Displaying items by tag: KPSEA

  1. During a lesson, Grade 6 learners discussed functions of different parts of a plant. Which part of a plant is responsible for making plant food?
    1. Root.
    2. Stem
    3. Fruit.
    4. Leaf.
  2. The following diagrams were drawn by learners to represent two types of root systems E and F.
    Which one of the following pairs of plants is matched to its correct root system.
              E                          F
    A. Maize                 Sugarcane
    B. Beans                 Maize
    C. Sisal                   Beans
    D. Sugarcane          Sisal
  3. During a class activity, learners recorded the following observations about a group of invertebrates:
    1. three body parts;
    2. three pairs of legs;
    3. have wings;
    4. have antennae.
      Which one of the following is a member of the group observed by the learners?
      1. Tick.
      2. Millipede.
      3. Cockroach.
      4. Centipede.
  4. The following diagram represents some parts of the human heart drawn by learners during a lesson on functions of parts of the heart.
    Which one of the following is a function of the part labelled G?
    1. Pumping blood to the lungs.
    2. Pumping blood to other parts of the body.
    3. Receiving blood from the rest of the body. 
    4. Receiving deoxygenated blood.
  5. Grade 6 learners listed the following parts of the human reproductive system. Which part belongs to the female reproductive system?
    1. Cervix.
    2. Prostate
    3. Testis.
    4. Penis.
  6. During a Science lesson, learners observed activities shown in the following pictures. In which one of the activities is water not conserved?
  7. A person donated a desktop computer to a friend who needed it instead of throwing it away.
    This is an example of managing solid waste by
    1. reusing and recycling
    2. reusing only
    3. reducing only
    4. reducing and recycling.
  8. During a class discussion, learners suggested ways of controlling water pollution. Which one of the following ways would control water pollution?
    1. Boiling.
    2. Filtration.
    3. Avoiding open defecation.
    4. Chemical treatment.
  9. During a class discussion, learners listed ways of preventing infestation by external parasites. Which one of the following ways prevent infestation by jiggers?
    1. Not sharing clothes.
    2. Wearing shoes.
    3. Soaking clothes in hot water.
    4. Ironing clothes.
  10. Learners used a ball and ring shown in the following set up to demonstrate a certain property of matter. They observed that the ball could pass through the ring before heating but after heating it could not.
    Which one of the following properties of matter was being demonstrated? Matter
    1. exerts pressure and has volume
    2. changes state and has mass
    3. occupies space and has weight
    4. expands and contracts.
  11. Which one of the statements describes an application of change of state of matter in everyday life?
    1. Working of thermometers.
    2. Warming water.
    3. Hardening of bricks.
    4. Drying of clothes.
  12. Which one of the following components of air is 78% by volume?
    1. Carbon dioxide.
    2. Oxygen.
    3. Nitrogen.
    4. Inert gases.
  13. Learners listed the following as ways by which friction can be reduced. Which one was not correct?
    1. Lubrication.
    2. Sharpening tools.
    3. Smoothening surfaces.
    4. Using rollers.
  14. A learner used a ladder as a simple machine to reach and fix a bulb in a house. The ladder is a simple machine because it makes it easier to
    1. move loads in circles
    2. move loads horizontally
    3. overcome loads in the opposite direction of force
    4. move loads through heights.
  15. Learners observed a cloud which appeared long, curled, feather-like and light. The cloud observed is most likely to be
    A. cirrus
    B. nimbus
    C. stratus
    D. cumulus.

The following photograph shows a farmer constructing a structure for controlling soil erosion. Study it and answer questions 16 and 17.


  1. Identify the structure in the picture.
    1. Gabion.
    2. Grass strip.
    3. Terrace.
    4. Trash line.
  2. How does the structure control soil erosion?
    1. Intercepts rain drops.
    2. Reduces speed of water.
    3. Stores water.
    4. Holds the soil back.
  3. The picture below shows farm produce la-belled "ORGANIC" on the market.
    What does the label "ORGANIC" mean? The farm produce is
    1. free from artificial chemicals
    2. free from pests and diseases
    3.  fresh
    4. more tasty.

The following photograph shows a method of protecting livestock. Use it to answer questions 19 and 20.


  1.  The method protects the livestock by
    1. preventing entry of the wild animals
    2. producing flashing lights at night
    3. scaring wild animals away
    4. trapping the wild animals.
  2. How can you describe the animals in the photograph? They are
    1. carnivorous
    2. decomposers
    3. omnivorous
    4. herbivorous.

The following photograph shows a farmer carrying out a practice after germination of maize. Study it and answer questions 21 to 23.


  1. Identify the practice.
    1. Gapping.
    2. Pruning.
    3. Thinning.
    4. Training.
  2. Which one of the following wild animals most likely interferes with germination of seeds?
    1. Mole.
    2. Monkey.
    3. Squirrel.
    4. Weaver bird.
  3. From the photograph, name the other caring practice the farmer carried out on the maize.
    1. Harvesting.
    2. Pruning.
    3. Training
    4. Weed control   
  4. Which one of the following is an indigenous vegetable crop?
    1. Cabbage.
    2. Kales.
    3. Pigweed.
    4. Spinach.
  5. Which one of the following pairs of crops consists of indigenous root crops?
    1. Arrowroots and carrots.
    2. Beetroot and cassava.
    3. Carrots and yams.
    4. Cassava and arrowroots.
  6. Grade 5 learners at Kabila primary school were asked to give the meaning of common communicable diseases.
    Which one of the following statements is true about common communicable diseases?
    1. They are diseases that are spread easily from one person to another.
    2. They are diseases that cannot be spread from one person to another.
    3. They are diseases that are spread only by communicating to people.
    4. They are diseases that spread only when people move from one place to another.
  7. Four Grade 6 learners were asked by their teacher to bring some items needed for a Home Science lesson. Below is what each learner brought:
    Auma:   Body lotion, petroleum jelly and skin care cream.
    Chris:    Thread, thimble, make-up kit and pins.
    Fatma:  Tie, socks, belt and scarf.
    Festus: Cup, spoon, perfume and needle.
    Who among the learners brought accessories used to enhance personal appearance?
    1. Auma.
    2. Chris.
    3. Fatma.
    4. Festus.
  8. Razia advised her parents to always include savings in their family budget.
    Which one of the following statements is true about savings?
    1. Savings is the amount of money you are left with after buying all items required.
    2. Savings is the amount of money you are given back after paying for items.
    3. Saving is the amount of money set aside for unexpected expenses.
    4. Savings is the amount of money set aside for future use.
  9. Masiero accompanied her father to the shop to 34. Amanda has noticed that her school uniform buy cooking fat.
    Which one of the following is an important factor they should consider when choosing the cooking fat?
    1. Colour of the packaging.
    2. Expiry date on the package.
    3. The type of packaging used.
    4. Weight of the packaging material.
  10. Grade 5 learners were asked to identify micronutrients found in food. Some of the micronutrients they identified are
    1. proteins and lipids
    2. carbohydrates and lipids
    3. carbohydrates and proteins.
    4. vitamins and minerals.
  11. Lotum has advised his uncle not to use salting method to preserve meat.
    Which one of the following is a reason Lotum's uncle should avoid using salt to preserve meat?
    1. Salt increases risk of constipation.
    2. Salt increases risk of hypertension. 
    3. Salt improves weak bones.
    4. Salt decreases the risk of asthma.
  12. Salim is suffering from scurvy.
    Which one of the following eating habits is likely to have made Salim to develop scurvy?
    1. Decreased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
    2. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
    3. Decreased consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates.
    4. Increased consumption of foods rich in fibre and water.
  13. Ann and Ken were talking about one of the steps in laundering a handkerchief. The handkerchief is put in clean cold salty water without soap for some time. The step they were talking about is
    1. washing
    2. sorting
    3. soaking
    4. rinsing
  14. Amanda has a gaping seam. She wants to repair it. Which one of the following stitches can she use to repair the gaping seam? 
    1. Loop stitches.
    2. Back stitches.
    3. Hemming stitches.
    4. Oversewing stitches.
  15. Every time Rihana wears her favourite dress, it clings to the body which makes her uncomfortable. To prevent the dress from clinging to her body, Rihana should
    1. bleach the dress after washing
    2. use a disinfectant when rinsing
    3. rinse the dress well with clean water
    4. use a fabric conditioner when rinsing.
  16. Grade 6 learners developed the following rules for racing games:
    1. Wear suitable shoes while running;
    2. Keep to your lané when running;
    3. Drink adequate amount of water before the race;
    4. Avoid performing any exercise before the race.
      Which one of the following set of rules is correct?
      1. i, ii, iv.
      2. i, iii, iv.
      3. i, ii, iii.
      4. ii, iii, iv..
  17. Rope skipping is a common physical activity. Which one of the following statement is true about the effects of rope skipping exercise?
    1. Makes the leg joints weak.
    2. Causes lifestyle disease.
    3. Can cause injury to ankles.
    4. Improves physical fitness.
  18. Grade 6 learners were asked to run to a specific point within the shortest time. possible. Which component of fitness were the learners developing?
    1. Speed.
    2. Coordination.
    3. Strength.
    4. Balance.
  19. Sharing food during a camping activity is common among a group of friends. Why should friends share food during an outdoor activity?
    1. Show friends' background with different kinds of food.
    2. Promote unity among friends for better group work.
    3. Encourage friends to rely on others for food.
    4. Saves time for those who do not want to prepare and carry food.
  20. During an outdoor activity, a group of learners found the following sign marked on the path.
    What does this sign mean?
    1. Turn right.
    2. No way through.
    3. Stop.
    4. Turn left.
  21. A gymnastic competitor performed the skill shown in the following picture.
    What is the name of the gymnastic skill?
    1. Side vault.
    2. Wall vault.
    3. Fence vault.
    4. Jump vault. 7
  22. A first aid box contains items that are used when one is injured. Which of the following items is correctly matched with its use during first aid?
    1. Scissors cutting papers and muscles that have been injured.
    2. Bandages making straps to support the first aid box.
    3. Thermometer - controlling body temperature.
    4. Cotton wool - applying antiseptics and cleaning cuts.
  23. Learners improvised relay batons using various materials. Which of the following material made the most durable relay baton?
    1. Manila paper.
    2. Clay.
    3. Wood.
    4. Grass,
  24. The following picture shows a gymnast performing a ________________________________________.
    1. hand stand
    2. head stand
    3. inverted stand
    4. hand and head stand.
  25. Four learners set up outdoor shelters as follows:
    Jane: Close to the river
    John: At the top of the hill
    James: At the bottom of the valley=
    Juliet: At a gentle slope sheltered by trees
    Who among the learners chose a suitable site for an outdoor shelter?
    1. Jane.
    2. John
    3. James
    4. Juliet.
  26. Two players collided during a PHE lesson. One player started bleeding from the nose. Which one of the following is the correct first aid to control the bleeding?
    1. Lying on the back while facing up.
    2. Putting cotton wool in the nostrils to block the blood from flowing.
    3. Sitting while leaning forward and pinching the soft part of the nose.
    4. Sitting down with legs raised to relax and stop bleeding.
  27. Learners were asked to improvise a triangular bandage. Which one of the following material was suitable for improvising the bandage?
    1. Newspapers.
    2. Banana leaves,
    3. Pieces of clothes.
    4. A piece of carton.
  28. Learners were asked to improvise a soccer ball to use during the inter-class competition. Which of the following materials did the learners use?
    1. Old newspapers, strings, sand.
    2. Cotton wool, papers, strings.
    3. Leaves, plastic bottles, strings.
    4. Cotton wool, wire, old newspapers.
  29. A school handball team members took their positions in the court ready to start the game. How many players did the team comprise?
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8
  30. When starting a race in athletics, competitors are given commands. Which of the following command is not given?
    1. Go.
    2. Set.
    3. Run.
    4. On your marks.
Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:11

Kiswahili Questions - Grade 6 KPSEA 2023 Exams

Swali la 1 hadi la 5

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

(Ni jioni. Leni na Kibo wamekutana mtoni. Ni msimu wa kiangazi.)

