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The teacher asks the learner some oral questions after greeting and introducing himself or herself.

  1. What is your name?
  2. What are your parents names?
  3. Name two foods you like?
  4. Name your favourite color?
  5. What is your friends name?

Read aloud this paragraph

The school opened. It was on the first day of third term. Mary walked to Bondeni primary school whistling happily. She arrived earlier than usual. She found her friends waiting for her with gifts in their hands. She never remembered that it was her birthday. What a surprise?

Read the words aloud

Rough                 broom              buyer                litter
Tough                  duster              seller
Dustbin                   Toilet            rubbish

Read the sentences loudly

Our market is beautiful.
The prophet had a big aeroplane.
Elephants cannot use a telephone.
The quiet queen is quite lazy.
There is blood on his toungue.
You must be quick to finish all your duties.

Write the plurals of the following sentences

  1. I saw a mouse.
  2. The child is playing.
  3. My goose is lost.
  4. The farmer sold an ox.
  5. The teacher is eating.

Write the opposite of the underlined word

  1. Ruth is a polite girl. _____________________________
  2. It is good to arrive late at school. _______________________
  3. She was cut by a blunt object. ______________________________
  4. We should stay happy all the time. ____________________________
  5. Our nails should be kept long always. __________________________

Write the doing words

  1. Write __________________
  2. Drive _____________________
  3. Bite ____________________
  4. Put ______________________
  5. Excite _____________________


Write 3 paragraphs about ‘MY HOME’


  • Each task should take its own day apart from reading where the learner will read at his or her own phase with the teacher controlling the learner.
  • In task 1 the teacher should ensure the pupil makes correct sentenses in answering the oral questions and maintains good eye contact and a good body posture.
  • Task 1 is the teachers’ own paper.

Marking Scheme


  1. Student should state their name correctly
  2. Student should answer correctly
  3. Student should answer correctly
  4. Student should answer correctly
  5. Student should answer correctly


In this section, the student should be able to read aloud each segment according to the instructions



  1. We saw mice
  2. The children are playing
  3. Our geese are lost
  4. The farmers sold oxen
  5. The teachers are eating


  1. rude
  2. Early
  3. Sharp
  4. sad
  5. short

Doing words

  1. writing
  2. driving
  3. biting
  4. putting
  5. exciting



student should be able to write 3 paragraphs about their home.




  1. A teacher had 48 pencils. He shared them among 8 boys. How many pencils did each boy get? ___________
  2.  A pupil had 5 packets of apples. In each packet there were 6 apples .How many apples were in the packets altogether? _______________
  3.  Share 40 books among 4 boys. Each gets _______________
  4. A farmer bought 421 kg of maize. She gave out 119 kg to a children’s home . How many kilograms was he left with? ______________
  5.  What is the sum of 89 and 98 = __________
  6. Shade an eighth
  7. Arrange from the smallest to the largest
    196, 584, 696, 169, 485, 854, 966
  8. A sack had two hundred and forty eight cabbages. One hundred and fifty seven cabbages were removed from the sack. How many cabbages remained? ____________
  9. 200 hundred shillings notes = ___________ 50 shillings notes

    Below are prices of some items. Use it to answer the questions below.
    Pencil sh 5
    Exercise book sh 25
    Ruler sh 17
    Sharpener sh 26
  10. Ruth bought 2 rulers and and a sharpener. How much did she spend? ____________
  11. Mary bought 3 Exercise books. How much did she give to the shopkeeper?____________
  12. Tom bought a ruler and a sharpener. He gave the shopkeeper one hundred shillings note.
    What balance did the shopkeeper give to Tom? ____________
  13. What is the cost of all the items in the price list? ________________
  14.  100 
      - 56                 
  15.   209

  16.   763 
    - 349                 

  17. ¼ of 24 mangoes is _____________ mangoes.
  18. Which one has more?
    ½ of 14 or ¼ of 16
  19. Ruth had 10 apples. She gave ½ of them to her friend Mary. How many apples did Ruth give Mary ? _________________________
  20. 8 x 9 =
  21. 10 x 3 =
  22. 7 x 6 =
  23. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = _______× ________ = ________


  1. Draw and color a square
  2. Use these shapes to make a pattern


  • The learner must show their working.
  • The learner to do the assessment at their own phase.

Marking Scheme

  1. 6
  2. 30
  3. 10
  4. 302
  5. 187
  7. 169, 196, 485, 584, 696, 854, 966 
  8. 248 -157 = 91
  9. 4  - 50 shillingnotess
  10. 50
  11. 75
  12. 57
  13. 73
  14. 44
  15. 414
  16. 53
  17. 6
  18. 1/2 of 14
  19. 5
  20. 72
  21. 30
  22. 42
  23. 5x4=20
  24. Student should draw a square
  25. Student should be able to receate a pattern using the shapes


  1. Which one of the following pairs of diseases is correctly matched with the time of immunization?
      Six weeks Nine months
    Polio tetenus
    B Measles tuberculosis
    C Diptheria pertusis
    D pertusis  yellow fever
  2. Which one of the following components of blood is attacked by HIV?
    1. Red blood cells.
    2. White blood cells.
    3. Platelets.
    4. Plasma.
  3. Which one of the following is a compound fertilizer?
    1. Mono Ammonium Phosphate
    2. Triple super phosphate
    3. Sulphate of Ammonia
    4. Muriate of potash
  4. The importance of fibre in the human diet is to
    1. digestion of food
    2. absorption of nutrients
    3. absorption of water
    4. movement of food
  5. It is true to say that all reptiles
    1. Arecold blooded invetrbrates
    2. Lay fertilised eggs in water
    3. Have scales on their bodies
    4. Lay unfertilized eggs in sand
  6. All the following are safety measures when handling current electricity.
    Which one is not?
    1. Do not touch switches with wet hands
    2. Fitting lightning arrestors on tall buildings
    3. Do not overload sockets
    4. Do not insert sticks ,wires and other materials in sockets.
  7. The rate at which water drains in the soil is mainly determined by
    1. volume of the soil.
    2. size of the soil particles.
    3. humus content in the soil.
    4. air content in the soil.
  8. Which one of the following is a social effect of drug abuse ?
    1. Addiction
    2. Truancy
    3. Withdrawal
    4. Fits
  9. Which one of the following methods will mainly conserve soil moisture and add nutrients after rotting?
    1. strip cropping
    2. Terracing
    3. Mulching
    4. Gabions
  10. Pupils set up an experiment as shown in the diagram below.
    Which one of the following was a correct observation from the experiment?
    1. Water level in the trough increased.
    2. Candle flame brightened.
    3. Water level in the glass jar increased.
    4. Colour of the water changed.
  11. A sample of soil was mixed with water in a transparent container, shaken and then allowed to settle.This was to investigate
    1. Drainage
    2. Capillarity
    3. Composition
    4. Fertility
  12. The following are signs and symptoms of certain diseases:
    1. fever.
    2. severe headache.
    3. violent diarrhoea
    4. severe dehydration.
    5. vomiting.

