaritan
    2. the prodigal son 
    3. the mustard sad 
    4. the net
  14. Which of the following teachings of Jesus about prayer is true?
    1. God answers prayers immediately 
    2. It should be said in humility
    3. Prayer should be long
    4. It should be said in groups
  15. Cleophas and his friend were talking to Jesus without realising till he
    1. prayed with them
    2. broke the bread
    3. explained the scriptures
    4. drank the wine
  16. Jesus asked His disciples to pray on Mount Olive inorder to
    1. stay awake
    2. defend themselves
    3. avoid falling into temptations 
    4. fight Judas and the soldier
  17. Which one of the following activities shows a fruit of the holy spirit?
    1. Telling about the future 
    2. Speaking in tongues
    3. Caring for the sick 
    4. Conducting bible study
  18. Before the disciples received the Holy spirit they were in a room in Jerusalem
    1. sleeping
    2. praying
    3. hiding
    4. eating
  19. The story of Saul on his way to Damascus teaches Christians to
    1. support the spread of the gospel
    2. help there in need
    3. be kind to the poor
    4. read the scriptures
  20. When there was a famine the believers sent Paul and Barnabbas to Judea to
    1. preach to non jews
    2. heal the sick
    3. take money to fellow believers
    4. place hands on the non converts
  21. Which one of the following is a role of ancestors in the traditional African society?
    1. Ancestors act as intermediaries between the living and God.
    2. Ancestors show the living how to use their talents wisely
    3. Ancestors remind the living to love their enemies
    4. Ancestors teach the living on how to pray
  22. Three of the following are reasons why circumcision is practised in traditional African societies, which one is not?
    1. The initiates become full members of their community
    2. The initiates pass from childhood to adulthood
    3. The initiates are allowed to marry 
    4. The initiates become chiefs
  23. Which one of the following traditional African practice concerning new life is illegal in Kenya?
    1. Naming
    2. Taking
    3. Circumcision
    4. Female genital mutilation
  24. Which of the following statements is true of both christianity and traditional African religion?
    1. They both teach about the second coming of Jesus
    2. They both have holy books
    3. They both have missionaries
    4. They both teach about life after death
  25. Christians best prepare themselves for Easter by
    1. repenting their sins
    2. buying new clothes
    3. visiting their friends
    4. preparing special food
  26. After assisting her mother in kitchen. work, Daisy realizes that she had some extra time. As a christian the best way to spread it is by
    1. reading story books
    2. watching films 
    3. visiting her friend
    4. visiting an orphan
  27. Which one of the following is not a reason why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure is condemned.
    1. It leads to conflicts within the family
    2. It leads to irresponsible sexual behaviours
    3. It promotes mental health
    4. It could lead to a loss of income
  28. Dennis, a standard eight pupil has been receiving gifts from an elderly rich woman who wants to have a relationship with him. As a christian the right action for him to take is to
    1. transfer to another school
    2. inform other pupils about the roman 
    3. report the matter to the headteacher 
    4. accept the gifts
  29. You have discovered that Bosire your best friend is being used by a rich man to sell drugs to other pupils in school. As a christian you should tell him to
    1. Transfer to another school
    2. ask the rich man to pay him well
    3. sell the drugs and not use them 
    4. stop selling the drugs and concentrate in class
  30. Which one of the following is a wrong use of money?
    1. Helping the needy to become rich
    2. Paying school fees for a relative
    3. Paying salaries to workers
    4. Giving gifts to voters



  1. Which one of the following Surah teaches about oneness in Allah (SWT)?
    1. Al-Fatiha
    2. An-Nas
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4. At-Kanthar
  2. The verse 'you do not worship what I worship' is derived from which surah?
    1. Al-miminim
    2. Maun
    3. Al-Kafirun and off
    4. Zilzala
  3. The prayer performed between morning and mid-day is called:-
    1. fajr
    2. dhuhur
    3. dhuha
    4. witri
  4. The sunna prayer performed during the night of Ramadhan is called:-
    1. Ishai
    2. Tarawele
    3. Istiskai 
    4. Sala tul lail
  5. Which of the following surah is recited seventeen times a day by muslims?
    1. Annas
    2. Al-Fatiha
    3. Aya tul kursy 
    4. Tyin
  6. Which of the following can nullify udhu?
    1. Passing wind
    2. Speaking
    3. Applying perfume
    4. Shaking hands
  7. Which is the correct order of prayers performed by muslims?
    1. Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha
    2. Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib, Asr, Isha 
    3. Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib, Isha, Asr
    4. Fajr, Maghrib, Dhuhr, Isha, Asr
  8. Which of the following prophet of Allah received Suhuf?
    1. Ibrahim
    2. Issa
    3. David
    4. Mohamed
  9. What is the main teaching from Surah Al Alaq?
    1. All people should be responsible for their deeds
    2. A man was created from a clot of blood
    3. Allah is the only forgiver
    4. Prophet is favoured by God
  10. Who among the following is not a prophet?
    1. Zulekha
    2. Isaak
    3. Yunus
    4. Ishmail
  11. When you visit a sick in the hospital the best gift you can give to him is:-
    1. a flower
    2. get well card
    3. food
    4. a dua
  12. When someone gives you a gift you should say:-
    1. Alhamdulillahi
    2. Jazakallah
    3. lahaula wa lakwata
    4. Audhubillahi
  13. Islam teaches on hardwork since:-
    1. it discourages begging
    2. it discourages laziness
    3. it is a way of creating wealth
    4. it is a way of earning lawfully
  14. Which of the following items is hash for zakat?
    1. Personal clothings 
    2. House furniture
    3. Farm produce
    4. Family house
  15. When muslims are in need they should seek help from:-
    1. Mohamed
    2. Jibril 
    3. Allah
    4. Imam
  16. Which one of the following islamic months is not among the sacred months (ash-hunul-human)?
    1. Rajab
    2. Muharan 
    3. Dulhija
    4. Ramadhan
  17. The lesson derived from the bottle of badr is that prisoners should be:-
    1. treated kindly
    2. be forced to work
    3. be set free
    4. denied food
  18. Which one of the following is a halaal business practice?
    1. Gambling
    2. Selling alcohol 
    3. Hoarding
    4. Lending money
  19. The festival of Idd Id Fitri is celebrated on:-
    1. 1st shawal
    2. 30th Ramadhan 
    3. 1st Ramadhan
    4. 1st Rajab
  20. Hussein found a thousand shilling note on the assembly ground. What would be the best course of action?
    1. Share the money with friends
    2. Take the money to his parents
    3. Take the money to the teacher
    4. Use the money to buy school books
  21. The duty of angel Izrail is to:-
    1. remove people's souls
    2. blowing the trumpet
    3. recording deeds
    4. bringing rain
  22. Which of the following attributes of Allah describes Allah as the king of kings?
    1. Malik
    2. Kahman
    3. Al-gudus
    4. Ar-rahum
  23. Which one of the following can be classified as light najis?
    1. Bacon
    2. Dogs urine
    3. Urine of a baby boy
    4. Vomit
  24. How many rakaas are performed during Fajr prayers?
    1. 4
    2. 10
    3. 8
    4. 2
  25. Which of the following are fadh prayers prayed by muslims?
    1. Dhuha
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Tareweh
    4. Taqwa
  26. Thuluthul Quran is a title given to surah Ikhlas. This is because Sura Ikhlas is the:-
    1. mother of the Quran
    2. a third of Quran
    3. heart of Quran
    4. opening chapter
  27. Muslims lost in the battle of:-
    1. Badr
    2. Hunain
    3. Uhud
    4. Khadaq
  28. The two Muadhatein surah are __________________ and  __________________
    1. Nas and Falaq
    2. Kauthar and Maun
    3. Nasr and Asr
    4. Dhuha and Inshirah
  29. Who is not among the four caliphs of prophet (pbuh)?
    1. Abbakar
    2. Abu-jahal 
    3. Ali
    4. Uthman
  30. Doing right and avoiding evil wherever we are is a sign of having:-
    1. Ihsan
    2. Iman
    3. Taqwa
    4. Tawakkal



  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C
  23. D
  24. B
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. A
  31. A
  32. D
  33. C
  34. D
  35. D
  36. B
  37. C
  38. D
  39. D
  40. D
  41. C
  42. A
  43. C
  44. A
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. D
  49. A
  50. A
  51. C
  52. C
  53. A
  54. C
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. A
  59. B
  60. A


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. B
  16. C
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. D
  25. A
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D

                                                                            PART 1 SOCIAL STUDIES

                                                                                        TABO AREA


  1. The main economic contribution of lake Beye is that it is a source of
    1. minerals
    2. rainfall
    3. rivers
    4. fish
  2. The curved bend marked T formed by the river in Tabo area is
    1. a meander
    2. an ox-bow lake
    3. a delta
    4. a confluence
  3. The main factor that influenced the growth of Goma town was
    1. climate
    2. transport
    3. fishing
    4. population
  4. The location of the flour mill was influenced by nearness to
    1. roads
    2. market
    3. raw materials
    4. labour
  5. The general direction of Soro market from Rogi market is
    1. South
    2. North
    3. South East
    4. North West
  6. The climate around the lake can be described as
    1. hot and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  7. Business licences in Tabo area are issued at
    1. the chief's camp
    2. the health centre
    3. the police station
    4. the county offices
  8. Which one of the following statements about an age set is correct?
    1. It is made up of several age groups
    2. It is made up of people with a common ancestor
    3. It is made up of people who speak a common language
    4. It is made up of people who live in the same area
  9. Ox-bow lakes are formed through
    1. deposition
    2. glaciation
    3. erosion
    4. downwarping
  10. When the French administered their colonies in Africa, they used the policy of
    1. paternalism
    2. direct rule
    3. assimilation
    4. indirect rule
  11. Below are statements about a vegetation zone in Africa
    1. Trees have small leaves
    2. Trees have thick barks
    3. Some trees are deciduous
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. mediterranean vegetation
      2. rainforest vegetation
      3. savannah vegetation
      4. semi-desert vegetation
  12. The Pokomo people were forced to migrate from th Shungwaya area because
    1. they wanted better farming land
    2. they were attacked by the Galla
    3. the area was overcrowded
    4. the area experienced droughts
  13.  The main benefit of jua kali industries in rural areas in Kenya is that they
    1. have stopped rural to urban migration
    2. have made use of idle land
    3. have created self employment
    4. produce goods for export
  14. Which one of the following combinations is of mountains formed through faulting?
    1. Ruwenzori and Mau
    2. Kilimanjaro and Elgon
    3. Cape Ranges and Atlas
    4. Cameroon and Longonot
  15. Which one of the following groups is made up of Nilo-Saharan speakers of West Africa?
    1. Asante, Kwahu, Akwapim
    2. Mossi, Bergu, Dagomba
    3. Mande, Malinke, Soninke
    4. Kanuri, Songhai, Dendi
  16. When Senegal attained independence in 1961, the first president was
    1. Kwame Nkrumah
    2. Leopold Senghor
    3. Siaka Stevens
    4. Gamal Nasser
  17. The diagram below shows the formation of
    1. sea breeze
    2. relief rainfall
    3. land breeze
    4. convectional rainfall
  18. It is important to keep cultural artefacts in museums in Kenya in order to
    1. decorate the museums
    2. use them as national symbols
    3. preserve the history of communities
    4. create jobs in the country
  19. Below are factors that influence population distribution
    1. Fertile soils
    2. Swampy conditions
    3. Presence of pests
    4. Steep slopes
    5. High rainfall
      Which one of the following combinations has made the lake Victoria basin to have high population?
      1. (i) and (v)
      2. (ii) and (iii)
      3. (iii) and (iv)
      4. (ii) and (iv)
  20. The collaboration of the Lozi people with the British in Zambia led to
    1. defeat of the Lozi people
    2. acquisition of land by Africans
    3. introduction of forced labour
    4. exploitation of minerals
  21. Three of the following are roles of pupils in management. Which one is not?
    1. Preparing school routine
    2. Cleaning school compound
    3. Participating in tree planting
    4. Reporting issues affecting them to teachers
  22. The camels of Noor have destroyed the maize of Kimanzi . The best appropriate way of settling the dispute is
    1. Kimanzi taking Noor's camels as payment
    2. reporting the matter to the police
    3. the two neighbours negotiating the matter
    4. taking the matter to a court of law
  23. Which of the following was a demand of early political associations in Kenya before 1939?
    1. Release of Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Better treatment for Africans
    3. Building of industries in rural areas
    4. Formation of a Legislative Council
  24. Which one of the following was the last Bantu community to settle in Eastern Africa?
    1. Ngoni
    2. Akamba
    3. Basoga
    4. Taita
  25. Mr. Brown, a British National has been working in Kenya. He can register as a Kenyan citizen only if he
    1. is able to speak English
    2. lives in Kenya continuously for 7 years
    3. respects the laws of the country
    4. marries a Kenyan citizen
  26. Which one of the following types of fish is kept in reclaimed fishing areas from the sea in Japan?
    1. Tilapia
    2. Dagaa
    3. Nile perch
    4. Oysters
  27. Which of the following is a freshwater lake in Eastern Africa?
    1. Lake Natron
    2. Lake Elementaita
    3. Lake Kyoga
    4. Lake Bogoria
  28. The following are characteristics of a type of soil
    1. Particles are of medium size
    2. Water retention is good
    3. Air spaces are of medium size 
      The soil described above is
      1. clay
      2. loam
      3. sandy
      4. alluvial
  29. Three of the following are responsibilities of persons with special needs. Which one is not?
    1. Treating other people fairly
    2. Taking care of the environment
    3. Obeying the laws of the country 
    4. Forming their own political party
  30. Which one of the following groups is made up of basic needs in a family?
    1. Land, water, money
    2. Love, vehicle, education
    3. House, wealth, friends
    4. Food, shelter, clothing
  31. A negative effect of migration in Kenya is that it leads to
    1. cultural differences
    2. expansion of health services
    3. growth of slums
    4. industrial development
  32. Natural forests in the highland regions are conserved mainly because
    1. they provide timber for export
    2. they conserve water catchment areas
    3. they attract tourists
    4. they provide firewood
  33. Which of the following countries is not crossed by the Great North Road?
    1. Uganda
    2. Tanzania
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Sudan
  34. The Kenya African Union (KAU) was formed in 1946 by
    1. Eliud Mathu
    2. Daniel Arap Moi
    3. Oginga Odinga
    4. Jomo Kenyatta

Study the map of Kenya below and use it to answer questions 35 to 38


  1. Which one of the following communities settled in the shaded area marked Z?
    1. Ameru
    2. Pokomo
    3. Taita
    4. MijiKenda
  2. The mountain marked T was formed through
    1. erosion
    2. folding
    3. faulting
    4. volcanicity
  3. The mineral mined at the place marked S is used to make
    1. dye
    2. cement
    3. heat insulators
    4. toothpaste
  4. The main economic activity of the community that used the route marked H was
    1. iron working
    2. hunting
    3. pastoralism
    4. fishing
  5. People with disabilities can be catered for in public transport by
    1. training drivers how to treat them
    2. providing ramps in minibuses
    3. organizing group transport for them
    4. ncreasing the number of public vehicles
  6. Which one of the following is a characteristic of equatorial climate?
    1. Temperatures are low
    2. Annual rainfall is less than 500mm
    3. There is low humidity
    4. There is no distinct dry season
  7. The political party that led Ghana to independence was
    1. Convention People's Party
    2. United Gold Coast Convention 
    3. African National Congress
    4. Northern People's Party
  8. The most recent way of interaction among communities in Kenya is through?
    1. marriage
    2. social media
    3. games
    4. worship
  9. Which one of the following statements is true about pyrethrum growing in Kenya?
    1. It is grown in large plantations
    2. It is grown in the cool and wet highlands
    3. It is grown under irrigation
    4. It is harvested by machines
  10. The petroleum refinery was established in Mombasa mainly due to
    1. availability of market
    2. availability of a pipeline
    3. nearness to raw materials
    4. nearness to water supply
  11. The East African Community was formed mainly to
    1. establish a common currency
    2. improve food production
    3. enable free movement of goods
    4. promote trade among member countries
  12. A manager in a government institution employs members of his extended family. The manager practices
    1. nepotism
    2. racism
    3. corruption
    4. tribalism
  13. Three of the following statements about the Rift Valley region in Kenya are correct.
    Which one is not?
    1. It is the relief region that covers the largest area
    2. The floor is dotted with lakes
    3. Some areas are dry
    4. It has escarpments
  14. Poultry farming is practised near large urban centres due to availability of
    1. space
    2. market
    3. roads 
    4. labour
  15. Which one of the following is the main benefit of maize growing in Kenya?
    1. It provides people with food
    2. Maize exports carn foreign exchange
    3. It promotes development of towns
    4. It promotes service industries
  16. Your brother who has completed Secondary Education intends to set up a service industry. Which one of the following businesses is he likely to choose?
    1. Buying and assembling parts of bicycles
    2. Setting up a bakery
    3. Opening a barber shop
    4. Soap making
  17. Which one of the following towns in Kenya is the oldest?
    1. Nairobi
    2. Kisumu
    3. Eldoret
    4. Lamu
  18. The best place for a pupil to cross a busy road is where
    1. there is a footbridge
    2. there are bumps
    3. the road is wide
    4. there are traffic police officers
  19. The following are statements about a form of transport
    1. It is slow
    2. It is cheap
    3. It can be used to transport bulky goods from one continent to another
      The form of transport described above is
      1. air
      2. water
      3. road
      4. railway
  20. The best way of improving tourism in Kenya is
    1. establishing more game parks
    2. building good hotels
    3. constructing feeder roads
    4. improving security
  21. A problem that has resulted from industrial development in both Kenya and South Africa is
    1. emission of smoke
    2. decline in growth of towns
    3. reduction of food production
    4. shortage of land
  22. Which one of the following was an achievement of Nelson Mandela?
    1. He was the first African president to retire voluntarily
    2. He founded the military wing of the African National Congress
    3. He founded the Organization of African Unity
    4. He led the Sharpeville demonstration
  23. Which of the following statements correctly describes democracy? Leaders
    1. impose themselves on the people
    2. inherit posts
    3. are elected by people
    4. are nominated by peopleWhich one of the following is the main benefit of maize growing in Kenya?
  24. Kenyans sing the National Anthem in order to
    1. obey the laws of the country
    2. show respect for their country
    3. please their leaders
    4. preserve people's culture
  25. A parliamentary by-election is held in Kenya when a member of parliament is
    1. residing in another constituency
    2. elected as a leader of a political party
    3. arrested by the police
    4. jailed for six months
  26. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is headed by
    1. a chairperson
    2. the president
    3. the Attorney General
    4. the Chief Justice