Leni: (Akitabasamu.) Bingwa, hujambo? Ha! Ha! Ha! Umejitwika mtungi kichwani kutafuta maji!
Kibo: (Akionyesha kukasirika.) Sijambo, lakini mimi si bingwa. Ubingwa gani na hata tone la maji sina?
Leni: Samahani kaka. Sikudhani unaweza kukosa maji. Ajabu! Matangi yako makubwa yamekauka?
Kibo: Bila shaka. Unavyoona kiangazi kimetuathiri sisi sote. Hali ya anga isipobadilika tutaangamia.
Leni: (Akionyesha kuhuzunika.) Ni kweli unavyosema mwenzangu. Lakini hiyo anga itabadilikaje ilhali miti inakatwa ovyo?
Kibo: Ipo haja ya sisi kushirikiana ili kutunza na kuhifadhi mazingira yetu. Kumbuka tusipoziba ufa...
Leni:  (Akikubaliana naye.) Tutajenga ukuta. Nasikitika hali hii ikiendelea tutakosa chakula. Wanyama na ndege nao watakosa makao.
Kibo:  Mwandani wangu, hakika utunzi wa mazingira ni wajibu wetu.
Leni:   Kweli kabisa. (Wanaagana na kuondoka)

  1. Leni alimwamkua Kibo, hujambo? Ni salamu gani nyingine ambayo Leni angetumia kumwamkua Kibo?
    1. Chewa?
    2. Masalkheri?
    3. Sabalkheri?
    4. Shikamoo?
  2. Leni alitumia lugha ya adabu alipokuwa akizungumza na Kibo. Chagua kauli aliyoitumia inayoonyesha adabu.
    1. Umejitwika mtungi kichwani kutafuta maji!
    2. Wanyama na ndege nao watakosa makao.
    3. Matangi yako makubwa yamekauka?
    4. Ni kweli unavyosema mwenzangu.
  3. Katika mazungumzo, msikilizaji anaweza kukamilisha kauli ya anayezungumza. Chagua kauli iliyotumiwa kukamilisha nyingine katika mazungumzo haya.
    1. Bila shaka.
    2. Tutajenga ukuta.
    3. Kweli kabisa.
    4. Samahani kaka.
  4. Leni alimweleza Kibo athari za kutotunza mazingira. Ungekuwa Kibo, ungetaja athari gani nyingine?
    1. Kiwango cha joto kuongezeka.
    2. Wanafunzi kuacha shule.
    3. Mahusiano baina ya watu yataharibika. 
    4. Vyombo vya usafiri wa umma vitapungua.
  5. Neno mwandani limetumika katika mazungumzo. Chagua neno lenye maana sawa na mwandani.
    1. Ndugu.
    2. Jirani.
    3. Sahibu.
    4. Mwenza.

Swali la 6 hadi la 9

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

Ushuru ni malipo yanayotozwa na serikali kama ada ya kuingiza bidhaa ndani ya nchi au kuziuza nje ya nchi. Pia, ni ada inayotozwa raia kwa kuuza au kununua huduma mbalimbali. Nchi yetu hutegemea ushuru ambao wananchi hutozwa ili kuendesha shughuli zake.

Shirika lenye jukumu la kukusanya ushuru nchini Kenya ni Halmashauri ya Ukusanyaji Ushuru almaarufu KRA. Shirika hili limepewa mamlaka ya kikatiba kukusanya aina zote za ushuru: ushuru wa mapato, ushuru wa forodhani, ushuru kutokana na shughuli za kitalii na nyinginezo.

Serikali huandaa bajeti kila mwaka ili kuhakikisha matumizi yafaayo ya fedha. Bajeti huwa na makadirio ya mapato na mgao wa fedha kwa matumizi mbalimbali. Makadirio hayo husomwa bungeni na Waziri wa Hazina ya Kitaifa kisha kuidhinishwa.

Ni wajibu wa kila mwananchi kulipa ushuru ili taifa letu liweze kujitegemea. Tukifanya hivyo, tutaweza kupiga hatua kimaendeleo. Tutakuwa na miundomsingi bora, huduma nzuri za kimsingi kama vile afya na elimu na hata nafasi zaidi za ajira

  1. Kulingana na kifungu, maendeleo ya taifa hutegemea:\
    1. bidhaa zinazouzwa.
    2. bajeti ya taifa.
    3. huduma za kimsingi.
    4. ushuru unaotozwa.
  2. Kifungu kimeonyesha kuwa ni haki ya KRA kukusanya ushuru kwa sababu:
    1. bajeti huandaliwa kila mwaka.
    2. imepewa mamlaka kikatiba. 
    3. ni muhimu kuhakikisha matumizi yafaayo ya fedha.
    4. bidhaa nyingi huuzwa ndani na nje ya nchi.
  3. Miundomsingi ikiimarika:
    1. viwanda vya uzalishaji bidhaa vitaimarika.
    2. wakulima watapata mazao mengi. 
    3. idadi ya watu itaongezeka.
    4. uharibifu wa mazingira utapungua.
  4. Chagua maana ya neno kuidhinishwa kama lilivyotumiwa katika kifungu.
    1. kuwasilishwa.
    2. kuchunguzwa.
    3. kukubaliwa.
    4. kukamilika.

Swali la 10 hadi la 12

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

Likizo iliyopita nilitumia muda wangu wa mapumziko kumsaidia mlezi wangu kuwatunza mifugo wetu. Jambo hilo lilimfurahisha sana mlezi wangu akanizawidi ndama wa kike. Nilimpa ndama wangu jina, Simati.

Nilijitolea kwa hali na mali kumtunza Simati. Anapendeza kwa rangi yake nyeupe na madoa meusi. Matarajio yangu ni kwamba siku za usoni atapata ndama wake. Wakati huo utakapofika, nitamkama maziwa.

Maziwa nitakayoyapata nitayagawa kwa matumizi ya nyumbani na mengine nitayauza kwa usaidizi wa mlezi wangu. Hela nitakazopata kutokana na mauzo ya maziwa hayo, nitaziweka kama akiba kwani akiba haiozi.

  1. Kulingana na kifungu, msimulizi alipewa zawadi kwa sababu:
    1. alifika nyumbani kwa likizo.
    2. alimsaidia mlezi wake.
    3. alimpa ndama jina Simati.
    4. alitamani kuuza maziwa.
  2. Chagua jibu linaloonyesha kuwa msimulizi anafahamu uwekezaji.
    1. Anatumia likizo yake vizuri.
    2. Anatarajia Simati atapata ndama.
    3. Anafurahisha sana mlezi wake.
    4. Anapanga kuuza maziwa ili apate pesa.
  3. Msimulizi alimsaidia mlezi wake kuwatunza mifugo wao. Kuwatunza ni:
    1. kuwalinda.
    2. kuwatayarisha.
    3. kuwapenda.
    4. kuwafurahisha.

Swali la 13 hadi la 15

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali

Kesho ni Ijumaa. Itakuwa sikukuu ya Mashujaa nchini. Kutakuwa na sherehe ya kuadhimisha siku hiyo. Jena na Joana watakariri shairi kuhusu mashujaa. Tangu juzi, wamekuwa wakifanya mazoezi ili kujiandaa. Mtondogoo watarejea shuleni. Watawasimulia wenzao kuhusu matukio ya siku hiyo.

  1. Jena na Joana watarejea shuleni mtondogoo. Mtondogoo itakuwa siku gani?
    1. Jumamosi.
    2. Jumapili.
    3. Jumatatu.
    4. Jumanne.
  2. Chagua vitendo vinavyoonyesha kuwa Jena na Joana wanapenda nchi yao.
    1. Kuhudhuria sherehe, kukariri shairi. 
    2. Kurejea shuleni, kukariri shairi.
    3. Kusimulia matukio, kuhudhuria sherehe.
    4. Kusimulia matukio, kurejea shuleni.
  3. Maana ya kujiandaa kulingana na kifungu ni:
    1. kujitambulisha.
    2. kujitayarisha.
    3. kujinufaisha.
    4. kujiburudisha.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 16 hadi 20. Umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Kuwa na afya yaani ____16____  bora ni jambo muhimu kwa binadamu. Mlezi wangu husema kuwa lishe bora na mazoezi ya viungo vya mwili ni njia ____17_____ ya kutupatia afya njema. Yeye huhakikisha kwamba ____18____ matunda, mboga, mihogo na maharagwe ____19____ wingi. Tukiwa
na afya njema, tutaweza kufanya kazi kwa bidii kama ____20____.

   A  B  C  D
 16.  uhai  nguvu   kimo   siha 
 17.  kuzuri  nzuri  mzuri  vizuri
 18.  tunakula  tungekula   tukila   tulikula 
 19.  ya  kwa  ni  vya
 20.  kiwavi  mchwa   tausi   njiwa 

Kutoka swali la 21 hadi la 30, chagua jibu sahihi.

  1. Chagua umoja wa:
    "Majembe yatatumiwa kupalilia mipapai yao michanga".
    1. Jembe litatumiwa kupalilia mipapai yake michanga.
    2. Jembe litatumiwa kupalilia mipapai yake mchanga
    3. Jembe litatumiwa kupalilia mpapai wake mchanga.
    4. Jembe litatumiwa kupalilia mpapai wake michanga.
  2. Chagua jibu sahihi kujaza pengo.
    Jakaya amekuwa akiwasaidia ______________________ zamani.
    1. hadi
    2. kisha
    3. tena
    4. tangu 
  3. Ukitaka kwenda chooni utamwomba mwalimu ruhusa kwa kumwambia unataka kwenda ________________________.
    1. bafuni.
    2. majifichoni.
    3. msalani.
    4. chumbani
  4. Matu ni fundi wa nguo. Rinda la Anna limeshonwa na Matu. Kwa hivyo, Anna __________________________ rinda na Matu.
    1. wameshonewa
    2. wameshonesha
    3. ameshonewa
    4. ameshonesha
  5. Chagua jibu sahihi kujaza nafasi.
    Mlango _______________________ darasa ni safi.
    1. za
    2. ya
    3. wa
    4. la
  6. Mjomba wako alikuletea zawadi juzi. Ikiwa leo ni Jumamosi, mjomba wako alikuletea zawadi siku gani?
    1. Jumanne.
    2. Jumatano.
    3. Alhamisi.
    4. Ijumaa.
  7. Tamu ni kwa chungu ilhali mwepesi ni kwa:
    1. mzito.
    2. mkubwa.
    3. mnene.
    4. mpana.
  8. Chagua jibu linaloonyesha ukanusho wa sentensi ifuatayo:
    Munira amesoma kitabu hicho. A
    1. Munira hasomi kitabu hicho. 
    2. Munira hatasoma kitabu hicho. 
    3. Munira hakusoma kitabu hicho. 
    4. Munira hajasoma kitabu hicho.
  9. Mtu anapomhimiza mwenzake kufanya kazi, tunasema anamtia shime. Je, mtu anapomsaidia mwenzake katika jambo fulani huwa:
    1. anamfanyia hima.
    2. anampiga jeki. zamani.
    3. anachapa kazi.
    4. anatia fora
  10. Katana na Kombo hawapendi kushirikiana na wenzao kufanya shughuli za vikundi darasani.
    Chagua methali inayoweza kutumiwa kuwashauri kubadilisha tabia hii.
    1. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu.
    2. Chelewa chelewa utakuta mwana si wako.
    3. Mchagua jembe si mkulima.
    4. Jifya moja haliinjiki chungu.
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Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:03

English Questions - Grade 6 KPSEA 2023 Exams

Question 1 to 3 

Read the telephone conversation below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 3. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

Pupil:               Hello, Teacher.
Class teacher: Hello. ____1_____
Pupil:                I am Barasa Kabengi, a pupil in Grade 6 Yellow.
Class teacher: Yes, Barasa, how can I help you?
Pupil:                ____2_____
Class teacher: Is there a problem at home?
Pupil:                My young sister is joining Grade 1 today. She has been crying. She wants me to accompany her to school. Grade 1 learners are to                              report at 8:30 a.m. today.
Class teacher: Okay, Barasa. You can come along with her. Make sure you come to see me after she settles down in her classroom.
Pupil:                ____3____

    1. Who are you?
    2. Who is this?
    3. Whom am I speaking to?
    4. Whom do you want to speak to?A
    1. May I be late for school today?
    2. I want to be late for school today.
    3. I will be late for school today.
    4. Must I be late for school today?
    1. That's good, Teacher.
    2. It's okay, Teacher.
    3. It's alright, Teacher.
    4. Thank you, Teacher.

For questions 4 to 5, complete each of the blank spaces with the correct alternative from the choices given.

  1. If I had a lot of money, I ______________________ travel all over the world.
    1. should
    2. would
    3. can
    4. will
  2. Odoko goes to school _________________________ foot every morning.
    1. by
    2. with
    3. on
    4. in

Read the passage below and then answer questions 6 to 9.

Human beings have always kept animals for different purposes. Animals can be kept as pets. A pet is an animal kept for pleasure. We keep pets because we love their company. We play with them. They are just like our friends, so we keep them happy and comfortable. Indeed, the dog, which is a common pet, has been said to be man's best friend.

Animals can also be kept to help human beings do certain tasks. This is because they have special abilities which human beings do not have. For example, donkeys have strength to carry heavy luggage. They can therefore help us in transportation.

Some animals are kept as source of food. Animal products such as milk and eggs are a rich source of nutrients. It is important to realise that whether we keep animals as pets, to help in work, or for food, they deserve kind treatment.

