Displaying items by tag: 2022


  1. Which come following parts of a flower produces sex cells?
    1. Stigma and style
    2. Antlers and ovary
    3. Style and filament
    4. Pollen grains and ovules.
  2. Which one of the following vessels is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Aorta - Transports blood away from the heart
    2. Venacava - Transports blood from the heart.
    3. Artery - Transports deoxygenated blood.
    4. Vein - Transports Oxygenated blood.
  3. Which one of the following is the best way of controlling parasites that causes irritation on livestock?
    1. Handpicking
    2. Spraying
    3. Dipping
    4. Deworming
  4. Which of the following pairs of plants depends on other plants for support? 
    1. Tomatoes and passion
    2. Mango and oranges
    3. Passion and arrowroots:
    4. Cassava and sweet potato
  5. Which one of the following describes the best way of handling medicines at home?
    1. Storing medicine near the source off heat.
    2. Sharing medicine with the same ailment.
    3. Using soft drink bottles to store liquid medicine.
    4. Completing dosage even when one is feeling well.
  6. The diagram below represents a setup that can be used to investigate a certain aspect of heat.
    The heat reaches the metallic spring through
    1. convection only
    2. conduction and radiation
    3. radiation only
    4. conduction and convection.
  7. Which one of the following plants are mainly grown to produce threads for making ornaments?
    1. Cotton and flux,
    2. Palm trees and sugarcane
    3. Sisal and barley.
    4. Pyrethrum and coffee.
  8. Which one of the following is an adaptation of animals that mainly feed on flesh?
    1. Strong hind legs.
    2. Modified premolars and molars.
    3. Streamlined body:
    4. Strong hollow molars.
  9. Which one of the following is an advantage of in-organic fertilizer?
    1. Have long term effects.
    2. Spread weeds.
    3. Locally available.
    4. Increases rate of production.
  10. The diagram below represents a breathing system
    Which is the main process that take place in part marked V?
    1. Warming air.
    2. Absorption of air.
    3. Cleaning of air.
    4. Storing of clean air.
  11. The following were used to investigate factor that affects sinking and floating.
    1. wooden spoon.
    2. 1 piece of steel wool.
    3. Water in a transparent basin.
      The factor investigated was
      1. shape of the material
      2. type of material
      3. size of material
      4. mass of material.
  12. Which of the following materials have definite shape and mass?
    1. Oxygen. oil, stones.
    2. Steam, candle wax, leather.
    3. Water, kerosene, diesel.
    4. Nails, Ieaves, gravel.
  13. Which one of the following diseases is correctly matched with the date they are immunized?
       At birth  Fourteen week 
    A  Polio   Hepatitis B
    B  Tuberculosis   Measles
    C   Yellow fever   Tetanus
    D   Whooping cough   Polio
  14. When modelling the solar system, which materials are used 10 mount sun and planets?
    1. Glue and manilla paper.
    2. Thorns and wires. 
    3. Plasticine and clay.
    4. Paper mache and nails.
  15. The quantity of matter in an object is called
    1. Weight
    2. friction
    3. mass
    4. magnetic
  16. Which one of the following is a myth and misconception about HIV and AIDS?
    1. HIV is mainly spread through both fluids.
    2. AIDS develop in stages.
    3. Unsterilized piercing objects may spread HIV virus.
    4. Mosquito bite may spread HIV virus.
  17. Which one of the following statements is true about weather instrument?
    1. The tail of a windvane is smaller than the head.
    2. Raingauge measures two aspects of weather. 
    3. Windsock mainly measures the strength of wind.
    4. Scale of air thermometer reads from bottom to up.
  18. The diagram below represents an excretory organ.
    Name the parts labelled M
    1. sweat glands 
    2. sweat pores
    3. sweat duct
    4. dermis,
  19. Which pair of characteristics is common to lizard, toad, spiny ant cater and hawk?
    1. Varying body temperature, breathe through lungs,
    2. Lay eggs, have scales.
    3. Varying body temperature, have scales
    4. Lay eggs, breathe through lungs.
  20. Which one of the following materials is not needed when investigating drainage in soil?
    1. Cotton wool
    2. Funnel
    3. Collecting jars
    4. Measuring jars.
  21. In a certain activity, pupils were told to drop text book above their desks from different heights. This was to investigate
    1. amplification of sounds
    2. Types of sounds
    3. pollution of sounds 
    4. types of special sounds.
  22. Which of the following is the most  appropriate event for creating public awareness on HIV/AIDS for the youth
    1. Wedding ceremony. 
    2. Chief Baraza.
    3. Job interview
    4. Sports and games
  23. In an activity to investigate types of soil erosion pupils poured water at different positions of a slanting soil surface with channels. Which type of soil erosion were they demonstrating?
    1. Splash erosion.
    2. Sheet erosion.
    3. Gulley erosion.
    4. Rill erosion,
  24. Which changes of state of matter below require a substance to loss heat to the war surrounding?
    1. Evaporation and melting 
    2. Freezing and evaporation.
    3. Melting and condensation. 
    4. Condensation and freezing.
  25. Which one of the following is not a reason  why animals are fed commercial feeds?
    1. To increase milk production.
    2. To supplement other feeds.
    3. Provide specific nutrients to animals.
    4. Only given 10 animals under stall feeding,
  26. Which one of the following is the main reason of spreading dry grass around the stem of young plants? To, 
    1. conserve moisture ;
    2. control soil erosion 
    3. suffocate woods
    4. add nutrients to the soil.
  27. Which of the following is a way of using energy efficiently?
    1. Cooking using firewood.
    2. Using water to produce electricity.
    3. Using improved jiko
    4. Improving and network.
  28. A lactating mother eat food rich in calcium and phosphorous i order to
    1. Improve blood formation in the baby
    2. Improve immunity of the baby.
    3. Replace blood lost during giving birth
    4. Help formation of teeth and bones of the baby.
  29. Which of the following pairs of animals move by leaping and hopping? 
    1. Horse and kangaroo.
    2. Grasshopper and toad.
    3. Frog and ticks.
    4. Cricket and chameleon,     
  30. The following figure shows a common sign among diseases caused by poor sanitation.
    Which sign will it under R?
    1. Skin rashes.
    2. Violent diarrhoea.
    3. Blood in the stool.
    4. Pain in the joint.
  31. Three of the following are uses of heat at home expect
    1. Ironing clothes
    2. Scaring away pests
    3. Cooking
    4. Warming ourselves
  32. Which of the following is the correct procedure of separating of salt, rice husks and copper fillings?
    1. Dissolving - filtering -- use of a magnet - Evaporation.
    2. Use of magnet- dissolving - filtering - evaporation.
    3. Winnowing - dissolving - filtering - evaporation.
    4. Use of magnet - dissolving - sieving - evaporation.
  33. Which two types of food can be preserved by drying?
    1. Milk and fish,
    2. Coffee berries and vegetables,
    3. Arrow roots and honey.
    4. Meat and fruits. :
  34. A child has the following signs and symptoms.
    1. Sores at the corner of the mouth.
    2. Slow growth.
    3. Swollen face and checks.
      The disease is likely to be
      1. marasmus
      2. anaemia 
      3. ricket
      4. kwashiorkor
  35. Which of the following materials is correctly matched?
       Magnetic  Non magnetic  
     A   Razor blades  Copper wire
     B  Office pin  Steel wool
     C  Hair strand   Aluminium foil
     D  Wooden rod  Rubber bands
  36. Which one of the following is not a way of conserving soil?
    1. Ploughing along the contour.
    2. Practising rotational grazing.
    3. Burning long bushes to control weeds,
    4. Disposing kitchen refuse in the farm.
  37. The diagram below represents a periscope
    Which letter represents the image and object respectively?
    1. V and B.
    2. W and X 
    3. X and W
    4. V and W
  38. The following plants depends on animals for food except
    1. bladderwort
    2. sundow 
    3. pitcher plant 
    4. waterlily.
  39. Which of the following is best way of removing permanent hardness in water?
    1. Adding chemicals. 
    2. littering using clean materials.
    3. Using high temperature:
    4. Warming water.|
  40. The energy transformation that take place when dry cells are connected to a bulb is
    1. Chemical - electrical - light - heat
    2. Electrical - chemical -- heat - light
    3. Chemical - electrical - heat - light 
    4. Electrical - heat - chemical - light
  41. Which of the following is the characteristic of soil with low capillarily?
    1. Coarse particles.
    2. Sticky when wet
    3. Smooth texture.
    4. Best in farming.
  42. In which of the following activities is friction least useful?
    1. Riding a bicycle.
    2. Writing on exercise books.
    3. Pushing a crate of soda on the floor.
    4. Skating along the tarmac road.
  43. Which of the following is the second last stage of birth process?
    1. Release of afterbirth.
    2. Dilation of cervix.
    3. Bursting of amnion sac
    4. Culling of umbilical cord.
  44. Which of the following liquids will form one layer when put in a glass?
    1. Ink and oil.
    2. Diesel and paraffin.
    3. Milk and oil.
    4. Spirit and kerosene,
  45. In an activity, pupils collected the following materials.
    1. Drycells.
    2. Two wires of 15cm each.
    3. Different materials.
    4. A bulb.
      What were they likely to investigate?
      1. Good and poor conductors of electricity.
      2. Making a simple circuit
      3. Good and poor conductors of heat
      4. How current flow in different materials.
  46. Which one of the following is a way of  maintaining all simple tools?
    1. Oiling metallic parts,
    2. Sharpening cutting tools.
    3. Proper storage:
    4. Using regularly
  47. Which of the following sources of current electricity uses chemicals?
    1. Dynamo and solar panels.
    2. Dry cells and car ballery:
    3. Geothermal and biogas.
    4. Dynamo and dry cells.
  48. Which one of the followng is not a sign of food poisoning?
    1. Headache 
    2. Dehydration
    3. Fever
    4. Diarrhoea
  49. Which of the following parts of seed is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Radicle.- forms the seed leaf.
    2. Cotyledon - allow entry of water
    3. Hillum -- store food
    4. Plumule -- forms the embryo
  50. The diagram below shows a simple lever
    Which of the parts labeled E, G,T and II shows the fulcrum?
    1. H
    2. F
    3. G.

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A
  31. B
  32. C
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. A
  37. B
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. D
  44. B
  45. A
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. D
  50. C


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo kisha ujibu maswali 1 - 15 ukitumia jibu sahihi

Mtoto    1    mvulana    2      umri wa miaka kumi na mitano    3    na simba katika     4     cha Gakoigo karibu na mji wa Nairobi mnano Jumamosi wiki    5    kulingana na kituo cha polisi cha Wema. Mkasa huo ulitokea nyumbani kwa Bwana na Bi. Stano.     6    mtoto huyu    7    mkasa huo alisema kuwa    8    ya kula pamoja    9     , aliondoka kwenda katika chumba cha kulala hatua hamsini kutoka nyumbani kwa wazaziwe.

  A B C D
1  moja   mmoja  umonja  monja
2  chenye  wenye  yenye  mwenye
3  alishambulia  alishambuliwa  alimshambulia  alishambua
4  kitongoji  mji  kitongojini  kijijini
5  kesho  leo   jana   ijao
6  Mamake  Mamaze  Mamaye   Mamao
7  akasimulia  akisimulia  akipeana  akitowa
8  badala  baada  baadhi  baadaye
9   staftahi  kishuka  chajio  msosi

Ama kweli, zaraa    10    uti wa mgongo wa taifa     11    Kamwe hatuwezi kuishi bila kutia chakula   12    tumboni. Chakula hiki    13    hutokana na kilimo. Yafaa vijana    14     kuhusu umuhimu wa kilimo ili    15    kwa hamu kuu.

  A B C D
10  ndio  ndicho  ndiyo  ndilo
11  yetu  letu  zetu  mwetu
12  yeyote  chochote  lolote  yeyote
13  naye  nalo  nacho  nayo
14  washurutishe   wakatiliwe  wahukumiwe  wahamasishwe 
15  wakikumbatie   walikumbatie   wamkumbatie   wazikumbatie 

Kutoka swali la 16 hadi 30. jibu kila swali

  1. Mtu akisema kisu hiki ni wembe, maana yake
    1. kidogo
    2. butu
    3. kizee
    4. kikali
  2. Jaza pengo kwa usahihi;
    Mkutano ulihudhuriwa na watu wengi sana.
    Yaani wake _______ wanaume, 
    1. na
    2. pamoja
    3. kwa
    4. pa
  3. “Nilikuona jana.' Sentensi hii inaonyesha kuwa kulingana na maagizo. aliyeonwa ni nani? 
    1. Yeye
    2. Wewe
    3. Mimi
    4. Nyinyi
  4. Maji yaliyoganda na kuwa magumu kama jiwe  huitwa;
    1. mvuke
    2. mangati
    3. theluji
    4. barafu
  5. Kitenzi 'choka' katika kauli ya kutendesha  kitakuwa;
    1. chokwa
    2. chosha
    3. chokesha
    4. chokea
  6. Kanusha sentensi.
    Wewe umekuja.
    1. Wewe hujakuja.
    2. Wewe haujaja.
    3. Wewe hujaja.
    4. Wewe haujakuja
  7. Milioni tatu, mia tatu na thelathini elfu, mia sita na tisa kwa tarakimu itakuwa;
    1. 3330609
    2. 3300906
    3. 3030609
    4. 3303699
  8. Mtaalamu aliye na ujuzi mkubwa wa utengenezaji wa barabara anaitwa;
    1.  mhasibu
    2. mhandisi
    3. mhazili
    4. mhazigi
  9. Kipini huvaliwa kwenye; 
    1. uti wa pua
    2. sikio 
    3. shingo
    4. pua
  10. Chagua sentensi ambayo imetumia kivumishi  kisisitizi kwa usahihi.
    1. Viti vivi hivi ni vya wageni
    2. Watu hawa hawa nawajua
    3. Matunda haya yaya yameiva
    4. Vyungu zizi hizi ni ghali
  11. Kamilisha methali;
    Usitukane wakunga;
    1. kabla ya kuvuka mto
    2. na kizazi kingalipo
    3. usije ukafa mzigana 
    4. kabla ya kukata mbeleko
  12. Mke wa mjomba huitwa; .
    1. mbiomba
    2. mkwarima
    3. mkemwenza
    4. mkaza mjomba
  13. Kanusha sentensi hii;
    Ningemsaidia angefurahi.
    1. Singemsaidia asingefurahi
    2. Singemsaidia asingefurahi
    3. Ningamsaidia asingefurahi
    4. Nisingemsaidia asingefurahi
  14. Jaza pengo kwa usahihi;
    Wanafunzi ______  walifanya mtihani vizuri.
    1. kumi
    2. wasaba
    3. tano
    4. wakumi
  15. Andika sentensi kwa udogo;
    Mtoto yule mdogo analia.
    1. Kitoto yule mdogo analia.
    2. Kitoto kile kidogo analia.
    3. Kitoto kile kidogo kinalia
    4. Katoto kale kadogo kanalia

Soma kifungu hiki kisa wjibu maswali 31 - 40.

           Ni jambo la kusikitisha mno tunapoona jinsi vijana wanavyojitumbukiza katika janga la kutumia au kuuza mihadarati kwani vijana ndio nguzo na matarajio ya taifa lolote.
           Ni matarajio ya umma wowote kuwakuta vijana wakitumia nguvu zao katika kuimarisha na kulijenga taifa badala ya kuzama katika shughuli za dawa za kulevya.
           Wimbi hili la kutumia mihadarati limeingia kwa kasi kubwa na yote ni kwa sababu ya uhaba wa kazi, ukosefu wa mwelekeo na wa maongozi kwa vijana hawa. Zaidi ya hayo, wale matajiri walafi ndio wanaowapotosha vijana kwa kuwaingiza katika janga la kuuza mihadarati. Vijana hawa wanakubali kuwa
makala wa matajiri wenye uroho. Hii ni kwa vile wanavutiwa na malipo ya juu wanayolipwa hasa wakilinganisha wepesi wa kazi hizo na pato lake.