  1. The book of the Bible that describes the beginning of life is
    1. Leviticus
    2. Exodus
    3. Genesis
    4. Numbers
  2. "Leave your country, your relatives and your father's home and go to a land that I am going to show you" (Genesis 12:1). God said these words to Abraham when he was living in
    1. Haran
    2. Egypt
    3. Canaan
    4. Ur
  3. The parents of Joseph were
    1. Elkanah and Rebecca
    2. Isaac and Rebecca
    3. Elkanah and Peninah
    4. Jacob and Rachel
  4. God called Moses near Mount Sinai to go back to Egypt mainly to
    1. perform miracles in Egypt
    2. lead the Israelites out of Egypt
    3. receive the ten commandments
    4. make a covenant with God
  5. The commandment that teaches Christians to respect other people's property is
    1. 'Do not steal'
    2. 'Do not commit adultery'
    3. 'Do not accuse anyone falsely'
    4. 'Do not commit murder'
  6. The main reason why King Solomon is remembered in Israel is that he
    1. built a palace
    2. built a temple
    3. married many wives
    4. was rich
  7. King Ahab was punished by God because he
    1. had taken Uriah's wife
    2. ordered for the killing of Baal's prophets
    3. captured Jerusalem
    4. had taken Naboth's vineyard
  8. A miracle performed by both Elijah and Elisha was when they
    1. walked on water
    2. healed lepers
    3. raised dead people
    4. healed blind people
  9. Who among the following prophets said that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Micah
    4. Hosea
  10. When angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah,he was?
    1. burning incense
    2. sleeping in the temple
    3. looking after sheep
    4. threshing wheat
  11. The wisemen visited baby Jesus because they wanted to
    1. know where he had been born
    2. report back to Herod
    3. meet his parents
    4. worship him
  12. Angel Gabriel told Mary that the child she would get would be called the Son of the Most High God because he would
    1. deliver people from sin.
    2. be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
    3. be born in Bethlehem
    4. baptize people in River Jordan
  13. In which of the following ways did Jesus show his love for children?
    1. Giving them food
    2. Teaching them
    3. Placing his hands on them
    4. Offering them gifts
  14. Jesus demonstrated the growth of the kingdom of God in the parable of
    1. the mustard seed
    2. the lost son
    3. the friend at midnight
    4. the wheat and tares
  15. The miracle performed by Jesus is the town of Nain was
    1. raising Lazarus
    2. changing water into wine
    3. healing a bleeding woman
    4. raising a widow's son
  16. When Jesus died on the cross, the Roman army officer said that Jesus
    1. was a righteous man
    2. was the king of the Jews
    3. would resurrect
    4. came from Nazareth
  17. Who among the following disciples went to the tomb of Jesus early in the morning?
    1. Thomas
    2. John
    3. Matthew
    4. James
  18. The disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit when they were praying in
    1. Nazareth
    2. Bethany
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Emmaus
  19. A Christian value learnt from the story of Ananias and Sapphira is that they should
    1. sell their property
    2. preach the good news
    3. visit their neighbours
    4. speak the truth
  20. "I have no money at all, but I give you what I have.............." (Acts 3:6). Peter said these words to
    1. a blind beggar
    2. a lame beggar
    3. Simon of Samaria
    4. A Samaritan woman
  21. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Faith
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Wisdom
    4. Preaching
  22. The best way to honour God in traditional African Communities is by
    1. reading scriptures
    2. exchanging gifts
    3. offering sacrifices
    4. skipping meals
  23. Newborn babies in traditional African communities are not shown to strangers in order to
    1. give them healthy food
    2. please their parents
    3. remember ancestors
    4. protect them from evil
  24. People in traditional African communties share material things mainly to
    1. show concern for others
    2. please ancestors
    3. show their wealth
    4. avoid disasters
  25. The best way for Christians to care for people who are infected with HIV and AIDS is by
    1. showing them love and care
    2. building homes for them
    3. separating them from healthy people
    4. preaching to them
  26. When you find two of your classmates fighting, the best action to take is
    1. leave them continue fighting
    2. separate and reconcile them
    3. report them to their parents
    4. cheer them up
  27. The best activity for Shadrack to engage in during the school holiday to help the community is
    1. sing in the church choir
    2. play with his friends
    3. fetch water for an old woman
    4. read the Bible
  28. It is important for Christians to work in order to
    1. earn their living
    2. please their leaders
    3. be rewarded
    4. obey the laws of the country
  29. Which one of the following is an element of prayer?
    1. Confession
    2. Fasting
    3. Singing 
    4. Dancing
  30. The first school in Kenya was established by
    1. slave traders
    2. European missionaries
    3. African chiefs
    4. colonizers



  1. According to the Islamic teachings, a number of people will be thrown into hell fire as a result of their
    1. cheating
    2. fear
    3. their tongues
    4. disrespect
  2. According to surah Qadr, the night of power is important because it is when
    1. the Quran was first revealed
    2. the prophet went for Isra-wal-Miraj
    3. the Quran was first compiled into a book form
    4. the prophet made Hijrah
  3. Surah Ikhlas talks about the
    1. origin of Allah
    2.  judgement of Allah
    3. unity of Allah
    4. mercy of Allah
  4. ''Seeking knowledge is a must to every Muslim male and female." This hadith teaches that
    1. knowledge is the foundation of faith
    2. women are responsible for the education of children
    3. Muslims should leave everything so as to search for knowledge
    4. more education should be given to men than women
  5. The surah which describes the events at the day of Qiyamah is
    1. Zilzala
    2. Tiyn
    3. Inshirah
    4. Fatiha
  6. Which one of the following surah is related to the year in which prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born?
    1. Al-Fatiha
    2. Al - Fiil
    3. Al-Quraish
    4. Al-Maun
  7. Who among the following people opposed the prophet in his first public preaching?
    1. Abu Lahab
    2. Hamza
    3. Abu Jahal
    4. Umar
  8. Which one of the following surah is related to the year in which prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was embarrassed at mount Safa?
    1. Al-Ikhlas
    2. Al-Humaza
    3. Al-Kafirun
    4. Al- Masa
  9. The first prophet at Allah to be circumcised was
    1. Yusuf
    2. Musa
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Issa
  10. Who among the following Angels of Allah is correctly matched with the stated duty?
    1. Atid - Recorder at good deeds
    2. Jibril - Angel of rain
    3. Israfeel - Angel of hell
    4. Izrail - Angel of death
  11. Muslims consider the month of Dhul-Hijja as sacred because
    1. Hajj is performed
    2. the prophet migrated to Madinah
    3. Muhammad received prophethood
    4. the battle at Badr was fought
  12. Which one of the following names describes Allah as the most powerful?
    1. Al-Khalaq
    2. Al-Razzak
    3. Al-Qadr
    4. Ar-Rahim
  13. Which one of the following occasions are Muslims forbidden to fast?
    1. During Miladun - Nabii
    2. On Iddul-Fitr day
    3. Or the 1" of Muharram
    4. The day of Ashurah
  14. All prophets of Allah were protected from
    1. sin
    2. persecution
    3. marriage
    4. death
  15. Iddul-Adha is celebrated in the month of
    1. Dhul-Qaada
    2. Rabiul - Awaal
    3. Dhul-Hijjah
    4. Shawaal
  16. Which one of the following is a sign of a hypocrite?
    1. Telling lies when talking
    2. Using abusive language
    3. Ignoring the needs of the poor
    4. Spying on others
  17. What is the purpose of performing Salatul Janazah?
    1. To pray for the relatives of the dead person
    2. To bring the relatives of the dead person together
    3. To ask Allah to forgive the dead person 
    4. To praise the dead
  18. Abdul Karim is performing Salatul - Asr and he has realized that he has made a mistake. The correct action for him to take is to
    1. stop praying and start again
    2. ignore and continue praying
    3. ask Allah for forgiveness
    4. perform sijdatul sahw
  19. The parents of your friend Khalid do not have money for their Iddul-Fitr celebrations. The best way to belp them is by
    1. inviting the family to eat at home
    2. asking your parents to give them some money to spend for their celebrations
    3. sending the family an Idd present
    4. asking your parents to give them work so that they can earn some money
  20. The eating of meat from a dead animal is forbidden in Islam mainly because it
    1. might have diseases and harmful germs
    2. ensures good care of animals
    3. it is against civil laws
    4. it leads to sin
  21. To abstain from sex as a means to protect oneself from HIV and AIDS infection means not to
    1. engage in sex at all
    2. get married
    3. have sex regularly
    4. engage in sex before marriage
  22. Hodan performs Sunnah prayers. Which one of the following prayers has she been praying during day time?
    1. Witr
    2. Taraweh
    3. Tahajud
    4. Dhuha
  23. Which one of the following is the right Islamic business practice?
    1. Hoarding goods
    2. Weighing goods accuratel
    3. Making abnormal profits
    4. Selling miraa
  24. According to teachings of Islam, one of the following sins will not be forgiven by Allah. Which one is it?
    1. Murder
    2. Sin
    3. Stealing 
    4. Shirk
  25. The best jihad is
    1. protecting Islamic places of worship
    2. fighting against evils
    3. winning converts to Islam
    4. building Mosques
  26. Maryarn's husband has died. She should observe eddat for
    1. forty days
    2. four months and four days
    3. four months
    4. four months and ten days
  27. After the defeat at Badr, the Quraish wanted
    1. sign a peace treaty with Muslims
    2. remove idols from the Kaabah
    3. take revenge for the defeat
    4. convert to Muslims
  28. How many years did Angel Jibril take to reveal the Quran to prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
    1. 63
    2. 23
    3. 25
    4. 40
  29. The word Najasat means?
    1. Pure
    2. impurity
    3. cleanliness
    4. saum
  30. In Islam, circumcision is done to
    1. women
    2. both girls and boys
    3. boys and men
    4. oId men and women 


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. A
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. D
  31. C
  32. B
  33. C
  34. A
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. D
  41. A
  42. B
  43. B
  44. C
  45. D
  46. A
  47. A
  48. B
  49. B
  50. C
  51. D
  52. A
  53. B
  54. D
  55. A
  56. B
  57. C
  58. B
  59. D
  60. A


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. A
  30. B


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. B
  29. B
  30. C


Study the map of Molu Area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Molu area rises towards
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. North West
    4. South East
  2. Who is in charge of security in Molu area?
    1. Governor
    2. County Commissioner
    3. Chief
    4. Deputy County Commissioner
  3. The feature formed at the mouth of River Sio is
    1. delta
    2. distributaries
    3. estuary
    4. confluence
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Molu area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Mining
    3. Farming
    4. Tourism
  5. Which social facility should be given first priority by National government through the constituency development kitty?
    1. Religion
    2. Stadium
    3. School
    4. Health facility
  6. Which type of scale is shown on the map of Molu area?
    1. Statement
    2. Representative
    3. Linear
    4. Fraction
  7. The type of soil that is likely to be found to the mouth of R. Sio South Western part of the area covered by the map is
    1. alluvial
    2. black cotton
    3. volcanic
    4. sand
  8. Which one of the following plateaus is correctly matched with the country where it is located?
    1. Jos                       -        Angola
    2. Fouta Djallon        -       Guinea
    3. Bie                        -       Nigeria
    4. Tibesti                   -       Sudan
  9. Which one of the following statements about River Athi is true?
    1. It has three names from the source to the mouth
    2. It has a delta at its mouth
    3. Its source is on Mt. Kenya
    4. It is the longest river in Africa
  10. The following statements describe condition that are favourable for a certain crop in Africa;
    1. Low altitude
    2. Deep, well, drained fertile soilo
    3. High humid during growing period
      The crop described above is
      1. banana
      2. wheat
      3. cloves
      4. tea
  11. Below is a description of a certain climatic condition;
    1. Receives rainfall in the afternoon
    2. Rainfall is accompanied by lightning and thunderstorm
    3. Has two rainy season
    4. Also called warm and wet
      The climate described above is
      1. mountain climate
      2. semi-desert climate
      3. desert climate
      4. modified equatorial climate
  12. Class 5 pupils from Matieko primary school visited a poultry farm where they observed the following:
    1. All birds returned to shelter in the evening
    2. Some birds lay at certain points within the compound
    3. Birds were not contained
    4. The piece of land was large
      The method of poultry farming that the farmer practised was
      1. free range systém
      2. fold system
      3. battery system
      4. deep litter system
  13. Dry and wet bulb thermometer is used to measure?
    1. water vapour in the atmosphere
    2. temperature
    3. atmospheric pressure
    4. speed of wind
  14. Below are functions of a town in Kenya;
    1. Administrative centre
    2. Most industrialized townh
    3. Headquarter of the UN agencies
    4. Residential centrere
      The town whose functions are listed above is
      1. Thika
      2. Kisumu
      3. Mombasa
      4. Nairobi
  15. Which one of the following is not a soil conservation method?
    1. Mulching
    2. Crop rotation
    3. Agro-forestry
    4. Deforestation
  16. Which of the following is an effect of the rotation of the earth?
    1. It causes seasons
    2. It causes differences in time along different longitude
    3. It influences the position of the midday sun
    4. It causes differences in the length of day and night
  17. The main importance of age-groups is that they
    1. provide food for each other
    2. stole animals together
    3. divided land among members
    4. promoted equal division of labour
  18. Which of the following communities belong to the same language group?
    1. Pokot, Marakwet, Luo
    2. Luo, Maasai, Turkana
    3. Boran, Rendille, Gabbra
    4. Meru, Teso, Giriama
  19. Which one of the following early human settlement is found in Tanzania?
    1. Sango Bay
    2. Gedi Ruin
    3. Mnarani
    4. Nyero rocks
  20. Types of utensils, tools and weapons made long time ago mainly depended on
    1. the preference of the community
    2. the demand of the customers
    3. the climate of the region where the community stays
    4. economic activity of the community

Use the diagram below to answer questions 21 and 22.

  1. The part marked M is called
    1. a dam
    2. an ox-bow lake
    3. a crater lake
    4. a lava-dammed lake
  2. The part marked K is called
    1. a cave
    2. an escarpment
    3. a meander
    4. horst
  3. Which one of the following is an example of tarn lake in Kenya?
    1. Speke
    2. Catherine
    3. Gallery
    4. Chad
  4. In traditional African societies, the appearance of new moon was associated with the
    1. coming of a good harvest
    2. coming of a dry harvest
    3. coming of rains
    4. coming of strong winds
  5. Which one of the following West African groups do the Asante of Ghana belong to?
    1. Afro-Asiatic
    2. Mande
    3. Kwa
    4. Nilo-Saharan
  6. Which one of the following hominid discovered fire?
    1. Homo habilis
    2. Homo erectus
    3. Homo sapiens
    4. Homo sapien sapien
  7. Sera and Mwambu are believed to have been the first man and woman created by God among the
    1. Agikuyu
    2. Ababukusu
    3. Abagusii
    4. Abakuria
  8. The following are communities living in Eastern Africa. Which Luo group arrived in Kenya first?
    1. Joka Omolo
    2. Joka Jok
    3.  Luo Abasuba
    4. Joka Owiny
  9. Which of the following is not a major way through which young people interact today?
    1. Through war and raids
    2. In schools
    3. Games and sport
    4. Workshops and seminars
  10. Which one of the following is not a duty of the head teacher in a school?
    1. Writing down minutes during the committee meeting
    2. Writing down minutes during the staff meeting
    3. Linking the school with the Ministry of Education
    4. Ensuring that teachers attend lessons as allocated in the timetable
  11. The leading country in fish production in Africa is
    1. Japan
    2. Kenya
    3. Uganda
    4. South Africa
  12. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with a product that it is used to make?
    1. Limestone       -     Salt
    2. Diatomite         -     Filter
    3. Soda ash         -     Cement
    4. Flourspar         -     Electric wire
  13. Natural forest on the slopes of highlands are preserved mainly to
    1. control soil erosion
    2. protect indigenous species
    3. protect water sources
    4. protect wildlife
      All of the following are cocoa producing areas in Ghana except;
      A. Kumasi B. Volta C. Accra D. Takoradi
      C. Uganda
      B. Kenya
      D. South Africa
  14. Which one of the following was a characteristic of African traditional education?
    1. Youths were choosing what to learn
    2. Learning started after initiating
    3. Assignments were given for learners to do
    4. Moral values were emphasized
  15. Which one of the following is the largest dam in the seven forks dam project?
    1. Kamburu dam
    2. Masinga dam
    3. Gitaru dam
    4. Grand falls dam
  16. Which one of the following has influenced the rapid industrialization in South Africa the least?
    1. Increase in cheap labour from other Africa countries
    2. Good means of transport
    3. Availability of raw materials
    4. Availability of market for industrial products
  17. The following are social uses of soil except;
    1. administering oaths
    2. making bricks
    3. burrying the death
    4. decoration
  18. The road sign below indicates
    1. two way traffic
    2. no entry
    3. bumps ahead
    4. road junction
  19. Which of the following countries is not correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Ghana     -    Accra
    2. Senegal   -    Dakar
    3. Egypt       -    Cairo
    4. Nigeria     -    Lagos
  20. All the following are cocoa producing areas in Ghana except
    1. Kumasi
    2. Volta
    3. Accra
    4. Takoradi

Use the map below to answer questions 41 and 42.

