Music Paper 3 Questions and Answers - Samia Joint Mock Examination 2021/2022

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  1. Write your name and index number in the spaces proved above
  2. Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces
  3. Answer all the questions in this paper
  4. In question 1 choose either (a) or (b)
  5. In question 4 choose any two of the questions numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d)
  6. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  7. This paper consists of 9 printed pages
  8. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions area missing
  9. Candidates should answer the questions in English


  1. Melody
    1. Starting with the given opening, compose a melody of sixteen bars for voice, modulating to the relativemajor and returning to the tonic. Introduce dynamics. (9 marks)
    2. Using staff notation, compose a tune to the following words. Add phrase marks. (6 marks)
      Singing, playing and dancing together
      Keeps the children united and happy
  2. Harmonize the following melody for soprano, alto tenor and bass (SATB). Choose appropriate chords from, I, ii, IV, V and vi. Incorporate a passing sixfour in the firstbar. (15 marks)


    1. Name three communities that traditionally perform the following dances (3marks)
      1. Ohangla
      2. Gitiiro
      3. Entabanan
    2. Give any four advantages of using call and response style of singing ( 4marks)
    3. What are self sounding instruments?(2marks)
    4. The style of performing African folksongs has changed over the years, give any two factors that have contributed to this change.(2 marks)
    5. State three roles of music in harvesting (3marks)
      1. State two factors that influence Byrd as acomposer( 2marks)
      2. State any three of his contributions to instrumental music (3marks)
      3. Name any two of his contemporaries (2 marks)
      1. Why is Hayden refers to as father of symphony. Give three reasons (3 marks)
      2. Name the title of haydens most popular oratorios (2 marks)
      3. Name two limitations of patronage to hydns music career (2marks)
      1. State the nationality of List (1mark)
      2. Describe les preludes (2 marks)
      3. Name any two examples of lists piano works (2 marks)
      4. Name any two contemporaries of liszt (2marks)
      1. In which period of western music history did he compose (1mark)
      2. State any three factors that influenced Bartoks music compositions (3 marks)
      3. What is night music? (2 marks)
      4. Which instrument is Bartok associated with? (1 mark)
    (Chivoti by Diwani Nzaro from you tube)
    1. What type of african performance is this recording? (1mark)
    2. Explain three roles of the main medium (3marks)
    3. Identify the two styles of perfoemnce evident in the recording (2 marks)
    4. Explain how climax has been achieved in the performance (2 marks)
    5. Describe the ending of the performance (2marks)
    1. Give two features which identify ‘too much I once lamented’ as a ballet . (2marks)
    2. Identify the following melodic devices used in the following sections in the music (2marks)
      1. Bar 53-56 in the tenor voice
      2. Bar 75in the bass and alto voices
    3. State three contrasting features between the first and second refrains of the works (3marks)
    4. By use of bar numbers , describe the form of this music ( 2marks)
    5. Describe the metre used in this music ( 1mark)
    Study the piece below and answer the questions that follow.
    1. For what medium is this music written? (1 mark)
    2. Describe the form of this music citing bar numbers. (2 marks)
    3. Give the key scheme of the music. (1 ½ marks)
    4. State the bar numbers in which the following developmental devices have been used. (1 mark)
      1. Sequence ………………………………………………………………………………
      2. Scalic motion …………………………………………………………………………
    5. Describe the range of the music. ( ½ mark)


      1. Differentiate between a whole consort and a broken consort. (2marks)
      2. Outline three ways through which hip-hop music has influenced the performance of traditional dances in Kenya. (3 marks)
      3. State four factors that influence the quality of sound produced on a traditional African fiddle. (4 marks)
    2. The following melody was written for trumpet in B flat. Rewrite it in concert pitch. (4 mks)
    3. Name any three composers of the Kenya national anthem. (3 marks)