           Bila shaka muuza mafuta mazuri lazima ajipake ili kuwavutia wanunuzi. Vivyo hivyo, muuza mchuzi inambidi kuonja kukolea kwa chumvi ili kuhakikisha kuwa mapishi ni ya hali ya juu. Lazima atumie angalau kwa kiasi kidogo mwanzoni kabla ya kitendo hicho kuwa ni uraibu na ada asiyoweza kuiepuka kwa hali yoyote ilivyo.
           Vijana ni rasilimali kuu kwa nchi na jamii yoyote kuwaacha kupotea katika uraibu huu mikononi mwa mabepari walafi na waroho ni kama kuwakubalia kuwa mshumaa.
           Visa vya vijana waliojiangamiza wenyewe, kama afanyavyo pweza anapokaangwa, ni vingi na vya kuhuzunisha. Wamemalizika wakiwa hohehahe na mwishowe tutakuwa na taifa la mbumbumbu na maamuna lisilokuwa na mawazo wala msimamo.

  1. Mwandishi anasikitika kwa sababu;
    1.  ya matumizi na uuzaji wa mihadarati
    2. mihadarati ni ghali
    3. vijana wanapotea
    4. ya ugonjwa unaoenea
  2. Mihadarati ni;
    1. dawa za kulevya
    2. sigara b
    3. angi
    4. ulevi
  3. Matarajio ya taifa lolote kwa vijana ni; 
    1. kujenga taifa
    2. kusambaza mihadarati
    3. kuhujumu taifa
    4. kutumbukia katika mihadarati
  4. Vijana wanaingizwa katika shughuli za kuuza  mihadarati na;
    1. polisi 
    2. wazazi
    3. viongozi
    4. matajiri
  5. Ipi si sababu kuu ya vijana kutumia mihadarati?
    1. Ukosefu wa maongozi
    2. Ukosefu wa elimu
    3. Marafiki wabaya
    4. Uhaba wa kazi
  6. Vijana wanakubali kuuza mihadarati kwa sababu ya;
    1. kuipenda kazi hiyo 
    2. kulazimishwa
    3. kutoroka kazi
    4. malipo mazuri
  7. Ni kina nani kati ya hawa wanaowaingiza vijana katika  ulanguzi wa mihadarati?
    1. Wakwasi wenye mate ya fisi
    2. Marafiki ambao ni kielelezo bora
    3. Fakiri wasiokuwa na mbele wala nyuma
    4. Watu wa hirimu yao
  8. Maana ya 'uraibuni' ni;
    1. kuharibu jambo
    2. kupendelea jambo au kitu 
    3. kujaribu mara kwa mara
    4. kupendelea kitu kizuri
  9. Kukubali kuwa mshumaa inamaanisha;
    1. kujisaidia binafsi 
    2. kupambana na wengine
    3. kupoza wengine
    4. kutumiwa kufaidi wengine
  10. Methali inayomhusu pweza makala haya katika inasema 'umekuwa pweza ......'
    1. huogopi mtu
    2. huwezi kukosa ulipendalo
    3. waishi baharini tu
    4. wajipalilia makaa

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50.

           Nilizaliwa na kulelewa katika familia iliyotajika. Baba yangu Mlajasho alikuwa tajiri wa mali na moyo. Mimi na ndugu yangu mdogo hatukujua maana ya uhitaji kwani baba alitukidhia mahitaji yetu yote. Nyumbani mwetu kila siku mlishiba na kutapika watu wa kila sampuli waliokuja kulilia hali kwa baba. Baba aliwasabilia kwa mengi. Kuna waliopewa ruzuku mbalimbali za vyakula, kuna waliopewa vibarua mashambani na waliofanya kazi pale nyumbani.
           Almuradi kila mwanakijiji alifaidika kutokana na mkono wazi wa baba. Ndugu yangu mdogo hakuisha kuwabughudhi waja hawa na kuwaita waegemea nundu.
Siku zilisonga na kupita kama maji ya mto, hata nikajipata katika shule ya msingi. Niliyakumbatia masomo yangu kwa hamu kubwa. Sikuwa na wakati wa kufanya ajizi, kwani baba pamoja na pato lake nono hakuwahi kudekeza hisia za ugoigoi. Nasi ilibidi tufuate nyayo zake, kwani mwana akibebwa hutazama kisogo cha nina. Nilifanya mtihani wangu wa darasa la nane na kuvuna nilichopanda. Asubuhi baada ya kutangazwa kwa matokeo ya mtihani huo niliamshwa na sauti ya “pongezi mwanangu,” kutoka kwa baba. Baba alikuwa amebeba gazeti la siku hiyo, usoni amevaa tabasamu kubwa. Sikuamini maneno yake. Nilimnyang'anya gazeti na ikawa kweli mwenye macho haambiwi tazama. Nilikuwa mwanafunzi bora nchini. Nilijiunga na shule mojawapo ya kitaifa.
           Siku nilipokuwa kizingitini cha lango la shule ya kitaifa ya Tindi ndipo maisha yangu yalipoanza kuingia ufa.Nilikutana na Tamasha, mwanafunzi mchangamfu na mcheshi. Alijitambulisha kuwa alisomea shule iliyokuwa jirani na ile yangu ya msingi. Urafiki shakiki ukazaliwa kati yake nami. Tukawa daima tunaandamana. Hayo hayakunitia shaka, kwani Tamasha, alinihimiza kila mara nitie bidii masomoni. Hata hivyo, jinsi siku zilivyosongea ndivyo tabia yake halisi ilivyonibainikia.
Jioni moja Tamasha alikuja chumbani mwangu akiwa amebeba unga aliouita dawa ya homa, Aliniambia ibu kutibu homa ambayo ilikuwa imenikaba kwa siku ayami. Nami kwa kutotaka kumvunja rafiki yangu, nikachukia unga huo na kuutia kinywani; ingawa kwa kweli mwalimu wetu alikuwa ametuonya dhidi ya kutumia dawa zozote bila maelekezo ya daktari. Unga huo haukuitibu homa yangu, ila ulinipa utulivu mkubwa wa akili, utulivu ambao sikuwa nimewahi kuushuhudia maishani.
           Tamasha alifika chumbani mwangu usiku kunijulia hali. Alinipata nimejituliza juu ya kitanda changu, Alinisalimu na kukenua kama aliyetarajia jawabu fulani kutoka kwangu. Nilimweleza hali yangu naye akaniambia kuwa hivyo ndivyo dawa hiyo ifanyavyo kazi; kwamba amekuwa akiitumia kwa muda, hata nyakati za mtihani, naye hupata nguvu za kukabiliana na majabali yote. Alinielekeza kwa Mzee Kamaliza ambaye ndiye alimuuzia unga huo. Kuanzia siku hiyo, nikawa mteja mwaminifu wa Mzee Kamaliza. Nilitumia unga huo bila fikira nikidhani kuwa ilikuwa dawa ya homa tu! Sukujua ilikuwa dawa ya kulevya na alikuwa mraibu sugu wa dawa hiyo na nyingine nyingi!
           "Uzuri wake huu ni wa mkakasi tu?” Nilijiuliza. “Laiti ningalijua.” Hata hivyo, maswali yote haya hatakuwa na faida tena. Nilikuwa tayari nimazama katika tatizo sugu la matumizi ya dawa za kulevya,
           Nilijisuta moyoni kwa matumizi ya dawa za kulevya ambayo yalinielekeza kuytagongesha mwamba maisha yangu shuleni. Hata hivyo, haikuwa rahisi kuacha kwani nilichelea kuitwa kimbukeni na wenzangu. Matokeo ya haya yote yakawa kuzorota kwa masomo yangu. Walimu hawakuchelewa kuona mabadiliko yaliyonikumba. Walijaribu kunishauri na kutaka kujua kilichokuwa kikinisumbua. Walipoona kwamba hali yangu haibadiliki na kwamba nimeshindwa kuwaambia tatizo langu, walimjulisha mwalimu mkuu ambaye hakukawia kumwita baba. Mazungumzo kati ya baba na mwalimu mkuu yalinitia fadhaa kubwa kwani sikutaka kuwaambia nilitumia dawa za kulevya, ingawa kwa kweli mwalimu mkuu alishuku. Walijaribu kunishika sikio kuhusiana na tabia hii yangu lakini tangu lini sikio la kufa likasikia dawa? Niliendelea na uraibu wangu hadi siku nilipofunzwa na ulimwengu baada ya kufumaniwa na naibu wa mwalimu mkuu wa shule mjini nikipiga maji. Nilipewa adhabu niliyotarajia. Nilijipata nyumbani kwa muda wa mwezi mzima, nikiuguza vidonda vya moyo na akili. Kijiji kizima kilijua nimefukuzwa shule kwa sababu ya matumizi ya dawa za kulevya. Sikuwa na pa kuutia uso wangu. Hata hivyo, hili lilikuwa funzo kubwa kwangu.
           Mama yangu aliweza kunipa nasaha na kunishauri niache kutumia dawa hizo. Mara hii, maneno aliyoniambia yalikuwa na maana. Niliyasikiliza kwa makini hata baba alipopata barua kumwarifu anirejeshe shule. Nilikuwa nimeamua kujiunga na chama cha vijana wanaopigana na matumizi mabaya ya dawa shuleni. 

  1. Mambo yanayoonyesha kuwa Mlajasho alikuwa tajiri wa mali na moyo ni;
    1. kukidhi mahitaji ya wana, watu kufurika kwake
    2. kukidhi mahitaji ya wana, kumkana mwanawe
    3. kukidhi mahitaji ya wana, kuwapa watu riziki
    4. kukidhi mahitaji ya wana, watu kumlilia hali
  2. “Ndugu yangu mdogo hakuisha  kuwabughudhi waja hawa na kuwaita waegemea nundu" inaonyesha kuwa ndugu mdogo alikuwa;
    1. mwenye uchoyo
    2. mwenye mapuuza
    3. mwenye kujisifu
    4. mwenye uzushi
  3. Msimulizi alisoma kwa hamu kwa kuwa;
    1. alipenda masomo yake
    2. baba yake alikuwa mwenye bidii
    3. baba yake alikuwa mkali
    4. alitaka kufuata nyayo za ndugu yake
  4. Kifungu 'ndipo maisha yangu yalipoanza kuingia ufa' kinamaanisha;
    1. maisha ya msimulizi yalianza kupata matatizo
    2. maisha ya msimulizi yaliporomoka
    3. maisha ya msimulizi yalianza kubadilika
    4. maisha ya msimulizi yaliharibika mara moja
  5. Msimulizi hakutaka kuacha 'unga' kwa sababu;
    1. alichelea kudunishwa na wenzake
    2. alichelea kuondolewa kundini na wenzake
    3. hakutaka kumuudhi Tamasha
    4. alikuwa amezoea uraibu kwa Kamaliza
  6. Mambo yanayoonyesha kuwa kifungu hiki kinapinga matumizi ya dawa za kulevya ni;
    1. msimulizi kufukuzwa shuleni, msimulizi  kujiunga na vijana wanaopinga matumizi mabaya ya dawa shuleni
    2. walimu kumshauri msimulizi, mama pamoja na mwalimu mkuu kumwonya msimulizi shuleni
    3. Kamaliza kuacha kuuza dawa, mama  kumshauri msimulizi
    4. mwalimu kugundua tatizo la msimulizi,  msimulizi kurudi shuleni 
  7. Kulingana na kifungu hiki, jamii inakabiliana na  tatizo la matumizi mabaya ya dawa kwa;
    1. wazazi kwenda shuleni wanapoitwa,  kuwajibika kwa vijana 
    2. ushirikiano kati ya wazazi na walimu,  kuwajibika kwa vijana
    3. ushirikiano kati ya wazazi na walimu,  kuaibika kwa vijana .
    4. kuwapeleka watoto shuleni, matajiri kuwasaidia watu
  8. Methali ambayo haifai kujumlisha ujumbe wa  taarifa hii ni;
    1. mchovya asali hachovyi mara moja
    2. mtegemea nundu haachi kunona
    3. mchezea tope humrukia 
    4. nazi mbovu harabu ya nzima 
  9. Uzuri wake huu ni wa mkakasi tu' ina maana  kuwa;
    1. hakuweza kutegemewa
    2. hakuweza kuaminika
    3. alikuwa mnafiki
    4. alikuwa mcheshi
  10. Msimulizi alikuwa 'sikio la kufa' kwa sababu;
    1. alipata adabu aliyotarajia baada ya kupiga  maji
    2. alifumaniwa na naibu wa mwalimu mkuu akipiga maji 
    3. hakuacha uraibu wake baada ya kuonywa  na baba na mwalimu
    4. hakupona homa baada ya kutumia unga


Andika insha ya kusisimua itakayomalizika kwa maneno haya

...nilipowaona marafiki wangu, ni8lifurahi si haba. Tuliungana na kurudi nyumambani kwa furaha.


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. A
  23. B
  24. B
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C
  31. A
  32. A
  33. A
  34. D
  35. B
  36. D
  37. A
  38. B
  39. D
  40. D
  41. A
  42. A
  43. C
  44. A
  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. B
  49. A
  50. C



Study the map of Seta Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The land in Seta area slopes from
    1. North
    2. East.
    3. West. 
    4. South
  2. Which one of the following factors led to the growth of Seta town?
    1. Economic activities.
    2. Road junction.
    3. Security
    4. Climatic conditions.
  3. Traders in Seta area obtain their trading licences from
    1. Sema market
    2. County offices.
    3. Police station.
    4. County commissioner's office.
  4. The main religion in Seta town is
    1. Islamic
    2. Christian
    3. Hinduism.
    4. Judaism.
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not practised in Seta area?
    1. Farming
    2. Lumbering
    3. Tourism.
    4. Fishing
  6. What is the climate of the North of Seta area?
    1. Cool and wet.
    2. Hot and wet.
    3. Hot and dry
    4. Hot and cool.
  7. The administrative head of Seta area is a
    1. county commissioner.
    2. governor.
    3. regional co-ordinator.
    4. police officer.
  8. Which one of the following language groups is correctly matched with the place of origin?
    1. Cushites - Cameroon.
    2. Bantus - Bar-el Ghazel.
    3. Nilotes - Horn of Africa.
    4. Semites - Saudi Arabia.
  9. The following are descriptions of an early hominid
    1. Remains were discovered near lake Turkana and Olduvai Gorge
    2. Made simple tools
    3. Made slurred speech
    4. Lived in caves
      The hominid described above is
      1. homo habilis.
      2. homo erectus.
      3. homo sapien
      4. homo sapien sapien.
  10. Three of the following are traditional methods of education. Which method did the learner need an expert to learn through observation?
    1. Story telling.
    2. Use of riddles.
    3. Use of proverbs.
    4. Apprenticeship.
  11. The following are types of soils. Which one is found in the flood plains through deposition?
    1. Loamy soil.
    2. Volcanic soil.
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sandy soil.
  12. The following are characteristics of a relief region in Kenya:
    1. Lies between 250m and 1100m above sea level.
    2. It is generally flat
    3. Has some eroded hills
    4. It is generally dry
      The region described above is
      1. the highlands
      2. the plateaus.
      3. the Rift Valley.
      4. the Coastal lowlands.
  13. Among the Nandi community, people who were born almost the same time formed
    1. a clan
    2. age group
    3. age set.
    4. age mates.
  14. The main aim of education in traditional African society was to
    1. prepare the youth for adulthood and become responsible members of the society
    2. prepare the youth for employment in traditional industries.
    3. instill discipline and responsibility.
    4. instill knowledge and skills.
  15. Which group of mountains below were formed through faulting?
    1. Atlas, Drankensberg, Cape ranges.
    2. Ruwenzori, Usambara, Kharas.
    3. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Elgon.
    4. Ahagger, Tibesti, Homboli.
  16. Which of the following groups consists of crops grown in traditional agriculture?
    1. Yams, sorghum, millet.
    2. Millet, cassava, wheat.
    3. Arrow roots, French beans, Yams.
    4. Sweet potatoes, cassava, rice.
  17. The main problem facing poultry farming in Kenya today is
    1.  high cost of poultry feeds.
    2. attacks by pests and diseases.
    3. over production of poultry products.
    4. competition from imported poultry products.
  18. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its use?
    1. Soda ash-making toothpaste.
    2. Fluorspar - strengthening steel and aluminium.
    3. Diatomite-making paints.
    4. Limestone - making cement.
  19. The government of Kenya is promoting fish farming mainly to
    1.  improve the living standards of the farmers.
    2.  increase food production
    3.  increase government revenue.
    4.  make good use of unproductive land.
  20.  Which one of the following traditional methods of weather observation is used today?
    1. Croaking of frogs.
    2. Migration of ants.
    3. Observing the movement of the clouds.
    4. Phases of the moon.
  21. The system used by Portuguese to rule her colonies in Africa was know as
    1. assimilation 
    2. association.
    3. direct. 
    4. indirect
  22. The following are characteristics of population of Germany. Which one is not?
    1. Majority of the people are old.
    2. The population is not evenly distributed.
    3. There are slightly more males than females.
    4. The population has a small dependence ratio.
  23. The main reason why the government of Kenya established settlement schemes in Kenya after independence was to
    1. improve the living standards of the people.
    2. increase food production in the country.
    3. settle the landless
    4. put more land under cultivation.
  24. The method of irrigation used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is
    1. canal.
    2. furrow.
    3. drip
    4. overhead.

