English Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Momaliche Post Mock 2020 Exam

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  • Answer all the questions in the spaces provided below
  • All your answers must be written.
  • Candidates should answer the questions in English.
  1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.

    A lot of students think that learning is only in class. If students use two extra steps, most students will not forget what they learned in class. To achieve effective learning, students needed to follow two extra steps in the three strategic learning processes.

    The key to success is by following these three strategies. Review is essential to student success. Unless content is reviewed by students shortly after It is learned, it will soon be forgotten. To avoid forgetting what you learned, it is recommended to review daily. It is also recommended to reduce large volumes of notes into point form and to paraphrase what you have learned. Other helpful tips include creating concept maps and diagrams; creating fact, concept or vocabulary cards and using visualization to better connect to what you learned. These are all important tools to helping students better understand and memorize lesson content.

    The key to achieving academic success cannot be directly correlated to one specific area. Rather it requires students to be overall rounded in many different aspects. This includes attending class regularly to keep pace with the class. Falling behind in studies or homework can be detrimental to academic success and can induce stress on to students.

    Participating in class activities and discussions are also vital parts of learning and applying concepts learned. On the other hand, taking good, concise notes will always helping the long run when reviewing for tests and exams. To sum it all up, strategic learning is the password for many academic achievements.

    Being exposed to knowledge is the first step in the journey, the fact that young scholars can learn and be a part of history is a phenomenal step in furthering their search to success. Reviewing notes, in the way the young individual wishes, by him/herself, or with a good friend, this will help him/her to understand what has been learned in a way he understands. Lastly practice is a great way to memorise what has been learned, when practice achieves its full potential, the individual won’t only been titled for a good mark, but also away to view, under and think of things. Those three attributes will help scholars become more successful, but it’s important to one as it is to the other, and each and every person should find the learning strategies effectual for him/herself, and in extremely exceptional occasions even invent innovate new strategies.

    1. What does the writer faults in the students thinking according to the first paragraph?(2marks)
    2. Explain the three strategies that are key to success. (6marks)
    3. Unless content is reviewed by students shortly after it is learned, it will soon be forgotten.. (1mark)
      Begin if……………………………………………………………………………………….
    4. The key to achieving academic success cannot be directly correlated to one specific area.
      Rewrite the sentence adding a question tag
    5. Discuss the tone of the passage. (3marks)
    6. According to the passage, identify attributes that help a student become a successful learner? (3marks)
    7. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.(4marks)
      1. Detrimental ……………..…………………………………………………………………
      2. Correlated …………………………………………………………………………………..
      3. Effectual ……….………………………………………………………………………………
      4. Exceptional ………………………..…………………………………………………………
  2. Blossoms of the Savannah. Henry ole Kulet
    Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)

    Her dream was rudely and violently interrupted by a thunderous bang and a loud roar of laughter. She woke up with a start, jumped up to her feet and stared at the door with wide panic-stricken eyes. For a moment she could not figure out her surroundings and called out the name of her sister Taiyo. She was terrified. The door flung open and Olarinkoi staggered in. He was stone drunk. Resian stared at him unblinkingly as he walked towards her and she backed off terrified, squeezing herself flatly against the wall. He followed her there and got hold of her shoulders and shook her violently glaring at her with his glittering eyes.

    “You silly thing,” he thundered angrily. “I tell you to prepare food and you refuse to do so, eh? Today you will know who the owner of this home is. If you are still in doubt, let me tell you frankly that from today on you are my wife, hear that, eh? You are my wife. For a long time you have been sneering at me, showing how highly educated you are. Today we shall see how educated your body is! Yes, eh shall see!’’

    He got hold of her hand and began dragging her into the other room. At first she did not understand his intention until he began unfastening her buttons with his rough trembling hands. Then the truth came, and with it, terror and panic. She tried to get away from him, but he held her effortlessly as he brutally continued fumbling with her dress, trying to loosen it. She screamed as loudly as she could while she pushed him away and thrashed frantically about. But that did not deter him and he totally ignored her screams holding her more firmly with his strong arms. Against her loud protest, he tore her garments and began to push her towards the bed.

    Then desperately she took the last chance of self-defence and self-preservation. Mustering all her strength, she thrust his thumb the flesh like a ferocious animal and tenaciously held onto it, tugging at it fiercely like a lioness. She could feel the flesh tearing and she tasted the salt of his blood as it filled her mouth but she clung unto the thumb as Olarinkoi howled with pain.

