CRE Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Nginda Girls Mock Examination 2023

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  • This paper consists of six questions.
  • Answer any five questions in the spaces provided at the end of question 6.
  •  Each question carries 20 marks.
  • Candidates should answer the questions in English.


    1. Give seven reasons why Christians read the bible. (7 marks)
    2. Outline the teachings on the relationship between human being and the environment from Genesis stories of creation. (7marks)
    3. State six consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African communities. (6 marks)
    1. Describe how God prepared the Israelites for the making of the covenant at Mt. Sinai.(Exodus 19). (8 marks)
    2. State seven importance of God’s covenant with Abraham. (7marks)
    3. Give five lessons that Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. (5marks)
    1. State seven ways why the Israelites demanded to be led a king. (7marks)
    2. Describe the incident in which King Ahab took Naboth’s vineyard. (1 Kings 21: 1-16) (8 marks)
    3. State five lessons Christians learn from the ministry of Prophet Elijah. (5marks)
    1. Explain four categories of prophets in Old Testament. (8marks)
    2. Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on the remnant and a restoration of the Israelites.(Amos 9: 8-15) (6marks)
    3. State six relevance of prophet Amos teaching on election of Israel to Christians in Kenya today (6marks)
    1. Give reasons why Jeremiah was not willing to accept the call of God to become a prophet,(6marks)
    2. Give seven reasons why Nehemiah introduced the policy of separation of Jews from foreigners. (7 marks)
    3. Identify seven ways in which the Government of Kenya supports church leaders in their work. (7marks)
    1. State seven African Communities practices that show their belief in life after Death. (7marks)
    2. Identify the requirements that one had fulfill to be made an elder in traditional African Communities. (6marks)
    3. Outline seven Factors that are undermining the role of elders in Kenya today. (7marks)


    1. Give seven reasons why Christians read the bible (7 marks) 
      1.  It provides Christians with moral values.
      2. The Bible strengthens ones faith in God.
      3. It is a source of spiritual growth.
      4.  It gives Christians inspiration and hope.
      5.  It helps Christians understand their relationship with God.
      6. It enables Christians to understand the will of God.
      7.  It is God's word since the authors were inspired by God.
      8. It acts as a source of knowledge to Christians.
      9.  It acts as a source of Christian beliefs and practice
        First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
    2. Outline the teachings on the relationship between human being and the environment from Genesis stories of creation (7marks)
      1. Both human beings and the environment were created by God/ common origin
      2. Human beings are superior to all other creatures
      3. Human beings should take care of the environment/ preserve and conserve it
      4. Human beings have authority over the rest of creation subdue the earth
      5. Human beings should enjoy God’s creation/ the rest of creation was made for the human beings/ use for glory of God
      6.  All creation is very good human beings should treat the rest of creation with reverence respect.
      7. Human beings and the environment are independent/ over their existence to each other.
      8. Human beings and the rest of God’s creation have a common destiny.
        7 x 1 = 7 marks
    3. State six consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African communities (6 marks)
      1. Being cursed.
      2. Denial of privileges.
      3. Ridicule through songs and dances.
      4. Being cursed by elders.
      5. Denial of privileges i n the community.
      6. Payment of fines.
      7. Excommunication from the community.
      8. Death First 6 x 1 = 6 marks
    1. Describe how God prepared the Israelites for the making of the covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19). (8 marks)
      1. God told Moses to remind the people of Israel of how he had brought them out of Egypt.
      2. God told Moses that He wanted to make Israel a kingdom of priests.
      3. Moses called all the elders and told them what God had said.
      4. . God told Moses that he wanted the Israelites to obey him.