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 25 to 28


  1.  The winds marked M are known as
    1. Hamattan.
    2. Westerlies.
    3. North West trade winds.
    4. Northery winds.
  2. The plateau marked S is called
    1. Bie plateau.
    2. Fouta Djallon.
    3. Jos plateau.
    4. Nyika plateau.
  3. The Island country marked X was colonized
    1. French 
    2. British
    3. Italians
    4. Germans.
  4. The climatic region marked Y is experienced in the following countries except
    1. Morocco 
    2. Libya.
    3. Tunisia.
    4. Chad.
  5. Below is a description of a town in Eastern Africa:
    1. It is an industrial centre
    2. It is the commercial capital of its country
    3. It serves as the gateway of its country
    4. It is the biggest city in its country
    5. It is a tourist centre
      The town described above is
      1. Nairobi.
      2. Arusha.
      3. Mombasa.
      4. Dar es salaam.
  6. The main contribution of sugarcane growing in Sudan is that
    1.  it has led to the growth of industries.
    2.  it has led to the development of infrastructure.
    3. it has led to the creation of job opportunities.
    4.  it has led to the increment of government income.
  7. Which one of the following is not a type of marriage recognized in Kenya?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Religious marriage.
    3. Eloping marriage.
    4. Customary marriage.
  8. The following are functions of the head teachers in a public primary school. Which one is not?
    1. Ensures that the day-today activities of the school are running smoothly.
    2.  Keeps important documents of the school.
    3. Controls the ministry of education.
    4. Admits new pupils in the school.
  9. The main difference between horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands is that
    1. horticultural farming in Netherlands is carried out on arable land while in Kenya it is done on reclaimed land.
    2. horticultural farming in Netherlands is highly mechanized while in Kenya it is less mechanized.
    3. Netherlands practise monocropping while Kenya grow all the horticultural crops.
    4. horticultural farming in Netherlands is done by the government while in Kenya it is done by individuals.
  10. Which one of the following is the main benefit of forestry in Swaziland?
    1. Earns the country foreign exchange.
    2. Creation of job opportunities.
    3. Moderates the climate of the country.
    4. Provides raw materials for paper industry.
  11. The document issued by a court of law outlining the person who will manage the estate of the deceased person is known as
    1. a will
    2. testate.
    3. letter of administration.
    4. intestate.
  12.  The following are conditions favouring a crop grown in Africa:
    1. High humidity throughout the year
    2. High and well distributed rainfall of between 1500mm - 2000mm
    3. High temperatures of between 24°c - 28°c
    4. Protection from strong sunlight
    5. Low altitude of upto 750m
      The crop whose conditions are described above is
      1. cocoa.
      2. cloves
      3. cotton
      4. sugarcane.
  13. Three of the following statements are true about the white settlers in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. They introduced cash crop farming in Kenya.
    2. They introduced new methods of modern farming.
    3. They introduced livestock keeping in Kenya.
    4. They took the fertile land from the Africans.
  14. The main tourist attraction in the Rift valley region of Kenya is
    1.  wildlife.
    2. beautiful sceneries.
    3. sandy beaches.
    4. rich cultural practices.
  15. In which two months of the year is the sun overhead the equator?
    1. March and September.
    2. June and September.
    3. September and December.
    4. December and March.
  16. Which one of the following methods of administration was used by the British in administering Northern Nigeria?
    1. Assimilation.
    2. Direct rule.
    3. Association.
    4. Indirect rule.
  17. Which one of the following is a social right of a citizen in Kenya?
    1. Right to work and earn a living.
    2. Right to marry and raise a family.
    3. Right to vote.
    4. Right to do business.
  18. Which one of the following is not a similarity between the government of Kenya and Swaziland?
    1. In both countries the heads of state are commanders of the Defence Forces
    2. In both countries parliament has two houses
    3. In both countries the head of government is the Prime Minister.
    4. Both countries have civil servants.
  19. Which one of the following is a form of child abuse?
    1. Forcing children to go to school.
    2. Engaging children in household chores.
    3. Enforcing moral laws in them.
    4. Denying them food as a way of punishment.
  20. Which one of the following is the most commonly abused drug in Kenya?
    1. Alchohol.
    2. Bhang.
    3. Cigarette.
    4. Miraa.
  21. During the Belgians rule in Congo the native Africans were referred to as
    1. prazos.
    2. indigina.
    3. evolvees.
    4. assimilees
  22. Which one of the following river projects is not correctly matched with its source of water?
    1. Akosombo Dam - R. Volta.
    2. Aswan High Dam - R. Nile.
    3. Seven Forks Dams - R. Tana.
    4. Kariba Dam - R. Niger.
  23. Which one of the following methods of conflict resolution involves taking the matter to court
    1. Litigation 
    2. Mediation.
    3. Arbitration.
    4. Conciliation
  24. The best method of conserving wildlife is by
    1. passing strict laws against poachers.
    2. banning trade that involves the selling of game products,
    3. fencing game parks.
    4. educating the people about the importance of wildlife conversation.
  25. The main reason why the Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa was
    1. search for raw materials for their industries.
    2. search for markets for their industrial goods.
    3. need to spread christianity.
    4. need to settle the surplus population.
  26. The bill of rights are guaranteed in the constitution in chapter
    1. Five.
    2. Four
    3. Seven.
    4. One.
  27. The diagram below means
    1.  no entry 
    2. no road ahead
    3. stop
    4. road busy
  28. Who was the first President of Ghana when it gained independence?
    1. J.B Danguah.
    2. Canaan Banana.
    3. Kwameh Nkrumah.
    4. Robert Mugabe.
  29. In Kenya National Assembly debates are controlled by the
    1. sergent at arms.
    2. leader of majority.
    3. President.
    4. speaker.
  30. The body in charge of elections in Kenya is mandated to carry out the following functions except
    1. drawing and reviewing boundaries
    2. solving nomination disputes
    3. nullifying election results
    4. announcing election results
  31. Which group of countries used armed struggle during their struggle for independence in the colonial period?
    1. Kenya, Zimbabwe, Mozambique.
    2. Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania.
    3. Ghana, South Africa, Uganda.
    4. Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya.
  32. The main source of revenue for the county governments in Kenya is
    1. grants from the national government.
    2. taxes.
    3. rents.
    4. Ioans.
  33. The following are qualities of a good leader except
    1. intolerant.
    2. patriotic.
    3. impartial.
    4. loyal.
  34. Kenya became independent in
    1. 1960
    2. 1963
    3. 1964
    4. 1978
  35. HIV/AIDS can not be transmitted through
    1. sexual intercourse.
    2. shaking hands.
    3. sharing sharp objects.
    4. kissing.
  36. The head quarters of A.U are based in
    1. Addis Ababa.
    2. Nairobi.
    3. Arusha.
    4. Cairo.

Christian Religious Education

  1.  Which one of the following facts from the biblical stories of creation shows that human beings are given the mandate to subdue the earth?
    1. Human beings are commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
    2. Human beings are given the power to name all the other creatures
    3. Human beings are given the power to take care of God's creation
    4. Human beings are commanded to have work and leisure.
  2. In the Exodus the presence of God was manifested by
    1. a mighty wind
    2. an earthquake and a still voice
    3. a burning bush and a pillar of cloud
    4. a pillar of fire and cloud
  3. Now I know you have obedient reverence for God, because you have not kept back your only son from me." (Genesis 22:12) These words were spoken by God to
    1. Noah
    2. Abraham
    3. David
    4. Moses
  4. The following are lessons learnt from the ten plaques that God sent to the Egyptians. Which one is not?
    1. Yahweh was aware of the problems of the Israelites
    2. Yawheh was working through His prophet, Moses
    3. Yahweh was determined to save His people
    4. Yahweh was less powerful than the Egyptian gods.
  5. Which of the following action by the Israelites during passover does not show that they were in a hurry?
    1. Eating while standing
    2. The unleavened bread
    3. The bitter herbs
    4. Eating while wearing sandals
  6. Who among the following kings brought the ark of the covenant to the temple of Jerusalem?
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon 
    4. Rehoboam
  7. Which one of the following lists consists of historical books of the Bible only?
    1. Judges, Nehemiah, Esther
    2. 1st Kings, Exodus, Leviticus
    3. 1st Chronicles, Numbers, Psalms
    4. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Jobs
  8. Who among the following is not a major prophet?
    1. Daniel 
    2. Ezekiel
    3. Isaiah 
    4. Joel
  9. During the God's covenant with Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:3-34, God promised to
    1. make a new covenant where each individual will come to know God.
    2. make David's dynasty continue forever
    3. preserve the life of people
    4. fulfill the promises He had made to Abraham.
  10. Which one of the following commandments discourages us from being greedy for what does not belong to us?
    1. Do not desire another man's property
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    3. Do not use my name for evil purpose
    4. Respect your mother and father
  11. The following are events that happened in the life of Jesus: - Heaven opened - The Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove - Sound was heard from heaven. g which of the following occassions did the above events take place?
    1. During the transfiguration of Jesus
    2. During the death of Jesus
    3. During the temptations of Jesus
    4. During the baptism of Jesus
  12. Which one of the following was the main message of John the baptist?
    1. Baptism and humility
    2. Repentance and baptism
    3. Love and generosity
    4. Forgiveness and joy
  13. Jesus was circumcised at the age of eight days because
    1.  it was in accordance to the Jewish customs
    2. his parents were in a hurry to flee to Egypt
    3. there was a census in the whole Roman empire
    4. the angel told Joseph to do so in a dream
  14. One way through which Jesus cared for the less fortunate in the society was
    1. preaching to them and judging them for their sins
    2. telling people to, despise them as they were lazy
    3. encouraging them to read the Bible when they were free
    4. feeding the hungry and healing the sick.
  15. Which one of the following was not a value taught by Jesus during the sermon on the mountain?
    1. Spiritual poverty
    2. Peace making
    3. Humility
    4. Courage
  16. "Do not put the lord your God into tesi" Jesus said these words to the devil when he tempted him to
    1. kneel down and worship him
    2. change stones into bread
    3. throw himself down from the top of the temple
    4. build the temple at Jerusalem in a day.
  17. Jesus healed the paralytic man. This shows that
    1. He has power over nature
    2. He has power over sins
    3. He has power over death
    4. He has power to rule the earth.
  18. During the trial of Jesus, Pilate washed his hands to show that
    1. he had made his achievements
    2. he was a sinful person
    3. he had nothing to do with the case
    4. he was a trusted friend of Jesus
  19. Which one of the following events happened during the pentecost?
    1. Noise was heard from the sky sounding like a strong wind
    2. Darkness covered the whole earth
    3. A voice was heard from heaven
    4. The curtain of the temple was torn into two.
  20.  Allan, a standard eight boy, visits the inmates in prison during the weekends. He gives them food and clothes. Which fruit of the holy spirit does he display?
    1. Self-control
    2. Patience
    3. Kindness
    4. Peace
  21. Which one of the following is not an aspect of worship in African traditional societies?
    1. Offering tithes
    2. blessing the people
    3. singing songs
    4. praying for God's protection.
  22. The following are similar beliefs in both African traditional societies and christianity except
    1.  the result of sin and evil is suffering and death
    2. God is the guardian of morality, law and order.
    3. sin arises from human beings disobedience and greed
    4. Baptism by water.
  23. The following were roles of girls in African traditional societies except
    1. feeding and looking after young children
    2. protecting the clan from external attacks
    3. sweeping the compound and cleaning houses
    4. fetching water and cleaning utensils
  24. In African traditional societies, it is believed that evil is caused by all the following except
    1. malicious ancestral spirits who have a grudge against the living
    2. evil people such as wizards and sorcerers
    3. failure to abide by the church norms
    4. breaking of oaths.
  25. The following names are used to refer to God in African traditional societies except
    1. Jehovah
    2. Asis
    3. Enkai
    4. Mulungu
  26. Risper, your deskmate, has a deep urge of taking alcohol. As a christian, the best advice to give her
    1. to take the alcohol only when not seen
    2. just take a little alcohol and repent
    3. our bodies are the temple of the Holy spirit
    4. take it but be careful to avoid its harmful effects
  27. Bochela is a wealthy man in his village. The best way in which he can use his wealth is by
    1. opening a big supermarket to sell things to the villagers.
    2. helping his sister's children who are jobless
    3. organising for expensive trips of his family members abroad
    4. buying water pipes to supply water to the villagers
  28. The best way that the church can do to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youths is by
    1. encouraging them to visit VCT centres
    2. educating them on behavioural change.
    3. organising retreats for them
    4. neglecting those who are already infected
  29. Lewa, your deskmate, says that she is mature enough to have a boyfriend. As a christian deskmate and a classmate the best advice you would give her is
    1. forget about boys and concentrate on her studies
    2. have only one boyfriend abstain from sex.
    3. have the boyfriend but keep it a secret
    4. enjoy herself as life is too short
  30. At the Jacobs's well, Jesus was avoiding one of the following social vices with the samaritan woman. Which one is it?
    1. Corruption
    2. Nepotism
    3. Racial discrimination
    4. Social injustice.