    1. Make notes on the content of Resian’s dream just before the excerpt (4Mks)
    2. Discuss one character traits of Resian in this excerpt. (2Mks)
    3. What has greatly changed in Olarinkoi in this excerpt compared to his earlier conduct in the novel towards Resian? (3Mks)
    4. Identify and illustrate two aspects of style in this excerpt. (4Mks)
    5. Explain two major issues raised in the excerpt. (4Mks)
    6. Explain what happens immediately after the excerpt. (3Mks)
    7. “Today we shall see how educated your body is” Rewrite in reported speech. (1Mk)
    8. Explain the meaning of the following expressions in the passage. (4 Mks)
      1. Unblinkingly……………………………….
      2. effortlessly……………………………….
      3. Mustering ……………………………….
      4. Howled ………………………………….
  3. Read the poem below carefully and answer the questions that follow.


    The Years have passed by,
    In the blink of an eye,
    Moments of sadness,
    And joy have flown by.

    People I loved,
    Have come and have gone,
    But the world never stopped,
    And we all carried on.

    Life wasn't easy,
    And the struggles were there,
    Filled with times that it mattered,
    Times I just didn't care.

    I stood on my own,
    And I still found my way,
    Through some nights filled with tears,
    And the dawn of new days.

    And now with old age,
    It's become very clear,
    Things I once found important,
    Were not why I was here.

    And how many things,
    That I managed to buy,
    Were never what made me,
    Feel better inside.

    And the worries and fears,
    That plagued me each day,
    In the end of it all,
    Would just fade away.

    But how much I reached out,
    To others when needed,
    Would be the true measure,
    Of how I succeeded.

    And how much I shared,
    Of my soul and my heart,
    Would ultimately be,
    What set me apart.

    And what's really important
    Is my opinion of me,
    And whether or not,
    I'm the best I can be.

    And how much more kindness,
    And love I can show,
    Before the Lord tells me,
    It's my time to go.
                                                                   By Pat Fleming
    1. Who is the persona in the poem above? ( 2 marks)
    2. What subject matter is addressed in the poem? ( 3 marks)
    3. Give evidence from the poem suggesting that time has elapsed so quickly. ( 3 marks)
    4. Paraphrase verse 6 of the poem. ( 2 marks)
    5. Describe the attitude of the persona toward the subject matter. ( 3 marks)
    6. Identify and explain the stylistic device employed in the last verse of the poem.
      ( 2 marks)
    7. With old age, it’s become very clear. Rewrite ending with: old age) (1 mark)
    8. Explain the meaning of the following as used in the poem. ( 4 marks)
      1. Plagued……………………………………………..
      2. I stood on my own, through some nights filled with tears ……………………………………
      3. True measure……………………………………………………….
    1. Fill in with the most suitable prepositions
      1. They acquainted Jean______________ Italian prepositions.
      2. It was naive _____________ you to ignore the doctor’s prescription.
      3. This team is good _________________ its everyday work.
    2. Punctuate accordingly
      1. she was young beautiful kind and intelligent.
      2. china one of the most powerful nations on earth has a huge population.
    3. Rewrite according to instructions in brackets
      1. I met my friend while walking from home to school. (Begin with: Walking)
      2. Who taught you Physics? (Rewrite in the passive)
      3. I didn’t give the money to my sister. I gave the money to my cousin.
        (Rewrite using ‘rather’)
    4. Having persevered, he bore fruits. (Rewrite using “perseverance”)
    5. Use the most appropriate form of the verb in brackets
      1. What ______________ the children doing when you last saw them? ( to be)
      2. I _____________ appreciate his jokes. They were not funny. (to do)
    6. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets
      1. He said nothing useful. (anything)
      2. Can anyone answer this question? (no one)
    7. Fill with most appropriate collective noun
      1. A __________ of soldiers received medals from the president.
      2. A ________ of islands was submerged in the ocean when the cyclone occurred.


