- Explain five benefits that may accrue to a country with a large proportion of skilled labour force. (10 marks)
- Outline five characteristics of an efficient tax system. (10 marks)
- Explain five benefits that Kenya may get as a member of C.O.M.E.S.A. (10 marks)
- Explain five factors that may hinder economic development in Kenya. (10 marks)
- Explain five benefits that may be realized by a country as a result of government policy to relocate industries to rural areas. (10 marks)
- The following balances were extracted from the books of Soilo Traders on 31st December 2010.
Prepare:- Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December 2010. ( 5 marks)
- Balance sheet as at 31st December 2010. (4 marks)
- Explain five advantages of advertising to the consumer. (10 marks)
- On 1st January 2011, Jumo Traders had shs 22,500 in cash and shs 250,000 at bank.
During the month, the following transactions took place:
Prepare a duly balance three column cash book. (10 marks)
- Outline six circumstances under which a trader may use air transport. (12 marks)
- Explain four ways through which a public limited company may be dissolved. (8 marks)
- With the aid of a diagram, explain the effect of an increase in the supply of a commodity while its demand remains constant. (10 marks)
- Explain five features of oligopoly. (10 marks)

- Benefits that may accrue to a country with a large proportion of skilled labour force include:
- Saving on foreign exchange that would have been used to pay expartriates/ imported labour.
- Production of high quality goods/services as the workers are experts in their respective areas.
- Increased output of goods/services as the workers are competent due to exploitation of resources.
- Reduction in cost of production since the labour tends to be efficient/less wasteful.
- Increase in purchasing power/demand due to higher incomes/salaries earned.
- Reduction in dependency ratio since the employment rate is higher.
- Enhances creativity/innovation/research leading to new/improved/variety of goods/services.
- Promotes specialization/division of labour leading to faster production.
- Easen/simpilify setting of wage/employment policy due to abundance/ availability of skilled labour/may reduce labour stife/unrest.
- Increased government revenue due to income taxes levied.
- Increased foreigh exchange due to export of skilled labour.
- Enhances entrepreneural culture since skilled labour is more willing to undertake risks.
- Adaptability/flexibility as they are ready to embrace changes. Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Characteristics of an efficient tax system are:
- Equity - the tax should be fair and just/people should be taxed according to their income.
- Economical - it should be cheap and easy to administer/cost effective/cost of collecting should be lower than the revenue.
- Convenient - method of payment should be convenient to the tax payer/ favourable to tax payer.
- Certainty - tax payer/collector should know what, when and how to pay/collect.
- Flexibility - where tax is used as an instrument of national policy, it should be adaptable to all circumstances.
- Simplicity - it should be easily understood.
- Elasticity - proceeds from taxation should be capable of expanding/contracting in line with changes in income/population.
- Diversity/wide base. There should be wide range/varietyof taxes/should net many tax payers.
- Difficult to evade. Should not create loopholes for people to avoid.
- Should regulate the economy. Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Benefits that may accrue to a country with a large proportion of skilled labour force include:
- Benefits that Kenya may get as a member of COMESA include:
- Free flow of goods and services.
- Expanded market for goods and services.
- Reduced costs of operating businesses as a result of increased scale of operation.
- Production of competitive/quality goods and services.
- Possibility of political cooperation.
- Increased variety of goods to choose from.
- Improved infrastructure to facilitate conduct of business.
- Creation of employment opportunities due to increased trading.
- Attracts investment due to greater demand.
- Lower prices of goods due to abolition of tarrifs.
- Encourages specialization where countries enjoy comparative advantage.
Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Factors that may hinder economic development in Kenya include:
- Inaccessibility to appropriate technology leading to low quality/quantity.
- Inadequate research data.
- Poor development planning.
- Inadequate skilled labour force.
- Inadequate natural resource endowment.
- Brain drain-skilled man power seeking greener pastures elsewhere.
- Low demand for goods/services.
- Negative socio-cultural practices.
- Inadequate/lack of foreign exchange.
- Poor governance/corruption. Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Benefits that Kenya may get as a member of COMESA include:
- Benefits that may be realized by a country as a result of government policy to relocate industries to rural areas include:
- Increased availability of variety of goods and services as a result of new businesses in the area.
- Availability of auxiliary services - citizens would enjoy more and better auxiliary services like transport.
- Increased job opportunities - there will be more jobs available that would reduce unemployment.
- Increased utilisation of locally available resources - locally available factors of production will be used and the citizens would earn rewards associated with them.
- Improved standard of living as development of the rural areas increases the quality and variety of goods and services.
- Reduced congestion in towns - this would benefit the few citizens remaining in the city.
- Balanced economic development as economic activities are spread throughout the country.
- Transfer of technology to rural areas which leads to production of better quality goods/services.