  1. The game park marked A is likely to be
    1. Nairobi
    2. Maasai Mara
    3. Amboseli
    4. Tsavo
  2. Below are the pre-historic sites. Which one likely to be found at the area marked D on the map?
    1. Olorgesaille
    2. Kanapo
    3. Koobi Fora
    4. Naikotome
  3. Below are some description of a certain prominent leader;
    1. His home was made the headquarter of the British
    2. Controlled long distance trade between Coast and Uganda
    3. Was a medicineman and a prophet
    4. Warned his community against welcoming the European
      The leader described above is likely to be
      1. Masaku
      2. Nabongo Mumia
      3. Koitalel Arap Samoei
      4. Mekatilili wa Menza
  4. Three of the following statement are true of the government of Kenya and Swaziland. Which one is not?
    1. Swaziland is ruled by a king
    2. President is elected by people in Kenya
    3. MP in Swaziland are elected by the king
    4. The king and president are the heads of state in their countries
  5. Which president did not retire voluntarily from politics?
    1. Julius Nyerere
    2. Sedar Senghor
    3. Gamel Abdel Nasser
    4. Nelson Mandela
  6. All the following are benefits of the coming of the Christian missionaries in Eastern Africa except;
    1. they introduced Western education
    2. different religions brought rivaly in Kenya
    3. they introduced a new way of living
    4. they introduced modern facilities like hospitals
  7. Which colony attempted to colonise Ethiopia but they were defeated during the battle of Adowa?
    1. Portugal
    2. Italy
    3. France
    4. Russia
  8. The following are African countries that struggled to attain independence;
    1. Namibia
    2. Zimbabwe
    3. Kenya
    4. Algeria
    5. Senegal
      Which of the above countries got assistance from the OAU to attain their independence?
      1. ii and v
      2. iii and iv
      3. v and iv
      4. i and ii
  9. All the following are members or IGAD except;
    1. Tanzania
    2. Eritrea
    3. Djibouti
    4. Ethiopia
  10. A foreigner who wants to become a Kenyan citizen should obtain
    1. a certificate of good conduct
    2. a birth certificate
    3. a national Identity card
    4. a registration certificate
  11. When a citizen is participating in elections he/she is exercising the
    1. right to join a trade union
    2. right to vote for a new government
    3. right to security
    4. freedom of association
  12. The following are ways of solving conflict in the society. Which one involves taking the matter to the court?
    1. Litigation
    2. Mediation
    3. Arbitration
    4. Dialogue
  13. All government policies are formulated by the
    1. parliament
    2. Judiciary
    3. cabinet
    4. the senate
  14. The legal system in Kenya are headed by the
    1. Chief justice
    2. Attorney General
    3. President
    4. Speaker of the senate
  15. The IEBC official in charge of elections at the constituency level is likely to be
    1. the president
    2. returning officer
    3. chairperson of IEBC
    4. presiding officer
  16. The prison department has its main task as
    1. punishing wrong doers
    2. prosecuting wrong doers
    3. reforming wrong doers
    4. rehabilitating mentally ill person
  17. Which one of the following is a function of the police force in Kenya?
    1. To control traffic jams in town
    2. To prevent people from committing crime
    3. To punish law breakers
    4. To protect the country from external attack
  18. The type of mountain formed in the way shown in the diagram below can be found in
    1. Chad
    2. Morocco
    3. Algeria
    4. Benin
  19. The most common type of democracy applied in Kenya is
    1. Direct
    2. Participatory
    3. Indirect
    4. Authoritative
  20. The Trans-African highway begins in Mombasa and ends in
    1. Lagos
    2. Dakar
    3. Cairo
    4. Kampala


  1. Which of the following is true about Genesis storyof creation? Man and woman
    1. are physically like God
    2.  are as intelligent as God
    3. are created in God's image
    4. should not work
  2. God told Abraham to circumcise all male children in order to
    1. be a sign of the agreement between God and Abraham
    2. prove that Abraham would become a king
    3. be a sign that Abraham would become a great person
    4. prove that Abraham would become the father of a big nation
  3. Among the following books, which one was written by Moses?
    1. Numbers
    2. Judges
    3. Proverbs
    4. Psalms
  4. Joseph told His brothers to go back home and bring their family. He cried when he saw them. What lesson do we learn from this story of Joseph and His brothers?
    1. We should be patien
    2. We should be kind and honest
    3. We should forgive those who wrong us
    4. We should interpret dreams
  5. Among the following people, who was told about the birth of Jesus by Angel Gabriel?
    1. Herod
    2. Priest
    3. Shepherds
    4. Wisemen
  6. Jesus showed obedience to God by
    1. doing what His disciples asked him to do
    2. dying on the cross for our sins
    3. praying and healing the sick
    4. obeying his parents
  7. Arrange the events according to the order in which they happened from the first to the last?
    1. David kill Goliath
    2. Saul is made a king
    3. Samuel anoints David
    4. Eliab sent David back home
      1. ii, iii,iv, i
      2. ii, iii, i, iv
      3. i, ii, iii, iv
      4. ii, iv, iii, i
  8. How should teenagers behave towards their parents?
    1. Respect and be useful to them
    2. Tolerate and always be polite to them
    3. Be patient with them
    4. Forgive them for being so old fashioned
  9. Two disciples travelling to Emmaus realised that the person they welcomed into their home was Jesus when he
    1. greeted them
    2. prayed for them
    3. broke the bread
    4. explained the scriptures
  10. God led Gideon to defeat the Midianites with how many soldiers?
    1. 300
    2. 30,000
    3. 3000
    4. 30
  11. "A prophet is never welcomed into his own home town." Luke 4:24. Jesus said these words
    when He
    1. was nailed on the cross
    2. prayed at Gethsemane
    3. was tempted by the devil
    4. was rejected in Nazareth
  12. Which plague made Pharaoh to finally let the Israelites go out of Egypt?
    1. When all the first born of the Egyptians were killed
    2. When the whole land of Egypt was filled with locust
    3. When the whole land was filled with frogs
    4. When all water in the Nile turned into blood
  13. In African traditional society, after initiation the youth were expected to
    1. Worship God
    2. run away
    3. marry
    4. start a clan
  14. To show that He had come to fulfil the law, Jesus healed the leper and told him to show himself to the
    1. Pharisees
    2. disciples
    3. elders
    4. priest
  15. "Sovereign Lord as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace." Luke 2:29. Who among the following said this when he held baby Jesus in his arms?
    1. Annan
    2. Eli
    3. Simeon
    4. Joesph
  16. Matthew 2:18, "A sound is heard in Rammah, the sound of bitter weeping, Racheal crying for her children..... How were these prophesies of Jeremiah fulfilled?
    1. During the killing of Egyptians first borns
    2. When Racheal Tost her babies
    3. During the death of king David's baby
    4. When baby boys were killed in Bethlehem and its surrounding
  17. Luke 9:29-30, "As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men..... appeared in glorious splendour." Who were these two men?
    1. Moses and Elisha
    2. Moses and Elijah
    3. Elijah and Elisha
    4. Moses and Gabriel
  18. Ananias and Saphira were a couple that belonged to the early church. They died because of the following except;
    1. choosing to lie
    2. cheated the Holy spirit of God
    3. making the wrong choices
    4. selling the plot
  19. I witnessed the stoning of Stephen, the people even laid their clothes at my feet. Who said these words?
    1. Procorus
    2. Saul
    3. Paul
    4. Moses
  20. The best way of pleasing the ancestral spirits in the traditional African society was by
    1. building houses for them
    2. pouring libation
    3. offering sacrifices to them
    4. calling out their names
  21. Who among the following people was not a judge in Israel?
    1. Gideon
    2. Deborah
    3. Joshua
    4. Samson
  22. "Do not collect more than it is legal." Luke 3:13. These words were said by John the Baptist to teach about
    1. honesty
    2. tolerance
    3. humidity
    4. mercy
  23. Which of the following new testament books is a letter book?
    1. Mark
    2. Luke
    3. John 
    4. Timothy
  24. "I see heaven opened and the son of man standing at the right side of God." (Acts 7:56). These words were spoken by
    1. Joseph
    2. Jesus
    3. Stephen
    4. John the Baptist
  25. A common belief about death between Christians and African is that
    1. death is a way to world of spirit
    2. death unites people with ancestors
    3. there is life after death
    4. life ends at death
  26. In traditional African communities, people are expected to marry mainly to
    1. raise their status
    2. please the ancestors
    3. become leaders
    4. get children
  27. Which one of the following activities best shows how Christians should spend their leisure time?
    1. Reading stories
    2. Playing games
    3. Singing songs
    4. Visiting the sick
  28. Henry, a standard eight pupil is being forced by his friends to take alcohol. As a Christian, what should he do?
    1. Refuse and change his company
    2. Take it and then repent
    3. Report the matter to the police
    4. Announce it during assembly
  29. On her way from school, Beatrice a class 8 pupil meets an old lady carrying a heavy basket. Suddenly the lady falls down. The correct action for Beatrice to take is to.
    1. assist her to get up
    2. run away from the scene
    3. go back to school to get help
    4. tell her to rise up and go
  30. Your deskmate Timothy asks you for advice on how to use money given to him by his uncle. As a Christian, what will you do? Tell him to
    1. give you the money
    2. donate some to the needy
    3. buy himself a pair of shoes
    4. return it to the uncle

Std. 8 S/Studies & C.R.E/2023


1 sfsfs

Study the map of Loko area and answer questions 1-7. 

  1. The land in Loko area rises from 
    1. South West
    2. North East 
    3. South East 
    4. North West.
  2. Three of the following cash crops are grown in Loko area except
    1. rice
    2. cotton
    3. tea
    4. sugarcane.
  3. It is true to say that the people in Loko town are
    1. Muslims
    2. Christians
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus.
  4. The main factor that could have contributed to the growth of Loko town is
    1. lumbering
    2. security
    3. religion
    4. road junction.
  5. The climate in the North Western part of Loko area can be described as
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and wet
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Loko area?
    1. Cash crop growing
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Mining
    4. Fishing.
  7. Loko area is likely to be a
    1. location
    2. county 
    3. district
    4. sub location.
  8. The Lake Victoria basin is densely populated mainly because of
    1. adequate fish from the lake 
    2. political stability
    3. favourable climate for agriculture 
    4. government funding.
  9. The following people were the original inhabitants of Eastern Africa except
    1. Dorobo
    2. Gumba
    3. Ogiek
    4. Pigmies.
  10. Which one of the following statements is not true about the position and shape of Africa?
    1. The West to East distance on the landmass of Africa is about 7200km. 
    2. The continent is wide to the North and narrow to the South.
    3. Africa is separated from the Iberian Peninsula in Europe by the strait of Gibraltor.
    4. Africa is the second largest continent after North America.
  11. The standards that guide the behaviour of people in a society are referred to as 
    1. constitution
    2. moral values
    3. rules and regulations
    4. taboos.
  12. The following are principles of democracy except
    1. providing equal opportunities to all citizens
    2. ensuring there is unequal representation
    3. ensuring there is justice for all
    4. promoting freedom for all people.

Use the diagram below to answer question 13.

13 sfsfs

  1. The part labelled M is known as
    1. crater
    2. anticline
    3. depression 
    4. syncline.
  2. Which one of the following is not true about slash and burn method of farming? 
    1. It was practised where land was plenty. 
    2. Simple tools such as hoes were used. 
    3. It was also called bush fallowing. 
    4. It was practised where people were few.
  3. The main reason for the rapid industrial development in South Africa is 
    1. availability of valuable minerals
    2. many developed processing industries 
    3. good transport in the country 
    4. large market from neighbouring countries.
  4. Three of the following cultural practices lead to rapid increase in population. Which one does not?
    1. Late marriages
    2. Polygamy
    3. Early marriages
    4. Wife inheritance.
  5. Koitalel Arap Samoei of the Nandi did three of the following except that he
    1. blessed warriors before going to war
    2. opposed the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway line
    3.  led his people in religious activities
    4. led his people to collaborate with the British.
  6. Which one of the following can lead to one losing his citizenship in Kenya? If
    1. the person loses his job in Kenya 
    2. one is found to be corrupt
    3. one acquired citizenship using false documents
    4. one is a racist.
  7. The main problem facing beef farming in Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. inadequate market for beef products 
    2. prolonged drought
    3. attacks from wild animals
    4. lack of capital to expand ranches.
  8. The government encourages Jua Kali industries in Kenya mainly to
    1. make Kenya the most industrialized nation in Africa
    2. absorb primary school leavers
    3. encourage development of industries
    4. help Kenyans become self employed.
  9. All the following are Southern Cushites in Tanzania except
    1. Dahalo
    2. Aramanik
    3. Sandawe
    4. Iraqw.
  10. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of spouses in marriage? 
    1. Providing family needs.
    2. Educating their children.
    3. Providing security for family members.
    4. Misguiding their children.
  11. The following are functions of the senate in Kenya except
    1. approving the national budget
    2. deciding on the allocation of finances in the counties
    3. making decisions to remove the president from office
    4. representing the interests of the counties.

Study the map below and answer questions 24-26.

24 ssfsfs

  1. Which one of the following statements is not true about the lake marked W?
    1. River Kerio drains its water into it.
    2. It is a fresh water lake.
    3. Parrot fish are caught from the lake.
    4. It is a fault lake.
  2. Which one of the following statement is true about the country marked P?
    1. It was colonised by the Portuguese.
    2. Its main export is minerals.
    3. It got its independence in 1962.
    4. It has the longest coastline in Eastern Africa.
  3. The main tourist attraction in the shaded area marked Q is
    1. wildlife
    2. warm sandy beaches
    3. cultural heritage
    4. beautiful sceneries.
  4. When attending to wounds during first aid, the first thing that a first aider should do is to
    1. take the patient to the hospital
    2. stop the bleeding as fast as possible
    3. bandage the wound
    4.  wash the wound from inside to outside.
  5. All the following Common Wealth members were British colonies except
    1. Kenya
    2. Nigeria
    3. Botswana
    4. Mozambique.
  6. Which one of the following is not truc about horticulture in Netherlands?
    1. Most of the farming is done in the natural land.
    2. Most of the produce is consumed locally.
    3. Most of the farms are highly mechanised.
    4. Adequate capital is available for farming.
  7. Which one of the following human activities least affects vegetation Jistribution in Kenya?
    1. Deforestation.
    2. Forest fires.
    3. Cultural practices.
    4. Human settlement.

Use the diagram below to answer question 31.

31 sfsfsf

  1. The method of fishing shown above is known as
    1. trawling
    2. long lining
    3. purse seining
    4. net drifting.
  2. The following plateaus in Africa are correctly matched with the countries where they are found except
    1. Bie-Angola
    2. Jos-Cameroon
    3. Nyika-Eastern Africa
    4. Fouta Djalon-Guinea.
  3. Zuhura and Rukia are always fighting because they cannot agree on the boundary between their farms. The best way to solve their conflict is through 
    1. conciliation
    2. enquiry
    3. dialogue
    4. litigation.
  4. The following were aims of traditional forms of education except to help the youths
    1. become useful members of the society 
    2. gain good morals
    3. learn literacy skills
    4. learn about family life and hygiene.
  5. The visually impaired people are provided with special canes as a way of catering for their special needs in transport mainly to
    1. make them be recognized by motorists
    2. make traffic police assist them
    3. keep off pick-pocketers in towns
    4. aid them in movement along the roads.
  6. Three of the following are effects of migrations into urban areas. Which one is not?
    1. Environmental pollution. 
    2. Reduced pressure on land.
    3. Growth of slums.
    4. Increased immorality.
  7. The best way of protecting children against abuse is through
    1. educating them on their rights 
    2. giving stiff punishments to those who abuse them
    3. enforcing laws that protect them 
    4. educating the society on their rights.
  8. Which one of the following countries is wrongly matched with its capital city?
    1. Nigeria - Lagos
    2. Ghana - Accra
    3. Burundi - Bunjumbura
    4. Morocco - Rabat.
  9. Which one of the following countries is not a member of COMESA?
    1. Kenya
    2. Burundi
    3. Tanzania
    4. Rwanda.
  10. Which one of the following factor least explains why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa? Need
    1. to settle their surplus population 
    2. for raw materials
    3. to abolish slave trade
    4. to get market for their finished goods.
  11. Which one of the following statements is not true about the Kingdom of the Old Ghana? The kingdom
    1. was situated in the equatorial forests of Africa
    2. had strong leaders
    3. controlled the Trans-Saharan trade
    4. was situated between river Senegal and river Niger.
  12. All the following are areas where oil refineries are located in Nigeria except 
    1. Warri
    2. Elesa Eleme
    3. Kumasi
    4. Kaduna.
  13. Mossi, Bergu and Ewe are classified as
    1. Kwa Speakers
    2. West- Atlantic
    3. Nilo Saharan 
    4. Voltaic speakers.
  14. Who among the following members was nominated to represent North Nyanza in the legislative council?
    1. Tom Mboya
    2. Masinde Muliro
    3. Oginga Ondinga
    4. Lawrence Oguce.

Use the diagram below to answer question 45.

45 sfsfs

  1.  Which one of the following lakes was formed as a result of the above process?
    1. Lake Tana 
    2. Lake Teleki 
    3. Lake Victoria
    4.  Lake Chad.
  2. The governments of Eastern Africa countries conserve wildlife mainly through
    1.  erecting electric fences around the parks
    2. enforcing laws and legislations
    3. educating people on the importance of wildlife
    4. establishing a well-equipped anti-poaching unit.
  3. The following are effects of revolution of the earth except that it
    1. causes differences in time along different longitudes
    2. causes different seasons
    3. causes differences in length of day and night
    4. affects the position of the mid-day sun.
  4. The following are examples of Electronic media except
    1. telephones
    2. newspapers
    3. radio
    4. email.
  5. Naikotome on the shores of Lake Turkana and Olduvai Gorge near lake Natron have one thing in common. Which one is it?
    1. They have fertile soils that support agricultural activities.
    2. They get flooded during heavy rains.
    3. They have mineral deposits.
    4. Fossils showing the origin of man have been found there.
  6. The safest place for a pedestrian to cross a busy road is
    1. zebra crossing
    2. foot bridge
    3. fly over
    4. near a bump.
  7. The community contributes to school development through all the following activities except
    1. providing resource persons for guidance and counselling of pupils
    2. donating land for school expansion
    3. identifying and developing talents in learners
    4. allowing the school to use its facilities.
  8. Before the coming of the Europeans the Bushmen of Southern Africa made important decisions through
    1. voting using ballot papers 
    2. consensus
    3. representation in the council of elders 
    4. selected chiefs from all the clans.
  9. The following methods were used to educate the youth in the pre-colonial period except
    1. ceremonies and playing
    2. observation and imitation 
    3. written proverbs and riddles 
    4. apprenticeship and role play.
  10. All the following are members of the cabinet in Kenya except
    1. Deputy president
    2. Cabinet secretaries
    3. Attorney General 
    4. Chief Justice.
  11. Nomination of candidates for civic seats in the electoral process is done by
    1. registered political parties
    2. Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
    3. the Attorney General
    4. the speaker of the National Assembly.
  12. The body that approves declaration of state of emergence in the Kenyan government is
    1. president
    2. national assembly
    3. civil service 
    4. the senate.
  13. Which one of the following Islands is located in Indian Ocean?
    1. Mauritius.
    2. Cape Verde.
    3. Equatorial Guinea.
    4. Sao Tome and Principe.
  14. The kingdom of Swaziland is ruled through a traditional system of government called
    1. Lukiko
    2. Liqoqo
    3. Tinkhundla
    4. Ngwenyama.
  15. Which one of the following methods of irrigation is used in Perkerra irrigation scheme?
    1. Drip irrigation.
    2. Overhead irrigation.
    3. Basin irrigation.
    4. Furrow irrigation.
  16. In Kenya, justice is administered by the
    1. national police force
    2. judiciary
    3. executive 
    4. legislature.