  1. Why do we keep pets?
    1. To help us carry heavy things.
    2. To make us happy.
    3. To provide food.
    4. TO protect the environment   
  2. Which one of the following is true about donkeys and dogs?
    1. They are man's best friend.
    2. They are better than us.
    3. They can do things that we cannot do.
    4. They are always comfortable and healthy.
  3. The word 'special' as used in the passage means the same as _____________________
    1. strange.
    2. unusual.
    3. new.
    4. unkonwn.
  4. What is likely to happen if we do not treat animals kindly?
    1. They will not live with us.
    2. They may not give us enough food.
    3. We may not get enough benefits from them.
    4. We may not be happy and comfortable.

Read the story below and then answer questions 10 to 12.

Hassan likes running errands for his parents. The other day, he was sent to the shop to buy some items. His father had written the prices of the items on a list. The total cost was four hundred and twenty five shillings. His father had given him five hundred shillings. Hassan was expecting a balance of seventy five shillings.
The shopkeeper was very busy on that day. She was serving many customers. When Hassan got the balance, he stepped out of the shop to count the money. He could not believe it. The shopkeeper had given him five hundred and seventy five shillings! Hassan thought this was his lucky day.
He sat down under a tree to plan how he would spend his new found cash. He started counting all the things he wanted to buy. This time he would go to a different shop.
On his way to the shop, Hassan remembered what his father had once told him, "Never take what does not belong to you". He realised the five hundred shillings belonged to the shopkeeper. He walked back to the shop to return the money. The shopkeeper was surprised to see him back so soon. When Hassan handed her the money, she was very grateful and said, "You are an angel. I'm proud of you, young man".
Hassan walked home shoulder high. He knew his father would be very pleased with him.

  1. Why did Hassan's father write the list of items? 
    1. He did not want Hassan to forget any item. 
    2. He did not want Hassan to delay in the shop.
    3. He wanted Hassan to get the right balance from the shopkeeper.
    4. He wanted Hassan to do the totals of the cost of the items.  
  2. The shopkeeper was surprised to see Hassan back because ________________________
    1. Hassan returned the money.
    2. the shopkeeper was very busy that day.
    3. Hassan had just left the shop.
    4. the shopkeeper had given him the balance.
  3. This story teaches us that ___________________________
    1. honesty is the best policy.
    2. hurry hurry has no blessing.
    3. once bitten twice shy.
    4. a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Read the story below and then answer questions 13 to 15.

Many afternoons, Hyena and Hare spent hours in a field cating the farmer's groundnuts. One day, Hare heard that the farmer was complaining that his groundnuts were being stolen. Hare went to him and said, "I will catch the thief for you."

One afternoon, Hare told Hyena that groundnuts are sweeter when you eat them with your legs buried in the ground. Hyena buried his four legs in the ground. He looked at the Hare and asked him, "Hare, why have you not buried your four legs?" Hare replied, "My legs are very short." Hyena was happy with Hare's answer, and he continued eating groundnuts. Hare watched carefully and when he saw the farmer coming, he quickly ran away. Hyena too saw the farmer, and tried to escape, but his legs were stuck in the ground. The farmer caught him and gave him a thorough beating.

  1. Which one of the following is true according to the story?
    1. Hare stole the groundnuts just like Hyena.
    2. Hare was a true friend of the farmer.
    3. Hare was not able to cheat Hyena.
    4. Hare buried oe of his legs in theground.
  2. From the story, Hare is ________________________________.
    1. friendly
    2. funny
    3. busy
    4. tricky
  3. What do we learn from this story?
    1. People need to share what they have.
    2. We should keep the right friends.
    3. Farmers should beat all Hyenas.
    4. We should always do what we are told.

Questions 16 to 20

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

Asha has a small garden at home. She likes it because it is a gift from ___16___ grandfather. Asha grows ___17___ vegetables in her garden. She ____18____ taking care of her vegetables. She does not like to sit in the house ___19___  play games on the phone. She hopes to sell her harvest 
___20___ month.

   A  B  C  D
 16.   his  hers   him   her 
 17.  different   dry   cooked   plenty 
 18.  begins  accepts  enjoys  admires
 19.  also  and  yet  because
 20.  future  new  next  later

For questions 21 to 28, fill in the blank spaces with the correct alternative from the choices given.

  1. The teacher found the learner ____________________________ the classroom.
    1. to
    2. in
    3. on
    4. over
  2. Ali left the book ____________________________ the table.
    1. with
    2. on
    3. in
    4. from
  3. The children are planting trees, _____________________________________
    1. aren't they?
    2. aren't we?
    3. are they?
    4. are we?
  4. Rudisha did not find the story book in his bag because___________________________________ had taken it.
    1. anybody
    2. somebody
    3. everybody
    4. nobody
  5. The teacher told us to take care of _______________________________during the journey.
    1. themselves
    2. yourself
    3. ourselves
    4. yourselves
  6. The thieves took away our goats _______________________________ force.
    1. with
    2. by
    3. at
    4. under
  7. This is the hen ________________________________ egg broke.
    1. who
    2. whom
    3. whose
    4. which
  8. The class teacher will present. ____________________________us a present.
    1. given
    2. gives
    3. gave
    4. give

In question 29, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

  1. 'Neither Kalusi nor Sofia came late to class'.
    1. Only Kalusi came late to class.
    2. Only Sofia came late to class.
    3. Both Kalusi and Sofia came late to class.
    4. Both Kalusi and Sofia did not come late to class.

Read the following paragraph and answer question 30.

Nasir, Banda and Lona are friends. They all play football. Nasir also plays volleyball. Lona also plays netball.

  1. According to the story, who plays football only?
    1. Nasir.
    2. Banda.
    3. Lona.
    4. All of them.
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Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:02

Mathematics Questions - Grade 6 KPSEA 2023 Exams

  1. Lorries delivered 84072 bags of maize to a refugee camp. What is the number of bags of maize in words?
    1. Eighty thousand four hundred and seventy two
    2. Eighty four thousand seven hundred and two
    3. Eighty four thousand and seventy two
    4. Eighty four thousand seven hundred and twenty
  2. In a hospital, 436587 children were vaccinated against polio in a certain year. What is the total value of digit 6 in the number?
    1. 600
    2. 6000
    3. 60000
    4. 600000
  3. A tree nursery had 368593 seedlings. Customers bought 27364 tree seedlings in a day. How many tree seedlings remained?
    1. 395957
    2. 341239
    3. 341229
    4. 94953
  4. A milk processing factory produced 19468 packets of milk. How many packets of milk to the nearest thousands were produced?
    1. 20000
    2. 19500
    3. 19470
    4. 19000
  5. What is the next number in the pattern?
    8, 24, 72, 216,_________________
    1. 232
    2. 264
    3. 360
    4. 648
  6. Work out
    24 ÷ 3 + 9 x 6 − 4
    1. 8
    2. 26
    3. 58
    4. 98
  7. Musa spent 2/5 of his salary on food. He also 1/4 spent of the salary on rent. What is the total fraction of the salary that Musa spent on food and rent?
    1. 13/20
    2. 9/20
    3. 7/20
    4. 3/20
  8. What is the value of 95/6 – 11/3?
    1. 111/6
    2. 91/6
    3. 82/3
    4. 81/2
  9. Wangeci made a necklace using red and green beads. The red beads used were 25% while the rest were green. Which of the following decimals represent the green beads?
    1. 7.5
    2. 0.75
    3. 0.075
    4. 0.0075
  10. A tailor bought a fabric material. He used 0.263 of the fabric to make a pair of shorts, 0.287 to make a shirt and 0.45 to make a dress. How much of the fabric was used to make both the dress and the shirt?
    1. 0.332
    2. 0.637
    3. 0.713
    4. 0.737
  11. The height of water in a dam increased by 5 cm after it rained. What is the increase in the height of water in millimetres?
    1. 50
    2. 500
    3. 5000
    4. 50000
  12. A teacher drew the folowing shape on the board.
    What is the perimeter of the shape?
    1. 43 cm
    2. 48 cm
    3. 50 cm
    4. 58 cm
  13. A ribbon is 31 cm 6 mm long. Rehema cut 5 cm 3 mm of the ribbon to make a flower. What length of the ribbon remained?
    1. 26 cm 3 mm
    2. 34 cm 3 mm
    3. 36 cm 9 mm
    4. 36 cm 3 mm
  14. A wall of a rabbit hutch is in the shape of a rectangle and a triangle as shown.
    What is the area of the wall?
    1. 6370 cm2
    2. 5590 cm2
    3. 4810 cm2
    4. 3185 cm2
  15. Kimeto drinks 3.7 litres of water everyday. How many millilitres of water does he drink?
    1. 37
    2. 370
    3. 3700
    4. 37000
  16. A road construction company mixed sand and small stones. The mass of sand was 18 tonnes 481 kilograms. The mass of small stones was 12 tonnes 394 kilograms. What is the total mass of the mixture?
    1. 30 tonnes 875 kilograms
    2. 30 tonnes 775 kilograms
    3. 20 tonnes 875 kilograms
    4. 6 tonnes 87 kilograms
  17. A tea processing factory distributed fertilizer to farmers using 4 lorries. Each lorry carried 24 tonnes 235 kilograms of fertilizer. What was the total mass of the fertilizer distributed?
    1. 96 tonnes 940 kilograms
    2. 96 tonnes 920 kilograms
    3. 96 tonnes 840 kilograms
    4. 86 tonnes 940 kilograms
  18. A flower company exported 4850000 kilograms of fresh flowers. How many tonnes of fresh flowers did the company export?
    1. 485000
    2. 48500
    3. 4850
    4. 485
  19. Wambua represented his school in a music festival. He began his performance in the afternoon at the time shown on the clock face.
    At what time did Wambua begin his performance?
    1. 2.07 p.m.
    2. 2.35 a.m.
    3. 2.35 p.m.
    4. 3.35 p.m.
  20. The table shows a travel timetable for a train from Manga station to Pate through Nanga.
     Station  Arrival time  Departure time 
     Manga    6.15 a.m.
     Nanga  8.30 a.m.  8.40 a.m.
     Pate  11.54 a.m.  
    A tourist travelled from Manga station to Pate using the train. How long did the journey take?
    1. 5 hours 39 minutes
    2. 3 hours 24 minutes
    3. 3 hours 14 minutes
    4. 2 hours 15 minutes.
  21. Ndemo assists his father to sell clothes in their shop. He sold a dress for sh 1 675. He made a profit of sh 390 after selling the dress. What was the buying price of the dress?
    1. sh 2 065
    2. sh 1 385
    3. sh 1 325
    4. sh 1 285
  22. The area of a rectangular piece of paper is 72cm2. The length of the paper is 9 cm. What is the width of the paper in millimetres?
    1. 0.8
    2. 8
    3. 80
    4. 800
  23. Omondi drew accurately the triangle shown on a piece of paper.
    Measure angle LMN using a protractor. What is the size of angle LMN?
    1. 100°
    2. 80°
    3. 60°
    4. 40°
  24. While picking litter in the school compound, Munya picked the following 3-D object.
    How many edges does the object have?
    1. 6
    2. 8
    3. 9
    4. 12
  25. A carpenter joined five pieces of timber to make a window frame as shown.
    Which of the following pieces of timber are parallel?
    1. r and p
    2. m and n
    3. n and q
    4. r and q
  26. Grade 6 learners harvested tomatoes from their agriculture project. The bar graph shows the amount of money received from Monday to Friday after selling the tomatoes.
    How much money did the learners receive on Wednesday?
    1. sh 2 250
    2. sh 2 000
    3. sh 1 750
    4. sh 1 500
  27. During a geometry lesson, learners were asked to describe the faces of a cylinder, pyramid, cube and cuboid. Which of the following descriptions was correct?
    1. A cylinder has a square face 
    2. A pyramid has a triangular face
    3. A cube has a rectangular face
    4. A cuboid has a circular face
  28. The table shows the number of patients who were treated for various diseases in a dispensary. Some information is missing in the table.
     Disease  Tally   Number of patients 
     Malaria    12
     Diabetes  ////  
     Tuberculosis  ////   /  
     HIV/AIDS    8
    How many patients were treated altogether?
    1. 30
    2. 20
    3. 29
    4. 10
  29. Ngei had some oranges. He gave out 4 oranges to his friend. He remained with more than 6 oranges. Use letter p to represent the number of oranges that Ngei originally had. Which of the following inequalities correctly represents this information?
    1. p−4<6
    2. 6−p>4
    3. p−4>6
    4. p−6<4
  30. A self-help group shared some money among 50 women. Each woman in the group got sh 8 500. Use letter x to represent the amount of money shared. Which of the following equations correctly represents this information?
    1. 50x = 8500
    2. 50/x = 8500
    3. x + 50= 8500
    4. x/50 = 8 500
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November 2022 - 1 hour 40 minutes