    Which are for cholera?
    1. (i) and (ii).
    2. (ii) and (iii).
    3. (iii) and (iv).
    4. none
  13. The commonly abused drug in Kenya is?
    1. Tobacco
    2. Glue
    3. Alcohol
    4. Khat
  14. The following are misconceptions about hiv/aids except?
    1. Hiv and aids is a curse.
    2. Sex with a young girl cures hiv aids.
    3. All thin people have aids.
    4. Hiv and aids has no cure
  15. The following are processes that take place in fertization of plants
    Germination of pollen tube
    Pollen tube breaks
    The process that is second is?
    1. Pollination
    2. Fusion
    3. Pollen tube breaks
    4. Germination of pollen tube
  16. Below is an illustration of a food chain.
    Plant —> Antelope —> Lion —> Vulture
    Primary consumers are represented by
    1. plants.
    2. antelope.
    3. lion.
    4. vulture.
  17. While breathing in , the
    1. Diaphragm flattens
    2. Volume of the chest decrease
    3. Diaphgram become dome shaped
    4. Lungs contract
  18. Which one of the following occurs in both adolesence boys and girls
    1. Production of sex cells
    2. Hips broaden.
    3. Voice breaks.
    4. Enlargement of breasts.
  19. When the tail of the a windvane points to the East,the wind must be blowing from?
    1. .East to west
    2. West to east
    3. North to south
    4. South to North
  20. Which one of the following characteristics can be used to identify molars?
    1. one root and chisel shape .
    2. cusps and ridges
    3. one root and cusps
    4. ridges and chisel shape.
  21. The following can be seperated using a magnet ecxept
    1. Iron fillings and office pins
    2. Staple pins and sand
    3. Iron fillings and flour
    4. Iron fillings and copper pieces
  22. Which property of clay soil lead to flooding in a flat land?
    1. Stickness
    2. Fine texture
    3. Poor drainage
    4. High capillarity
  23. Sound moves slowest in ?
    1. Solids
    2. Vacuum
    3. Liquids
    4. Gases
  24. Carbon dioxide during blood circulation is removed from the blood stream in the
    1. Lungs
    2. Left ventricle
    3. Right auricle
    4. Aorta

      The diagram below represents a female reproductive system
  25. Which one of the parts labelled p,q,r and s is correctly matched to its function
      Part Function
    Q site for fertilization
    R site for implantation
    C S egg formation
    • ovulation 
  26. Which part does fertilization take place
    1. Q
    2. R
    3. S
    4. P
  27. Which pair of materials below float because of material they are made of?
    1. Sufuria and bottle
    2. Plasticine and wood
    3. Wood and wax
    4. Wax and sufuria
  28. The best procedure of seperating mixture of salt ,maize flour,and maize husks is
    1. Filtering-sieving-evaporating
    2. Dissolving- filtering-sieving-evaporating
    3. Winnowing-dissolving-filtering-evaporating
    4. Sieving-dissolving-filtering-evaporating
  29. The following are methods of maintaining simple tools:
    1. Cleaning after use
    2. Proper storage
    3. Sharpening cutting edges
    4. Proper use of tools.

    Which pair consists only of methods for safety from accidents?
    1. (ii) and (iv).
    2. (i) and (iv).
    3. (ii) and (iii).
    4. (i) and (iii).
  30. When a force equal to the force of a moving object is applied in the opposite direction,the moving object will
    1. Continue moving
    2. Move backwards
    3. Stop
    4. Decrease the speed
  31. Which property of light leads to the formation of a shadow
    1. Dispersion of light
    2. Light travels in a straight line
    3. Reflection of light
    4. Refraction of light
  32. A component of air used for germination is also required for
    1. burning substances.
    2. preserving soft drinks.
    3. making proteins.
    4. making electric bulbs.
  33. Which one of the following has definite shape,size and mass
    1. Clay, water, nitrogen
    2. Glue,toothpaste,spirit
    3. Stone,oil,water vapour
    4. Flour,chalkdust,cement
  34. Which of the following organs in the human body both produce sex cells?
    1. Testis and penis
    2. Ovary and uterus
    3. Ovary and testis
    4. Penis and vagina
  35. Which one of the following parts of a passion plant is modified to climbing
    1. Branch
    2. stem
    3. leaves
    4. Bud
  36. Which one of the following consists of foods that are mainly for body building?
    1. beef, cassava, potatoes.
    2. mutton, maize, pawpaw.
    3. peas, beans, eggs.
    4. carrots, bananas, tomatoes.
  37. Which one of the following is a storage pest
    1. Aphid
    2. white ant
    3. cutworm
    4. Weaverbird
  38. Which of the plants has root nodules
    1. Maize and potatoes
    2. cabbages and millet
    3. Groundnuts and and pea
    4. Tomatoes and beans
  39. Which one of the following components of blood is correctly matched with its function?
      Blood component Function
    A Red blood cells clotting of blood
    B White blood cells transport oxygen.
    C Platelets fight germs.
    D Plasma transport food.
  40. Which one of the following is advisable when spraying chemicals
    1. Spraying when the temperatures are high
    2. Wearing a gas mask when spraying
    3. spraying against the direction of wind
    4. Wash hands before spraying
  41. The method of grazing that would require the largest piece of land to practice is
    1. herding
    2. stall feeding
    3. tethering
    4. paddocking.
  42. The following are reasons for placing a tap near the bottom of a tank except
    1. to let all water out
    2. increase pressure
    3. making water flow faster
    4. Making gravitational force act on water
  43. Which one of the following statements is not true about commercial feeds?
    1. some are given as the only feeds
    2. they are mainly given to increase production
    3. they are mainly given for protection against diseases
    4. some are given together with other feeds
  44. Which one of the following is a safety measure against lightning when it is raining?
    1. Leaning against walls.
    2. Walking on open areas.
    3. Wearing rubber shoes.
    4. Using an umbrella.
  45. The diagram below represents a set up that can be used to investigate good and poor conductors of electricity?
    Which one of the following materials when used to connect wires at point S would make the bulb not light?
    1. Pencil.
    2. Aluminium foil.
    3. Steel wool.
    4. Rubber band.
  46. Coccaine and bhang share all the following except
    1. Causes depression
    2. Causes hallucinnations
    3. Are all narcotics
    4. Cause addiction
  47. The reasons we are not able to see the stars during the day is
    1. A. they switch off during the day
    2. the sun is too bright
    3. they are never present in the sky
    4. they do not produce their own light
  48. The following are some characteristics of soil:
    1. fine particles.
    2. cracks when dry.
    3. poor drainage.
    4. good capillarity.

    The characteristics are for
    1. loam soil
    2. loam and sand soil
    3. sand soil
    4. clay soil.
  49. Which one of the following soil conservation measures is best suitable on a nursery bed?
    1. Terracing.
    2. Mulching.
    3. Tree planting.
    4. Contour farming.
  50. A farmer practicing stall feeding is not likely to feed animals on
    1. pasture and fodder
    2. pasture
    3. fodder 
    4. concentrates .

Marking Scheme

  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. C
  14. D
  15. D
  16. B
  17. A
  18. A
  19. B
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. D
  34. C
  35. B
  36. C
  37. B
  38. C
  39. D
  40. B
  41. A
  42. D
  43. C
  44. C
  45. D
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. B
  50. B


Chagua jibu sahihi ujazie nafasi wazi

Baada ya siku    1      kupita, wakaona kisiwa      2      mbali, wakakusudia kwenda     3      . Walipokaribia , wakaona    4        moja zuri lakini hakukuwa na     5       yoyote ya watu,wanyama    6       ndege. Miti na majani yalikuwa kama yamelala.   7        nanga, wakashuka kisiwani na wakaingia      8     . Kila     9       , waliona watu wamelala bila     10       yoyote;walistaajabu mno. Wakapanda juu ya      11      jumba , wakaingia      12      chumba , wakaona mambo ni     13      tu. Wakaja hata    14        chumba cha yule mlezi     15       wakazidi kustaajabu.