  1. According to Genesis 3:20, Adam named his wife Eve because
    1. she was the greatest gift to him from God
    2. she was removed out of his ribs
    3. she would be the mother of all the people
    4. God created her in His own image and likeness.
  2. "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth' (Genesis 6:13). To whom were the words said to
    1. Moses
    2. Noah
    3. Lot
    4. Abraham.
  3. God commanded Abraham to circumcise every male in his household. How old was Abraham when he was circumcised? 
    1. 100 years
    2. 75 years 
    3. 99 years
    4. 120 years.
  4. After Moses killed the Egyptian he was afraid that king Pharaoh would kill him. He ran away from Egypt and went to live in
    1. Midian
    2. Haran
    3. Canaan
    4. Ur.
  5. How did Moses seal the Sinai covenant between God and the Israelites?
    1. Sprinkling pure water on the children of Israel.
    2. Breaking the tablet containing the commandments.
    3. Sprinkling the blood of a sacrificial animal to the Israelites.
    4. Asking Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.
  6. Who among the following was given the name Israel by God?
    1. Abraham
    2. Isaac
    3. Moses
    4. Jacob.
  7. According to (2 Samuel 7:5-17), which one of the following is not a promise that God gave to David?
    1. David's name would be great. 
    2. God would allow his son to marry many wives.
    3. A heir from his house would sit on the throne.
    4. God would establish an everlasting kingdom for him.
  8. I was a judge, a prophet and a priest. God gave me the opportunity to anoint the second king of Israel. Who am I?
    1. Nathan
    2.  Zaddock
    3. Eli
    4. Samuel.
  9. Who among the following prophets foretold about the new covenant which would be written on people's hearts? 
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Isaiah
    3. Joel
    4. Zachariah.
  10. What was Zachariah doing in the temple when the Lord's angel appeared to him? 
    1. Burning incense.
    2. Praying to God.
    3. Offering sacrifice.
    4. Praising and worshiping.
  11. Who among the following people wanted to buy the power of the Holy spirit from Peter and John?
    1. Barnabas
    2. Judas
    3. Ananias
    4. Simon.
  12. Which one of the following statements best describes Christian values?
    1. Being morally upright.
    2. Being able to read and write.
    3. Being fair and just.
    4. Knowing what is right and good.
  13. "Didn't you know that I had to be in my fathers 'house?"Luke 2:49. To whom did Jesus say these words?
    1. His disciples.
    2. His parents.
    3. The Pharisees.
    4. Teachers of the law.
  14. According to the teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mountain, which group of people will receive what God has promised? The
    1. merciful
    2. peace makers 
    3. poor in spirit
    4. humble.
  15. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians on being strongly founded on God's word? The 
    1. shrewd manager
    2. ten virgins
    3. Mustard seed
    4. two builders.
  16. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus teaches that He had power to forgive sins? Healing of
    1. Bartimaeus
    2. the paralysed man
    3. the Roman officer's servant
    4. man with shrivelled hand.
  17. Which one of the following was the message of John the Baptist to the tax collectors? Not to
    1. judge others
    2. take money by force
    3. take more money than it's legal
    4. behave like hypocrites while praying.
  18. The news about the resurrection of Jesus was first announced to
    1. Simon Peter
    2. the women who had gone to anoint the body of Jesus
    3. the eleven disciples
    4. Cleophas and his friend.
  19. Who among the following deacons was a gentile from Antioch?
    1. Stephen
    2. Philip
    3. Nicholas
    4. Timon.
  20. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Healing
    2. Speaking in tongues
    3. Faith
    4. Faithfulness.
  21. Which one of the following practices was not done during worship in traditional African society?"
    1. Reading of the Bible.
    2. Clapping hands.
    3. Dancing. 
    4. Reciting prayers.
  22. Which one of the following rights of passage in traditional African society showed that one had become an adult?
    1. Marriage 
    2. Initiation 
    3. Naming 
    4. Death.
  23. Which one of the following activities in African traditional society marked reconciliation?
    1. Getting new names.
    2. Undergoing initiation rite. 
    3. Being baptised.
    4. Shaking hands.
  24. Which one of the following was the main reason why children were told stories in traditional African society? To 
    1. entertain them
    2. teach them moral values
    3. teach them the history of their community
    4. keep them occupied.
  25. Maria your best friend has been diagnosed with HIV. Which is the best thing for you to do as a Christian? 
    1. Encourage her to seek medical care. 
    2. Avoid her company.
    3. Advise her to transfer to another school.
    4. Advise her to register in a special school.
  26. All the following are examples of sexual misuse except
    1. incest 
    2. abstinence
    3. prostitution
    4. adultery.
  27. How best can a Christian help children living on the streets?
    1. Searching for their parents.
    2. Establishing places for them to live. 
    3. Giving them jobs.
    4. Giving them money to buy food.
  28. Which one of the following can cause disagreements in families?
    1. Discussing matters
    2. Caring for one another. 
    3. Speaking the truth.
    4. Acts of unfaithfulness.
  29. Tony refuses to collect rubbish in the school compound claiming that there are workers who were employed to do that. As a Christian which advice would you give him?
    1. Report him to the teacher.
    2. Join him and let the workers do the job. 
    3. Tell him the benefit of having a clean environment.
    4. Discuss the issue with his parents.
  30. All the following are tributes given to the missionaries for their coming to Kenya. Which one is wrong? They 
    1. introduced Christianity 
    2. formalised education 
    3. brought in modern medicine 
    4. introduced God to Africans.


  1. Which one of the following is a verse from surah Al-Fiil?
    1. "For you is your religion and for me is my religion".
    2. "And He send against them birds in flocks".
    3. "No! He will surely be thrown into the crusher".
    4. "And man says, what is wrong with the earth"
  2. The verse "Lam yalid walam yuulad" is found in surah
    1. Maun
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Al-Falaq 
    4. An- nasr.
  3. Which one of the following was a reason for the revelation of surah Al-Lahab? 
    1. The prophets uncle tried to stop the prophet from Da'awa.
    2. The disbeliever requested to pray to Allah and also Idds.
    3. A governor attempted to destroy the holy Kaaba.
    4. Muslims got the help of Allah.
  4. Which one of the following is not a situation in which Allah(S.W) assisted the prophet (p.b.u.h) according to surah Ad-Dhuha? When he was
    1. poor 
    2. lost 
    3. an orphan
    4. a beggar.
  5. Surah Al-Alaq, teaches Muslims the importance of
    1. wealth
    2. working
    3. knowledge
    4. peace.
  6. The prophet (SAW) said that the curse of Allah (S.W) befalls both the giver and of recipient
    1. bribe
    2. tax
    3. a fine
    4. pork.
  7. Which choice completes the hadith of the prophet (p.b.u.h) correctly? Whoever is 
    1. not thankful to people is thankful to Allah(S.W).
    2. thankful to God is thankful to Allah.(S.W).
    3. not thankful to people is not thankful to Allah(S.W)
    4. thankful to people is not thankful to Allah. (S.W)
  8. Which one of the following comprises of rituals performed to the dead body of a Muslim? 
    1. Bathing-drying-oiling-dressing.
    2. Bathing-ablution-praying-saying dus.
    3. Bathing-dressing escorting-burying.
    4. Bathing-dressing-praying-burying.
  9. The correct position for the Imaam to stand while leading a prayer for Salaat Jnaza for a female dead body is around the 
    1. head
    2. waist 
    3. feet
    4. chest.
  10. The respect people must accord for the passing Janaza of a dead Muslim is
    1. standing up
    2. sitting down
    3. following the Janaza to the graveyard 
    4. assisting in lifting Janaza.
  11.  Why do Muslims fast on every Thursday of the week as a Sunna of prophet Muhammed(S.A.W)? That
    1. is the day when prophet (p.b.u.h) was born. 
    2. the day when our weekly deeds are raised to Allah. (S.W)
    3. was the sunna of Nabii Ibrahim the father of Iman
    4. is the day Allah(S.W) saved Musa from Firaun.
  12. The special garment worn during the Hajj Ibaada and exercises is known as
    1. Qamis
    2. Jalbeeb
    3. Ilhaan
    4. Ihraam.
  13. Which one of the following actions will nullify both swalah and Wudhu?
    1. Talking.
    2. Turning away from Qibla.
    3. Touching private parts.
    4. If someone call you.
  14. The sunna prayer performed only in the month of Ramadhan is sunna
    1. Taraweh
    2. Witr
    3. Tahajjud
    4. Istikhaara.
  15. Swalha was asked by her teacher of Madrasa to list the recipients of Zakkat. She wrote in Arabic; Al-ghaarimiina, Al-Muallafat kuluub, wafii safiilillah. What among the following did she not name?
    1. The new converts.
    2. Those on slavery.
    3. Those who work on the course of Allah.
    4. The debtors.
  16. Which one of the following is not a group of Najis according to the Sharia?
    1. Mughalladha
    2. Mutawasit
    3. Mukhaffafa
    4. Muhaddatha.
  17. Which information about Tayammum is true?
    1. All parts of Wudhu are dusted.
    2. It ends with the Swalah you intended to pray.
    3. You dust recommended parts three times cách.
    4. You can perform Tayammum only if you had performed Wudhu initially.
  18. What is Ihsaan?
    1. Prayer to Allah as though you see Him. 
    2. The fear of Allah wherever you are. 
    3. The reliance to Allah even as you take caution.
    4. Anything you do for Allah to forgive your sins.
  19. The prophet (S.A.W) cautioned Muslims of some bounties of Allah (S.W) saying. "many people will end up in hell because of...."
    1. eyes and ears
    2. hands and legs
    3. mouth and sex organs 
    4. eyes and buttocks.
  20. Which one of the following is a purpoted miracle of Nabii Issa(A.S) that never was according to Islam? He
    1. died and ressurected on the third day 
    2. raised the dead back to life 
    3. fed many with little food
    4. breathed life into model bird.
  21. The justice levelled against a guilty thief according to the Islamic Sharia is
    1. beat him mob justice
    2. hang him
    3. strip him a hundred lashes.
    4. cut off his hand.
  22.  Which virtue do Muslims learn from the first few people who joined Islam but stood firm with Islamic faith together with all persecutions that they went through?
    1. Tolerance 
    2. Kindness 
    3. Generosity 
    4. Sacrifice.
  23. The first month of the Islamic calender is 
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rabiul Awwal 
    3. Muharram
    4. Shaban.
  24. Which one of the following is the reward of Muslims who arrive to the Mosque earliest for Jum'a prayers and Khutba?
    1. Thirty thawaabs.
    2. Like fasting two months consecutively.
    3. Thawaabs equivalent to mount Uhud. 
    4. Like giving out charity of a camel.
  25.  Allah (S.W) send angels to assist Muslims fight the enemies in the battle of
    1. Badr
    2. Safiin
    3. Khandaq
    4. Uhud.
  26. Allah (S.W) perish the sinful people of Nabii Nuh using
    1. fire
    2. floods
    3. noise
    4. a clinic disease.
  27. Why did the prophet pray for generosity for Muslims involved in the buying and selling Muamala? It involves
    1. quality of produce
    2. giving and receiving
    3. profit making
    4. wealth creation.
  28. Which one of the following dealings was purposed to bring peace between Muslims and non Muslims for a period of tens years? The
    1. pledge of Aqaba
    2. Hijjatul Widaa
    3. conquest of Makka
    4. treaty of Hudaybiyya.
  29. All the following names refer to one grand Mosque on this Earth except
    1. Baitul Aqsa
    2. Baitul Attiq
    3. Baitul Haraam
    4. Baitul Llah.
  30. Which one of the following is not an attribute of Allah (S.W)?
    1. Al-Qahhaar 
    2. Al-Qaabidh
    3. Al-Bayyina 
    4. Al-Baar.


social studies



1 adada

Study the map of Jada area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Suta Area rises from
    1. North
    2. South east
    3. South west
    4. North west
  2. What is the approximate length of the marram road in Sura Area?
    1. 3km
    2. 25km
    3. 4.5km
    4. 35km
  3. The residents of Suta Area are dominantly
    1. Hindus
    2. Christians
    3. Muslim
    4. Traditionalists
  4. The following economic activities are carried out in Suta Area except
    1. Fishing activities
    2. Crop farming
    3. Livestock farming
    4. Lumbering activities
  5. Which type of soil is likely to be found in South Western part of Suta Area?
    1. Black cotton soil
    2. Red volcanic soil
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sandy soil
  6. The settlement pattern in Suta Area can be described as
    1. clustered
    2. linear
    3. nucleated
    4. sparse
  7. Which one of the following essential services is urgently needed in Suta Area?
    1. Security services
    2. Administrative services
    3. Health services
    4. Recreational services
  8. Which group of communities in Eastern Africa consist of River- Lake Nilotes only?
    1. Kalenjin, njemps, Karamojong, fipa
    2. Alur, Luo, Pokot, Jie
    3. Allur, Marakwet, Shilluk, Padhola
    4. Shilluk, Anuak, Acholi, Nuer
  9. The diagram below represents a weather instrument.
    9 adada
    The distance marked x can be represented by
    1. 5cm
    2. 15cm
    3. 30cm
    4. 20cm
  10. The following are vegetation covers of a certain region in Arica:
    1. Thorny bushes
    2. Prescence of cacti
    3. Short and pricky grass
      The above vegetation covers are likely to be found in
      1. The savannah woodlands
      2. The tropical rainforests
      3. The deserts and semi-deserts
      4. The swamps
  11. Which group of mountains consists of mountains formed through faulting and uplifting process? Mount
    1. Kenya, Danakil Alps, Elgon, Adamaw
    2. Ruwenzori, Ringwe, Ethiopian Highlands, Ai wapin
    3. Pare, Usambaa, Damaki! Alpa, Ruwenzori
    4. Atlas, Cape Ranges, Drakensburg. Pare.
  12. The time at Malabo 30°W is 8.30 am. What time is it at Chogoria 20°E?
    1. 11.50pm
    2. 11.50am
    3. 6.10am
    4. 6.10pm

Use the diagram below to answer questions 13.