      5. The Israelites promised to do all that the Lord had said.
      6. God promised to come down and meet with people on the third day.
      7. People were instructed to consecrate themselves by washing their garments.
      8. People were to abstain from sexual relationships.
      9. On the t h i r d day, there was a thick cloud, a loud trumpet blast and an earthquake on the mountain.
      10. Moses brought people out of the camp to meet God. People stood at the foot of the mountain
        First 8 x 1 = 8 marks
    2. State seven importance of God’s covenant with Abraham. (7marks)
      1. God established a personal relationship w i t h Abraham
      2. It showed that Abraham had faith and obedience in God.
      3. Through this covenant, God initiated a plan of salvation for mankind.
      4. Through the covenant, Abraham and his descendants were assured of God's protection.
      5. The covenant with Abraham marked the beginning of a lasting relationship between human beings and God.
      6. The covenant showed God's commitment to the fulfillment of the promises He made to him.
      7. It confirmed Abraham as God's choice through whom all nations shall receive salvation.
      8. Descendants of Abraham were promised the land of Canaan.
      9. It showed that God was i n control of Abraham's life.
      10. The covenant signifies God's readiness to die in the person of His son, Jesus, to fulfill the covenant.
        First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
    3. Give five lessons that Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac (5marks)
      1. Christians should obey God.
      2. Christians should have faith in God.
      3. They should be patient and wait upon God/should not give up.
      4. They should be prepared to face difficult situations
      5. They should be ready to give up everything for God/be totally committed to God.
      6. God blesses those who are ready to serve him.
      7. They should rely on God's guidance.
      8. They should involve family members in worship.
        First 5 x 1 = 5 marks
    1. State seven ways why the Israelites demanded to be led a king (7marks)
      1. Samuel had become old/ unable to rule/ feared he would dies
      2. Samuel appointed his sons as judges/ made the post hereditary
      3. The sons of Samuel were corrupt/ his sons had failed as judges
      4. The Israelites wanted to be like others nations
      5. They wanted a king who could lead them to war against their enemies
      6. They wanted a leader whom they could see/ rejected God as their king
      7. They wanted a political government with national authority/ organized system
        First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
    2. Describe the incident in which King Ahab took Naboth’s vineyard. (1 Kings 21: 1-16) 8 marks
      1. Naboth’s had a vineyard in Jezreel, beside the palace of King Ahab.
      2. King Ahab asked Naboth to give him the vineyard/sell it to him for a vegetable garden.
      3. Naboth refused to sell it to King Ahab because it was an inheritance from his fore fathers.
      4. King Ahab went home dejected/sad/disappointed/refused to eat.
      5. His wife Jezebel asked why he was sad.
      6. When Ahab explained what Naboth had told him, Jezebel asked him whether he was the king or not/said she would give Ahab the vineyard of Naboth.
      7. Jezebel wrote letters to the elders of the city instructing them to accuse Naboth of blasphemy/treason.
      8. The elders organized for Naboth to be punished/killed.
      9. When Jezebel heard about the death of Naboth’s, she told King Ahab to go and take possession of the vineyard.
      10. King Ahab went to possess the vineyard
        Any 8x 1 = 8 marks
    3. State five lessons Christians learn from the ministry of Prophet Elijah. (5marks)
      1. . Christians should worship the true God only.
      2. Christians should courageously condemn all forms of corruption/evil, in society.
      3. Christians should be loyal/obedient to God/faithful.
      4. Christians should be willing to carry out God’s work despite the challenges they may
      5. Face/endure persecutions.
      6. Christians should lead holy/righteous lives to avoid God’s punishment.
      7. Christians should be prayerful.
      8. Christians should fight for the poor/weak to avoid any form of oppression/promote justice in the society.
      9. Christians should trust/have faith in God
        First 5 x 1 = 5 marks
    1. Explain four categories of prophets in old testament (8marks)
      1. True prophets ----acted on behalf of God and their messages were fulfilled
      2. False prophet------ claimed to speak on behalf God and their messages were never fulfilled
      3. Major prophets------ Prophets whose writings are elaborate and detailed
      4. Minor prophets--------- books are brief
      5. Canonical books--------- their oracles are recorded
      6. Non canonical--------oracles complied by others
      7. Cultic--------duties associated with places of worship
        Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks
    2. Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on the remnant and a restoration of the Israelites (Amos 9: 8-15) (6marks)