  1. Pambani is in the process of creating a montage composition based on wildlife conservation to be placed at the art curiosity corner as indicated in the
    diagram below.
    1 adadad
    Which one of the steps best fits in the space marked X on the diagram?
    1. Pasting the pictures in a line. 
    2. Pasting the pictures randomly.
    3. Pasting the pictures by overlapping.
    4. Pasting pictures while leaving spaces around them.
  2. Rika took a photograph of a ladybird. At what angle was Rika's view if the ladybird looked actual?
    1. Aerial view
    2. Birds eye view
    3. Worms eye view
    4. Normal eye view
  3. The following are ways to critique each other's artwork in class. Which one is not?
    1. Giving helpful suggestions
    2. Keeping your opinion to yourself
    3. Respecting each other's opinion
    4. Giving honest and positive comments.
  4. A group of learners were investigating how primary and secondary colours change when mixed in equall amounts. They selected two primary colours and two secondary colours for the experiment and recorded the results on a table. Based on the experiment results, which set of colours best identifies the boxes labelled X, Y, and Z?
    4 adadadda
    1. X Yellow
      Y Yellow-green
      Z. Blue-purple
    2. X Blue
      Y Blue-green
      Z Blue-purple
    3. X Yellow
      Y Yellow-orange
      Z Blue-green
    4. X Blue
      Y Blue-green
      Z Yellow-green
  5. Wangari and Mayo decided to do a leaf print using a block cut out of an old slipper as shown below.
    5 a addada
    Which one of the following correctly shows the printed motif?
    5 b aadada
  6. Mwadine used coloured sand to decorate block letters but the sand fell off the paper.
    Which of the statements best describes why the sand fell off the paper?
    1. The sand was very heavy.
    2. The paper was very rough.
    3. The adhesive was unsuitable.
    4. The colour in the sand made it not stick.
  7. The statements below describe the steps to be followed when making a table mat from sisal using coil and stitch technique.
    1. pin the rope and sew in place to secure the centre
    2. continue coiling around as you sew in place
    3. twist the sisal into a rope
    4. connect the coils and complete the mat
      Arrange the statements in the correct order.
      1. iv, ii, iii, i
      2. iii, i, ii, iv 
      3. i, ii, iii, iv
      4. iii, i, iv, ii
  8. Kantai modelled a slab container and decorated it at the leather hard stage using. wet pellets which fell off.
    What would have been the cause?
    1. The slip was too wet.
    2. The walls of the container were too thin.
    3. The surface of the container were too thick to hold slip.
    4. The surface was not scratched before attaching the pellets with slip.
  9. You are collecting information for your Grade 6 national assessment project and have come across good artwork.
    Which would be the correct way of using the artwork?
    1. Copy and trace the artwork.
    2. Edit the artwork and use it.
    3. Seek permission from the artist.
    4. Take a photograph when no one is watching.
  10. Which of the following is the correct order to follow when making a pot using coiling technique?
    1. Form base, add coils, roll out coils and scratch edges.
    2. Form base, scratch edges, roll out coils and add coils.
    3. Add coils, form base, roll out coils and scratch edges.
    4. Form base, add coils, scratch edges and roll out coils.
  11. Which type of song is sung to show love for one's country?
    1. Action song.
    2. Sacred song.
    3. Patriotic song
    4. Topical song.
  12. The main role of a soloist in a folk song is to
    1. play musical instruments
    2. entertain the audience
    3. lead the performance
    4. train the choir.
  13. Which of the sentences below is the last line of the first stanza of the Kenya National Anthem?
    1. Firm may we stand to defend
    2. Fill every heart with thanksgiving
    3. Plenty be found within our borders
    4. Service be our ernest endeavour
  14. Which of the following is not a way of tuning Kenyan indigenous drums?
    1. Tightening laces
    2. Rubbing the membrane
    3. Tightening pegs
    4. Warming the membrane
  15. Which of these statements about the descant recorder is false?
    1. It is a wind instrument.
    2. It should be cleaned before and after playing.
    3. It is played by bowing.
    4. It should be properly assembled.
  16. Which of the following words best describe how a lullaby should be sung?
    1. Loudly and softly
    2. Softly and sadly
    3. Slowly and softly
    4. Fast and softly
  17. We can respond to music in the following ways except
    1. dancing to the music
    2. talking while listening to the music
    3. talking about the music
    4. clapping to the rhythm of the music.
  18. .........................are examples of ornaments used in a Kenyan folk dance.
    1. Face paintings, hand paintings and jingles
    2. Necklace, bangles and anklets
    3. Face paintings, jingles and headgear
    4. Costumes, jingles and necklaces
  19. Study the rhythm below:
    19 aadadda
    Which of the sentences below cannot be fitted to the rhythm above?
    1. Twende tukalime shamba
    2. Tuhifadhi mazingira
    3. Nahisi njaa sana
    4. Nina furaha moyoni
  20. Below are diagrams of two Kenyan indigenous instruments.
    20 dsdada
    Which statement is true about the instruments above?
    1. They have a resonator and can play a melody.
    2. They are tuned the same way and can play a melody.
    3. They have a resonator and are played the same way.
    4. They are made of the sarne material and are made the same way.
  21. A grade six teacher has asked the learners to identify the country that borders Kenya to the North West. The country is
    1. South Sudan.
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Somalia
    4. Uganda.
  22. During a visit to the museum, grade five learners asked an officer why they take care of historical built environments? The correct response was, to protect
    1. them from visitors
    2. them from destruction
    3. our natural environment
    4. our beautiful country.
  23. Grade six learners went for a field trip and saw an ox bow lake. After the trip, the teacher told them to draw the feature they saw. Which of the following diagrams is correct?
    23 adadada
  24. The following are characteristics of a type of vegetation:
    1. tall trees.
    2. trees close together.
    3. huge roots.
    4. climbing plants.
      This type of vegetation is called
      1. Savanna
      2. Semi-desert
      3. Mangrove
      4. Equatorial.
  25. You were asked to identify a historic built environment in Kenya.
    Which one is correct?
    1. Mount Kenya.
    2. Fort Jesus.
    3. Tana River.
    4. Hilton Hotel.
  26. Grade six learners were asked to write short messages to help in caring for plants. within the school compound. Three of the messages will help to care for the plants except
    1. Do not step on grass
    2. Do not use tree branches to sweep
    3. Do not water the grass frequently
    4. Weed the trees regularly.
  27. Jane is walking to school and wants to cross the road. Which of the following road signs indicates that she may cross the road?
    27 adadadda
  28. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the area where it is mined?
    1. Diatomite - Athi River
    2. Soda Ash - Kariandusi
    3. Salt - Malindi
    4. Petroleum - Magadi.
  29. Which of the following factors does not influence dense population?
    1. Presence of minerals
    2. Hilly places
    3. Government policy
    4. Presence of towns
  30. Peter was asked by the class teacher to give qualities of a good leader. He made the table below. Choose the option that has the correct qualities.
    1. Selfish Cruel
    2. Unjust Arrogant
    3. Dishonest Cruel
    4. Caring Kind
  31. Ali has been asked by his parent to sell sweets in the streets in order to get money to buy food. Ali's parent can be accused of
    1. promoting early marriage
    2. promoting child labour
    3. causing physical harm
    4. denial of shelter.
  32. Which one of the following traditional leaders practised long distance trade?
    1. Mekatilili wa Menza.
    2. Chief Kivoi Mwendwa.
    3. Kabaka Mwanga.
    4. Chief Mirambo.
  33. Which of the following factors promote peace in school.
    1. Obedience Respect
    2. Conflict Selfishness
    3. Love Jealousy
    4. Dishonesty Respect
  34. Your class is planning to start an enterprise project in the school. The first activity the class should do is to
    1. share the profits from the project
    2. agree on roles during the project
    3. discuss where to sell the products
    4. discuss the type of project to start.
  35. Mohammed has been asked to write one duty of a judge. The correct duty will be to
    1. listen to evidence and make decisions
    2. listen to people's problems
    3. maintain law and order
    4. make laws and policies.


  1. Your class teacher asked four learners who have the talent of singing to write ways of developing their talent during their free time. They gave the following:
    Ken - Listening to gospel songs.
    Betty - Talking with friends about singing.
    Tom - Drawing pictures of great musicians.
    Joan Practising in a church choir
    Who among those learners gave the best way?
    1. Ken
    2. Betty
    3. Tom
    4. Joan
  2. After learning about child labour, your class teacher told learners to summarise two forms of child labour. Choose a correct response from the choices given
    37 adaadad
  3. In a Sunday school class four children told their parents why they honour their parents:
    Martha- they give me food.
    Titus they do not curse me.
    Dorcas they pay my school fees.
    Dan I can live long on earth.
    Who among them gave a correct answer according to the Biblical teaching?
    1. Martha
    2. Titus
    3. Dorcas
    4. Dan
  4. "Do not accuse anyone falsely" (Exodus 20:16).
    A lesson Christians learn from this commandment given by God is that they should
    1. practice tolerance in their lives
    2. be patient with one another
    3. speak the truth
    4. help others.
  5. From the Biblical story of creation in Genesis chapter two, God created the woman in order for her to
    1. till the Garden of Eden
    2. be a suitable helper for the man 
    3. name the animals in the Garden 
    4. make food for the man.
  6. A lesson Christians learn from the contest at Mount Carmel in which prophet Elijah challenged the Baal prophets is that they should
    1. slaughter animals during worship 
    2. worship God on mountains
    3. pray loudly to God
    4. worship the true God.
  7. The main lesson learners can share with their parents after learning about the temptations of Jesus Christ in the wilderness is to
    1. depend on bread for their survival
    2. avoid praying to God in lonely places
    3. use the word of God in their lives 
    4. give their possessions to others.
  8. The main reason why Jesus healed the servant of the Roman officer was because
    1. The Roman Officer was senior in the government
    2. The Roman Officer had faith in Jesus
    3. The Roman Officer gave Jesus money
    4. The Roman officer was a friend of Jesus.
  9. Choose an instruction that John the Baptist gave to the people as a way of preparing for the coming of the messiah
    1. keep the sabbath day holy.
    2. maintain harmonious relations.
    3. listen to his teachings carefully.
    4. share your food with others.
  10. Select the option which contains only the gifts of the holy spirit
    1. Healing
    2. Richness.
    3. Wisdom.
    4. Arrogance.
  11. A Grade Six class is composed of learners from different ethnic groups. In which way can they promote unity among themselves?
    1. Speaking a national language in school.
    2. Choosing desk mates who belong to their community.
    3. Playing with friends from their own community.
    4. Making fun of members of other communities.
  12. During lunch break, you notice a Grade.Two boy sitting alone and crying. You ask him what is the problem, and he tells you that he is hungry. Which one of the following is the best way to express your love for the boy?
    1. Give him some food to eat.
    2. Tell him "sorry" and walk away.
    3. Take him to his class teacher.
    4. Ask him to go and look for food.
  13. While walking home in the evening Jebet, a Grade Five learner, meets with a young man she does not know who offers to assist her to carry her bag. The correct advice to give Grace is to tell her to
    1. give her bag to the young man to assist her
    2. tell the young man no thank you and continue walking
    3. give her bag to the young man and tell him thank you
    4. get out of the road and hide in a nearby home till the man leaves the road.
  14. Onyango, a Grade Four learner has a habit of collecting textbooks that are left on top of the desks in the evening and putting them in a shelf in the classroom. Select the value that Onyango demonstrates.
    1. Courage.
    2. Honesty.
    3. Responsibility.
    4. Holiness.
  15. Which one of the following ways is an inappropriate use of the social media by a Christian?
    1. Posting indecent pictures.
    2. Searching information for personal development.
    3. Sending greetings to friends.
    4. Posting Christian messages.


