The School
- A school is a centre where learning takes place both formally and informally.
- It is also a place where the learners acquire knowledge.
School Management
- The public schools are run by the government through the ministry of education.
- At the district level, the schools are managed by:
- the District Education Board. (D.E.B)
- The chairman of the district education board is the district commissioner.
- The secretary of the District education board is the district education officer (D.E.O)The D.E.O is in charge of all the education matters in the district. He/She:-
- Ensures there are teachers in the school.
- Inspects schools to ensure standards are set and maintained.
- Organizes co-curriculum activities.
- Assigns teachers responsibilities by posting and transferring them.
The Teacher
- He/She is the secretary to the school committee.
- He/She signs duties and responsibilities to all the teachers in the school
- Receive information from the ministry and pass them on to teachers.
- Ensures that the school is stable and runs smoothly.
- He supervises the work of teachers, pupils and school workers.
- He ensures that good academic standards are made and maintained.
- He writes minutes during school committee meetings.
- He maintains discipline among pupils.
The Deputy Headteacher
- He is the principal assistant of the head teacher.
- He attends to lessons by planning and teaching.
- He acts in the absence of head teacher.
- He is in charge of discipline.
The Senior Teacher
- Ensures all lessons are attended to.
- Acts in the absence of head teacher and the Deputy head teacher.
- Plans and teaches the pupils.
Head Prefects (head boy and head girl)
- They co-ordinate the activities of other prefects.
- Ensures the pupils are orderly.
- Prefects act as the eyes of teachers on other pupils.
Importance of School Administration.
- It promotes high academic standards.
- It promotes high standards of discipline.
- It helps in maintaining school facilities like chairs tables and desks.
- It co-ordinates the daily academic activities in the school.
- It maintains proper school records.
- It organizes and promotes co-curricular activities in the schools e.g. games, music, athletics, drama.
- It acts as the link between the community in school.
- It ensures that the school maintains cleanliness.
- It acts as a link between the school and the government education agents like:
- Assistant education officers (AEO)
- District Education Officers
- Provincial director of education
- It allocates teachers their teaching subjects and other duties.
The School Motto
- It is a phrase that expresses the beliefs of a school.
- It describes the goals that a school intends the school learners to achieve by the time they leave the school.
- School routine is the program of activities in the school either on daily or weekly basis.
- The school timetable forms a major part of the school routine.

The Family
- Family is a group of people who are related by blood or marriage.
Main Types of Family
- Nuclear family - father, mother and child/children
- Extended family - nuclear and other relatives.
- Single parent family - One parent and child/children
Needs of Family Members
- Needs are requirements that are necessary for people to live.
- Basic needs - things we cannot do without.
- Secondary needs - Things that add comfort to our lives but we can do without them.
Basic needs | Secondary needs |
Resonsibilities of Family Members
- Roles and duties in a family are well defined.
Responsibilities of Parents
- Providing basic needs for the family.
- Providing security in the family.
- Providing medical care for the family.
- Installing good morals in the children.
- Providing financial assistance.
- Teaching religious values.
- Providing love for the family members.

- Marriage is a permanent union between adults.
- Marriage systems recognized in Kenya are:
- Religious marriage.
- Customary marriage.
- Civil marriage.
Religious Marriage
- It is usually conducted in a church , mosque , or a temple.
- A wedding ceremony is conducted.
- Christians and Asian marriages are monogamous (one man and one wife)while Muslim marriages are polygamous (more than one wife).
- Couple exchange marriage vows.
- A marriage certificate is issued.
Customary Marriage
- Conducted according to the African customs and beliefs.
- Polygamy is allowed.
- Bride wealth is given before the wedding ceremony.
- It is usually conducted by the clan elders.
Civil Marriage
- It is presided over by a magistrate or an authorized government officer.
- A couple intending to marry must issue a 21 day notice to the district commissioner or the district registrar of marriage.
- The marriage partners pay a marriage fee.
- A marriage certificate is issued.
- Divorce or separation is granted by a court of law.
Importance of Marriage
- It provides companionship.
- It ensures the continuity of the family name and culture.
- It unites different families hence promotes unity and harmony in the society.
- It ensures good upbringing of the children.
- It provides security and legal rights to the children, wife, and the husband.
- It helps to regulate social behavior of the couple.
- It helps to enrich culture especially when man and wife are responsible.
Rights and Responsibilities of Spouses in Marriage
- To be loyal and faithful to each other.
- To stand by each other as a source of comfort and strength.
- To love one another.
- To give each other emotional and physical security and protection.
- To earn an income to support the family.
- To promote the family’s standard of living.
- To discuss the decisions regarding the family matters.
- They should be caring to the children.

Succession and Inheritance
- Succession means taking over property after the owner dies or give up ownership.
- Inheritance is receiving property left behind when the owner dies.
- People succeed or inherit the estate (belonging of the deceased ) through:
- customary laws
- written wills
- parliamentary acts (law of succession).
- The property of the diseased is called an estate.
- A written document that shows how the property of the deceased should be shared out is known as the will.
- The person who inherits the estates of the deceased is known as an heir.
- The distribution of the estate of the deceased is done by:
- Court of law.
- The public trustee.
- The bearer of the letter of administration or the grant of probate.
- The authority to manage the estate is granted by a court of law.
- The following are entitled to the estate of the deceased :
- wife or wives
- former wife ( in case of a divorce in a court of law).
- sons
- daughters
- parents
- Any other person with proof that they depend on the deceased.
- Where both the parents have died, the adult first born child should apply to get a letter of administration, if the parent did not leave a will or a grant of probate, if the parent left a will.
NB: daughters of the deceased whether married or not have the right to benefit from the property of the deceased.

Resources and Economic Activities.
- Resources are the things that are useful to human beings e.g. Soil, water, money, land, forest, mineral, wildlife, domestic animals.
- Economic activities are the different ways that we use the resources to earn income.
- The main economic activities in Kenya include:
- Transport and communication.
- Livestock keeping.
- Wildlife and tourism.
- Fishing.
- Mining.
- Crop farming.
- Forestry.
- Manufacturing.
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