13 adada

  1. The above feature represents the formation of
    1. Land breeze
    2. Sea breeze
    3. Convectional rainfall
    4. Relief rainfall
  2. The river Congo carriers the highest volume of water because
    1. it begins from the highest mountain
    2. it has many tributaries
    3. it has many meanders
    4. it is the largest river in west Africa
  3. The following are achievements of a certain hominid:
    1. Invented fire
    2. Had an upright posture
    3. Could communicate verbally
      The above hominid is likely to be
      1. Homo Habilis
      2. Homo Sapien Sapien
      3. Zinjathropus Boisei
      4. Homo erectus
  4. A motorist came across the road sign below on his way to Nakuru town.
    16 addada
    What action should he take?
    1. He should drive
    2. He should stop for the highway police
    3. He should go round the round about
    4. He should look for the alternative entry
  5. The following are duties of a certain school administrators:
    1. He/she is the chief Executive Officer of the school
    2. He/She chairs all the staff meeting
    3. He/she keeps all the school inventory
      The above school administrator is 
      1. The Head teacher
      2. The senior teacher
      3. The Deputy Head teacher
      4. The school treasure
  6. The following statements are true about Nelson Mandela. Which one is not?
    1. He united the people of South Africa
    2. He was a trained lawyer
    3. He was the second African president to retire voluntarily
    4. He helped to bring peace in many African Countries.
  7. Three of the following are reasons why most of rivers in Africa are not navigable. Which one does not?
    1. Presence of rapids and waterfalls
    2. Some rivers are shallow
    3. The volume of water is not constant
    4. Presence of crocodiles and hippopotamus
  8. When French policy of Assimilation failed in Senegal, the French adopted
    1. The policy of association
    2. The Direct Rule
    3. The Indirect Rule
    4. The Paternalism
  9. The diagram below represents an erosional feature.
    21 sdada
    The above erosional feature is likely to be found in the
    1. Sea
    2. Desert 
    3. Plateau
    4. Forest
  10. Three of the following are common characteristics of the Fulani, Maasai and Turkana. Which one is not?
    1. They use horses to search for pastures 
    2. They keep large herds of cattle, goats and sheep
    3. They are nomadic pastoralists
    4. They mainly keep local breeds of livestock
  11. The following communities are found in west Africa:
    1. Ewe
    2. Fa
    3. For
    4. Nzoma
      The above communities belong to the
      1. Mande speakers
      2. Nilo-Saharan speakers
      3. Kwa speakers
      4. Voltaic speakers
  12. The tilting and spinning of the earth on its own axis causes
    1. Rotation
    2. 24 hours
    3. Seasons
    4. Day and night
  13. The following are conditions favouring the growing of a certain crop:
    1. High rainfall of between 1000mm- 1500mm annually.
    2. Cool temperatures.
    3. High altitude of 1500m above sea level.
    4. Well drained, deep fertile volcanic soils
      Which crop requires the above conditions?
      1. Pyrethrum
      2. Sugarcane
      3. Cloves
      4. Cocoa
  14. Which one of the following tourists destinations are correctly matched with the country it is found?
    1. Robben Island- South Africa
    2. Pyramids of Giza-Tumisia
    3. Victoria falls- Kenya
    4. Great Okavango Sanctuary- Zimbabwe
  15. Which statements below is not true about the population structures in Germany?
    1. High dependency ratio
    2. Low birth rate
    3. High life expectancy
    4. Majority are aged
  16. A programme of activities planned to take place in a school is known as
    1. School administration
    2. School routine
    3. School motto
    4. School logo
  17. Which institution of marriage is presided over by a government officer?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Christian marriage 
    3. Muslim marriage
    4. Civil marriage
  18. The main crop grown at the Perizera irrigation scheme in Baringo county is
    1. Watermelon
    2. Chillies
    3. Seed maize
    4. Rice
  19. Which method of fishing is represented in the diagram below?
    31 adada
    1. Purse scining 
    2. Trawling 
    3. Long lining
    4. Net drifting
  20. Which tree species is unlikely to be found at the Great Usutu valley forest in Swaziland? 
    1. Cypress
    2. Pine
    3. Rosewood
    4. Eucalyptus
  21.  The following are uses of a certain mineral
    1. Making plastics
    2. Manufacture of fertilizers
    3. Making carbon papers
    4. Tarmacking roads The above mineral is
      1. Limestone
      2. Soda ash
      3. Diatomite
      4. Petroleum
  22. Flowers are mainly transported by the means of aeroplanes because
    1. they are mainly exported abroad
    2. air transport is cheap
    3. aeroplanes allow bulky goods
    4. flowers are perishable
  23. Which lake was not formed through the process shown below?
    35 adadad
    1. Lake Nyos 
    2. Lake Paradise 
    3. Lake Itasy
    4. Lake Shala
  24. Which one of the following countries is wrongly matched with its capital city?
    1. Liberia - Monrovia
    2. Libya - Rabat
    3. Lesotho-Maseru
    4. Benin-port Novo
  25. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa was sent to look for Dr David Livingstone?
    1. Richard Burton
    2. John Speke
    3. Henry Morton Stanely
    4. Samuel Baker
  26. The following are reasons why chief Lewanika of the Lozi collaborated with the British. Which one is not?
    1. He wanted military support to supress some chiefs.
    2. He wanted to prevent the Portuguese, German and the Dutch from interfering with his region.
    3. He wanted to safeguard Islam against Christianity which the French wanted to spread.
    4. He was advised by Chief Khama of the Bamangwato of Botswana that he would earn great benefits.
  27. Which of the following is not a marine fish?
    1. Black Bass
    2. Snapper
    3. Tuna
    4. Mackerel
  28. The following countries withdrew from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) except
    1. Namibia
    2. Angola
    3. Mozambique
    4. Zimbabwe
  29. Which one of the following is a print media?
    1. Journals
    2. Internet
    3. Telex
    4. Mobile phones
  30. The youth in Kenya today mainly interact through
    1. Education
    2. Trading activities
    3. Games and sports
    4. Intermarriages
  31. The San and the Khoikhoi belong to a language group because
    1. they are pastoralists 
    2. they are hunters
    3. they live in bands
    4. their languages have click sounds
  32. Which one of the following is the main source of revenue for Kisii county? 
    1. Taxes paid by citizens
    2. Court fines
    3. Licences from traders
    4. Grants from the National government
  33. The main work of the Kenya National Police Service is to
    1. arrest and imprison law breakers
    2. control traffic in major roads 
    3. maintain law and order
    4. protect government property
  34. The new-elected and nominated members of parliament are sworn-in by
    1. The Chief Justice
    2. The Speaker
    3. The Attorney General
    4. The Clerk of the National Assembly
  35. Which one is not a function of the body in- charge of elections in Kenya?
    1. Prepares election materials
    2. Announces election results
    3. Nullifies election results
    4. Recruits election officials
  36. Jim and Joan had a dispute over their ancestral land. Joan decided to seek assistance from court. Which method of conflict resolution did she use?
    1. Mediation
    2. Conciliation
    3. Arbitration
    4. Litigation
  37. Kenya conserves her wildlife mainly to
    1. Protect rare plants and animals.
    2. Preserve beauty of the country.
    3. Create employment for Kenyans.
    4. Improve transport and communications.
  38. Which traditional form of communication was used to warn the people of the alleged attack by raiders?
    1. Smoke signals
    2. Beating drums
    3. Sending fast runners
    4. Blowing horns
  39. Which political party did Kwame Nkurumah use to lead the people of Ghana to attain independence?
    1. United Gold Coast Convention
    2. Ghana Africa National Union
    3. National Liberation Movement
    4. Conventions Peoples Party
  40. Which one of the following countries was not colonised by Portugal?
    1. Sao Tome and Pricipe
    2. Guinea Bissau
    3. Angola
    4. Gabon
  41. Which one of the following is the headquarters of a continental organization in Africa?
    1. Addis Ababa
    2. Nairobi
    3. Arusha
    4. Abuja
  42. Which colour of the Kenya's national flag symbolises peace enjoyed by all citizens?
    1. Green
    2. Red
    3. White
    4. Black
  43. In democracy, individuals elect other persons to make decisions on their behalf: This democracy is known as
    1. Indirect democracy
    2. Liberal democracy
    3. Delegative der socracy
    4. Nominational democracy
  44. The main factor to consider while locating a site for a bakery is
    1. Raw materials
    2. Good transport and communication
    3. Ready market
    4. Source of electricity 

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 57-60:

57 adsfsfs

  1. What was the main reason for the establishment of the multi-purpose river project marked K? To
    1. provide water for irrigation
    2. generate cheap hydro-electric power
    3. control floods at the lower Zambezi
    4. promote tourism
  2. The international highway marked M connects the following countries except
    1. Algeria
    2. Mali
    3. Benin
    4. Democratic Republic of Congo
  3. The winds marked J are
    1. Westerlies
    2. South East Trade winds
    3. Harmattan
    4. North East Trade winds
  4. The island country marked X is likely to be
    1. Seychelles
    2. Cape Verde
    3. Mauritius
    4. Comoros


  1. Adam and Eve hid from God in the garden of Eden because they were
    1. hungry
    2. afraid of God
    3. told by the snake to do so
    4. annoyed with God
  2. When did Abraham show his faith in God? When he
    1. made the Ark of the Covenant.
    2. took family to Egypt.
    3. left his home for an unknown destination.
    4. received visitors in his house.
  3. Who among the following people was a son to Isaac?
    1. Jacob
    2. Seth
    3. Joseph
    4. Reuben
  4. The main reason why God called Moses was
    1.  to perform miracles before Pharaoh. 
    2. To tell the Israelites about their tradition.
    3. To lead the Israelites out of bondage.
    4. To assemble the elders of the Israelites.
  5. Which one of the following commandments promises long life for the people who obey it?
    1. "Keep the Sabbath day holy"
    2. "Respect your parents"
    3. "Worship only one God"
    4. "Do not commit murder"
  6. Who among the following was the only woman judge in Israel?
    1. Ruth
    2. Lydia
    3. Deborah
    4. Esther
  7. Prophet Nathan was annoyed with the second king of Israel because
    1. the king had married many wives. 
    2. the king wanted to worship gods.
    3. the king had killed Uriah.
    4. the king refused to build a house for God.
  8. Why did Naboth refuse to give his vineyard to king Ahab?
    1. He wanted to give it to his relatives.
    2. He wanted to remain close to the vineyard.
    3. He wanted to sell it at higher prices.
    4. King Ahab wanted to take it by force.
  9. Which one of the following festivals is celebrated by the Israelites to remember the day they were released from Egypt?
    1. Tabernacle
    2. Passover
    3. Pentecost
    4. Easter
  10. When the wisemen visited baby Jesus they worshipped Him by presenting to Him
    1. Gold
    2. Silver
    3. Ornaments
    4. Holy Spirit
  11. Who among the following people were in the temple when baby Jesus was presented for dedication?
    1. Anna and Zachariah
    2. Elizabeth and Simeon
    3. Simeon and Anna
    4. Mary and Joseph
  12. Which one of the following activities took place during the baptism of Jesus?
    1. The heaven was opened.
    2. There was darkness over the earth.
    3. People spoke in tongues.
    4. The curtain was torn into two.
  13.  Which lesson do Christians learn from the miraculous catch of fish?
    1. Just
    2. Kind
    3. Loving
    4. Obedient
  14. Jesus taught his disciples not to judge others mainly because
    1. they will be punished by God. 
    2. they will be judged by God.
    3. they will be hated by others.
    4. they will be put to death.
  15. What lesson do Christians learn from the parable of the good Samaritan?
    1. They should pray for one another.
    2. They should preach the word of God.
    3. They should lay hands on the sick.
    4. They should beip people who are in need.
  16. Jesus was assisted to carry the cross by
    1. Nicodemus
    2. Simeon of Cyrene
    3. Joseph of Arimathca
    4. Justus
  17. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus resurrected?
    1. An angel spoke out.
    2. There was darkness over the land.
    3. There was an earthquake.
    4. The curtain in the temple was torn
  18. Which one of the following books of the New Testament is a letter?
    1. Mathew
    2. Acts
    3. Timothy
    4. Leviticus
  19. Who among the following people was a deacon in the early church?
    1. Paul
    2. Stephen
    3. Peter
    4. James
  20. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Healing
    2. Humility
    3. Gentleness
    4. Patience
  21. What were the Ethiopian Eunuch reading about when Philip met him?
    1. The suffering of the Messiah. 
    2. The coming of the Holy Spirit.
    3. The transfiguration of Jesus.
    4. The baptism of Jesus.
  22. Which one of the following beliefs about God is similar to Christianity and traditional African religion? God
    1. lives in caves
    2. is powerful
    3. lives in heaven
    4. is trinity
  23. Which one of the following is the second right of passage in Traditional African communities?
    1. Marriage
    2. Initiation
    3. Naming
    4. Death
  24. In traditional African communities, children were taught morals mainly to
    1. develop their characters.
    2. make them respected in the society.
    3. learn special skills.
    4. worship the ancestors.
  25. On his way home from school Calvin a standard eight boy met an old man carrying a heavy heap of wood. Suddenly the old man fell down. What was the best action Calvin could take?
    1. Tell him to come up and continue his journey.
    2. Pretend not to see what had happened.
    3. Run back to school and inform the head teacher to assist.
    4. Assist the old man to get up.
  26. Michael and Hesbon have been close friends. In recent times, the two have started showing signs of misunderstanding. As a Christian, what advice would you give them?
    1. Tell them to stop talking to each other. 
    2. Ask them to seek guidance and counselling services.
    3. Tell them to leave each other in peace and look for new friends.
    4. Report the matter to the area Chief for counselling.
  27. Which one of the following activities of leisure is common to traditional African communities and the new religion?
    1. Watching gospel movies
    2. Attending beer parties
    3. Visiting the less fortunate
    4. Reading the scriptures
  28. Diana a grade six learner has been given house chores by her mother. Her friend Quinter visits her and asks her to join her in playing hide and seek. As a Christian what should Diana do?
    1. Accompany Quinter to playing site. 
    2. Tell Quinter to come another time. 
    3. Do the work as fast as she can.
    4. Ask Quinter to do the work for her first.
  29. Kasichana, a standard eight learner has been confirmed to be pregnant. Her friends advised her to carry out an abortion. As a Christian what action would you advise Kasichana to take?
    1. To keep the pregnancy
    2. Follow the friends advice
    3. Stop going to school
    4. Look for the person responsible for the pregnancy to marry her
  30. Early Christian missionaries came to East Africa mainly to
    1. build schools
    2. colonise countries of East Africa
    3. stop slave trade
    4. spread the gospel of Jesus


  1. Which one of the following surahs talks about the flames?
    1. Al-Lahab
    2. Kawthar
    3. Al-Tiin
    4. Qadar.
  2. The night of power that Allah (SW) showed Himself is found in surah
    1. Al-Qadar
    2. Fiyl
    3. Humazah
    4. Zilzallah.
  3. The day of judgement and the end of the earth is well mentioned in surah
    1. Zilzalah
    2. Dhuha
    3. Inshirrah
    4. An-Nasr.
  4. Which one of the following is the mother of all chapters in the holy Quran?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Aadiyyat
    3. Firaun
    4. Al-Tin.
  5. "Man was made from blood clor" This is a verse mentioned surah
    1. Al-Alaq
    2. Maun
    3. Al-Inshirrah
    4. Dhuha.
  6. During his teaching the prophet warned against frustrating one's neighbour and mentioned how many houses that form the neighbour hood. How many are they?
    1. One hundred
    2. Forty
    3. Eighty
    4. Ten.
  7. He who is not thankful to others is not thankful to....
    1. Allah
    2. Prophet Muhammad
    3. himself
    4. creation
  8. Which one of the following statements is not correct about angels of Allah?(SW)
    1. Angels have different duties. 
    2. They are neither males nor females. 
    3. They were created from Nuhr.
    4. Angels have a common duty to perform.
  9. Which one of the following is the festival performed to celebrate the birth of a new born baby?
    1. Aqiqah
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Idd-ul-Adha
    4. Rajab.
  10. According to the holy Quran the number of chapters written are
    1. 25
    2. 100
    3. 45
    4. 117
  11. Which one of the following is the category of the urine of a baby boy?
    1. Heavy Najjasit
    2. Light Najjasit
    3. Medium Najjasit
    4. No Najjasit
  12. Which one of the following is recommended in the Islamic law?
    1. Begging.
    2. Gambling.
    3. Hoarding.
    4. Mixing with other religion.
  13. The following can spoil the saum except
    1. eating deliberately
    2. drinking wine
    3. laughing loudly
    4. woman entering heidh.
  14. Which one of the following Angels of Allah (SW) was responsible for the rain falling?
    1. Malik
    2. Mikael
    3. Jibril
    4. Atid.
  15. Which one of the following is not a belief in the Islamic sherian?
    1. Books
    2. Allah
    3. Angels
    4. Qiyamah.
  16. Which one of the following festivals fallows the Ramadhan immediately?
    1. Id-itr
    2. Idd-ull-adha-a
    3. Hajj
    4. Aqiqah.
  17. How many children did the Prophet Muhama ed (P.b.u.h) have with Lady Khadija?
    1. Seven
    2. Eight
    3. Ten
    4. Four.
  18. Which one of the following places did the Prophet Muhammed (P.b.u.h) receive his Wahyi?
    1. On Mt. Sinai."
    2. At cave Hira.
    3. On Mt. Ararat.
    4. In the plane of Roja.
  19. The following are festivals in the Islamic shariah. Which one is performed to celebrate the reception of a new born baby?
    1. Aqiqah
    2. Idd-ul-Fitr
    3. Idd-ul-adha-a 
    4. Rajab. 
  20. Which one of the following Islamic celebration takes place only in the town of Makkah?
    1. Hajj
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Idd-ul-Fitr
    4. Makkah.
  21. Which one of the following is a najjis according to Islamic law?
    1. Cow
    2. Pig
    3. Dog
    4. Carmel. 
  22. The following are ways through which a Muslim can contract HIV and AIDS. Which one is not?
    1. Sexual intercourse.
    2. Donating blood.
    3. Sharing piercing object.
    4. Mosquito bites.
  23. The following are Islamic virtues practised by Muslim faithful. Which one is not?
    1. Sharing
    2. Kindness
    3. Arrogance
    4. Oneness.
  24. Muslims in the early times along the Eastern African coast met challenges while spreading the religion. Which one among them was the least?
    1. Lack of geographical knowhow.
    2. Language barriers.
    3. Lack of enough money.
    4. Inadequate preachers.
  25. When they were in the nature walk, the prophet (P.b.u.h) chose to do one of the following activity in order for them to prepare food. Which one was it? 
    1. Splitting firewood.
    2. Slaughtering the animals. 
    3. Cooking food.
    4. Searching for firewood.
  26. The following are some of the practices performed by Muslims. Which one among them is not wanted by Allah(SW)?
    1. Shirk
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Justice
    4. Wudhu.
  27. Which one of the following is not a belief of Iman? Belief
    1. in prophet
    2. in Angels
    3. in Allah
    4. Mosque.
  28. The following can be accepted by Allah and the teaching of the prophet to be produced as Zakkat. Which one is not?
    1. Produce from the farms.
    2. Clothes from the house.
    3. Money from the bank.
    4. A piece of land.
  29. The uncle of the prophet (P.b.u.h) was cursed by Allah (SW). Which one of the following lessons do Muslims learn from this?
    1. The bounties of Allah are not for granted.
    2. Allah (SW) does not sleep or slumber.
    3. Muslims should not disobey the prophet (Pbuh).
    4. Allah (SW) is the supreme God.
  30. Who among the following Prophets of Allah was swallowed in the belly of a whale?
    1. Nabii Issa (AS)
    2. Nabii Swalah (AS)
    3. Nabii Yunis (AS)
    4. Nabii Ibrahim (AS)


social as



map fasi

Study the map of Fasi area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the direction of the ginnery from the rice farms?
    1. South East
    2. South West
    3. North East
    4. North West
  2. What is the approximate length of the railway lines in Fasi area?
    1. 15km
    2. 23km
    3. 17km
    4. 10km
  3. The population distribution in Fasi arca is mainly influenced by
    1. drainage.
    2. transport networks.
    3. pests and diseases.
    4. economic activities.
  4. Three of the following are economic activities practised in Fasi area. Which one is not?
    1. Cotton farming
    2. Mining
    3. Fishing
    4. Lumbering
  5. The climate of Fasi town is likely to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  6. The main source of water in Fasi town is likely to be
    1. River Fasi
    2. Lake Fasi
    3. River Kope
    4. Rain water
  7. Who is in-charge of security in Fasi area?
    1. County Commissioner
    2. County Governor
    3. Chief
    4. The Police service
  8. The main reason for the migration of the Maasai from South-Western Ethiopia was to
    1. look for more fertile land. 
    2. avoid internal conflicts. 
    3. look for pasture and water. 
    4. search for trade goods.
  9. The main function of clan heads in traditional African communities was to
    1. protect members from attacks. 
    2. conduct marriage ceremonies. 
    3. educate the youth. 
    4. settle disputes.
  10. Three of the following mountains were formed as a result of faulting and uplifting. Which one was not? 
    1. Aberdare ranges
    2. Ras Dashan
    3. Mt.Meru
    4. Ahaggar mountains
  11. Who among the following African leaders resisted European colonial rule?
    1. Nabongo Mumia
    2. Samori Toure
    3. Mwanawina Lewanika
    4. Kabaka Mutesa I
  12. Which one of the following factors does not lead to slow population growth?
    1. Rising cost of living.
    2. Spread of HIV and AIDS.
    3. Late marriage.
    4. Low mortality rate.
  13. An age group is a group of
    1. people who were circumcised at the same time.
    2.  people who trace their origin to same ancestor.
    3. people who were born and initiated almost at the same time.
    4. two or more age-sets.
  14. The diagram below shows the formation of a type of rainfall.
    14 adad
    The type of rainfall represented above is
    1. convectional
    2. frontal
    3. relief
    4. cyclonic
  15. The main problem facing forests in Kenya is
    1. pests and discases.
    2. human encroachment.
    3. forest fires.
    4. illegal logging
  16. Which one of the following groups of people consists of Eastern Cushites of Kenya?
    1. Sanye
    2. Afar
    3. Rendile
    4. Falasha
  17. The parliament in the Buganda Kindom was called
    1. Lukiiko
    2. Bataka
    3. Katikiro
    4. Ssaza
  18. The following are roles of the school management committee. Which one is not?
    1. Receiving money for learning materials from the government.
    2. Maintaining the traditions of the school.
    3. Implementing development projects in the school.
    4. Employing teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.
  19.  Joel's goats have strayed into Ken's farm and destroyed crops thus creating a dispute between the two neighbours. The best way of resolving the conflict is
    1. creating a commision of enquiry to settle the dispute.
    2. Ken selling Joel's goats to pay himself.
    3. Ken calling Joel to have a dialogue 2023 over the dispute.
    4. Ken taking Joel to the nearest police station.
  20.  Which one of the following is not a responsibility of parents in a family?
    1. Providing education for their children. 
    2. Strengthening negative cultural practices.
    3. Being role models to their children. 
    4. Taking care of family property.
  21. Three of the following are ways of showing collective responsibility. Which one does not?
    1. Being mindful of the welfare of others. 
    2. Upholding moral values of the society 
    3. Taking part in choosing good leaders. 
    4. Ensuring that other people use harmful drugs. 