  1. Grade Five IRE learners were given an assignment to find out teachings of surah Al-Kauthar from their parents and write in their exercise books.
    The Grade Five learners can apply the teachings that they learnt by
    1. fasting during Ramadhan
    2. praying to Allah and praising Him
    3. speaking the truth
    4. loving their parents and obeying them.
  2. Grade Four learners wanted to celebrate after winning the Mathematics contest.
    According to Surah An-Nasr, they should celebrate by
    1. praising Allah
    2. praising the Prophet
    3. giving sadaqa
    4. eating food.
  3. Kassim was asked by the teacher to recite a surah from the Quran. He recited at Surah that had the word "Hawiya". This word is found in Surah
    1. Al-Quraysh
    2. At-Takathur 
    3. Al-Humaza
    4. Al-Kafirun.
  4. Who among the following learners demonstrated the correct manners of eating according to the Hadith of the Prophet (p.b.u.h)?
    1. Rukiya - drank water before eating.
    2. Najma-ate with both hands.
    3. Swaleh said bismillah after eating.
    4. Ali- said bismillah before eating.
  5. Peter a Grade Five learner asked his friend Nassir why Muslims greet each other whenever they meet. Nassir answered that according to the teachings of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) Muslims greet each other in order to
    1. show mercy
    2. promote love
    3. know each other
    4. ask for help.
  6. Grade Five learners were taught that they should exercise forgiveness when they wrong each other.
    The attribute of Allah that will encourage them to forgive is
    1. Al-Ghaffar 
    2. Al-Waahid
    3. Al-Hafeedh
    4. Al-Rahman.
  7. After narrating the story of prophet Ibrahim to Grade Six learners, the teacher asked them to give the lessons that they learnt from the story.
    Which among the following lessons given by the learners was correct?
    1. Muslims should observe fasting.
    2. Muslims should perform prayers.
    3. Muslims should love one another.
    4. Muslims should have trust in Allah.
  8. Aisha's grandmother gives out sadaga everyday. She will benefit from this act by
    1. gaining many friends
    2. being praised by people
    3. earning rewards from Allah
    4. spending part of her wealth
  9. The illustration shows a posture of Swalah
    44 adadada
    The posture of Swalah that is shown is
    1. sijdah
    2. ruku
    3. i'tidal
    4. tashahud.
  10. Muslims are encouraged to work to earn a living. This is because work is an act of
    1. trust in Allah
    2. fear of Allah
    3. sadaya
    4. ibadah.
  11. The main reason why the Grade Four teacher asked the learners to use the phone responsibly is because they will avoid
    1. spoiling the phone
    2. getting addicted to it
    3. wasting their time
    4. annoying their parents.
  12. During the closing day, the head teacher of Ujuzi Primary School reminded the learners to spend their holiday wisely and obey their parents.
    It is important to obey parents so as to please
    1. ourselves
    2. teachers
    3. Allah
    4. the Prophet.
  13. Mzizima factory workers went on strike demanding for the following rights.
    1. right to entertainment
    2. right to be given time to rest
    3. right to be paid salaries on time
    4. right to be provided with medical care
      Which among them is not a genuine right according to Islamic teachings?
      1. (i)
      2. (ii)
      3. (iii)
      4. (iv)
  14. Grade Six learners were divided into groups and given a task of discussing the lessons learnt from the battle of Badr and present in class.
    The main lesson from the battle of Badr that the learners presented was
    1. it is important to support our religion
    2. Muslims should not trust hypocrites 
    3. Muslims should avoid greed
    4. it is important to obey the Prophet.
  15. The Ansar helped the Muhajirun to settle in Madina by
    1. assisting them to get their property from Makka
    2. sharing their wealth with them
    3. giving them weapons to protect themselves
    4. assisting them to go back to Makka.


  1. Which element of Panch mahaboot is present in the pictures given below
    36 sdsfsfs
    1. agni
    2. vayu
    3. jal
    4. prithri.
  2. The leaves that are used in foron during religious activities are...........................leaves.
    1. apple
    2. mango
    3. lemon
    4. papaya
  3. Narya has been confusing between Guru Hargobind Sahibji and Guru Gobind Singji. Hukan explained their differences by saying that
    1. Guru Hargobind Sahibji is the father to Guru Gobind Singji
    2. Guru Gobind Singhji is the brother to Guru Hargobind Sabji
    3. Guru Hargobind Sahibji is the grandfather to Guru Gobind Singhji 
    4. Guru Gobind Singhji is the nephew to Guru Hargobind Sahibji
  4. When Mayan was reading about Malinanth and Anand she realised that the Enlightened Beingh have contributed towards
    1. the growth of faith in mankind 
    2. the improvement of the commitment of the members
    3. social welfare that benefit the whole mankind
    4. the compiling of the important discourse in life.
  5. During the war of Mahabharat, Arjun was not ready to fight his own cousins. Lord Krishna explained to him that the soul cannot be killed. By explaining this he showed Arjun the
    1. virat dashan
    2. chatra bhuj
    3. nar-simkia 
    4. kalki artar.
  6. Who among the following is referred to as Mayada Prishottam!
    1. Shri Hanoman.
    2. Shri Derji.
    3. Shri Krishna.
    4. Shri Ram.
  7. Mohini who was running late for school forgot to do her morning prayers. When asked by the grandfather whether she had prayed, she responded that she had not. The principle that was demonstrated by Mohini is
    1. responsibility
    2. integrity
    3. maturity
    4. equality.
  8. Charles wants to visit the Nairobi Bhuddist Temple. He will see that most of the items have the imprint of the
    1. lotus flower
    2. marigold flower
    3. rose flower
    4. lilly flower.
  9. The following are the precepts of the Panch Sila scripture
    1. Not to harm any living being.
    2. Not to take things without permission
    3. To abstain from misconduct.
    4. To abstain from false speech
      The Panch Sila mainly helps in promoting
      1. Social equality
      2. Peaceful living
      3. Social justice 
      4. Character building.
  10. Communal celebrations of festivals help to develop values. During the celebrations of Janmashtami's Rath Yatra the value that is emphasised the most is
    1. humility
    2. courage 
    3. tolerance
    4. honesty.
  11. In the event of "Malki phor" during Janmastami the teams competing against each other are mainly developing
    1. their physical and emotional strength 
    2. cohesive and harmonious living 
    3. language mastery
    4. their knowledge.
  12. Grade six Hindu Religious Education learners are excited about the upcoming Makar Sankratri festival. Their teacher is supporting them because the festival will promote
    1. responsibility
    2. nationalism
    3. patriotism
    4. citizenship.
  13. Madha, a grade six learner, has been. practising his asanas daily after the teacher taught them the correct way to perform Yoga. Which of the following changes has Madha not noticed?
    1. He can control his anger. 
    2. His calmness has increased. 
    3. His body is always tired.
    4. He can walk long hours unlike before.
  14. Satpals joined his neighbours in carrying out certain activities.
    Which of the following activities helps in environmental conservation?
    1. Fixing potholes on the road.
    2. Planting trees around the estate.
    3. Painting the walls in the neighbourhood.
    4. Having joint meals after work.
  15. Grade six students participated in a Hindu Religious Education prototype exhibition. Which of the following is the best way to use the prototypes after exhibition?
    1. Hand them over to learners from the schools that need them.
    2. Leave them at the venue to be used again.
    3. Return them to school to be used as teaching materials.
    4. Give them to the organisers to continue exhibiting.
Friday, 02 December 2022 07:55

English Questions - KPSEA 2022 Exams

November 2022 - 1 hour


Questions 1 to 5
Read the conversation below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 5. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

Hassan: Hello Nekesa. How are you today?
Nekesa: I am fine Hassan, what about you?
Hassan: I am fine too, because the holidays have started.
Nekesa: Yes, I am very happy about that.
Hassan:                  1                             
Nekesa: I am going to visit my grandmother.                       2                        
Hassan: I will be at home helping my parents. Will you spend the whole holiday with grandmother?
Nekesa: Yes, I will be taking care of her. She is unwell.
Hassan:                3                       . Nekesa, you are such a caring girl.
Nekesa:                  4                          . Let's meet when schools open.
Hassan: Goodbye, Nekesa.
Nekesa:                                5                               

    1. Do you like holidays better than going to school?
    2. How are you planning to spend the holidays?
    3. How long will the holidays last?
    4. What did you do during your last holidays?
    1. Why do you ask that? 
    2. What about you? 
    3. How are your parents?
    4. Where is your home?
    1. That is normal
    2. She must be old
    3. Yes, she is sick
    4. Sorry about that
    1. Thank you, Hassan.
    2. I know it, Hassan.
    3. Hassan, you are right.
    4. Hassan, excuse me.
    1. Goodbye too, Hassan. 
    2. It is alright, Hassan.
    3. I like you, Hassan.
    4. It is a good day, Hassan.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 6 to 9.
Food is a basic need for every human being. We need it in order to remain alive. The kinds of food people eat differ from community to community. This is determined by factors such as the natural environment and culture. For example, people living near water bodies such as lakes and oceans are likely to have fish as their main diet. Those living in rice growing areas may eat a lot of rice.
bed Interestingly, what is considered food by some people may not get anywhere near the plates of others. For instance, in some communities, rats are a favourite food, while to others, it is unheard of for someone to eat rats. Indeed, one man's food is another man's poison.

  1. Why is food called a basic need? Because
    1. food is less important than clothes 
    2. food brings people together 
    3. people like different kinds of food 
    4. people need food to live.
  2. The word "favourite" as used in the passage means the same as
    1. delicious
    2. common
    3. liked
    4. different.
  3. From the passage, "one man's food is another man's poison" means
    1. some people eat dangerous things
    2. people differ in what they like to eat
    3. people must try to eat healthy food
    4. some people only eat what they can find.
  4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
    1. Food and community.
    2. Community life.
    3. Good health.
    4. Natural beauty. 

Read the passage below and then answer questions 10 to 12.
Hassan likes running errands for his parents. The other day, he was sent to the shop to buy a number of items. His father had written the prices of the items on a list. The total came to Ksh 425. His father had given him Ksh 500. Hassan was expecting Ksh 75 as balance after buying the items.
The Shopkeeper was very busy on that day. She was serving many customers. When Hassan got the balance, he stepped out of the shop to count the money. He could not believe it. The Shopkeeper had given him Ksh 575! Hassan thought this was his lucky day.
He sat down under a tree to plan how he would spend his new found cash. He started counting all the things he would buy. This time he would go to a different shop.
On his way to the shop, Hassan remembered what his father had once said, 'Never take what does not belong to you'. He slowly walked towards the shop to return the money. The shopkeeper was surprised to see him back so soon. When Hassan handed her the money, she was very grateful and said, "You are an angel. I'm proud of you, young man".
Hassan walked home shoulders high. He knew his father would be very pleased with him. This was a lucky day for both the shopkeeper and Hassan.

  1. Why did Hassan's father write the list of items?
    1. He did not want Hassan to forget any item.
    2. He did not want Hassan to delay in the shop.
    3. He wanted Hassan to learn Mathematics.
    4. He wanted Hassan to do the totals of the cost of the items.
  2. The shopkeeper was surprised to see Hassan back because
    1. Hassan returned the money
    2. the shopkeeper was very busy that day
    3. Hassan had just left the shop
    4. the shopkeeper had given him the balance.
  3. This story teaches us that
    1. honesty is the best policy
    2. hurry hurry has no blessing
    3. once bitten twice shy
    4. a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 13 to 15.
There once lived a king who loved stories. He wished to have someone who would tell him stories all day. So, the King announced that he would reward the person who would tell the longest story. Many people tried, but their stories did not last more than a few hours.
One day, Mokowi arrived at the palace and said he too wanted to tell a story. Mokowi was the man who usually roamed the market without a shirt.
"What story can Mokowi tell?", the King's assistants asked. Why should we listen to Mokowi's story? Surely, a crazy man like him has no business here in the King's palace. The King, however, gave him a chance. Mokowi began his story.
"One day, a swarm of locusts wanted to eat some grains from a store. The locusts made a tiny hole in the wall of the store. Only one locust could go in at a time. The first one entered, ate and came out. The second one went in, ate and came out. Another one went in, ate and came out."
On the third day, Mokowi was still telling the story. "Another one went in, ate and came out. Then, another one went in, ate and came out..."
The King looked at the story teller and said, the story will never end. "You win". Mokowi was rewarded with new clothes.

  1. Which one of the following is true about the King? He
    1. believed every story people told him 
    2. wanted to find the most exciting story 
    3. was good at telling stories
    4. enjoyed listening to stories.
  2. Why did the King's assistants wonder whether Mokowi could tell a story? They
    1. thought Mokowi would not be interested
    2. did not know Mokowi very well
    3. thought Mokowi would not behave well
    4. did not believe that Mokowi would tell a good story.
  3. The best title for the story would be
    1.  Mokowi's new clothes
    2. Mokowi's love for locusts
    3. Mokowi's move to the palace
    4. Mokowi's unending story.

Questions 16 to 20
Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.
My name is Jane Akinyi Kamau. I live             16                a small village in Kiambu County. My parents Mr and Mrs Kamau are good           17               caring doctors. They have built                  18                    clinic where they see their                19                . I work very hard at school. I do not want to be a doctor. When I grow up, I                      20                     like to be a teacher.

    1. in
    2. at
    3. on
    4. by
    1. but
    2. for
    3. while
    4. and
    1. a
    2. an
    3. some
    4. the
    1. visitors
    2. children
    3. customers
    4. patients
    1. can
    2. will
    3. would
    4. could 

For questions 21 to 25, fill in the blank spaces with the correct alternative from the choices given.

