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  1. You are provided with the following apparatus
    • Two beakers.
    • A complete retold stand.
    • Funnel
    • Cotton wool.
    • Access to water.
    • Stop watch.
    • A burette with a tap (50cm3).
    • 100ml measuring cylinder.

      Proceed as follows:
      1. Set the apparatus as follows:
        p3 q1
        1. Support the burrete on a result as shown above
        2. Close the tap of the burrete and fill it with water to the brim
        3. Transfer the water to the 100ml measuring cylinder and record the volume of the water
      2. Fill the burrette with water up to the 0cm3 mark. Drain this water into 100ml measuring cylinder and record its volume V2
      3. Fill the burrete with water to the brim. Finally open the tap at once and start the stop watch simultaneously. Obtain the time, t taken for the level of water to reach X=10cm3
      4. Refill the burette with water. Finally open the tap at once and start the stopwatch simultaneously. Obtain the time taken for the level of water to reach x = 20cm3
      5. Repeat the procedure for other values of the burette readings.
      6. Record the volume drained and the corresponding time in the table below.(9marks)
         Burette reading  Volume of water drained  Time t (s)  Log10 V
      7. Plot the graph of log10v (vertical axis) against time t.    (5mks)
        Using your graph, calculate the value for b and n from the equation.   (3mark)
    You are provided with the following apparatus:
    • Resistance wire fitted on a scale labelled MN
    • Switch
    • Voltmeter (0.3v) or (0.5v)
    • Ammeter (0.1A)
    • Two dry cells
    • Six connecting wires
      1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the figure below
        p3 q2aa
      2. Remove the crocodile clip from the resistance wire MN and close the switch. Record the voltmeter reading.
      3. Attach the crocodile clip to the resistance wire such that L=10cm
      4. Record the voltmeter and ammeter reading in the table below.
      5. Repeat the procedure in (iii) and (iv) for L= 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50cm, 60 cm, 70cm and 80 cm.
      6. Complete the table below.(9mks)
         Length L (cm)  10  20  30  50  80
         Current I (A)          
         p.d V (V)          
         V/I = R (αΎ¨)          
      7. Plot the graph of, vertical axis against R  (5mks)
        1. Determine the slope, m of the graph  (2mks)
        2. The graph is given by the equation
        3. Determine the value of m and d       (3mks)


    You are provided with the following apparatus
    • Two beakers.
    • A complete retold stand.
    • Funnel
    • Cotton wool.
    • Access to water.
    • Stop watch.
    • A burette with a tap (50cm3).
    • 100ml measuring cylinder.
      Proceed as follows:
      1. Set the apparatus as follows:
        p3 q1
      2. Support the burrete on a result as shown above
      3. Close the tap of the burrete and fill it with water to the brim
      4. Transfer the water to the 100ml measuring cylinder and record the volume of the water
        Volume V1 = 65cm  (1mk)
      5. Fill the burrette with water up to the 0cm3 mark. Drain this water into 100ml measuring cylinder and record its volume V2
        V2 = 53cm3 (1mk)
        The excess water above the zero mark is given by
        V0 = V1 – V2
        V0 = 65 – 53 = 12cm  (1mk)

        (This volume should be added to the final volume of the burette reading when water has been drained)
      6. Fill the burrete with water to the brim. Finally open the tap at once and start the stop watch simultaneously. Obtain the time, t taken for the level of water to reach X=10cm3
        Volume drained = (V0+10) cm3
      7. Refill the burette with water. Finally open the tap at once and start the stopwatch simultaneously. Obtain the time taken for the level of water to reach x = 20cm3
        Volume drained = (V0+20) cm3
      8. Repeat the procedure for other values of the burette readings.
      9. Record the volume drained and the corresponding time in the table below.(9marks)
         Burette reading  Volume of water drained  Time t (s)  Log10 V
         10  22  15.90  1.3424
         20  32  23.29  1.5051
         30  42  33.15  1.6232
         40  52  44.12  1.7160
         45  57  49.50  1.7559
         50  62  59.28  1.7924
      10. Plot the graph of log10v (vertical axis) against time t.    (5mks)
        p3 ans di
        Slope =1.88-1.3/64-0
        = 0.009s-1
      11. Using your graph, calculate the value for b and n from the equation.   (3mark)
        Log10 V = 4.2t/b+n
        n= the vertical intercept
        n = 1.28
        Slope = 4.2/b
        b = 4.2/slope 

        b = 4.2/0.009
        = 466.755
    1. You are provided with the following apparatus:
      • Resistance wire fitted on a scale labelled MN
      • Switch
      • Voltmeter (0.3v) or (0.5v)
      • Ammeter (0.1A)
      • Two dry cells
      • Six connecting wires
        1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the figure below
          1. p3 q2aa
        2. Remove the crocodile clip from the resistance wire MN and close the switch. Record the voltmeter reading.
          Y = 2.7 V    (1mk)
        3. Attach the crocodile clip to the resistance wire such that L=10cm.
        4. Record the voltmeter and ammeter reading in the table below.
        5. Repeat the procedure in (iii) and (iv) for L= 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50cm, 60 cm, 70cm and 80 cm.
        6. Complete the table below.(9mks)
           Length L (cm)  10  20  30  50  80
           Current I (A)  0.86  0.48  0.43  0.255  0.205
           p.d V (V)  2.1  2.3  2.4  2.5  2.6
           Y-V  0.6  0.4  0.3  0.2  0.1
           V/Y-V  3.5  5.75  8.0  12.5  26
           V/I = R (αΎ¨)  2.4419  4.7917  5.5814  9.8039  12.6829
          At least 3 correct readings row 1 and 2 - (2mks)
          4-5 correct reading row 1 & 2 – (3 mks)
          Row 3 & 4 all correct - (1mk)
        7. Plot the graph of, vertical axis against R  (5mks)
          p3 ansviia
          1. Determine the slope, m of the graph  (2mks)
            p3 ans 2viib
          2. The graph is given by the equation
            p3 equation
          3. Determine the value of m and d       (3mks)
            p3 ans 2viic
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