Use the map of Africa provided to answer questions 22-25.

22 adada

  1. The river marked T is called river
    1. Senegal
    2. Volta
    3. Zambezi
    4. Niger
  2. The country marked Q is
    1. The Democratic Republic of Congo.
    2. Cameroon
    3. Angola
    4. Sudan
  3. The climate experienced at the areas marked M is likely to be
    1. tropical savannah climate. 
    2. mediterranean climate. 
    3. humid sub-tropical climate. 
    4. desert climate.
  4. The winds marked P are known as
    1. The Harmattan
    2. South Westerlies
    3. South East Monsoon winds.
    4. North East trade winds.
  5. In their administration of Northern Nigeria, the British used
    1. direct rule
    2. assimilation
    3. indirect rule
    4. company rule
  6.  The soils that are formed after deposition of croded material in rivers, valleys and flood plains are known as
    1. loamy soils.
    2. volcanic soils.
    3. alluvial soils.
    4. sandy soils.
  7. Which one of the following is a warning road sign?
    28 adsdada
  8. The main crop grown in Perkerra irrigation scheme is
    1. chillies
    2. seed-maize
    3. onions
    4. paddy rice
  9. People can be encouraged to move from urban areas and settle in rural areas mainly through
    1. creating more employment opportunities in towns.
    2. creation of settlement schemes. 
    3. increasing of trading activities in rural areas.
    4. establishing industries in rural areas.
  10. The following are achievements of a prominent Africa leader.
    1. He led his country to independence. 
    2. He helped in the formation of East African Community.
    3. He campaigned for world peace.
    4. He organized his people in Ujamaa villages.
      The leader who had the above listed achievements is likely to be 
      1. Mwalimu Nyerere
      2. Leopold Sedar Senghor 
      3. Haile Selasie
      4. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
  11. The following are factors influencing climate in Africa except
    1. longitude.
    2. winds.
    3. shape of the coastline.
    4. ocean currents.
  12. The Equator crosses all the following African countries except
    1. Uganda
    2. Tanzania
    3. Kenya
    4. Somalia
  13. The main reason for the establishment of settlement schemes in Kenya was to
    1. put more land into meaningful usc. 
    2. increase food production.
    3. reduce population pressure on land. 
    4. settle the landless.
  14. The Fulani of West Africa keep large herds of livestock mainly because
    1. they depend on their livestock for livelihood.
    2. they live in less populated areas. 
    3. of good climate in their regions.
    4. they occupy an extensive grassland belt.
  15. Which one of the following forms of mass media is the best to relay messages to a large group of people in different regions at the same time?
    1. The television.
    2. The radio.
    3. Newspapers.
    4. The social media.
  16. Below are conditions that favour the growing of a crop in Kenya.
    1. Well distributed rainfall of between 1000mm and 1500mm.
    2. Well drained fertile volcanic soils.
    3. High altitude of over 1800metres above sea level.
    4. Cool temperatures.
      The crop that mainly grows under the above conditions is
      1. Tea
      2. Coffee
      3. Cotton
      4. Pyrethrum
  17. Which one of the following types of vegetation is not found in the Nyanza region of Kenya?
    1. Mangrove
    2. Forest vegetation
    3. Woodland vegetation
    4. Savannah grasslands.
  18. In Kenya, a responsible citizen is one who
    1. takes part in land grabbing.
    2. owns lots of wealth.
    3. promotes nepotism.
    4. obeys the law.
  19. Most traditional Kenyan communities interacted through
    1. social media
    2. intermarriage 
    3. trade 
    4. war
  20. The main problem facing dairy farming in Kenya is
    1. inadequate milk factories. 
    2. high cost of production. 
    3. drought and famine. 
    4. animal diseases.
  21. Most cement factories are situated near Athi River town mainly due to
    1. nearness to source of limestone quarries.
    2. availability of water in the river Athi. 
    3. availability of cheap labour.
    4. good infrastructure in the region.
  22. The headquarters of the East African community (E.A.C) are at
    1. Arusha
    2. Nairobi
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Kampala
  23. The main reason for the decline and Tall of the Kingdom of Old Ghana was
    1. lack of clearly defined boundaries. 
    2. interaction with the Almoravids. 
    3. overdependence on trade. 
    4. succession disputes.
  24. Which one of the following is an example of a manufacturing industry?
    1. Grain milling.
    2. Soft drinks making.
    3. Shoc making.
    4. Ship building.
  25. Most tourists visit Kenya in order to see
    1. beautiful scenary.
    2. our rich culture.
    3. the rift valley.
    4. wildlife.
  26. The most developed means of transport in Kenya is
    1. road transport
    2. air transport
    3. railway transport
    4. water transport
  27. The following are uses of a mineral. 
    1. Making coins.
    2. Making electrical wires.
    3.  Making motor vehicle radiator.-
      The mineral that has the listed uses above is
      1. Gold
      2. Soda ash
      3. Crude oil
      4. Copper
  28. The two ways of becoming a citizen of Kenya are by
    1. naturalisation and marriage.
    2. dual citizenship and legislation. 
    3. birth and registration.
    4. birth and naming.
  29. Which one of the following is not true about fish farming in Kenya?
    1. Most fish farms are run by individuals.
    2. There is a small market for fish in Kenya.
    3. Fish farming relies heavily on scientific farming methods.
    4. The most common species of fish in fish farms is tilapia.
  30. The main benefit of maize farming in Kenya is that maize farming
    1. is a source of foreign exchange. 
    2. creates jobs for most Kenyans. 
    3. provides food for most Kenyans. 
    4. improves the standards of living for Kenyans.
  31. In Kenya, all human rights are listed in the
    1. holy bible and quran. 
    2. bill of rights.
    3. school textbooks.
    4. parliamentary arm of the government.
  32. Which one of the following is true about the Organisation of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. It was formed in 2002 in Sirte, Libya. 
    2. Its main objective is to promote trade in Africa.
    3. It supported the scramble and partition of Africa.
    4. Its membership is open to all independent African countries.
  33. Three of the following are factors that undermine peace in the society. Which one does not?
    1. National integration.
    2. Political differences.
    3. Corrupt practices. 
    4. Unemployment.
  34. Which one of the following is not a type of democracy?
    1. Representative democracy.
    2. Political democracy. 
    3. Direct democracy.
    4. Nominational democracy.
  35. The head of the Judicial Arm of government in Kenya is
    1. The Attorney General 
    2. Registrar of the Judiciary. 
    3. The Chief Justice.
    4. The President.
  36. In Kenya, one becomes the speaker of the Senate through
    1. election by elected senators.
    2. voting in all constituencies.
    3. election by elected members of the National Assembly.
    4. nomination by the President.
  37. The main role of the Legislative arm of Government in Kenya is to 
    1. interpret the law.
    2. formulate government policies.
    3. make laws.
    4. amend laws.
  38. The government gets its revenue mainly through
    1. taxation.
    2. loans and grants from international bodies.
    3. sale of government property. 
    4. collection of fees and fines.
  39. Use the diagram below to answer the question below.
    60 sdfsfs
    The fishing method showed above is called
    1. trawling.
    2. purse seining.
    3. net drifting. 
    4. long-lining. 


  1. According to the bible story of creation, which one of the following order of creation is correctly matched?
    1. Day 3 - The sky.
    2. Day 4 - The heavenly bodies.
    3. Day 6 - Sea creatures and birds of the air.
    4. Day 5 - Land animals both domestic and wild.
  2. Which one of the following did not happen when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? They lost the
    1. power to live forever.
    2. power to be like God.
    3. good relationship with God.
    4. glory and honour given to them by God.
  3. Which one of the following items was not carried by Abraham when he went to sacrifice his own son Isaac?
    1. Wood
    2. Knife
    3. Fire
    4. Lamp
  4. Which one of the following is the main teaching that Christians learn from the story of Noah and the flood?
    1. Those who sin are punished.
    2. They should protect their lives.
    3. They should take care of animals.
    4. Families are very important.
  5. Which one of the following is the main reason that made Moses to be reluctant to accept God's call? He
    1. tacked confidence in himself.
    2. feared that Pharoah would kill him.
    3. feared that the Israelites would accept him.
    4. felt that he was the least among his family.
  6. One of the following is the reason why Moses broke the stone tablets that he brought from Mt. Sinai. Which one is it?
    1. The stone tablet was too heavy for him to carry.
    2. He was angry with the Israelites because they disobeyed God.
    3. He thought that the Israelites did not need them.
    4. The content of the tablet was wrongly written.
  7. The main virtue that the children of Israel were required to have when crossing the Red Sea was
    1.  honesty
    2. holiness
    3. obedience
    4. tolerance
  8. Who among the following Kings of Israel was punished by God because of performing the duty of Priest? 
    1. Saul
    2. Ahab
    3. David
    4. Solomon
  9. Who among the following people was a prophetess and a judge in Israel?
    1. Esther
    2. Rahab
    3. Deborah
    4. Jael
  10. He drank water from the brook and was fed by ravens, he multiplied oil and flour of the window of Zarephath, he went to heaven on a chariot of fire. Who among the following prophets is described above?
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Hosea
    4. Micah
  11. "A sound is heard in Ramah, the sound of bitter weeping. Rachael is crying for her children. She refuses to be comforted for they are dead" Matthew 2:18. This prophecy was made by Jeremiah and fulfilled in the New Testament. It was referring to
    1.  the stoning and death of Stephen.
    2. beheading of John the Baptist.
    3. the killing of the firstborn sons of the Egyptians.
    4. the killing of baby boys in Bethlehem.
  12. Where was Zachariah when angel Gabriel announced to him that his wife would conceive and give birth to a child who would be named John? In the
    1. wilderness looking after his flock.
    2. temple burning incese.
    3. temple praying and fasting.
    4. fields sheering his sheep.
  13. Who among the following people were the first to see the baby Jesus?
    1. The wisemen
    2. Simeon and Anna
    3. Elizabeth and Zachariah
    4. The shepherds
  14. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was eight days old? Jesus was
    1. circumcised 
    2. baptised
    3. sacrificed
    4. shaved his hair
  15. Who among the following disciples of Jesus asked if anything good would come from Nazareth?
    1. Bartholomew
    2. Philip
    3. Andrew
    4. Thomas
  16. "And he said to him, I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours." Luke 4:6-7. What response did Jesus give to the devil for this temptation?
    1. Do not put the Lord your God to the test 
    2. Man shall not live on bread alone.
    3. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. 
    4. Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.
  17. Which one of the following is the correctly order of the events at Jesus' baptism as they followed each other.
    1. Heaven was opened.
    2. A voice was heard from heaven.
    3. The Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove.
      1. (iii) (ii) (i)
      2. (i) (ii) (iii)
      3. (i) (iii) (ii)
      4. (iii) (i) (ii)
  18. According to Jesus' teachings during the sermon on the mount. He said blessed are the pure in heart for they will
    1. be called sons of God.
    2. see God
    3. be satisfied by God.
    4. inherit the earth
  19. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians on repentance and forgiveness. The
    1. good Samaritan.
    2. mustard seed.
    3. rich man and Lazarus.
    4. prodigal son.
  20. According to Mark 14: 18-19, which message of Jesus to his disciples disturbed them most? That
    1. he would no longer be with them.
    2. He would die a painful death.
    3. One of them would betray him.
    4. He was going to the wilderness for fasting.
  21. Which one of the following was not an accusation brought against Jesus before the Sanhedrian?
    1. Telling people not to pay taxes.
    2. That he would destroy the temple and built it in three days.
    3. Working on the Sabbath.
    4. Claiming to be the Messiah.
  22. For how many days did Jesus stay with His disciples after his resurrection?
    1. 30 days
    2. 40 days
    3. 20 days
    4. 70 days
  23. Which one of the following acts of worship was carried out by priests in Traditional African Communities?
    1. Baptising the community. 
    2. Giving the Iloly Communion. 
    3. Leading in singing of hymns. 
    4. Making sacrifices.
  24. Which one of the following is the main reason why marriage was important in Traditional African Communities? It
    1. helped in improving ones status. 
    2. ensured continuity of family lineage. 
    3. was meant for companionship.
    4. was meant to give the wife security. 
  25. In some of the Traditional African Communities. people reconciled with the ancestors through
    1. naming of the children.
    2. paying of the dowry
    3. drinking beer.
    4. protecting the aged.
  26. Which one of the following is the main virtue taught to children in Traditional African Communities?
    1. Patience
    2. Kindness
    3. Obedience
    4. Courage
  27. Leisure time can be used destructively if we engage in negative activitics. Which one of the following destructive activities is correctly matched with its consequences?
    1. Bhang - loss of perception
    2. Cigarette slurred speech
    3. Promiscuity-heart diseases
    4. Alcohol sexually transmitted diescase
  28. When a standard eight girl gets pregnant through a standard eight boy, the best reason why they cannot marry is because
    1. the boy has to continue with school.
    2. they will be dismissed from school
    3. the girl is meant to raise the child alone.
    4. the two are too young to raise a family. 
  29. Musa a very strong boy in standard eight found two boys fighting. What was the best action for him to take as a Christian?
    1. Run away
    2. Beat them up
    3. Separate them
    4. Taking them to a police station.
  30. Which one of the following was not one of the activities of Christian Missionaries in Kenya?
    1. introduced formal education.
    2. spread the Gospel.
    3. trained the laity
    4. fully supported African traditions.