  A B C D
ile ile
yale yale
kwa jumba
hiyo hiyo
katika jumbani
yaya haya

Chagua jibu sahihi kutoka swali la 16-30

  1. Ni ipi sio maana ya kitawe shinda
    1. faulu
    2. kukaa kutwa
    3. isiyojaa
    4. tabu
  2. Magurudumu nikwa motokaa ilhali ________ ni kwa kitanda.
    1. matendeguu
    2. miguu
    3. matendegu
    4. maguu
  3. Kule mahakamani ,shahidi alitakikana atoe __________
    1. shada
    2. shahada
    3. ushuhuda
    4. ushahidi
  4.  Mtoto ___________ alianguka vibaya sana.
    1. mwenye
    2. yeye
    3. mwenyewe
    4. enyewe
  5. Andika ukubwa wa
    Mtoto wa ngo’mbe anaitwa ndama.
    1. Jitoto la ngo’mbe linaitwa dama
    2. Toto la gombe linaitwa dama.
    3. Jitoto la gombe linaitwa ndama.
    4. Toto la ngo’mbe anaitwa ndama.
  6. Nyoka ______ ana meno ______
    1. yule , ndefu
    2. ile , marefu
    3. yule , marefu
    4. ule , refu
  7. Nini maana ya ‘Tulipeana’
    1. alinipea nami nikampea
    2. tulimpa akachukua
    3. nilimpa naye akanipea
    4. tuliwapa nao wakatupa
  8. Chagua sentensi sahihi
    1. Mtoto ambaye aliyefaulu amezawadiwa.
    2. Mtoto ambao alifaulu amezawadiwa.
    3. Mtoto aliyefaulu ametuzwa zawadi.
    4. Mtoto ambaye aliyefaulu amepewa zawadi.
  9. Watu wanapofiwa huwa wanaambiwa?
    1. alamsiki - binuru
    2. mpo - tupo
    3. poleni - asante
    4. makiwa - tunayo
  10. Kamilisha kwa usahihi
    Msimwache mgonjwa _______
    1. akufe
    2. afe
    3. aafe
    4. akakufe
  11. Mwindaji haramu wa wanyama pori huitwa _______
    1. jasusi
    2. jambazi
    3. jangili
    4. msasi
  12. Kama juzi ilikuwa ijumaa tarehe sita, mtondo itakuwa siku gani na tarehe ngapi?
    1. Jumatano tarehe kumi na moja
    2. Jumapili tarehe nane
    3. Ijumaa tarehe kumi na tatu
    4. Jumatano tarehe kumi
  13. Tumia –a unganifu kwa usahihi
    Pua _______ mtoto inauma
    1. la
    2. wa
    3. ya
    4. za
  14. Chagua sentensi iliyo katika wakati timilifu.
    1. aende shuleni
    2. hajaenda shuleni
    3. ataenda shuleni
    4. huenda shuleni
  15. Jaliza mwanya
    Mahali hapa ______ uchafu mwingi.
    1. nayo ina
    2. nako kuna
    3. napo kuna
    4. napo pana

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 mpaka 40.

Naikumbuka siku hiyo vizuri. Niliamka alfajiri mbichi tayari kuanza safari kutoka kijijini mwetu hadi mji mkuu. Hii ndiyo iliyokuwa mara yangu ya kwanza kuuzuru mji huu. Moyoni nilikuwa na bashasha isiyokuwa ya kawaida kwa sababu siku hiyo ningeuona mji ambao sifa zake nilikuwa nikizisikia tu kutoka kwa wenzangu waliobahatika kuutembelea. Hamu ya kuona majengo marefu, barabara zilizosakifiwa, magari mengi, watu wa asili mbalimbali na mabustani ya starehe ilinigubika ikawa sijifai kwa matumaini.

Nilitembea hatua chache hadi kituo cha mabasi, nikapata daladala moja iliyotoza nauli nafuu, nikaiabiria mpaka mji uliokuwa pua na mdomo kutoka kitongojini mwetu. Hapo nilitumainia kupata matwana ya kusafiria hadi mji mkuu. Kwenye stesheni kulikuwa na msongarnano wa matwana na harakati za utingo waliokuwa waking’ang‘ania abiria. Nikaingia katika matwana moja iliyoitwa Upepo. Nilikuwa abiria wa kumi na wawili kuingia. Baada ya dakika tano hivi, gari lilijaa abiria,wote kumi na wanne. Tukang’oa nanga. Mandhari ya kupendeza yalijikunjua mbele yangu. Upepo mwanana kupitia dirishani,mpito wa kasi wa miti, mazigazi ....vyote vilishirikiana kunipumbaza kiasi cha kunisahaulisha kufunga mkanda wa usalama.

Baada ya robo saa utingo alidai nauli. Nikapeleka mkono kwa tahadhari kwenye kibindo changu ambamo nilikuwa nimezifutika hela za usafiri na masurufu. Nikatoa noti ya shilingi mia mbili na kumkabidhi utingo huku nikitarajia baki. Utingo alinikazia macho, akanyoosha mkono na kusema, “Mia mzaidi!“ Nikarudi tena kwenye kibindo, nikatoa noti mbili za shilingi hamsini na kumpa. Safari ikaendelea.

Tulipofika mji mdogo wa Pilia, matwana ilisimama. Utingo aliinama chini ya viti, akatoa vibao na kuviweka baina ya viti vya kawaida. Kisha akaanza kutangaza. “Wa Jiji na mia; mia hamsini”. Abiria walioonekana kuwa wachovu kwa kungojea na kupigwa na mzizimo wa kipupwe walipigana vikumbo kuingia huku utingo akiwaelekeza kwenye vile vibao. Viti vilivyotengenezewa abiria watatu vikaishia kubeba abiria watano. Matwana nayo ikawa haina budi kustahimili uzito wa abiria ishirini na watatu. Tukawa tunabanana kweli kweli. Utingo naye alining’inia mlangoni huku shati lake likipeperushwa na upepo. Nilipojaribu kulalamikia hali hii nilinyamazishwa hata na abiria wenzangu.

Gari Iikaanza mwendo tena huku likiendeshwa kwa kasi ya umeme. Abiria waliokuwa wakizungumza sasa walinyamaza kila mmoja roho i mkononi. Kimya cha kaburi kikatawala hadi pale utingo alipomwambia dereva. “Weka ngoma.“ Muziki ukahanikiza hewani kwa fujo. Baadhi ya abiria wakaanza kuyumbisha vichwa kwa kufuata mdundo wa muziki ambao ulitishia kuvipasua viwambo vya masikio yangu.

Njiani tulikutana na walinda usalama ambao walitusimamisha. Utingo alishuka na kwenda chemba na mmojawapo wa hao maafisa kisha akarudi huku kipaji chake kimenawiri kwa tabasamu. Akasema, “Nimempaka mafuta viganjani.” Baadhi ya abiria walitikisa vichwa, wengine wakacheka kama kwamba wameona kinyago. Mimi nilibaki kuduwaa tu. Gari liliongeza mwendo na baada ya muda mfupi tukafika kwenye mji mmoja ambao ulikuwa na majengo makubwa makubwa. Nikadhani tumefika mji mkuu. Nilipomuuliza abiria jirani aliniambia kuwa huu ulikuwa tu mji mkuu wa Jimbo la Buraha. Tukazidi kuyakunja rnasafa ya safari hii kwa kasi ya kuogofya huku dereva akitafuna majani aliyokuwa akiyatoa mfukoni mwa shati lake. Kadiri alivyoyatafima ndivyo alivyozidisha kasi. Nikahisi kama gari linapaa juu angani. Nikataka kumwambia dereva jambo, lakini nikajiambia, “Ikiwa wengine wamenyamaza sembuse mimi?“

Baada ya kitambo kidogo mvua ilianza kunyesha. Kukawa na ukungu na utelezi barabarani. Abiria mmoja alimsihi dereva kupunguza mwendo. Hayo hayakumgusa dereva mshipa. Aliongeza kasi kana kwamba hajasikia lolote. Gari Iilifika kwenye kuruba,dereva akawa haoni vizuri. Ghafla nikasikia, “Kirrr..!“ Kisha_“Mungu wangu!" Halafu, ‘ngu!'Kiza cha kaniki kikatanda.