- Creation of market for goods/services produced in rural areas. Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Soilo Traders
Trading, Profit and Loss Account
For the year ending 31st December 2010
Opening stock 75,000
Add: Purchases 395,000
Goods available for sale 470,000
Less: Closing stock 170,000
Cost of Goods Sold 300,000
Gross profit c/d (40% x 500,000) 200,000
General expenses 60,000
Net profit 212,000
Sales 500,000
Gross profit b/d 200,000
Rent income 72,000
272,000 - Soilo Traders
Balance Sheet
As at 31st December 2010
Fixed assets
Machinery 360,000
Furniture 430,500 790,500
Current assets
Stock 170,000
Debtors 62,250
Bank 202,000
Cash 88,800 523,050
Capital 1,000,000
Add: Net profit 212,000 1,212,000
Current Liabilities
Creditors 101,550
- Soilo Traders
- Benefits that may be realized by a country as a result of government policy to relocate industries to rural areas include:
- Advantages of advertising to the consumer include:
- Consumers become aware of existence of a product and where it can be found.
- Consumers enjoy high quality goods resulting from competitive advertising.
/Producers seek to maintain very high standards of quality. - Makes it easy for consumers to choose products from a variety offered in the market based on their advertised quality and contents.
- Protects consumers from exploitation since they are aware of prices and quality of items and can therefore enforce their rights.
- Communicates changes about the producer like new product lines, change of name and physical address. This enhances convenience for the customers.
- Educates the consumers on the proper use of products where advertising messages involve demonstrations of product usage.
- Entertainment by use of drama/music/plays.
- Aiding budget/planning as they are made to know about price and existence of goods.
- May enjoy lower prices due to competition.
- Correct misconceptions hence assist in making decisions. Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Jumo Traders
Three Column Cash Book
DateDetails Discount Allowed Cash Bank Date Details Discount Received Cash Cr
BankJan 1
30Bal b/d
Kamau Traders
Cash (c)
Bank (c)
Cash (c)Shs
Jan 15
31Ndaru Traders
Bank (c)
Mbago Traders
Cash (c)
Bank (c)
Bal c\dShs
- Advantages of advertising to the consumer include:
- Circumstances under which a trader may use air transport:
- Perishable nature of goods since they go bad/get damaged.
- Goods are of high per unit value since they are prone to theft.
- Urgency - where goods require to arrive at the destination promptly.
- Security - where security of goods is of valuable consideration.
- Where other means of transport are unavailable.
- Where distance to be covered is too large.
- Where it is the policy of the business which needs to be followed.
- Where destination is remote making it inaccessible by other means. Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
- Ways through which a public limited company may be dissolved include:
- A resolution by the shareholders to dissolve the company. When there is a unanimous decision by the shareholders to wind up the company during the annual general meeting.
- Change in the country's law that renders the activities of the company illegal/ unlawful. When the laws of a country bars certain activities that the company may have been involved in.
- Inability to repay financial debts on infringement of stakeholders’ rights.
- Amalgamations/mergers - a company may be dissolved if it combines with another and a new one replaces the one combining/creates a new entity.
- Take overs/acquisition/absorption - a company may be dissolved if it is taken over by another/or by the government through acquisition of majority shares hence redirection of its activities/loss of identity.
- Realization of sustained / continuous losses. A company may be dissolved when it makes losses continuously to the extent of not being able to meet its recurrent expenditure/insolvency.
- Court order for infringing on the law/granted to a complaint raised by stakeholders/acting ultravires.
- Completion/fulfilment of task/activity/objective (for which the company was formed) hence making its continued existence unnecessary
- Failure to commence business within one year after incorporation thus contravening the company's act. Any 4x2 = 8 marks
- Circumstances under which a trader may use air transport:
- The effect of an increase in the supply of a commodity while the demand remains constant:
Other factors remaining the same, the price of a commodity will fall from P0 to P1 as the quantity supplied changes from Q0 to Q1
This creates a new equilibrium E1 from E0 as supply curve shifts to the right from S0S0
The increase in supply causes excess supply/surplus.
This lowers price to the new equilibrium price oP1 and equilibrium quantity oQ1.
Diagram - 16 x ½ = 8 marks
Explanation - 4 x ½ = 2 marks
Total = 10 marks - Features of oligopoly include:
- Firms are interdependent in decision making. Firms keenly observe each others' actions/decision hence acting in any way triggers counter reactions (from other firms).
- Firms deal in products that are homogenous or similar. The products are close substitutes of each other and are only differentiated in terms of aspects like colour/packaging/shapes/pricing/branding.
- Firms may engage in nonprice competition/collusive oligopoly. The firms under oligopoly may avoid price wars hence only compete via other means like aggressive advertising/after sales services/market segmentation/fixing quotas.
- Unpredictability of behaviour/uncertainty since firms under oligopoly keep reacting to market changes differently/actions taken by other firmswithin the market may take others by surprise.
- The market is made up of a few large firms since such firms operating under oligopoly tend to have a large capital outlay/make extensive use of modern technology in their production activities/control substancial share of the market.
- There are limiting factors such as large capital investment required to be a player in this market/the level of technology involved may keep off possible entrants into the market/intimidation/collusion.
- Firms may engage in price wars/rivalry/cut throat competition which may lead to survival/collapse of some firms.
- May lead to price rigidity/kinked demand occassioned by fear of other firms' reactions.
- There may be price leadership where the dominant firm dictates the market price/rules the market. Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- The effect of an increase in the supply of a commodity while the demand remains constant:
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