Wednesday, 29 March 2023 13:33

Science Questions and Answers - Class 8 Mid Term Exams Term 1 2023 Set 7


  1. Which one of the following is not likely to transmit H.I.V?
    1. Breast milk
    2. Reproductive fluids
    3. Tears
    4. Saliva
  2. Which one of the following plants has similar roots to the ones found in carrots?
    1. Onions
    2. Cassava
    3. Arrowroot
    4. Sweet potato
  3. The following are processes that take place in reproduction in human beings but not in the correct order:
    1. Fertilization
    2. Implantation
    3. Parturation
      Which one of the following is the correct order?
      1. (i), (ii), (iii)
      2. (i), (iii), (ii)
      3. (ii), (i), (iii)
      4. (iii), (i), (ii)

The diagram below represents the digestive system of a human being.

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  1. In which parts does digestion of food take place?
    1. Q, U, S
    2. W, T, V
    3. R, Q, V
    4. T, W, S
  2. Which one of the following statements about blood circulation is true?
    1. Pulmonary artery receives oxygenated blood from the right ventricle.
    2. Pulmonary vein takes oxygenated blood to the lungs
    3. Aorta receives oxygenated blood from the left auricle
    4. Deoxygenated blood is received in the heart by the right auricle
  3. The following are characteristics of a certain weed:-
    1. Produces black seeds
    2. Tap root system
    3. Upright stem
    4. Green flowers
      Which one of the following weeds has the above characteristics?
      1. Sodom apple
      2. Pig weed
      3. Oxalis
      4. Wandering jew
  4. Which one of the following is not part of the pistil in a flower?
    1. Filament
    2. Ovary
    3. Style
    4. Stigma
  5. Which one of the following pests causes damage to crops by sucking sap?
    1. Locust
    2. Aphids
    3. Weevils
    4. Army worms
  6. Which one of the following is an oil crop?
    1. Pawpaw
    2. Peas
    3. Sunflower
    4. Wheat
  7. Tape orms in livestock are found in:-
    1. large intestine
    2. stomach.
    3. lungs
    4. small intestine
  8. Which one of the following consists of a pair of plants that cannot make their own food?
    1. Puffball and moulds
    2. Fe and pine
    3. Toastool and moss
    4. Cedar and yeast
  9. Which one of the following crops is most suitable for use as a cover crop?
    1. Beans.
    2. Cabbages
    3. Sweet potatoes
    4. Irish potatoes
  10. Which one of the following is formed first after fertilization?
    1. Foetus.
    2. Zygote
    3. Embryo
    4. Sex cells
  11. Which one of the following is not an excretory organ? 
    1. Skin
    2. Kidney
    3. Rectum
    4. Lungs
  12. Class 6 pupils observed a cow tied on a post in the field. This method of grazing is classified as:-
    1. rotational grazing
    2. zero grazing
    3. strip grazing
    4. paddocking
  13. The following organisms can be classified as primary consumer except:-
    1. Buffalo
    2. Pigeon
    3. Zebra
    4. Lion.
  14. Fish meal is a concentrate that contains. all the following except:-
    1. proteins
    2. oil
    3. calcium
    4. carbohydrates
  15. In which of the following methods of water conservation is water conserved by using it sparingly?
    1. Treating sewage before releasing to water sources.
    2. Using sprinkler irrigation
    3. Mulching and shading plants
    4. Turning off taps when not in use
  16. Which component of the environment do plants and animals depend on directly?
    1. Air and soil
    2. Soil and water
    3. Air and water
    4. Air and soil
  17. Which one of the following characteristics describes the clouds that bring rain?
    1. Indicate fine weather
    2. Form high in the sky
    3. White in colour
    4. Dark grey in colour
  18. The diagram below shows an experiment that was set up by pupils during a science practical lesson.
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    They were demonstrating that:- 
    1. liquids expand when heated and contract when cooled.
    2. liquids rise in narrow tubes
    3. gases exert pressure
    4. gases expand when cooled
  19. The process by which water vapour changes to liquid is called:-
    1. condensation
    2. melting
    3. freezing
    4. evaporation.
  20. Plants which grow in wet areas do not have:-
    1. flexible stems
    2. increased number of stomata
    3. shallow roots
    4. thick cuticle on leaves
  21. The diagram below shows a periscope.
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    If the image was observed at point V the observer's eye was probably at point:-