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Which one of the following surahs warns ma against backbiting?
    1. Humaza
    2. Zilzalah
    3. Takathur
    4. Fatiha
  2. Which one of the following scriptures was revealed in the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Zabur
    2. aurat
    3. Qur’an
    4. Injeel
  3. How many verses are there in surah Al-Fatiha
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Ten
  4. The main teaching of surah Al-Ikhlaas is
    1. Iman 
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Tawheed
  5. "You shall certainly see the hell fire." This is a verse from surah
    1. Takathur
    2. Qariah
    3. Zilzalah
    4. Fil
  6. Which one of the following is a manner of eating according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W)?
    1. Eating with the left hand
    2. Eating while standing.
    3. Saying Alhamdulillahi after eating.
    4. Eating the food while it is hot.
  7. While drinking water a Muslim should pause
    1. two times
    2. three times
    3. five times
    4. one time
  8. Which one of the following pillars of Islam cannot be done in ones home town?
    1. Zakat
    2. Swalat
    3. Saum
    4. Haji
  9. The total number of rakaat that a Muslim must perform in a day are
    1. 17
    2. 14
    3. 16
    4. 10
  10. Who among the following is a recipient of Zakat?
    1. Orphan
    2. Widow
    3. Slave
    4. Neighbour
  11. Which one of the following things is recommended to use while breaking a fast?
    1. Water
    2. Juice
    3. Rice
    4. Dates
  12. Which one of the following pillars of Islam promotes generosity?
    1. Hajj
    2. Zakat
    3. Saum
    4. Shahada
  13. Who among the following angels is in charge of removing the souls from human beings?
    1. Izrail
    2. Israfil
    3. Jibril 
    4. Mikail
  14. The fear of Allah (S.W.T.) is referred to as
    1. Tawakkul
    2. Tawheed
    3. Ihsaan
    4. Taqwa
  15. Which one of the following miracles was performed by prophet Musa (A.S.)?
    1. Bringing the dead back to life.
    2. Telling what someone ate the previous day.
    3. Changing a rod into a snake.
    4. Healing the lepers.
  16. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is performed to seek for rain?
    1. Khusuf
    2. Istisqai
    3. Istikharah
    4. Dhuha
  17. Which one of the following attributes of Allah (S.W.T.) means the fashioner?
    1. Al-Musawwir 
    2. Al-Waduud
    3. Al-Khaalia
    4. Al-Mutakabbir
  18. Amina a standard five pupil heard her friend sneezing. What should Amina say?
    1. Maashallah
    2. Alhamdulillahi
    3. Yarhamkallah
    4. Astadhfirullah
  19. Which of the following names is good for a Muslim?
    1. Mashaka
    2. Shida
    3. Zacks 
    4. Musa
  20. Which one of the following is the first rite to a newly born baby?
    1. Circumcision
    2. Adhan
    3. Shaving
    4. Tahnik
  21. Which month was the journey of Isra-wa! miraj undertaken?
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharrum
    4. Shawwal
  22. The act of hiding of goods in order to seli them when the prices go up is known as
    1. hoarding
    2. ghush
    3. riba
    4. uslu
  23. Abdullah, a shopkeeper, at Bidii trading cente has the following as the reasons to why his business has succeeded. Which of the following reasons is haraam?
    1. Weighing goods accurately.
    2. Selling goods on credit.
    3. Giving back the correct change.
    4. Charging interest on goods sold.
  24. .How many households constitute a neighbourhood according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W)?
    1. Fifty
    2. Forty
    3. Thirty
    4. Twenty
  25. Which town is the prophet's mosque found?
    1. Makkah
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Madina
    4. Taif
  26. Who among the following Caliph accompanied the prophet during Hijrah?
    1. Uthman 
    2. ali
    3. Umar
    4. Abubakr
  27. The main reason why Muslims lost the battle of Uhud was because
    1. they dishonoured the words o the prophet.
    2. they were few in number
    3. they were poorly prepared.
    4. the Quraish had superior weapons
  28. Who among the following was a brother to Nabii Musa (A.S.)?
    1. Issa
    2. Adam
    3. Harun
    4. Swaleh
  29. Who among the following was the first Muadhin in the history of Islam?
    1. Ammar
    2. Bilaalb
    3. Hamza
    4. Harith
  30. Who among the following prophets of A (S.W.T.) was swallowed by a whale?
    1. Lut
    2. Hud
    3. Suleiman
    4. Yunus

Marking Scheme

  1. A
  2. B
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  30. C


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  24. B
  25. C
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D



Use the map of Elgon Area to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The factory in Elgon area is
    1. an assembly plant
    2. a processing plant
    3. a manufacturing plant
    4.  is a Jua Kali plant
  2. Three of the following shows that Elgon area lies in a cool and wet zone. Which one does not?
    1. Presence of boreholes
    2. Presence of forest
    3. permanent rivers
    4. Presence of a cash crop
  3. What is the direction of the game reserve from the hill?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South East
    4. South West
  4. Which economic activity is NOT practiced in Elgon area?
    1. Mining
    2. Tourism
    3. Trading
    4. Cash crop farming
  5. The highest point in Elgon area is
    1. around safi area
    2. around the forested area
    3. around the game reserve
    4. around the tea growing zone
  6. What has contributed MOST to the growth of the town in Elgon area?
    1. Nearness to Safi dam
    2. Availability of water
    3. Flatness of the land
    4. Adequate means of transport
  7. The dam in Elgon area
    1.  is a source of a river
    2. increases floods
    3. is a reservoir
    4. is a natural feature
  8. Which one of the following is a result of Bantus interaction with the people of Saudi Arabia?
    1. Introduction of Swahili culture
    2. Introduction of Christianity
    3. Establishment of Mission Schools
    4.  Abolition of slave trade
  9. The following are characteristics of prominent leaders in Africa
    1. He was a trader
    2. He was a medicine man
    3. He was a military leader
    4. He was a famous religious leader
    5. He died in 1904
      Which one are for Masaku?
      1.  (i) (iii) (v)
      2. (ii) (iv) (v)
      3. (i) (ii) (iv)
      4. (i) (ii) (v)
  10. Which one is the BEST way of conserving wildlife?
    1. Educating people on the importance of wildlife
    2. Erecting electric fences around national parks
    3. Protection of the endangered species
    4. Increasing the area under forests

Use the map of Africa below to answer question 11-13


  1. The climatic region marked M is?
    1. Mediterranean climate
    2. Mountain climate
    3. Equatorial climate
    4. Tropical climate
  2. The physical feature marked S is a
    1. a volcanic mountain
    2. a block mountain
    3. a fold mountain
    4. a residual mountain
  3. Which of the following is not true of the river marked Q?
    1. It drains in East Africa
    2. It has an artificial lake
    3. It is used for irrigation
    4. It starts in East Africa
  4. Three of the following are problems facing ECOWAS, which one is NOT?
    1. Brought limited movement of people in member countries
    2. Production of similar goods
    3. Inefficient infrastructure connecting member countries
    4. Lack of a common currency among member states
  5. Which is the capital of South Africa?
    1. Johannesburg
    2. Soweto
    3. Pretoria
    4. Witwatersrand
  6. The following are description of a certain river in Africa
    1. It originated from a lake
    2. It forms a delta
    3. Its water is used for irrigation
      The river described above is?
      1. R. Volta
      2. R. Zambezi
      3. R. Nile
      4. R. Tana
  7. Dairy farming is BEST practiced in areas that are.
    1. High in altitude.
    2. Hot and dry.
    3. Hot and wet.
    4. Near urban centres.
  8. The history of a community was passed from generation to another MAINLY through?
    1. Imitation.
    2. Work.
    3. Apprenticeship
    4. Story telling.
  9. The pre-historic site that is found in Tanzania is
    1. Olduvuai Gorge
    2. Nariokotene
    3. Hyrax Hill 
    4. Olorgesaillie
  10. Which one of the following is not a function of Mombasa town?
    1. An administrative centre
    2. An industrial centre
    3. A tourist centre
    4. It is a lake port centre
  11. Three of the following are requirements of presidential candidates except?
    1. Must present nomination papers to the returning officer.
    2. Must be 35 yrs and above.
    3. Be a registered voter in a constituency.
    4. Must be nominated by a registered political party.
  12. A false statement about the Portuguese rule in Africa is:-
    1. They considered their colonies as overseas provinces.
    2. The grouped their colonies to form federations
    3. Laws in their colonies were made in Portugal.
    4. The provinces were governed from Portugal
  13. The first prime minister in Kenya was
    1. Uhuru Kenyatta
    2. Raila Odinga
    3. Jomo Kenyatta
    4. Oginga Odinga

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 24-26


  1. Which of the following communities migrated through roure X?
    1. Bantu
    2. Kalenjin
    3. Somali
    4. Luo
  2. Which of the following lakesis marked Y?
    1. Victoria 
    2. Malawi
    3. Rukwa
    4. Tanganyika
  3. The Eastern African country marked S is?
    1. D.R.Congo
    2. Uganda
    3. Rwanda
    4. Burundi
  4. Taxes collected by the Kenya government are used in all the following except?
    1. Providing education
    2. Buying private property
    3. Maintaining law and order
    4. Building roads
  5. Three of the following are TRUE about the flag of Kenya except
    1. The Kenyan Flag was adopted in December 1963.
    2. The green color stands for our natural wealth.
    3. It is a factor that promotes national unity.
    4. It has four colors each with a different meaning.
  6. During which month is the sun overhead the tropical of Capricorn?
    1. March
    2. December
    3. September
    4. June
  7. Three of the following are factors influencing climate change except?
    1.  Pollution
    2. Overstocking
    3. Deforestation
    4. Rural-urban migration
  8. Cloves are largely grown in
    1. Zanzibar
    2. Uganda
    3.  Eritrea
    4. Tanzania
  9. Three of the following are TRUE of the legislature in Kenya EXCEPT?
    1. Its main duty is to make laws.
    2. It formulates government policies.
    3. It has elected as well as nominated MPS.
    4. It controls government spending.
  10. Which one of the following countries has a traditional government?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Uganda
    3. Somalia
    4. Swaziland
  11. The Aswan high dam was established MAINLY to?
    1. Control the flooding of river Nile
    2. Produce hydro-electric power
    3. Provide water for irrigation
    4. Create fishing grounds
  12. Which one is NOT a problem facing forests in Kenya?
    1. Government allocation of forest land
    2. Silting of rivers and dams
    3. Illegal logging
    4.  Forest fires
  13. Three of the following are importances of population data. Which one is NOT?
    1. Helps the government to plan for enough food supplies
    2. The government knows the expected money to correct from individuals
    3. Planning for social services (eg) schools and hospitals
    4. Planning for free primary education
  14. Pyramids are a famous tourist attraction in
    1. Algeria
    2. Kenya
    3. Egypt
    4. Zimbabwe
  15. During the pre-colonial period virtues were encouraged through
    1. Bible readings
    2. Local courts
    3. Scared rituals
    4. Moral laws
  16. The factor that has mainly influenced the location of Webuye paper industry is?
    1. Nearness to raw materials
    2. Good transport means
    3. A ready market
    4. Provision of skilled labour
  17. Which one of the following countries achieved her independence through constitutional means?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Ghana
    3. Kenya
    4. Mozambique
  18. Female Genital Mutilation is discouraged in Kenya Mainly because
    1. It leads to barrenness
    2. It promotes disunity
    3. It encourages immorality
    4. It is health hazard
  19. The following are descriptions of a certain mineral in Kenya
    1. It is the second most important mineral
    2. It is used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and toothpaste
    3. It is used to make non-stick cooking pans
    4. The mineral is mined using open cast method
      The mineral described above is?
      1. Limestone
      2. Soda Ash
      3. Diatomite
      4. Fluorspar
  20. The 12 members of parliament are nominated by?
    1. Registered political parties
    2. Public Service Commission
    3. Attorney general
    4. President
  21. Majority of foreigners become citizen of Kenya MAINLY through
    1. Birth
    2. Naturalization
    3. Registration
    4. Identification
  22. Who among the following is BEST suited to help end a civil dispute
    1. Local administrator
    2. Chief justice
    3. Arbitrator
    4. Member of parliament


  1. Which of the following physical features was formed through the above process?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. The Atlas Mts
    4. the Ahaggar mts
  2. Which one of the following was NOT practiced in traditional agriculture?
    1. Plantation farming
    2. Mixed farming
    3. Subsistence farming
    4. Shifting cultivation
  3. Three of the following are true of customary marriage. Which one is NOT?
    1.  It is the most common type of marriage
    2. Marriage certificates are issued
    3. It takes place according to African customs and traditions
    4. Polygamy is allowed
  4. Three of the countries below are members of the common wealth EXCEPT
    1. Britain
    2. New Zealand
    3. France
    4. Canada
  5. Three of the following are true statements about a general election. Which one is FALSE?
    1. Returning officers announce election results in constituencies
    2. Presiding officers announce election results in constituencies
    3. Presidential, parliamentary and civic elections held at the same time.
    4. The electoral commission supervises the election
  6. Which one is TRUE of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta?
    1. He supported freedom fighters in other parts of Africa
    2. He was the first chairman of the Kenya African Union KAU
    3. He was the secretary general of Kenya African National Union KANU
    4. He introduced the 8:4:4 system of education
  7. The ocean currents that creates a cooling effect on the South Western tip of Africa is
    1. Mozambique
    2. Canary
    3. Guinea
    4. Benguela
  8. Which one is a challenge facing African economies
    1. Under-population
    2. Urbanization
    3. Inadequate capital
    4. Shortage of labor
  9.  Which one of the following climatic regions mainly receives convectional rainfall throughout the year?
    1. Mountain climate 
    2. Equatorial
    3. Savanna
    4. Mediterranean
  10. Which one of the following is NOT true about the speaker?
    1. He is elected by members of parliament
    2. He chairs parliamentary debates
    3. He swears in the members of parliament
    4. He is elected after two terms of five years each
  11. Three of the following are reasons why Lenana of the Maasai collaborated with the British except?
    1. To be recognized as the Maasai political leader
    2. To receive food supplies due to famine
    3. So that the Maasai could be moved to reserves
    4. To get military support against his brother
  12. Which one is NOT an organ of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF)
    1. The Army
    2. The General Service Unit
    3. The Navy
    4. The Administration Police
  13. Three of the following are TRUE about coffee growing in Ethiopia EXCEPT
    1. The main variety grown is Arabica
    2. The main growing area is Ethiopia High lands
    3. Coffee is the second foreign exchange earner
    4. Most of the coffee is grown by small scale farmers
  14. Three of the following are advantages of roads transport except one. Which one?
    1. Faster and cheaper over shorter distances
    2. It is free from noise and air pollution
    3. It is the most widespread form of transport
    4. It is a flexible form of transport.
  15. Mary a HIV infected orphan has been refused playing with anybody by her aunt. Which freedom has Mary been denied?
    1. Freedom of playing
    2. Freedom of speech
    3. Freedom of worship
    4. Freedom of association