    1. 16 bars 1 mark
      Lyricism (singability) – within voice range 1 mark
      Modulation and back (well established modulation) 2 marks
      • 1 mark for the new key
      • 1 mark for the return to the tonic
        Cadences (½ mark each – any two including the final and any other) 1 mark
        Dynamics 1 mark
        Melodic curve (½ mark) and climax (½ mark) 1 mark
        Phrasing mark as a whole) 1 mark
        Rhythm (variation and conformity) 1 mark
        Total 09 marks
    2. Text setting to music (speech rhythm/accents - ½ mark for each phrase) 2 marks
      Syllabic division (½ mark – as a whole) ½ mark
      Lyricism of melody (mark as a whole) 1 mark
      Cadences (½ mark for final and any other) 1 mark
      Suitable time signature ½ mark
      Melodic curve /climax/shape ½ mark
      Musicianship/creativity (choice of key, performance instructions,
      Word painting, phrasing) ½ mark
      Total 06 marks
  2. Award marks as follows
    Chords ½ mark for each correct chord x 12 chords 6 marks
    Voice leading (½mark for each voice; Alto, Tenor, Bass) 1½ marks
    Correct cadences at end of each phrase @½ mark 2 mark
    Voice range (mark as a whole) 11/2 mark
    Progression (devoid of harmonic faults) 3 marks
    Passing 6/4 chord 1mark
    Deduct ½ mark each for any the following faults (maximum of 5½ marks)
    Consecutive perfect 5ths ½ mark
    Parallel octaves ½ mark
    Crossing of parts ½ mark
    Voice overlapping ½ mark
    Spacing ½ mark
    Doubled 3rds in major chords ½ mark
    Doubled leading ½ mark
    Wrong use of 2nd inversion chords ½ mark
    Wrong rhythms/note values (mark as a whole) ½ mark
    Stems (mark as a whole) ½ mark
    Exposed 5ths or 8ves ½ mark
    From unison to 5ths or 8ves and vice versa ½ mark
    Hidden 5ths to octaves and vice versa ½ mark
    Others –missing key signature, missing double bar lines ½ mark
    If all the chords are wrong, then no harmony.
    Total 15 marks
    If 7 chords wrong, no marks for Voice Leading and Progression


    1. Ohangla-Luo
      entabanana- gusii 1 x 3 (3 marks)
    2. It facilitates the distribution of roles
      • Makes mastery of text easier
      • Involves the whole group-full participatin of all members.
      • Keeps participants alert incase of key change and entries
      • Greater variety of texture
      • Pitching is easily set by the soloist
      • Makes the performance interesting
      • Allows soloist a break before the next section
      • Allows for spontaneous improvisation/creativity by soloist 1 x 4 (4mks)
    3. These are idiophones that produce sound through vibration of the whole body. (2mk)
      • oral transmission of song
      • adjudicators comments
      • use of stage
      • interaction of communities/ intermarriages 1x2
      • Making work easy
      • To mock the lazy workers
      • To thank god for a good harvest
      • To encourage / congradulate the hard workers 1x3
  2. William byrd
    1. State any two factors that influenced byrd as a composer (2 mks)
      • His association with Thomas tallis
      • Was made a gentleman of the royal chapel
      • His association with catholic and Anglican church
      • Licenced by queen to print and sell music
      • Studie at the musical establishment of the chapel royal
    2. State any three of his contribution to instrumental music (3 mks)
      • Fantasies
      • Variation
      • Dances
      • Consort for viols
      • Grounds for virginals
    3. Name any two of his contemporaries (2 mks)
      • Thomas tallis
      • Lassus
      • Victoria
      • Thomas morley
      • Weeklies