      1. God would restore the dynasty of David after destruction
      2. God would bring the people back to their land
      3. The people would rebuild their cities so that the remnant of Edom can occupy them
      4. The land would be reproductive/grapes will be in abundance/wine would be in plenty
      5. The people would grow food and harvest it
      6. The people of Israel would peaceful/prosperous
      7. The Israelites would never be taken into exile again.
        Any 6 x 1 = 6 marks
    3. State six relevance of prophet Amos teaching on election of Israel to Christians in Kenya today (6marks)
      1. Christians are Gods people
      2. It is God who chooses them to be Christians
      3. God chooses one to be a Christians
      4. The Christians have been chosen by God to proclaim the good news/service.
      5. God protects the His people from their enemies
      6. Christians should be faithful/obedient to god
      7. They will be punished by God if they do wrong.
      8. They should always repent their sins/ask for forgiveness
      9. The priests/bishops/church leaders are chosen by God First 6 x 1 = 6 marks
    1. Give reasons why Jeremiah was not willing to accept the call of God to become a prophet, (6marks)
      1. He was not sure of what could be done to him by the people because of the message he was to deliver to them (response to the message).
      2. The task was too difficult / overwhelming for him.
      3. He lacked confidence
      4. He felt he was too young / inexperienced as prophet.
      5. He did not have the message to the people
      6. He did not know how to speak
      7. He was afraid of confronting the king
        Any 6x 1 = 6 marks
    2. Give seven reasons why Nehemiah introduced the policy of separation of Jews from foreigners. (7 marks)
      1. Nehemiah wanted to keep the Jewish community pure.
      2. The Jews were an ethnic minority which needed to preserve their identity.
      3. Judah was a small and vulnerable nation in large Persian Empire which needed to remain united.
      4. There were conflicts between post exilic Jews and those who had remained behind over land ownership.
      5. The Jews returning from exile needed to be isolated and united because the Jews who had remained behind were defiled, through intermarriages.
      6. Intermarriages posed a threat through land inheritance.
      7. Intermarriages would lead the Jews into Idolatry due to foreign influence of foreign wives.
      8. Reforms could not be effectively carried out without separation from foreigners
      9. The desire to keep Jewish community pure after the exile through birth and religious loyalty.
        First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
    3. Identify seven ways in which the Government of Kenya supports church leaders in their work (7marks)
      1. The government gives financial assistance for development.
      2. The government supports church-sponsored institutions.
      3. The government allows freedom of worship.
      4. By availing facilities to host church workshops, seminars and conferences
      5. By including CRE in the curriculum
      6. By employing some of them as chaplains i n education institutions and in the armed forces
      7. By organizing national prayer days
      8. By supporting leaders in conducting their charitable services
      9. The government has granted permission to the church to operate media station
      10. The government recognizes the church calendar
        First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
    1. State seven African Communities practices that show their belief in life after Death. (7mks)
      1. Naming children after the dead
      2. Invoking the names of the dead during problems /important occasions
      3. Burying the dead with some property
      4. Offering sacrifices to the dead
      5. Powering of libation to the living dead/ancestors/leaving some food for the
      6. living dead
      7. Taking care of the graveyards
      8. Fulfilling the wishes/will of the deed/carrying out the demands of the dead
      9. Talking of the dead as having gone for a walk
      10. Washing the dead body/oiling/decent burial
      11. Holding commemoration ceremonies
      12. Burying the dead in a particular position/direction/ancestral land.
        First 7x1= 7mks
    2. Identify the requirements that one had fulfill to be made an elder in traditional African Communities. (6marks)
      1. Being initiated
      2. Must be married
      3. Being of good conduct/respected in society
      4. Should have children
      5. Having the right/specified age
      6. Ability to provide for others/wealth
      7. Should be knowledgeable in matters of the society/confidential/wise
      8. Having support from leaders of the society
      9. Be of sound mind/good health
      10. Be a bonafide member of the community
      11. By undergoing the rituals of being an elder.
        Any 6 x 1= 6mks
    3. Outline seven Factors that are undermining the role of elders in Kenya today. (7marks)
      1. Modern education/technology
      2. Urbanization/migration
      3. Intermarriage
      4. Laws are made in Parliament/Constitution of Kenya is applied
      5. Western way of life tends to promote individualism
      6. Wealth has taken over ‘age’ as symbol of status
      7. Most judicial duties have been taken over by the courts
      8. Christianity has influenced the members who listen to their church leaders other than the elders
      9. Permissiveness/moral decadence.
        First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
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