  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which One of the following explains the MAIN reason why God created Eve? To
    1. bear children for Adam
    2. take care of the garden of Eden
    3. be Adam's helper.
    4. look after the animals.
  2. Which one of the following acts of Abraham DOES NOT show his obedience to God?
    1. Accepting to marry his wife Sarah.
    2. Moving from Haran to Canaan .
    3. His willingness to sacrifice Isaac his only son
    4. Accepting to make a covenant with God
  3. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason why Moses ran away from Egypt?
    1. He had killed a Hebrew
    2. He was a stammerer
    3. He feared the king of Egypt
    4. God ordered him to go to Midian
  4. Which one of the following event did NOT take place when God was calling Moses to rescue the Israelites.
    1. God introduced Himself to Moses.
    2. There was a burning bush
    3.  Moses told God who God was
    4. God commissioned Moses to go to Egypt
  5. According to Deuteronomy chapter 34, on which mountain did Moses die? Mount
    1. Sinai
    2. Nebo
    3. Horeb
    4. Ararat
  6. Which one of the following is the reason why Jacob and his family moved to Egypt?
    1. There were plagues in Israel
    2. God instructed them to move
    3. There were floods in Israel
    4. There was famine in Israel
  7. Who among the following judges of Israel sang songs of praises to God?
    1. Deborah and Barak
    2. Miriam and Samson
    3. Gideon and Barak.
    4. Othniel and Ehud.
  8. The following were the failures of King Saul when he ruled as King of Israel. Which one is NOT? He
    1. consulted a medium after Samuel's death
    2. married many foreign wives who brought idolatry in Israel.
    3. offered it sacrifice to God instead of Waiting for Samuel
    4. spared some fat animals, beautiful women and King Agog
  9. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about teaching of Jeremiah on the new Covenant?
    1. Children will be finished for the sins of their parents.
    2. God will give the Israelites an everlasting kingdom
    3. God will accept sacrifices as a sign of repentance
    4. God will write the laws in the people's hearts.
  10. Who among the following prophets prophesied that Jesus would be born in the lineage of David?
    1. Joel
    2. Isaiah
    3. Nathan
    4. Micah
  11. Which one of the following group consists of the gifts that were presented to Baby Jesus by the wise men?
    1. Gold, silver and frankincense
    2. Gold, bronze and frankincense
    3. Gold, frankincense and oil
    4. Gold, myrrh and frankincense.
  12. How old was Jesus when he was taken by his parents to the temple for dedication?
    1. 8 years 
    2. 8 days
    3. 12 years.
    4. 12 days
  13. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to be baptised he referred to him as
    1.  Prince of Peace.
    2. Bread of life.
    3. Lamb of God.
    4. Light of the Gentiles
  14. Which one of the following is the MAIN lesson that Christians learn from the parable of the hidden treasure?
    1. Its important to find pearls
    2. Wealth is very important
    3. The Kingdom of God is for the Jews
    4. There is joy in finding the kingdom of God
  15.  Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians to help the people that are in need? The
    1. sower 
    2. prodigal Son
    3. good Samaritan
    4. mustard seed.
  16. Which one of the following miracles was performed by both Peter and Jesus?
    1. Healing lepers
    2. Raising the dead,
    3. Calming the storm.
    4. multiplication of oil.
  17. Which one of the following beatitudes is CORRECTLY matched with its promise? Blessed are
    1. those who mourn for they will be comforted
    2. the merciful for theirs is the kingdom of God.
    3. the humble for they will be satisfied
    4. the pure in heart for they will inherit the earth
  18. In which one of the following activities did Jesus prepare His disciples for his death?
    1. Calming the storm.
    2. Healing the blind Bartimaeus.
    3. Triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
    4. Sharing the last meal with them.
  19. According to Luke 24:50 Jesus was taken to heaven while at Mt.
    1. Jerusalem.
    2. Nazareth
    3. Bethany.
    4. Galilee.
  20. Three of the following took place on the day of Pentecost. Which one DID NOT!
    1. There was a strong wind.
    2. Tongues of fire rested on each of them.
    3. The disciples spoke in new tongues
    4. The disciples broke the bread and shared
  21.  Three of the following are fruits of the Holy Spirit. Which one is NOT?
    1.  Faithfulness.
    2. Gentleness
    3. Love
    4. Faith
  22. Which one of the following DOES NOT mark new life in traditional African Society?
    1. Baptism.
    2. Initiation
    3. Birth.
    4. Marriage
  23. According to traditional African communities. how were the ancestors remembered?
    1. Singing songs of praises to them
    2. Naming children after them.
    3. Pouring libation
    4. Offering burnt sacrifices to them.
  24. According to traditional African communities naming of children was done by
    1. men
    2. women.
    3. both parents.
    4. clan elders.
  25. Three of the following are Christian views or marriage. Which one is NOT?
    1. Marriage should be permanent.
    2. Marriage without children is incomplete
    3. Wives should be submissive to their husbands.
    4. No one should separate what God has put together.
  26. The following shows how different pupils spent their leisure time during the school holiday Who among them spent it the BEST way!?
    1. Karani - read the bible.
    2. Wamaitha - involved herself in choir practice.
    3. Gabriel - watched christian movies
    4. Steffanie - participated in community cleaning
  27. You have noted that your deskmate Nahashon is dropping in his class performance for the last couple of weeks. As a Christian how BEST can you help him?
    1. Find out the cause of dropping
    2. Report him to his parents
    3. Buy him text books and revision materials.
    4. Avoid his company lest you also start dropping,
  28. On your way home from church, you find two boys fighting. As a Christian what is the BEST action to take?
    1. Avoid them by running very fast.
    2. Separate them and help them reconcile.
    3. Report them to the nearest police station
    4. Join in the fight to help the one being beaten more.
  29. Which one of the following is the BEST way to control the spread of HIV/AIDS among married couples?
    1. Abstinence,
    2. Faithfulness.
    3. Taking preventive medicines
    4. Use of family planning drugs.
  30. The following characters describes an early missionary in Eastern Africa
    1. He wrote the Swahili dictionary
    2. He campaigned against slave trade
    3. He established a mission station or Rabai
      Who among the following missionary is described above?
      1. John Speke
      2. Johann Ret man
      3. Ludwig Krapf
      4. David Livingstone


  1. The following are favours of Allah(sw) upon the prophet p.b.u.h). All of them are mentioned in Surah Inshiraah EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Removed burdens from him.
    2. Raised his fame
    3. Lifted up his heart.
    4. Gave him riches.
  2. Which of the following is the MAIN subject matter in the Surah Al-Qadr? The
    1. Angelic host led by Jibril(A.S).
    2.  revelation of the holy Qur'an.
    3. prevailing of peace until fajr.
    4. rewards equivalent to one thousand months.
  3. All the following information is true as mentioned in strah Al-Zilzala EXCEPT
    1. men will appear bright with folded faces
    2. the earth will be inspired to give our secrets.
    3. the man will question "What's the matter?
    4. the earth will shake with final earthquake.
  4. Muslims are not allowed to eat from all these meat EXCEPT one. Which one? Animals
    1. gored by the horns of other animals.
    2. that dies after falling from a height.
    3. that dies from a hunters hook
    4. partly eaten by wild animals.
  5. The army which attempted to destroy the holy Kasba in the year 570 A.D was destroyed by
    1. flood of water
    2. small stones of baked clay
    3. Dose of a thunderstorm
    4. corked fire.
  6. "The curse of Allah befalls the giver, the recipient and the one who acts as a mediator between the two". This hadith teaches us on the effects of
    1.  virtues and sins.
    2. righteousness
    3. co-operation 
    4. corruption
  7.  According to the hadith, true and honest business merchants will on the Day of Qiyamah be rewarded as the
    1. Standard bearers of truth
    2. martyrs
    3. steadfast in Imaan.
    4. fathers of Imaan.
  8. The prophet(p.b.u.h) one day told a Swahaba who wanted to just leave a camel free, "Tie it first and then rely on Allah Which lesson was he teaching us?
    1. Istiqaama.
    2. Istimraar.
    3. Tawakkul.
    4. Thumaanina.
  9. Angel Jibril (A.S) never stopped advising the prophet(p.b.u..h) about his until he thought that Allah will make them heirs of his inheritance
    1. neighbours
    2. friends
    3. relatives
    4. leaders
  10. Any good service you render to your brother Muslim Allah(s.w) will reward you Yaumul Qiyama.
    1. beyond imagination.
    2. a similar service.
    3. another better service.
    4. without Hisaab.
  11. Which of the following words when uttered last before death, makes one to enter paradise?
    1. Laa haula walaa Quwwata illa billah
    2.  Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiun.
    3. Husbunallahu waneemal waqiil.
    4. Laa ilah illallah
  12. You feel like there is something strength especially touching on your life or on the life of your people. Which of the following prayers are you advised to perform?
    1. Swalatu Istikhaara.
    2. Swalatul Khusuf
    3. Swalatu Istisqu-a.
    4. Swalatul Khauf.
  13. Which one of the following activities MUST one face away from Qibla when performing it, according to Islamie teachings? When
    1. praying Swalah.
    2. slaughtering an animal.
    3. toileting.
    4. performing Udhu.
  14. Who among the following is NOT mentioned among the recipients of Zakkal?
    1. debtor.
    2. matyr.
    3. slave
    4. New convert.
  15. Which one of the following is classified as a thick Najis?
    1. Saliva of a dog.
    2. Milk of animals that we do not eat their meat.
    3. Urine of an infant baby boy.
    4. All faeces.
  16.  All the following pieces of clothing are prepared for the purposes of shrouding the Mayyit EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. The Amis
    2. Taar.
    3. Chtaam
    4. Lifaafa.
  17. The following Hajj activities are performed seven times each EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Drinking at the spring of Zamzam
    2. Twawaf around the holy Kaaba.
    3. Sa'y between the Swafa and Marwa hills
    4. Throwing stones at the Maqamu Ibrahim stampede.
  18. The following are the qualities that may guide a person to make the most accurate judgement in the Islamic court. Which one is NOT among them?
    1. Justice. 
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Handsome.
  19. The two prophets of Allah who received food direct from heaven were Prophets
    1. Musa and Issa.
    2.  Ibrahim and Ismail.
    3. Daud and Suleiman.
    4. Dhulkill and Idris
  20. During the month of Ramadhan's fasting sessions, the door of Hellfire are closed, the doors of Paradise remain open and the Shuyaatwiin aro jailed. Which Angels do this work? Angels
    1. Munkar and Nakir
    2. Ridhwaan and Malik
    3. Raqib und Atid.
    4. Jibriland Izrail
  21. With full evidence from reliable witnesses. the Islamic Sharia administers a death sentence to each of the following crimes EXCEPT
    1. apostacy
    2. adultery.
    3. killing accidentally
    4. corruption
  22. The first few people to join Islant underwent bitter persecution but still their Imaan was not swayed. This is because they had
    1. resistance
    2. tolerance
    3. no hope.
    4. hypocrisy
  23. The following activities took place on the days within the month of Muharram EXCEPT one. Which one? The day
    1. When Nabil Ayyub recovered from his suffering
    2. when Saidina Hussein was martyred.
    3. which Nabii Adam(A.S) was created.
    4. We Nabii Ibrahim was lynched
  24. The MAIN virtue encouraged among Muslim families in the Eid-ul Adh-h , Eid-ul-Fitr and Aqiqa festivals is
    1. sharing
    2. cooperation
    3. extravagance,
    4. advertisement
  25. Why do Muslims circumcise their baby boys? It is a
    1. custom of their great grand parents
    2. form of baptism.
    3. form of initiation
    4. form of 'Twahara
  26. Whoever has knowledge but hold back on it refusing to transmit. Allah(s.w) will punish him (or her) with
    1. strokes of cane from trees of hellfire,
    2. pebbles made of clay from hellfire
    3. bars of hot iron from the hellfire
    4. strings of ropes from hellfire fibre.
  27. Who among the following prophets made a great throne out of ivory and gold from Eastern Africa?
    1. Nabii Daudf(A.S).
    2. Nabii Suleiman(A.S).
    3. Nabii Yusuf (A.S).
    4. Nabii Yaqub (A.S).
  28. Who among the following early visitors to the Coast of East Africa came from mun? The
    1. Al-Insa group.
    2. Ammu Zaid Group.
    3. Shirazi group
    4. Suleiman and Sald group.
  29. Which sub-tribe entered into agreement with the Muslims after the treaty of Hudaibiyya?
    1. Banu Khura.
    2. Banu Khazraj
    3. Bam Bahr.
    4. Banu Qainuqua.
  30. At which point lid 100 Muslims from the Muslim army that was headed for the battle of Uhud, turn away?
    1. Around the mountain the archers
    2. At Miqat.
    3. At Ashawt.
    4. Where they had made trenches.

Marking Scheme

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  1. Which of the following shows a 3 dimensional letter?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ1as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ1bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ1cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ1ds1
  2. Book jackets are used to
    1. cover books.
    2. prevent cold.
    3. decorate books.
    4. cover the title of the book.
  3. The type of puppet which is manipulated using strings is called a
    1. glove puppet.
    2. hand puppet. 
    3. rod puppet. 
    4. marionette.
  4. Grade 5 learners wanted to make wax crayons. They brought the following items to class:
    Sharon:   paraffin.
    Kevin:     bee wax.
    Brian:     metallic container.
    Carol:     rubber bands.
    Who brought an item that was unnecessary?
    1. Sharon.
    2. Carol. 
    3. Kevin.
    4. Brian.
  5. A teacher drew a form like the one below.
    Which of the following techniques did the teacher use to show shading effect?
    1. Cross hatching. 
    2. Smudge.
    3. Crayon etching.
    4. Collage. 
  6. Which one of the following is not a primary colour? 
    1. Yellow.
    2. Red.
    3. Blue.
    4. Brown.
  7. A cooking stick can be carved using
    1. plasticine.
    2. plastic.
    3. clay.
    4. wood.
  8. Coiling is a technique associated with 
    1. leather shoes.
    2. plastic buckets.
    3. clay pots.
    4. fabric.
  9. Which of the following indigenous crafts can be made using plain and twine weaving technique? 
    1. leather wallet.
    2. floor mat.
    3. bucket.
    4. pot.
  10. What is the use of adhesive in mounting artwork?
    1. Balancing the artwork at the centre of the frame.
    2. Making the artwork look bright.
    3. Easening the work of display.
    4. Sticking the cutouts.
  11. Jakoya plays instruments during folk dances in his Maporomoko.village. We can say that Jakoya is 
    1. an instrumentalist.
    2. a musician.
    3. a composer.
    4. a soloist.
  12. Painting the face with red clay before a folk dance is called
    1. body tattooing.
    2. costuming.
    3. body adornment. 
    4. using omaments.
  13. When playing note C on the descant recorder, 
    1. use the thumb of the left hand to cover the back hole. 
    2. cover the thumb hole with your left thumb. 
    3. do not blow air into the descant recorder.
    4. use the index finger to cover the top.
  14. All wind instruments produces sound when
    1. shaken.
    2. hit.
    3. bowed.
    4. blown.
  15. Below is a wind instrument called coro.
    Which community plays the instrument above? 
    1. Mijikenda. 
    2. Agikuyu.
    3. Abagusii
    4. Luo
  16. Which of the following aspects of a folk song is the most important? 
    1. Message.
    2. Instrumentation.
    3. Participants. 
    4. Occasion.
  17. Body movements or actions used to show the meaning of words or ideas in a song are called
    1. moods.
    2. tones.
    3. dictions.
    4. gestures.
  18. Which of the following types of songs is wrongly matched with its description?
    1. Topical songs sung to enlighter the community,
    2. Action songs sung during a certain community activity.
    3. Sacred songs sung during religious activities.
    4. Patriotic songs sung to show love for the country.
  19. Which of the following is not a part of the descant recorder?
    1. Head joint.
    2. Foot joint.
    3. Arm joint.
    4. Middle joint.
  20. Which of the following lines is not found in the Kenya National Anthem?
    1. Kila siku tuwe na shukrani. 
    2. Raha tupate na ustawi.
    3. Natulinde uhuru na amani.
    4. Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu.
  21. Tourism has contributed to the economy of Kenya by all the following except 
    1. promoting local industries. 
    2. providing basic needs to families in the land
    3. earning the country foreign exchange.
    4. promoting cultural practices.
  22. Which one of the following is not a tourist attraction in Kenya? 
    1. Language groups.
    2. Cultural activities.
    3. Natural sceneries
    4. Wildlife.
  23. Which one of the following is not a modern means of communication?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ23as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ23bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ23cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ23ds1
  24. Which of the following means of communication is audio-visual?
    1. Magazine:
    2. Radio.
    3. Newspaper.
    4. Television.
  25. Which of the following road signs shows the presence of a round about?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ25as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ25bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ25cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ25ds1
  26. All the following can help us reduce road accidents in our local roads except
    1. issuing more driving licences to motorists.
    2. reporting careless drivers.
    3. observing road signs.
    4. avoiding playing near roads.
  27. Below is a method of inland fishing in Kenya.
    The fishing method shown above is called 
    1. long lining.
    2. purse seining.
    3. trawling.
    4. harpooning.
  28. Which of the following crops is not grown under horticulture?
    1. Fruits.
    2. Flowers.
    3. Sugarcane.
    4. Vegetables.
  29. Dairy farming in Kenya takes place in all the following areas except
    1. Trans Nzoia. 
    2. Kisii.
    3. Nandi.
    4. Nairobi. 
  30. Which one of the following is not a resource found in Kenya?
    1. Museums. 
    2. Lakes. 
    3. Minerals. 
    4. Forests
  31. Which of the following is not a source of money for the county government?
    1. Parking fees.
    2. Grants from well-off countries.
    3. Sale of trading licences.
    4. Rents from county houses.
      1. Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 32 to 35.
  32. The National park marked Q is called
    1. Sibiloi.
    2. Malka Mari 
    3. Losai
    4. Meru
  33. The lake marked R is shared by three of the following countries except 
    1. Kenya
    2. Rwanda
    3. Tanzania
    4. Uganda
  34. The mineral mined at the place marked S is 
    1. fluorspar. 
    2. limestone. 
    3. soda ash. 
    4. diatomite.
  35. The river marked T is called river 
    1. Tana 
    2. Athi 
    3. Nzoia
    4. Ewaso nyiro
  36. Who went around river Jordan mainly preaching to the people about repentance? 
    1. Jesus.
    2. Elisha
    3. John the Baptist. 
    4. Elijah.
  37. During the baptism of Jesus, all the following took place. Which one did not?
    1. Heaven opened.
    2. Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove.
    3. A voice came from heaven.
    4. Darkness covered the whole land.
  38. Why is baptism important in the life of a Christian? It
    1. makes Christians acquire new names.
    2. makes a Christian a member of God's family.
    3. makes Christians known by other members of the church
    4. is a way of bonding with church leaders.
  39. When Jesus calmed the storm, 
    1. His power over nature was revealed. 
    2. the disciples were in deep sleep.
    3. His clothes turned crystat white. 
    4. angels appeared to Him. 
  40. Jesus showed compassion for the needy by
    1. performing miracles wherever He went.
    2. feeding a multitude.
    3. dying on the cross.
    4. promising them the Holy Spirit.
  41. Jesus healed the paralysed man in
    1. Galilee
    2. Bethany
    3. Carpenaum
    4. Gethsemane
  42. The parable of Jesus about the lost sheep teaches Christians
    1. the value of attending church services.
    2. about the recovery of the lost human
    3. about the importance of keeping property
    4. the value of tending well to domestic animals. 
  43. According to Jesus' teachings during the Sermon on the mountain, happy are the pure  in heart because
    1. they will see God.
    2. God will call them His children.
    3. God will be merciful to them.
    4. God will reward them.
  44. Which of the following is pot a good way of empowering the needy?
    1. Giving them capital to start businesses.
    2. Giving them money for upkeep daily.
    3. Teaching them legal skills of acquiring wealth
    4. Employing them for a pay. 
  45. Which of the following books of the Bible is in the Old Testament?
    1. Acts.
    2. Titus.
    3. Hagai.
    4. Thessalonians.
  46. Who among the following was a blind man in the Bible?
    1. Bartimaeus.
    2. Zacchaeus. 
    3. Zachariah.
    4. Jeroboam. 
  47. John the Baptist's mother was called
    1. Annah.
    2. Rebecca.
    3. Elizabeth.
    4. Mary.
  48. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many were not thankful?
    1. One.
    2. Five.
    3. Seven.
    4. Nine. 
  49. As Grade 5 learners were playing football, Miriam accidentally stepped on Kamene. As a Christian, what should Kamene do?
    1. Sit down and cry. 
    2. Forgive Miriam.
    3. Report Miriam to the teacher.
    4. Avoid playing with Miriam. 
  50. A person who always tells the truth is said to be
    1. honest.
    2. obedient.
    3. Polite.
    4. kind.