  1. Kulingana na kifungu;
    1. Wenzake msimulizi waliwahi kupata fursa ya kuishi katika Mji Mkuu.
    2. Barabara za Mji Mkuu hazina mashimo.
    3. Mji Mkuu una majumba mengi marefu.
    4. Msimulizi ana mwao na hali ilivyo katika Mji Mkuu.
  2. Chagua jibu sahihi kuhusu vituo vya magari kwa mujibu wa aya ya pili:
    1. Wasafiri wengi kushindania nafasi
    2. Magari mengi kushindania wasafiri
    3. Misongamano mingi ya kungangania wasafari
    4. Shughuli nyingi za kungangania nafasi.
  3. Mazingira ya kuvutia yalimwathiri Msimulizi kwani:
    1. Aliduwaa na kujisahau.
    2. Alifurahia upepo na kujisahau.
    3. Alizubaa na kupuuza sheria za usafiri.
    4. Alipumbaa na kupinga sheria za usafiri.
  4. Msimulizi alikuwa amehifadhi pesa katika:
    1. Mfuko mdogo ndani ya suruali.
    2. Mfuko mdogo mbele ya suruali.
    3. Mfuko wa nguo iliyoshonwa kiunoni.
    4. Mkunjo wa nguo uliofingwa kiunoni.
  5. Katika mji wa Pitia abiria walipigana vikumbo kuingia garini kwa sababu:
    1. Kulikuwa na uhaba wa magari.
    2. Kulikuwa na uhaba wa viti.
    3. Walikuwa wamechoka kungojea matwana
    4. Walikuwa wamepigwa na baridi na mvua.
  6. Kulingana na kifungu ajali barabarani husababishwa na:
    1. ukosefu wa magari, kubeba abiria wengi.
    2. kiburi cha madereva. kutozingatia maelekezo barabarani.
    3. ukosefu wa mikanda ya usalarna, madereva kutowajibika.
    4. muziki wa kupasua viwambo madereva kutoona vizuri.
  7. Msimulizi ni mkakamavu kwa vile:
    1. Alishutumu hali ya gari kubeba abiria kuliko kiasi.
    2. Alishutumu hali ya shati na utingo kuning‘inia nje.
    3. Alinyarnaza alipoona dereva akikaribia kuruba kwa kasi.
    4. Alinyamaza alipoona utingo akienda chemba na afisa.
  8. Chagua jibu lisilo sahihi kulingana na kifungu:
    1. Abiria wengine waliufurahia muziki garini.
    2. Ufisadi unaweza kusababisha ajali barabarani.
    3. Abiria wanaweza kuzuia ajali barabarani.
    4. Kuruba ndiyo iliyosababisha ajali garini.
  9. Ni mfuatano upi wa matukio ufaao kwa mujibu wa kifungu?
    1. Kucheza muziki, kukutana na polisi, kufikia kuruba, mvua kunyesha, kupata ajali
    2. Kukutana na polisi, kuhonga, kucheza muziki, kufikia kuruba, kupata ajali
    3. Kucheza muziki, kukutana na polisi, kuhonga, kufikia kuruba, kupata ajali.
    4. Kukutana na polisi, gari kupaa juu, mvua kunyesha, kufikia kuruba, kupata ajali.
  10. 'Kiza cha kaniki kilitanda’ kulingana na kifungu ina maana:
    1. Msimulizi akapoteza fahamu.
    2. Msimuiizi akapoteza uwezo wa kuona.
    3. Kukawa na weusi mkubwa.
    4. Kukawa na giza totoro.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 mpaka 50.

Tenga alilelewa katika mazingira yaliyojaa neema, furaha na uchangamfu. Wazazi wake Bwana Mtanga na Bi. Zuhura waiikuwa wakwasi wa kutajika katika janibu hizo, si kwa mali tu bali kwa nyoyo zao zilizokuwa tayari kila mara kuwakirimu wanakijiji kwa lolote.

Bwana Mtanga na Bi. Zuhura hawakuiala maskini wakaamka matajiri. Mtanga alianza kazi kama tarishi katika Makavazi ya Umma. lngawa hii ilikuwa kazi ya kijungu jiko . Mtanga hakwenda nguu: alijitahidi kwa vyovyote vile kujinyanyua. Akajisajili kwa kozi mbalimbali za usimamizi wa makavazi na kuhilimu vyeti tofautitofauti vikiwemo stashahada na shahada katika masuala ya usimamizi wa mashirika ya umma. Jitihada zake zikazaa matunda. Akapandishwa cheo mwaka baada ya mwingine hadi akawa msimamizi wa Makavazi ya Umma. Baadaye akaajiriwa na shirika la Msalaba Mwekundu kama Mkrurugenzi wa Huduma za Kijamii.

Bi. Zuhura naye baada ya kuhitimu masomo ya shule ya upili,alisomea taaluma ya ukutubi na baadaye kuajiriwa katika maktaba ya chuo kikuu cha Tungama. Hapa Zuhura alitambua kuwa amepata nafusi adimu ya kutia makali ubongo wake. Akajisajili kwa kozi ya ukutubi na kuhitimu shahada ya daraja la kwanza katika taaluma hii. Wakuu wake kazini wakavutiwa na juhudi zake na kumpandisha cheo akawa Mkutubi Mkuu.

Wakati Bwana Mtanga na Bi. Zuhura walipokuwa wakijiendeleza kitaaluma na kiuchumi,Tenga naye alikuwa anajikalia tu kama uyoga bila mpalilizi. Nyadhifa za wazazi wake zilimpokonya Tenga ushirika wa wazazi wake. Ile michezo yake na wazazi wake kabla ya chajio, yale matembezi ya kila Jumapili yote yakatoweka. Baba na mama wakawa wanarudi nyumbani baada ya saa nne usiku wakiwa wametoka kwenye masomo ya kuupigia msasa ujuzi wao; Jumamosi na Jumapili wana majadiliano na wanafunzi wenzao. Nyakati nyingine wazazi wote wawili walikuwa kwenye safari za kikazi. Nyakati kama hizi Tenga angepelekwa kwa shangazi ambako angekaa na kijakazi wake kwa wiki tatu; anaenda shuleni na kurudi huko huko kwa shangazi.

Wahenga walisema kwamba, akosaye la mama hata la mbwa huamwa. Pengo la malezi lililoachwa na wazazi wa Tenga Iilijazwa na walezi wengine wakiwemo vijakazi , shangazi, marika,walimu,majirani na hata vibonzo. Tenga alijifunza mengi kutokana na walezi hawa. Alifunzwa namna ya kupigana miereka kutumia ujanja kujitoa katika matatizo,kutumia maneno makali,kujihami alipochokozwa na wenzake, pamoja na mitindo mbalimbali ya kujinadhifisha. Mafunzo ambayo Tenga aliyapata hasa kutoka kwa marika yaliutia ila mwenendo na uhusiano wake na walimu. Darasani akawa anaishi kuvuruga masomo kwani kila mara angetenda kituko ili mwalimu na wanafumi waubaini uwepo wake. Vituko hivi vilisababisha kudorora kwa alama zake. Walimu wakajaribu kuurekebisha utundu wake lakini zikawa kama juhudi za mfa-maji. Tabia ya Tenga haikuwa ufa tena bali ukuta ambao ulihitaji kujengwa upya. Mkuu wa Idara ya Ushauri na Uelekezaji shuleni ilibidi ahusishwe. Akamhoji Tenga na kupambaukiwa kuwa vitendo vya Tenga vilikuwa na asili ambayo ilihitaji kuchunguzwa. Akampendekezea mwalimu wa darasa kuwashirikisha wazazi kalika kutafuta mbinu za kumwelekeza Tenga zaidi.

Bwana Mtanga na mkewe Zuhura walipoambiwa kuhusu hali ya Tenga walipigwa nu bumbuazi. Hawakuwa wameyawazia madhara ya kutoshiriki kikamilifu katika malezi ya mtoto wao. Mwalimu aliwaambia ya kwamba nusura Tenga ajiingize na wenzake katika matumizi ya dawa za kulevya Iakini akakataa na kusema kuwa hata babake hakujaribu kutumia kitu chochote. Wazazi waliona haya na kujilaumu. Hata hivyo walishukuru ya kwamba walimu waliyagundua matatizo haya kabla hayajaiangziniiza familia yao.

Chagua jibu sahihi kwa mujibu wa kifungu.

