Thursday, 28 October 2021 09:51

Performing - CBC Grade 5 Music Revision Notes


Repertoire - This is a wide collection of songs. It varies in language, events or occasions and activities relevant to the learners.
There are various categories of songs to be learnt in Grade 5
They include

  • Religious songs
  • Patriotic songs
  • Topical songs
  • Popular songs

The criteria for choosing songs should include

  • Simplicity in text and, rhythm and melody
  • Stepwise movement of melodies
  • Call and responsorial.
  • Songs with catchy appealing melodies.
  • Strophic infrastructure (songs with different verses which are sung to the same music).
  • Full appropriate activities / actions for the learners.

Types of Songs

  1. Patriotic songs – They are sung in praise of a county and its leaders. They emphasize on patriotism and social cohesion eg Kenya, Kenya Taifa Leo.
  2. Topical songs – they are used to convey special message on pertinent and contemporary issue. These include safety, personal hygiene, health and nutrition, importance of education environmental conservation and values. Corona Ni Atari, wash your hands.
  3. Religious / sacred songs – They are imposed for religious purpose e.g. Christianity, Islam and Hinduism use their sacred songs to worship and praise a divine.
  4. Popular songs – They have great appeal to listeners. Such songs cause an audience to easily dance or sing along. The lyrics. Rhythm, melody or genre can influence the popularity of the songs.

The East African Anthem

  • It is also known as wimbo wa Jumuiya ya Africa Mashariki in Kiswahili
  • It has three verses which are sung in Kiswahili
  • It is also commonly or simply referred to as EACA (EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY ANTHEM)
  • The anthem is sung among the east African community members states namely: Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
  • The music of EAC anthem is presented in two scores namely:
    1. A choral music score written for Soprano, Alto ,Tenor and Bass
    2. Brass band music score written for the western brass musical instrument.
  • In grade 5 it is limited to being sung in unison using Soprano melody.
  • It is to be sung once the East African Communities has been hosted in all government and public learning institutions in Kenya.
  • Both the Kenya National Anthem and the EACA should be performed at public events with the aim of boosting the East African Community integration and also as a symbol of unity among the East African community member states.

Guidelines of Performing the EACA

  1. During and the occasion of the performance, everyone present should stand to show a sign of respect.
  2. EACA citizens shall sing or play the anthem during the occasions or regional significance.
  3. Individuals playing or singing the EACA should ensure that the tune and the lyrics (words) are sung with the dignity it deserves.
  4. Either the instrumental or sung version will be performed.

Occasions during which the EACA is performed

  • During all the EACA summit meeting and commemoration days.
  • During any occasion of the community where the head of the state is present, two verses of the anthem shall be sung or played
  • Any other occasion

Skills and concepts to be developed in singing

Accuracy in pitch, rhythm and words should be observed while singing the various types of songs.
Learners should observe the natural speech rhythm of the words of the songs which define the rhythmic pattern of the songs

There are indicators to show that learners are ready to sing in parts, they include:

  1. Singing in tune and unison without support of either the voice or instrumental accompaniment.
  2. Accurate imitation of melodic phrases and phrases and rhythmic patterns.
  3. Confidence while singing alone with others.


  1. Name three types of songs?
  2. Write occasions when patriotic songs are performed?
  3. When should the East African Community Anthem should be sung in Kenya?
  4. Write the Kenya National Anthem verse 1 in Kiswahili?
  5. Name any three voices in a three part song?

Kenya Folk Songs

  • Singing is part and parcel of everyday life in any community. This habitual practice is deeply embedded in every cultural activity within the community.
  • It plays and integral part in ritual and social event within a community.
  • Folk songs are songs sung in particular community.
  • It originates among the people of particular are or locality.
  • They are sung in the local dialect or language of the community they originates from.
  • The songs are handed down from singer to singe or from one generation to another by oral tradition
  • Folk song starts at welcoming of birth once new born baby takes the first breath.
  • As an individual, he or she celebrates rite of passage which introduce them to adult responsibilities as captured in work songs, wedding songs, initiations songs, praise songs and when an individual dies, dirges (funeral songs)
  • The circumstance/events/occasions within which the folk songs are performed dictate the message, gender and aged of the participant.
  • Folk songs tell stories, give a snippet of the past life and highlight various areas of life shared across the cultures and shed life don similarities between people.

Folk songs serve the following roles

  1. Preserves community culture
  2. Define cultural identity/helps to distinguish one community from the other.
  3. Used as a medium of communication
  4. Enhance or strengthen unity or solidarity within the community.
  5. Enhances conformity to social norms of the community.
  6. Creates/provides a medium forum of emotional expression


    life is punctuated by different events or occasions. The events are influenced by community tradition, customs and history e.g ritual and social occasions such as birth of baby, work, marriage, funerals initiations and religious ceremonies. Each occasion has its own special song.
    Folk songs play a communicative role. The various occasions dictate that the song sung have messages that are appropriate to the ceremony or event. The messages as communicated through text, dictate the mood of the folk songs.
    Folk songs are appropriate and uphold community values, virtues, customs and norms
    Community diversity is also evident through the varied array of musical instruments.
    In most community, musical instruments are used to accompany folk songs. Music instruments can either be melodic or rhythmic.
    During the performance of folk songs, music instruments can be played for the following reasons:
    1. To support the melody/tune
    2. To pitch the performance
    3. Make the performance interesting /lively
    4. To provide rhythmic support
    5. To fill up the interludes during the performance
    6. Help in keeping the steady beat
    Folk songs are performed in groups or as solo. Participants vary in age and gender. They include; soloist, singers and instrumentalist.
    The occasions during which folk songs are performed influences the age group and gender of participants e.g. boys and girls, men and women
    African folk songs are largely responsorial in style also referred to as solo choral response
    A soloist can either be male or female. A good soloist should be confident and audible.

Roles of a soloist in a folk song

  • Pitching singers so that they sing without straining
  • To cue singers on the change of melody or body movements
  • Address the audience while commanding singers
  • To coordinate the movements during the performance.
    The choral groups/response sings the same tune/ melody throughout the performance of folk song. This referred to as singing in unison
    The vocal power of the choral response must match the vocal strength of the soloist


  • Dress appropriately
  • Talking – this distracts the performance
  • Reactions to others - e.g. during a mistakes, it is wrong to stare, mock or boo.
  • Maintain enough space between the participant to avoid collision
  • Always accept and acknowledge the applause from any audience.


  1. The participant who leads a folk song is known as ………………..
  2. A folk song belongs to ………….. of community
  3. Name any other occasion when a folk song is performed.
Read 8758 times Last modified on Thursday, 28 October 2021 12:57