  1. How many ayahs are there in surah Al-kawthar?
    1. 6
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 5
  2. Tameehim bihijaratin min sijjeelin is an ayan from suratul
    1. Fiyl
    2. Maun
    3. Kafirun
    4. Lahab
  3. Which of the following is not a lesson from surah Al-Quraish?
    1. Never take the blessings of Allah for granted.
    2. Allah sends us blessings and bounties.
    3. Allah blessed the Qureish with security.
    4. Never underestimate Allah.
  4. Which of the following attributes of Allah means all forgiving?
    1. Al-Haafidh.
    2. Al-Ghafar.
    3. Al-Aalim.
    4. Al-Malik.
  5. Which one of the following is not a characteristics of angels? Angel
    1. can change form.
    2. were created from nur.
    3. can either be males or females.
    4. do not have parents.
  6. Prophets had different qualities for character formation. Which one of the following is one of them? They were 
    1. intelligent. 
    2. arrogant.
    3. slanderers. 
    4. dishonest.
  7. Which one of the following is a miracle performed by prophet Musa(AS)? 
    1. He had clear signs of Allah's mercy on him
    2. Turning a rod into a snake.
    3. His hand shone like the moon when he put it in his armpit. 
    4. Striking the red sea and separating the waters. 
  8. When we perform swalah correctly, we earn
    1. points.
    2. gifts.
    3. curses.
    4. thawab.
  9. Normally, Taraweh is performed 
    1. in the morning. 
    2. in the afternoon.
    3. after Asr.
    4. at night.
  10. Turning away from Qibla during swalah
    1. strengthens our faith.
    2. nullifies swallah.
    3. is a condition in Islam.
    4. must always be observed.
  11. Which one of the following is not an optional prayer? 
    1. Fajr
    2. Qabliyah
    3. Taraweh
    4. Baadiyah
  12. Which on of the following is not a form of swadaqah? 
    1. Smiling at each other. 
    2. Removing harmful objects from the way. 
    3. Visiting the sick.
    4. Keeping time during swallah. 
  13. Which one of the following is not a condition for swalah? One has to
    1. be in ritual purity. 
    2. wear new clothes.
    3. be a Muslim.
    4. have sound mind.
  14. The wife of prophet Muhammad (SAW) was called
    1. Amina.
    2. Zeitun.
    3. Khadijah. 
    4. Ruqayah. 
  15. As a Muslim child, it is the obligation of my parents to
    1. obey me.
    2. catter for my basic needs. 
    3. buy me computer games. 
    4. do my homework for me.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. B
    CRE    IRE
  36. C          C
  37. D          A
  38. B          D
  39. A          B
  40. B          C
  41. C          A
  42. B          A
  43. A          D
  44. B          D
  45. C          B
  46. A           A
  47. C          D
  48. D          B
  49. B          C 
  50. A          B


  1. The following are protective clothes while visiting a school farm. Which one is not
    1. Gloves
    2. Overalls
    3. Gumboots
    4. Shirts
  2. The following are examples of non- flowering plants. Which one is not
    1. Moss
    2. Fern 
    3. Cedar
    4. Grass
  3. Which one of the following group of plants contains harmful plants? 
    1. Sodom apple, datura, euphorbia 
    2. Datura, maize, sodom apple 
    3. Beans, stinging, nettle, oxalis 
    4. Sodom apple, millet, sorghum
  4. Which one of the following is a fungi?
    1. Bread
    2. Bread moulds 
    3. Pollen grains 
    4. Rotting logs
  5. Animals that have a backbone are known as 
    1. invertebrates 
    2. vertebrates
    3. reptiles 
    4. insects
  6. Study the list of animals below: Tilapia, Lizards, Snakes, Crocodiles, Newts, Toads, Salamanders  
    From the list above pick the group  that has amphibians only?   
    1. Toads, salamanders, newts 
    2. Tilapia, toads, newts   
    3. Lizards, snakes, crocodiles 
    4. Salamanders, snakes, newts
  7. Which of the following bones of a human skeleton is wrongly matched with where it is found? 
    1. Skull - head
    2. Ribcage - chest region
    3. Backbones - the back of the body 
    4. Limb bones - the face
  8. The following are diseases that affect the breathing system.  Which one is not?
    1. Tuberculosis
    2. Asthma
    3. Influenza
    4. HIV/AIDS
  9. Diseases that are caused by drinking contaminated water are known as 
    1. Respiratory diseases
    2. Deficiency diseases 
    3. Water borne diseases
    4. Comunicable diseases
  10. The following are ways of  preventing cholera. Which one is 
    1. Drinking treated water
    2. Washing hands before taking  meals
    3. Drinking boiled water
    4. Disposing feaces in the rivers
  11. Which one of the following is a parasite? 
    1. Lice 
    2. Bee
    3. Housefly
    4. Butterfly 
  12. Identify the type of internal parasite shown below.
    1. Hookworm
    2. Roundworm 
    3. Pinworms
    4. Tapeworm

  13. G5ET2022ISQ13s1
    The diagram above shows a model  of the human breathing system.  What does the part marked X represent?
    1. Gullet
    2. Wind pipe
    3. Oesophagus 
    4. Bronchus
  14. The following are characteristics of amphibians. Which one is not
    1. They have a moist skin 
    2. They lay eggs
    3. They are cold blooded 
    4. They do not take care of their young ones
  15. A chameleon responds to changes in the environment by
    1. running away 
    2.  changing its colour
    3. hiding in its shell 
    4. flying off
  16. The following are parts of a computer except   
    1. monitor
    2. mouse 
    3. keyboard 
    4. chair
  17. The teeth we use to chew food are known as 
    1. canines 
    2. incisors
    3. molars
    4. nails
  18. Name the digital device shown below 
    1. camera
    2. laptop
    3. mobile phone
    4. computer
  19. The diagram below shows the human digestive system.
    Water and mineral salts are known as absorbed in the part marked _____________
    1. a
    2. b
    3. c
  20. Three of the following can sink in water. Which one cannot?
    1. Nail
    2. Coin
    3. Bottle top
    4. Stone


  1. Learners of Kasarani Primary School noticed that there were V- shaped trenches left by running water in their fields. Which type of soil erosion had taken place?
    1. Rill
    2. Gulley 
    3. Sheet 
    4. Splash
  2. Which of the following human activities contributes to soil erosion 
    1. Mulching
    2. Afforestation
    3. Deforestation
    4. Crop rotation 
  3. Putting dry grass on top of the  seed on the ground after planting is known as   
    1. Sowing
    2. gardening 
    3. thinning
    4. mulching 
  4. The following are small animals that destroy crops. Which one is  not
    1. Moles
    2. Weaver birds
    3. Monkeys
    4. Dogs   
  5. Which of the following is not worn when handling small wild animals?
    1. Gloves
    2. Masks
    3. Gumboots
    4. Suit
  6. The following are types of soil except 
    1. sand
    2. clay
    3. loam
    4. manure 
  7. Identify the farm tool shown below 
    1. Jembe
    2. Panga
    3. Rake 
    4. Spade
  8. Which of the following indegenous plants grows in dry areas?
    1. Pigweed
    2. Sorghum 
    3. Yams
    4. Black night shade
  9. The removal of unwanted plants is known as
    1. Prunning
    2. Weeding 
    3. Uprooting
    4. Thinning
  10. What is the best time to plant seedlings?
    1. In the morning
    2. At midday 
    3. In the afternoon
    4. In the evening 


  1. Which of the following is a factor that should be considered when buying shoes?
    1. Date of manufacture
    2. Size of the shoe 
    3. Number of pairs
    4. Name fo the seller
  2. The following are factors that lead to time wastage. Which one does not
    1. Uncontrolled use of media 
    2. Preparing a work plan 
    3. Excessive playing
    4. Poor planning of time
  3. Which of the following is not a material used for making surfaces found at home? 
    1. Clay
    2. Tiles
    3. Wood
    4. Cement
  4. Which one of the following is not a communicable disease?
    1. Chicken pox
    2. Scabies
    3. Measles
    4. Diabetes
  5. Pouring excess water on a wooden  surface can lead to 
    1. Rotting
    2. Baking
    3. Drying
    4. Cleanliness
  6. Which of the following is not a  macro-nutrient? 
    1. Fats
    2. Vitamins   
    3. Carbohydrates
    4. Proteins 
  7. Which of the following is not a symptom of Kwashiorkor?  
    1. Brownish and thin hair 
    2. Swollen body parts
    3. Protruding belly
    4. Pale finger nails
  8. Grade five learners made the stitch shown below. What is the name of the stitch?
    1. Hemming stitch
    2. Even tacking stitch 
    3. Herringbone stitch
    4. Back stitch 
  9. Which of the following is not a step in laundry work? 
    1.  Sorting
    2. Blousing 
    3. Washing
    4. Mending
  10. Pulses are also known as
    1. Cereals
    2. rice
    3. maize
    4. legumes


  1. How many players are there in a soccer match? 
    1. 11 
    2. 14 
    3. 22
    4. 7
  2. Which of the following is not a content of a First Aid Kit?
    1. Pain killers
    2. Bandage
    3. Razor blades 
    4. Gloves
  3.  In relay which material cannot be used to improvise a batton?
    1. manila
    2. Plastic paper
    3. Stick 
    4. Iron metal 
  4. Which is the best resting position?
    1. Sitting
    2. Lying on the back 
    3. Lying on the left side 
    4. Lying on the right side
  5. When should First Aid be administered in games and sport? 
    1. Immediately after the accident
    2. A few minutes after the accident 
    3. At the hospital
    4. After seeing the doctor
  6. Below is a rounder's bat. Name the part labelled B
    1. Grip
    2. Barrel
    3. Knob
    4. End cap 
  7. Warm up activities are important because they
    1. relax the muscles without being sore
    2. help the muscles stretch without being injured
    3. help the to prevent injuries
    4. help the hearbeat to go back to normal gradually
  8. Which game is played in the equipment shown below?
    1. Netball 
    2. Volleyball 
    3. Handball 
    4. Basket ball
  9. The following are skills learnt during rope skipping. Which one is not?
    1. Wounded duck
    2. Skier 
    3. Volley
    4. Straddle
  10. A score in rugby is called?
    1. run 
    2. goal
    3. try
    4. point 


  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. A
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. D
  26. D
  27. D
  28. B
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. D
  35. A
  36. A
  37. D
  38. D
  39. B
  40. D
  41. C
  42. A
  43. B
  44. B
  45. A
  46. A
  47. C
  48. B
  49. C
  50. C



  1. You have been given this question booklet and a separate answer sheet.
  2. Do any necessary rough work in this booklet.
  3. When you have chosen your answer, mark it on ANSWER SHEET, not in the question booklet.


  1. Use an ordinary pencil. 
  2. Make sure that you have written on the answer sheet:
  3. By drawing a dark line inside the correct numbered boxes mark your full Assessment Number in the grid near the top of the answer sheet.
  4. Do not make any marks outside the boxes.
  5. Keep your answer sheet as clean as possible and do not fold it.
  6. For each of the Question, answers are given. The answers are lettered A, B, C, and D. In each case only ONE of the four answers is correct. Choose the correct answer.
  7. On the answer sheet the correct answer is to be shown by drawing a dark line inside the box in which the letter you have chosen is written.
    In the Question Booklet:
    23. The cheapest way of preserving fish is
    1. freezing
    2. sun drying
    3. smoking
    4. canning
      The correct answer is B (sun drying)
      On the answer sheet:
      23. [A] [B] [C] [D]
  8. Your dark line MUST be within the box. 
  9. For each question ONLY ONE box is to be marked in each set of four boxes.