    1. Z
    2. W
    3. X
    4. Y
  22. The component of air in the atmosphere used by green plants in making plants food occupies:-
    1. 21%
    2. 78%
    3. 0.03%
    4. 0.97%
  23. Which of the following pairs consists of reasons for lighting a house?
    1. Safety and reading comfortably
    2. Warming and drying
    3. Discouraging pests and ironing
    4. Warming and seeing clearly
  24. The most effective preventive measure against the spread of tuberculosis is:-
    1. Sleeping under mosquito treated nets
    2. Observing personal hygiene
    3. Drinking boiled water
    4. Immunisation
  25. The following are chemicals used at home except:-
    1. paints 
    2. antiseptics
    3. cooking oil 
    4. beauty cream
  26. The following foods build and repair the muscles except:-
    1. peas 
    2. spinach
    3. beans
    4. milk
  27. In which one of the following activities is water used on the farm?
    1. Rearing fish.
    2. Washing clothes
    3. Swimming
    4. Boat racing
  28. The diagram below shows an object being pulled on the floor.
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    If arrow a represents the direction of motion friction direction is indicated by:-
    1. ii
    2. iv
    3. i
    4. iii
  29. The diagram below represents a certain type of a simple machine.
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    The machine works the same way as:-
    1. spade
    2. lid opener
    3. fishing rod
    4. wheelbarrow
  30. The best method of separating insoluble solids from liquids is:-
    1. filtering
    2. decanting
    3. evaporation
    4. picking
  31. Which one of the following consists of only magnetic materials?
    1. Steel, cobalt, iron
    2. Aluminium, copper, silver
    3. Copper, graphite, iron
    4. Steel, glass, plastic
  32. The following are signs and symptoms of a water borne disease
    1. Diarrhoea
    2. Headache
    3. Skin rashes
    4. Body temperature rises beyond normal
    5. Pain in the joints and muscles
      The disease described above is likely to be:-
      1. bilharzia
      2. typhoid
      3. malaria.
      4. cholera
  33. Which one of the following cannot be measured in newtons?
    1. Weight
    2. Inertia
    3. Friction.
    4. Pressure
  34. Which of the following lists consists of excretory products from the kidneys? 
    1. Urea, excess water, excess salts
    2. Urea, carbon dioxide
    3. Urea, faeces, sweat
    4. Excess salts, excess water, facces
  35. The following are effects of a certain drug.
    1. Causes lack of sleep
    2. Causes hallucinations 
    3. Loss of appetite
      The drug described above can likely to be:-
      1. bhang
      2. mandrax
      3. cocaine
      4. khat
  36. Which one of the following foods can be preserved by drying?
    1. Coffee berries and maize
    2. Meat and potatoes.
    3. Sugarcane and bread.
    4. Carrot and beans
  37. The following are adaptations to feeding in herbivores except:-
    1. well spaced teeth
    2. long and rough tongue
    3. molars that grow through the herbivore's lifetime.
    4. presence of diastema.
  38. Three of the following are commercial feeds. Which one is not?
    1. Bran
    2. Maize germ
    3. Hay
    4. Dairy meal
  39. Which one of the following is not an agent of soil erosion?
    1. Slope
    2. Wind
    3. Rain
    4. Flowing water
  40. Which one of the following tools is best for digging holes for posts to fence a garden?
    1. Hoe
    2. Knife
    3. Straight edged panga
    4. Forked jembe
  41. Which one of the following objects will not float in water?
    1. Leaf
    2. Paper
    3. Plastic ruler
    4. Coin
  42. The main source of light on earth is:-
    1. moon
    2. sun
    3. electricity
    4. lamps.
  43. Which one of the following is not a problem related to teeth?
    1. Bad smell
    2. Bleeding gums
    3. Swollen tongue
    4. Cavities
  44. The force that opposes motion cannot be reduced by:-
    1. lubricating
    2. use of ball bearings
    3. streamlining
    4. smoothening
  45. Which one of the following is not important when buying medicine from a pharmacy?
    1. The dosage
    2. Method of storage
    3. Date of manufacture
    4. Expiry date
  46. The most effective method of controlling ticks is through:-
    1. de-worming
    2. Handpicking
    3. Dosing
    4. Dipping
  47. Some plants use special structures to climb on other stronger plant. The structures are known as:-
    1. runners
    2. vines.
    3. tendrils
    4. spines



Read 400 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 April 2023 13:31