  1. Bwana Mtanga na Bi. Zuhura:
    1. walimlea Tenga kwa kushauriana, walikuwa mashuhuri;
    2. walimlea Tenga kwa kuchangamkiana, walikuwa maarufu
    3. waliingiliana vyema na majirani, walipenda kusaidia
    4. waliingiliana vyema na walimu, walipenda kutoa.
  2. Utajiri wa wazazi wa Tenga ulitokana na:
    1. uwajibikaji wao katika shughuli zao
    2. kupata vyeo katika madaraja tofautitofauti
    3. kupata shahada na stashahada mbalimbali
    4. uwajibikaji wao katika taaluma zao
  3. Wazo kuu linalojitokeza katika aya ya nne ni kwamba:
    1. Jambo Iolote likifanywa bila ushirikiano huleta madhara
    2. Jambo lolote likifanywa bila kipimo huweza kuleta madhara
    3. Jambo lolole likifanywa bila utulivu huweza kuleta madhara
    4. Jambo lolote likifanywa bila mtazamo huweza kuleta madhara
  4. Kifungu kinaonyesha kuwa ukosefu wa malezi bora husababisha:
    1. kupigana miereka daima ili kupata maslahi
    2. kudhoofika kwa maadili
    3. kuharibu masomo darasani ili kuonekana kote
    4. kuharibika kwa urafiki
  5. "Tabia ya tenga haikuwa ufa bali ukuta abao ulihitaji kujengwa upya" ina maana;
    1. Tabia ya tenga ilikuwa imeharibika kabisa kiasi cha kuhitaji kurekebishwa kikamilifu
    2. Tabia ya tenga ilikuwa imeharibika kabisa kiasi cha kuhitaji kushauriwa kikamilifu
    3. tabia ya Tenga ilihitaji kushughulikiwa kikamilifu
    4. tabia ya Tenga ilihitaji kutambuliwa kikamilifu
  6. Kwa mujibu wa kifungu. Idara ya Ushauri ya Uelekezaji inasaidia katika malezi kw
    1. kuwahoji vijana na kuwaita wazazi wao
    2. kutambua matatizo ya vijana na kuonyesha mbinu za kuwashirikisha
    3. kutambua matatizo ya vijana na kuangazia mbinu za kuyasuluhisha
    4. kuwahoji vijana na kuwaambia matatizo yao
  7. Kulingana na aya ya mwisho, wazazi wa Tenga
    1. hawakujua umuhumi wa kukaa karibu na watoto wao
    2. walipuuza umuhimu wa ushirika wa karibu wa walezi wao
    3. walipuuza umuhimu wa ushirika wa karibu na mtoto wao
    4. hawakujua umuhimu wa kukaa karibu na walezi wao
  8. Chagua jibu lipi linaloonyesha sifa za Tenga.
    1. mcheshi, mwenye kupenda wazazi
    2. mwenye mapenzi ya dhati anayelafuta kushirikishwa
    3. mchangamfu mwenye kupenda unadhifu
    4. mwenye msimamo imara, anayetafuta kutambuliwa
  9. Kisawe cha, ‘hakwenda nguu.’ ni:
    1. hakujitia kapuni
    2. hakujitia hamnazo
    3. hakufa moyo
    4. hakufa kikondoo
  10. Maana ya, ‘kujihami' kwa mujibu wa kifungu ni:
    1. kujitetea
    2. kujinasua
    3. kujihadhari
    4. kujizatiti


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. C
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. D
  32. B
  33. C
  34. D
  35. A
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. B
  45. A
  46. C
  47. C
  48. D
  49. C
  50. A
Tagged under


Fill the gaps

Have you ever seen a vehicle     1    gases      2   .Vehicle      3     fuels such as petrol     4    diesel to power their engines.The combustion of     5      fuels in the engines of vehicles     6     harmful gases such as carbon dioxide    7      carbon monoxide and other gases. The exhaust gases produced by vehicles     8     poisonous which    9      the air.

  A B C D


The    10      of global warming    11      already causing havoc     12     the world.Floods are causing untold suffering to communities ;famine and food    13      associated    14      the effectsof climate change is hounding the region.Kenya and    15       government must adapt to changes happening.

  A B C D


Answer the following question according to the instructions given.

  1. Write in direct speech
    My elder brother said that he didn’t understand why people smoke
    1. “I didn’t understand why people smoked,” My elder brother said.
    2. “He doesn’t understand why people smoke,” My elder brother says.
    3.  “I don’t understand why people smoke,” My elder brother said.
    4.  “Why do people smoke? I don’t understand!” My elder brother said.

    In questions 17 and 18 choose the best alternative that best completes the sentence

  2. Dan pays school fees for his daughters, _____?
    1.  doesn’t he
    2. did he
    3. does he
    4. didn’t he
  3. The guests have not gone home, ________?
    1.  is it
    2. haven’t they
    3. isn’t it
    4. have they 

    For question 19 choose the alternative that means the same as the given sentence

  4. Neither Mary nor his best friend attended the prize giving.
    1. Both of them attended the prize giving
    2. Mary attended the prize giving
    3. None of them attended the prize giving
    4. His best friend attended the prize giving

    Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence below.

  5. Cate bought a _______ skirt.
    1. circular, silk, short
    2. short, circular, silk
    3. silk, short, circular
    4. circular, short, silk
  6. Mary, ____ house collapsed was not hurt.
    •  who
    • who’s
    • whose
    • which

    For questions 22 to 24, select the alternative that best completes the sentences

  7. I don’t think I can tolerate his behavior much longer
    1. put up with 
    2. put out with
    3. put down with
    4. put off with
  8.  He is as tall as ____
    1. me
    2. I am
    3.  I
    4. am I
  9. Dan chose to play football ___ he is good at it.
    1. though
    2. and
    3. but
    4. because
  10. Choose the correct sentence
    1. Don’t come late; if you do, you will miss the fun
    2. Mary bought apples, oranges and pears.
    3. Ken gave us chocolates; buns; sweets
    4. Dan made, the cake, we decorated.

Read the following passage carefully and then answer questions 26-38.

I started school late, at the age of eight years because my father was not keen on taking me to school. My mother was very keen on insisting that little education did no harm. By then I was ten years old. I was the last born in a family of four children; two boys and two girls. My brothers had finished their secondary education and were now working in the capital city. My sister got married at the age of eleven. From the time she married, I never saw her happy. Her face always looked sad and weary but not once did I hear her complain.

The journey to and from school took two hours. At 3.30pm the lower classes were released while the rest of the school stayed on until 4.30pm. We sat on tree trunks for we did not have desks. Two of the classrooms’ walls had gaping holes. The roof of the classroom was no more than thatch grass that was laid over rafters. It was badly built. On this particular day, Naitula’s book was missing and I found her searching for it everywhere. Then she found one of our classmates under a tree copying notes from it. Without uttering a single word, she forcefully snatched the book from him and after staring at him with a stern face, she waved at me to join her and we left for home. This caught the boy by surprise and he was left staring at us.

It was a rainy season and various wild flowers had bloomed. There were blue, yellow, red and white flowers. Wild fruits had ripened and birds feasted on them. One of my favorite fruits was the wild berry and these two were in plenty. We always spent some time on the way home picking them and also playing with the butterflies that had invaded the country. The path we took every day was so muddy that we kept wiping our feet on the wet grass. From where we were, we could see herds of cattle grazing on the plains in the distance. My father’s herd was grazing near our home.

Cows and goats are our main source of livelihood and a man’s worth is judged by the number of livestock one has. Women, children and animals are a man’s property. Woman’s work is to take care of the man, his children and his animals. My friend Naitula and I parted at the spot where the road branches to our different Manyattas.

On arriving home, I found my father with visitors and they were drinking a traditional brew from horns. Four were seated on his left side while one was on his right. I entered the hut and found a strange woman seated there so I greeted her. My mother, without looking at me asked, “Are you hungry?” “Yes, I have taken nothing the whole day.” She pointed to where a guard of milk was kept. She seemed to be avoiding my eyes and I asked her, “Why do you look sad today mother?”

The visitor smiled exposing her white teeth. She did not answer but said,” Go out and check on the goats and at dusk bring them home.