  1. Why is hayden refers to as fathe of symphony. Give three reasons (3 mks)
    • Composed 1o4 symphonies
    • Established general layout of symphony orchestra
    • Standardized the sonata formas the first movement of the symphony
    • Identified his symphonies with nicknames
    • He added minuet as the dance in the 3rd movement of the symphony
    • Increases the size of the orchestra in his symphonies by adding more instrumentse.g the wood winds and brass
  2. Name the title of haydns two most popular oratorios (2 mks)
    • The seasons
    • The creation
  3. Name two limitations of patronage to haydns music career (2mks)
    • Haydn felt very restricted
    • He was cut off from the world
    1. State the nationality of List (1mk)
    2. Describe les preludes (2 mks)
      The basic motive is treated as a majestic melody in one section as a match, including section.
    3. Name any two examples of lists piano works (2 mks)
      • Sonata in B minor
      • Hungarian dances
      • Two piano concertos
      • Arrangement of songs and operatic arias
    4. Name any two contemporaries of liszt
      • Wagner
      • Chopin
      • Barlioz
      • Mendelssohn
      • Dvorak
      • Smetana
    1. In which period of western music history did he compose (1mk)
      20th C
    2. State any three factors that influenced Bartoks music compositions (3 mks)
      • Othe composers like Berlioz, Lizst
      • The second Viennese music school influenced him
      • Hungarian and Rumanian folk music
      • His parents, his father was a lover of music
      • His mother workd as a piano teacher
    3. What is night music? (2 mks)
      An avocation of night sounds of the central European countryside
    4. Which instrument is Bartok associated with? (1 mk)
    (Chivoti by Diwani Nzaro from you tube)
    1. What type of african performance is this recording? (1mk)
      Solo instrumental accampanied
    2. Explain three roles of the main medium (3mks)
      1. Carry the main melodic line
      2. Play the role of call and response
      3. Pitch the performance
      4. Identify the community
      5. Plays the ornament
    3. Identify the two styles of perfoemnce evident in the recording (2 mk)
      1. Call and respose style
      2. Solo accompanied
    4. Explain how climax has been achieved in the performance (2 mks)
      1. Ornaments at the end and abrupt ending
      2. The high pitch of the chivotiat the end
    5. The ending is ubrupt
      High pitched ascending glissando by chivoti
    1. The presence of the falalala refrain which is repeated 1 mark
    2. Identify the melodic devices used in the following sections in the music
      Bars 53-56 in the tenor voice.
      Bar 75 in the Bass and Alto voices.
      Unison 1 x 2 = 2 marks
    3. State THREE contrasting features between the first and second refrains of the work.
      12 bars long  15 bars long 
      Ends on A major chord Ends on A major chord 
      Homophonic in texture Polyphonic in texture 
      Has mostly dotted rhythms Has mostly simple rhythms
      Starts mp – cresc –f –dim  Starts mp – cresc –f –dim 
      Uses imitation  Uses imitation 
    4. Binary form A//B. bar1-35 sectionA. Bar 36-77. Section B.
    5. Cut common time 2/2 time
      Unprepaed analysis . 1x 3 (3mks)
    1. For what medium is this piece written? Piano (1mk)
    2. Using bar numbers outline the form of the music. (2 marks)
      Rondo form A bar 1-8
      B bar 9-16
      A bar 17-24
      C bar 25-32
      A bar 33-40 (mark as a whole)
    3. Outline the key scheme of the music.
      Bar 1-24 C major
      Bar 25-30 A minor
      Bar 31-40 C major ( ½ a mark each total 1 ½ marks)
    4. Using bar numbers and parts, identify where the following compositional devices have been used:
      1. Sequence 1-4, 5-8 ,9-14
      2. Scalic motion - Bar 1, 2, 3, 17, 18,19 in the bass stave ( ½ a mark each total 1 mark)
    5. Describe the range of the music. ( ½ mark)
      Compound sixth/ E-upper C


    1. Differentiate between a whole consort and a broken consort (2 marks)
      Whole consort- When the instruments in the ensemble are all of the same family
      Broken consort- When the the instruments in the ensemble belong to more than one family
      1 x 2 (2mks)
    2. Outline three ways through which hip-hop music has influenced the performance of traditional dances in Kenya.
      Incorporation of modern dance styles into Kenyan dances hence affecting originality
      Use of modern costumes in the Kenyan dances.
      • Modernization of instruments used
      • Modern Dance patterns and formations now used in Kenya dances 1 x 3 (3mks).
    3. Outline four factors that influence the quality of sound produced on a traditional African fiddle. (4 marks)
      • Fingering technique
      • Length of string
      • Bowing technique
      • Material of bow
      • Type of string
      • Type of resonator e.g wooden and metallic.
      • Type of bridge. 1 x 4 (4mks)
    4. The following melody is written for a trumpet in B flat. Rewrite it in its concert pitch.
      Rewrite the melody in the key of G major.
      1 mark for every correctly written bar plus key signature 1 x 4 (4mks)
  1. Name any three composers of the Kenya national anthem. (3 marks)
    • Peter Kibukosya
    • George Senoga Zake
    • Graham Hyslop
    • Thomas Kalume
    • Washington Omondi 1 x 3 (3mks)
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