  1. What is still life drawing? 
    1. Drawing from observation 
    2. Drawing plants 
    3. Drawing from imagination 
    4. Drawing of non-moving objects
  2. Grace, a grade 5 pupil, was making baskets using twinning technique. Which natural materials could she use to make the basket? 
    1. Nylon
    2. Plastic
    3. Nylon threads
    4. Sisal fibres
  3. Three of the following are parts of a book jacket. Which one is not?
    1. A spine
    2. A Back cover
    3. A flap
    4. Decorated pictures
  4. Kimathi mixed colours to paint in a colour wheel. Which colour did he get after mixing red and orange?
    1. Amber
    2. Pink
    3. Red - orange
    4. Purple
  5. Which career is related with the skill and talent of making quality pictures?
    1. Painting
    2. Photography
    3. Design
    4. Fashon design
  6. Which of the following techniques can be used to create a dark effect on the picture below
    6 d
    1. Painting
    2. Colouring
    3. Stippling technique
    4. Scratching technique
  7. Tonal variation can be created through addition of one of the following pairs of colours. Which one?
    1. Orange and white
    2. White and black
    3. Yellow and green
    4. Green and black
  8. The following are used in painting except
    1. Crayon
    2. Sponge
    3. Spatula
    4. Point brush 
  9.                                  makes a piece of artwork attractive.
    1. Balance 
    2. Colour
    3. Texture
    4. Size
  10. The following materials are used in crayon etching except
    1. mounting surface
    2. glue
    3. sharp tools
    4. water


  1. The following are all ornaments except
    1. necklaces
    2. anklet
    3. earing
    4. descant 
  2. Grade 5 pupils were told to compose a song about HIV/AIDs. What type of song did they compose?
    1. Love song
    2. Patriotic song
    3. Action song
    4. Topical song
  3. A drum is a musical instrument that is played by
    1. shaking
    2. hitting
    3. blowing
    4. plucking
  4. The musical instrument drawn below is known as
    14 d
    1. Wandidi 
    2. Nyatiti
    3. Obukamo
    4. Piano
  5. Three of the following are benefits of songs in the community. Which one is not
    1. For entertainment
    2. To pass information
    3. To curse people
    4. To preserve culture
  6. Which of the following song are performed to lure children to sleep?
    1. Work songs 
    2. Play songs
    3. Lullaby songs
    4. Action songs
  7. Which one of the following elements refers to the speed of a song?
    1. Tempo
    2. Pitch
    3. Dynamics
    4. Structure
  8. The Kenya National Anthem has                            stanzas.
    1. 1
    2. 4
  9. What is the name of the traditional musical instrument shown below?
    19 d
    1. Drum 
    2. Horn
    3. Guitar
    4. Piano 
  10. Songs sung to show love and respect to our country are known as                                  songs. 
    1. patriotic 
    2. love 
    3. topical 
    4. action

Use the map of KIGI are below to answer questions that follow:

kigi area map

  1. Which is the main religion in Kigi area
    1. Islamic
    2. Christianity
    3. Hindu
    4. Traditional
  2. Kigi area is likely to be a
    1. Sub county
    2. Country
    3. County
    4. Ward
  3. River Kigi flows from                            to                               
    1. South West to North East
    2. South East to North East
    3. North East to South West
    4. North West to South East 
  4. What is the settlement pattern evident in Kigi Area? 
    1. clustered
    2. Linear
    3. Dense
    4. Sparse 
  5. The climate of the South Western part of Kigi Area is likely to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and dry 
    3. cool and wet 
    4. hot and dry
  6.                                            is something that we use to create wealth.
    1. Resource 
    2. Economic activity 
    3. Trade
    4. Farming

Use the diagram below to answer questions 27 and 28

27 d

  1. The latitude marked 'b' is likely to be
    1. prime meridian
    2. Tropic of Cancer
    3. Arctic circle
    4. Equator 
  2. The latitude labelled T measures
    1. 23 1/2° N
    2. 23 1/2° S
    3. 66 1/2° S
    4. 23 1/2° S 
  3. The following are qualitites of good leader except
    1. Kind
    2. Honest 
    3. Responsible
    4. Arrogant

Study the map below and answer questions 20 to 32

30 d

  1. The drainage feature marked D is
    1. R. Athi 
    2. R. Tana
    3. R. Turkwel
    4. L. Victoria
  2. The physical feature marked B was formed through a process known as 
    1. faulting and uplifting 
    2. faulting and sinking 
    3. volcanicity 
    4. down warping
  3. Which of the following rivers has its mouth in the drainage feature marked C? 
    1. River Migori 
    2. River Yala 
    3. River Turkwel 
    4. River Sagana
  4. Which feature is formed at the point where River Tana flows into the Indian Ocean? 
    1. Tributarys
    2. Valley
    3. Delta
    4. Estuary 
  5. A person who belongs to a certain country is known as
    1. patriot
    2. resident
    3. citizen
    4. foreigner 
  6. A low-lying flat land is known as a
    1. plateau
    2. plain
    3. valley
    4. highland 
  7. Which one of the following is the highest mountain in Eastern Africa?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt. Elgon
    4. Mt. Ruwenzori 
  8. The main work of the police is to
    1. arrest criminals
    2. protect the leaders
    3. maintain law and order
    4. kill the law breakers 
  9. Which group below is made up of Bantu speakers in Uganda?
    1. Agikuyu, Ameru, Aembu
    2. Wanyamwezi, Wayao, Chagga 
    3. Baganda, Basoga, Batoro
    4. Banyore, Abagusii, Wangoni 
  10. Eastern Africa has                            countries. 
    1. 11
    2. 12
    3. 13
    4. 14 
  11. General election in Kenya take place after every                            years.
    1. 15
    2. 10
    3. 5

SECTION B: C.R.E (20mks)

  1. Grade six learners were discussing the Biblical story of creation using their Bible. From theri discussion, they found that human beings were created on: 
    1. the fourth day 
    2. the third day 
    3. the fifth day
    4.  the sixth day 
  2. Which one of the following lessons can grade six pupil best learn from the story of Abraham? 
    1. To be honest 
    2. To trust in God 
    3. To be helpful
    4.  To be generous 
  3. Whic of the following is NOT a gospel book? 
    1. Acts
    2. Luke
    3. John
    4. John 
  4. Which one of the following boxes contain a pair of gifts of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Love
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Healing
    4. Preaching
  5. A grade six CRE teacher asked the
    pupils to complete the beatitude below: "Happy are the pure in heart ......" Which one of the following responses that they gave was CORRECT? 
    1. they will receive what God has promised
    2. they will see God
    3. they will be called children of God
    4. They will be comforted
  6. Grace was asked to take care of her siblings by her mother while she was away but she did not do that. The christian value that she lacked is: 
    1. Honesty 
    2. Wisdom 
    3. Obedience 
    4. Joy
  7. Which of the following was the first miracle that Jesus performed? 
    1. Turning water into wine. 
    2. Raising Lazarus 
    3. Feeding the hungry crowd 
    4. Healing the bleeding woman
  8. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that Lincoh, a grade six pupil, should consider when choosing a friend? 
    1. Disobedient 
    2. Hardworking 
    3. Irresponsible 
    4. Wealthy
  9. In which of the following ways can the residents of Mtwapa village do to care for their environment?
    1. Planting along river banks 
    2. Cutting doen trees 
    3. Planting trees 
    4. Blowing charcoal
  10. You have discovered that your best friend at school is suffering from an incurable disease. As a christian, what is the BEST thing for you to do? 
    1. Advice him or her to transfer to another school 
    2. Tell him or her to donate blood 
    3. Tell him or her to leave school. 
    4. Advice her or him to seek medical attention.


marking scheme


  1. The following are functions of parts of the digestive system:
    1. Absorption of water and mineral salts. 
    2. Absorption of digested food into the body.
    3. Digestion of proteins.
    4. Food mixes with salive
    5. Food is chewed using teeth.
      Which of the following pairs shows the functions of the mouth? 
      1. i, v
      2. iv, ii
      3. ii, iii
      4. iv, v
  2. Which one of the following types of teeth is correctly matched with its function? 
    1. Canines - tearing 
    2. Premolars — cutting 
    3. Incisors - grinding 
    4. Molars biting
  3. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of plants? Plants 
    1. reproduce. 
    2. feed. 
    3. move from place to place. 
    4. grow.
  4. Which one of the following lists consists of substances in the same state of matter? 
    1. Smoke, chalk dust, charcoal. 
    2. Tea, water, porridge. 
    3. Ink, gas, stone. 
    4. Pencil, saliva, desk.
  5. Study the diagram below.
    The bottle tops are 
    1. sinking.
    2. sinkers
    3. drowning.
    4. floating.
  6. Grade 6 learners set up the experiment as shown below.
    The process taking place at X is called 
    1. freezing 
    2. condensation. 
    3. evaporation.
    4. melting.
  7. Which one of the following is not a part of the breathing system? 
    1. Oesophagus. 
    2. Trachea. 
    3. Bronchioles. 
    4. Air sacs.
  8. The diagram below shows a root type seen by Grade 6 pupils during nature walk.
    The plant they uprooted was likely to be 
    1. sugarcane. 
    2. cowpeas. 
    3. maize. 
    4. grass.
  9. Which blood vessel transports deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body to the heart? 
    1. Pulmonary artery. 
    2. Pulmonary vein. 
    3. Venacava. 
    4. Aorta.
  10. All the following animals are not invertebrates except a 
    1. toad.
    2. lizard. 
    3. snail.
    4. snake.
  11. Which of the following lists has useful fungi only? 
    1. Mushroom, puffball. 
    2. Dandruff, yeast.
    3. Penicillium, toadstool. 
    4. Yeast, mushroom.
  12. A player kicked a ball hard up. She saw the ball coming back to the ground. This was due to 
    1. nature of the weather. 
    2. lack of wind. 
    3. force of gravity. 
    4. sunshine intensity.
  13. What do we use to identify acids and bases?
    1. Litmus paper. 
    2. Aluminium foil.
    3. Oiled paper.
    4. Transparent narrow bottles.
  14. Heat transfer in gases and liquids is called
    1. evaporation.
    2. convection.
    3. radiatiul.
    4. conduction.
  15. Which of the following shapes of the moon is called yiubous?

  16. The type of soil that makes longest ribbons
    1. is the best for construction. 
    2. has the least air spaces. 
    3. is called loam. 
    4. does not crack when dry.
  17. The most advanced type of soil erosion is
    1. rill erosion.
    2. sheet erosion.
    3. gulley erosion.
    4. splash erosion.
  18. Which one of the following crops is the odd one out?
    1. Pumpkin. 
    2. Carrot.
    3. Watermelon.
    4. Cucurber.
  19. Which of the following gardening practices conserves soil moisture? 
    1. Weeding 
    2. Pruning
    3. Digging
    4. Mulching
  20. Which of the following animals makes underground holes and eats our tuber crops?
    1. Weaverbird. 
    2. Monkey. 
    3. Mole. 
    4. Mongoose.
  21. Which of the following food crops is not indigenous?
    1. Millet.
    2. Rice.
    3. Yarns.
    4. Cassava
  22. Which of the following materials cannot be used to prepare compost manure?
    1. Banana pools. 
    2. Maize stalk. 
    3. Plastic bottles. 
    4. Farmyard manure.
  23. Which of the following animals offers Services only? 
    1. Hen.
    2. Ox.
    3. Camel
    4. Cat.
  24. The ability of soil to regain its original fertility is called soil 
    1. recovery.
    2. erosion. 
    3. profile.
    4. acidity
  25. Which of the following can be used for mulching?
    1. Polythene papers. 
    2. Old rags.
    3. Pieces of iron sheets.
    4. Dry leaves or grass.
  26. The following are changes that take place during adolescence:
    1. Production of sex cells.
    2. Broadening of hips.
    3. Deepening of voice. 
    4. Increase in weight and height
    5. Menstruation.
      Which of the changes above take place in both adolescent boys and girls? 
      1. ii, v
      2. i, iv
      3. iii, iv
      4. ii, iv
  27. Good grooming helps us to look 
    1. neat.
    2. rough.
    3. naughty.
    4. desperate.
  28. Perfumes and make-ups are examples of
    1. needs. 
    2. lotions. 
    3. accessories. 
    4. cosmetics.
  29. Cancer, obesity and hypertesion are all
    1. contagious diseases. 
    2. non-communicable diseases. 
    3. communicable diseases.
    4. nutritional deficiency diseases.
  30. Consumption of too much sugary foods can lead to 
    1. asthma 
    2. epilepsy 
    3. obesity 
    4. diabetes
  31. . Which one of the following is not an important factor to consider when choosing shoes? 
    1. Size
    2. Colour 
    3. Quantity
    4. Comfort
  32. Study the diagram below.
    Which nutrients do we get from the above стор?
    1. Proteins 
    2. Cereals 
    3. Carbohydrates 
    4. Vitamins
  33. Which one of the following is not a reason for laundry work? To 
    1. improve creases. 
    2. make the garments neat. 
    3. remove dirt and stains. 
    4. kill germs.
  34. Study the care label below.
    What does the care label above mean? Do not 
    1. use warm water. 
    2. iron. 
    3. use cold water. 
    4. wring.
  35. Using too much of body lotion frequently is one way of 
    1. staying neat. 
    2. using cosmetics well. 
    3. misusing cosmetics. 
    4. misusing accessories.
  36. A light spear designed for throwing is called a
    1.  javelin. 
    2. bat. 
    3. cross bar. 
    4. shot put.
  37. Out of the following sports activities, choose the odd one out. 
    1. Backward roll. 
    2. Head stand. 
    3. Soccer.
    4. Hand stand.
  38. Legal touches is a sports activity applied in
    1. softball. 
    2. kabaddi. 
    3. tag ruby. 
    4. volleyball.
  39. Scissor technique is a sports activity associated with
    1. high jump. 
    2. long jump. 
    3. shot put. 
    4. standing discuss.
  40. The following diagram shows a high jump facility.
    The bar marked X is called 
    1. an upright bar. 
    2. a straight bar. 
    3. a crosss bar. 
    4. a horizontal bar.
  41. All the following soccer players do not need gloves except the 
    1. midfielder.
    2. defender. 
    3. forward player.
    4. goal keeper.
  42. Which of the following is not a partner work in rope jump? 
    1. Wounded duck. 
    2. Face to face. 
    3. Side to side.
    4. Back to back.
  43. How many players make one handball team? 
    1. 11
    2. 5
    3. 6
  44. Which of the following is not an element of a good pass in handball? 
    1. Accuracy. 
    2. It should be fast. 
    3. It should be tactful. 
    4. It should be high
  45. Receiving the ball passed by a partner in handball is called 
    1. tackling.
    2. dribbling. 
    3. blocking.
    4. catching.
  46. Below is a volleyball player.
    The volleyball technique demonstrated above is called
    1. the dig. 
    2. under arm serve. 
    3. receiving
    4. volleying.
  47. All the following are outfield players in softball except the 
    1. right fielder. 
    2. left fielder. 
    3. first baseman. 
    4. center fielder.
  48. Three of the following equipment are used in rugby except 
    1. a tag belt. 
    2. training cones. 
    3. a rugby ball 
    4. discs.
  49. Which of the following is not a type of bounce in rope work?
    1. Single bounce. 
    2. Double bounce. 
    3. One foot bounce. 
    4. Two feet bounce.
  50. All the following can be found in a first aid box except 
    1. a stapler. 
    2. a bandage.
    3. painkillers.
    4. an antiseptic.


sci timer ms

Some mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswall 1-5.

(Mwalimu na wanafunzi wanajadiliana kuhusu umuhimu wa kuyatunza mazingira)

Mwalimu:     Hamjambo wanafunzi?
Wanafunzi:  (Wakiamka sawia) Hatujambo mwalimu, shikamoo.
Mwalimu:    Marahaba (Anawaashiria wakae. Wote wanaketi na kushukuru.) Naam, leo ningependa tuzungumze kuhusu namna na umuhimu wa kuyatunza mazingira kwa hivyo...
Matayo:       (Anaunyanyua mkono wake) Samahani mwalimu, mazingira ni nini?
Mwalimu:    (Akitabasamu) Matayo huishi vituko! Ndilo nililotaka kueleza. Mazingira ni yale yote yanayotuzunguka. Hebu pendekezeni njia mbalimbali za kuyatunza mazingira
Manyanga: Nadhani ni vyema kukata nyasi ndefu ili kuharibu makao ya mbu.
Kaisari:       Ni vyema pia kutunza vyanzo vya maji kama vile mito, chemichemi, mabwawa na maziwa.
Pendo:        Nikiongezea, si vyema kutumia mbolea nyingi zaidi hasa za madukani ili tusiyaathiri maji na udongo.
Mwalimu:    Nimefurahia mno michango yenu. Zipo njia nyingi za kuyatunza mazingira. Kimsingi, umuhimu wa kuyatunza mazingira ni kuwafanya viumbe waishi maisha salama.

  1. Mazungumzo haya yaliandaliwa majira ya saa ngapi? 
    1.  Saa sita adhuhuri. 
    2.  Saa mbili asubuhi. 
    3.  Saa kumi jioni. 
    4. Hatujaelezwa.
  2. Ili kuonyesha heshima kuu, mwalimu alipowaamkia wanafunzi, wote 
    1. walisimama ili kupokea salamu yake.
    2. walitaka kuchangia katika majadiliano 
    3.  walitaka kujua maana ya mazingira.
    4. walitaja umuhimu wa kuishi katika mazingira safi.
  3. Ni mwanafunzi yupi aliyemkatiza mwalimu alipokuwa akiongea?
    1. Manyanga .
    2. Matayo
    3. Kaisari
    4. Pendo
  4. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya, yote yanayotuzunguka ndiyo   
    1. mazingara.
    2. hewa.
    3.  miti.
    4. mazingira. 
  5. Mwishoni, mwalimu alifurahishwa na nini?
    1. Heshima ya wanafunzi wake.
    2. Umuhimu wa kuyatunza mazingira.
    3. Michango ya wanafunzi wake.
    4. Njia mbalimbali za kuyatunza mazingira.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 8.

Siku moja paka na mbwa walienda karamuni. Mwenyeji wao, panya, aliwakaribisha kwa mikono miwili. Wageni waliketi sebuleni kwenye makochi maridadi, mekundu, kama damu.