    1. What does the writer faults in the students thinking according to the first paragraph?(2marks)
      The writer faults the fact that the students think that learning is only in class.
    2. Explain the three strategies that are key to success. (6marks)
      1. Review to avoid forgetting what you learned.
      2. Reducing large volumes of notes into points for better understanding and to memorize lesson content.
      3. Paraphrasing what you have learnt for better understanding and to memorize lesson content
    3. Unless content is reviewed by students shortly after it is learned, it will soon be forgotten.. (1mark)
      Begin if……………………………………………………………………………………….
      If content forgotten is not reviewed by students shortly after it is learnt, it will soon be 
    4. The key to achieving academic success cannot be directly correlated to one specific area.
      Rewrite the sentence adding a question tag
      ,can it ? (Proper punctuation; Comma and question mark)
    5. Discuss the tone of the passage. (3marks)
      Informative. The writer informs the students about the strategies to use in learning . ‘when practice achieves its full potential , the individual gets a good mark, away to view and think of things
    6. According to the passage, identify attributes that help a student become a successful learner? (3marks)
      • Reviewing what has been learned
      • Attending classes regularly
      • Practice for memorisation
    7. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.(4marks)
      1. Detrimental - damaging
      2. Correlated - connected
      3. Effectual - effective
      4. Exceptional - outstanding
    1. Make notes on the contents of Resian’s dream just before the excerpt. (4Mks) 1)
      1. Resians meets emmakererei, who promises her of wonderful things
      2. emmakererei promises to take her to Nakuru and join Egerton university
      3. She promised to offer a vocational job
      4. She promises to protect her against anyone threatening her with FGM
      5. She assures her of her right to remain intoiye nemengalana
    2. Discuss one character trait of Resian in this excerpt. (2Mks)
      • She’s naïve. Resian did not understand has intention until he began unfastening her with his rough trembling hands
      • She is courageous /Fearful
        (Any correct and well-illustrated character trait)
    3. What has greatly changed in Olarinkoi in this excerpt compared to his earlier conduct in the novel towards Resian? (3Mks)
      Benevolent to malevolent. Olarinkoi has turned to a monster and rapist yet he had worn a protective, caring and mindful face to Resian and her sister and actually saved them from the two vagabonds-Ntara and Lante.
    4. Identify and illustrate two aspects of style in this excerpt. (4Mks)
      1. Use of dialogue “you silly thing,” he thundered angrily.
      2. Use of simile “Sunk her teeth into the flesh like a ferocious animal.”‘…tugging at it fiercely like a lioness…
      3. Personification ‘Her dream was rudely and violently interrupted by a thunderous bang and a loud’
    5. Explain two major issues raised in the excerpt. (4Mks)
      1. Plight of women. Women are subjected to physical, sexual and emotional harassment by the male counterparts. Against her loud protest, he tore her garments and began to push her towards the bed.
      2. Male chauvinism. Olarinkoi thinks that he has the right to molest Resian just because she is a woman
    6. Explain what happens immediately after the excerpt. (3Mks)
      Resian bites Olarinkoi’s thumb to a near severing the limb. She is hit on the ribcage and head until she passes out.
    7. “Today we shall see how educated your body is” Rewrite in reported speech. (1Mk)
      He said that they would see how educated her body was
    8. Explain the meaning of the following expressions in the passage. (4 Mks)
      1. Unblinkingly - forthright
      2. Effortlessly - easily
      3. Mustering - collecting
      4. Howled - wept/ cried loudly
    1. Who is the persona in the poem above? ( 2 marks)
      An old person who has gone through a different stages of life and wonders whether her life’s experiences were fulfilling “……with old age…..’’, “ ..I’m the best I can be”
    2. What subject matter is addressed in the poem? ( 3 marks)
      Life contentment. The persona has gone through struggles (vs3) but with old age he has become wiser and living a fulfilled life.
    3. Give evidence from the poem suggesting that time has elapsed so quickly. ( 3 marks)
      1. Years have passed by
      2. In the blink of an eye
      3. People I lived with have come and gone
    4. Paraphrase verse 6 of the poem. ( 2 marks)
      The financial status of the persona determining what she was able to acquire is not what defined the persona’s character.
      (NB must be in present tense)
    5. Describe the attitude of the persona toward the subject matter. ( 3 marks)
      He has critical/ analytic attitude towards the subject matter. He interrogates how he has loved the different stages of life till he has become old. “And what’s really important.” (vs10)
    6. Identify and explain the stylistic device employed in the last verse of the poem.
      ( 2 marks)
      Euphemism – it’s my time to go meaning it’s my time to die
    7. With old age, it’s become very clear. Rewrite ending with: old age) (1 mark)
      It’s become very clear with old age. (No comma)
    8. Explain the meaning of the following as used in the poem.
      1. Plagued  (1mk)
        • troubled
      2. I stood on my own, through some nights filled with tears   (2mk)
        • Independent
      3. True measure      (1mk)
        • real yardstick
      1. with
      2. of
      3. at
      1. She was beautiful, kind , intelligent and young,.
        ( Nb commas and fullstop.)
      2. China, one of the most powerful nations on earth, has a huge population.
      1. Walking from home to school, I met my friend
      2. Physics was taught to you by whom?
      3. Rather than giving the money to my sister, I gave it to my cousin.
        (no comma, no mark)
    4. He bore fruits because of his perseverance,
      1. Were
      2. Didn't
      1. He did not say anything useful
      2. Is there no one to answer this question?
      1. Regiment
      2. Cluster
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