  1. My friend, Kabuge, prefers skipping rope ................................. playing netball.
    1. to
    2. than
    3. but
    4. also
  2. The thief jumped...............................the river to escape from the police.
    1. into
    2. at
    3. to
    4. under
  3. The teacher talked to the parent .......................phone.
    1. with
    2. on
    3. in
    4. through
  4. Our teachers know what is best for us so we ............................... obey them.
    1. could
    2. may
    3. will
    4. should
  5. The scouts said to their leader, "Now that we have cut all the grass, ...............................else can we do?"
    1. who 
    2. where
    3. which
    4. what

For question 26, choose the word that means the opposite of the underlined.

  1. Mokaya's bag is old.
    1. new
    2. costly
    3. modern
    4. cheap 

For questions 27 and 28, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined.

  1. The hungry pupils ate the raw mangoes.
    1. The raw mangoes had been eaten by the hungry pupils.
    2. The raw mangoes are eaten by the hungry pupils.
    3. The raw mangoes were eaten by the hungry pupils.
    4. The raw mangoes will be eaten by the hungry pupils.
  2. The guests were pleased with the person. who served them food at the hotel.
    1. cook
    2. host
    3. waiter
    4. cleaner

In questions 29 and 30, choose the word that means the same as the underlined word.

  1. We found the room tidy.
    1. neat
    2. bright
    3. warm
    4. fresh
  2. The choir sang cheerfully.
    1. loudly
    2. beautifully
    3. happily
    4. carefully
Friday, 02 December 2022 07:54

Mathematics Questions - KPSEA 2022 Exams

November 2022 - 1 hour 20 minutes


  1. The number of people in a certain county is five hundred and sixty five thousand and fifty two.
    What is the number in symbols?
    1. 506552
    2. 565502
    3. 565052
    4. 560052
  2. The number of loaves of bread produced by a factory in a certain year was 3624817.
    What is the place value of digit 6 in the number?
    1. Millions
    2. Hundreds of thousands
    3. Thousands
    4. Tens of thousands
  3. A bookshop received 648205 exercise books from a supplier. A school bought 76102 of the exercise books.
    How many books remained in the bookshop?
    1. 724307
    2. 672103
    3. 532103
    4. 572103
  4. At the beginning of the year, there were 1204 girls and 816 boys in a school. During the year, 88 more girls joined the school and 12 boys left the school.
    What was the total number of learners in the school at the end of the year?
    1. 2096
    2. 2108
    3. 2120
    4. 2220
  5. A lorry carried 1452 cartons of textbooks. Each carton had 24 textbooks.
    How many textbooks did the lorry carry altogether?
    1. 1476
    2. 8812
    3. 34848
    4. 52448
  6. A carpenter made a drawing. The drawing consists of a rectangle and a triangle as shown.
    6 auygda
    What is the area of the drawing?
    1. 160m2
    2. 36m2
    3. 20m2
    4. 6m2
  7. A teacher wrote on the blackboard the following pattern.
    What is the next number in the pattern?
    1. 32
    2. 72
    3. 92
    4. 104
  8. 4K club had 2156 chicks. The chicks were distributed equally among 15 members.
    How many more chicks will the 4K club add for all the members to get an equal share?
    1. 4
    2. 11
    3. 143
    4. 144
  9. Musa drew a rectangle and a square. The rectangle had a length of 24 cm and width of 6 cm. The rectangle had the same area as the square.
    What was the perimeter of the square?
    1. 12
    2. 48
    3. 60
    4. 144
  10. Mugambi and Kioko contributed some money to buy a piece of land. Mugambi contributed of the total cost of the land. Kioko contributed of the total cost.
    What fraction of the cost of land was not contributed?
    1. 9/40
    2. 31/40
    3. 3/20
    4. 17/20
  11. A farmer divided his shamba into four portions. He planted cabbages on 0.25 of the shamba, tomatoes on 0.125 and onions on 0.45. He planted maize on the remaining portion.
    What percentage of the shamba was used for planting maize?
    1. 82.5
    2. 70.0
    3. 37.5
    4. 17.5
  12. Ann bought 84.20 kg of kales from a grocer. She also bought 45.48 kg of kales from another grocer. She later used 15.93 kg of kales to prepare lunch. What mass, in kilograms, of kales did she remain with?
    1. 145.61
    2. 129.68
    3. 113.75
    4. 22.79
  13. A learner drew the following line. Measure the length AB in cm using a ruler.
    13 auygdad
    What is the length of the line in millimetres?
    1. 790
    2. 79
    3. 7.9
    4. 0.79
  14. Linda had 15 cartons. She packed 30 bottles of fruit juice in each carton. Each bottle contained 300 ml of juice.

    What was the total amount, in litres, of the juice packed?
    1. 135
    2. 1350
    3. 13500
    4. 135000
  15. A butcher had 1.4 tonnes of meat in a butchery. He cut the meat into pieces of 500 g each. He sold each piece for sh 110. How much money did he get from the sale of all the meat?
    1. sh3 080 000
    2. sh 308 000
    3. sh30 800
    4. sh3 080
  16. Two farmers delivered wheat to a factory. One farmer delivered 40 tonnes 800 kilograms of wheat and the other farmer delivered 15 tonnes 520 kilograms of wheat.
    How many tonnes and kilograms of wheat was delivered altogether?
    1. 25 tonnes 280 kilograms
    2. 55 tonnes 320 kilograms 
    3. 56 tonnes 120 kilograms
    4. 56 tonnes 320 kilograms
  17. An empty truck has a mass of 12 tonnes. The truck carried 500 bags of maize. Each bag of maize had a mass of 90kg.
    What was the total mass, in tonnes, of the loaded truck?
    1. 33
    2. 45
    3. 57
    4. 602
  18. A farmer bought a cow for sh 35 000. He spent sh 10 500 in taking care of it. He later sold the cow for sh 65 000.
    How much profit did he make?
    1. sh 19 500
    2. sh30000
    3. sh 54 500
    4. sh 110500
  19. The table below shows the travel timetable for a bus company from town P to R.
    Town  Arrival time  Departure time 
     P    9.00 a.m
     Q  11.30 a.m  12 noon
     R  3.30 p.m  
    Halima travelled from town P to R using the bus.
    How long did the journey take?
    1. 3 hours
    2. 41/2 hours
    3. 61/2 hours
    4. 51/2 hours
  20. Ali closes his shop daily at thirty five minutes past six in the evening.
    What time in a 24 hour clock system, does he close the shop?
    1. 1835 h
    2. 1235 h
    3. 0635 h
    4. 0035h
  21. A given number of lorries collected 28 tonnes 685 kilograms of garbage from the market. The garbage was loaded equally onto 5 similar lorries.
    How many kilograms of garbage did each lorry carry?
    1. 193
    2. 697
    3. 6970
    4. 5737
  22. The price list for a shop is shown below.
    Item   Cost
     1 kg sugar  sh 110
     1 litre cooking oil   sh 360
     2 kg packet maize flour sh 105
    Nyaboke bought 3 kg of sugar, 1 litre of cooking oil and 4 packets of maize flour from the shop. She gave the shopkeeper 3 five hundred shilling notes.
    What was the balance?
    1. sh 390
    2. sh945
    3. sh1 110
    4. sh2 610
  23. Sandra requires 40 m 20 cm of barbed wire to fence her garden. She had two pieces of barbed wire measuring 11 m 85 cm and 8 m 90 cm.
    How much more length of barbed wire does Sandra require?
    1. 60m 95 cm
    2. 27m 75 cm
    3. 19m 55 cm
    4. 19m 45 cm
  24. A salesperson had 24 litres of milk. She packed the milk in 500 ml and 250 ml bottles. She packed three quarters of the milk in 500 ml bottles and the rest in 250 ml bottles.
    What was the total number of bottles she used?
    1. 60
    2. 36
    3. 32
    4. 24
  25. The figure below shows two triangles drawn accurately. Measure the angle SQR using a protractor.
    What is the size of angle SQR?
    25 auygda
    1. 35°
    2. 50°
    3. 70°
    4. 95°
  26. Kigen bought goods worth sh400. He gave the shopkeeper a sh 1 000 note. He received the balance in equal number of sh 200 and sh 100 notes.
    What was the total number of notes that he received?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 5
    4. 6
  27. A bus and a matatu were to transport 128 guests to a wedding ceremony. The bus can carry 24 guests and the matatu 8 guests. Both vehicles made the same number of trips.
    How many trips did the matatu make?
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 8
    4. 16
  28. The bar graph below represents the number of trees planted by learners of a school in four years.
    28 auygda
    What is the difference between the highest and lowest number of trees that were planted in the four years?
    1. 800
    2. 700
    3. 600
    4. 200
  29. Charo and Akinyi have some bananas. Charo has three times as many bananas as Akinyi. They have 36 bananas altogether. Let the number of bananas that Akinyi has be represented by y.
    Which of the following equations correctly represents the information given?
    1. 3y+y=36
    2. y+y+y=36
    3. y+y+3=36
    4. y/3 + 3=36
  30. Mwakio had 18 cubes with the same shape and size. He made a stack using all the cubes.
    Which of the following represents the correct stack that he made?
    30 aiygdada


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  1. A push or a pull on an object is referred as
    1. weight.
    2. force.
    3. energy.
    4. volume.
  2. Grade five learners were doing an experiment  on different substances. What happened when they put red litmus paper in ash solution? It  turned 
    1. blue
    2. yellow .
    3. grey
    4. red
  3. Three of the following are safety precautions when handling plants. Which one is not?.
    1. wear gloves on your hands.
    2. wash hands using soap after handling plants.
    3. wear protective gears.
    4. any fruits or leaves.