  1. Why was the writer late to start school?
    1. He was too old to start school
    2. The school was far from their home
    3. His father wasn’t keen on taking him to school
    4. He was too young to start school.
  2. Which of these sentences is false?
    1. The writer hadn’t started school at the age of eight
    2. The writer’s mother was keen on education
    3. The writer was the last born of his family
    4. The writer’s brothers were illiterate
  3. Where were the writer’s siblings
    1. In the village
    2. In school too
    3. Away in town
    4. In different cities
  4. The word weary as used in the passage means:-
    1. very thin
    2. well dressed
    3. poorly dressed
    4. very tired
  5. Which of these sentences best describes the writer’s school?
    1. Logs for desks, mud walls, thatched roof
    2. Logs for walls, thatched roof, wooden desks
    3. Thatched roof, mud walls, wooden desks
    4.  Mud walls, logs for desks and logs for walls
  6. What was Naitula looking for?
    1. Her classmates
    2. A place to sit
    3. Her note book
    4. Her brother
  7. Why was the boy surprised?
    1. He had been talked to harshly.
    2. When Naitula forcefully snatched the book from him.
    3. He had taken his friends book.
    4. He was copying notes.
  8. Which of the following did not happen when the rainy season came?
    1. Plants germinated.
    2. Fruits ripened.
    3. Birds had enough to feed on.
    4. Flowers blossomed.
  9.  From the passage we learn that the writer :-
    1. disliked wild berries
    2. never wore shoes
    3. had never seen butterflies
    4. hardly stopped on the way
  10. What could the writer see at a distance?
    1. Goats and cows grazing
    2. his father grazing
    3. herds of cattle grazing
    4.  his father driving cattle home
  11. Which of the following shows a man’s worth? Number of
    1. manyatta
    2. children
    3. women
    4. livestock
  12. According to the passage
    1. Four visitors were seated to the right side
    2. the writer had had nothing all day
    3. there were some strange women seated
    4. writer’s mother looked happy that day

Read the following passage carefully and then answer question 38-50.

The old man found the children gathered at the same place. As soon as they saw him they asked him to tell them another story. The children were becoming a regular part of the old man’s daily life.

Without them in the evening he felt lonely. The evenings seemed long and boring. It is funny how habits develop, he thought. At first he could easily pass an evening all by himself and feel quite happy. Now he needed the company of the children for the evening to feel complete.

Funny, he thought to himself as he sat down on his favorite chair. It is just like that nasty habit of taking snuff that he had developed. At first he did it as a joke, just for fun. He felt he could stop the habit if and when he wanted to, but in time he found he had to have some snuff every few hours. If he did not, he would get all nervous and shaky. Now he was getting hooked on to being with the children.

“Oh well,” he said to himself, “at least that is a good habit to catch. It cannot make you lose your senses like Mzee Okong’o did”. He had spoken aloud without realizing it. “What happened to Mzee Okongo?” The children asked, all together. The old man let out a short laugh. He had been caught off guard by the children and he knew he had to tell them the story of Mzee Okong’o.

For Mzee Okong’o it had all started like a joke. It was during the wedding of his daughter many years before. During such ceremonies, the bride was required to give her father a horn of beer in front of friends and relatives. Having given her father the beer, the father would ask; “My daughter, are you asking me to drink this beer brought by these people? Are you telling me before,this crowd, that you will never ask me to vomit it”? This was meant to confirm in public whether the girl had completely made up her mind to marry the man. As her sign of agreeing to get married to the man whose family had brought the beer the girl would answer: “Yes, my father. I am asking you to drink it and I will never ask you to vomit it.”

If the father drank the beer, it showed he had agreed that his daughter could get married to the man who asked for her hand in marriage. Mzee Okong’o had thus made his first contact with alcohol after a very long time. He felt good and light headed after the first horn full and he asked for another second horn full more than the first.

In time, he was into his fifth and sixth horn of beer. Thereafter, he had lost count and slipped into a coma. He did not know when and how his guests had gone home. He could not remember what happened or what he might have said or done. Did he behave well? Did he abuse people in his speech? Did he pass urine in public? Did he fall or break wind loudly?

  1. From the first paragraph, we can tell that the old man
    1. found the children playing
    2. never needed the children’s presence
    3. hardly felt lonely at all
    4. enjoyed narrating stories now and then.
  2. Without them in the evening he felt lonely.....”them” refers to
    1. his daughters
    2. the children
    3. his family
    4. the villagers
  3. What made the old man’s evening complete?
    1. the long and boring evenings
    2. the practice he had started
    3. the gathering of children
    4. the funny habits he had developed
  4. “Snuff” is an example of
    1. clinical medicine
    2. herbal medicine
    3. hard drug
    4. traditional medicine
  5. The old man felt nervous and shaky before taking snuff. This means
    1. he was sick
    2. he felt cold
    3. he was excited
    4. he was an addict
  6. The old man started the nasty habit.........
    1. as a way of letting out his anger
    2. to attract more customers
    3. as a way of passing time
    4. to impress the children
  7. Why did the old man chuckle?
    1. He knew he had to narrate a story
    2. He had been day-dreaming
    3. The children had made a joke
    4. He had taken too much snuff
  8. During the wedding the bride was supposed to do all the following except?
    1. She had to give her father a horn of beer
    2. The giving out of beer was witnessed by relatives
    3. Issuing of beer was in front of neighbors and relatives
    4. The horn of beer was given infront of friends
  9. What did Mzee Okong’o do during his daughter’s wedding?
    1. He vomited the beer he had taken
    2. He gave his daughter a hornfull of beer
    3. He narrated a story to his guest
    4. He took six hornfills of beer.
  10. By vomiting the beer this meant that
    1. the girl had agreed partially to wed the man
    2. the father didn’t want the girl wed
    3. the girl had not agreed to become a wife
    4. the man had sensed that was not well
  11. The beer had been brought by the man’s family, this can be compared to
    1. wealth 
    2. dowry
    3. poverty
    4. thanks-giving
  12. How many horn-fills of beer did Okong’o have?
    1. Two
    2. six
    3. uncountable
    4. seven
  13. The last paragraph tells us that the old man slipped into a “coma” this means?
    1. He became unconscious.
    2. He fell into deep sleep.
    3. He was conscious.
    4. He was completely drank.

Marking Scheme

  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. A
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. A
  34. B
  35. C
  36. D
  37. B
  38. D
  39. B
  40. B
  41. C
  42. D
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. D
  47. B
  48. B
  49. C
  50. D
Tagged under


  1. Draw and colour two runners exchanging a relay baton  (1mk)
    ACM Q9 rectangle G5 ET3 2022
  2. Use the diagram below to answer questions that folllow
                PHE Q2 G5 ET3 2022
    1. The above facility is used when playing a  __________________________________ event calles ______________________ (2 marks)
    2. Name the parts labelled (3mks)
      1. ______________________________________
      2. ______________________________________
      3. ______________________________________
  3. List two rope skippikg skill  (2 marks)
    1. ___________________________________________
    2. ___________________________________________
  4. Write down two importance of sliding when playing softball     (2mks)
    1. _________________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________________
  5. What do you call the players that play the game of rounders?  (2mks) _______________________ and _____________________
  6. List three basic equipment that are used in volleyball. (3mks)
    1.  __________________________________________________
    2. ___________________________________________________
    3. ___________________________________________________
  7. Each team in the game of Kabaddi has ___________________________________________  players at the start of the game (1mk)
  8. Name the following equipment used in tag rugby game    (3mks)
    PHE Q2 G5 ET3 2022
  9. There are ____________________________ _______phases used when performing standing discus technique. (3, 4, 6) (1mk)


  1. Picture of children exchanging a relay button
    1. field, long jump
    2. A-runway
      B - take off board
      C - Landing pit
  3. Straddle, straddle cross, skier, heel, taps
  4. prevent injury, avoid a tag, make a diversion, because it is the quickest way to the base
  5. fielders and battlers
  6. net, ball, posts
    1. training cones
    2. tag belt
    3. rugby ball
  8. 4


  1. List three categories of colour (3mks)
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
  2. What are the two techniques used in weaving? (2mks)
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
  3. When making a drawing composition you either make a vertical or horizontal layouts. The vertical layout is also called ______________________ while the horizontal layout is also called _________________________ (2mks)
  4. What do you call the type of drawing that involves drawing arrangement of man-made or natural things? ________________(1mk)
  5. List two techniques that are used to show value on drawn objects (2mks)
    1. ___________________________________
    2. ___________________________________
  6. In crayon etching technique, crayons can be made using _____________________ wax or ____________________wax. (2mrks)
  7. List three materials that can be carved in sculpture to make sculptural forms (3mks)
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________
  8. Name two techniques used when modelling items 2mks)
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
  9. Draw and colour a cooking stick (1mk)
    ACM Q9 rectangle G5 ET3 2022
  10. A _____________________________ is a simple type of loom that is made by tying four sticks hat four corners to make a frame and is used in weaving (1mk)
  11. _____________________________________ is the surface appearance of objects in the presence of light. (Shape, Colour) (1mks)
    (Total 20 mks)