“Habari za mtokako?" Panya aliwaamkia wageni kwa heshima. "Njema sana!” wageni walijibu pamoja huku wakitabasamu. Baadaye, panya aliwasha runinga na kuwaambia wageni wake, “Tazameni televisheni. Mimi naelekea mekoni kuwapikia chakula.” Mara, huyoo! Akaenda jikoni. Haraka, alipika nyama na kuitia mchuzi wa maziwa.

  1. Paka na mbwa waliandaliwa nini na mwenyeji wao?
    1. Nyama na maziwa
    2. Njugu na maziwa.
    3. Maziwa na mifupa.
    4. Chai na nyama.
  2. Kabla ya panya kuelekea mekoni,
    1. aliwaandalia wageni wake chakula.
    2. aliwasha televisheni.
    3. alipika nyama.
    4. alitia maziwa katika nyama.
  3. Panya alienda jikoni 
    1. kuwasha runinga.
    2. kununua chakula.
    3. kupika chakula. 
    4. kuwakaribisha wageni.
  4. Kati ya hawa, ni mnyama yupi hajatajwa katika ufahamu?
    1. Paka
    2. Panya
    3. Mbwa
    4. Sungura

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 9 hadi 12. 

Lengo la elimu ni kumsaidia mtoto kukuza ujuzi na vipawa na kukuza maadili ya maisha pamoja na maisha ya kiroho. Leo, mwalimu si mkufunzi au msimamizi bali ni msaidizi na mwelekezi. Hapa, mwalimu hudokeza au kutoa habari za juujuu tu. Ni jukumu la mwanafunzi kuleta umakinifu na kutafuta undani wa habari za mwalimu. Bila shaka, mwalimu anatarajiwa kumsaidia mwanafunzi katika kuufikia undani huo. Mwalimu hampi mwanafunzi ujuzi wowote bali humwonyesha jinsi anavyoweza kuupata ujuzi yeye mwenyewe. Mtoto anapozaliwa, ujuzi huwa ndani yake nao husubiri kuamshwa. Mwalimu amwonyeshe mtoto pale ujuzi ulipo na jinsi anavyoweza kuufanyia mazoezi hadi utokeze vilivyo na kumfaa.

  1. Kulingana na kifungu, baada ya mwalimu kudokeza jambo fulani, mwanafunzi 
    1. atatafuta ukweli kulihusu. 
    2. atamtegemea katika kila jambo.
    3. ataweza kupita vizuri katika mitihani.
    4. atashindwa kabisa kumwelewa.
  2. Kabla ya ujuzi ulio ndani ya mtoto kuonekana, ni lazima ujuzi huo
    1. uongozwe.
    2. uamshwe.
    3. utokeze.
    4. ugunduliwe.
  3. Katika miaka ya sasa, mwalimu ni
    1. mkufunzi na msimamizi.
    2. msaidizi na mkufunzi.
    3. mwelekezi na msimamizi.
    4. mwelekezi na msaidizi.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 13 hadi 15. 

Serikali ya nchi hii inawataka watoto wote wapelekwe shuleni wakasome kwa sababu masomo ndio ufunguo wa maisha. Watu wanaowaajiri watoto hata wasisome wanafaa kuhukumiwa ili kupunguza maovu kama hayo.

Mtoto ambaye hana elimu siku hizi huwa na shida nyingi kupita kiasi kwa sababu hawezi kupata ajira nzuri ukubwani. Hii ndiyo sababu serikali inahimiza kila mtoto kupata elimu. Zamani, watoto hawakuwa wakisoma kwa sababu hawakujua umuhimu wa elimu maishani

Ili kuzuia magonjwa na njaa, elimu huwa muhimu. Ili kudumisha adabu njema na nidhamu, elimu huwa lazima. Watoto waliolemewa na masomo huwa wa kurandaranda mitaani, wezi au watendaji wa mambo mabaya katika jamii. 

  1. Ni gani si kweli kulingana na taarifa?
    1. Masomo ni muhimu maishani.
    2. Serikali inataka watoto wote wasome.
    3. Zamani, watoto wote walisoma.
    4. Ni vyema kuwaelimisha watoto.
  2. Kulingana na kifungu, mtoto ambaye hana elimu siku hizi 
    1. huwa na shida. 
    2. hupendwa na wengi.
    3. hupata kazi.
    4. huajiriwa.
  3. Katika aya ya mwisho, tumeambiwa kuwa watoto wasiosoma huweza kuwa 
    1. wezi na wafanyakazi. 
    2. wa kurandaranda na wenye bidii. 
    3. wenye bidii na wezi. 
    4. wa kurandaranda na wezi. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa  

Siku hiyo tulikuwa tumeingoja kwa hamu na ghamu. Sote tulifika ____16____ na mapema tukiwa tayari kuabiri ____17____ kuelekea mjini Mwambasani. Hii ilikuwa mara yangu ya ____18____ kuenda huko. Sikuwa nimewahi kwenda huko. Tuliingia ____19____ tukiwa na furaha sana. Mara dereva alilitia gari ufunguo na safari _____20_____

    1. asubuhi
    2. jioni
    3. adhuhuri
    4. usiku
    1. baiskeli
    2. basi
    3. ndege
    4. meli
    1. moja
    2. mwisho
    3. tatu
    4. kwanza
    1. njiani
    2. safari
    3. basini
    4. barabarani 
    1. ikaanza
    2. ukaisha
    3. ikaendelea
    4. ukaanza

Katika swali la 21-30, jibu swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1.  Kati ya hizi, ni nomino ipi isiyo katika ngeli ya U-ZI?
    1. Uteo
    2. Uzi 
    3. Upishi
    4. Ufunguo.
  2. Tulimwona batamzinga akiogelea bwawani. Nomino iliyopigiwa mstari ni 
    1.  nominoambata.
    2. nomino ya wingi. 
    3.  nomino dhahania.
    4. nomino kitenzi jina.
  3. Kati ya maneno uliyopewa, ni lipi litakuwa la pili katika kamusi? 
    1. Mshikaki 
    2. Mswaki
    3. Msaada
    4. Msaragambo
      1. ii
      2. iv
      3. iii
      4. i
  4. Mkufu ni pambo ambalo huvaliwa .
    1. kichwani.
    2. miguuni. 
    3. shingoni.
    4. mikononi.
  5. Chagua sentensi iliyoakifishwa vibaya.
    1. Juma, Roda na Maria walialikwa shereheni. 
    2. Maembe maparachichi na mananasi hununuliwa wapi. 
    3.  Ukimwona, mwambie aje kwangu. 
    4. Je, mliwaona wanyama wapi mbugani?
  6. Ni upi wingi wa sentensi hii?  Karatasi ilichafuliwa na mtoto.
    1. Karatasi zilichafuliwa na watoto.
    2. Makaratsi yalichafuliwa na watoto.
    3. Karatasi zilichafuliwa na mtoto.
    4. Karatasi ilichafuliwa na watoto.
  7. Ni yupi kati ya hawa ni ndege wa porini?
    1. Kuku
    2. Bata 
    3. Batabukini
    4. Mwewe 
  8. Kitenzi imba katika kauli ya kutendwa huwa
    1. imbia.
    2. imbiwa.
    3. imbwa.
    4. imbaimba. 
  9. Chagua kinyume cha sentensi  ifuatayo:
    Mgeni amesimama karibu na mfalme. 
    1. Mgeni hajasimama karibu na mfalme
    2. Mwenyeji ameketi mbali na malkia
    3. Mwenyeji amesimama karibu na
    4. Mgeni ameketi mbali na malkia. 
  10. Kanusha kauli ifuatayo kwa usahihi.
    Wewe umeimba vizuri. Wewe
    1. haujaimba vizuri.
    2. umeimba vibaya.
    3. hujaimba vibaya.
    4. hujaimba vizuri.


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D


Swali la 1 hadi 5. soma mazungumzo haya kisha ujibu maswali.


Mbula: Shikamoo mama?

Mama: Marahaba mwanangu. Umeamkaje?

Mbula: Vyema. Mbona leo umerauka mapema hivyo?

Mama: (Akimwonyesha kalenda) Umesahau leo ni Madaraka Dei?

Mbula: Nilidhani kuwa ni kesho Jumapili!

Mama: Ni muhimu kila mzalendo kushiriki katika sherehe za kitaifa.

Mbula: Asante kwa kunipasha. Sherehe za leo zinaongozwa na nani?

Mama: Zitaongozwa na kiongozi wa kaunti. Unafahamu jina la cheo chake?

Mbula: Naam, Gavana.

Mama: Vizuri sana mwanangu. Ungetaka kuandamana nami?

Mbula: Bila shaka. Sitabaki nyuma.

Mama: Jiandae haraka kwa vile chelewa chelewa utampata mwana si wako.

Mbula: Sawa mama (Anaondoka)

  1. Kwa nini mama aliamka mapema siku hiyo?
    1. Ni mazoea yake 
    2. Ili kujiandaa kuenda kanisani 
    3. Ili kujiandaa kuenda siku ya Madaraka 
    4. Ili kutayarisha kiamsha kinywa
  2.  Hatua ya mama na Mbula kuamua kuenda kuhudhuria sikukuu ya Madaraka inaonyesha kuwa wana
    1. uzalengo 
    2. bidii 
    3. heshima 
    4. hekima.
  3. Mazungumzo haya yalifanywa siku ya gani? 
    1. Jumanne 
    2. Ijumaa 
    3. Jumapili 
    4. Jumamosi
  4. Chelewa chelewa utampata mwana si wako ni aina ya 
    1. tashbihi 
    2. Nahau 
    3. methali
    4.  tanakali
  5. Kiongozi wa nchi huitwa 
    1. Gavana
    2. Rais
    3. Seneta
    4. Chifu 

Swali la 6 - 12. soma shairi lifuatalo kisha ujibu maswali 

Ni makosa kudhulumu, binadamu duniani
Ni hatia kuhukumu, kwa udhalimu kortini
Ni vyema unapodumu, u mzuri duniani
Tenda wema nenda zako, Jalali atakulipa

Maisha yawe magumu, usiwe mwongo moyoni,
Jikuzeni humu humu, ukinge umaskini,
Ni busara kuhudumu, kwa nia safi mtimani,
Tenda mema nenda zako, Jalali atakulipa.

  1. Shairi hili ni la aina gani?
    1. Tathlitha
    2. Tarbia
    3. Tathnia
    4. Takhmisa
  2. Kila mshororo wa shairi hili una mizani ngapi? 
    1. 16 
    2. 8
    3. 32
    4. 64
  3. Ujumbe wa shairi hili ni kuhusu
    1.  kuwa na bidii pekee 
    2. kuwa mnafiki 
    3. kuwa na utu 
    4. kuwa na heshima pekee
  4. Neno jingine lenye maana sawa na Jalali ni 
    1. rafiki
    2. ndugu
    3. jirani
    4. Mungu
  5. Mshororo wa pili katika kila ubeti huitwa
    1. mwanzo 
    2. mloto
    3. mleo
    4. Kibwagizo
  6. Shairi hili lina beti ngapi? 
    1. Mbili
    2. Tatu 
    3. Nne
    4. Moja
  7. Andiku ukwupi wu nishur uro wu pili ubeti wa kwanza 
    1. Ni vyema unapodumu 
    2. Jikazeni humu humu 
    3. Ni hatia kuhukumu 
    4. Kwa udhalimu kortini

Swali la 13 hadi 15. Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali


Kimeu, Ngina, Mwende na Misha walimtembelea mwulimu wuo majilisini. Mwalimu Mumo alikuwa na kazi nyingi ya kuandaa somo. Alikuwa akichora chati kuhusu misimu tofauti.
Wanafunzi hao walimsaidia mwalimu wao katika shughuli hiyo. Kimeu Misha na Nginn walijaza kalamu rangi. Kimeu na Mwende walisaidia kuchora chati. Wote isipokuwa Ngina walisaidia kupaka rangi. Kimeu alisaidia kusafisha eneo la kufanyia kazi nao wasichana wute wakasaidia kuanika chati ukutani. 

  1. Mwalimu alikuwa akifanyia kazi wapi?
    1. Darasani
    2. Majilisini 
    3. Uwanjani 
    4. Ofisini
  2. Ni mwanafunzi yupi hakuanika chati ukutani?
    1. Ngina
    2. Mwende
    3. Misha
    4. Kimeu
  3. Mwende alifanya kazi ngapi kwa jumla?
    1. Tatu
    2. Mbili
    3. Nne
    4. Moja

Swali la 16 hadi 20. soma fungu kate na ulaze natasi kwa ibu sahihi
Wakazi wa kijiji                      16                         wana uhusiano                     17                        . Wana bidii kama                      18                         kazini. Wamepanda miti                     19                         ili kuyatunza mazingira. Katika msimu wa                      20                         wao huwa hawahisi jua kali sana kama ilivyokuwa zamani kabla ya kupanda miti hiyo.

    1. wetu
    2. yetu
    3. letu
    4. chetu
    1. mzuri 
    2. zuri
    3. wazuri
    4. uzuri
    1. kunguru
    2. kondoo
    3. mchwa
    4. njiwa
    1. mingi
    2. mengi
    3. wingi
    4. nyingi
    1. masika
    2. kiangazi
    3. vuli
    4. choo

Chagua jibu sahihi kujibu maswali

  1. Kinyume cha neno 'tamu' ni
    1. chungu
    2. kali
    3. mbaya
    4. chachu
  2. Mtu anayetunga mashairi huitwa
    1. manju
    2. malenya
    3. mwandishi
    4. mtunzi
  3. Chagua neno lililo katika ngeli ya YA-YA.
    1. magonjwa 
    2. mazingira
    3. matunda
    4. ukuta
  4. Chagua jibu linaloonyesha wingi wa 'uso wangu umeoshwa' 
    1. Nyuso zangu zimeoshwa
    2. Nyuso zao zimeoshwa 
    3. Nyuso zetu zimeoshwa
    4. Uso yetu umeoshwa
  5. Chagua jibu lenye visawe
    1. Furaha - huzuni
    2. Hongo - rushwa
    3. Mshindi - mshinde
    4. Mtu - jibu
  6. Chagua sentensi iliyoakifishwa vizuri
    1. Ala nimeona jitu kubwa sana.
    2. Mama: alinunua embe tomoko na chungwa
    3. Je, Leo ni siku gani
    4. Hoyee! Tumeshinda mbio hizo.
  7. Neno 'mtoto katika ukubwa ni
    1. jitoto 
    2. kitoto
    3. toto
    4. litoto
  8. Chagua methali inayoonyehsa ushirikiano
    1. Mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame
    2. Jifya moja haliinjiki chungu
    3. Mchagua jembe si mkulima
    4. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo
  9. Ni pambo lipi huvaliwa shingoni?
    1. Mkufu
    2. Pete
    3. Herini
    4. Kipini
  10. Tumia kivumishi kirejeshi amba-kukamilisha sentensi:
    Mpira                                     ulinunuliwa umepasuka 
    1. ambao
    2. ambayo
    3. ambacho
    4. ambalo 


Andika insha kuhusu;
Andikia mwalimu mkuu wa shule yako barua rasmi ukiomba ruhusa kujiunga na kikundi cha wanaskauti shuleni:


swa marking scheme


  1. The composition will be assessed according to the following guidelines. 
  2. The maximum mark will be 40 and the minimum mark 01.
    Does the script show that the candidate can communicate accurately, fluently and imaginatively in Englis

Accuracy (16 marks)

  1. Correct tense and agreement of verbs 
  2. Accurate use of vocabulary (4 marks)
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks)
  4. Correct punctuation (4 marks)

Fluency (16 marks)

  1. Correct flow of the story (4 marks) 
  2. Well sequenced sentence and connected paragraphs (4 marks
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks)
  4. Ideas developed in logic sequence (4 marks)

Imagination (8 marks)

  1. Unusual but appropriate use of words (4 marks)
  2. Variety of structure (4 marks)

NB: Please teachers are requested to scrutinize this marking scheme before use, it is worth

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