      Use the diagram below to answer question 4
  4. Which part in the above diagram shows  where the baby grows
    1. X
    2. Z
    3. Y
    4. M.
  5. Which part of a plant absorbs water and supports the plant firmly?
    1. Fruit
    2. Flowers
    3. Roots
    4. Stem.
  6. Alisha and Maureen were playing on the see-saw as show below.
    Which of the statements below is true? .
    1. Alisha is heavier than Maureen.
    2. Maureen is heavier than Alisha.
    3. For them to balance they should both move away from the fulcrum.
    4. Alisha should move closer to the pivot for them to balance.
  7. The following are blood groups. Which group is referred to as universal donor?
    1. B
    2. O
    3. A/B
    4. A .
  8. Waste can be managed in the following ways except 
    1. reducing.
    2. excretion
    3. reusing.
    4. recycling.
  9. Grade 4 learners were asked to type a friendly letter during their English lesson. Which part  of the computer did, they use to enter the letters? 
    1. Central Processing Unit:
    2. Monitor.
    3. Keyboard.
    4. Word.
  10. Below are characteristics of a certain group of animals.
    1. They live partly on land and partly in water.
    2. They lay eggs.
    3. They do not have a constant body temperulure.
    4. They breathe through lungs.
      Which of the following groups fit then description above?
      1. Reptiles .
      2. Fish
      3. Mammals..
      4. Bird.
  11. Which of the following parts is correctly matched with its function?
    1. S - used to give instructions
    2. T - used to type. 
    3. Z - shows or displays what is happening.
    4. V - connects the digital device to the hardware.
  12. The following are water pollutants. Which one is not?
    1. Oils spills.
    2. Smoke
    3. Sewage.
    4. Factory water
  13. Four learners were asked to identify the state of matter that has the following characteristics.
    1. have definite shape.
    2. have definite volume.
    3. have definite mass.
      Who gave the correct answer?
      1. Juma - liquids.
      2. Mariam insulators.
      3. Abdi - gases.
      4. Sarah - solids.
  14. A metallic ball sinks in water while a plastic one will float. This is due to
    1. material.
    2. shape. 
    3. size.
    4. mass.
  15. Which waterborne disease can be controlledby draining stagnant water?
    1. Dysentery.
    2. Bilharzia.
    3. Typhoid.
    4. Cholera.
  16. Which of the following is not a form of gardening?
    1. Vertical gardening.
    2. Kitchen gardening.
    3. Market gardening.
    4. Horizontal gardening.
  17. The following tools are used in farm. Which one is used for weeding?
    1. Jembe.
    2. Prunning saw.
    3. Sickel.
    4. Axe.
  18. Grade five learners in Makongeni school were asked to name the part of the vegetable eaten. Which pupil gave the correct answer?
        Vegetables  Part eaten 
    A.  Mercy   carrots  fruits
    B. Paul  Onion  bulb
    C. Tom  Tomatoes  leaves
    D. Natalie  Kales  roots
  19. Mr. Mwema was adviced by an Agricultural officer to instal gutters to avoid soil erosion near his house. Which type of erosion was he controlling?
    1. Sheet erosion.
    2. Rill erosion
    3. Splash erosion.
    4. Gulley erosion.
  20. Which part of planting material is used to plant pumpkin?
    1. Seed.
    2. Leaves
    3. Cutting.
    4. Roots
  21. The following animals can be controlled by the use of a fence except a
    1. squirrel. 
    2. Mongoose
    3. hare.
    4. bird
  22. The following are creeping crops except
    1. pumpkin.
    2. cabbage.
    3. calabash.
    4. watermelon.
  23. Birds kept for laying eggs are called
    1. broilers.
    2. dairy.  
    3. layers.
    4. beef.
  24. Rice is grown in _______ type of soil
    1. clay soil
    2. cotton soil
    3. sandy soil
    4. loam soil
  25. The best way for controlling gulley erosion is by
    1. building gabbions.
    2. making terraces.
    3. planting cover crops.
    4. contour farming.
  26. Which term is used to describe the process of collecting soil from deposition sites and using it to replace the lost top soil?
    1. soil erosion.
    2. run-off.
    3. solid deposit
    4. soil recovery.
  27. Calton was seen in the school garden carrying out the practice below. Which gardening practice was this?
    1. Weeding.
    2. Mulching.
    3. Watering.
    4. Thinning.
  28. Which of the following crop is not a legume?
    1. Maize.
    2. Peas.
    3. Bean.
    4. Groundnuts.
  29. Three of the following crops are grown in a sunked seedbed except
    1. kale.
    2. spinach
    3. tomatoes
    4. Sugarcane
  30. Grade four learners made the structure below.
    What was the function of the structure above?
    1. make the farm attractive 
    2. breed rodents.
    3. scare animals. 
    4. entertainment.
  31. Grade 5 pupils from Heshima Academy grouped food in groups below. Which group consist of food that provide our bodies with fats and oil? 
    1. Beans, groundnuts, lentils.
    2. Samosa, mandazi, pancakes.
    3. Butter, cheese, red meat.
    4. Chicken, ice cream, oily spinach.
  32. Identify the bleaching symbol shown below.
    1. Do not bleach.
    2. Any bleach is ok. 
    3. Bleach with caution.
    4. Oxygen bleach only.
  33. The following are some of the measures that can be used to prevent common communicable diseases. Which one is not?
    1. Cleaning and disinfecting shared surfaces. 
    2. Shaking hands.
    3. Avoid sharing personal items.
    4. Regular washing of hands...
  34. Which of the following diseases is caused by nutritional deficiency?
    1. Measles.
    2. Elephantiasis. 
    3. Mumps.
    4. Kwashiokor.
  35. Name the embroidery stitch shown below.
    1. Chain stitch.
    2. Stem stitch.
    3. Satin stitch.
    4. Loop stitch.
  36. Below are some of the reasons for stuffing shoes after cleaning except to
    1. make them look smart
    2. maintain the shape 
    3. improve the quality
    4. keep off small animals and snakes.
  37. Misuse of cosmetics can cause the following dangers except
    1. diarrhoea.
    2. headaches.
    3. face rash.
    4. skin irritation.
  38. Which of the list below consist of tools used sowing only?
    1. (i), (ii), (iii)
    2. (ii), (iii), (v)
    3. (ii), (iii), (iv)
    4. (iii), (iv), (v):
  39. Which is the best stitch to use in repairing a gaping seam?
    1. Backstitch,
    2. Chain stitch.
    3. Hemming stitch.
    4. Double stitch.
  40. Pupils in Lamu Academy were asked to nam one basic method of weaving used in fabri construction. Who among the following giri named the correct method?
    1. Mary - Double weave.
    2. Ann - Flat weave. 
    3. Liz - Cotton weave.
    4. Terry - Plain weave
  41. Inorder to improve pool hygienes, which one of the following should be observed? 
    1. Always use floaters and lifesavers to save you from drowning
    2. Do not swim immediately after taking meals
    3. Avoid diving at the shallow ends of the pool
    4. Visit the toilet before going to swim.
  42. Martin was scen swimming using the technique below.
    which swimming technique was Martin likely to be practising?
    1. Breast stroke.
    2. Sidestroke. 
    3. Diving
    4. Backstroke.
  43. The following are points to be followed while performing a one handed catch in a frisbee game except
    1. always aim to catch the disc with one hand
    2. avoid catching the disc using your thumb and fingers.
    3. Watch and time the oncoming disc carefully as it flies towards you .
    4. stand with your feet shoulder width apart with your knees slightly bent.
  44. Joel got hurt on his knce while playing a soccer game. Which one of the following steps of managing the wound should come first?
    1. Cleaning the wound well.
    2. Applying an antiseptic such as spirit or dettol.
    3. Bandages the wound well to avoid blecding. 
    4. Apply alcohol or swap to the area.
  45. A method of starting a race where the knees of the rear leg is opposite to the 10e of the Ieading leg with hand placed shoulder width apart is known as
    1. bunch start
    2. clongated print start
    3. medium spirit start
    4. standing start.
  46. Grade 6 boy was seen playing a handball skill shown below.
    Which one of the following statements is false about the skill above?
    1. It aims at making a score froin an ordinary . position. 
    2. It allows one to advance with the ball.
    3. Enables a player to go past a defender. 
    4. It is a defensive skill used by the goal keeper only.
  47. A game of rounders is played by ______ players.
    1. 9
    2. 7
    3. 8
    4. 11
  48. While practising for balance, a PHE instructor can encourage his learners to peerom the following skills except
    1. V-balance.
    2. T-balance.
    3. crouch balance.
    4. rope work skills.
  49. The following are attacking skills used in a Kabaddi game
    The attacking skills shown above is known
    1. toe touch. 
    2. foot touch
    3. side kicking
    4. hand touch
  50. During a PHE practical lesson, leaners practised the following types of passes.
    1. Overarm pass
    2. Underarm pass
    3. Chest pass 
    4. Bounce puss
      Which of the above passes is ased to pass ihe ball over a short distance?
      1. (iii)
      2. (iv)
      3. (ii)
      4. (i)

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
Tagged under


Soma mzungumzo yafuatayo kishu ujibu maswali 1-4

Jona: Shikamoo dada? Umetulia sana hapa jikoni. Unafanya nini?
Hadija: Marahaba ndugu yangu. Nataka nimalize kuosha vyombo. Ningependa kumrahisishia mama kazi atakapokuja kuandaa chajio.
Jona: Huo ni uamuzi wa busara. Hebu nikusaidie ili tumalize kazi hiyo nawe ukafanye kazi ulizopewa shuleni.
Hadija: (Akitabasamu) Asante. Naona unaelewa kuwa kinga na kinga ndipo moto liwakapo.
Jona: (Huku ukizichukia suhuni azioshe kwenye kuro) Wajua ni jukumu letu kuwasaidia wazazi hapa nyumbani. Huu ndio mchango wetu katika kupunguza matumizi. Au wasemaje dada?
Hadija: Kweli kabisa. Hapo umegonga ndipo. Hakuna haja ya wazazi kuwaajiri vijakazi na vitwana wafanye kazi za nyumbani ilhali mzazi ana watoto wakubwa kama sisi.
Jona: Maadamu tumeimaliza shughuli ya usafi naomba uje unielekeze kufanya hesabu mbili zinazonitatiza.
Hadija: Hlewala, nitakusaidia.
Jona: Asante dada. Tahika ndugu ni kufaana, si kufanana.

  1. Mazungumzo haya yanaonyesha kuwa
    1. Jona ni mkubwa kuliko Hladija.
    2. Tadija ni mkubwa kuliko Jona.
    3. Hadija ni mkubwa kuliko Jona.
    4. Jona ni mwerevu kuliko Hadija.
  2. Watoto hawa ni wenye busara kwa sababu,
    1. wanajua umuhimu wa kuwasaidia wazazi.
    2. wanafanya kazi za nyumbani badala ya kusoma.
    3. wanafahamu ubaya wa vijakazi na . vitwana.
    4. wanaogopa kugombezwa na wazazi wao.
  3. Usemi hapo umegonga ndipo' una maana. kwamba
    1. aliyosema Jona si kweli.
    2. aliyosema Jona hayawezekani.
    3. aliyosema Jona yanashangaza.
    4. aliyosema Jona ni ukweli.
    5. Umuhimu wa ndugu kulingana na mazungumzo ni
    6. kuishi pamoja.
    7. kupeana msaada.
    8. kufanana sana.
    9. kufanya hesabu.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kishú ujibu muswali 5 - 8
             Kobe alikuwa akitoka cheteni kuuza mboga zake. Siku hiyo, mboga zilinunuliwa zote hata akahitajika kupeleka zaidi. Wateja wake walifurahishwa na mboga zake maadamu hakutumia kemikali zenya madhara. Hakutaka wale waliotumia mboga hizo wadhurike.
             Njiani, alikutana na Pundamilia na Ngiri. Aliwasaili kuhusu walikokuwa wakitoka wakati ule. Pundamilia alimjibu, "Tumetoka kupanda miti upande wa mashariki wa msitu huu. Tumegundua kuwa binadamu ameikata miti mingi sana. Hali hii akiendelea kutatokea kiangazi.” Kobe aliwashukuru na kuwapongeza wenzake kwa uamuzi wao wa busara. Kisha akasema, “Hakika mtego wa panya huingia waliokuwemo na wasiokuwemo. Ni muhimu tuzuje hatari ya ukosefu wa mvua kwa kupanda miti. Nitaenda huko kesho nitimize wajibu wangu."
             Baada ya hapo, wanyama wale walipungiana mikono, Kobe akajiendea zake. Akilini aliwaza, "kwa nini binadamu hatumii akili yake razini? Tamaa hii ya kukata miti kwa kutaka utajiri wa haraka, si itamwangamiza? Isitoshe, juzi nilipopita karibu na kijiji chao, niliona wamerundika taka kila mahali. Hakika wasipoubadili mkondo huo watajuta baada ya kuathirika.”

  1. Neno jingine lenye maana sawa na cheteni ni
    1. sokoni 
    2. nyumbani
    3. shambani
    4. mjini
  2. Kwa nini wateja walizipenda mboga za Kobe? Kobe
    1. alikuwa rafiki wa kila mtu.
    2. alikuwa mkulima hodari.
    3. alijali afya ya wateja wake.
    4. aliziuza kwa bei nafuu.
  3. Ahadi aliyotoa Kobe ni kuwa,
    1. A. angezuia uharibifu wa msitu wao.
    2. angeenda kupanda miti siku iliyofuata. 
    3. angemshauri binadamu aache kuharibu mazingira.
    4. angeenda kupeleka mboga upande wa mashariki.
  4. Tabia za binadamu zinazokashifiwa na Kobe ni
    1. uchoyo na uharibifu.
    2. ukatili na uvivu.
    3. mapuuza na kujitenga.
    4. tamaa na uharibifu.

Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 9 - 12.
(Sunkuli na Malaika wamekutana njiani)

Sunkuli: Habari rafiki yangu?
Malaika: Nzuri mwenzangu sunkuli. Je, safari ya wapi jioni hii?
Sunkuli: Naenda kwa Mama Fatuma kumpekelekea chakula. Amekuwa akiugua tangu juzi. Mama amenituma nikamjulie hali na kumpa maziwa haya
Malaika: Ooh! Bi Fatuma yuaugua. Kumbe ndiposa sijamwona akipita karibu na kwetu hivi karibuni. Wajua hawezi kupita bila kutoa salamu.
Sunkuli: Kwa hakika Bi Fatuma ni mtu wa watu. Watu wote wangemwiga yeye, taifa lingekuwa na mshikamano mzuri sana. Maovu mengi yangeisha kwani kila mtu angemchukulia mwenzake kama ndugu.
Malaika: Haya ukifika kwa Bi Fatuma umpe salamu zangu. Nitaenda kumjulisha mama kuhusu maradhi yake. Nikipata kibali nitaenda kuzuru kesho mwendo wa adhuhuri.
Sunkuli: Sawa Malaika. Nina uhakika kuwa utapewa idhini hiyo. Wema hauozi. Hakuna mtu anayeweza kumnyima Bi. Fatuma msaada.
Malaika: Haya, hebu nenda usije kuchelewa. Kwaheri.
Sunkuli: Kwaheri na uwe na jioni njema,

  1. Sunkuli alipokutana na Malaika alikuwa,
    1. akitoka kumsaidia Bi Fatuma.: 
    2. ameenda kuona kama Bi Fatuma aliugua.
    3. ameenda kumjulia hali Bi Fatuma. 
    4. ametoka kuchukua maziwa kwa Bi Fatuma.
  2. Neno ooh! ni aina ya
    1. kielekezi
    2. kiingizi 
    3. kihusishi
    4.  kiwakilishi.
  3. Bi Fatuma ni mtu wa watu ndiko kusema,
    1. anajulikana na watu wengi.
    2. anasaidiwa na watu wengi.
    3. amewasaidia watu wote.
    4. anahusiana vyema na watu.
  4. Malaika anaahidi kuenda kumsaidia Bi fatuma. Msaada huu utatolewa ikiwa
    1. atapewa ruhusa.
    2. atapata wakati 
    3. hatakuwa amepona.
    4. hatakuwa na kazi nyingine.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha uyajibu maswali 13 - 15

Shawe alikuwa na mazoea ya kuenda msalani mara kwa mara kwa haja ndogo. Mwalimu wake aligundua jambo hilo. Alimwita mlezi wake ofisini mwake. “Asante kwa kuitikia mwito wangu, Naomba umpeleke mwana wako kwenye hospitali achunguzwe," Mwalimu akasema.
Shawe alipelekwa hospitalini kwanza alipimwa uzani wake. Baada ya kadi yao ya matibabu kukaguliwa, walitumwa maabarani. Damu yake ilifanyiwa vipimo. Daktari alimwuliza maswali kadhaa. “Daktari, kibofu changu hujaa haraka nami hushindwa kustahimili,” Shawe alimwambia tabibu. Shawe alipigwa picha ya eksirei. Picha hiyo ilionyesha kuwa mafigo yake yalikuwa na tatizo. Kwa bahati nzuri tatizo liligunduliwa mapema. Alipendekezwa kulazwa hospitalini ili atibiwe himahima. Ndugu zake, majirani na wanafunzi wenzake walimwombea apate afueni.