  1. Name the following wind instruments. (2mks)
      ACM Q1a G5 ET3 2022
      ACM Q1b G5 ET3 2022
  2. The musical instruments shown above are played by ____________________________ them to produce sound.(1mk)
  3. List four types of songs. (4mks). 
    1. _________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________
    3. _________________________________________
    4. _________________________________________
  4. Write down the roles of the following participants in a folk song. (3mks) a
    1. Instrumentalists ____________________________________
    2. Soloist ___________________________________________
    3. Singers ___________________________________________
  5. When two voices are in agreement while singing together they create ____________________________ in a song. (Imk)
  6. What do you call a song that is sung as a symbol of the unity among the member states of the East African Community?
    _______________________________________ (1mk)
  7. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box (3mks)
     costumes, ornaments, body adornment 
    1. The beads, necklaces, bracelets and anklets worn by dancers during the performance are called ____________________
    2. The paint decorations made on the body of dancers during performance are known as __________________________
    3. In folk dances the attire worn by dancers that are specially designed are known as ____________________________
  8. Name four participants in a folk dance (4mks)
    1. ___________________________________________
    2. ___________________________________________
    3. ___________________________________________
    4. ___________________________________________
  9. Draw the note symbol of a crotchet (1mk)
    ACM Q9 rectangle G5 ET3 2022
    (Total 20 marks)



    1. Primary colours
    2. Secondary colours
    3. Tertiary colours
    1. Plain weave/ check weave
    2. twine weave
  3. potrait layout, landscape layout
  4. Still life drawing
    1. Smudge technique
    2. Cross-hatching
  6. paraffin, bee
  7. wood, plastic, clay, stone, stabs, rubber
    1. pinch
    2. coil
  9. Coloured picture of a cooking stick
  10. Dowel loom
  11. Colour


    1. Abu
    2. Nzumari
  2. Blowing
  3. Lullaby, patriotic, scared, action, topical, popular, folk
    1. play the instruments
    2. leads the singers in a performance
    3. respond to the soloist
  5. harmony
  6. East African Community Anthem
    1. ornaments
    2. body adonment
    3. costumes
    1. soloist
    2. response group
    3. instrumentalists
    4. dancers
    ACM Ans9 G5 ET3 2022


  1. Write down two emotional changes that take place in pre-adolescents       (2mks)
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
  2. Fill in the table below using examples of common communicable diseases that affect people. (8mks)
     Skin diseases   Respiratory diseases   Insect transmitted diseases   Immunisable diseases 
     a) _______________ 
     a) _________________
     c) _________________ 
     a) ___________________

      a) _______________ 
  3. Write down three aspects of good grooming (3mks)
    1. ______________________________
    2. ______________________________
    3. ______________________________
  4. What is an advertisement?(1mk) __________________________________________________________
  5. List two types of media that can be used in the advertisement of new product. (2mks) 
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
  6. Identify the materials the following surfaces are made of     (4mks)
      HSA Q6a G5 ET3 2022______________________________
      HSA Q6b G5 ET3 2022___________________________
      HSA Q6c G5 ET3 2022_____________________________
      HSA Q6d G5 ET3 2022 _______________________________
  7. Chebet a pre-adolescent girl has been given money by her parents to buy christmas clothes and shoes. What factors do you think she is supposed to consider when choosing her shoes and clothes?  (4mks)
    1. _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________
    3. _______________________________________
    4. _______________________________________
  8. _____________________________ involves making a buying decision in the right manner. (1mk)
  9. Use the words in the box to fill in the gaps (4mks)
     expiry date, impulse buying, shopping list, compare prices  
    1. It is always important to check the _____________________________ of the items you are buying.
    2. Planning for items to buy helps to avoid ____________________________________
    3. Use your _________________________________ when buying items that you need.
    4. You save money when you _____________________________________ and buy a similar item at a cheaper price.
  10. ______________________ is a nutritional deficiency disease and disorder that is caused by lack of enough proteins in the diet (1mk)
    (Total marks 30)


  1. Grade five learners at Jikaze primary school started a club of planting climbing fruit trees. Imagine you are asked to advise them on ways of managing those climbing fruit trees to ensure they grow strong and heathy, give them five activities they can undertake to manage their climbing fruit trees (5mks)
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
    3. _____________________________________
    4. _____________________________________
    5. _____________________________________
  2. List three climbing fruit trees grade five learners are likely to plant in question 1 above (3mks)
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________
  3. Write two planting materials for climbing fruits the grade five learners can use to plant their climbing fruit trees in question 1 above. (2mks)
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
  4. Five grade tive learners made placards of various domestic animals 
    HSA Q4 G5 ET3 2022
    Identify the domestic animals mentioned by the five learners. (5mks)
    1. Joseph  ___________________________
    2. Andy _____________________________
    3. Asha ._____________________________
    4. Jerry ______________________________
    5. Kamau _____________________________
  5. Name the following gardening tools and equipment  (5mks)
      HSA Q5a G5 ET3 2022__________________________________
      HSA Q5b G5 ET3 2022____________________________________
      HSA Q5c G5 ET3 2022___________________________________
      HSA Q5d G5 ET3 2022_____________________________________
      HSA Q5e G5 ET3 2022_______________________________________
  6. Define the following terms (8mks)
    1. Run off ___________________________________________________
    2. Soil recovery ________________________________________________________
    3. Soil conservation __________________________________________________________________
    4. Soil erosion _____________________________________________________________
  7. Draw and colour a diagram showing mulching in plants. (2mks)



    1. shyness
    2. mood swings
    • Skin diseases - ringworms, scabies
    • Respiratory - coughs, colds, corona virus, T.B,
    • Insect transmitted - malaria
    • Immunisable - measles, chicken pox.
  3. Exercises, personal hygiene, dressing, care of clothes, etiquette ( any 3)
  4. It is a public notice that promotes a product or a service.
  5. Notice board, posters, billboards, word of mouth, phones, newspapers, radio, television (any 2)
    1. wood
    2. tile
    3. cement
    4. glass
  7. shape and size, comfort, weather, age, colour, occasion, price (any 4)
  8. Wise buying
    1. expiry date
    2. Impulse buying
    3. Shopping list
    4. Compare prices
  10. Kwashiorkor


  1. watering, mulching, applying manure, weeding, training.
  2. passion fruits, raspberry, fruits, gooseberry fruits, grapes, kiwi fruits  (any 3)
  3. seeds, stem cuttings.
    1. horse
    2. donkey
    3. pig
    4. dog
    5. cat
    1. garden fork
    2. pruning shears
    3. watering can
    4. garden trowel
    5. garden insecticide sprayer
    1. The excess water that flows on the ground surface after heavy rainfall
    2. The process of collecting soil from the depostition sites and using it to replace the lost top soil.
    3. Process of preventing the loss of the top layer of soil from erosion or contamination
    4. It is the carrying away of the top soil from one place to another
  7. Picture of mulched plant.