  1. Which one of the following is the first verse of the Surah Al-Fatiha?
    1. Bismillahi Rahmaani Rahiim.
    2. Audhubillahi mina Shaitwaani Rajiim.
    3. Al-hamdulillahi Rabbil aalamiin.
    4. Ihdinaa Siraatwal Mustakiim.
  2. Which one of the following is not a warning to muslims from Surah Al-Maun? Do not
    1. show off in prayers.
    2. mistreat orphans.
    3. encourage begging.
    4. neglect other prayers.
  3. Which of the following is the translation of the verse: "Lakum diinukum Wali yadiin"?
    1. "You alone we worship and from you alone we seek help."
    2. "To you be your religion and to me my religion".
    3. "I worship not nor was He begotten".
    4. "He begets not nor was He begotten".
  4. The incident of the destruction of Abraham's army birds narrated in the Surah Al-Fiil teaches that
    1. A church is not a place of worship.
    2. Big animals like clephants can cause destruction.
    3. Birds shall be witness to or again and Qiyama.
    4. Allah protects His own.
  5. Which one of the following is a teaching from Surah Al-Alaq?
    1. Allah is the Master of the Day of Judgement.
    2. Man was created from a clot of blood.
    3. Allah was not created in the image of any creature.
    4. Man is created in the best shape.
  6. Which one of the following is unforgivable sin before Allah(S.W.T), according to the teachings of the Prophet (S.A. W)?
    1. Association of Allah(s.w) with other gods. 
    2. Dissobedience to parents.
    3. Killing a human being.
    4. Changing the boundaries of the earth.
  7. Complete the following Hadith with the correct clause: "Islam is cleanliness, so cleanse yourself for no unclean person will......
    1. be allowed in the mosque
    2. remain a muslim
    3. perform Swalah
    4. enter paradise
  8. According to the Hadith of the prophet(S.A. W). one is loved by Allah (S.W.T) if he keep off
    1. peoples things.
    2. un-islamic cultures.
    3. wordly affairs.
    4. his people for Ibaada.
  9. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said that a hypocrite........
    1. neglects Swalah.
    2. doubts the presence of Allah.
    3. has visible signs.
    4. betrays trust.
  10. Which one of the following is not a pillar of Salat?
    1. Gushuu
    2. Rukuu
    3. Sujud
    4. Takbira Ihram
  11. Which station do the hujaajs throw stones to curse The devil? At
    1. Muzdalifa
    2. Minna
    3. Arafa
    4. Miqat
  12. During the fasting of Swaum Ramadahan, it is Sunna to
    1. take a medicinal injection.
    2. fast without eating Suhuur.
    3. delay the breaking of Saum.
    4. perform tarawch prayer.
  13. Swalat Janaza is performed by reciting supplications in four takbiraats. In which takbira do we recite the dua for body being buried?
    1. First Takbira
    2. Second Takbira
    3. Third Takbira
    4. Fourth Takbira
  14. Which one of the following is a measure of water which by Sharia cannot be purified by najis?
    1. Shibr
    2. Nisab
    3. Qulatein
    4. Qiratun
  15. Which one of the following offerings pushed the Swaum of a fasting muslim to the arsh beyond the heavens?
    1. Zakkat Fitr
    2. Kaffara
    3. Jizya
    4. Sadaqat Jaariya
  16. A practise that shows Taqwa in a believer is
    1. remaining calm when faced with sufferings. 
    2. asking for forgiveness again and again. 
    3. performing a task and asking for Allah's intervention.
    4. doing good and avoiding evil.
  17. An attribute of Allah that describes Him as the Most Merciful is
    1.  Al-Maalik
    2. Al-Raheem
    3. Al-Jabbaar
    4. Al-Rahmaan
  18. Which one of the following was a favour of Allah (S.W.T) upon Nabii Suleiman (A.S)? Allah (s.w) 
    1. enabled him to speak while still an infant. 
    2. made iron metal soft for him.
    3. enabled him return the dead back to life. 
    4. enabled him understand the language of creatures.
  19. The main reason why circumcision is recomended in Islam is because it
    1. keeps one clean.
    2. is a rite of passage.
    3. reduces chances of infection of sexual discases.
    4. was a Sunna of the prophets (A.S).
  20. Which one of the following is phrases is not used in swearing in Islam?
    1. Wallahi
    2. Tallahi
    3. Lillahi
    4. Billahi
  21. Which one of the following was a trip made console and comfort Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) from the grieve of loosing his beloved uncle and wife respectively? The
    1. Hijra to Madina.
    2. trip of Shaam.
    3. trip to Taif
    4. Isra wal miiraj trip
  22. Who among the following personels was the Muadhin in the Prophets Mosque?
    1. Uthman bin Affaan
    2. Billal bin Rabbah
    3. Amaar bin Yassir
    4. Zaid bin Haaritha
  23. Wha Irove Qabeel, the son of Nabii Adam (A.S) to kill his brother Habiil?
    1. Envy
    2. Pride
    3. Ignorance
    4. Sickness
  24. Muslims celebrate Idd-ul-Adh-ha to commemorate:- The
    1. promotion of Nabii Yusuf from slavery to a minister.
    2. salvage of Nabii Musa from handles of Fir'aun.
    3. conquering of Makkan city by Prophet Muhammad.
    4. attempt by Nabii Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail.
  25. The two battles fought in the month of Ramadhan at an interval of one year were battles of ................................................  respectively.
    1. Khandaq and Hunain
    2. Siifiin and Badr
    3. Badr and uhud
    4. Uhud and Khandaq
  26. Muslims can demostrate cooperation by
    1. performing Salaat in a congregation. 
    2. working together to clean the environment. 
    3. selling halaal goods and by Sharia.
    4. welcoming and treating guests well.
  27. Afthe following things were instrumental in the faster spread of Islam within and beyond the Coast of East Africa, except one. Which one? 
    1. The chiefs.
    2. The inversion of Portugues.
    3. The emergency of Swahili language.
    4. Intermarriage.
  28. The married couples in Islam are confirmed to be a family by
    1. staying together for long.
    2. the court of law.
    3. giving birth to children.
    4. a Nikah ceremony.
  29. For how long did Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.) spread Islam secretly? For
    1. three years.
    2. seven years.
    3. ten years.
    4. thirteen years.
  30. Complete these Prophets words;
    "Paradise is found.....
    1. in the Arsh of Allah
    2. in the garden of Eden
    3. under the feet of mothers 
    4. in heaven


social 3 



map 12adad

Study the map of Thiba area above and use it to answer questions 1-7.

  1. What is the rise of Thiba area?
    1. From North East to South West
    2. From North East to South East
    3. From North West to South East
    4. From North West to South East
  2. What is the approximate length of the Murram road
    1. 15km
    2. 12km
    3. 13km
    4. 9km
  3. Most resident in Thiba area are likely to be
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Traditionalist
  4. The climate to the South Eastern part of Thiba area can be described as
    1. Cool and wet
    2. Cool and wet
    3. Hot and dry
    4. Hot and wet
  5. Three of the following economic activities are carried out in Thiba area except
    1. Agriculture
    2. Trading
    3. Lumbering
    4. Fishing
  6. The senior most administrator in Thiba area is
    1. Police officer
    2. Governor
    3. County commissioner
    4. Chief
  7. The population distribution pattern can be descried as;
    1. Linear
    2. Sparse
    3. Dense
    4. Nucleated
  8. The main factor that led to the growth of the Old Ghana was;
    1. Wealth acquired from trans-Saharan trade
    2. Availability of weak neighbour
    3. The Kingdom made iron weapons 
    4. The Kingdom had powerful kings
  9. Among the following national parks given below. Which one is found in South Africa?
    1. Kafur National Park
    2. Hwange National Park
    3. Bwidi National park
    4. Kruger National park
    1. It is used in making toothpaste
    2. It is used in making sulphuric acid
    3. It is used in hardening steel and aluminium
      The statements suits a certain mineral in Kenya. Which one is it?
      1. Diatomite
      2. Flourspar
      3. Soda ash
      4. Limestone
  11. Which one of the following is not true about traditional agriculture?
    1. The farmer used simple tools
    2. Crop farming was introduced by Europeans
    3. Family members provide labour
    4. It was mainly for subsistence
  12. The development of sea fishing in Kenya and Tanzania has been hindered by
    1. Inadequate market
    2. Poor means of transport
    3. Use of poor fishing methods
    4. Lack of modern storage facilities
  13. The following are reasons for the coming of the missionaries to Eastern Africa. Which one is not?
    1. To colonise Eastern Africa
    2. To spread Christianity
    3. To spread western education
    4. To abolish slave trade in Kenya
  14. The main reason of conserving forests in Kenya is to;
    1. Provide areas of recreation
    2. Protect medicinal plants
    3. Protect sources of river
    4. Protect homes for wild animals
  15. The main effect of rural-urban migration in Kenya today is
    1. Decline in agricultural production
    2. Development of the rural areas
    3. Decline of population on the rural areas 
    4. Adequate social services in urban areas
  16. Which one of the following is not a problem facing IGAD?
    1. Civil war in the horn of Africa
    2. Lack of enough funds
    3. Withdrawal of some members
    4. Misunderstanding among member countries
  17. Tourism in Eastern Africa is faced with the following problems except?
    1. Poor security in the park
    2. Rates charged on tourists are too high
    3. Presence of fewer hotels
    4. Roads are poor and inaccessible

Use the map to answer question 18 to 21

18 adadad

  1. The main economic activity taking place in the region marked Q is
    1. Mining
    2. Tourism
    3. Fishing
    4. Irrigation farming
  2. The country marked R was colonised by
    1. French
    2. German
    3. British
    4. Portuguese
  3. The kingdom that existed at the place marked Shad its capital city located at;
    1. Old Ghana
    2. Kumbi Saleh
    3. Kaduma
    4. Ghana Metropolitan
  4. The prevailing winds marked T are likely to be;
    1. Harmattan winds
    2. South East trade winds
    3. North East trade winds
    4. South West Monsoon winds
  5. The following conditions favours the growth of a certain crop
    1. Warm temperature of about 24°c throughout the year
    2. Rainfall of about 2000mm
    3. High humidity
    4. Short dry season for harvesting
      Which crop grows well under the above conditions?
      1. Cloves
      2. Sisal
      3. Cocoa
      4. Wheat
  6. The following are differences between the government of Kenya and that of swaziland. Which one is not?
    1. Choosing of heads of states
    2. Duration of office of the head of states
    3. Number of houses in parliament
    4. Role of political parties in the two countries
  7. Section 2A of the constitution was changed in 1991 to;
    1. Make Kenya a monoparty
    2. Make Kenya a multi-party state
    3. Reduce the number of political parties in Kenya
    4. To reduce the powers of the president
  8. Which one of the following shows people who belong to the same clan among the Luo community?
    1. Onyango, his grandfather and his mother
    2. Onyango, his wife and his son
    3. Onyango, his father and his mother
    4. Onyango, his father and his sister
  9. The main factor to consider when locating a textile industry at Kisumu is likely to be
    1. Nearness to raw materials
    2. Availability of labour in Kisumu town
    3. Ready market
    4. Presence of adequate labour
  10. Three of the following statements about fish farming in Japan are correct. Which one is not?
    1. Most farmers practise large scale farming
    2. Fish is mainly sold through co-operative
    3. Fish farming relies on modern technology
    4. Fish farming is practised in areas with poor terrain
  11. The following are ways through which one may lose the citizenship of Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. When a foreigner marries a Kenya
    2. When a citizen colludes with a Kenyan enemy
    3. Once a citizen surrenders the citizenship
    4. Cancellation by the government
  12. Before the coming of the Europeans, the Khoikhoi were ruled by
    1. A council of elders
    2. Hereditary chiefs
    3. A consensus
    4. Hereditary kings
  13. The most senior civil servant in a ministry is
    1. Cabinet secretary
    2. Permanent secretary
    3. Head of public service
    4. Principal secretary
  14. School rules and regulations are used mainly to;
    1. Encourage students to excel in their studies
    2. Promote discipline within the school community
    3. Protect the weak students from being bullied
    4. Identify forms of misbehaviour among students.
  15. Which one of the following groups of communities belong to the plain Nilotes?
    1. Iteso, Acholi, Dinka
    2. Sabaot, Luo, Samburu
    3. Njemps, Karamojong, Maasai
    4. Elmolo, Maasai, Dinka
  16. A pedestrian has been hit and injured by a cyclists near your school. The immediate action that should be taken is to;
    1. Give first aid to the pedestrian
    2. Call a doctor to treat the pedestrian
    3. Inform the headteacher of the school
    4. Call the police to arrest the careless cyclist
  17. Which one of the following statements is true about shifting cultivation
    1. It uses hired labour
    2. Farmers use simple tools
    3. Land is divided into several plots
    4. Fertilizers are used regularly
  18. Which one of the following creates a friendly environment for persons with special needs?
    1. Creating awareness among people
    2. Giving responsibilities to persons with special needs
    3. Providing wide passages and ramps
    4. Providing inclusive education
  19. Quattara depression in Egypt was formed as a result of;
    1. Human activities
    2. Down warping
    3. Volcanic action 
    4. Wind action

Use the diagram to answer question 37 and 38

37 adadad

  1. The above land form shows the formation of
    1. A Rift valley
    2. A plateau
    3. Block mountain
    4. Avolcanic mountain
  2. Three of the following landforms are examples of the above feature except?
    1. Ruwenzori
    2. Cape Ranges
    3. Usambara
    4. Pare Hills
  3. Three of the following traditional method of predicting weather indicated the coming of rains. Which one did not?
    1. The smell of moist soil
    2. Presence of dew among pastoral communities
    3. Sudden rise of temperature
    4. Presence of full moon
  4. The community around the school can help the school by.
    1. Hiring teachers for the school
    2. Appointing elders to conduct school activities
    3. Ensuring that all children go to school
    4. Helping to maintain the school records
  5. Settlement schemes were established because of three of the following reasons except one. Which one
    1. To settle the landless people
    2. To solve the problem of squatters
    3. To increase food production
    4. To help the whites to acquire land in the highlands
  6. One of the following statements about commercial poultry farming is true. Which one is it?
    1. It relies heavily on urban markets
    2. It relies heavily on foreign European market
    3. It requires little capital to start
    4. It is wide spread in arid areas
  7. Three of the following are effects of deforestation. Which one is not?
    1. Disappearance of some species of tree
    2. Increased loss of fertile soils
    3. Reduced volume of water in major river
    4. Increased rainfall which causes flooding
  8. What is the main difference between traditional and modern transport and communication?
    1. Goods, passengers and messages now travel much faster
    2. People no longer walk from one place to another
    3. People no longer use animals for transport
    4. Goods are no longer carried on people's heads and backs
  9. The following are ways in which people of various communities interacted in the past. Which one was not common?
    1. During trading activities
    2. Through inter-marriage
    3. Games and sports
    4. Religious practices
  10. The best way to stop drug abuse in the society is by,
    1. arresting suspected drug dealers
    2. creating public awareness
    3. giving heavy punishments to drug users
    4. employing more police officers
  11. Which one of the following was a function of clan elders in traditional African communities?
    1. To provide food to needy families
    2. To treat the sick members of the community
    3. To educate the youth about their culture 
    4. To protect the land against invaders
  12. The most dangerous means of transport is
    1. Air transport
    2. Water transport
    3. Pipeline transport
    4. Road transport
  13. King Lewanika of Lozi collaborated with the British because he wanted
    1. His people to remain independent
    2. To acquire better lands in the highland
    3. To get dorminance over his enemies
    4. To be made a paramount chief
  14. The road sign below can be classified as
    50 adada
    1. Regulatory road sign
    2. Warning sign
    3. Proceed with caution
    4. Information signs
  15. The process where citizens, vote for a proposed constitution is known as
    1. Consensus
    2. Promulgation
    3. Referendum
    4. Amendment
  16. Three of the following are elements of good citizenship in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Being patriotic to the country
    2. Obeying the laws of the country
    3. Owning property in the country
    4. Participating in general election
  17. Which one of the following statements is true about the Nyamwezi chief during the pre- colonial period?
    1. They were chosen by medicine men
    2. They inherited the leadership
    3. They were elected by the people
    4. They were appointed by a council of elders
  18. Lake Tana in Ethiopia is an example of
    1. Faulty lake
    2. Donwarped lake
    3. Lava dammed lake
    4. Crater lake
  19. Which one of the following groups comprises of Bantu speaker in Namibia
    1. Ovimbundu and Grique
    2. Herero and Avambo
    3. Xhosa and Bachoga
    4. Chagga and Ndebele
  20. One major benefit of sugarcane growing in both Kenya and Sudan is that in both Countries?
    1. Sugarcane provides raw materials for other industries
    2. Sugarcane growing has made use of arid lands
    3. Sugarcane is mainly grown for export in both countries
    4. Both countries are self reliant in sugar production
  21. What was the ruling party in Ghana at independence?
    1. UGCC
    2. GANU
    3. CPP
    4. ZANU PF
  22. For one to be assimilated in Senegal, he had to fulfil all the following conditions except
    1. being monogamous
    2. being able to speak French
    3. working in the French government
    4. completely abandoning his culture
  23. Three of the following are service industries. Which one is not?
    1. Insurance
    2. Tourism
    3. Banking
    4. Farming
  24. The African highway that joins cape town and Cairo is called
    1. Trans Saharan Highway
    2. Trans African Highway
    3. Great North road
    4. Cotonou - Gao - Oudja Highway 

Section II
Christian Religious Education

  1. When God put human beings in the garden of Eden, He commanded them to:
    1. Multiply and fill the earth
    2. Guard and cultivate everywhere
    3. Have power over all animals
    4. Eat all the fruits in the garden
  2. God spared Noah and his family during floods mainly because:-
    1. He did what was pleasing to God
    2. He built the ark and stayed inside
    3. He pleaded with God to save his life
    4. The ark rested on Mt. Ararat
  3. After his call, Abraham left Caanan together with:-
    1. Isaac and Ishmael
    2. Lot and Eliezer
    3. Sarah and Hagar
    4. Sarah and Lot
  4. How did Moses react when he saw the burning bush during his call?
    1. God gave him the ten commandments
    2. He closed his eyes and prayed
    3.  He went closer to the bush
    4.  He drove the sheep away
  5. Who among the following was the first judge in Israel?
    1. Othaniel
    2. Samuel
    3. Joshua
    4. Shamgar
  6. What promise did God make to king David?
    1. Many descendants
    2. An everlasting kingdom
    3. Long life on earth
    4. Becoming the father of the jews
  7. Marrying foreign wives by king Solomon led him mainly to:-
    1. Have many children
    2. Earn alot of respect from people
    3. Allow the worship of idols
    4. Acquire alot of wisdom
  8. When Samuel was young he was brought up in the town of:-
    1. Ramah
    2. Bethlehem
    3. Shiloh
    4. Jerusalem
  9. The message of John the baptist in the wilderness was the one of:-
    1. Kindness
    2. Patience
    3. Humility
    4. Repentance
  10. How did the shepherds know that Jesus had been born in Bethlehem?
    1. They saw the star
    2. They learnt in a dream
    3. Angels told them
    4. King Herod told them
  11. My heart praises the Lord...for he has remembered me, his lowly servant' This song of praise was sung by
    1. Zachariah
    2. Elizabeth
    3. Miriam
    4. Mary
  12. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was being transfigured?
    1. God spoke to him from heaven
    2. A cloud covered him
    3. His clothes changed to bright white
    4. The dove descended on him
  13. 'Your sins are forgiven whom did Jesus tell this statement
    1. Pharisees
    2. His disciples
    3. Paralysed man
    4. Zacchaeus
  14. Who among the following disciples did not go to pray with Jesus at the garden of Gethsemane
    1. Peter
    2. James
    3. John
    4. Philip
  15. What was Jesus' response to the third temptation?
    1. The Lord God should not be tempted
    2. Only God should be worshipped
    3. Human beings cannot live by bread alone
    4. Respect Lord your God
  16. Jesus did all the following during the last supper except?
    1. Healed the soldiers ear
    2. Broke the bread
    3. Told the disciples to celebrate it always
    4. Give the disciples a cup of share
  17. The resurrection of Jesus teaches Christians to be
    1. obedient
    2. faithful
    3. tolerant
    4. hopeful
  18. In (2 Timothy 3: 16) All scriptures are inspired by God. This means
    1. God wrote the Bible himself
    2. The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit
    3. The word of God was written in heaven
    4. God led the writers of the Bible
  19. One of the following is not a factor to consider when looking for a marriage partner?
    1. Age
    2. Wealth
    3. Character
    4. HIV/AIDS
  20. Which one of the following is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Speaking in tongues
    2. Kindness
    3. Meekness
    4. Long suffering
  21. In traditional African societies peace in Best experienced when one is living in harmony with
    1. One's family
    2. God ancestors and clansmen
    3. God elders and medicine men
    4. One's clansmen
  22. In traditional African societies, Africans show their respect for the dead mainly by
    1. Giving them a proper burial
    2. Wailing loudly
    3. Cleaning the body
    4. Bringing food to the family of the dead person
  23. Which one of the following practices is not found in both traditional African and Christian worship today?
    1. Attending weekly services
    2. Wearing special dress
    3. Beating of drums
    4. Confessing sins
  24. Which one of the following should a Christian do with his God-given abilities?
    1. use them for the benefit of friends
    2. boast about them
    3. use them to help others
    4. use them to make a lot of money
  25. A Christian should love his wife as much as
    1. His wife loves him
    2. He loves his friends
    3. Christ loves the church
    4. Christian love their friends
  26. Which one of the following actions best explains the meaning of Christian freedom?
    1. Respecting our leaders
    2. Doing the will of God
    3. Obeying our parents
    4. Obeying community rulers
  27. The best reason why Christians accept suffering is that
    1. It is part of life
    2. It is caused by sin
    3. Adam and Eve suffered
    4. Jesus Christ suffered
  28. Which one of the following activities is not a responsibility of the church in Kenya?
    1. Punishing criminals
    2. Providing famine relief
    3. Providing medical services
    4. Building schools
  29. Which one of the following is a Christian teaching on the use of wealth?
    1. It should be saved in the bank
    2. It should be used to buy power
    3. It should be used for entertainment
    4. It should be used to develop the community
  30. Which one of the following would be the best use of leisure for the Christian?
    1. Visiting their friends
    2. Helping the elderly
    3. Playing games
    4. Reading story books