  1. Jambo linaloonyesha kuwa Shawe alikuwa na shida ni kwamba
    1. mwalimu alimwita mlezi wake shuleni.
    2. alikuwa akienda msalani mara mojamoja.
    3. alienda kujisaidia mara kwa mara.
    4. mwalimu alimwona amejikunyata darasani.
  2. Shawe alikuwa na bahati kwani,
    1.  shida yake haikuwa hatari.
    2. hakuwa na shida yoyote.
    3. shida yake iligunduliwa mapema.
    4. watu wote walimwombea.
  3. Viungo vya mwili vilivyotajwa hulahta kazi gani?
    1. Kusukuma damu mwilini.
    2. Kusafisha damu.
    3. Kuyeyusha chakula.
    4. Kuhifadhi mkojo.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 16 mpaka 20. Kwa kila swali umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Watu     16    wanashiriki, michezo huwa na afya    17   . Jambo hili huwasaidia     18     magonjwa    19    kuhatarisha maisha yao. Hata hivyo, mtu    20   mazoezi, huathirika kiafya.

16. A. ambaye  B. ambapo  C. ambao D. ambayo 
17. A. mzuri  B. njema  C. jema  D. mwema 
18. A. kuepuka  B. kuepusha  C. kuepukana  D. kuepukia 
19. A. zinazoweza  B. inayoweza  C. yanaweza  D. yanayoweza. 
20. A. akishiriki  B. alishiriki  C. anashiriki  D. asiposhiriki. 

Kutoka swali la 21 hadi la 30 chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Tumia kiulizi kifaacho zaidi Kimaru aliwauza sungura
    1. ngapi
    2. mangapi
    3. wagani
    4. wangapi
  2. Lifuatalo ni jedwali la maneno. Kundi lipi lina vielezi pekee?.
    kali  tamu  safi  bora 
    B pole pole  kwa kasi  sana  haraka 
    C sahani  kikombe  maua  uteo 
    D juu ya  kando ya  katikati ya  ndani ya 
  3.  Bakari ni kaka' wa mama yangu. Kwa hivyo nitamwita
    1. mwamu 
    2. mpwa
    3. ami
    4. mjomba
  4. Andika wingi wa:
    Birika hilo lina chai nyingi.
    1. Birika hizo zina chai nyingi.
    2. Mabirika hizo zina chai nyingi
    3. Mabirika hayo yana chai nyingi.
    4. Birika hayo yana chai nyingi.
  5. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho: .
    Chauma bila meno, chaumiza bila silaha.
    1. Siafu. 
    2. Moto.
    3. Chungu.
    4. Kiraka
  6. Nomino maziwa na mazingira huorodheshwa katika ngeli moja. Itambuc. ngcli hiyo.
    1. YA - YA
    2. I-ZI
    3. U - YA 
    4. U-ZI
  7. Methali zifuatazo zinaonyesha ushirikiano.
    Ni ipi iliyo tofauti?
    1. Mgaagaa na upwa hali wali mkavu.
    2. Umoja ni nguvu.
    3. Wawili si mmoja.
    4. Kidole kimoja hakivunji chawa.
  8. . Shairi ambalo huwa na mishororo mitatu katika kila ubcri ni
    1. tarbia 
    2. tathnia
    3. tathlitha
    4. kibwagizo.
  9. Mtu mwenye sifa ya upole hufananishwa na kiumbe yupi?
    1. Fisi
    2. Punda 
    3. Paka
    4. Njiwa.
  10. Kufanya kazi kwa ushirikiano ni :
    1. kujifunga nira
    2. kupinda mgongo
    3. kufanya kikoa 
    4. kupiga deki.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. D
  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D


Tagged under


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 - 5

Cow:            Hallo everyone. The other day our discussion did not come to an end as there fell a heavy rain. Let us discuss our importance to our master, man.
Dog:             You all know how important I am to man. I make sure that you, the farmer and his family are safe. For that reason, I am the most important animal in the farm. 
Sheep:          But dog, you don't give our master any food product. I give him mutton which is good for his health. I also give him wool as well. This way, he's safe from cold weather. So, I am the most important anımal here.
Donkey:         Who carries our master's luggage to the market? I am the strongest animal of all of u Are we together?
Chicken:        I believe you all know that my meat is the most delicious. Whenever our master has special visitors, he depends on my meat and eggs  to make them and his family happy.
Cow:               You all know that the farmer uses my milk to make his children healthy. That aside, I provide skin and manure to the farmer. Since I provide more than all of you, I am the most important animal. (enters the farmer)
Man:                Hey! Hey! I have been following in your argument keenly. Though some of you provide food products, some provide services. This means that each one of you is equally important to me. For that reason, you are all my friends.

  1. According to this conversation, which of the following animals provide services only?
    1. Cow and donkey. 
    2. Dog and donkey.
    3. Sheep and dog.
    4. Sheep and cow
  2. The conversation puts it clear that man gets duvets from
    1. sheep.
    2. cow: 
    3. chicken.
    4. donkey
  3. "Who boasted to be the strongest animal?
    1. Dog
    2. Chicken.
    3. Cow
    4. Donkey
  4. According to this conversation,for his children's health, which animal did the farmer depend on?
    1. Chicken.
    2. Dog.
    3. Cow.
    4. Sheep.
  5. Finally, what is man's conclusion? 
    1. Food product providers were more  important.
    2. Service providing animals were liked most
    3. None of the animals was of any importance.
    4. All the animals were equally important.

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 9

             In a warm simmer afternoon in a park or garden, bees are buzzing around the flowers. You might be sitting in the sun and feeling kind of lazy. But the bees are busy doing work that is important to you. Bees work very hard day and night. They are also very organized.
            Bees are insects. They have three pairs of legs and four wings. Like all insects, they have a head, thorax and abdomen. They have mouth parts and a tongue for collecting nectar. Becs live in groups called colonies. They can also live in hives. They like flowers and you can see them from one flower to another. They collect nectar and pollen as food. They also make wax'which is used to make candles. Bees have a queen. There is only one queen in the hive. The queen lays eggs in the hive. There are other bees called workers. They make the hive and collect nectar. They also protect the hive. They sting anyone or anything that disturbs them.

  1. When bees work hard day and night, they
    1. sting any intruder.
    2. make honey.
    3. protect the colony. 
    4. lay eggs.
  2. Bees are not different from other insects because they.
    1. have three pairs of wings.
    2. sting anybody or anything that disturbs them.
    3. have a thorax.
    4. make honey using nectar.
  3. To humans, bees are useful in that they
    1. make wax for candles
    2. protect their colonies.
    3. feed on honey and nectar.
    4. sting whatever disturbs them.
  4. The work of the queen bee is to
    1. collect nectar.
    2. protect the hive.
    3. lay eggs.
    4. make the hive.

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.

             The are many species of wild cats ranging in size. Some of the wild cats are leopard, lions and tigers. Which of these did our domestic cats come from? Cats are more difficult to tame than other members of the dog family like wolf cubs or jackal cubs.
             Like people, wolves, jackals and dogs live and work together naturally in packs. They are social animals. Cats are not at all like this. As wild animals, they live and hunt alone. They are naturally unsociable animals. This makes them difficult to tame. Even the kittens of domestic cats, if born in a different corner of the garden, can be difficult to tame unless brought into the house very young.
             If you have both a cat and a dog in your house, you will notice the difference in their characters. The dog wants to take part in everything that is going on as a full member of the family. He sometimes barks at strangers to keep them away and has a much sense of responsibility to the house and family. But your cat simply lives with you because it suits him and takes no real part in things. Nobody ever heard of a cat yowling at a stranger or bitter at a burglar.

  1. According to the first paragraph, which statement is true?
    1. Cats and dogs are easier to tame than wolves and jackals.
    2. Cats, leopards, lions and tigers belong to the same family.
    3. Tigers, lions, dogs and jackals belong to the same family.
    4. Wolves and jackals are members of wild cats.
  2. Why are cats not easy to tame? They
    1. hunt alone and are not social
    2. are very fearful and very dangerous.
    3. don't like to live with people.
    4. have funny characters.
  3. According to the passage, why do cats  live with people?
    1. Because they were tamed.
    2. Because of the benefits they get  from people.
    3. To show responsibility as the owner  of the house.
    4. They don't like living as wild animals.

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.

             Jack and I examined the bread-fruit. We were much struck with its broad leaves which were twelve or eighteen inches long, deeply indented and of a glossy smoothness like laurel.
             The tree bears two or three crops of fruits in a year-much like wheatened bread in appearance. It is found in shape, about six inches in diameter with a rough outer skin. It forms the principal food of many south sea islanders. The fruit of the tree we inspected hung in clusters of twos and threes on the branches and were of various colours from light pea-green to brown and rich yellow. Jack said the yellow fruits were ripe. The trunk was twenty feet high, being quite destitute of the branches upto that height, where it branched off into a beautiful head. The wood which is durable and of a good colour is used to build native houses, the bark of the young branches being made into cloth. Another product of this wonderful tree is the gum which serves the natives for pitching their canoes.

  1.  What is the fruit like in appearance?
    1. Deeply indented and of a glossy smoothness.
    2. Broad leaves and of a glossy
    3. It is twelve or eighteen inches long.
    4. It is like wheatened bread in appearance and round in shape.
  2. Why is the tree very important to the  natives?
    1. It bears fruits that form the principal food for many islanders.
    2. Because it bears fruits sic inches long and has a rough outer skin.
    3. because of its broad leaves. 
    4. because it has a glossy smoothness. smoothness.
  3. How could you recognise a ripe fruit? By its 
    1. leaves which are 12 or 18 inches long. 
    2. rough outer skin.
    3. rich yellow colour.
    4. round shape. 

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space select the best alternative from the choices given

             Kimberly watched the moving van     16      to the house next     17    . Finally, some new neighbours. The house had stood     18    for months and Kimberly had been hoping a girl of her age would move in.
             "Mom, they are here!" She   19   . "Well, let them settle and then we'll go over and say hello and welcome them to the neighbourhood," Mother said. Kimberly stared     20    and hopeful as the van door opened.

16  A. wind up B. pull up  C. get down  D. break down 
17 A, place B. apartment C. door  D. room
18 A. empty B. occupied C. vacancy  D. still
19 A. whisper B. barked C. ordered  D. yelled
20 A. eyes apart B. blindly C. wide-eyed  D. loud and clear

For questions 21 to 23. select the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences,

  1. By ________ was the van driven?
    1. who
    2. whose
    3. whom
    4. which
  2. The boy _______ shoes were missing is here. 
    1. who
    2. whose
    3. where
    4. whom
  3. _________ is the fifth president of Kenya?
    1. Who
    2. What
    3. Whose
    4. Whom

For questions 24 to 26. choose the best alternative to replace the underlined words.

  1. Komu was showing off because of his new computer game. 
    1. playing.
    2. . boasting.
    3. displaying.
    4. representing.
  2. A group of lions was seen in the grassland.
    1. herd. 
    2. flock.
    3.  troupe.
    4. .pride.
  3. The Ballers beat our team in the tournament.
    1. won
    2. crushed.
    3. defeated
    4. sentenced.

In questions 27 to 29. choose the best alternative to complete the sentences,

  1. The basket was ______ Masese to lift.
    1. very heavy. 
    2. too heavy.
    3. so heavy.
    4. quite heavy.
  2. Mr. Kanga was _________ tired that he had to take a rest.
    1. So
    2. very 
    3. too
    4. extremely
  3. The guests ________ for ugali and fried pork in the resturant.
    1. begged 
    2. asked
    3. demand
    4. ordered

For question 30, select a different pronoun,

    1. Nowhere
    2. Anywhere 
    3. Where
    4. Somewhere

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
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