  1. ________________________________ is the people's way of life.  (1mk)
  2. Complete the hierarchy of school administration below. (3mks)
      SST Q2 G5 ET3 2022
  3. Write the origin of the following language groups (3mks)
               Language group               Origin
    1. Nilotes                    _______________________
    2. Cushites                 _______________________
    3. Bantu                      _______________________
  4. What do you call the growing of crops and rearing of animals _______________________________________ (1mk)
  5. List three resources found in Kenya. (3mks) 
    1. __________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________
    3. __________________________________________
  6. Define the following terms (2mks)
    1. Densely populated areas _________________________________________________
    2. Sparsely populated areas _________________________________________________
  7. _____________________________ is the weather condition of a place that is recorded for a long period of time. (1mk)
  8. Name the following physical features.    (3mks)
      SST Q8a G5 ET3 2022   ___________________________
      SST Q8b G5 ET3 2022      ____________________________
      SST Q8c G5 ET3 2022____________________________
      (Total 30 marks)
  9. Draw a compass and indicate eight points (8mks)

  10. Name the neighbours of Kenya to the   (4mks)
    1. South  __________________________________
    2. North  __________________________________
    3. East ___________________________________
    4. West ___________________________________
  11. Study the following pictures and write man-made or natural environment (4mks)
      SST Q11a G5 ET3 2022____________________________
      SST Q11b G5 ET3 2022_____________________________
      SST Q11c G5 ET3 2022___________________________
      SST Q11d G5 ET3 2022________________________________
  12. My school is in _______________________________ county. (1mk)


  1. Grade five learners at Jipe Moyo Academy were told to arrange the following events that took place during the baptism of Jesus in order from the first one to the last (4mks) a
    1. Holy spirit came down in form of a dove.
    2. Heaven opened
    3. A voice was heard from heaven saying "This is my dear with whom I am pleased"
    4. Jesus was baptised
      How do you think they wrote the events?
      1. ____________________________________
      2. ____________________________________
      3. ____________________________________
      4. ____________________________________
  2. Jesus fed _____________________________ people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish (1mk)
  3. What was the name of Moses' father in-law? (1mk)__________________________________
  4. God used _________________________________to rescue baby Moses and keep him free from danger (1m)
  5. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph.(5mks)
     diligently, courageous, honest, faithfully, Daniel 
    ________________________served king Belshazzar ___________________________. He was ____________________since he did not fear to tell the king God's message. Daniel was an ___________________________ servant of God. We should work    _____________________________ to serve God.
  6. List three sons of Noah (3mks)
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
  7. Write true or false after the statements. (5mks)
    1. Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Gethsemane by God _______________________________________
    2. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruits of the tree of knowledge ______________________________________
    3. The snake tricked Adam ____________________________________
    4. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. _________________________________________
      (Total 20marks)


  1. The surah of the Qur'an that warns those who neglect prayers is _________________________________________
  2. The act of relying and trusting in Allah is known as ___________________________________
  3. The prayer place for the Hindus is ________________________________
  4. The fifth pillar of Iman is the belief in the _______________________________
  5. The attribute of Allah Al-Aalim means _________________________________
  6. The angels who record our deeds are _______________________ and ________________________________
  7. They are neither male nor female. Who are they? _____________________________________
  8. How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an? _____________________________________
  9. The last prophet of Allah to be sent to the world was ____________________________________
  10. The 4 o'clock fardh salat is ________________________________
  11. The foster mother of the prophet was ________________________________
  12.  Mention one quality of prophet Muhammad _____________________________________
  13. The pillar of Islam that encourages sharing is  ____________________________________
  14. All prophets were sent to the world by ___________________________________
  15. The prophet of Allah who constructed an ark was _____________________________________
    Match the following
  16. Haji                        fasting
  17. Zakat                     pilgrimage
  18. Saum                     prayer
  19. Shahada                alms 
  20. Salat                     declaration/ Creed
    (20 marks)



  1. culture
  2. deputy head teacher
    senior teacher
    other teachers
    1. Southern Sudan
    2. Southern Ethiopia
    3. Congo forest
  4. Farming
  5. minerals, animals. land, water, vegetation
    1. areas with very many peope living together
    2. areas with few people living together
  7. Climate
    1. picture of mountain
    2. picture of an island
    3. picture of river
    SST Ans9 G5 ET3 2022
    1. Tanzania 
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Somalia
    4. Uganda
    1. man-made
    2. natural
    3. man-made
    4. natural
  12. mark according to your county


    1. Jesus was baptised
    2. Heaven opened
    3. Holy spirit came down in form of a dove.
    4. A voice was heard from heaven saying "This is my dear with whom I am pleased"
  2. 4,000
  3. Jethro
  4. Pharaoh's daughter
  5. Daniel, faithfully, courageous, honest, diligently
    1. Ham
    2. Shem
    3. Japheth
    1. false
    2. true
    3. false
    4. true


  1. maun
  2. tawakkul
  3. temple
  4. day of judgement
  5. the all-knowing
  6. raqid, atid
  7. angels
  8. twenty five/25
  9. Muhammad
  10. Asr
  11. Halima
  12. honest truthful, trustworthy etc
  13. zakat
  14. Allah/God
  15. Nuh(A.S)
  16. Haji - pilgrimage
  17. Zakat - Alms
  18. Saum - fasting
  19. Shahada - Declaration
  20. Salat - Prayer

Answer all questions in the space provided

  1. Name three characteristics of living things (3mks)
    1.  ______________________________________________ 
    2. _______________________________________________
    3. _______________________________________________
  2. Making clean air dirty is referred to as ___________________________ (1mk)
  3. Write down three parts of a skeleton.  (3mks)
    1. __________________________________
    2. ___________________________________
    3. ___________________________________
  4. Identify parts of the body that we wear the following protective equipment
      ST Q4a G5 ET3 2022
      ST Q4b G5 ET3 2022
      ST Q4c G5 ET3 2022
  5. Name three examples of non-flowering plants.(3mks)
    1.  ______________________________
    2. _______________________________
    3. _______________________________
  6. Fish breathes through  _________________________________________(1mk)
  7. Match the animal with its characteristics (3mks)
    1. Turkey                     Gives birth to their youngones
    2. Rabbit                     Cold blooded
    3. Lizard                      Covered by feathers
  8. Write down two useful fungi   (2mks)
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  9. We breathe in air called __________________ and breathe out air called _________________________ (2mks)
  10. The external parasite that causes scabies is called ________________________________(1mk)
  11. Name two symptoms of jiggers infestation.  (2mks)
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  12. Identify the following internal parasite _______________________________ (1mk)
    ST Q12 G5 ET3 2022
  13. Name any three ways to protect ourselves from internal parasites (3mks)
    1. _________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________
    3. _________________________________________
  14. What is word processor? (2mks) ____________________________________________________
  15. Name three parts of a computer (3mks)
    1. __________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________
    3. __________________________________________
  16. From the list below, underline the waste that can decompose (3mks) 
    1. E-waste
    2. Animal waste
    3. Fruit peelings
    4. Scrap metal
    5. Wood remains
    6. Plastic cups
    7. Old clothes
  17. The process of making something old appear new again is called _____________________________ (1mk)
  18. Give two examples of word processor software (2mks)
    1. ___________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  19. Name the tooth below (1mk)
    ST Q19 G5 ET3 2022
  20. List three parts of the digestive system    (3mks)
    1.  _______________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
  21. Mary suffered from a waterborne disease and had the following signs and symptoms
    1. Headache
    2. Vomiting
    3. Violent watery diarrhoea
      Which disease was Mary likely to be suffering from __________________________________ (1mk)
  22. Name the function of hair in the nose __________________________________________ (1mk)
  23. Name two diseases that affect the breathing system (2mks)
    1. __________________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________________
  24. Identify the following external parasite ( 1mk)
    ST Q24 G5 ET3 2022
  25. Name any two things you need when washing hands (1mk)
    1. _________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________


    1. Living things grow
    2. They reproduce
    3. They fed
    4. They die
  2. Air pollution
    1. Skull
    2. rib cage
    3. spine
    4. limbs
    5. bones
    1. hands
    2. feet
    3. nose and mouth
    1. algae
    2. moss
    3. fern
  6. gills
    1. Turkey - have feathers
    2. Rabbit - give birth
    3. Lizard - cold blooded
    1. Yeast
    2. Mushroom
    3. Penicillium
  9. oxygen, carbon dioxide
  10. mite
    1. Itching
    2. pain on feet
    3. deformed toes and feet
  12. Tapeworm
    1. washing fruits and vegetables
    2. washing hands after going to toilet
    3. Eating well cooked food.
  14. Word processor is software used to compose, format, edit and print documents.
    1. Monitor
    2. mouse
    3. CPU
    4. keyboard
  16. Animal waste, fruit peelings, wood remains
  17. recycling
    1. microsoft word
    2. Open office 
    3. Word pad
  19. Premolar
    1. Mouth
    2. food pipe
    3. stomach
    4. large and small intesties
    5. rectum
    6. anus
  21. Cholera
  22. To trap dust
    1. Cold
    2. Asthma
    3. TB
    4. coughs
    5. Covid-19
    6. pneumonia
  24. Jigger
    1. Soap
    2. warm water
    3. sanitizer
    4. towel.
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