Section II
Islamic Religious Education

  1. Which attribute of Allah (S.W) means The Creator?
    1. Al-Khaliq
    2. Al-Ghafar
    3. Al-Razaq
    4. Al-Qabidh
  2.  The hadith on Ihsan teaches muslims that:-
    1. We can never see Allah (S.W)
    2. Allah (S.W) knows everything we want
    3. Allah (S.W) is everywhere
    4. Allah (S.W) is the creator
  3. How many verses are in Suratul Al-Inshirah:-
    1. Eight
    2. Seven
    3. Ten
    4. Five
  4. Where was Suratul Dhuha revealed?
    1. Madina
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Makka
    4. Iraq
  5. The attribute of Allah (S.W) mentioned in Surah Ikhlas is:-
    1. The eternal
    2. The powerful
    3. The judge
    4. The creator
  6. Which is the prayer for the rain?
    1. Khusuf
    2. Istisgai
    3. Istikhara
    4. Hajja
  7. Yathrib is another name for:-
    1. Iraq
    2. Makka
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Madina
  8. In which Surah does Allah (S.W) swear by time?
    1. Kauthar
    2. Maun
    3. Asr
    4. Dhuha
  9. Which one is not haram to be eaten?
    1. Horse
    2. Mole
    3. Gazelle
    4. Rabbit
  10. Muslims can be able to control themselves on the three of the following except-
    1. adultery
    2. death
    3. piling of wealth
    4. intoxicants
  11. The prophet (S.AW) teaches us that:-
    1. whoever is thankful to people is thankful to Allah.
    2. Whoever is thankful to Allah is not thankful to people.
    3. Whoever is thankful to people is not thankful to Allah.
    4. Whoever is thankful to Allah is mean to people.
  12.  Three of the following are simple words or shukr. Which one is not?
    1. Ahsantum
    2. Jazakallah
    3. Shukran
    4. Inshaallah
  13. In Suratul Al-Inshirah, the prophet is asked by Allah:-
    1. to fast for 60 days
    2. to sacrifice animals for the sake of Allah
    3. to turn to Allah for prayers and thanksgiving
    4. to perform istikhara prayers
  14. Which Surah warns muslims not to be harsh and rough to beggars?
    1. Dhuha
    2. Asr
    3. Inshirah
    4. Humazah
  15. How many verses are in Suratul Dhuha?
    1. Eleven
    2. Ten
    3. Eight
    4. Five
  16. The verse, "wadhwuhaa" means:-
    1. by the night
    2. by the morning
    3. by the forenoon
    4. by the mid-night
  17. What does Surah Dhuha assure the prophet?
    1. True faith shall win in the end
    2. Everyone is free to practise his faith
    3. Wahyi will continue to be given to him
    4. Everyone will be judged
  18. Which statement best explains fardh Kifaya?
    1. It is a Sunnah act.
    2. It is a communal Act.
    3. It is an optional Act.
    4. It is an act of an individual.
  19. Which one is the main reason why gold is haram for men?
    1. To preserve man's dignity
    2. It is expensive for men to afford
    3. Gold colour is meant for women
    4. Men's skin reacts to gold
  20. Which posture of Salat is found in both Salatul Janaza and Dhuhr prayer?
    1. Sujud
    2. Rukuu
    3. Qiyaam
    4. Itidaal
  21. Which one is not an effect of corruption in the society?
    1. It makes one became rich faster
    2. It increases the poverty gap among people
    3. It retards development in the society
    4. It leads to dishonesty
  22. Which one is a form of corruption?
    1. Giving money to secure a job
    2. Paying a hospital bill for a friend
    3. A parent buying a present for her child
    4. Buying fuel for a neighbour
  23. The following are characteristics of a prayer.
    1. No Adhan 
    2. No Khutubah
    3. No fixed time
    4. Has takbir
      The prayer is:-
      1. Idd
      2. Jumaah
      3. Janaza
      4. Istihara
  24. The word 'Ihsan' means
    1. goodness
    2. merciful
    3. harshness
    4. politeness
  25. Annoying one's neighbour is a sign of:-
    1. A hypocrite
    2. not believing in Allah (S.W)
    3. not believing in yourself
    4. not believing in the angels
  26. Which one defines the practice of associating partners to Allah (S.W)?
    1. Taqwa
    2. Tawheed
    3. Shirth
    4. Kufr
  27. Living with people of other faiths, culture and customs requires one to have the virtue of:-
    1. Generosity
    2. Tolerance
    3. Hospitality
    4. Kindness
  28. HIV/AIDS patients should not be:-
    1. visited more often
    2. provided with treatment
    3. given nutritious foods
    4. abandoned
  29. In which month was Nabi Yunus saved from the stomach of the whale?
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Safar
    4. Shaban
  30. Nabi Nuh's ark landed at Mt.Juda on the:-
    1. 1st of Muharram
    2. 10th of Muharram
    3. 10th of Dhul-Hijja
    4. 10th of Swawwal


 social ms



  1. The land in Maweni area slopes from
    1. North to West
    2. West to South
    3. North West to South East
    4. South East to North.
  2. Which type of climate is experienced in the Northern part of Maweni area?
    1. Hot and dry.
    2. Wet and cool.
    3. Cool and wet.
    4. Hot and wet.
  3. The main means of transport in Maweni area is
    1. road
    2. air
    3. water
    4. pack animals.
  4. The following shows that Maweni area is developed except the presence of
    1. farms
    2. factories
    3. roads!
    4. markets
  5. Maweni area is likely to be headed by a
    1. Chief
    2. Governor
    3. County commissioner
    4. Member of County Assembly.
  6. Which of the following is an indigenous beef cattle?
    1. Zebu
    2. Fresian
    3. Jersey
    4. Ayrshire.
  7. Which of the following is a characteristic of large-scale farming?
    1. Use of simple tools.
    2. Crops are grown for home use.
    3. Large tracks of land are cultivated.
    4. Use of family labour.
  8. Grade 6 learners wanted to practice fishing. Which main inland fishing ground in Kenya can they visit?
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Lake Victoria
    3. River Tana
  9. Which language group in Eastern Africa has the least number of people?
    1. Bantu
    2. Cushites
    3. Semites
    4. Nilotes
  10. A tourist visited our country and saw writings on a banner at the airport about a citizen. Who is a citizen? A
    1. family member
    2. person who owns property
    3. person who runs from his/her country
    4. person who belongs to a particular country.
  11. During a group discussion, Grade 6 pupils listed the following examples of plains. Which answer did they give wrong?
    1. Lotikipi
    2. Nyambene
    3. Bilesha
    4. Kano.
  12. Which of the following is not an element of weather?
    1. Temperature
    2. Sunshine
    3. Cloud cover
    4. Rain 
  13. Kibwana school has different leaders. Grade 6 learners asked their teacher to help them identify sections of leadership in the school. Which section of leadership is top in the structure in a school?
    1. Head teacher
    2. Deputy head teacher
    3. Board of management
    4. Parents.
  14. The figure below shows a land forming process.
    The force marked X is
    1. compression force
    2. upthrust force
    3. tension force
    4. inertia. 
  15. Which one of the following is not a block mountain?
    1. Aberdares Mountain
    2. Mt. Pare
    3. Mt. Ruwenzori
    4. Mt. Kenya


  1. Which of the following songs is wrongly matched with the purpose it serves?
    1. Patriotic - Praise leaders of a country.
    2. Popular - Pass a certain message.
    3. Lullaby - Comfort babies.
    4. D. Sacred - Please God.
  2. Which of the following values cannot be learnt from the East African Community Anthem?
    1. Selflessness
    2. Patriotism
    3. Tribalism
    4. Peace.
  3. Grade six learners sang the song 'Tushangilie Kenya' during a Nationa day celebration. The boys sang in bass and tenor while the girls sang in soprano and alto. We can say that this song was sung in
    1. unison
    2. harmony
    3. voice parts
    4. genders.
  4. Anita came across the wind instrument below. Identify its name and the community where it is used in folk song performance.
    1. Obokano-Kisii
    2. Adeudeu-Teso
    3. Orutu - Luo
    4. Sukuti-Luhya.
  5. When playing a chivoti, we can change the pitch of the tune by
    1. covering and uncovering the holes.
    2. pressing softly all the holes.
    3. pressing hard all the holes.
    4. only covering the holes.
  6. Kilumi dancers carried drums to perform in Music Festivals. The performers wore sisal skirts and decorated themselves with necklaces. The presentation was good but its ending did not please the judges. Which feature of a folk song did they fail to apply at the end?
    1. Instrumentation
    2. Costumes
    3. Climax
    4. Participants.
  7. Which solfa syllable is shown below?
    1. do
    2. mi
    3. re
    4. ti 
  8. Sofi wanted to make a drum. Which of the following materials was she likely to use?
    1. Hollow wood, animal skin, string. 
    2. Hollow wood, piece of cloth, strings.
    3. Hollow wood, animal skin, metal rod.
    4. Hollow wood, piece of cloth, animal skin.
  9. Grade 6 pupils were asked to identify the French rhythm name given to a semibreve. What was their correct response?
    1. Ta-te
    2. Taa-aa
    3. Taa-aa-aa-aa
    4. ta-te-taa 
  10. During Music Festivals, a certain group of performers presented a folk song and the audience understood its message clearly. This
    was probably due to
    1. many facial expressions
    2. correct diction
    3. varied gestures
    4. high tempo.


Angela saw the item below on the Internet. Use it to answer questions 26 and 27.


  1. Which of the following tools was not used to create the displayed artwork?
    1. Scissors
    2. Steel nails
    3. Battens
    4. Mallet.
  2. The following techniques can be used to decorate the above artwork except
    1. incising
    2. stamping
    3. painting
    4. texturing.
  3. Shakilla wanted to draw a still life drawing. Which one of the following cannot be used to draw a still life?
    1. Imagination
    2. Tracing
    3. Observation
    4. Memory.
  4. Linet was preparing to mount her artwork for an exhibition. Which of the following factors was she not likely to consider?
    1. Proper labelling of the artwork.
    2. Adequate lighting of the exhibition room.
    3. Good arrangement of the artwork.
    4. Suitable background music
  5. Grade 6 pupils collected the following materials for making a door mat. Which of the following is an artificial material?
    1. Raffia
    2. Acrylic yam.
    3. Reed
    4. Sisal fibre. 
  6. John was making improvised crayons using bee wax. Which of the following explains why he used two containers when melting the wax?
    1. To prevent fire accidents since wax is flammable.
    2. To enable the colour to mix well with the wax. 
    3. To melt slowly.
    4. To ensure consistency in melting.
  7. Grade 4 pupils were provided with dye, strings, small stones and a white fabric for a dye and tie lesson. Which of the following techniques of tie and dye were they performing?
    1. Knotting
    2. Pleating
    3. Folding
    4. Stamping
  8.  A grade 4 pupil was preparing to paint an imaginative composition. However, he noticed that his brush was missing. Which of the following materials would he not use to improvise a paint brush? 
    1. Sisal fibre
    2. Feathers
    3. A sponge
    4. Grass.
  9. Celestine, a photographer was hired to take photos during a wedding ceremony. Which of the following aspects of photography was she not likely to observe
    1. Centering of the subject
    2. Proportionality
    3. Background 
    4. ighting.
  10. Faith drew the figure below.
    The figure displayed above is called 
    1. graduation
    2. staggered variation strip
    3. value strip
    4. blended gradation strip.

PART C: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PART 1: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section has 15 marks


  1. Who among the following people worked for 14 years in order to get the girl he loved?
    1. John
    2. Job
    3. David
    4. Jacob.
  2. Jesus promised to send His disciples a helper whom he sent on the day of Pentecost. On that day, many people were filled with
    1. tongues
    2. fire
    3. holy spirit
    4. life.
  3. In the parable of the good Samaritan, the man who fell into the hands of robbers was going to
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethany
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Samaria.
  4. Which one of the following is not part of God's creation?
    1. Water
    2. Soil
    3. Car
    4. Man
  5. During the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Spirit came down in form of a 
    1. pigeon
    2. dove
    3. duck
    4. raven. 
  6. During break time, you find your best friend opening your bag without your permission. What is the best action to take?
    1. Report to the teacher.
    2. Forgive him and tell him to ask for anything he wants.
    3. Discuss the act with your friends.
    4. Stop your friendship. 
  7. The following are reasons why Christians read the Bible. Which one is not? To
    1. strengthen relation hip with God
    2. get guidance on various issues
    3. strengthen faith in God
    4. pass exams.
  8. Sharing work and resources promotes all the following except
    1. love
    2. unity
    3. peace
    4. hatred.
  9. Which of the following parables reminds christians never to give up in life? The parable of
    1. the friend at midnight
    2. Pharisee and the tax collector
    3. the three servants
    4. the lost coin.
  10. On the way from School, Ali saw two boys fighting. What should he do?
    1. Stop them.
    2. Report them
    3. Reconcile them
    4. Run away.
  11. When the first humans disobeyed God, they
    1. were rewarded
    2. were chased from the Garden of Eden
    3. reconciled with God
    4. died.
  12. When Moses was taking care of the flock, he saw a burning bush. When he went near it,
    1. he was burned
    2. a voice told him to take off his shoes
    3. his stick changed to a snake
    4. one of the sheep disappeared.
  13. The Bible is divided into the Old and the New Testament. How many books does the Old Testament have?
    1. 66
    2. 27
    3. 39
    4. 47
  14. When Jonah was sent to Nineveh by God, he disobeyed. What did he do?
    1. He was swallowed by a big fish.
    2. He escaped to another place.
    3. God left him alone.
    4. He stayed at home and did nothing.
  15. Which of the following books of the Bible is a prophetic book?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Mathew
    3. Genesis
    4. 1st kings.


  1. Which one of the following surahs of the holy Qur'an clearly explains the events of the day of judgement?
    1. Maun
    2. Nasr
    3. Zilzala
    4. Dhuha
  2. Grade 5 learners were discussing about the first revelation. Which one of the following surahs did they identify as the first to be revealed?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Nas
    3. Falaq
    4. Alaq
  3. When the prophet lost one of his sons, the Quraish mocked him saying that he had been cut off. Which surah did Allah reveal to console him?
    1. Asr
    2. Kawthar
    3. Nasr
    4. Tiyn.
  4. How old was the prophet when he lost his mother?
    1. 6 years
    2. 8 years
    3. 10 years
    4. 40 years 
  5. Which one of the following brings love among the Muslims according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A. W)?
    1. Fasting
    2. Swalah
    3. Hajj.
    4. Greetings
  6. Muslims are allowed to take Tayammam when
    1. water is not available
    2. water is very cold
    3. one has to buy water
    4. there is a lot of sand and dust around.
  7. Which one of the following statements is true about the angels of Allah? They
    1. received books
    2. preached Islam
    3. advice Allah
    4. obeyed the command of Allah,
  8. Angels are created from
    1. nar
    2. clay
    3. nur
    4. water...
  9. When Hussein was on his way back home, he saw some Muslims who were standing throughout their prayer. Which prayer were they performing?
    1. Eid
    2. Jum'aa
    3. Janaza
    4. Dhuhr.
  10. The first muadhin was called by
    1. Umar
    2. Bilal
    3. Abubakar
    4. Ali.
  11. A prophet of Allah was thrown in fire to burn off but Allah (S.W) ordered fire, "Be cool and safe on my servant'. This was Prophet
    1. Nuh (A.S)
    2. Yusuf (A.S)
    3. Musa (A.S)
    4. Ibrahim (A.S).
  12. How many brothers did Prophet Yusuf (A.S) have?
    1. 11
    2. 10
    3. 12
    4. 13
  13. What are Hadith?
    1. Stories of Prophets.
    2. Sayings of Swahabas.
    3. The history of Islam. 
    4. Sayings of the Prophet.
  14. In the hadith of the prophet, we learn that Allah (S.W) judges people basing on their
    1. actions
    2. appearance
    3. wealth
    4. race.
  15. What did Allah promise those men who wear women clothes and women who wear the male clothing according to Hadith?
    1. Reward
    2. Punishment
    3. Curse
    4. Confusion.



  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. B
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. C
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. B
  31. A
  32. B
  33. D
  34. D
  35. B


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. A


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. D
  14. A
  15. B
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